I tried sooooo hard and was successful at times but usually not. I didn’t produce a lot milk and my baby was starving which stressed me out and in turn inhibited milk production (maybe) . If I could do over I would forget the breast is best nazis and bottle feed from day one .
I tried the first time couldn’t due to alot of things, I didn’t bother the second time both boys are fine. Just do what’s best for you and baby and what you are most comfortable with. You don’t wanna breastfeed don’t breastfeed xx
I chose not to. Nobody cared, not even at the hospital. I was never questioned once about my choice. My son is a healthy almost 2 year old now.
I breastfeed my first for 6 months and my second breastfeed her for a week and then I just pumped for 4 months. They were both on formula after. Do whatever you feel is best for you and your baby. Don’t let anyone, no matter who it is make you feel bad about whatever you pick.
I did with my first one and honestly hated it. I only breast feed the second one 8 weeks. She’s 14 months old and perfect, just like the first one. To each their own. The goal is always healthy and happy mom and baby. If you’re miserable because of one thing or another change it. Take care of yourself.
FED IS BEST. That being said I couldn’t with my first he wouldn’t latch and I just didn’t produce no matter what.
Second I attempted he latched perfect sucked good I even pumped. But he wasn’t getting enough nutrition. 2 weeks after my milk came in was hard to get him to relatch and when he did he got some milk but my boob milk made him sick he couldn’t keep it down. So.
Bf isn’t for everyone. Some can some can’t don’t let anyone pressure you one way or another I have 2 healthy sons. 3yr old and a 5 mo old.
Fed is best no matter what. I Brest fed my first and i had the hardest time and it contributed to my post partum depression. But this time around with my second I’m breast feeding and i haven’t had any ppd symptoms🤷🏻♀️ I prefer to breast feed but it’s still been hard because of other issues like latching and such. It’s your personal decision and Please don’t let anyone make you feel bad no matter what you choose.
I did both. With ym 1st I didn’t breast feed, in all honesty it may sound bad but I didn’t think about it. Nobody around me had ever breastfed so bottle feeding was the norm to me. She was healthy put on weight perfectly and was happy. My 2nd I tried breastfeeding but he didn’t take to it so again he was bottle fed and grew perfectly if anything he was abit bigger than kids his age. My 3rd I breast fed and again he grew just fine. So personally I think fed is best, yes breastfeeding has more benefits but as long as baby is fed and you’re happy do whatever works for you I will say though to me breastfeeding was so much easier I didn’t have to try cooling down a bottle while baby was screaming it was just there whenever he needed it and no running downstairs in the middle of the night or early hours in the morning just get him out and put him on. X
Honey, it is YOUR choice and your baby!! You do what is best for you and your baby. Fed is best! I breastfed both of my kids till I had to stop for medical reasons (different for each child).
I was able to for 2 days until I ended up being readmitted 5 days after giving birth, once for postpartum pre-eclampsia and then again within 18 hours of being discharged for clots in both lungs and DVT in my right leg. You can’t breastfeed on blood thinners so that was the end of that
Whatever you want to do will work just fine. I formula fed my first and ebf my second. There were times I hated sharing my body. Ebf babies are on you more than they are not. It is a lot of work and I wouldnt blame anybody who has sacrificed their body for 9 months, been split or cut in half, who has raging hormones and may be ppd if they did not want anybody- even their baby- touching them. I was super poor and didn’t have a choice. If I wanted a fed baby all the time, I needed to breast feed. I could have gotten wic for some formula but that doesn’t last the month and I fit into the super fun category of too poor to buy food but too rich fir food stamps lol i could hardly afford to feed myself. So with that being said- do whatever works for you. Both of my kids were born and have stayed above the 90th percentile their entire lives.
I didn’t breastfeed my last one and my twins I only b.f. for a week or two. I got a lot of shit for it but I wasn’t producing and it was so stressful on my body. I formula fed all 4 of my kids. They are very healthy happy kids.
I could only stand it for the first few days. I pumped for a couple weeks but my nipples were cracked and bleeding. I got mastitis so my ducts were clogged on one side and I had a fever for like a week straight. I gave up for my mental and physical wellbeing, I was running on empty. My daughter is 9 months and Is in the 99th percentile for everything on the growth chart so know your child will be healthy either choice you make.
I tried to breastfeed all 3 of my kids however my milk was like water and had no nutritional value… So I bottle fed them and they turned out just fine!!!
I didn’t because the job I’d be going back to wasn’t super sanitary to keep breastfeeding stuff at. My daughter did fine and is in a top percentage for her age. Fed is best do what is best for you !
I really wanted to & planned on doing so but after trying the first 2 days, I just couldn’t. The pain was unbearable to me especially them getting raw so quickly. So then I thought I could pump the milk at least so he can still get the breast milk that way. Nope that hurt just as much if not worse. I was pretty upset & emotional over it but he took the formula just fine & is healthy which is what matters most. He turns 1 this month on the 22nd :).
A fed, healthy baby and a happy mother is all that matters at the end of the day! Even if you decide you want to breastfeed, it’s okay to give it a try and decide later on to bottle feed, if you find that it’s not for you. I’m a twin mom and I have seen SO many mommas absolutely killing them selves and beating themselves up over not being able to breastfeed. It’s heartbreaking to see women doing that to themselves and even worse when mothers shame other moms for not wanting or being able to breastfeed. Go easy on yourself! Support
Each other!
I didn’t want to breastfeed, but I tried for days and produced nothing. My 18 mo daughter used formula and is super smart with no problems. I don’t think it really matters. Forking out a bunch of money for such a small can of formula bothered me
I formula fed all 4 of my babies. I’m pregnant with my 5th (38w5d) and I actually decided breastfeed this time just because he’s my last and I want to at least give it a try. My older 4 are all healthy.
all 3 of my boys are formula fed and they’ve made it to the teenage years very healthy. No regrets here.
I had formula milk ready packed in my hospital bag, had no interest in breastfeeding (was kinda…very… detached from the pregnancy) but he was born and the nurse just asked/assumed I was going to breastfeed so we latched him and the past 2 years are history…
My point is, don’t assume you have to know how you want to feed your bubba before they’re even here bc things can change …But if you stick with formula, don’t let others shame you for it, either. Baby needs a happy and healthy mumma, too …I don’t regret breastfeeding for a second. Still going strong at over 2 years old so I would always recommend at least giving it a go before you make the decision not to bc you might just be surprised but if you’re not willing to or its just not possible, then that’s your decision and no one else’s opinion matters …
I got 8 weeks with my eldest, I couldn’t breast feed my second due to cleft and my third I breastfed for two days, she was 5.5pd 4 weeks early I had a “breast is best” nurse who done my head in and expected me to be superwomen and then double superwomen when I got home to a 1yr old and 9yr old, my third is now 7months and is in size 5 nappys just to do up, no matter what you choose DO WHAT SUITS YOU AND IS RIGHT FOR YOU as fed is best!
I didn’t! And my daughter was actually very healthy!
I tried with both kiddos and was like a milk cow for 4 months and then they just stopped. I believe fed is best and if you choose not the breast feed your baby will be great still. Formula is easier for daycare and family members who help with baby IMO.
I didnt breastfeed my first 2 at all, and my 3rd baby I pumped for a week (while still giving her formula too) and then it was strictly formula from then on as well. Breastfeeding is not something I ever wanted to do and I have no regrets about not doing it. To each their own. Just remember fed is best.
I didn’t with either of mine! Just a personal decision! Found everyone quite supportive of the fact I didn’t. Just do what feels right for you xx
I had my first two children super young and no one to teach me about breastfeeding etc so I did not with them. By my third just three years ago I decided to formula/bottle feed as well. Now I did try with my fourth but it became too stressful for me as well as painful so I stopped after the first week. There’s nothing wrong with whatever you chose don’t let anyone make you feel bad for your decision (whatever it is) .
A FED BABY IS THE BEST BABY. DO WHATEVER YOU FEEL MOST COMFORTABLE DOING REGARDLESS OF ANYONE ELSES OPINIONS OR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. If you don’t want to be a milk machine after not having any control of your body for 10 mos, that is MORE THAN OK.
I always decided to at least try it cause you never know how it’s gonna be. Breastfeeding for me made parenting exponentially easier. It even helped any PPD/PPA I had.
My first, I breastfed for 4 months and then went to formula. Once I did PPD hit me hard and I was sick to my stomach with regret for years. Formula feeding is harder, more exhausting, more time consuming. For me, anyway. So I was miserable and crying every time I made a bottle.
My second was premature so I had to pump at first.
Anytime formula feeding was pushed on me or the NICU nurses tried to give formula, I had an anxiety attack. So, if I formula fed, I would’ve had terrible PPD and PPA. So, I decided to exclusively breastfeed. Any PPD/PPA got better real fast.
Some women had more struggles because of breastfeeding.
I recommend trying it, and see what works best for you. Whether it’s breast or formula, you do what works.
All 3 were formula fed, as long as baby eats, its ur decision!
Yes, I realized I wasn’t producing enough breast milk. I was not adding more stress to myself, a new mom, so I went with formula. It was the best decision I made!!
Feed your baby! Don’t let anyone guilt you for not feeding what they have or would feed their baby.
I have a friend that couldn’t nurse her first then due to life circumstances decided not to nurse the 2nd. If you’d like to I hear it is highly suggested to pump the first couple days to give baby that golden milk then switch to formula or add it to the formula. If you choose not to breastfeed, that’s your choice so don’t let others shame you for it
My mom didn’t with me or my little sister. Honestly i did more formula than breastmilk. It is perfectly ok if you decide not to breastfeed!
There is and their babies do just fine. I do both and top up with formula… Nothing wrong with your choice, to each their own but the nurses and doctors will want you to breast feed for the first few days just so you baby gets a boost for their immune system but they will also provide formula if you ask or let them know you are going to be doing breast AND bottle or just bottle.
I tried… wasn’t producing enough for my son. When my daughter was born I produced way less. The nurse tried to force me to do it but once I got home I stopped. tried pumping to increase milk production but it was barely anything… both my kids are happy and healthy and smart… you decide! And anyone who has anything negative to say can suck it. There is no right or wrong. We have options. Do you boo
I’m 38 weeks pregnant and I’m not breastfeeding this time. It’s not right or wrong, it’s your choice. Either way the baby will be healthy.
I didn’t breast feed any of my 3 kids (for mostly medical reasons. )
They’re just fine…no issues. They never get sick. Theyre all above average on almost everything …very happy and healthy thriving boys:)
I wasn’t able to breastfeed my first, and it didn’t change anything about him he has still always been a thriving child. Fed is best whether it’s formula or breast milk or both
I didn’t breastfeed. My children are now 23 and 20. No health problems now, and none while they were younger. You have to do what you feel is best for you and your baby. Get educated on the pros and cons of both, and then make the best decision. Only you knows what is best. Best of luck
I did not breastfeed either of my girls. Both formula fed. The nurses made me feel awful about not wanting to breastfeed. I just didn’t want to. Plain and simple. They are 4 and 13 now. Perfectly happy healthy girls.
When I had my twins, I only breastfed one,the other one wasn’t interested in it…they were both equally healthy…
I didn’t breastfeed my 1st and he turned out perfect lol. It caused me too much anxiety bc my milk caused his acid reflux to get worse
I breastfeed my 1st. My body could not would not keep up. So my 2nd born we went straight to formula. FED IS BEST.
I’ve done a mixture. Regardless of what anyone says to you, however you feel is right to feed your baby, is right for you and your baby. I have three teens, one of them was breastfed for 3 weeks then on formula, the other two were just formula fed. My baby now is 5 months, almost 6, and she is breastfed. I have to admit, I only wanted to breastfeed at first because the formula is very expensive and I wanted to save as much money as possible. Now, I actually love the closeness and the bond we have. That being said, please do not mistake that for not having a bond with a formula fed baby because it’s not the case.
Choose what’s right for you. Don’t feel pressured to feed your baby either way. If you want to try breastfeeding, then do. If you don’t want to, don’t feel guilty. It’s perfectly fine either way. Or you could try combi feeding. I don’t have any advice on that though x
As long as the baby is fed it doesn’t matter breast or formula. Do what you think is best for you and your baby
I did with my first and second, but this one I’m currently baking won’t be getting straight from the tap, I’ll be pumping and giving to from bottles. My boys were biters and my youngest is refusing to give it up, he’s almost 2 now… my eldest nursed for a year and a half. I have honestly gained an aversion to it.
I never did an my baby is one an she’s jus fine an her weight is higher than normal
I wanted to but couldn’t. It took forever for my milk to come in and she was getting mad and so was I so I just decided we were going to stop. She was strictly formula at a week old.
I did for the first 4 weeks but my baby wasn’t really growing too much, the doctor didn’t say anything but I thought she should be growing faster, the second I switched to formula she started growing lots faster so formula worked best for us ultimately it’s all up to you and don’t ever feel bad about what you choose as long as your baby is getting fed it’s all good:heart:
I have 3 grown children and didn’t breastfeed any of them. They all were perfectly healthy with formula, happy and bonded perfectly with me. I never wanted to breastfeed. I look at it as fed is best.
Fed is best. Tried BF for about 24hrs and then told them to give me formula and kicked out the lactation consultant out when she tried to convince me to continue BF. You do you! Your baby will do just fine on formula!!
I tried with my first & mentally it was NOOOTTT good for me. I lasted a week. I’m 15 weeks pregnant now & already decided I will not be breast feeding again.
Never breast fed any of mine, I always wish I tried tho but they all gained weight very well with bottles so I don’t feel bad about it I made the choice more than once xxx
I didn’t and all mine are happy and healthy children just like my breastfed niece , as long as they’re fed that’s all that matters
It’s your choice. I have some nursed and others formula. It all depends on you. As long as baby is full you are good to go.
My mom didnt breastfeed with me or my sister, I pumped with my son, and so far with my daughter I’ve mainly breastfeed and pumped when I had to. Fed is best so you do you, I was scared of getting engorged or mastitis so that why I chose to with my son, and with my daughter I am because I just love the bond that it gave me and my son and now with her.
I formula fed from day 1 and plan on doing the same for my second when it’s born. Fed it best, do what works best for you. For me, formula meant I could have milk ready to go in the fridge at all times and daddy could be involved
I did for a week then my PPD kicked in and I switched to formula it was too much at one time. But it’s completely up to you! I made it clear to everyone that no one else had a say in what choice I made and they all accepted me!
My first was breastfed. My second wasn’t cause of a milk allergy and I dried up within a couple days. Probably can’t breastfeed this one either.
I formula fed my first by choice I just had no desire to breastfeed and that’s okay. I’m gonna formula feed my twins once they’re born too. Do whatever you’re comfortable with!
I breast feed currently but I just wanted to put my two cents fed is best. As long as your baby eats it doesnt matter how you do it
I didn’t because if I’m being honest I did not want that amount of hard time with my son and I’m going to attempt to pump this time but idk if I’ll be able to
I tried with all three of mine and it wasn’t for me. But it’s your choice, formula is just as good.
I never breastfed, never had any desire to and my kids turned out great.
I best fed fo about 4 days. But switched to formula as I wasn’t producing enough. My son is perfectly healthy. Do you. It’s no one else’s choice but yours.
I didn’t with any of mine. I don’t regret it a bit. Remember fed is best. I had a specialist tell me formula sometimes is better that breastfeeding.
I tried at the age of 16 but defo wasn’t for me ! My son is now 12 very smart and healthy!
I wasn’t producing when my son was born. They put alot of pressure on me to breastfeed. My son pretty much starved the first 3 days of life. He ended up getting jaundice because he wasn’t eating to push the bilirubin out of his system. If I could go back I would have started off formula feeding. Those first days were ruined because of this.
I did not breastfeed my first and no plans to breastfeed my second.
I tried with both but with my first decided not to before we left the hospital and I stopped about 6 weeks in with my second because I had to go back to work and wasn’t producing enough and the supplementing was hurting hin
I decided to stop at 3 months. My best friend is 9 weeks and chooses not to breast feed. Whatever works for you
No not me, but My friend had three babies and chose formula for all three. Healthy kiddos!
I didn’t because I was 20, young, inexperienced, wasn’t educated enough about the importance of it, which is sad that breastfeeding is not stressed enough in Black and Latina communities. I knew I was gonna eventually have to go back to work and I was afraid of how that was gonna work with him being with a babysitter while I worked so I didn’t do it. Looking back I wish I would have, even if it was only for a few months. My niece is expecting her first baby in early Aug and she is breast feeding. She’s 22 and Im so happy she’s educated about it and learning about her pregnancy and what to expect
I chose not to. Both my kids are healthy and happy. You do whatever is best for you!
I did with one for a bit. My second one was formula only. Best decision I’ve ever made.
I love all these comments. Ill keep mine sweet and simple,
i didnt breastfeed my son…always remember FED IS BEST!!!
I only breast fed for a week. After that I decided not to because It was uncomfortable I tried pumping it didn’t work good either. So I switched to formula and my baby is 2 and healthy
I did with all 3 of mine. The first didn’t take the breast milk very well so that was short lived. The other two I only did for 3 months. I started giving them formula with very small amount Of cereal added to it. It seemed to keep them full longer and they started sleeping thru the night.
My personal opinion…as long as the baby if fed…it doesn’t matter if it’s breast milk or formula!
We’re formula feeding and it’s been great. Absolutely the right choice for us.
FED IS BEST MAMA!!! don’t worry about other people! You do what works for you.
I never breastfed any of my babies (I had 3 boys), and to be honest they have better immune systems and are stronger than the babies that were breastfed in my family.
I formula fed. Daughter is 3 this year and absolutely flying it Fed is always best x
None of my children were breastfed! Fed is best!
I definitely would try to get your baby to latch in the hospital. It’s okay to formula feed .
My first was bottle fed from the time I went back to work. My daughter I BF the first 10 months. Either way as long as your baby is fed and thriving who cares how you feed them!
i tried to nurse my first b ut it was a complete disaster . didnt even try with the second .so both were bottle fed and were fine
I wish I didn’t… I resented my babies and had PPD…
I didnt breastfeed with my first 3 kids. My youngest, which is 3 days old is the only one ive even attempted to breastfeed, but I only want to for the first couple weeks.
I didn’t breastfeed either of my girls. I attempted to with my oldest but I apparently wasn’t producing enough. So formula bottle fed is how my newborns ate!!
I didnt breastfeed any of my 4. I tried with the 1st two and didnt produce very much so instead of stressing about it when theres already enough you stress about with new babies, I just formula fed. Fed and loved is best. Period.
Fed is best. Plenty of moms don’t breast feed for a number a reasons! You’re not any less of a mom if you don’t.
I tried with all three of mine and could only with the first. Pumping didn’t work for me either. Fed is best. Do what you gotta do.
My whole pregnancy I said no to breastfeeding then I changed my mind last minute & decided to try it & I did, but I hated it & I wasn’t producing enough milk & it was a very stressful time. & because I was stressed, she would get stressed & fussy because she’d fall of my nipple & I couldn’t position myself right & it was just something I never wanted to do from day one anyways. I switched to formula & her & I are way happier now. She’s 6 months & the happiest baby on earth, I swear.
I didn’t with my second child due to needing to return to work so I bottle fed her
I didnt breastfeed. My girl has only been sick once since she’s been born and that’s right now a year and a half later. I think your baby’s immune system is more so built from how you take care of yourself during pregnancy vs being breastfed.
Pumped and breastfed for a few weeks, until I went septic from my c section. After that, decided formula. Best decision ever.
I didn’t feed any of my 3 and they are all healthy. They are also 18, 16 and 10.
Tell you what. I did breastfeed, and am still breastfeeding now at 19months old because my boy refuses everything except the boob… I wish I’d got him use to the bottle from the beginning. Not saying I regret breastfeeding… it’s just a pain when we’re not at home and he suddenly decides that he wants the boob “right now”… the amount of times we’ve got half way through grocery shopping (half a cart full) and he’s crying “BOOB BOOB BOOB” as loud as he can, and everyone just staring at me ugh
I tried nursing all 4 of my kids. 2 couldn’t nurse and needed formula. The other 2 were ebf for like 2 years each. Each kid and circumstance is different. Do what YOU feel is best for you and your baby.