I did w 3 n I didn’t w 1 but befor u make a decision breastfeeding is healthy n free n formula cost quit a bit these days !
Do what you’re most comfortable with. Your baby will be happy and healthy with breast milk or formula and a happy mom.
I didn’t do it with either of my kids and they are as perfect as can be don’t feel pressured to do anything that you don’t want to do!
I pumped for the first month. Never could get either one of my kids to latch. But there’s nothing wrong with NOT breastfeeding
I didn’t! And I didn’t care what anyone had to say about it either! I also never co slept, fed them baby food at 4 months, gave them Binkies and used disposable diapers and cribs lol
I did for a good 10 mins…and said fuck it.
You dont know how much they are getting …noone can feed ur baby unless u pump it…which takes forever!!! Hard to get most to wean to sippy cup or bottle…and yah I decided to just pick formula…and my child is great!!
I tried with my first. Lasted about 2 weeks before I gave up. Kept pumping for another 2 weeks before we realized my milk was causing pet of her problems
I breastfed over one year with my second
I did not breast feed. Had 2 boys. They had a great immune system, were always a healthy weight. I had no problems or felt it “affected” them in any negative way.
My first at more than I produce so I switched to formula along with cereal ( very runny). But I did breast feed first couple of weeks for each.
I always try breast feeding but the longest I have made it is 3 months because I just cannot do it for long. I work and I hate not being able to sleep while breast feeding. I feel like I can’t move from the couch to help my other children… but I still always try.
Honestly sad that there is more likes on those who formula fed then the once who breast fed.
Please do your research breast has so many benefits you will never get from formula. At lease try it honestly sad how many people don’t even bother to try. I stopped at 3 months with my son and now at 6 months with.my daughter hardest job I’ve ever done but my child benefits but I also no my mental health is important part.
My sister formula fed 5 due to useless milk for her first but she still tried just didn’t work out.
I’m well aware of all the haters out there for the truth that’s why alot of breastfeeding mums don’t speak out these day because we are bullied about it.
I didnt breastfeed my son and I breastfed my daughter for about a month but it didnt work out didnt have a good supply
I didn’t breastfeed either of my kids, I didn’t make enough milk the first time, 2nd time I had a preemie and still didn’t produce enough. Both boys were formula babies, and healthy.
I didn’t breastfeed any of my kids! They did just fine and are healthy adults
I didn’t breastfeed my 3rd baby. He was born a premie and I started formula right away. He’s used to the bottle now and I would pump and give him some breast milk but my supply dried out🤷🏼♀️
I didn’t even make milk but I’m a smoker so i probably wouldn’t have anyway.
I had three babies. I breastfed one of them. All three kids are healthy and happy. Do what’s best for YOU mama.
I chose not to! Fed is best☺️
A fed baby is a happy baby. You do what fits your lifestyle best and what you prefer! As long as baby is healthy and happy, it seriously does not matter.
I have 3 kids the first 2 did not and the last one did
Relax when you get your baby you wil decide what you wanna do momma.
I didn’t breastfeed my first one, he was a healthy baby, and is a healthy 10 year old that’s wearing size 12/14 clothes.
I tried for less than a week and gave up. I couldn’t produce and she couldn’t latch onto me. My milk never did come in and she’s healthy and happy now at four years old
Bottle fed all 3 boys because of depression meds I was on.
I didnt with my second, after trying with my first, I was in so much pain and would constantly bleed. I didn’t feel it was worth trying again. Both my boys are completely healthy and are bigger then most their age. My 1½ yr old is 30lbs and my 1 month old is 15lbs
Yes - I attempted to breastfeed my first but had a lot of physical issues and also serious ppd so the stress was too much for me. I didn’t attempt with my 2nd. Fed is best
Bottle fed all 3 of mine. It’s your choice as long as the baby’s happy, healthy, and fed…
I didn’t with my second because my milk didn’t come in did with the other two though. It’s ur choice do not let anyone try convince u either way it’s ur body x
I only breastfed for a couple months… All three my babies are healthy
I hope no one is making you feel bad about YOUR choice. Please know your baby will be amazing whether you decide to bottle or breast feed.
I didn’t.
And I’m glad I didn’t.
My son is extreamly healthy. He was born premature. 4 lbs 9 oz. 3 months later he’s almost 11 pounds.
We did however use the donor milk program in the NICU. And we were very grateful for that.
They changed him to formula for more calories.
It works for us. Everyone can make bottles. Everyone can help feed him. It works very well for us.
I breastfed all three of my children until I went back to work but never produced enough So supplemented with formula. Do what is best for you and your precious baby
I did it for a few days and honestly it was not for me and I wasn’t producing enough and I went to formula. I’m 6 months pregnant now and I will not breastfeed. I’ll be doing formula. At the end of the day it is your decision, you are the mother. As long as the baby is fed - you’re doing the right thing.
Didn’t breastfeed either kid. Fed is best
I didn’t with my first. I exclusively pumped with my second.
So what feels right for you. It’s no one’s business but yours and you get the final say.
I didnt with either of my kids and don’t regret it at all. They are both happy, healthy, strong and smart. My oldest is the top of his class. I had a mom who was preggo at the time ask me how it’s possible for my son to be smart if he was formula fed and thoroughly believed it wasn’t possible
I tried. He’d latch but wouldn’t do anything. So I pumped for a little while but couldn’t do much. After about a week I just resorted to formula
My first didn’t want to and it upset me so much, I didn’t even try with my second
I did breastfeed but FED IS BEST. If you don’t want to, don’t. It really won’t make a difference to the baby, but it’ll make a world of difference to you.
The first few days I would definitely try to breastfeed but after that FED IS BEST.
I didn’t breastfeed my oldest at all, just personal preference (I pumped for my 2nd for the first month of his life because of health issues and was in NICU), with my 3rd I only breastfed/pumped for a week and then we switched to formula. Just my personal preference, I didn’t like it. All my kids are healthy and thriving!
We combo fed and then weaned to full formula around 6 months. Breastfeeding just wasn’t working out for us.
The benefits of breastfeeding are greatly exaggerated, some with no basis in reality, your kid will thrive just as well on formula.
Out of 4 babies i breast 3 for up to a year. My 2nd baby i had to formula feed because my supply was to low. He was just fine from it. I love the bond from breastfeeding but i still got quality time feeding him either way.
I didn’t and my son is perfect in every way
It’s worth a try but at the end of the day as many other mommas will say, Fed Is Best!
I did formula from day one I think either way is good do what it right for u…
I chose not with all 7 and they are bright and nothing wrong with them.
I breastfed my first foor two weeks and my last for 4 months. Fed is best.
I didnt breastfeed but it wasn’t by choice. My milk didjt come in no matter how much I tried to feed and pump etc nothing happened this time round im able to breastfeed
I didn’t. Had no interest too due to I didn’t need the added stress as I was raising my son alone basically and didn’t want added stress on the sitter when I went back to work on switching from boob to bottle.
Mom of 4, didn’t breastfeed any of them… It honestly never crossed my mind, everyone is diff and has there own opinion on it…
I think it’s a personal choice, I breastfeed all three of mine, but I have friends didn’t want too
Just here to support you either way, try not to put too much pressure on yourself with it.
Sorry I kept reading that at breakfast🤦
I had a response about how my fat rear always needed breakfast at 37 weeks…
Then I decided to read what some others said before clicking to post. Glad I did:flushed:
No because of the fact it’s proven to benefit the childs over all health now and for the future. I chose to put my child first and im lucky I can breastfeed many physically or mentally can’t. It’s a hell of a job but as much as I’d love to stop I know there’s nothing that can replace breast milk.
I didn’t with my first 4. I did with my 5th. She was the only one that got colic
I didn’t either time. It was the best decision for me
Me. I didnt want to. I wanted to know how much my child was getting
I didn’t and its completely ur choice ,I worked and was a single mom and just was easier ,it’s what makes sense for u and ur little
I didn’t breastfeed my first and I’m not breastfeeding my third
I didn’t breast feed, both my babies were formula feed. My first wouldn’t latch and I just didn’t produce with my second
I didn’t. I had my twins last August and wanted to make it as easy as possible. I have no regrets. They’re 2 healthy 10 month olds now.
I tried with my first 2 kids. It lasted 2 weeks. My 3rd I didn’t even try because it was miserable for me. He is a happy, healthy 12 yr old now. Do what is best for you & your baby- don’t worry about what others say.
Straight to formula for both my daughters and they are healthier than most kids! Dont worry what other people do or don’t do. Do what you think is best
When I had my first and only child I did not, did not even try. I jsut didn’t want to.
Next child I will absolutely not breastfeed. These sag bags are retired.
With my first two I didn’t not with with third I tried for a couple months. I have never in real life met anyone who cared or said anything to me about it either way. Only on social media lol
If you decide not to make a firm stance about not letting lactation consultants in. Not all of them are bad but the ones I dealt with shamed me and it sucked and on the off chance they’re like that just make sure you tell the nurses the LC aren’t allowed in
I did my first pregnancy. Then my milk quit on me few weeks after. Medical reasons I couldn’t my last 3 pregnancies.
I tried, he wouldn’t latch on, pumped for 4 months, then went to formula.
I tried my hardest to bf, but because I lost too much blood, my supply never came in. She is now four and is the funniest, sweetest and smartest little girl
I didn’t. I tried but he kept spitting up so we just went with formula very early on. Fed is best, however you decide to do it.
It’s a personal choice for mom and the baby
Some babies don’t take to it
Some moms don’t take to it
I literally didn’t produce any breast milk. Barely produced any colostrum.
I stopped breastfeeding when I was around 3 months postpartum. It was because I was living with the in laws and his mom would come in our room without knowing whenever my daughter cried and I was super embarrassed having my breast out around her.
Honestly wish I wouldn’t have stopped. I use to cry because I didn’t get that bond with her like I wanted but she’s still perfect and healthy, just sassy
As long as the baby is fed… You do whatever works for you and baby
I had to do both because I never produced enough milk for any of my babies
I never breastfed my oldest and with my twins I only produced just enough breast milk to save my sons life
I didn’t. I wasn’t even interested in trying either. To each their own
I did.not. We spent 9 months bonding.i was good with that, plus I’d rather nothing be touching my boobs like I need my space
I’m surprised by the question, to be honest… Although breastfeeding is finally making its comeback, it’s still not the norm in ‘developed’ countries
Nah. But it doesnt matter either way whatever you wanna do. A fed baby is the best no matter how they are fed. I personally enjoy breastfeeding and its a whole lot cheaper but its totally okay if you don’t want to. Its your choice don’t let anyone make you feel about it either.
Me! Never even tried with both of mine. Not something I ever wanted to do.
I couldn’t with my first 2 and dried up quickly with the last, so only breastfed with the last one and only for a few weeks
I have NOT breastfed any of my 5 kids. Not planning on it with this one either (35 weeks pregnant now)
I couldn’t nurse I had to pump. After 6 weeks my supply stopped at my port partum really kicked my butt
Didnt breastfeed either of my girls. They turned out just fine
Mama of multiples here. I only breastfeed my 3rd (10months) for 2 weeks.
As long as baby’s fed, You do what’s best for you.
Both mine were allergic to breast milk so had to be put on soy formula and only enfamil worked best for their tummy. #fedisbest
Not my first. Not by choice. I tried,even pumped. My son wasn’t interested. Lol.
His 2 siblings made up for it though. Lol
I tried but I did not produce enough breast milk so formula was my best option.
Please don’t any of these people make you feel like you HAVE to breast feed!
I’m not planning on doing it, my fiancé and I agreed it’s better to pump
I really wanted to breastfeed but there were many complications. I have huge boobs and inverted nipples. So I had to hold a nipple shield on my nipple while I held my boob at the same time. I had to hold baby too, obviously and it was just such a struggle. Nine times out of ten she couldn’t get anything because the nipple shield had to be on the EXACT right way. I was exhausted both physically and mentally. I woke up one morning and told my boyfriend to go buy bottles and formula and it was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I was feeling better and not dreading feeding time anymore. I got some shit for it but a fed baby is a happy baby. Don’t let anyone make you feel like crap for it!
4 kids, 1st 9 days, 2nd 0 days 3rd 2 years 4th 19 months. You know what you do what ever YOU want to do. All my kids ended up healthy xx
I didn’t. With either. I just didn’t want to. Best decision ever. Formula for the win!
I didn’t with my two no problem, they are grown adults with their Young family now I was so backyards and shy back then
I have 2 kids and I didn’t breastfeed at all
I did not breastfeed. My two children are 9 and 11. They are healthy and happy. It is your decision.
I didn’t breastfeed with either one of my boys
I couldn’t breastfeed, my preemies wouldn’t latch but I pumped for a year.