I breastfed my 2nd child however due to the mental health issues I suffered over the years I won’t be breastfeeding my next child if I decide to have another one. it’s a person preference, if you try it and it’s not for you that’s okay
I didn’t at all. It was not for me.
I’ve had 3 and didn’t breastfeed at all and never wanted too
There is already 800 comments on this thread. If you get to this one… do whatever feels right FOR YOU. End of story.
I did not breast feed with either of mine. With my first one I was finishing college and interning and working full time.
And with my second I am working full time. So that played a part in my decision. Both of my girls are very advanced for their age and have barely been sick.
My mom was unable, and my siblings and I did just fine!
I did for 3 days and quit. Best decision I ever could’ve made. When I have another kid I’ll do maybe 2 days just for the sake of the colostrum then they’ll be on formula before we even leave the hospital
I pumped and bottle fed so we knew exactly what he was taking in
I was planning to my whole pregnancy then in mid labor I was like I don’t want to
I bottle fed all my kids and they turned out just fine but it’s a personal preference
I mean it’s not my business but since youre asking opinions, ill comment and say you should definitely breastfeed your baby, especially in this era of covid.
Me I’ll be 37 weeks tomorrow and I’m pregnant with twins and I decided to formula feed Them and my first two was I when 2 years each breastfeeding …breastfeed is a full time job and I have 2 kids and about to have twins
I chose not to breastfeed my 4 children. I didn’t try, I just didn’t want to
4 kids of my own and only tried with my last. Couldn’t figure it out and ended up formula feeding him.
I didn’t breastfeed , my kid is 8 years old and doing fine.
I Breastfed for 13½ months and next baby I will be doing both breastmilk and formula. Because that shit is exhausting
I never breastfed with either of my 3 children
I didn’t breastfeed my first but I did breastfeed the second and third.
I have a 2m old and I decided not to breastfeed. Which I probably couldn’t have with all the complications anyways. She’s very healthy.
I couldn’t do it. My kids wouldn’t latch on
I didn’t because I didn’t have enough milk to feed my son. He crei
I breastfed/pumped my triplets for 4-5 mos. I stopped bc well, triplets lol need I say more
My breasts are for recreation and decoration. I was 39 and nope, I almost died due to pre-eclampsia and was unable to breastfeed. You do what works for you as babies thrive on breast or bottle.
I formula fed my first 3 and nursed my last 3.
Bottle fed all 4 of my kids.
I didn’t, and it’s okay fed is best!
I couldn’t BF so we’re formula fed and healthy as ever!
Yes. Not uncommon, or abnormal. Plenty of moms choose not too.
I had 2 formula and 2 breast feed/pump (I actually pumped) and all my babies were healthy and happy. Do what you feel suits your lifestyle don’t worry about what people think
I didn’t breastfeed both my kids……
Didn’t breast feed at all. I don’t enjoy it and found it too stressful.
Ys two daughter 14 and 8 andand was never breast feed
1st 3 weeks, 2nd 3 days and 3rd 3 months! Lol
I wasn’t a fan!
That’s why bottles were invented
All that matters is that they’re fed. If you choose not to, that’s your choice. Ignore any other " but you’re mistreating your baby" BS
5 kids and only tried once with the 1st, never again!!
No I did not cause I went back to work.
I didn’t with my younger son.
Puts baby at a severe disadvantage. Growing doesn’t equal thriving.
I tried with my first but ended up switching to formula after a couple weeks
I didn’t breastfeed either of my kids
I have 5 kids and never breastfed any of them.
You do what works for you and your baby. Don’t let anyone shame you for your choice.
My sister in law didn’t with either of her kids, said she just didn’t have the patience or urge.
I did for three months with each baby and then I gave formula
Girl you do not have to
My son is 3 1/2 and still won’t get off boob
I never did with my three. It’s your choice, don’t feel bad about it.
I didn’t with any of my 3 kids
I didnt even try with my 2nd. And am not going to this time either
You know what, I’m still breastfeeding my 3 year old and I do believe that breast is best. But if I have another child, I definitely won’t be breastfeeding! With that being said, if you don’t want to, don’t do it.
I didn’t with either of mine. You don’t have to. Do what you think is best.
I didnt with 3 and did with 1 u would prefer not too
I couldn’t. Like no milk at all no matter how i tried
Iv had 7 babies and didn’t breastfeed any of them. Oldest is 17 youngezt is 3
Me!!! I simply did not want to do it so I didn’t … I feel totally great with my decision too!
I’m breastfeeding a 21 month old while being 20 weeks pregnant lol I feel like I haven’t stopped…and that I never will lol
Personal choice though. If it’s your first time then give it a shot, prepare yourself by getting a nipple shield and a nipple cream ect just in case and familiarize yourself with the fact that sometimes in the beginning it isn’t easy and it can hurt at first but it’s temporary.
I personally love the breastfeeding bond and the convenience but if it’s not for you or for some reason you can’t, don’t beat yourself up. Lots of healthy babies out there that were formula fed. You gotta do what’s best for you and your baby.
Yes! I tried with my first and it was awful. With my second I o my pumped for a little while.
Fed is best. As long as baby is eating at a heathy rate you’re doing the right thing momma!
I didnt breast feed. We are all alive and doing well.
Lots of women!!! Fed is best mama!
I only tried to breastfeed my youngest and he absolutely refused to latch. so we went to formula.
I have 7 kids and never breastfed! They are all perfectly healthy
Tried and hated it! She turned out just fine.
I didn’t with all 3 and they are 12yrs, 8yrs, and 3 yrs and healthy and happy as can be
I gave first feed and then pumped a little and formula together xx
Fed is best Do what works best for you!
I didn’t with any of my 3. They are all strong and healthy
Medically I can’t this time.
I did not with either of my children. Just the truth.
I did not breastfeed any of my children
I never breastfed. Both of my kids are happy, healthy, and intelligent
Breastfeeding z da best gift u can ever offer ur child
I didnt breastfeed any of mine & they are perfectly fine.
Didn’t breastfeed any of my children. Fed is best. You matter just as much as your baby does. Do what’s best for you and don’t let others change your mind.
I didn’t and my boys turned out great
I decided not to breastfeed and my little boy is happy and healthy. It’s made everything a lot easier as feeding isn’t left to just me dad has been able to help and bond with his son through feeding also. It’s absolutely OK with what ever you want to do.
I let them get the colostrum and then after that they are bottle fed
I didn’t and my kids turned out just fine
I breastfed my oldest boy & the toll it took on my mental health was hard! So my next 2 have been formula fed. No regrets! All my babies are healthy!!
I breastfed but shame on anyone saying breast is best, as long as your child eats and gets the nutrition he/she needs THATS WHATS BEST!
With my 2nd I had complications during the surgery and they had to put me under for about 2 hours. I didnt get to breast feed because she just wouldnt latch since they started her on bottles immediately. Shes happy healthy smart and chunky! My first I tried but it didnt last sadly. Both my babies are perfect in every way and advance on their mile stones. Fed is best and dont let anyone pressure you into thinking otherwise!
I didn’t decide not to per se. I wanted to but my milk never came.
I plan on pumping, if I can’t the I’ll formula feed.
I did not for either of my kids
Didn’t BF either of my babies.
I didn’t breastfeed
1 It hurt
2 I didn’t like it
3 It was the best decision to formula feed, my baby boy got sleep, I got sleep and that’s that. I formula fed all 3 of my kids!!
Breastfeeding never was an interest of mines…I was never pushes, they asked when I had the 1st kid…but the other 3, they never asked me, cuz it was a HARD pass for me.
My third i did not he didn’thave one drop from the get go. I was so relieved not to breast feed my god. And honestly i wish i wouldn’t have even tried at all with my first and second. I just couldn’t do it, and theres NOTHING wrong with that seriously dont feel bad for not breastfeeding. It would have saved so much trouble if i just went with formula from the get go
I BF my daughter for the first 2 months of her life & my supply dried up because I was not taking care of myself like I should have. But I’m just glad I was able to do it for the time I did. Fed is best. Just do what you want & think is best.
I did not breastfeed any of the 3 children I had. I didn’t have any guilt - none whatsoever! My kids were an ideal weight and hit their milestones on time. Go for the formula - as long as it’s what YOU want!
I didn’t. I have 3 kids
not everyone breast feeds. don’t feel bad.
I didn’t but I also had no choice. But in all honesty a FED baby is best. Do as you see fit <3
I breastfed my 1st for 3 months. & my 2nd for 1 month. They’re both smart healthy babies. My entire family even husband got Covid & my son was perfectly healthy. Didn’t get his 1st cold till he was 14 months
I had too much difficulty trying to breastfeed with my first 2 which made my anxiety and PPD worse so I decided not to even try with my 2nd 2 and all 4 of mine are very healthy, they rarely get sick and are extremely intelligent. Do what’s best for you
I’ll be honest, it isn’t for everyone. I felt bad with the children I could only breastfeed for a short time or not at all. My last baby I struggled with so much. I stressed myself out. He was diagnosed with failure to thrive. And needless to say once we switched to formula he gained weight with no problem. Met all milestones. And is in 90 percentile for height and weight for his age. FED is best!
I have 3 boys, never once tried breastfeeding
My second kid I didn’t pump or breastfeed. Honestly wouldn’t change it. Go on what you want no wrong way to feed your child. My first kid had bm and formula both kids compared to be the same at their milestones.
i couldn’t make enough milk so had to use formula
I didn’t. Colostrum only.