UA PAGE CLEARLY SAYS OVER 2 MUST WEAR A MASK, so they should have allowed them to fly based off the wording of their own page
I agree with you! Airlines have NO right to demand a baby or toddler to wear a mask.
2 and under are not required to wear a mask and it is actually considered dangerous for them.
All that to see a tree? Not me. The two year old won’t even remember seeing it. I think I’d wait, thanks.
What airlines? Traveling soon with my granddaughter. Makes me nervous. Hope this is not fake. Not fair to people traveling and poor grandma’s traveling alone with 2 year old.
My 2 yr old years a mask, we make it a game, works perfect!
Kids are the worst for getting sick and spreading germs around, so I agree they should have to wear one just like everyone else
They did a interview with them and they wouldn’t give them their luggage, they had to wait 24 hours to get the luggage. What airline was it? No apology and no refund. If that were me I would file a lawsuit.
I have 2 questions… Was everyone on the plane social distanced? And could they had the couple and baby sit far away from the rest of the passengers?
I don’t agree with anyone wearing masks.
I read the CDC said 2 year old don’t have to wear a mask …but then again maybe the rules changed …
They should have given her some chamomile tea, and put it on while she slept
My 3 year old last about 20 min with it on…
Flying to New York just to have dinner? In a pandemic? With people you haven’t see. In 2 years and who could be carrying it? Am I understanding that right? And if I am IMO kind of stupid
I agree… my gosh what have these stewards become… they act like they own the airline… these poor people and they have been banned from ever flying on this airline again I mean WTH…
The world does not stop spinning for your kids or mine.
Fly southwest. 2 and under are exempt
Kids that age are supposed to be exempt.
Children and adults haven’t had proper home training to do what they are told is the right thing to do. Spank that butt!
Postpone travel until she understands.
This is so stupid because it is said for 12 and up. Not younger.
These folks should get a food lawyer and Sue that person and the Airline
Well then you calmly tell her the importance of wearing a mask and to make it not uncomfortable you can ask them what colour masks they want to hear you have to go down to their level and tell them “sweety I know you don’t like to wear a mask but we have to wear masks because it’s the rules and we have to consider other people’s health and ours too it’s the same as washing our hands we do it because we want to be safe and healthy and it’s the rules”
They no longer have to worry about a mask on that airline, they have been banned from flying on it!!??
Most places have exemptions for children 2 and under but idk if that applies to planes.
They knew the requirements before they got on the plane. Stop whining.
You can teach a 2 year old. They are not stupid.
Thought cdc said 2 and under shouldn’t wear one…
I thought 2 and under didn’t have too,maybe it’s under one!!
I thought the mask mandate was for those over age 2, in most sta.
This is what happens when people get ingrained with the idea that everything the Government or Experts say is correct. They never stop to see if it actually is.
Maybe they shouldn’t be flying
Colorado only requires masks for those 11 and over
Up to age 5 they don’t have to wear them
I quite frankly don’t give a crap whether you want to wear a mask or not. BUT…by doing so…refusing to wear one…which fine…you wanna act like this literal 2 year old…you are putting me at risk and that is unacceptable. Why put a plane full of people and your 2 year old at risk of getting covid and possibly dying…and then those people possibly infecting others? Makes no sense. So what…they were kicked off a plane…possibly saving lives. Boo freaking whooo. SHEESH!!!
Maybe making it a game for them…then they might accept wearing one…
Idiocy. Children have very little exposure anyway in a world full to the brim with dangerous perverts.
I think the air lines should do like everyone else and use shields between the seats but nooooo they are cheap and they don’t clean the planes they are filled with germs and disgusting seats
They should not have been there.
The parents knew the rules. Why even attempt it if they knew their child wouldn’t wear it and they knew they wouldn’t be able to follow those rules?
Also, 2 year olds ARE capable of listening. That’s part of being a parent…telling your child they need to do something–yes even at 2–and them listening.
In other words, teaching them to do as they’re told.
You can’t convince me to wear a mask either.
This is crazy-just not right that this happened…
Try hero style mask maybe? Don’t know
I dont think they should have flown, then. They knew the rules ahead of time .
Then you don’t travel by plane. Those are the rules. Follow them
Drive to your destination
If they just had to travel. DRIVE. Easy fix.
I mean, my 2 year old will put one on her face… about 3 seconds later it’s gone. my 5 year old barely keeps one on her face. Shoot.
Shouldn’t be flying …
It made me mad to see that article. My son is 2… he goes to the hospital all the time for treatments and I have been trying my best to get him to wear a mask but he sure won’t! That airline should be ashamed of themselves for what they did!
I heard and read this too. I agree toddlers do not understand.
One more example of the crazies!!!
If your child is too young to wear a mask don’t board an airplane!
What people are failing to realize is although the parents had mask on, they were not wearing them correctly
We just choose not to travel at this time.
I couldn’t get a hat on any of my 4 sons until they were like 4!!! SERIOUSLY!! This was ridiculous!!
They can’t prove their ages and it’s none of their business. There aren’t laws here. Just people taking power from other people like karina ack tedeschi who needs to keep her sheep mouth no brain self quiet
Then travel by car or train
Lie and tell them she’ll be 2 next month.
Wake up people, this is the biggest scam in history. Check the CDC deaths by year & you’ll find no covid spike in 2020 despite claims that 300,000 have died. In San Diego they had 20,000 flu cases in 2019, in 2020 only 37, however covid cases are very high. The PCR test they use is only meant to magnify a specimen, not detect if a person has an illness. That is why 80% of the people who test positive have no symptoms. They are using the MSM to drive fear & convince you to get va x’d, the va x is not safe & likely contains nano tech to connect you to the cloud.
I thought they had to be at least 5
I agree with you. The blame game is on and people are saying the parents should have prepared her…I’m sure that I read the did that but that particular time, the 2 year old wasn’t having it.
Absolutely ludicrous A 2 YEAR OLD!?!? Who the HELL thought that AGE 2 would be appropriate!! Smh
No mask no fly I agree
Yet the airline has every eat filled. No social distancing!
Kids that age are exempt
I thought most places said they don’t need one if under 5. I mean, seriously, have you tried to get a 2 year old to do anything??
Agree 2 year olds don’t comply.
My thoughts are that if you know your child will refuse to wear a mask on a flight, and masks are required, its best not to fly in the first place
Don’t fly United airlines
My friend”s granddaughter is 2 and she wears one . It’s for her protection . In the case of the airplane situation , the airline doesn’t want to be liable for the possibility of both the child getting sick or others getting sick if the child is ill . Yes we can say we have rights etc to do what we want but not on someone else’s plane .
I guess I would question that one
Rules are rules. They accepted them when they bought the tickets!
You should have driven-why put everyone at risk smh
I seen it straight up BS
Rules are rules though some rules, like this one, are really stupid and counter productive.
Rules are rules. They could have driven.
Leave the child behind
Horrific child abuse and adults allow this.
If the airline didn’t enforce the rules and God forbid the child gets Corona, the airline could be liable for compensation from the parents. Flying is a luxury, not a right.
Welcome to Joe Bidens plan for America
I think the family was treated horribly. First off, the father was almost trying to cover his child’s mouth with the mask which is terrible but he was desperate! They tried and tried. They were thrown off the plane is bad enough; but their luggage and car seat sent to New York and too bad for them and then lastly, to be told they are banned for life from the airline is just about the most punitive, awful treatment towards a family that couldn’t force a 2 year old to mask. Just a lot punitive, harsh and insane!
Airlines are A$$HOLES
My thoughts are I lost over $5000 this year on already booked vacations because I knew my 2 yr old wouldn’t wear one… To hear stupid parents like her complaining is a pathetic “but my child is special” cry
Some two year olds will wear a mask, some will not. Regardless, the rule for this flight is that passengers must wear a mask. If the two year old is unable to abide by this rule, they’re unable to take that flight. It’s pretty simple. The entitlement of those that feel rules don’t apply to them is unreal.
My little one just turned 2 on the 12th she wont even keep shoes on and i think its ridiculous that they were removed from the flight the video is heart breaking the little girl didnt understand why her dad was holding the mask to her face and was crying it was sad two is way to young to think they have the understanding to keep a mask on
They shouldn’t be flying. Period
The fact that so many people here are shaming/blaming this 2 year old and her parents because she didn’t want to have something covering her face and nose like a normal human being, legit terrifies me. You people are good little brainwashed sheep
You people are killing me! Stop the mask crap! Screw the airlines!
Stop being the sheep! We’ve flown since Covid and I have a grandson with sensory issues! He fine for awhile, but then he can’t handle it anymore! He’s flown twice since Covid and the airlines were ok with it! They had the middle seats open on the flights and took temps! The ones who have underlying conditions need to stay at home not healthy people!
The sheep says “JuSt WeAr ThE mAsK”
Mother claims to be a frequent flyer, she should have known to check the rules. Why are so so special that rules should be bent for them? I do think two is young to ask to wear a mask for a long period of time. But it is the airline’s rules.
CDC does not reccomend masks for children under 3. Follow the science, that’s what they keep saying.
She’s only 2, they could have tried to reason with her by making it into a fun game. Many years ago I worked with a woman who had a small child, about 2 and she said you try to make a game out of certain things that you want them to do. Her boy wouldn’t pick up his toys, she made it into a game of toss the toys in the basket and he complied. It was interesting to me and fun to watch because had I known that when my kids were young, I would have had better control of them.
My son is two and wears a mask to school all day. But if he didn’t want to he deff wouldn’t let me put it on and I wouldnt rly know what to do…because it’s not like u can force them…that being said this mother is an antivax antimask mom who has a blog and I bereave she gained a lot of followers for this stunt…also they were just taking leisurely trips. It’s not like they HAD to go there
I felt bad for the family but watching my husband be Santa I saw many 18months and up wearing masks successfully. I also work with special needs groups and some will while some won’t. I would have practiced at home before making the flight. I would have moved the family on the plane to a secluded location or staff quarters to keep the family and others safe and free from mean people.
If the issue was dad, kids also mimic what they see. Dad should have also been a role model.
Wearing a mask does not protect YOU from contracting the virus. It protects others by limiting your ability to spread it. (If you happen to be unknowingly carrying it.) Being in a small, enclosed space with recycled air, for a prolonged period of time is THE MOST likely environment in which to contract this virus. (If another individual in that space is infected.) If that two YO was infected, s/he could potentially spread it to many other passengers, whether they’re wearing masks or not. If you know your child will not wear a mask, don’t plan to bring them on a plane. If the airline bends the rules for you, then it should bend them for anyone else who wants, right?
If you can’t comply with the rules, then don’t fly. It’s pretty simple.
My thoughts? You won’t like them. You don’t belong on a flight with a child big enough to WALK if they can’t wear a mask.
Hmmm what if they have to wear a nebulizer mask? My 18 mo old freaked out the first time but you have to make them do it. That was much more traumatic than a fabric mask like everyone else is wearing. My son is 29 now so maybe the treatments are different now but he hated that mask but he had to do it. And he was younger.
My niece has 2 little boys. One is 2 1/2 the other 1 1/2
The 2 year old wears one and the 1 year old wants his too. On they go and stay on until it’s time to take them off.