Both of my stepdaughters have started theirs. They are 9 and 10.
I had mine around 8 and im 25 now. And ya it was pree normal back then to get it around that age
My daughter got her first period last week, she will be 11 in October
My daughter started growing hair at around 8 and started her cycle at 10. But I was the same way. Started my cycle at my 10th bday party
My daughter started her period at 5. It was horrible. I was terrified that it was something else so we went straight to the doc. Doc said it was too early, 10 or 11 was the norm. It was so hard to explain. I dont think she understood. She gets shots every month to stop her from getting it and going through puberty. I was 14 when I got mine so this was new to me.
Don’t worry about it. Her period may be nothing like
Yours! My daughter was 10 when she started and she literally acts like it’s nothing! Lol yesterday in the car she started crying and I said “you’ve got to be about to start.” And she said “oh I forgot to tell you, I’ve already been on my period for a few days.” my periods are awful. Hers are not! She’s going to 6th grade and has already had her period for a bit!
I got mine when I was 12 I now have severe PCOS and Endometriosis. I’m having surgery tomorrow and might not be fertile at all. I’m only 20
I started my period when I was nine on Easter Sunday… i only remember that because we moved cross country the next day.
All I remember was waking up to a pool of blood thinking I was dying lol. Having my mom there to walk me through the first clean up helped calm me down.
She will be fine. Some girls develope faster that’s all.
I’m 25 now but I started my period at 9, started growing breasts at 8. I don’t remember when I grew hair though😂
I was 8 when I got mine and now 31.
My mom started at 9, I got mine at 12 and a half, my daughter started hers at 10 years 3 months.
I know 3 people who have started at 8/9 it’s normal. I also know a few who didn’t start till the late teens early 20’s. We start and stop when our body’s are ready there’s no prolonging it either way.
Both of my sisters and me had ours when we were 9 and we are all now 19 14 and 15 and we are fine , it just happens sometimes
I started mine at the age of 9.
It was never regular so always had to take them to school just Incase.
It wasn’t until grade 9 (i think) it became regular and I was able to be prepared each month. However i got major cramping etc in year 10 onwards. I’m now 25 and its regular but pain comes and goes
I was 8 when I started and I was terrified because I was never spoken to about it, and I have had it monthly like clock work ever since. Make sure you talk to her, have pads ready so she doesn’t feel embarrassed or rushed … midol will be her bff it was mine as I had hell pain periods right from the start. You can also buy shorts from knix or other companies for bed time to avoid leaks which suck at any age!
It’s all the hormones in the meat we eat.
It can happen my daughter started around that age
I started mine at 9 and my daughter is going through it all as early as I did.
It’s because of all the hormones in our food. More kids are developing faster. I started in fourth grade, is that around 9.
Also my youngest sister is 8 and she is starting to grow hair , some people just develop faster I remember being in 4th grade and already having hair and boobs
I started when I was 8. Just make sure she’s informed on her hygiene, approach her in a totally NORMAL way fbecause it is normal), and just support her to talk about what to expect, cramps, back aches, etc, as she grows up. My daughter is 9, and she hasn’t started yet, but we have had many frank conversations and she is prepared because she knows that I had mine early too. You should have her watch “The Babysitters Club” on Netflix, they had an episode about a girl getting her period and it helped her to know that it’s okay.
I started at 8 and my oldest daughter is 2 years away from being 8 so I’m afraid she will start lol
My eldest 2 are 12 & 13 and have yet to meet aunt flow and they grew pubic hair at 8 & 9. but I started at 10 and my kid sister at 9
My daughter started at 9
I would see pediatric endocrinologist. If puberty starts too early, it can stunt growth.
My son has signs of esrly puberty at soyx almost seven …the doc was like dont be shocked. But he has two signs already.
My daughter is 15 and hasn’t started yet, we’re not worried…it’ll happen when it happens.
I was 8. It isn’t as uncommon as you think.
My daughter is 11, no period yet. I started at 13. As a teacher, I can tell you they do start young. All that moms can do is keep them informed so they don’t freak out while at school. Good luck.
Its normal. There’s no prolonging it.
I dtarted in fourth grade
They told me that to my daughter is 12 and she just started a couple months ago
Yes,I was 9 when I started. I would prepare her a little makeup bag with pads and woman’s wipes in it for school. I started at school and it was very embarrassing
Look at your diet!!! All thr added hormones in dairy and meats and the gmos… are causing puberty earlier and earlier. In the one chat a woman’s daughter was 5 when she started her period.
I am 49 now and I started when I was 8 years old so late 70s it wasn’t diet related
Vaccines and foods are pumped full of poisons. Its expected now. In the 1950s, periods didnt come until early or mid-teens.
I was about 9 or it was a little after 9 when I got mine.
I was 9 … same for two of my three sisters
My eight year old daughter is in the beginning stages as well. My oldest daughter went through early stages for about 3 years before she started. My 8 year old is wearing a training bra and deodorant already.
Boys are also developing much younger as well…hormones etc in foods
I started my period when I was 9 years old. I’m now 28, any health issue I had with my lady parts had nothing to do with having my period early. Aside from having killer cramps at a young age, I was pretty normal.
My nana did. I started at 12. Some girls just mature faster unfortunately I was 8 and in an A cup bra for school
My daughter started at 10 literally 4 months after turning 10. She now has 2 coasts on her ovaries i dont know if that is a side effect of early periods or not but I started at 9 and had endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome and ended up with a hysterectomy at 32
I got mines at 8. The only problem I had with that is that I had irregular heavy painful periods and after a few years had endometriosis. Just keep a watch on it
I started mine at 9 or 10
Why is the doctor looking at pubic region at this age? Someone pls explain.
My mom started hers at 9, I was 11.
Me and my daughter started at 9
I started mines when I was 9. My cramping were so bad I couldn’t go to school and it seems like it got worse overtime
Not my kids but I started at 9 maybe just turned 10 (just started 4th grd). My best advice is make sure she knows what’s going on. I was so young no one talked to me and we hadn’t had “the body changing talk” at school. So I had no idea what was going on at all I went home and just cried thinking something was wrong with me
OMG I feel so sorry for these young ladies! I started at 13, and had horrible periods from day one. I was diagnosed with endometriosis before anyone knew what this was. I became infertile due this. I hope modern medicine can be progressive and help future generator women!
I was 9. Just keep her informed, she’ll be fine mama!
Me and all my sister’s and my mom and my grandma and great grandma were all 11 when we started ours. 9 is when we’d start getting boobs and 11 was period time
I was 9 when I started and so was my mom. Most the woman on my moms side have always started between ages 8-10 from what I’m told. I also know my grandmother and her mother also had started by 9. For me, I’m just making sure my girls are prepared to start early, there isn’t much more that I know I can do.
My girls were 12 and 13
I started mine in 4th grade
I started mine at 8 and really the only bad Abt it was they were so irregular I never knew when I was going to have one
My oldest started 12. My middle daughter just turned 11 and hasn’t started yet
i started when i was 8, it was normal lol just got it early. my twin sis got hers at 13
I started developing hair and breats at 8. I started my period the last 3 days I was 9 and continued for 7 days being 10.
Does she have breast buds? That is usually how they judge the “start” of puberty and say it’s about 2 - 2/12 years after that they start their period. Most girls develop breast buds as the first sign and hair comes next, however in some girls it’s the opposite. My daughter had underarm and pubic hair at 8, but didn’t get breast buds until 9. She just got her period at 11, a few months over 2 years after the first sign of breast buds.
My daughter started hers when she was 10
I started mine when I was 10.
My oldest daughter started hers at 9. She’s 11 now. My youngest daughter will be 9 in a few months and we’re already anticipating the start of her period. If you have any questions feel free to DM me
I was 10 just make sure you explain things thoroughly to her. don’t try to make the language more innocent, she needs to know what’s happening
I was 9 but my daughter was oldest was 12 and my now12 year old hasnt started yet
My mom did at 9 my sister at 10 and me at 11. I have a 10 year old and she’s showing signs I’ve been talking to her about it for a couple years and we already went an picked out a pretty pack of those teen pads. So she’s ready when it comes
I started mine in the 4th grade
I started at 10 but I got pubes when I was like 7 so, you might have some time. In my opinion it’s less embarrassing to get it earlier than later. But that’s just me. Diet and exercise and genetics are supposedly what is supposed to depict it. My diet was normal, exercise 0, and my female family got theirs around 13. Just explain to her how it works and how to use everything. I never got that and it took me months to realize the applicator doesn’t stay in your vagina.
Mine oldest was 10 when she started
My daughter started getting public hair around 9 but didn’t get her period until 12.
When I noticed the public hair I had the chat with her. [Literally the discussion that made me never want to have girls!] I did it on the chillest way possible, as she got out of the shower. “So you may have noticed you’re getting hair down there. I want you to know that it’s totally normal…” I went into how she’d start getting boobs but ever so slowly. I then explained that one day she will bleed, “I know it sounds really weird and maybe a bit gross, but it’s normal.” I actually handled it MUCH BETTER than I had imagined.
During that conversation I explained shaving of legs and said that you don’t want to start doing it too young because it can turn into an everyday thing… she’s 16 now and hasn’t ever shaved her legs because she doesn’t want that kind of commitment! Her leg hair is white so she doesn’t care. She shaves her underarms and that’s it.
The hormones were have in our food has pushed puberty earlier. When she started showing signs at 9, I made sure to buy hormone-free milk and meats. Within a couple months I noticed it stalled out.
I freaked out too when I first noticed my daughter had started growing pubic hair. She’s 10 now. No period yet. But as a mother of 3 girls, it’s just whatever around this house and my kids are in the bathroom talking to me about YouTube while I’m changing my tampon. It’s just natural. You gotta make it feel that way. I was raised by my dad. He told me girls who wore tampons had sex, and since I hadn’t yet, I wore pads for YEARS. I feel like this was a false statement my dad gave me as a result of me being his only daughter and him not knowing what to do.
Dont scare her .she will be fine😊
Somebodys mature quicker
My daughter was 8, besides the fabulous mood swings that come along with everything, she’s fine. Talk to her now…before she starts, so that if you aren’t with her when she does, she’ll know what to do. Amazon has some great books that helped us along this journey. They were American Girl books.
I developed hair and breasts and 8. My period came right after I turned 11.
I got pubic hair around 8 or 9 and started to get breasts around 9 as well. Got my period at 11.
I am a peds nurse and it is early but we definitely see them start at 8. Mostly 11ish but some are way earlier
My daughter has and so did I … Its normal
It’s possible. It’s not a new thing either like your doctor tried telling you.
My mom was 15 y.o., I was almost 13 y.o., my sister was 9 y.o. when she started. Every person is different. My mom.was shocked when my sister started because she was so young but the doctor said it was fine. Every woman starts and stops differently. And its didn’t cause any issues for any of us starting at different ages. I went on to have 2 healthy pregnancies and now have 2 boys. My sister also has a 3 year old son and had no issues conceiving or carrying him
My daughter started hers a week after her 9th bday
Mine started at 9 and I was mortified. I never thought she would start that early and I felt it was a little graphic to explain at such an early age and in my eyes she was still a baby. She was the only one in her class for almost 2 years. The only advice I can give you is to make sure the teachers know!! Teachers don’t always allow children to go to the bathroom and I made it abundantly clear she was to let her go anytime!!
I don’t know about the hormones in foods, but our pediatrician said weight can be a factor.
I started at 11 1/2 - 12, our oldest daughter started at 11 (few months before 12th birthday). I had heard it is normal to start around the same age as your Mom did.
I worry about explaining it to our youngest when it’s her time (she’s 10), especially since she has Autism.
I have 2 girls. My first got pubic hair around 7 or 8. She started her period almost 2 years ago (she’s almost 13). My youngest is 8. She has pubic hair now. No sign of anything yet.
I started when I was 10 and even that was hard, I can only imagine what you’re both going through mama! Hang in there.
Yes, mine started hers when she was 9 and we had to put her on birth control because they were so heavy it was making her anemic
My daughter was 9. The only big problem I had with her was convincing her that girls didn’t get to stay home for 1 week a month. She did not want to go to school that week. Shoot she’ll be 18 in a couple of months and she still doesn’t want to. Lol
Some people mature quick some people mature late. I started 10 days after my 12th birthday lol. My cousin new someone who started at 7. Other people have to talk to their doctor bc at 16 they’ve yet to start at all. Keep communication open
My 9 y/o had hair under her arms and stuff so I asked her doctor last week if she thought girls were getting it earlier (because it sure seems like they get boobs earlier nowadays) and she didnt give me a answer and just sad it could happen anytime but to look for other signs like breast tissue. Its early but a great time to get her a period pack just in case.
I started when I was 9
A family member of mine was only 9 when she started I was a super late bloomer at 14
I was in grade 3 and it wasn’t fun. But I had no idea what was going on and I thought I was dying in gym class. Just talk to her and get her prepared.
Period has more to do with weight than age!
If your child is heavy she will probably get it earlier than a petite girl
(There is always exceptions to the rule)
I just turned 9 when i got mine
Yup! My steppie started the month after she turned 9.
I did. It was hard .
Yeah this is normal. A lot of girls start around then. Not everyone, some people are early and some people are late. But that’s why they start giving feminine hygiene lectures in school around then.
I was 9 when mine started. First one in my group of friends.
My daughter started at 9… had one period a year until she was 13. She is 14 and has a period every 3-6 months. My mom was 9 when she started ad a cousin was nine as well.