Did anyones daughter start their period around 8 or 9?

I got hair and boobs in 5th grade and was told my period could start any day but then had to be put on birth control at 13 because I had yet to have a normal period and started having health issues because of it… Everyone is different but it does seem common that girls are getting it younger and younger these days

I started at 10 and so did my step daughter

I got my very first period when I was in 4th grade. Can’t remember my age, but it definitely sucked. Just talk to her and make sure she’s prepared so she isn’t scared whenever it happens.

Getting a new doctor would be my first priority…

I had a few friends who started at 9. It’s crazy. Makes u wonder if it’s the hormones that are in our food. I grew up on a small farm in Europe until I was 9. Almost everything we ate we produced or gathered in the forest. When we moved to the US it took me a long time to even like potato chips. I got my period in 9th grade when I 14

I started at 9, middle of 3rd grade

I started mine at 8, my daughter was 9 my sister 10, my nieces 11 and 10… and my mom was 8 amd we all were built like grown woman in the top half … i was in a C cup before i was out of 3rd grade…my mom and daughter was the same…

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I started at 8. No one warned me! I came out of the bathroom in the middle of my 4th grade class and told the male teacher that I needed a bandaid!:woman_facepalming:

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I got mine when I was 9 in 4th grade

My 10 year old daughter is well developed dor her age and I know her period is coming very soon. I was 18 when I got mine! I feel for these babies having to grow up so fast nowadays.

I started mine when I was 8, if I’m honest it was horrible. I was the only girl having periods for about 3/4 years, I was so embarrassed about it all

I knew some kid who started at 9. Normal

Im freaking out to i took my twins to the doctor for a check up, I have boy/ girl and she’s so much more mature than he is…they had there physicals and as im looking at my daughter I notice her getting little boobies…lol​:laughing::laughing:…At the end of her appt I get a few papers about how to talk to her about her body changing and getting a period here soon, how to talk to them about it ya know…I was in shock for a minute like holy shit…thry turn 10 September 1st…they r heading to there preteen years…shes 9 going on 16…lol

I started at that age. But I was prepared and didn’t freak out because my family gave me the period talk at 8yrs old cause my body started maturing

When is the latest to get it. My daughter is about to be 13 and still haven’t gotten it

My niece started at 11, my daughter is 10 and I’m expecting it to happen soon with the changes we’ve/she’s experienced.

I started when I turned 10.

I was 9 when I started mine, but that was a long time ago. I was told it’s pretty common.

I started at 9 … mine didn’t get horrible until I hit about 13

My daughter was 9.
Still playing with dolls and barbies

My aunt who is almost 50 started at 9

I started at 9 years old in 4th grade. I’m going to start preparing my daughter around 7/8 for it… because I wasn’t given any heads up or talked to about it and it was terrifying. I’m worried that she will start at 8 :persevere:

My daughter got hers at 10 but definitely started puberty at 9

Why are you freaking out :joy::joy: this is what having a daughter is. I was 10 when I got mine, my daughter was 10 as well.

I started my period at 9

It’s definitely the food and hormones shot into the food.


My daughter was 9 and I was 13. They go through puberty a lot earlier than we did growing up.

I started developing at 7 and 8 and started at 9 it’s more normal then people think a lot of girls around my age did too and so has everyone in my family don’t freak out and don’t let her no ur scared make it seem as normal and non weird as possible it feels embarrassing and gross and wrong at that age and making her no it’s not it’s normal natural and actually maybe turn it into a good thing get ice cream and say now that she’s growing to a woman she can ____ which can be extra T.V or video games or extra outside time or 15 minutes later bedtime make it seem like an exciting blessing freaking out will HURT her

It’s the hormones in the food.

Also… Make sure you have the sex talk with her. It’s never too early… Because in all reality… If she’s old enough to start a period she old enough to get pregnant… All mine started periods between 10 and 12. We had already had the sex talk way before they started.

Also get her a small zippered bag to carry to school with her… Include a pair of clean panties… Pads (she’s too young for tampons) a pair of leggings. And body spray. In case she starts at school. My daughters are 19…16… And 11. And they carry their “cycling” bags everywhere.


I started at 9…I was definitely prepared and calm. My mom on the other hand…

My sister started at 8

My sister just started hers and she is 9 years old. I couldn’t believe it but yes it happens. She is tall for age but doctor said make sure stay on healthy diet and make sure to keep having the healthy talk about boys and yes it’s the hormones in the food that they are eating now which is disturbing in so many ways! What next 6? I mean come on let them have their childhood it kills me.

I was 10, my little cousin was 9. My daughter is 7, she already has stinky armpits and peach fuzz armpit hair. It’s happening earlier and earlier because of the hormones in our foods. This is normal and you need to make her feel and understand that it’s normal and not taboo. My girl has known what a period was since she could talk. We’ve talked about tampons, pads and her changing body. She knows nothing is off the table and that when it happens she can come to me.

Buy only organic chicken

My sister started hers at 9!

I didn’t start until 13

Limit chicken wings. That’s where they receive the shots when not organic

Its common. My daughter started getting pubic hairs at 8 and got her period by 10. She’s 20 now. My 13 yr old just got her period last yr but got pubic hair and her nippies started budding around 9. Yes it’s common nowadays. I think I was 13 going on 14 before I got boobies and my period lol

I am 85 years old and I was 9 so I don’t understand the doctor saying it starts earlier now. I also was as tall as I ever was going to be at 12 and wore a 34 B bra. Do just remember she is still a little girl on the inside. Don’t start acting like she is as old as she looks.

My daughter had her public hairs at 8, didn’t start her period until 11

I had friends that were 8. I was 14. For reference I’ll be 36 this week.

I was 9 when I first got mine. I’m 32 :woman_shrugging:

I got mine very young and was completely unprepared and way too immature to deal with. It was hard for several years but my gym teacher was a huge support to me. Her, and my 1 friend who also already had hers, really helped me. Support is the biggest thing.
There are apparently a lot of factors that determine when a girl gets it. I thiught my oldest had hers because I saw blood in the bathroom (she’s almost 14) and she didn’t :woman_facepalming: doctor said diet, weight, genetics, and stress level all play a role. Pubic hair is a sign of puberty but her period could still be years away!

My mom was 9 back in 1969, I was also 9 in 2008. Seems to have more to do with genetics than hormones in food. My grandma and her mother also started early.

Don’t worry about it until it happens.

I was 10 when mine started.

I was 9 :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I’m 24 now so I think it’s pretty normal

I didn’t get mine until 3 weeks before my 13th birthday. I hope my daughters are the same.

The American girl all about you book!!!

Pretty normal!! My mom was 9 and I was 10.

My daughter had tonsils removed and that was a common question from the dr. I asked if he was really serious about this question. He said yes. And started to explain that girls are starting at that young age. Shocking but its happening alot more than people think.

My sister started at 8. But my daughter had breast buds and pubic hair young and didn’t start until 12.

I’m with some of the other commenters, I don’t see why a doctor would say it’s starting younger now when I know so many women that started at around that age :thinking:. I was 11 myself. The factors that contribute are wide ranging so I think there isn’t really a “normal” age. Everyone’s bodies are so different.

i started getting hair when i was 7. didn’t get my period till 11

I started mine at 11, just take it one day at a time. You’ll be more freaked out than she is. Good luck! Xoxo

I started getting breasts and hair at 8 and got my period at 9.

My girls started puberty at 8, periods at 10. I was a few wks from 13.

I switched my daughter to organic dairy products or almond milk. There are hormones in the regular dairy. She was 4 yrs old having body odor. Once I switched she went back to normal. I think this is some of why this is happening so early. Just my 2 cents. Research what is best for you.


I started 2 months after I turned 9.

I had pubic hair and my period started at 7, my mum was also 7 and her mum was 6. Quite common to be honest.

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My daughter was developing by then. Had spotting a couple of times at 8yrs and 9yrs old and then finally got her period just before her 11th birthday.
12 apparently is the “average” (dont take to much note of that)
My mum was 9… i was 15 :woman_shrugging:

I started in 7th grade and felt embarrassed that maybe I was behind. So 13-14yrs

I was 7. It happens.

I was 9/10 when I started

I started at 11.
So did my niece, she was in elementary. Came home crying, embarrassed…
I explained everything to her, took her shopping for her hygienes…and all.
She’s 30 now and was told she could not have kids…
Her 1st daughter is 8yrs old, 2nd is almost 6yrs old and her last a boy almost 3urs old.

I started mine at 8. But it was very irregular until like 12

My mom got hers at 9 i got mine at 12.

I started at 10 or 11.

I got mine at 8. Regular periods. Docs said I was perfectly fine. Just a combination of hormones an genetics.

My daughter started getting hair and breast at 7. She started her period at 9.

I did at 9. Just took my freshly 7yr old daughter to dr and they were shocked that she was starting puberty. Referred us to pediatric endocrinologist…
I’m now nervous

Me and my daughters started when we were 10 years old.

I started at 8 n everything turned out fine some just starts before others.

Daughter is 23started at 8 yr

Alot of it has to do with genetics but I’m sure she is fine. Starting young isn’t new there have been children starting early for years

My mom started at 7… Shes 50. i started at 12… My daughter is ten and just “matured” in that way… Plus the hormone boost caused her tons of acne… Shes super moody and its just a matter of when.

My 9 yo started hers last Wednesday for the first time. She yelled for me come here. She said with tears in her eyes I think I started. She’s been asking questions everyday. I cried :sob:. She’s my baby my last child. I only have two my oldest started hers at 12. A year ago. I was 9 when I first started. I was scared but I ended up ok

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I started mine around 9.

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I was three days shy of turning 10

I was an early bloomer to educate her something my mom did not do for me

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I was 13 … and when i see moms with girls so yougn going trough it … i just cant imagin at 8 dealing with it ! Call me crazy but i think its all the hormones in our foods

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My little girl 6 and has already started growing hair their … But the girls n my family have all started young the oldest was 11

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I was 9 when I started mine

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She’s still a baby? Are you kidding? Since when is nine a baby she’s not even a little kid anymore she’s a young woman of course it’s normal


I started at 8 also. I matured early and did end up with problems later on with fertility due to early development. That’s not normally the case though and I’m sure your LO will be fine. I know it’s just hard to deal with as her Momma. I’m am a Mommy too and my baby girl is 3, I can’t imagine what that feels like because I don’t want to think about that day coming for us :disappointed:

I was 9 when I started


I was 9 when I had my first period

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I had pubic hair in the 1st grade and started my period the summer before entering the 4th grade. 3rd grade was when I started to bud breasts. Basically, I’m saying just because she had public hair doesn’t mean she will start right away. Took me almost 3 years. Personally as long as you’ve gone over it with her she will be good. I did get cysts on my left ovary, but no longer suffer from them since having children. Im sure that has nothing to do with starting early. Im almost 35 and still pretty healthy with 6 living children.

It could be normal, I do know everytime I take my son in for thyroid checks they always remind me that he may start puberty early because of his thyroid issue! Not sure if she’s had any other signs to suggest that or not. Good luck mama. :heart:

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I started at 9. I remember being just kind of shocked but my mom showed me how to out in a pad and told me how often to change it. She also introduced me to Midol because I had bad cramps. Other than that I was completely fine and was happy my Mom calmly showed me what to do and just let me handle my business.

I started at 9. Girls start their periods at many different ages

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I’ve heard it’s the hormones in meat🤷🏻‍♀️ I didn’t start mine until I was 13. Exercising and dieting will hold it back for a few years

I was 9 and so were most of the other girls I knew too. It’s a normal age nowadays

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I was 9 :woman_shrugging: but dont remember about pubic hair

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I was 9 and it was horrible :weary: best advice I can say is just be there for support and listen when she says she’s uncomfortable etc :pensive: the day after I started I had to go on a school trip all around London (2.5 hourish coach journey there and back!!) you can imagine how crap I felt :pensive:

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Dang, I was 15… I had several issues but was prepared it just never happened. Stopped early also.

My daughter is 30 now and started puberty around 8 or 9 . So unfair for a child to deal with that young . I’m 68 and I was considered young getting my period at 12 in sixth grade . Maybe it’s the additives in food and environmental . I have no clue .


Every kid is different, I started my period when I was sixteen. Take it in stride if it does happen but don’t worry too much, I’m sure you’ll show her the way!

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I had my 13th birthday in December got my 1st period in January. My mom had given me the talk on periods, cramps, body oder, and shaving in November. Pretty good timing. Every kid is different when it comes to puberty though… Just keep the lines of communication open if she’s curious and if you’re worried their Doctor is always a great resource as well.

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Those signs seem common but if could still be a good while before she starts.

I started growing hair around 8 and startes my period about 2 months before I turned 11