Did anyones daughter start their period around 8 or 9?

Am sorry to have shown interest in dc topic bcos am a Man but I must not keep silence in such matter like dc.
Have red lots of comments with brilliant advices may God bless us all

it’s the additives in food and environmental that are the major causes early periods in most cases bcos if u go to some remote area for example in Africa here u see a girl of 13,14,15 16 mostly that don’t have idea of what we are discussing here but in places like lagos and abuja we hear girls of 9, 10 and 11 already doing it.

What dis could probably signify is that if one starts she might get to her menopause stage earlier that’s the Islam preaches early marriages of consent age .

Why do we go against early marriage for girls of 17,18 19 and early 20’s and we feel happier to welcome series of boyfriends and which we definitely know they’re having canal knowledge of my themselves.

My submission is that starting period early is not a crime but be their for her as a mother in counselling and we must know that if a girl of 18,19 and early 20s bring her fiancee lets be supportive even after marriage with whatever we can afford

My mom was 9 and I was 11…my oldest daughter was 14 and my 11 year old started just last week…when she was 10 i thought for sure that she was going to start because…she started developing in her chest, hair on vagina and underarms but she didnt…6 months ago via doing laundry I noticed that she had clear discharge on her underwear…I looked it up and sure enough it said that once a girl starts to discharge she will get her period in about 6 months and thats exactly what happened. .14 is a great age to start a period so I was lucky with my oldest…
No 8, 9.10, or 11 yr old should be getting their period…hell I have to remind her to take a shower.

I started when I was 9

I started at 9 in 1991.

My moms friends daughter started her period last year at age 6. She just turned 7 and is developing breasts and they have her wear a bra and has hair under her armpit. My initial thought was she was being sexually abused which caused early stages of puberty. I didnt know it could be from hormones in food.

My oldest daughter has had hair down there since she was about 7 and will be 13 soon and still no period

I started at 14 but I do have a lot of problems with my ovaries and had surgery on my left ovary in 2010. I think there needs to be more studies on women anatomy.

2 of my girls got theirs at 10

My daughter had started developing pubic and auxiliary hair at 4! I took her to the endocrinologist they tested her for early puberty, her FSH was fine, so signs in her blood work but she was developing. The endo told us not to use lavender or tea tree oil. I also noticed my daughter having body odor whenever she would have to much dairy, so we cut that out. She is almost 9 and hasn’t started her period yet but we’ve had the talk and we have an emergency kit in her book bag and have went over how to put pads in and to go to the nurse if she wants me to pick her up from school if she starts while she’s there

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I started at the same age. She is gonna be fine.

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Doctor meant kids start puberty at that age , hair , boobs , smelly arm pits lol menstral cycle can start years from when early signs of puberty start . My daughters all startee around age 8. My oldest got her period at 12 though and my other daughter is 11 no period yet but hair and boobs , my 9 year old hair and boobs no period .

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I got mine when I was 9. Only thing “wrong” with mine was it’s always been extremely irregular

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I started mine when I nine and I didn’t have any issues out of the ordinary.

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I was just about 12
My oldest daughter was around 12/13
And my 2nd daughter was 11.
I told them about it they knew all about it but school also starts teaching them in like 4/5th grade . So before they learned it from someone else obv I made sure they knew and were comfortable with it all.

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I started at 9. My mom and grandmother freaked out. They both were sixteen when there’s started. But I had no idea what was happening. It’s actually a funny story. So my mom and grandma went on vacation together leaving me with my very religious, very shy old school grandfather, my older brother, and 5 year-old sister. So, my sister being younger always followed me into the bathroom stalls, and we were at mcdonalds after church. I thought all day I was getting sick or something but apparently I had started my period and it heavy and terrible. I thought I was dying, my sister thought I was dying. She went running out of the bathroom screaming Kayla’s bleeding and dying to the entire mcdonalds over and over again. She was in full panic hyperventilating mode. ,:woman_facepalming:In a panic, a sweet associate went into the bathroom to check on me and she knew right away what had happened. She helped me so much and tried to explain some. My poor grandpa was mortified could not even look me in the eyes. Plus that day was even more embarrassing because my brother’s best friend and the “most popular” boy in school happened to tag along as well. :laughing: Well, he had a much older sister and decided to explain periods and all to me the whole way back home. When we got back to our house I was beyound embarrassed and still very confused. So, my grandpa ended up calling the neighbor lady next door to help educate me further and help get supplies. So, my advice is to go ahead and prepare her. I would also have supplies ready for her.


Daughter and I started at 9. Daughter had it quite heavy in the beginning, but it’s more normal now. She’s 12 now… Mine was heavy right through.

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My doctor one told me if you start your period early you will Eventually go through Menopause at an early age

Am I the only one wondering why the doctor was looking at her vagina? Like I have a daughter and the doctor doesn’t undress her for checkups and the only kids I know getting their privates checked out is for specific reasons surrounding that.

My 8 yr old hasnt started but she is already going thru puberty

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Babies are having babies these days. It’s sad. I feel for the grandparents and the kids being born. it starts younger and younger and the “parents haven’t even had a chance to grow up and experience life before they become responsible for another innocent life.

They don’t know what they are doing.

I’m 37 and never birthed a child but am a mom to twins, and when mine are acting up I tell the step sister and tell the teen age cousins see this… see how bad they are … see how they need something every single min, see how they fight about who is looking at who or who is sitting where … realize I deal with this all day everyday and if these bad ass kids aren’t birth control for you. Idk what can be. You don’t even want to babysit for more than an hour.

I will be damned if me and my hubby don’t get a break between being a mom and dad an grandparents. :rofl::crazy_face::woman_facepalming:t2:

I was a nanny since I was 13 and adopted my twins and love them to death but I am not being a grandma while my kids go out and learn the rest of life.

Can’t control hormones and natural growth. But… Sex Ed starts at home. Not at school. I don’t need a school to try to teach my kids how to use a condom I need my kids to realize parenting is a job that lasts at least 18 years ”if” your do it right.

So sad but it’s the truth of the matter. We can’t control hormones or when girls develop but we can educate the to be smart and we can educate our sons on what it is to have to step up and take care of a child (or if your sub par) be harassed for child support.

Either way mine will know better in the next year or 2 unfortunately. So they don’t miss out of experiencing what life has to offer before having to be responsible for another innocent human.

I had a friend who started at age 9. It’s within the normal range, which I believe is between 9 and 14.

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Get a consult with an endocrinologist, if you have your period at a young age it’s possible she will too.

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I was 12 when I started mine. My daughter is 8 in January and I can’t picture her having her period atall. She’s too little :weary: x

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Yes believe or not. My older sister & a cousin started at 8. I started at 9. Its terrible, but thats life. One of my daughters started at 10 the other at 13. Our bodies are all different. But bith my daughters young at age 6or7 i started to talk about periods. I know they were young but its much easier when it comes plus about the movie school shows them.

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I was 9 years old when I started mine.

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I was 10… My girls were 12, 16, and 13

I’m reading all these comments and kinda relieved I’m a #boymom!! :flushed: So young… My gosh.
And yes, I know, there’s things boys go thru & need to learn about too. :see_no_evil: That’s when it’s Dad’s turn!! :grin:
Good Luck Ladies & likewise to the many Dad’s raising your girls!!! :raised_hands:


I was 9 when I started my period
My daughter was 11 when she started hers

I got mine at 11 years old, it just depends on the body.

9, only girl with 3 older brothers, youngest. Never forget the day it happened. Right in front of my 1 brother, it was summer & i had the brightest yellow shorts on. Was sitting on these old metal patio chairs that my Mom painted white. We were eating red popsicles, my brother told me to come in to get washed up, he seen the blood all over my shorts & said why you let your popsicle drip all over you like that, i had no ideal what happened. He started screaming for my Mom to come look at the mess i made​:woman_facepalming::rofl: my Mom hurried me to the bathroom & had the talk about what my body was doing etc… Started early & they ended early @ 50 THANK GOD!:joy: Mom of 2 boys so i never had to have that talk with them!

My daughter had one period at 9, then nothing for over a year

Mine started showing signs around that age but just because she’s starting to have pubic hair and breasts may be budding doesn’t mean she’s going to start right away. It usually takes a year or two afterwards. I told her doctor she’s going to start any day now and she didn’t think so. Sure enough she started a few days later at 10yrs old a month before she turned 11. Way earlier than I have ever started. Start explaining the whole process and prepare her. Get a little bag for her to keep in her backpack with some liners and a couple pads and an extra pair of undies. We’re never ready for our little girls to become young ladies.

I myself started at 9

I was 13 when i started and my periods didnt stop till i was 55 yrs old xx

Cant i imagine what it must be like 8yr old having one xx

My daughters started at 9. One is now 17 and the other is 22. Most of their friends started around the same age, as well.

Min just turned almost 10 she started my other daughter was almost 13. I was 12. One thing I have seen at school ( substitute teacher) I seen boys help girls, it’s cute on girl had an accident he saw it he handed her his jacket and she wouldn’t be embarrassed. He had sisters at home. Mom’s my son knows and it’s nice seeing boys respect girls this way. Both need to be taught.


I started my period when I was 9 too.
don’t freak out stay strong for your girl she needs support.
It happens.

I just turned 8 years old when I started

I started mine the month before I turned 10. I have an 8 1/2 year old and we’ve already talked about it.

My aunt was 9, I was 1 month away from 10. My biggest advice for what you can teach her is to use tampons. It will save her from embarrassing leaking during school!!

I’m quoting my 10yr old that just started (she was maaad) “I get potty trained only to have to wear a diaper again!?” :sweat_smile::woman_facepalming:t2:


I started at 10 and my daughter is almost 15 and still hasn’t. He dr said at her 14 yr checkup that if she hasn’t started by her 15 yr checkup then we will discuss further.

My daughter started at 9!! It was AWFUL!!! She didn’t understand what was happening and it was a detrimental to her! It took her a whole 2 years to finally come to terms with it.

I’m 60. Started in the 4th grade. No particular problems other than an early start that I know of. Been there, done that.


I started at 7. My daughter hasn’t started yet she will be 10 in 2 days. But she has had hair under her arms and down below for 2 years now… Dr. Says it could be any day… My sister didn’t start until she was 14 or 15 though.

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I know three friends whose daughters started at 8/9, healthy kids, nothing wrong just early. My started at 11 and 13 and they are both healthy as well. Girls start at different times!

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I was told at my daughters 8 year check to have that conversation with her soon because girls are starting earlier and even if she is not close to puberty herself some of her friends may be. That said, I did have a friend whose niece started at 7 and is/was completely healthy. Some just start earlier.

My daughter had that issue and was given injections to slow that down. A growth hormone to stop it. She had precocious puberty .

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My daughter was 4th grade 9 years old. I worked it out with the teacher to cue her for bathroom breaks and changing. Big responsibility for so young but it can be done.

Our doctor told us about a year after pubic hair is when you will see the periods to start. It was a year for our older daughter. She was 12 when she started though.

My daughter is 9 and she got hers in may and started to develop her breast and has some hair too the 1st time she was upset but the next months she was ok with it i know i dont like it think its to earl they are too young i didn’t get my till i was 14

I got mine when I was 10. But I hear that the hormones in food now a days are causing this to happen younger and younger. This was just something I heard between nurses while working at the hospital.

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My daughter starting having a normal and regular period at 9 years old. She is currently 28 and has always been healthy.

I started at 10 and my daughter started at 11. My mother started at 10 also. My daughter’s friends started anywhere between 10 and 15.
I’m just glad my daughter didn’t get my boobs too. I mean I was a D cup by the time I started high school at 14. That’s no fun. Hopefully she did get those genes as I’m a DDD as an adult when at a normal weight…

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I started my period the first day of 4th grade when I was 9 years old! I was perfectly healthy and nothing was wrong! Genetics, weight, hormones, and other things like that can effect it! As long as everything is normal and she is healthy and not feeling weird or experiencing strange feelings, it should all be okay!
I know how scary it can be that young, that’s how I was at first because I started while at school, and my nurse just sat with me and hugged me and told me I was alright until my momma got there!

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My oldest daughter got her first period only 3 days before turning 9. I was told it is perfectly normal anymore for girls to start so early

I was 8 years old when I got my period and I was at school when it happened. Luckily my mom worked at my school and was able to leave and take me home. We hadn’t had the talk yet because we thought I was to young to start so I was totally blindsided. When I went back to school the next day I was embarrassed because my classmates saw the blood on my clothes but then I later realized all the other girls might be going through the same thing just no one saw so I was ok.

I am now 54 started in 4th grade. I have 2 children and all is normal. I do feel for your daughter, having it that early was not fun

My niece started her period at age 9. Her mother could hardly believe it. She was just a little girl. Dr. Confirmed it

I started at 8 and it happened swimming at summer camp and was awful! I was bullied really bad for it in school by other girls. I don’t think it means anything bad, everyone starts in their own time some sooner than others. Just make sure to have a good talk with her so she understands what’s going on with her body :heart: poor baby girl

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Oh, my gracious. Now I’m :grimacing:… I have a 9 yr old who hasn’t started yet. We talk about it here and there. She knows some basic information, but sheesh what a big responsibility for a young girl. I hope it holds off for 3 or 4 more years.

My daughter was 9 when she started. She also had bad periods so by 11 she was on birth control just to help keep her regular. She just developed early though. She had boobies growing before any of the other girls so some boys would try to pop her chest with rubber bands in class. That didnt last long but it made her conscious about it for a while. I had to work out a plan with her teacher. She stayed on bc for a long time then her doc suggested an IUD at 15 to try and greatly reduce her cycles and cramping since the insurance kept wanting to not approve the few pills that worked. She has done much better. Shes almost 19 now.

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A friend of mine…her daughter started at 7 yrs old…it was very sad to me but her mom said she adjusted to it quite easily

The hormones in the meat and poultry and other Chemicals are the reason girls now a days start a lot sooner.

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My daughter started at 10 2 weeks after being diagnosed with diabetes. It was a hell of a ride.

I started at 9. It was tough to wrap my mind around but just please be there for the emotional roller coaster. I didn’t know what cramps were and my elementary nurse thought I was lying when I said my stomach hurt. Lots of love around that time because hormones messed with my emotions. Also my body developed faster so please buy her cocoa butter and teach her to put it on every night to prevent the harsh stretch marks.

The important thing is that mother’s have discussed it with their daughters. Mine didn’t and I was scared. I was 11.

Both my girls were 7 & 8. This was in the early 80’s. I always kept their bathroom cabinet stocked with several different types so they’d have them.

I had my first one during spring break in 3rd grade. I have 3 girls, my oldest just started hers at 12 years old.

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We went to Children’s Hospital Pittsburgh and saw a dr to get tests done/ better safe than sorry

I started at 9 and had absolutely no clue as to what was going on and yea developed early too.

I was 9 and that was 43 years ago, still going

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Mine was 10 and she’s perfectly healthy.

I mean my little sister started at 8…i started at 14. She’s adopted so idk if that makes a difference

my oldest daughter was 13 but my youngest daughter was 9

I’m sure my 3 daughters will hit early, I started my period a little after I turned 8.

I actually started my period…at 9 years old and on Easter. My mother made some jokes to try and lighten the situation.

I started growing hair at 7, I started when I was 16, with no mom to tell me or show me what to do, she had other priorities.

My granddaughter was only 9, then nothing for almost a year then it started up again she’s almost 13 now

I started mine when I was almost 9. I think it’s becoming more normal these days.

My daughter was 9 when she “developed”. I mean EVERYTHING.

My daughter started at 9 . Her doctor said everyone is different .

I was 10 yrs old when I started mine I will be 48 in Sept I had God alfull ones had a historectamy at 38

I didn’t start til I was 16. Everyone is so different.

My sister in law is 26 and she started when she was 8yo. She found out this past Saturday she was pregnant.

My 13 yo started at 12, my 10 yo is only showing a few signs of puberty.

I started mine at 9. Everything was fine

Is no one concerned that the male doctor noticed pubic hair on a young girl’s vajayajay??

I started at 8. I am prepared for my daughter to start around then.

Does she drink a lot of milk? It’s chock full of hormones that can cause girls to menstruate earlier.

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I started my period when I was eight years old too

My 2nd daughter started at 8-9 years old …

Got mine at 9. Didn’t have any development or hair until 15 or 16.

I started mine at 10. Was raped. Parents didn’t believe me.

I started at 11 so did my daughter

Every girl is different. I started at 15. I was real late

My step son started to go thru full blown pubery at nine ane the doctor put him on serious drugs…like breast cancer hormone blockers saying that if he didnt do that he would be way to short (his mom is tiny) but we are very skeptical. These are strong drugs and he is getting taller but at what expense to his health. They made us scared saying that if we didnt agree they would go after us thru cps… its so shocking and creepy!

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Stop stop stop telling a fake person about yourself. Please. Check posters before you reply.

My grandmother started at the age of 18.