Did anyones daughter start their period around 8 or 9?

I was ten back around 1965…

I started mine when I was 9. :pensive: to me that’s way too young but it’s not like I could stop it. :woman_shrugging:t2: I’ve had perfectly healthy reproductive health and pregnancy. Pretty good general health too. I hope this helps.

Mine did. She thought she was dying. I couldn’t believe it!

Some girls start menstruation as early as 8 and some girls don’t start till 16. Everyone is different and it’s perfectly normal. I remember starting to get pubic hair at around 9 and didn’t start my period until I was 13. Just prepare her as much as possible. There are tons of great books you can read with her. Make sure she knows she can ask you anything and you will be completely honest with her and that if you don’t know the answer you guys will find it together.

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I did! My Grand-daughter did also !

My husband is a blessing.

My cousins daughter started at 7

Ask yourself when u started. Then ask ur mom when she started. This is a huge factor

I started at work 11 years old

My youngest started at age 9

I got mines at 8 and was wearing my moms bras at 10​:disappointed: I was a b cup :dizzy_face:

I was 8 years old too

I started mine when I was 8.

I got mine a few days after my eight birthday.

I started at 10. My daughter started the day she turned 13

My boyfriend’s 8 year old is already growing boobs. Some kids start early. :woman_shrugging:t3:

My sister started when she was 9. I didn’t start until 14. Only thing I’ve ever thought that could be a contributing factor is the hormones that are added in food. I’ve never met anyone that has anything wrong when starting early or later.

Do not worry about it too much. I started my period at 9 and so did my daughter. We are both healthy. Obviously make sure she gets her routine check ups but it happens and nothing to be worried about. It is sad though just communicate with her and prepare her for other girls being weird about it. I just had my had my daughter keep to herself until she was in middle school so other girls would not treat her differently unless she felt comfortable sharing and she is now 16 and doing great. Hope this help all she will need is open communication. Good luck :heart:

Please make sure that She knows , that if It happens to start and Your not home. That She needs to tell Dad or a Sister or call An Aunt or Someone designated so they know. And can help or talk Her through anything She may need.
Mine started and My Mom wasn’t home. I was not prepared, and We had the neighborhood Boys all at the house . My Aunt and Uncle was their too. I went and told Her and She came help Me. I remember that to this Day.

It’s called precocious puberty, naturally everybody is different. I have read that antibiotics etc. in our food is changing the age at which girls mature to a much lower age.

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My youngest Daughter was 10 1/2. She started getting pubic hair and had to wear deodorant at about 7.

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My sister was 9. I was 12. My daughter had just turned 10. My thought is with all the hormones in meat now that it contributes to girls getting it much younger now.

My daughter was 9 when she got hers and was fine. Now my granddaughter is 9, growing breasts and getting hair. So far no period but think it will be soon.

I started at 9. My daughter started at 9. Could be genes.

I will die if Aliyah starts at 8!! Crissy Johnson James

I got mine at 7 and my oldest got hers at 9 with pubic hair at 7. She is 10 now and handles it very well. I explained to her what was happening with her body and that it was “cleansing itself”. Taught her how to mark it on the calendar to track it. She also has learning disabilities so i had a lot of concerns at first but she handled it like a pro and still does.

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My oldest had pubic hair at that time as well. A lot of little girls have it at that age actually. Her period started at 10, she’s 13 now, so maybe it will start then too. My youngest is 11 and I just realized I don’t know if she has hair down there yet,I’m sure she does. Her period hasn’t started yet but I’m prepping her for it

I had mine when I was 8. But I was also abused as an infant so idk if that had anything to do with it. I’m 28 now. Just go over everything with her. I was embarrassed as hell so I didnt talk to my mom about it. I just thought it was a period the size of one at the end of a sentence and that it happened once and was over with forever. I had no idea what it truly was…


My daughter started at 9, she’s 11 now. If y’all talked about it and she knows what to expect then she should be good. My daughter knew about it all by me showing her older step sister about pads and all. The only thing is teach her if she spots on her panties it’s nothing to be ashamed of my daughter would get embarrassed and just throw them away until I realized she had none left lol she will be ok her being young sounds scary but it’s normal these days

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My daughter got hers at 9 1/2. We had already prepared and talked about it when she was 8 and she had a pack of supplies at the ready. She had a massive growth spurt right before she turned 9 and her doc said it would happen shortly after. She is 5’3 and size 10 shoes :sweat_smile: but I’m 6 feet so she’s on track to be like me.

Her doc said it’s normal and just to monitor for anything that changes but she’s normal and regular and totally healthy otherwise. I wouldn’t worry!

Try not to worry. It comes when it comes. She can have hair and not get it for years. She will feed off of you though. It is important to explain it to her in terms she will understand, but not scare her. Good luck.

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My daughter has had under arm hair and hair down there for years. Now starting to gets boobs? Still no period and she is 8.

Just be open and honest with your daughter. I was 9 and my sister was 17 I mean it come when your body is ready and it’s healthy and normal don’t let her be ashamed of her period

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My daughter started getting pubic hair about 8 or 9 and started her period at 11. Nothing you can do about it other than be supportive and give her all the info she needs.

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You’d be surprised how mature and grown up girls are about this sort of thing… Honestly mammy she will be fine I think it’s harder on you that your little girl is growing up. Believe me I know how you feel… My little boy is starting school this September and it’s breaking my heart :sob:

My oldest got her period at age 10. My youngest not till age 13. It’s definitely scary and sucks for them to have to deal with when they are younger.

Omw nw I’m starting to stress cos second eldest daughter will be turning 9 in December my mindset was telling me I don’t have to think about that with her nw cos I got mine when I was 13 so did my eldest daughter eish the age is getting all younger

I started at 9 I hope my daughter isn’t the same way!

I was 9 when I started. It was actually the first day of 5th grade, pubic hair and all.

I was 9 when I started mine. I was raped and sodomized by my step dad from the time I was 4 until I was 12. I’m 30 now.


I was 10 when I got my first…my little sister was 8. I’m now 37 and she’s 28…

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I started mine at 8. It was scary but I had my mom and sisters to help me get through it.

I was 9 when I started and I’m 22 now. I personally didn’t have any pubic hair grow until after my period began. However, my school had those videos where all the girls watched and the school nurse would come in and teach us about it. Of course our mother’s were encouraged to come, mine did and we talked about it. Funny enough, about a week or so after I watched the video, was when I got my period. And my mom and I didn’t expect it to happen so soon, so of course we didn’t have anything for me.
I had to go tell my dad who’s one of those men who doesn’t like talking about feminine things and so he was like “call your mom” who was at work, so I call her and she asks me what my dad said, “he told me to call you” and she just laughed lol. But she left work and bought me pads and midole

My mom got hers when she was 8😅

I got mine at 9. I’m 27 now

I started mine at 9. My mom just had to walk me through some things but as long as its a normal cycle, its not that out of the ordinary everyone starts when their body is ready!

Umm why was the dr down there to get a check up.
That’s fucken weird n creepy even if it’s a female dr… at 8…


I got mine when I was 9. Already had hair and boobs… out doctor told us sometimes it has to do with diet and genetics and stuff like that

My daughter is and 9 and started hers but she had precocious puberty. It’s a rare condition that caused her to start early and will also cause her to be short. Maybe something to talk to her doctor about

Mine were both barely 9

Gosh…freaking out a bit…my girl is this age bracket, 10 in sep :flushed:

My 11year old just started this year and my 13 year old hasn’t yet. :woman_shrugging:

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I started at 10. My daughter started at 11. She started getting hair and body odor around 8.

Yes my youngest daughter started at 9 the older not till 11. They were both well prepared. Was treated like amy other part of life not a big thing.

My daughter was only 9 when she got her periods

I got my period at 8 1/2 years old… My mother didn’t prepare me for it :sweat_smile:

My sister had just turned 9 when she got hers. I got mine at 12, but everyone else started early around 9-11

My sister was 9.

I was 11.

We are 11 years apart.

My daughter started the month of her 9th bday. We as well spoke about it and she actually laughed when it happened. She has never been the emotional type and the leading months, edgy- tired- weird cravings. I never thought her period would be the cause. Almost 2 years later, she deals with it and realizes it is what it is. Be positive and communicate the importance of hygiene and respect with disposing of products. You got this mama!!!

So apparently my best friend started at 9 yrs old. I didn’t until I was 11, and to what I know… it’s really hereditary on when a girl starts.

2 of my 3 daughter’s started their periods at 10. They are both petite.

I’ve known plenty of girls when I was younger they were all getting their periods before me and mine started when I was 12. Dont worry. Unfortunately its natural just gotta make sure she knows all about cleanliness and about the birds and the bees

I am 36 and I started shortly before I turned 10. It is possible. Also I got mine earlier because I was on the heavier side. Just talk to your daughter.

My daughter is going on 10 with pubic hair and boobies now also and still no period !

I did myself and has bobbies by 11 like C cup lol. They were 6 and 7 when they started getting body hair and body odor.

I don’t know about now but it was like 9 10 when I grew up that is started happening for most girls

I was 12 when i started mine, and was already in a C/Dcup bra. I am also on the hevaier side of flow and all that jazz. Theres a history of PCOS and other ovaraian related issues in my family so all the girls in my family started earlier than me. I know a few whos girls started in the 9 to 12 range. There are a lot of factors, genetically and biologically that determine how early a girl will start.

My sister was 9 and I was 10 when we started our period. Luckily I was prepared because I had an older sister who talked to me about it. My daughter will turn 10 this year and I want her to be prepared too. This book has been a helpful way to share info and it has encouraged her to ask me questions. It also covers good overall hygiene practices. I’m not ready for her to grow up, but it’s inevitable and I want her to be confident about her transition into womanhood.

Celebrate Your Body (and Its Changes, Too!): The Ultimate Puberty Book for Girls Celebrate Your Body (and Its Changes, Too!): The Ultimate Puberty Book for Girls: Taylor, Sonya Renee, Laureano, Bianca I.: 9781641521666: Amazon.com: Books

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I had a friend who started in 3rd grade. So 8/9

I started at age 8 but than it stopped and didn’t come back until I was around 13.

I started when I was 8 on Mother’s Day. I am 48 now and still have periods like a teenage girl. Sucks sometimes but, I’ll take it especially with so many my age going through the “change” and having surgeries as well as sexual issues.

Stop eating those big fat chickens. They are giving her the hormones needed dor this.

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My grandma started when she was 9. I was 12. I wouldn’t freak out unless the doctors are saying there’s something wrong.

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My daughter’s 10 and already started

Mine was 8 or 9 when she got pubic hair amd arm pit hair but didnt acually start her period till she was 11 n thank god she was home when it happened


I was 9, it was horrible because it’s such a responsibility at that age to remember to wear pads instead of me playing with my Barbies. It does help having an amazing mother to explain all this changes to you.


It has always been normal to start around 8 or 9. So idk why they said it like it isn’t. :joy: when my midwife asked how old i was when i started, i said 13 and she said “oh later than all your friends huh” cause even 13 is considered late.

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Many of my family members started at 9 and 10… My girls started at 11 and 12 but had public hair from about age 7 and 8…

My daughter is 9 and hit puberty, it scares me because there are women in my family that suffer from period problems, I have cyts and endometriosis, I pray my daughters dont get the painful periods.

My daughter is 12 an hasnt started yet an she has had pubic hair underarm leg hair all since about 8 yrs old an still nothing for her yet i came on at 10 an in her dads side all the girls typically started around 9 an 10

Yes periods can start that early my oldest daughter started at 9.

Get books on the body. Always has a period box that comes every month, you can check out.

My girl has bigger boobs than me and she’s 10! They sprouted last year. Mood swings and emotional the last year so she won’t be long. It’s not fair to start so young.

Omg ive never heard of this, this is crazy :flushed:, I hope u get the answers u need, just educate ur daughter on periods and what they are for and how to look after her self, everyone is different she will be ok along as she knows they are normal and most girls go though it just a lot usually go though it 10 years+ xx

I started my period in the 4th grade!

My daughter is 7 (8 in December) and is already in a training bra and practicing putting deodorant on everyday. I’m not ready!!

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Let nature be nature.

Usually when they hit 100lbs…no matter the age

I’m 53 I started mine at 8 years old at a church camp

I was 13 when I started mine and I was last in my class… I did start pubic hair when I was 10 or so though I wouldn’t worry

Public hair doesn’t mean it starts immediately. Can be a few months, to a few years until she gets it. Puberty is a long process!

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I didn’t start mine until I was like 15 so I’m hoping genetically my daughter will start at a later age than 8 or 9 because she’s 2 months away from being 8 years old and that’s my baby she can’t grow up that fast :cry:

My aunt got hers at 9 and was totally scared but only because her mom had never talked to her about it. Once they talked throughly she was alot more confident in how to take care of it and herself. I would recommend definitely talking to your child and letting her know it’s nothing to be ashamed of because it happens to all girls and also talk to her about her hygiene and allow her to ask questions and know she can come to you if needed. Good luck mama! :heart:

I started getting hair at 8 and began my period at 10. It takes a little bit, just like boys who get hair but their balls dont drop for another year or 2. Take a deep breath mama and just be her guide whenever it may happen.

It’s from hormones in meat made to make the animals grow faster but it makes our kids mature physically to fast as well. Go organic. Some families do get it earlier because of genetics as well.


I started mine right before my 9th birthday.

My daughter had pubic and armpit hair at 8, she didn’t start her period till she was 11

I’m sure your daughters like this all over facebook

My daughter is 9 (will be 10 in December) and started three months ago. My husband had a mental breakdown lol she was in a training bra for about 6 months and had started growing hair around then too.

I started at 9…ugh

I started my period when I was 10, my auntie was only 9, not pleasant but part of life as a female X