I mean the older you get the higher chances of deformations and such, but outside of that…why do you think you did something wrong? why does autism mean there’s something wrong with her?
You’re never Guaranteed how your kids are going to develop and grow. Every child is unique and different in their way. Heck what happens if you have a downs baby, or a baby with a birth defect? You love the child for who this child is. I have an autistic son, he’s wonderful nothing “wrong” with him. He’s pretty amazing. My youngest tests came back she was downs I wasn’t scared. I got all the information I was prepared. She didn’t have it. I’m also a carrier of Cystic fibrosis. I can’t control that I just carry it. My husband didn’t, we didn’t have kids with it. Have your daughter go to school, be a mom who will have her back. Good luck.
Autism is not the end of the world. I was told my son would be so delayed he would be considered retarded ( that’s exactly what they said) and that he would never speak. My son received in home services of aba therapy for 3 years. He’s intelligent & he doesn’t stop talking… get your kiddo the right services no matter how difficult it is and push them to the max for a better future. I see too many families pushing it off… they want natural approaches etc & their kids aren’t getting anywhere. I know it’s to each family. The earlier the services… the better the outcome.
My little girl is 4 and has autism. It’s not talked about often. But, since my little one I’ve noticed Autism is in a lot of people lives. People on the spectrum are unique. They’re smart people too. It’ll get easier.
Ok hi! Mom of an autistic 7 year old here. Diagnosed at 4. First of all it’s nothing you or anyone else did or could have done to cause her autism. It’s genetic. You started to see her change because that’s around the time they actually start really developing their own thoughts and personalities and with autism they think differently and see the world differently. Just keep up with the therapies and what your doing for her to help her. With my son it’s made a drastic difference and he’s come a long way in a very short time. Routine is a very good thing in their lives. They don’t like when things change suddenly it’s hard for them to adjust. Sensory overload is a big reason for meltdowns. Once you learn figure out when one is starting it’s much easier to counteract and stop it by calming them down. Now food is another issue and we are still to this day trying to get him to eat and try more foods then he does eat. But we are even making progress there in that department. My son is super smart and super funny and amazing and so loving. I thinks he’s really cool because he sees the world so much differently then we “normal” people do lol But they are also literal to a fault. If verbal what they say is what they mean.
First off just because she has autism doesnt mean shes not just as perfect as your other child. I have a child on the spectrum, this isn’t anything a Dr did this is just something your little one was born with. Do some homework learn about children on the spectrum they live in their own world an you’re lucky enough to be apart of hers.
This hurts my heart that you see her as less than or imperfect because of her condition. People with autism are incredibly loving and smart and some can do some amazing things talent wise just like you or I they only do it in a different way. However they just like you or I need someone in their corner cheering them on telling them they are loved and no less than the next person because of their condition. She will do great things if given the chance and support and as her mother you should be the one that supports her the absolute most in my opinion.
Risk of autism, Down syndrome , etc increase with maternal age 35-40+
Early intervention is key. Children can have delays at her age and get therapy for a year or two and overcome her delays and you would never even notice she had a delay to begin with. Like I said, early intervention can change everything, but your outlook and attitude towards of labeling your children needs to be tossed out the window pronto. Love your children as they are and just get her the help she needs so she can progress as other children her age. That’s all I came here to say. Good luck.
Both of your children are perfect. They are just different, and that’s totally normal. The only way you can do something wrong is if you continue to treat her as “less than” or imperfect. Check out some Autism mom pages for guidance and support. Laura Clery posted some insightful videos after her son was recently diagnosed. Embrace both of your children and give them what they need to thrive. Treating her like a burden or trying to make her “normal” is damaging and really hurtful. I hope you take some time to reflect, and consider counseling. This mindset is harmful to the Autistic community because it perpetuates stereotypes and discrimination. I hope you embrace your daughter and become her biggest fan and advocate some day.
Unpopular fact: you can reverse autism. My son is proof💗
You did nothing wrong. Autism has a lot of stigma, but it just so happens 2 of my favorite people are on the spectrum. They are amazing. Stay strong momma, your baby is still perfect, shes just a little different and that can be beautiful in itself.
You can’t avoid autism. There is nothing you could do or shouldn’t have done during the pregnancy. Children grow and change, even ones with autism. My son is autistic and there is nothing in this world I would change about him. He is exactly the way he should be. We just need to help them along the way. Best of luck momma!
You did NOTHING wrong!! Every pregnancy is different, every child is different! You have blessed with a beautiful daughter with a very special gift! Embrace it! Autism is not a bad or negative thing at all!! There are some amazing talented people in this world who are on the spectrum. Don’t allow it to ‘ruin’ your life or hers, rather take it as what it is and enjoy the journey! See what the future holds for her and just enjoy every day!!
Having autism isn’t a bad thing, though it has been stigmatized in the past when it shouldn’t have been so there is a lot of misinformation out there. I suggest learning more about autism to help change your mindset and try to learn how best to help your daughter thrive. Please don’t compare your children, even if they were both neurotypical, all children, autistic or not, develop, grow, and learn at their own pace. Particularly during the early years. And no, there’s nothing you could have done to cause autism (not even vaccines, there is no scientific evidence that they cause autism.)
My first son was diagnosed with autism and I was 16 when I had him. He was born all natural full term healthy. I was told by
doctors he would never speak which is wrong bc he talks non stop now and is pretty high functioning. He is now 20yrs old and I have a 17 year old son and 8 year old daughter who are not diagnosed and live normal lives. Unfortunately there is no scientific reason as of now as to why some kids are born with autism. There are theories from vaccines to it being genetic to other things but it’s not been proven. The best thing you can do for your child you’re already doing. Early intervention is the most important thing to help her. My son started his therapies at 18 months. I will say that my son even though given therapy at 18 months and on was not diagnosed until he was 6 and he has never been medicated either, well we tried two different meds for a short time when he was around 6-7 but they just either made him sick or agitated, so I opted to stop there which his doctor was not on the same page with me on that but that’s okay. Just remember you are her advocate and her voice and don’t ever let a doctor try and belittle or guilt you into anything. Focus on just trying to do the best for her as she is and giving her the tools she will need to live as independent a life that she can within her capabilities one day bc that’s all they really want is to feel able. You got this momma
We always want to find a way to blame ourselves. It’s just not always the case.
She’s still perfect. Don’t ever treat her like she’s not.
Please join Ask Autistic Adults - Resource for Parents of Autistics. I know you mean really well but the way you are speaking about your autistic child could be severely damaging and hurtful to her even if you dont verbally Express it to uer
Having kids is 50/50 you can have one perfectly fine and another have something wrong. It’s a chance everyone takes when you decide to have a kid. I wouldn’t have a 3rd until you get a handle on everything tho. Bc that’s going to bring in more stress and that’s not helpful to anyone. You deal with it yourself not in front of your kids.
Also how 3 kids give you piece of mind?
Aside from that:
- Most autistic people prefer identity first language
- ABA is abusive to Autistics
- Stop acting like your child being ND is some kind of defect in them or makes them less perfect than your NT kid
You did nothing wrong. This didn’t happen because of something you did. Unfortunately, it happens. Also please ignore the bitter women in this group trying to shame you for how you’re feeling. Your feelings are valid and normal and they will pass. If they don’t, talk to someone who can help you understand that this isn’t your fault and your baby girl is perfect the way she is.
You did nothing wrong. This couldn’t have been avoided. Your daughter is perfect. A person with autism is not broken. You can’t fix it. You didn’t break them. They are just the way they are supposed to be. The stigma is awful. Early intervention is key. Keep working with her and love her just the way she is
Honestly there is so little we know or understand about autism that I wouldn’t look for places to point the finger. I wouldn’t go down that road because you’ll start torturing yourself. What we do know about autism is that every person with it is different and learn different. I would read, watch every video, and get involved with every group they offer. Maybe you or her siblings will be the one educating the world about autism one day.
Imagine thinking autism is a bad thing . This world is so ass backwards, nothing is wrong with you or your baby, educate yourself
Some of the brightest people in the world !! Nobel prizes ect had autism it’s not the end of her life just the beginning of a new journey she will take with her mom record behavior every days this will note triggers it’s going to be ok
Your wack lady, get help.
You didnt do anything wrong. My sister had two babies and then her third has autism. My exs son is autistic and our daughter isnt. It happens, alot of therapies it has helped both my exs son and my nephew so much.
You described your son as perfect and wrote a long message about you doing something “wrong” with your daughter. Everyone has their own struggles and no one should feel like your less because of something you have no control over. Autism isn’t a cure it just simply means they like /do different things than most. Honestly only advice I have is to research and learn more about autism……and to not make her feel like there’s something wrong with her.
Your problem is in saying your first child was born perfect in every way as if your 2nd is defective, change that mindset first. I have 3 children and only one has Asperger’s yet other people have more than 1 child with autism, it’s a chance you need to decide that you want to take. Like others said, early intervention is key. Look to see if there’s a autism group in your area where you can talk to other parents so you can get more insight and help. Please don’t think less of your child or treat her as less. Good luck.
The problem is you think there’s something wrong with your daughter. You feel as though you “failed” and now she’s like this, if how she was didn’t bother you, you wouldn’t be feeling “guilty”. But sadly autism is not inflicted, it’s not a choice, it’s something she was born as. She always was. And there is nothing wrong with that at all.
You didn’t do anything wrong. The drs didn’t do anything wrong! Autism is genetic and just happens. Nothing no one doesn’t or doesn’t do causes it. And your baby girl is perfect too. Saying your boys are and not her is completely wrong. I have an autistic 5 year old girl and she’s absolutely perfect in every way.
Please do some research about autism. It’s not a dirty work like you’re making it out to be. And no vaccines do NOT cause it like some ignorant people are trying to tell you
As an advocate for children with disabilities, I’ve seen plenty of parents have perfectly healthy children after a child with disabilities is born. Autism is a spectrum disorder and no cause has yet been identified. You can have as many kids as you want and with each child, providing there’s no genetic susceptibility, and the likelihood of having one with disabilities is the same every time. Your chances of having another child with disabilities is the same as the last.
My son is 2 years old and i just got told the same news i was 33 when i had him he is my rainbow baby and i felt this way at first too because how could i not i had 4 miscarriages before him and when i was pregnant with him i was scared the whole time then at 36 weeks they told me him stopped growing at 34 weeks and how to take him that day he spent 4 weeks in the nicu and as time went on i noticed things by the time he was 1 years i pretty much knew he wasnt like other babies because he didnt like to be around groups of people he wouldnt even try to say anything or even the baby babble would only look at me and maybe his father I tried to talk to his doctors because I just knew something was going on his doctors told me he was born premature so he has catching up to do don’t worry about it and then he hit 18 months and at eighteen months he is supposed to the at least three word vocabulary able to walk without tripping you’re supposed to be able to point out a toy and he go to it he was supposed to have favorite toys but he didn’t do that so I went to his doctor again and again his doctor said it was nothing because he’s the only child so only children tend to fall behind so then he hits two still no vocabulary still not listening to Direction Still not looking people in the face Tantrums got so much worse again i went to the doctor and I told them he is not talkin and the doctor finally listen to me and he goes okay so for a year now you’ve been trying to tell me and now I’m agreeing with you your son is autistic and the fact that I knew for a year still did not help I still felt so horrible and I ask myself what did I do how could I do this to this precious child cuz he is a wonderful child how could i allow myself to have a child at my age because studies show that women over 30 are at higher risk for Down syndrome autism every kind of mental disability there is out there you’re at higher risk once you’re over 30 I was punishing myself for allowing myself to have a child that I’ve tried for for 10 years and then I realized there’s nothing wrong with him nothing I wouldn’t change a thing about him because he is so loving so creative he has this way of just brightening your day I wouldn’t change a thing the world around us has this stigmata when it comes to this everybody makes it seem like at it a horrible diagnosis like he’ll never be able to be his own person but that’s not true it’s not it’s not true he’s a wonderful child is going to grow up to be a wonderful man he looks at the world differently than I do then you do but that doesn’t matter there is nothing wrong with my job he may be autistic but there is nothing wrong with him just like there is nothing wrong with your daughter nothing I’m sure she is a beautiful loving caring creative enthusiastic little girl I’m sure she is wonderful and I know things are overwhelming at times with the Tantrums and not being able to communicate and the way that you’re used to I know that’s overwhelming cuz it was overwhelming for me at first but parenting is overwhelming even with a child that hasn’t had this kind of diagnosis it’s nothing we did nothing it’s not the vaccines was not the fact that I was 33 when I had them that’s not that at all it’s who he is it’s who God made him God gave me him for a reason God gave you her for a reason just the way she is
Oh please don’t blame yourself. I know you’re in shock and wasn’t expecting this diagnosis. You did everything you were supposed. I blamed myself for years about my oldest daughters hearing. I even had her tested at 2 for having hearing loss. So many things went wrong during my labor. Wasn’t anything I did wrong also my 4 year old daughter was diagnosed with ganglioneuroblastoma in January and also has a severe heart defect. It wasn’t anything I did wrong. It took me a long time to stop blaming myself for their diagnosis. Please know you’re not to blame. Get her the help she needs and being autistic is her super power!
I have a question… before you said she changed did you guys get a vaccine? One of the normal ones. I know you get the MMR at 1 year. Is that when you noticed the change.
I know alot of people are going to deny this.Look at the vaccine history from the 90"s verses today’s. Look at what in them, the side effects. They are horrible we take chances giving them to our children for protection. I only vaccinated mine due to school purposes. My girl got the Rota virus vaccine and quit babbling for about 4 mths. Just the way she acted the first week I knew something was wrong. I pushed them off so she would only get one at a time instead of 2-4. When she got the Zoster vaccine a week later she ended up in the ER twice with a severe reaction that gave her an explosion of chicken pox all over her body.She"s now in speech therapy. I denied it for my son born after when I started researching vaccines. It was not required for school he did not have the same issues. We try to protect our children and can only pray that when giving them these shots it doesn’t cause harm but it does and it’s sad. There’s a vaccine injury group that knows this and will compinsate you for their troubles that you have to live with. They however don’t do autism because of the amount of cases and the fear of people not vaccinating their kids once they find out the truth. Autism is not a death sentence your child can have a normal life. Look into the extra help you can give them to make this happen
Oh mama. You definitely have my sympathies I promise. But saying your son is perfect and then explaining your autistic daughter is really putting a bad feeling towards your baby girl in YOUR head. You have to work on how you view your kiddos. They’re all perfect. I will tell you I don’t think it’s anything that could’ve been prevented or anything you did wrong and I will tell you why. Every Dr appt I had I measured small and had to get an ultrasound, blood test, pee in a cup. But every time my girly was just fine. At 39 weeks I developed preclampsia and apparently I was having contractions and didn’t know. (I have endo my cramps were worse) anyways I ended up on magnesium and got induced to get the contractions more organized to go ahead and have her bc our both our heart rates were dropping. They broke my water and not even 30 minutes later I gave birth to her all natural. All these things in My head I swore was going to damage my girl in some way and it was going to be my fault.
She’s 3 now very petite like me, sweetest kid ever, rotten definitely, but no signs of any type of regression or anything. I am telling you this because our birth stories were similar. I truly don’t think there’s anything you could’ve done mama. You didn’t do anything wrong.
I have 4 beautiful girls. 2 have autism. Things just happen sometimes. Genetics play a big role. Your daughter is still perfect. She will just need a little help along the way. Best of luck
You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re child is alive, healthy, and perfect. Autism isn’t a disability, its a different ability. Give her a chance to grow and you’ll see.
You’re a great mom. You didn’t do anything thing wrong. You are doing everything thing you can to help her grow. You got this you’re doing a great job!
As mother to an autistic child this hurt my heart to read.
I hope you find a support group to help assimilate your feelings and to help you cope.
Your daughter is perfect and the sooner you realize that the easier your life and her life will be.
I feel like when you have a child with any disability you blame yourself at first. What did I do wrong? Why did this happen? Did i eat right?. I feel like it’s normal to do that to yourself. But honestly I have a son with autism and to me he is perfect the way he is and I couldn’t imagine him being any other way. Also once you have a child with a disability it does not mean all your children after will be the same. Don’t beat yourself up. Do some research, get early intervention (therapy for your child) starting them off young is great. My son started therapy at 2. He is now 8. I never thought he would talk or communicate and now he is at grade level for reading and math. He communicates. Autism is not a horrible thing because it is “different”. Embrace it and embrace your child.
It is actually more common to have kids with disabilities the younger and older you are. Yes, I have education and experience under my belt with special education and my youngest daughter is also autistic. My experience was a little different I was having some of the same issues with measuring smaller and such and had already gone into premature labor. Well, they were like u need to go to stress tests and ultrasound every Friday so I did. She didn’t like to be poked lol and still doesn’t so she wouldn’t move when they would do that. Anyway, they should have caught that the placenta moved away from her. Needless to say I was in labor that Father’s Day and called the hospital; they said walk it off and drink lots of fluids. I delivered her at home at 3 lbs but had to be rushed to deliver the placenta which took hrs and felt every bit of it. It was bigger than the bed side pans for your needs and hung over the side. For yrs I knew something was up but they kept on telling me it was bc she was premature don’t worry about it!
Autism is hard to diagnose under 2 because babies hit those crawling pulling up walking milestones around time they should. My baby was 2 and I noticed she was different turns out she has autism. We are in speech and occupational therapy. On a wait list for behavioral therapy. Be glad your diagnosed sooner that way you get her the help she needs to have most normal life possible.
I think my only issue on this was you describing your son as this perfect child and your baby girl like she’s a burden
I understand your feelings but there is nothing wrong with your daughter she is perfect healthy
Autism we can’t control it in the womb it’s a genetic thing
I would find a Facebook group or group near where you live that copes with autism children .shes a beautiful soul
There is nothing you could have done. Some things just happen sometimes.
I am just here to tell you your daughter is perfect too. Autism is just a little splash of magic. That’s the way I see my autistic nephew. He is nothing short of a miracle & he is absolutely perfect.
Monica Vannell read these comments. You’re not alone.
I know it’s been said but vaccines can cause autism whether or not people want to admit it when I was born we had 5 shots to get and now there many more and autism wasn’t around back then … im not anti Vax I do spread them out and don’t give more the two at a time tho… I also wanted to say your daughter is still perfect autism or not .
During my wife pregnancy period itself, My childs weight was less, he was operated twenty days before the actual date, he was just 2 kgs when he born, Later he was in ICU for twenty days for jaundice, Now he is 3 and half years old now. He is autistic, He has speech delay and hyperactive, Speech and occupational therapy is really helping him. I believe that God has chosen my family, So that we can take care of him better. Don’t worry, Autism is not a disease, it’s just a developmental disorder. Sooner you start the therapy it’s better for your child.
Sorry, but why have a third when it could possibly be age related? And she may be perfect in another way.
There is different forms of autism. To me autism is like a superpower one receives. Everyone is unique. No two are the same and most have very very unique abilities. My son is autistic. He’s 10. He doesn’t understand like danger or struggles with learning on his grade level as in times or division… he doesn’t get it at all… and sees no danger…but he can tell you every basketball player on every team…their number …when they started and who retired and when. He also has been coding and scripting since he was 5. He was non verbal till 5 as well. He also reads maps like a pro when driving places and tells me where to go and what road to take when I’m lost. He types on computer 92 wpm. But yet if I didn’t homeschool and put him in society he would be scored on what or where he should be not what he can do.
Many will be mad I posted this, but facts are facts. If you don’t want to read it, it’s talking about how quality of supermarket decreases at 40, and there is a higher change for low birth weights, and mental disorders such as bipolar syndrome and autism.
Coming from my mom who has two children on the spectrum you did absolutely nothing wrong it just happens.
There is nothing wrong with your child, it’s sad you think that. Autism is not something that’s a flaw with your baby. It’s just something genetic that happens sometimes. Your baby is perfect how she is. I will say, due to the age of you and your spouse, there are risks having kids especially if y’all wait before having another. Having kids in your 40s comes with health risks to you and baby.
You did t do anything wrong!!! I’m a mom of 4 kids with special needs and one being autism for them… currently pregnant with baby #9 and I can say this baby will also be autistic because of the genetics. She just got extra sprinkled with love. It’s very stressful but learn from her, you will be surprised at the amazing world she will open up to you
Noticing a pattern with low birth weight
Measurement smaller
Baby not growing much in the womb
Something with the placenta
My sister had these same symptoms and sure enough now her son is 4 yrs old and he has autism.
She had her boys mid 20s-early 30s. Very sad both pregnancies and stressed. When mental health not good it can affect the motivation to eat.
I think it has a lot to do with nutrients not making it to the baby. Not getting enough food /vitamins consumption by the mother.
Not showing growth in womb and placenta précis in one of the pregnancies. My sister kept cleaning with Clorox while pregnant and her other son whose 9 is on the spectrum. After the vaccines she noticed her son stopped talking and would play by himself, put toys in a row, not watch Thomas and friends and make train noises, wouldn’t respond to his name, would bang his head on wall.
Her son had a food allergy to eggs. One of the vaccines is created in eggshells.
She ate lots of junk food, I get it…cravings while pregnant… maybe the preservatives?. She wouldn’t eat enough. Always starving and I feel nutrition is a huge part. while nursing she wouldn’t eat enough food and would nurse these kids past 2 yrs of age which I feel nursing encourages bonding but not necessarily enough nutrients for baby in her experience. Her 4 yr old has a speech delay and would be obsessed with dinosaurs and speak dinosaurian. He runs away, he’s not vaccinated for fear of vaccines causing it although he is on the higher spectrum. During his younger years would not respond to his name and would play with toys putting in row, although my sister was very sick after delivering. During pregnancy a fibroid was also growing stealing the nutrients. Didn’t get surgery until 3 yrs later and the pain of it caused her to be disabled which I feel was unfortunate timing while her youngest was starting to develop miss the milestones.
The fathers are different for each son but one thing in common is both fathers have mental health issues and I feel this may play a role in why autism comes from birth. Both fathers were low birth weight and they are bi polar, Aspergers symptoms from mother. I think there’s a correlation to bio parent’s mental health to offspring.
Either way my nephews are very intelligent and loving. Maybe there are social issues motor skill delays but overall this all can be learned With the support and therapies you child will be fine.
You did nothing wrong. Autism happens to anyone. It doesn’t mean your child is not beautiful and perfect in her own right
I was 35yo when I had my 2nd child. My husband was 48. My son is not autistic
My daughter fell pregnant at 17…her son is autistic
Genetics /environment can play a part but there is no singular cause for autism …as far as I know
Many women are choosing to delay starting their families and kids born to older parents is more common …obviously there are risks to mum and baby as you get older but because you have one child on the spectrum does not mean you will have another.
Dont feel guilty that you’ve done something wrong…just love your child and do everything you can to make her as independent as possible
Unfortunately, it’s genetic, and no one knows what causes it yet.
My daughters 8 with adhd and Aspergers, I had a hell of a pregnancy weekly scans and cancer when she was 6 weeks old and 12 operations her first year…. she was 6lb1, born at 37+6 days lost a lot of weight due to a severe tongue tie, She’s perfect. But I knew and told her Dr at 1 by the times she’s 6 you’ll diagnose her with something he thought i was mad, at 4 the same Gp and school referred her at 5 she was diagnosed. And all i saud to the Dr was I need help with ger sleep whilst shes fiddling with his computer wires and looking for stickers he kept in his top drawer. I did nothing wrong, you did nothing wrong. Our babies are perfect
The main cause that has been linked to autism in children is either one or both parents have autism (like my husband and I) or the age of the mother. The older the mother is during pregnancy, the higher chance of autism.
I am learning this in my medical classes currently and we legitimately just did a whole weeks lesson on this. You did nothing wrong!
Your daughter is perfect. You could not of changed anything. She is going to be full of happiness like you’ve never seen❤️
Nothing you did affected it. However certain things that took place that were out of your control are known to be factors that may end up with a diagnosis of autism. That includes maternal/paternal age, growth patterns of the fetus, whether they were full term or premature, if there were any complications (such as no progression in labor after waters were broken, etc.
My 3 year old son is autistic, there is nothing you did wrong, there is nothing the doctors did wrong, it is in their DNA. Accept what it is, every child is different and needs different things.
Do some research about vaccine and autism. I have 5 children, all vaccinated. So I’m not anti-vaccs. But the research that has been done is staggering. The increase in autism since the MMR combined shot is mind blowing. Over 70% increased autism rate. There are hundreds of thousands of stories from families who have went through the exact same thing. Normal development and then they got that shot and it everything changed.
Not telling you to believe me. Look it up. Easy to find and extremely informative.
Autism has been shown to begin in the second trimester of pregnancy. It’s nothing you have done
First of all, even with autism your second baby is just as perfect as your first. And second if the only thing “wrong” (i hate that word) with your baby is autism then u did nothing wrong it happens. She can still grow into a very intelligent normal functioning adult. I like to say kids with autism or down syndrome have super powers. Good luck with everything and im sure you’re doing whats best for her.
Why would they take her from you?
You haven’t done anything wrong. It’s a natural reaction to an Autism (ASD) diagnosis. You will only ever know your child for being your child. You’ll realize you don’t want a magic wand, just acceptance. It’s a Spectrum and your child could be anywhere on it. I don’t think age of Mother or diet or anything else makes a difference. You might be sad about what might happen and blame yourself but try to see it as something you can work with in life. People have to deal with many trials with their children and many lose them before adulthood. You shouldn’t mourn what may never had happened anyway. One piece of advice is that ASD people are often gender fluid and/or bisexual or asexual so be prepared for that!
There is nothing that could have prevented it. Autism can show up in any child. Keep up the therapy and any other extras you provide and love her as she is. Try piano when she is older she may excel at it.
There’s nothing wrong with your child and it’s sad and upsetting if you think since she has autism there is… she’s perfection just the way she is!.
You can’t prevent or do anything different to stop a child from being who they are ment to be, being autistic and being on the spectrum isn’t uncommon nor should it be frowned apon, your child is who she is, let her thrive into the beautiful being she will grow to be.
There’s nothing you could of done to " prevent this " from happening.
ASD isn’t caused from vaccines nor is it contracted like a disease, it is and can be passed on through family genes… meaning it’s hereditary.
Absolutely NOT!!! I measured perfectly fine, and I had my daughter at 39 + weeks. She came out at 5lb 4oz and there were people who were questioning me about what drugs I took during pregnancy. They called her SGA (small for gestational age). It turned out that I had an undiagnosed infection in my placenta. Love her and support her!! FYI…no issues with my next one. Good Luck!!
Well I wouldn’t have anymore kids because of the age. I mean after 30, your chances of down syndrome and autism are increased by 30-50% … It’s just how it is. There is nothing you could’ve done differently with the girl though. It’s not environmental… it’s just genetically, their DNA is different.
You did nothing wrong sometimes unfortunate things just happen
I know it’s a no judgement zone but I felt a little angry here…there is absolutely nothing wrong with that beautiful baby girl…to describe one kid as perfect and the next as “what went wrong she’s autistic” was heart wrenching to me and if anything if that’s the attitude brought to the child on a daily basis that’s what’s going to be detrimental to her in the long run not her autism…my oldest sister was born with no eyes and is autistic although at the time they didn’t have a word for it, my nephew from my other sister is nonverbal autistic, my 2 oldest adopted sons are on the spectrum and my youngest son is showing signs of being smarter than his age (idk how both his parents aren’t over achievers lol) but not a single child is thought to be different it’s just who they are…they’re the extra special gifts from the universe that are sent here to humble us and show us the light!
Check into zinc and copper ratio. There have been studies recently linking this imbalance with autism.
Age, genetics, luck of the draw. You did everything right by closely working with your OB, or things could have taken a much darker turn. Love your girl for who she is, because their perspective on the world is so special.
autism can be genetic or not genetic. its caused by the way the brain is developed and the function of the brain. theres nothing wrong w your sweet girl, she was just born unique. w her very own special brain and her very own special family. its hard transitioning from your child being normal to then changing into someone you don’t recognize but your girl is still in there. no matter what people say its never easy, and its a very emotional journey; for you and her. you couldnt have prevented it, you did everything right mama, and your girl knows that. that feeling you carry may never go away or it might. but never forget that you were given a unique child because you are a unique mommy
Sounds like both of your children are totally perfect in every aspect
You did nothing wrong neither did the drs. My son was born at 37 weeks as well but not from being induced. I went into labor naturally, he was my smallest child but that doesn’t mean that’s what caused his autism! Autism is genetic I’m sure if you look down yours or your husband family line you’ll find at least one person with autism or at least signs of autism, back in the day they didn’t diagnose like they do now. I have two other children who are NT, so if you are thinking of adding a third do it… 100% does not mean you will have another child with autism just because one has it.
My story is a little similar. My daughter was measuring small & not growing. (They only told me she was measuring small). They sent me to a high risk doctor for a more in depth ultra sound. After they ultrasound I was informed that I had Toxemia and my daughter was measuring small but also had not grown in the last 2 weeks. They admitted me right then and started inducing me that night. My daughter was 4 weeks early, weighing 4lbs 12oz. She is not autistic.
In my opinion, you did everything you were told and you didn’t do anything wrong. You’re children are perfect.
Autism is genetic. Literally every child in my family and my best friend/sister’s kids as well, are on the spectrum. All on different levels ranging from my kids who, unless you knew their particular quirks, you’d never know they were on the spectrum; to my sister’s son who had to be sent to a school out of town to manage his issues.
You did NOTHING wrong. These things happen.
What you do next matters. My kids were both 4 when I got them into the program here to help teach them coping skills. They were in the program until they were 13.
It’s called the “comprehensive program”. They provide counseling, TSS Services that work with your child both at home and in school.
Should your child need a mobile therapist they have one of those that comes to your house to help you with your child, because your children are not the only ones that have to learn to live with autism, you have to learn how to best manage your child as well. Learning how to diffuse situations and redirect bad behavior. You also learn how to figure out how your child’s brain learns best, so they can navigate school and homework.
It’s a lot of work, time, and you need patience for days.
You got this momma! If your child has for sure been diagnosed with autism your best bet is to start looking for these kinds of programs near you and get your child and as soon as possible. The earlier the better!
Good luck.
I had my daughter at 19 almost 20 and she is autistic and she was almost 7 pounds at birth. I had a horrible delivery with her and she wasn’t able to fully talk for quite some time but she talks and she is a high school graduate. People with autism are some of the best people. There are many sites and other parents for support all over. It definitely is genetic. We had genetic blood work done on her and they told us her autism comes before her IDD ( intellectual developmental disability)
We have fought with the school cause they say she isn’t autistic which she is on a medical stand point apparently but not education stand point. Which makes no sense to me.
You absolutely did nothing wrong. I’m an autism mom he’s 10 now. Autism is not genetic it just happens. Nobody on either sides are autistic. It not a bad thing either. You definitely need to research the shit out of autism so you know how to handle your babygirl
I am 14 years into the Journey.
Don’t blame yourself.
There are a lot of factors that can contribute to “Autism”,not just genetics.
Read the book “Fight Autism and Win”
Look up TACA (Talk About Curing Autism) and
Generation Rescue.
Look up a court case involving Hannah Poling.
Best of Luck & God Bless.
Both of your children are perfect. Not just your boy.
God only gives special children to parents that can do right raising them
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with autism! I have noticed that as my friends got older and had babies in their 30s was when I seen more autistic kiddos! The older you get the more problems you can have with labor and carrying a healthy baby
Yep Mine was similar. But my whole pregnancy when I did ultrasounds they never once said anything about my son being wrong with him like that not a word and what into he was 6 years old he was diagnosed with autism and it’s just something in the brain that develops wrong there’s no cure you going to have your ups and downs from now on potty training sensory issues and storms are the worst they feel pressure that we don’t and it may give them a headache or something so no sound headphones helps out a kids Kindle fire tablet from Best buy helps out stay on a strict routine helps out is something new happens prepare them in a week’s in advance somebody new same thing but every kid’s different just take it day by day and they have to be watched 24/7 or at least mine does they don’t sense danger sometimes. It’s only begun for you my son’s 11 now so wish you the best and please do your research before you pick a doctor make sure they specialize in autism go ahead and plan for speech therapy behavioral therapy to help them talk therapy get whatever you can and don’t matter how much it is it’s going to help in the long run weight vest weighted blanket or weighted stuffed animal. The weighted stuffed animal it’s like it’s full of bean bag stuff it puts pressure on like their chest or whatever they have it at and it just helps. Just be prepared there are different levels of autism so get them used to doing things at a young age like going shopping being out in public and always make sure to tell them to hold the buggy and never let go it’s going to be a constant reminder for everything but take the mother young for safety because these days people snatch kids up and run and tell them stranger danger Don’t talk to strangers only talk to family don’t talk to anybody you don’t know I always stay close to you good luck
Autism is genetic it has nothing to do with anything else. It’s a mutation in the DNA
Autism is genetic. Its not something you can do to cause. Ill give an example
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is something you’d cause. Cause that is 10000% preventable…
But Autism doesnt work that way, its just the way the brain is wired when we come out of our mothers. Nothing wrong with us either. Absolutely nothing
Don’t have babies too old. Your body can’t handle it and the babies rate of birth defects go up
Your daughter can still be “totally perfect in every aspect” even if she is not nuerotypical.
This is ridiculous, you can not be serious! Just accept your child and learn how to deal with it. You want a 3rd child for what? To prove you didn’t cause your 2nd ones autism? You are over reacting.
There is absolutely nothing you as a mother can do to prevent autism, please don’t blame yourself your daughter is just neurologically wired differently, she can learn many strategies as she grows to help her cope and to go through life like other children would. She needs your love, patience and support
You didn’t do anything wrong. She was just made this way and the reason you saw a change around one years is because in children with autism the change usually starts to occur around 18 months so babies that might have had words around 18 months they can then regress and never speak those words again for example. Their brains are wired differently to a neurotypical child. You’re a great mother doing the best for your child. Please don’t blame yourself for something that wasn’t your fault.
Actually, my son is 2 now and was born at 37 weeks because of my preeclampsia and hypertension, but when he was born he was diagnosed with Asymmetric Growth Restriction and heart condition we knew before hand. This is all genetic and you can ask your pediatrician for genetic testing he also has nonverbal autism. This is all caused from two chromosome deletions and a mutation. If your momma gut is telling you something isn’t quite right, then talk to your pediatrician and don’t have them dismiss you. Get second, third, fourth opinions if you need the reassurance
My so has autism and I had a “perfect pregnancy” right up until my due date when I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia (Wasn’t there 1 day and a few days later had developed)
I would not change my son for the entire world and would definitely have another.
First off after 35 your risk of having a child with a disability increases tremendously. Second off you didnt do anything wrong. A child with a autism will be different and will need that special one on one time to help them grow, learn and evolve. Do research girl… lots of good info out their to help reassure you. I took an autism class in college and it opened up my eyes to the illness