Did I do the right thing?

It’s shitty you waited 11 damn years that’s wrong the only person who’s going to be hurt in this are the kids.

Yeah ur a vindictive woman and u couldn’t stand that he’s happily married with a family now …magically after raising ur child 11 years by yourself…u decided to stalk him …noticed he was married with kids n thought hmmm I can I make his wife miserable and destroy his new family…ur a narcissist ****…


Obviously we don’t know the whole story and everybody getting on to her for waiting 11 years should be ashamed of themselves. She was strong enough to do it this whole time by yourself and like I said we don’t know the whole story what if the kids sick what if she needs to know medical history and didn’t anticipate that coming. Whatever child suddenly started asking why it doesn’t have a dad or who its dad is. What would you do in that situation. You do whatever you could to help your child regardless of how it makes you or anybody else feel you did nothing wrong I’m proud of you for making it as long as you did and I’m proud of you for telling and now hopefully getting whatever it is you’re seeking good luck to you and your babe I wish good luck to the wife and her children too that man is scum and he deserves however this world is going to turn out for him now that the truth is known

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Answer NO. Poor kid.

You should have done that 11 years ago.


I’m convinced that in this group all females want to do is find a way to bash other females. A post can be wrong or right and they will still bash her. How in the world is she wrong it don’t matter how long she decided to wait. Some kids don’t meet there bio parents until they’re adults with there own children so there is no timetable. You’re basically defending married man that had a child through indefinitely :face_with_head_bandage:


First of all, if she had a child with this man it doesn’t matter that she decided to do it on her own after failed attempts to get him involved and then she changed her mind and decided you know what no he needs to step up he needs to be involved her child is now going into the preteens children start to ask questions around 10 11 years old like what’s really going on they want to know and she’s going to have to deliver some answers at some point.
Stop shaming her that she waited 11 years to come up in between his family all that simply means is she’s not a homewrecker that she felt bad that now she has to not only cause hurting and pain towards his wife but the children he has with her as well because at some point they’re going to know also. It’s not her fault at all in any way shape or form all this pain and hurt and damage solely lays upon his shoulders because he deceived her from the beginning, she is in no way shape or form at fault for having a child by someone who lied to her. For waiting 11 years to finally say okay look I’m tired I’ve tried and now you need to be involved.
She’s been totally selfless in this whole manner because a lot of women would have immediately ripped his family apart all this shows is that this woman has a big heart and she has a kind caring nature and I have much respect for her for not just thinking about her and her child, but for thinking about his family despite the fact that she was in no way shape or form wrong for what she has done.
Some of y’all women are weird, it doesn’t matter if it was while she was pregnant, if it was while the child was 5 years old, it doesn’t matter if she waited until the child was 16 years old to say hey we not me we have a 16 year old child are you going to be involved or not. And since you can’t seem to decide I guess I’m just going to have to go to your wife and you and your wife can sit down and have a conversation about whether or not you’re going to involve this child’s life.
As far as the DNA testing if she knows for a fact that she wasn’t with any other man, I don’t believe she would have waited another 11 years before making another attempt at getting him involved.
You have to understand she did reach out prior to the 11-year mark she did do what she needed to do it’s not her fault that the man didn’t sit his wife down and say hey look I stepped out on you I fucked up and now I have a child by another woman that I need to take care of I’m going to have to handle this I’m going to have to take responsibility. She did reach out. It was not her fucking responsibility to have to tell his wife it was his responsibility to tell his wife. I don’t understand women they want to attack other women for things that they have absolutely no control over that if she knew that man was married and she went and she screwed around with him then yes she’s a homewrecker but she did everything she possibly could to prevent any pain to anyone else, it was not her burden to bear it was his from the start she told him he knew he took no action and telling his wife so she finally had to step up and do it. The question should be. WHY DIDN’T HE TELL HIS WIFE FROM THE BEGINNING? WHY DIDN’T HE STEP UP AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FROM THE BEGINNING? WHY DIDN’T HE SORT OUT THE DNA TESTING FROM THE BEGINNING? WHY WASN’T THIS HANDLED WHEN SHE FIRST TRIED TO HANDLE IT BECAUSE HE DIDN’T WANT TO BE INVOLVED HE DIDN’T WANT TO STEP UP AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY HE DIDN’T WANT TO TELL HIS WIFE. THIS IS NOT HER FAULT :100::100::100:

Tamara Lynn Paś I think she hoped another woman would have more sympathy for her and her child and be ankle to reason with the creep she married. And of the two of them, it DOES sound like the wife is, predictably, the better human being. Most likely they did an informal test, like the kind you pay for yourself, before. But yeah, the court can force child support. She should take that route for her child’s financial future. Make the jerk bleed. I’m glad the wife found out and canv hopefully leave him.


You ruined a woman’s heart. You feel horrible because you wanted a negative reaction from her and now look at you, you ruined her and she still had nothing mean to say to you.


Lying liar! She is playing games. The amount of time doesn’t matter, it took 7 years to track down my daughter’s father. Where she is a liar is that no one else can step into take the test for you. It’s not a final in college where the professor doesn’t even know who’s in the class. You have to show ID. There is a court order for this so he had to have gone to court to know when and where the test was to take place. This POS is just looking for drama.


At some point the child will start asking questions. I know I was blindsided when my 8yr old started asking about her “dad” and wanted to know more about him. How wrong would it have been to lie or tell her no? I swore from the moment she was born (as I knew the father wouldn’t want to be involved and he had shown me multiple times he wasn’t going to be. In fact he met her once after she was one and then disappeared) that if she had questions I would answer them the best way I could at an age appropriate understanding. I don’t think the mother did anything wrong with trying to reach out for the sake of her son.

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Your problem was with him, not his wife:yet, you chose to reach out and hurt her…11 years after the fact. This lady had not done one thing to hurt you. Shame, shame on you! Karma will bite you on the butt for that…and you well deserve it!!

You are absolutely in the wrong! You should have told her from the start. Who waits 11 years to break up a family? You made the decision to raise that baby on your own. What gives you the right at that point to be like hey, since you won’t answer me let me hit your wife up. I feel so sorry for his wife. You should have just told your child the truth and leave it to him to find him when he’s older.


I don’t know what excatly the OG poster was expecting. The man certainly wasn’t going to embrace the kid after going behind his back. It seems to me she wanted to mess up his life since he rejected her


You waited 11 years to tell this woman about your son why did you wait so long ?


Wow,some of these comments kill me…why are yall acting like this lady did something wrong…doesnt matter that she waited…sounds to me like she didn’t wait,she reached out to dear old daddy and his family and they didn’t even acknowledge that he existed…How do you explain that to a child???.The only person to blame for this is the sorry p.o.s. that cheated on his wife and had a child from it…Ultimately its the sons choice if he wants to know his dad.With that being said,I hope that he does find him and ask him why in the hell did he keep him a secret…Dont even think I would want this “dad” to be a part of his life at this point but still its the sons choice…you did nothing wrong here mama!!!.Cant say that for his sperm donor.

At least she knows. If you didn’t say anything at all… she’d never find out.


O would never contacted anyone from the father’s side. You made the choice years prior so I would of left it alone. Now you may have ruined another family with kids.


She didn’t have to hear it from anyone technically you chose to make her feel this way you chose to stir shit after “deciding” to raise your child alone so why bother her why ruin their lives what do you want out of it?

Yall jump to wild conclusions. It isn’t HER responsibility to tell his family that he cheated.


Your son has the right to know his father & that side of HIS family. Your choice to do it alone & his father’s choice to stay out of his life doesn’t mean his right is voided. The wife also has a right to know her husband is cheater. Yeah it probably would’ve been better if you told her when you were pregnant or when your son was a baby. But I understand. Feelings change. It wouldn’t have mattered if you told her when he was little, now or if he contacted him as an adult. The pain would still be there. He caused this problem. Remember you didn’t cheat, he did. Neither you, his wife or any of the kids owe him anything. Don’t question your actions now. You can’t change it. It’ll eat you up. Be happy that she is not spiteful towards you or son as many woman would. Help your son build relationships with his family.


How did he send his friend to do the test? Don’t they ID when doing it?


Yeah, you made the decision to raise the child on your own from the start. There is no good reason why you had to do this now.


Is your son wanting a relationship with him? Because it doesn’t seem like the sperm donor can give him that. That’s going to be a bad heartbreak.

Yikes, considering you could have reached out and said something about being old friends with her husband and are trying to reach him about a mutual friend and asked how to do so or for her to give your information to him… Instead you blew up her life. So yeah, you did the wrong thing. You waited eleven years, why now? Needed medical health history? I can’t imagine why you would feel it necessary. Why continue to push it if him and his family ignore you? You should have stopped at that, clearly he had no desire to be involved.


Alright you judgemental bitchs, 11yrs oh no , maybe now at the age of 11 her son is asking about who his father is, maybe after 11yrs of raising him alone she fell on hard times and needed help to care for her son, maybe just maybe she didn’t do it just to hurt his wife she said she reached out to him and the coward didn’t answer. Don’t be so judgemental you don’t know this woman’s path, or her sons.


Why did you reach out to her???


Better later than never
But he should have already told her

This is absolutely good! Men go about their lives with no responsibility or consequences! This is a child a human being that deserves to have his father in his life and even if he doesn’t he has the responsibility to provide financially!


When it’s your child and they are asking questions or questioning themselves that can get you to have a different perspective on a situation even if it’s 11 years later. I would have another paternity test done to be absolutely certain and then see what can be done for the son as far as getting to know his other family members. Though a conversation should be had that there is a chance even if he is the father a relationship may not develop due to the fathers choosing. I’m sure it was a tough choice to make to tell his wife, did she deserve to know? I think so, should her husband have told her ? Yes but let’s be honest if he’s cheating he’s not coming clean about that or getting someone pregnant. He put his family in jeopardy the moment he decided to lay down with someone else. It’s awful she had to find out like this and I’m sure you do feel badly. going forward there will be some bumpy roads but I hope for everyone involved that things work out in the best way for them.


Its called living with Consequences of just “hooking up”


You knew exactly what you were doing. I don’t think you felt bad at all telling her about his other child until you realized her reaction was pain instead of anger.


For everyone saying she ruined the wife’s life I want to know HOW!!! Especially if she truly didn’t know he was married. I do think she should’ve contacted the wife much sooner than 11 years but those shoes aren’t on my feet. The husband is ultimately the one who “ruined” her. I know everyone is different but I’d want to know if it was me in that position! It blows my mind at how many females think it’s ok for the husband to have done what he did and the wife be kept in the dark… Then they wonder why some so many are a POS. People validate it. It’s gross. My 1st marriage my spouse stepped out a few times and lied about it as well as the other chick. I’d have much appreciated being told the truth, especially when confronted!


Why did you say you chose to do it on your own… then wait 11 years to wreck her life? What are you trying to accomplish?

Ruin her? Good job… you did.

Money? Good luck, get a lawyer

The man? Nah… leave him where he’s at

Siblings for your kid? Probably not happening


The only victims here are the child and the wife.


Wow all u people are ridiculous, this lady is not wrong for what she did , ya it sucks that the lady had to hear it from her, but it is the guy who should have told his wife. Should have prob said something years ago, but once again it’s the guy who is in the wrong. Gtfo


Now how will you fell if this man says he had no idea he was the father and fights to see his son will you be ok with that? Why did you wait 11 years? Now I assume if you have moved on and married and everything early on then you would have raised the baby as your husbands but it sounds like maybe that didn’t happen for you and you seen he was happily married with kids and whatever you maybe you didn’t like that because you thought he would come running because back to you after your son was born. You choose to raise your son for 11 years on your own what made you decide to let the father know now. Also how do you know his friend took the DNA test? Where you there or did someone else tell you that? Maybe you should have reached out to this man and talked with him about things first like letting him know you want him to take a DNA test and go from there and then if needed talk to his wife. It sounds like we’re jealous of this mans life he was living and you wanted to cause drama. Also why didn’t you speak up at the time when the DNA test was done if you knew his friend did it? It sounds like you pushed for a test to be done and if you did you would think you would have let someone know unless you didn’t really care to know the truth at the time but you do now for some reason. I understand wanting your son to know but I wouldn’t have waited 11 years if that’s the case because it’s going to be confusing for your son and it might hurt him that he’s never been around but is involved with his other kids.


In the beginning you said you chose to raise him alone. Honestly imo you should have chose one way or another instead of coming back 11 years later all of a sudden wanting recognition. At this point you just sound bitter.


I am LAUGHING at all the people saying YOU blew up her life. Nope. HE DID! HE did this to his own marriage. Whether it came out 10yrs ago, now, or 20 years from now doesn’t really matter. HE DID THIS. He is not a victim and I don’t understand the people who say you should have lied for him. He wronged both you and his wife. His wife deserved to know. All of the kids involved deserve to know each other. Fuck that guy and anyone who says different. Your kid deserves to know their whole family.

This is not your fault. It’s all down to him. He should have taken responsibility from the start. He is the one who has been living a lie, let him suffer the consequences.

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You know who’s in the wrong here? Him! No one should be blaming you for anything! He had a child with you while he was married. That’s on him. Yeah, ok, you decided to say something 11 years later. What difference does it make if it was 11 years ago or now? There is no difference. You have to do what’s best for you and your child. The hurt of that man’s wife is on his shoulders - not yours.


How are y’all going to blame her when she didn’t know he was married? This man lived a whole ass lie and she’s the one who did something wrong?

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I hope it works out for your son. Its the children who have to cope and live with all the questions. The wife will cope it was almost 12 years ago. Dont take on board that all those have blasted you over this

You made right thing.

So a DNA test was done and showed baby was not his- but you think he sent a friend in to do it? That alone sounds super suspicious. Did you just tell someone her husband has a child with you after finding out through DNA 11 years that’s not true? I’m confused.


Just to clear the confusion for these women who think they know it all and think a paternity test can only be done through court:

That’s a hard decision to make and really the husband should have told his wife about it. The mom isn’t the bad guy in this situation, the pos who cheated on his wife is at fault. Unpopular opinion… She did the right thing by telling his wife. It’s obvious the husband was trying to hide it from her.


so if i chose to raise my son by myself ,thats wt i would do… not try n get n touch… idk i dont understand why u contacted in the first place?


He couldn’t even man up he sent a friend to do a DNA test. Now that being said you were doing everything by yourself unless you need that man in your life nothing should’ve ever been said. You could’ve told him that he has a child but that’s about it. Clearly the man doesn’t have balls to the point that he couldn’t tell anybody else that he has a kid with someone else, he said his friend to have the testing done because he didn’t wanna be responsible to come back that he wasn’t the father. You did right by telling the wife. She needs to know what her slimeball of a husband is doing. You might not be the only one with a kid out there.

Why didn’t you tell her when you 1st found out? Something seems very off here.


You waited 11 years :woozy_face:


Why did you need to get in touch with him? Does your son have a genetic disease? You made a conscious choice to raise your child without a father for 11 years. Reaching out after that many years has consequences.


Omg his family knew an never said anything either. I am so sorry.

Some of y’all are freaking RUDE! It’s HIS fault HE decided to cheat and how do you know it wasn’t because the kid wanted to know his dad??! Or some other like emergency?! Jesus give her a fucking break. She figured he would have told her! That’s a LONG time to keep a secret and you already know since he didn’t tell her that he’s probably continuing cheating with other women just got more careful :rage:

Why did you say anything to her when you chose to raise him alone? His poor kids have to go through that mess now. Your kid has been raised without him and doesn’t need him. What was your reasoning for coming back 11 years later?


Oh, how sad for that wife, you’d think he’d say something. I mean his kids have a sibling. I hope everything wil work out how you want. It’s his fault for keeping secrets…

Why did you wait 11 years instead of just going to court to petition a DNA test and then get child support?


Sounds like his fault not yours!


I’m with you girl my baby dad refused to tell his family but turns out after I told his mom they are the most caring supporter I could have had with being a teen mom ! And no only that but his mom was my nurse in the delivery room and his dad worked with my grandfather for years :woman_shrugging:


That’s shitty of you :unamused: 11yrs!? I could see if you told her immediately but to wait that long & then do it is wrong

Hey kids start asking questions over time…. Your feelings over a situation also change over time. You develop and learn and become adults.

I did everything myself till my son asked where his dad was. I wanted to show my son I did everything in my power to help the relationship between him amd his father…. May not have worked and he may not be here but my son tells me every he is proud of me and understands that I will put any and all pride aside for him…. That’s why she waited and that’s why she showed up after 11 years


STOP JUSTIFYING THE HUSBAND JUST BC SHE DECIDED TO DO THINGS ALONE. she had every right to reach out. Maybe the child asked?? Maybe she needed help? Maybe something important happened and she felt the dad deserved to know? The man ruined the marriage not the other woman. The wife also deserves know her kids have a sibling. The wife deserves praise and support in this moment. The mom does too. You don’t know why she reached out fully. Whatever reason it was, probably better now than when that child would go find their dad themselves. But for God’s sake stop blaming the mom :roll_eyes: blame the man who left her alone too and didn’t help nor be honest with his wife. Quit letting cheaters get off easy bc it’s easier to blame the other partner. Stop enabling. The wife can decide what to do. The mom feels bad. She never intended to ruin things, but again the man chose to cheat. Things like this always come out of the dark eventually


Evidently it is a medical issue, financial issue or simply her son is asking questions! It doesn’t matter why!


I think this was only really justified if your son has an illness and you needed family links.


Nobody should judge you for a decision you made when 11 years younger. Maybe she’s decided that her decision then isn’t the best for her son NOW…It wasn’t your responsibility then to tell his wife it was his, and HE failed to do so. At this point. I hope you’re able to help your son build a relationship with his dad & siblings. It won’t be easy for any of the parties involved but, it doesn’t have to be ugly either.

I understand to an extent. But you decided to raise your son alone after tou found out about his life. But why bring it back up 11 years later?? You should of left it alone.


Personally I wouldn’t have contacted his wife he did the dirty it was his job to come clean if you wanted your son to have contact with his dad I think you went about it the wrong way you should have told her from the start instead of waiting 11 years


You did the right thing finally. Should of been done 11 years ago for the child’s sake. But I’m glad you did it in my opinion. I’ve been the woman that was cheated on. I knew within 3 months of her being pregnant.


I think it’s justified, your son needs to know his family and his father needs to accept responsibility. It’s a principal issue!

I see the last resort, I know you must have tried your best not for this to be the way she found out, however it’s sad to see that women commenting on this post won’t hold this man accountable for nothing. You dammed if you do, you dammed if you don’t.


First of all, these comments making you out to be the Devil are ridiculous. Let’s step back here.

He didn’t tell you he had a family. He knew. He went forward and knew the risks as he had his own family so can’t argue he doesn’t know how this may go.

You made a choice to not involve him until now, which was your choice as the actual only parent to your kid. Your son deserves to know his dad, whether dad fessed up to his shit or not. He made that choice and had time to make good on it, and thought it would disappear. You’re not trying to ruin their lives, you’re trying to help your son understand he’s a product of two people, and honestly, as a mom, I understand you wanting your kid to have the world. It’s not like your asking him out of left field for child support or something - you’re asking to go forward. Keep the ball in their court. Dad needs to be held accountable, because this affects your son.

As for the other wife, I’m so glad she seems sweet because this is probably so traumatic for her. I know it would be for me- so my advice would be to continue to tread lightly. Maybe they need more time too, but it’s really a positive she’s been nice to you because in situations like these, I can’t imagine people being nice.

Wishing you the best luck with this. :heart:

Cost of adultery. ???

It’s upsetting to his wife to have found out that way but at least she knows now and she could proceed any way she likes

He is financially responsible for this child. There is no statute of limitations.

She said he sent his friend in to do the DNA test. So clearly at some point there was a test done.

She didn’t get pregnant knowing she was going to be raising this baby alone. She didn’t use a sperm donor.

This dead beat is responsible for this child.

You did the right thing!! And she is going to be relieved to have someone to be honest with her. Even though it was from you she’s going to be grateful you told her.

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11 years? Is your life miserable or something. If it was for your child u should not have waited 11 years… Just my opinion tho 🤷


These comments are weird af acting like she’s wrong for this. She didn’t just suddenly reach out “after eleven years”. It says that she’s reached out to him and his family members over the years, and even tried getting a paternity test, which he didn’t even show up for himself. Maybe she’s having financial struggles right now and needs the help and figures he’s never paid support for last 11 years and should contribute to her son’s needs. Could be her son is at the age where he is now asking about his father himself. Maybe the boy has health issues that she needs a genetic history for him. Nobody knows the whole story, so why are y’all assuming so much? Accusing her of seeing that he has a new family now and being jealous, or knowingly sleeping with a married man, when she clearly stated she found out he had a wife and a family eleven years ago, AFTER her son was born. She didn’t just find out right now, she’s known he had a family, but also didn’t know back when she first got pregnant by him. Also, she said that she assumed that the wife already knew - because most people married with kids for over a decade tell each other most things, especially important ones, like… hey I have a whole ass child I pretend doesn’t exist??


Unless you’re looking for them to take custody, which they may choose to do, I’d have left it


Don’t be surprise if his children dont have anything to do with the 11 year old,


My question is, what happened when he sent his friend to do the dna test?


Welp he shouldn’t have been cheating. You didn’t know he was married prior to so I say you did the right thing but you should have did it sooner for your child.


Imagine you’re his wife and getting this news out of the blue. Especially if she has never known of him cheating ever. He’s a first class asshole.

You did what you felt best for your child!!:100: Everyone saying it was shady, or why did she say something 11 years later, must have never had to raise a child alone or in a similar situation. Things change, and maybe as a baby it was easier doing it alone. As he got older, maybe she learned he needed his father. Who knows? Either way, now or later, I’m sure her son would have wanted to know who his dad was. Better now at 11 than later in life. I hope it all works out for the best & he gets the dad & family he deserves!!!:pray::white_heart:


I have questions??? But I’ll only ask one. How does she know he sent a friend to do his DNA test? Maybe he actually took the test and it came back not his child.


So I’m a mix of sides here, as a kid who’s dad took off, don’t bother with him. Let go and let your son let go. He is loved by the people who are his family and raised him, not by a stranger that basically donated some sperm one time. So for your sons sake, I don’t think you should’ve kept trying. BUT she absolutely deserved to know, and her children, your sons siblings, definitely deserve to know they have a brother.

What’s your end game here?


Just give her some space. You dropped a bombshell on her.

I would have done it like 10+ years ago but you did the right thing. As a wife I would want to know.


But now what? Now a child exists who knows his sperm donor is a complete scumbag. And now his wife and family know too. So now everyone’s lives are blown up. What is the point? To have a relationship with your child? Would you want that. Knowing he didn’t care for 11 years? Now your child has absolute confirmation that his dad and distant family want nothing to do with him. Coming from a kid who’s dad and family never wanted anything to do with me, I wish I never met them and left it alone too. :pensive:

Maybe you should have informed him you are going to notify his wife. He would have gotten in touch with you. Maybe you should have put him on child support and had him served.


I’m just wondering. Why after 11 years?


If you “chose to raise him on your own” why reach out after all those years?


My bd and his family openingly hiding my son from his woman. Idc just pay me my support


It’s sad. But it’s something she needed to know. I’d hate if this happened and no one told me all those years.
I think you did the right thing.
I would hope someone would let me know before 11 years had went by.
If I had a sibling or if my spouse had a another child, I’d want to know.
It’s not your fault. You didn’t know he was married.
Not only did he cheat, he lied and withheld the truth.
It’s important for people to know who their biological parents and siblings are for health reasons.
One of my family members doesn’t even know who her real Dad is and her mother is now passed away. Who she thought was her dad all these years, is not.
So she can’t ask her, and someone in the family has a rare blindness that is hereditary.


I’m made yall asking why now like the child ain’t old enough to want her to reach out

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You seem to have forgotten you were the other woman! She can do as she pleases…you can’t really feel too bad…you waited a long time to ‘toss her world’

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How do you know he sent someone else in there. Omg. I have been to a paternity test and they have all parties in the same room while drawing the blood. Mother father and child

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You didn’t turn her world upside down he did. He made his bed and now he’s gonna sleep in it


My question is why would you do this now. It just feels vindictive.


U are wrong in doing what you did. U didn’t know he was married n had a family. If he hid the truth from u he would hide the truth from his wife n children. Now u told his wife, she is sweet in ur eye. But don’t u think she’s more hurt then you? Do you think if he chose 2 ignore his child 4 so many years, he’s going to comeback 2u if his wife gives him da boot? What if she punish him n not sign divorce papers? Take ur blinkers of lady


Okay so to start… if your positive he is your child’s dad then NO you did nothing wrong. I can see myself doing the same thing honestly other than waiting 11 yrs. I would have blew it up and made sure everyone knew 11 yrs ago then moved on when he didn’t show any signs of being there for my child. Some people are built different tho and do things to avoid confrontation. Idk your whole situation and why you waited so long and what brought it to light. Just know that no matter what all these comments say YOUR NOT IN THE WRONG. He was and still is. What’s done in the dark always comes to light. He and his siblings may actually be able to have a relationship now. You never know. My father had children outside of his and my mothers marriage and we are just getting to know each other good. They were both 16 …… with 2 different women. I’m 26… I wish I would have gotten a chance for us to grow up together….


You did the right thing however you shouldn’t of waited 11 yrs to turn her world upside down you should of told her from the beginning so she could decide if she wanted to stay married to him and have children.