Did I overreact about my husband putting a pregnancy test on the kitchen counter?

you are overreacting :100:


Get a sense of humor and stop sheltering your kids. Pregnancy is very much a part of life.


Is there some reason your child doesn’t know about reproduction? I feel like there’s something way deeper and more disturbing going on in your house


Your husband is a complete dick!!! U can’t fix stupid!

Don’t think he meant any harm by putting it on the counter … did u ever think your husband could be excited at the possibility u could have being pregnant … I’d be looking into why ur 10 year old got upset is she an only child and happy to stay that way or what because her being upset would automatically trigger you to be angry/upset also … I don’t think he actually taught u would be fuming … mayb ur period is coming and ur feeling shitty cus it’s an argument he caused yes but ur reaction is the start

Definitely overreacting. You’re mad about “what if” and the whole situation already played out and it wasn’t your “what if”. Your mad over something that you are making up in your own head.


Definitely overreacting, he shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells because he thinks you’ll get mad at every little thing.


Yes… She’s at the age now where you need to be having talks with her anyway… This is what you do kids… When you decide to have unprotected sex… Expect the unexpected.

No not over reacting. He’s an juvenile jerk.


Definitely overreacting. Youngest is 10…you make it seem like shes 2 or something. Your husband apologized and said it was a joke!! Move on from it!!


You probably could’ve used that as a teaching moment for the 10 year old… :woman_shrugging:t2: You’re definitely overreacting either way. He didn’t mean to upset you.


I would have been upset too. I had an unexpected baby, I almost didn’t tell my 14 year old until I was 12 weeks. I ultimately told him because I felt like we were lying about something if we kept it from him.

I’d take the test again in a couple weeks and yea I think you were as I kinda laughed when u said he tossed the test on the counter …my ex would have done the same lol just a joke but honestly just sit down and have a talk with your daughter it probably just caught her by surprise

If you took the test and it was positive and your daughter DIDNT know, she probably would still be upset when you told her on your own terms. It just sounds like a husband being silly. I think you need to take a step back, breathe, and think about why you and your daughter were so upset.

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You’re being extremely dramatic

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Yeah you are over reacting sorry🤷‍♀️

Overreaction at its finest… is your 10yr old daughter an only child? Is she jealous and only wants to be? Is there something that you tell her that its only her? Im sure other 10yr olds would have been excited to have a little brother or sister. Should have been grown up about it and told your husband about it. Besides if your hiding and processing it then you should communcate more than to hide it.


I get needing to process but it’s nothing to be upset about. IMO what he did was harmless. It’s not like you discussed it with him first and he went behind your back and did it anyway. And in the future if this ever happens again now he knows that you would like to have time to process before delivering any news. 


Did he do it to put the test on the counter so she would see it or he did he do it because he’s a man and he just put it on there so you wouldn’t forget and he didn’t know where to put it?


The issue isn’t his actions in particular, I think it’s the lack of respect he has for your privacy and lack of consideration for you and your needs.

It’s an immature thing to do, but it’s a common stupid thing for men to find amusing. The fact he’s disrespectful to your feelings around what he did would be my focus.

I don’t think your overreacting really :woman_shrugging:t3: it’s private and if you wanted an abortion that should be your private choice to make


I would have been annoyed.

Definitely overboard :confused:

You sure you aren’t pregnant :thinking: moody af but could be the change …calm down first of all 2nd of all the child can feel whatever but it’s not her business if you had more


You’re not over reacting at all, ignore these people, just because someone else finds it funny doesn’t mean YOU HAVE TO. How would he feel if you put ED pills on the counter? As “a joke” he wouldn’t find it funny and find that it was something private and his kid shouldn’t see it. Same thing. These people just have different sense of humor than you and if you feel bad about it he should respect that period. Its not funny to you and these people need to get over you not thinking its funny. You’re well in your rights and feelings to not find this funny and your husband needs to respect that.


Very much over reacting

Yea you are overreacting, she’s 10 and by now should know about the birds and the bees just saying. Your husband apologized for making a joke move on.


Wtf! You don’t think he had his own feelings to process?


That was your decision to make, not his.


I think you have every right to feel as you do. It wasn’t so much the action or your children not being aware of how, well, kids happen. It’s a matter of it’s your body and YOU should be the first to know, YOU should be able to have some say in how that information is “distributed” and YOU should have every say in whatever the next step would theoretically been (had you been positive). I doubt your husband would want his hemorrhoid creams or penis pumps or any other “sensitive material” (I obviously don’t know you or your husband, but for the sake of my point…), thrown on the counter for display - I can certainly understand why you would be upset.

Unless you told him all that before he placed the test on the counter you have no right to be angry. Men think differently than we do.


If he apologized already, this shouldn’t be an ongoing issue. What’s done is done.


You didn’t over react at all. He sounds like a real ASS ! Sorry that’s how I feel.

My question is why would your daughter be so concerned and upset. It’s not like you have to ask her permission to have another baby.


I can understand that the whole ordeal was probably freaking you out. However I do feel like maybe you over reacted a little bit. Which may honestly just be because your hormones are out of whack which explains your late period.


I actually don’t know why you would want poeples opinions fuck what any one thinks. Whether you was been dramatic or not people are always gonna have an opinion regardless but don’t give them an option as to some they will say your been dramatic but you might have a valid reason. And your reason was your daughter questioning whether you was pregnant no kid should go through that in my opinion but who cares what I think :thinking:

He’s the thoughtless a-hole, not you.


Kinda over reacting. He’s a man si sometimes they don’t think. My husband would of probably done it to freak my kids out.

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Now everyone is different and you are allowed to feel how you feel… The only thing I would have suggested is to have taken your child aside and explained…hopefully she would understand, and if not, well she is 10 so she won’t be mad forever. Then take husband aside and tell him how what he did made you feel and why it was something you didn’t like. At the end of the day if it truly was a joke then he would understand and learn not to do it again. After that is let it go because you cannot change what happened, only learn and grow from it as a family. Good luck to you :purple_heart:

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I truly believe that in a few months or years you’ll wonder why you were so upset.


Over reacting for sure.


He apologized, move on…


Yeah it’s pregnancy hormones


Just don’t get pregnant again at this point…. Sheesh


Huge breach of your privacy.

Yes. He’s a man. His thought process is much more simple than our emotional, complicated one. Give him some grace and be thankful to have a husband that would have been excited to share this news with your daughter. :woman_facepalming:t3:


It’s not even that serious and you’re definitely overacting


He was kind of a dick but you’re kind of over reacting

If he knew you didn’t want it shown then yes I’d be mad, but if he didn’t then no I wouldn’t be mad.

Don’t sweat the small stuff


He knew, but thought it would be funny to put you in an awkward position and to mess with your daughters esteem

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I think you’re just a little bit oversensitive but it could be the hormones…hopefully

I think your daughters the one that needs to be talked to about her attitude!


Think you need to move along😂
People get mad over the smallest shit these days… makes me realise why pretty much nothing lasts

Daughter is old enough to understand, hubby didn’t intentionally hurt you, he apologized, you vented. Now don’t hold on to it.


Yes, you’re overreacting. All you do is tell your kid why you have it. It’s really simple.


If he apologized and meant it and you are still mad, then YES, overreacting! You weren’t pregnant, he apologized, he probably had no idea you didn’t want her to know. Men think differently than women and often forget that you might want to wait until you are “in the safer zone” before involving kids and outsiders.

I just had a surprise baby, my oldest was 13, my twins were almost 11 and the baby (at the time) was 9. They ADORE their sister. So even if you had been, and your daughter was mad, they don’t stay mad forever…trust me, I know!


You are giving the man a little too much credit :joy:He probably was just tossing everything on the counter and doesn’t know where anything goes . I don’t believe that he intentionally put it on there to piss you and the daughter off . Over reacting and over dramatic. Children learn by the parents.

Yeah girl you may wanna take another test quick quick… :rofl:


Maybe he was feeling excited and hopeful and doesn’t want to admit it now that it’s negative .

Yes you are over reacting. He apologized. Communication is always good. Talk before snapping out.

So let me get this straight you’re worried about him let your kids knowing your business but, you want to tell everyone else your business?


How was she upset with asking why you needed it you could have just as easily explained to her why you needed it. Definitely an over reaction on your part how did your husband know not to put it on counter unless you told him you didn’t want it on counter


I don’t even understand why either. He apologized, but than again I’d take another test in a few days if you haven’t started yet.

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Get over it …be happy that he didn’t slap $500 on the counter to have an abortion …be happy that he was all happy an excited to share the news about that possibility


So simple honestly pick you battles i would just let it
Go seriously

No, you’re not overreacting.

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Def overreacted, if you wanted it to be hush hush, you should have just said that to him before you guys even got home. He probably thought it was funny and didn’t think it was a big deal 🤷


Wow! What a shitty husband. I would have quickly said it’s for someone else and that there’s reasons you couldnt be pregnant (using protection for example). But I’d be pretty pissed off too. That’s no ones business unless you want to make it people’s business. And ESPECIALLY a 10 year old has no business knowing about that.

You sound peachy… This is so weird. You’re mad about something that didn’t even happen. You’re mad about the “what ifs” that never even came to fruition.

As far as your 10 year old being upset, this was a huge missed moment you could have used to teach her about the female body. I started my period at 9 so I don’t think 10 is too young to learn about pregnancy tests and being late🤷🏻‍♀️


Men are insensitive assholes sometimes and he was obviously having his moment. Unless he does the opposite of what you want to upset you on a regular basis, in which case, maybe you’re better off not risking another kid with such a man.

Definitely overreacting! Retest in a few days

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With the information given, I’d say yes you may have over reacted. However, that usually means there’s underlying irritants. Self reflect. Find the real source of your feelings.

Yeah na how could he do that to you? Cruel and inhumane, you should totally leave his as*
Jk yea you over reacted just like I did in my comment :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


No, you’re not over reacting. All these people saying that evidently haven’t been through it lol. I went to the dr with my husband in the car with the kids during COVID. Found out I was pregnant and that’s not even what I was there for. I had to text my husband about it without letting the kids know bc I was in literal shock and having major health problems at the time. Knew I probably wouldn’t even be able to carry it to term. He didn’t tell the kids that day, but did tell his mom, which made me livid. I had her all up in my business when I didn’t need ANYONE in my business. Made me regret even telling my husband immediately. I ended up losing it and it was a rollercoaster. My kids didn’t need to be on that rollercoaster with me.


Yeah, u sound like there’s more going on to get upset over some thing this dumb. And your daughter shouldn’t be upset either, ig i can see being jealous of not being the only child anymore; but it’s really not up to her if you have another child.


I would have been upset too. Especially if I told my husband that I didn’t want to tell my daughter until we know for sure. Also, I wouldn’t want my child knowing about the pregnancy until I was past a certain point. I understand how you would get mad. You were uneasy about the situation and you didn’t think his joke was funny.


You’re entitled to be upset. Although personally I think you may be over reacting just a little bit. Your daughter wasn’t harmed by it in any way and technically you weren’t harmed. Men don’t think things through before hand and think they’re funny. Not excusing what he did but it doesn’t sound as if he meant any actual harm.


Whyyyyy is your 10 year old upset about that? That’s weird. Was she really upset or are you projecting your feelings onto her? I don’t see why it would matter. I get not wanting another child, I would be upset about possibly being pregnant lol but my kids wouldn’t be upset, there’s no reason for it? Or at least there shouldn’t be? Idk that’s weird. I don’t get it at all, idk why anyone is upset here over a test. I could see being upset with yourself if you ended up pregnant but I just don’t understand why everyone over there is upset over a test lol


This is why he problem with the kids nowadays you feel you need to give them an explanation for the things you do or


I’d probably be annoyed at that too. My daughter is 10 and like you said I don’t think they need to know unless it’s something “real”
It’s pretty childish to throw the test in front of her in my opinion. Xx

Well from the sounds of it , you are pregnant :pregnant_woman:


I get you. I understand that you wanted it to be discreet and your husband didn’t consider your feelings. On the large scale of things it seems like it shouldn’t be a big deal, but your feelings are valid.

Sounds like he was trying to get a rise out of his daughter, not you. He was being playful, not spiteful. To me this also indicates that if it does happen, he’s ready to tackle it.


Mehhhhhh sounds like you did over reach some but at the same time I see where you’re coming from. If he apologized then I would def let it go. Your stressed and that’s ok but too if your that worried about it def get in some type of BC or prevention

If you told him to keep it hush hush and he still did it. Then yea. I’d be mad too.
But If you didn’t tell him, yea you over reacted.

There is nothing to be embarrassed about. You need to tell your daughter to pump her brakes speaking to you like that, how the heck does she think she got here? If you had told him before hand you had it and you wanted it to be a secret that might be a little different but he was helping and saw it and tossed it on the counter in a playful moment. I get you feel some kind of way because you obviously do not want to start over but that was an overreaction. You need to fix your shame issues so your daughter can have a better outlook on her body awareness.She will probably buy those a time or two in life. Next time if you want it to be a secret put it in the bottom of your purse and zip it up and place it in your closet as soon as you get home.


Blowing up is never okay. Was he aware you didnt want her to see it ? If not…how would he know YOUR expectations. If its worth your energy-seems like your reaction was more worthy of concern than being open n honest w your kiddo ? Sometimes when we react…we gotta look inwards…n ask…why did I feel that way? Why did i react? N why must we have kept a secret from our child…lr feel you had to. Our reactions are only 10% situation and 90% past issues or current issues within ourselves :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Move forward…its a new day

There are bigger things to worry about. If you have sex there’s a chance of pregnancy. Your child is 10, I don’t see the big deal. Maybe there’s other issues you need to address if this is how you react. Phew, I’d hate to be your husband.

No I’m sorry you didn’t over react. I can see clearly what you mean. I’m much older and if you are or were pregnant it should be kept quiet for the first trimester… You have a right to the way your thinking. Your body right??

No I understand and agree completely. I would however retest in a few weeks just to be safe. I’ve had two positive tests and two successful pregnancies but both I found out at almost 6 weeks doesn’t sound like you’re that far out yet. And you’re supposed to use morning pee as it’s testing for higher levels of hcg in your urine which would be after sleeping a long stretch. FYI the dollar tree tests work just as well as the expensive ones

Why would your 10 yr old be upset at the prospect of a new sibling? You have every right to be irritated but positive or not you will handle your situation as need be. I do believe there was some over reaction be mad and now you know its negative make steps to keep it negative if that’s your plan. Not your 10 yr old business rn other than it could be a great start to explaining her period. I started my daughters early because I started mine before I got the talk.

Omg!! Over reacting at its fullest :woman_facepalming:t2:


U sure it was negative?

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Overreacting totally my six year old daughter knows what a pregnancy test is your daughters 10 years old come on you’re telling me she doesn’t know what a pregnancy test is I can’t keep her cooped up for the rest of her life she’s gonna start her period soon if she already hasn’t


You didn’t over react at all


So what!! You are married to him!!

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Yes, I think you may have over reacted, but what I think docent matter. It’s your family and your home. Not mine.


I would spend some time trying to understand why you reacted so strongly…


No maybe going through change

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He is not a mind reader. You could have told him to keep it to himself. You are over reacting by a crazy amount