Did I overreact about my husband putting a pregnancy test on the kitchen counter?

Half of yall are missing the point here :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: shes NOT overreacting!!! Yes, her 10 yo knows what a pregnancy test is… & had it been positive, like she said, she wouldnt of been able to process. & would’ve had to figure out what to tell a 10yo if she chose a different option!!! Kids should always be the last to find out things like this. Hubby made a joke out of a serious situation. Im sorry u had to deal with that when u were already on edge. I hope u got the results u wanted!


It was a joke, not a good one, but a joke. It doesn’t matter now, it’s over and you should move on. If it happens again, but shouldn’t because you made yourself understood. Please breathe and know that it’s not going to matter in a few months, he’ll aggravate you differently.

Yes, yes you did over react.you should apologize to your husband


Yes and no, I say that bc you had every right to be upset and feel that way, however he had a different view, he apologized and was being funny (even tho it wasn’t), but turns out it was negative, so let it go. You could had easily told your daughter that you were experiencing messed up periods, and when you call or go to your OB the FIRST thing they ask is have you taken a pregnancy test just as protocol and safety reasons. It’s true and would had eased her mind, but I also understand exactly where you are coming from and it’s hard in the moment sometimes. I have 2 boys… 11&13 and have also had miscarriages and an eptopic that almost killed me, but ended up being pregnant last year, I made it very clear to my boyfriend that my boys were not to know until we knew all was good ( my oldest son has severe generalized anxiety, the last time I was pregnant he knew it turned into blood transfusion’s, emergency surgery, and me almost dying) so, no he didn’t need to know. My ex told him just bc we got into it (over something that didn’t actually happen btw) not only did he tell my son with anxiety that I was pregnant, but he also told him I was a whore. Then I did have miscarriage and had to have a D & C and had he not had know it would had saved him SO much pointless worry, so I definitely :100: get it

Yes but it’s your husband and if he’s a good man overall then let it go…of course tell him how you feel but what can ya do? :heart:

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Most definitely overreacting!

No you have the right to vent your feelings as does he.

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Apologize to your husband, it’s really a dumb thing to fight about. Some of this men should be treated a bit better… js :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I don’t see why u overreacted. You and your husband are grown adults who are married and sexually active. When your have unprotected sex, u do have a tendency to get pregnant. As for your daughter, she should know her place, as to understand what y’all do behind close doors does not concern her. So if you were pregnant, you would be ashame of yourself and to tell your daughter??? Miss if it’s that shameful to you, just stop having sex. That will solve that problem, but cost a whole lot more

You have a right to be upset. I’ve had pregnancy scares before too, and I always kept them private, I would have been SO upset if someone had told my daughter.

There are so very many reasons as to why it’s best to keep that information private until you not only know for sure that you’re pregnant, but also know for sure what you’re going to do. Regardless of being married and already having a child, there are many reasons why a person may not feel they are able to add another child into the equation at that time, or even go through another pregnancy. So, until you’ve decided exactly what you’re going to do, it should stay private.

If it was me, I honestly probably wouldn’t tell him next time. I’d just take the test myself and then tell him afterwards. :woman_shrugging:t2:


No idea what TTC means. I’m not 25

But yeah you’re overreacting- you want the baby carriage to be a play pen, then use birth control and then don’t tell your husband if you ever think your pregnant again… he’s excited and your a acting like an entitled lady.

He was probably VERY nervous too, and handled it with humor.

Some husbands would have reacted totally differently…

Be happy your hubby has a humor and is going with the punches.

And God doesn’t make mistakes

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I would be annoyed af, bc most kids can’t keep secrets so I wouldn’t want my 10 yr old blabbing about how I even needed to take one. That’s 100% something my kid would tell their grandparents and it’s just not a conversation I’d want to have on anyone else’s terms!

To me, that’s a personal matter and not really anyone’s business unless I make it their business.

However, if your husband didn’t know you felt that way about it, you can’t really hold it against him too much bc simply put…. Guys are fckin dmb sometimes and make jokes about things to lighten the mood and aren’t always intuitive enough to see you’re not feeling the vibe.

I agree with you :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I understand being upset but I do think you’re being a bit extra. There are MUCH bigger more important things in life to save that kind of reaction for. For all you know he was equally as nervous and weirded out and humor was his way of coping.

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And now you’re looking for validation from internet strangers…:roll_eyes:



Some of the things that I see people making a big deal about are out of this world. I can understand being annoyed. But to make such a big deal out of it that you need to write about it on the internet. I can only imagine how long you’re going to drag this out with him. Poor guy. Maybe he didn’t think it was a big deal because he would be excited to have another child with you? Imagine all the women out there being cheated on, and/or abused. And you’re complaining because he thought he was being funny, and apologized once he realized how upset it made you. Wow :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Some of y’all are missing the point. It’s not so much about the daughters feelings regarding a new sibling. It’s about the fact that her daughter being AWARE of this information put OP in a place where - if she HAD been pregnant - she couldn’t take her time to process everything, decide what she was going to do, and then tell her daughter when SHE was ready.

The husband just put OP in a shitty position.

No you did not over react. He probably didn’t realize at the moment.

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And you put this on fb ? This is between you n your husband. Not rhe whole world smdh


Don’t bite my head off for this, but depending on the offense, if the other person doesn’t know how you feel about the subject then they should be forgiven. If he does it again after knowing how you feel then he’s in the wrong.


Well I understand you didn’t want your 10 year old knowing your taking a test maybe he was excited and not thinking about that situation just tell him how you felt about it that it bothered you a bit how it was done if it’s still bothering you I see some people say your over reading but I would be uncomfortable and not too happy if that was done to me especially when you don’t even know if positive or not it’s uncomfortable to me so just tell him the truth how you felt he will understand

Did you speak to your husband about how you were feeling and about not telling your daughter till you had done test? Mine would have done the same thing thinking it was funny unless I expressed I was wanting to keep it between us till I knew for sure .

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Men do silly things , but when they are gone and can’t come back you will wish they could be home doing silly things. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


So, you’re saying your husband wasn’t actually told you didn’t want to take the test out in front of your daughter? You’re also the parent & can tell your child it’s none of her business…


100% overreacting. I understand your feelings but you getting so upset over this is definitely a bit much. Hubs likely just tried to deal with his own feelings with a bit of humor, even though it didn’t really work. And everyone here is telling you you have the right to have your feelings and reactions, but so does he. Give the guy a break. And as for your daughter, I truly don’t see the issue. So what if she saw it and had questions?? Um, just answer her questions?? It’s okay for her to know that you and dad might have made a baby and you were just checking. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I think I would retake the test or go to the doc. I don’t know that I would be that upset.

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Some things children don’t need to know they have enough stress without anymore

Way over reacting and your husband apologized. What’s there to process, you were thinking about it for 5 days.


For crying out loud it’s not like he announced to the world you have herpes. It’s simple really and I’m assuming your daughter knows what a period is being she’s old enough to have one- you tell her that sometimes a period can be late for many reasons and sometimes accidents happen so the test is to see if there’s an accidental pregnancy or some other medical reason.

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Pregnancy scares happen. I think you’re overreacting about the test on the counter. If my daughter had asked, I’d use it as a teaching opportunity. (I have 3 daughters, and have always been open with them)

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I think you are completely over reacting. It’s a part of life and at 10 she should know semi how these things work. So many teen pregnancy’s and clearly not enough education to our youth.

Did you tell him not to?? Cuz that would be the only way you can truly be semi upset in my opinion.

He may have his own thoughts and feelings about this and the only way to know for sure is by taking the test and processing the results.

It probably depends on if you had told him how nervous you were and that you wanted to keep it a secret or not. If you did tell him not to let your kids or anyone else know, it was dumb. It sounds like he was thinking more about teasing your daughter and getting her reaction than anything. There’s room to be upset but if you blew up, maybe it was an emotional/hormonal over reaction.

It depends on your communications and the extent of the reaction.

Yes, definitely overreacting.

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Charlie Rodger some woman over react too much!

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If you were worried about getting pregnant and don’t wanna be then take better precautions. And u are way over reacting.


You arent pregnant. You just saved a LOT of money.


Grow up you definitely over reacted


First off you’re the parent, tell your daughter to mind her business because you’re the adult. Second, it was a harmless joke. Third, yes you’re overreacting. Get over it, the rest was negative so move on


None of the kid’s business and tacky of the dumbo you have as an adult husband!

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Being married, I would have had to tell my husband at the store, while on the car ride home and as we were getting out of the car…do not say anything, leave it in the bag!!

I mean, he is a man and he needs to be given exact directions. He couldn’t read your mind.

Was it thought through, no….but then again, he seems to be a little more light hearted than you are about it.

Because you two didn’t discuss what you wanted to play out, it’s not fair for you to get upset at him for his actions and him not mad at you for yours.
You both had no communication.


Well, i believe you being upset may have been due to the fact that you could have been pregnant. Not really due to your husbands actions. You over reacted, but i really do think its because of nervousness. Give yoyrself and your husband a break. :orange_heart:


No not overreacting. You’re entitled to your privacy and to process the news in your own way.


I think whether you overreacted depends on how badly you blew up, but you’re most definitely justified in being upset that he basically shared potential news that was yours to share at that point, because it’s directly concerning your body. He was very insensitive. Regarding him understanding your feelings on the matter, he may never understand because he’s not you and he’s not a woman. If you think his apology was sincere, accept it. Just explain that in such sensitive matters you would like him to bed more considerate and keep things private at least until you both know what’s going on and have a chance to discuss it privately.


It’s crazy for me to see other females gas lighting you about this.

It’s definitely not a joke and if you’re upset, you’re upset.


I think I would not share my “days late” in future, if he can’t stand to wait to find out.


Jesus…. It’s his baby too… and her sister… def messed up on this family bonding moment


Definitely understand you being upset but you must realize most men aren’t overly sensitive & thinks a lot of things are funny that aren’t to us​:roll_eyes:Forgive him. He apologized. :revolving_hearts:

well you’re definitely pregnant lol


No. You’re entitled to your privacy.


Yes, yes you overreacted and anyone saying you didn’t is lying.


Maybe you are pregnant :eyes:

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Yes, but it’s understandable. It’s stressful to have a pregnancy scare when you aren’t ttc. You should apologize for overreacting and make it clear to your daughter that she also overreacted. Your reproductive health is private and that you will inform her when/if anything comes up that will affect her.


I see why you’re upset but definitely overreacted. He apologized because he knew he upset you but it was not his intent to hurt or upset you. Also, you feel your child shouldn’t know unless there is something to know but maybe he doesn’t feel the same and that’s his right. He is her parent also. Did he know you felt this way before you got home? You said he went behind your back but did he really or did he just not know how you felt? I’d sit down and talk to him about why you got upset, apologize for being dramatic and let him know in the future you’d like to keep that kind of stuff between you two moving forward. I think he was just trying to be funny and lighten the mood. For myself, I would have played along with it. Lighten up there’s so much worse that can happen in this world to let something this little get to you.


Sorry but you are definitely overreacting. I can understand being nervous but maybe he was low key a little excited? Give some grace there’s a lot bigger things to worry about


I agreed this as a intimate moment for the two of you not a joke


Sensitivity is a virtue for all people Male or female. I would not think this situation would be a real big deal, But then you are not my wife. What one person thinks as a private matter, is not a huge deal to others. If we truly know our wives/Husbands like we should then we should know how they feel or sensitive issues in their lives. We all have a certain point in our life that needs privacy and our spouse should easily pickup on that type sensitivity. God bless but don’t be to harsh on him. Because it could have been just his excitement coming out.


You are overreacting


You definitely have a right to be upset. Kids don’t need to be involved in grown up issues. You thinking you might be pregnant and taking a home test isn’t something your 10 yr old daughter needed to know about. Had the test came back positive then obviously you’d need to tell her at some point but it seems like needless worrying on her end because of his actions.
She could’ve gotten all excited thinking she was going to have a baby brother or sister and then really let down when she found out she wasn’t. Or really upset about it. Either way, it’s definitely not something a 10 yr old should be involved in until you know for sure (if you are).


I don’t see nothing wrong with teaching a 10 year old to keep important things secret from their family. That couldn’t turn into anything bad now could it. We teach our kids not to lie and not to hide anything.especially from immediate family.


I mean, I would’ve been upset too… because it wasn’t funny. Men don’t think the same way we do… so smh at him, but I probably wouldn’t have blown up about it.


I don’t appreciate any kind of surprise jokes. Like sorry if you enjoy them, but it’s just not funny to me. Your husband knew you didn’t want to tell your daughter, and put you on the spot anyway. That was very inconsiderate of him

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It seems there should have been MORE dialogue in the car ride home about being discrete with the test. Your daughter is 10, so it could spark conversation topics you weren’t ready for that night BEFORE knowing and processing the test results.

What if the test was positive, but 2-4 weeks later you had a miscarriage? THEN that could cause a painful discussion with others (and the 10 yr old) that you need to first process privately.

So, yes. Your husband did apologize, but if your youngest is 10, then HE SHOULD BE adult enough to KNOW to keep the test as private as you keep your sex life.

It’s a good thing you have sense, bc apparently your husband doesn’t. That isn’t something to joke about. It’s not a thing that your daughter should’ve known about unless necessary. Your husband sounds like a prick. I’m pretty sure you were visibly uneasy and he still decided to act the ass and push. Clearly you have a manchild. Good luck. And please be careful -you don’t want to be creating ANOTHER him

Girl give it another week you sound hormonal :sob::joy::joy::joy::joy::heart::heart::heart:


Sorry as an adult you need to be responsible for your actions Or maybe don’t have sex at allAnd what was your plan to hide a pregnancy from your 10 year old child

I probs would have said. I asked dad to buy a RAT test kit but he confused it with this the IDIOT.


Over reacting. Maybe he wanted to know


I involved all oldest kids with my pregnancy, even before I knew. They knew I was going to take the test. I loved their reaction. They were just as antsy as my husband I was to find out. Now he’s 10 months old. :blush:


Get over it. Your daughter being upset, at her age, is on her. You and your husband are grown adults, married and have nothing to hide. Also, if not TTC, you are being responcible on birth control. You need to get over your husband putting the test on the counter it was no big deal …why the secrecy with your daughter? At age 10 hopefully you had a talk with her…girls that age and older start having their periods and need to know things, put the info at their age level.


Over reacting,if you felt so strongly about this you should have gone to the drugstore alone and not said anything to anyone.


Men are from Mars, woman are from Venus. Read that book sometime. it will teach you how we think on 2 different spectrums!


No, not overreacting. And EVERYONE who says you are, has some serious issues with boundaries and needs to grow up.
Pregnancy is a private thing until you decide to make it public. You have a right to process things without having to help others process it too. It is up to you when you choose to disclose if you are pregnant and he had no right to throw the test on the counter so nonchalantly. It isn’t anyone else’s business until YOU say so. It is your body, and your decision. Period.
It doesn’t matter if you were pregnant or not.


If you made it clear that you didn’t want her to know anything yet, I would a little upset… but I would let it go. I’m sure you feel some broken trust right now, but, I would make my feelings known and move on. It’s not worth it

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Yes and no. No You was overreacting because it really isn’t anything to react to…yes, you was right to overreacting because this is hard to explain to most kids and most kids if they’ve have asked for a sibling will want it to be come positive.

You choose which way.explain why you overreacted.

Did you tell your husband you wanted to keep the possible pregnancy a secret? If you did not specifically state to him you dont want anyone else knowing before the test results then you are overreacting. If you did say something then yes you have the right to be upset but only because of it upsetting your 10 year old.


Yeah you over reacted. Perfect time to have a little talk about sex. There are kids in kindergarten who knows the word penis and vagina. Don’t let her hear it from her classmates or friends.

Overreacting, you sound hormonal take another test in a week :rofl::rofl:


Men in general are stupid. I could tell you a 1000, reason why I say this , try to deal with his stupidity.


I don’t know why people think it’s ok to involve kids in adult issues. No he shouldn’t have done that. I don’t share my tests with my older kids. It’s an adult thing.


Girl :stop_sign:. And u took the test way to early lmao. Take another one . Lmao :joy:


Well. To me it is overreacting but I am not you with your feelings. If you didn’t specify that you wanted to keep it secret until you both knew then he can’t really be at fault. Sometimes you gotta tell men EXACTLY what you want. And sometimes you repeat yourself to them. Men don’t think like we do… Sounds like either you’re getting your period (Hence the reaction to what he did) or you are pregnant and hormonal (again the reaction). I understand not wanting your 10 yr old to know until you wanted to tell her but she is 10. She’s a big girl. She is probably able to process things a lot better than we give credit for.


Did you tell him you didn’t want her to know?
That’s the missing piece of information.


And were does your child get the nerve to be upset about the tester and whether you are pregnant or not? You are raising a brat and if you and your child are so upset shift go stay by yourselves your husband was probably just really excited and better he apologized good luck to you been controlled by a 10 yr old🙄


He’s definitely in the wrong here. He needs to learn some empathy. That was really immature of him, possibly a defense mechanism for his own feelings about a possible pregnancy.

Whats the rest? Did you ask him not to be discreet about it? Did you have a conversation with him about how you adress such topics in the family? Etc…

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You’re overreacting. So was your daughter.


Tell your husband I’m sorry for him and I’m praying for him!


Honestly it sounds like a family meeting needs to be called. You need to express you’re concerns with your husband and you need to have a conversation with your daughter to be mature next time in that situation…

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I think your over reacting. He was probably hoping it was postive. He was probably excited and your kid will get over it she has to learn it’s part of life.


Why does your 10 yr old know what a pregnancy test is? If shes your only child, yes she can read, but my 10 yr old would read test and think it was school related and ignore it. Def wouldn’t have been a raging brat over it. Good luck. Start some discipline before its too late. Shes too in your business.


I do agree that she shouldn’t have known unless they’re was something to know. I would address why she was so upset over the possibility of you being pregnant though.

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Men are idiots. He will never understand. I would sit with your daughter if she is upset and apologize for the father being inconsiderate about her feelings


Did you tell him not to throw it on the counter? Did you tell him to keep it hush hush?? If you didn’t, why would you expect him to hide it like you? You aren’t the same 2 people & he probably either had a 1) guy moment or 2) honestly didn’t know you felt about it.

I’d also point out and explain to your daughter how baby’s are made, explain why you needed one. So you don’t get a reaction like that. My son has seen pregnancy test, we’re not trying to conceive either, but has never reacted about it. He gets the “gist” of how babies are made, definitely leave out the deets :sweat_smile: but he’s almost 7


He was getting cuss out when the children went to bed. Let see if he finds it funny when I’m finished cussing his @$$ out

Sorry but your daughter sounds like a br@t and possessive of her mama! :woman_facepalming:t3:


Just tell him the test kit was for your daughter. That should shake him up.


Over 100 people laughed at you. What does that tell you?


If I was him I would’ve left your ass !!
Your way to sensitive :roll_eyes:

U and your daughter are acting like brats.


I get he might have been excited but it’s your body and if you didn’t feel comfortable putting all out there he should have respected that. As to people asking how does your daughter know what a pregnancy test is…I’m sure your daughter can read so that’s a silly question.

I’m glad my family isn’t weird like this