Do babies born at 37 weeks need the NICU?

My first born was 36 weeks. He was healthy and we both went home the following day. Wishing Momma and baby well!

It depends on the child and if there’s complications. Girls develop faster than boys and can handle being born early a bit better, especially with latching and breastfeeding. It will definitely be a call the doctors may not be able to make until delivery. Sending prayers that everything goes well and you deliver a healthy baby boy.
Both of my kids were 32 weeks. My daughter weighed 4lbs 1 oz and was 18 and half inches long. She was in the NICU 16 days. My son weight 4lbs 2 oz and was 17 and a half inches long. He spent 26 days in the NICU.

My son was 5 weeks early and he did not need the NICU. He was born 9/11 and went home on 9/12.

Usually babies of less than 37 weeks need Level 2 nursery (at least in SC). My oldest was 36 weeks 5 days, she went to level 2. My youngest was 37 weeks 1 day, she did not

My son came at 36 weeks and he was almost 7 pounds :joy: we were in the hospital for 4 days then sent home

My son was in the NICU for two days at 38 weeks. Each baby is different gestation doesn’t really matter

No one ever knows hows these things go.My daughter was 35 weeks and came out small but sucking her finger looked up at me,she had alot of jaundice and was in a light incubater for 3 days beside me luckily.

My daughter was born at 36 weeks
I had gestational diabetes
Pre eclampsia
I was given steroid shot to mature her lungs
Was told she might have to stay in the NICU
But when she was born she weighed 7#2oz and no nicu stay

I had my daughter and 36 weeks and she did not have to be in nicu…it depends on how the baby does

I know that my doctor told me that if I delivered at 37 weeks all should be ok but couldn’t induce until 39 weeks. I was dilated to 3 cm at 33 weeks and had to stop exercising,

No… had all my kids at 36 weeks and they were all fine. They were considered late term premature bug I had 2 servere pre-eclampsia cases so was induced at 36 weeks both weighed above 6 pds

37 /38 weeks will be just fine. I have had 7 kids all a month early,except 1 was 3 months early,1 was 2 weeks overdue and 1 was 38 weeks Good luck and congrats,

I gave birth at 35 weeks. My son developed jaundice, but was never in the nicu. 1 extra week in hospital because he needed the billie-lights.

all 3 of my babies were born at 38 weeks. No NICU. All weigh 6 lbs.

Depends on the baby, and the gender! I was induced at 35 weeks, and my daughter was fine, but girls’ lungs develop earlier!

My last baby was born @35 weeks, 7lbs 13oz-- she had to go to NICU the first night for a few hours than she came to us. Just depends on the baby.

36 weeks exactly and she was only in the nicu 8 days. They wanted her eating more and gaining weight before she went home. Nothing else was an issues though. She was 4lbs 10oz

I had my daughter at 36 weeks and she did not need the NICU and went home with me.

Nope. Had mine at 37 weeks and he was perfect. I was induced and had gestational diabetes and hypertension.

Depends on the size, weight, and any other health issues. My biggest baby (6lbs. I had small babies) was perfect at being born at 37 weeks.

I had all but one of mine at 36 weeks and they were absolutely perfect.

Human gestatiom is 38 to 42 wks so technically its not too early and things should mostly be ok my last was born at 38 wks on the dot

I had a 37 weeker, 8 pounds 2 oz, no NICU & perfect. Good luck!

Every mom and baby is different. All 3 of mine were born at 36 weeks. All full sized, no nicu needed.

  1. 7lbs 9oz 22 in long
  2. 6lbs 13oz 19.5 in long
  3. 7lbs 19.5 in long

Had all my csections at 36 weeks,smallest weighed 5’9 the others were almost 8 pounds and all healthy

No its ideal to ho 39-40 weeks but they like takeing them at 36-38 then there not to big

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I was 38 Eka with my first and 36 to 37 weeks with my second. Both were c- sections and neither one was put in the NICU. They both stayed in my room the whole time except for when the doctors made their rounds to check the babies then they would take them out.

It used to be 36 weeks was full term but when I had my son they said 37 weeks was. I think you should be ok barring any complications

I have no personal experience but from what Ik as long as baby meets all health requirements weitght and development I honestly don’t see why he/she would need nicu the doctors should be able to give you more info on what he weighs etc by your sonograms too
My co worker had her daughter early due to hypertension and she had no nicu and that was 36-37 weeks

My daughter was born in my 36th week. No steroid shot, no NICU, no extended stay. We went home 24h later.

I was also gestational diabetes and my daughter had to stay in NICU for a week bc she had problems eating on her own. My daughter is now 8 years old.

Mine were perfect. Just a little jaundiced. Only a few days♡ one born at 37 weeks

My daughter was born at 36 weeks just fine 5pds 7 oz but dropped under 5 pds so had to stay extra two days for her to go back up to five pounds but no NICU

Depending on the dr 37 is full term, they induced me but wanted to wait till 37 weeks so my baby didnt have to stay in the NICU

It totally depends on your baby. My son was born at 37+3 and he stayed with me the whole time other than for his hearing exam.

My daughter was born at 35 weeks and she was fine didn’t have any problem she will be 21 next month

I had my daughter at 35 weeks and she had no issues and no nicu stay.

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I had my daughter at 36 weeks and she didn’t go to the nicu. She went home right away

I was always told 37 weeks usually no need for any extra medical tests usually. My youngest was 37 weeks and 5 days and was fine.

My youngest was a few days from being 38 weeks and she came home the next day she weighed 5lbs 8oz

My last 2 were both born at 37 weeks and both of them didn’t need the nicu. My daughter came at 37 weeks and 1 day weighed at 5Ib 1oz and had to do a car seat challenge, they had to check her sugar level before she ate. My son (I had the most issues while being pregnant with him) came at 37 week and he weighed 5ib 15oz and no car seat challenge or sugar level checks. Every baby is different!

No my 2 month and one year old and my 10 year old were born at 37 weeks. And they all three were fine

I was induced with my 1st at 35 weeks and he was perfectly healthy. I was 40 and I had gestational diabetes with him.

My middle child was born at 37 weeks and was my heaviest although he did have trouble with mucus when he got his first cold at 3 months old

Three of my children were born at 35-36 weeks. None of them stayed in the NICU. My smallest was 4 lbs 15 oz and we left after 1 day. By then he weighed 4 lbs 6 oz.

Depends on the baby but my twins didn’t they were born at 34 weeks just spent a free hours

Thats fine, they’re most likely looking at the he size of the baby and your diabetes

My son was induced at 34 weeks and never went to NICU and was released before I was…take it easy and don’t stress yourself out…

It depends. My son was born at 38 weeks and spent 11 days in nicu but my friends baby was born at 36 weeks a week later and spent no time. You never know

Mine was born at 35 weeks at 5 pounds 4 oz and she never required NiCU time and we went home in two days.

34w5d i delivered and my son was in nicu for 4 days. 10 months later i delivered 37w3d and no nicu

At 38 weeks each one of my boys were born. No NiCU needed.

I was induced at 36 weeks with my youngest son. He had jaundice but didn’t need go to NICU.

I had my lady son at 36 weeks, 5 pounds 10oz. All that happened was an extra day in the hospital, no NICU

My first born was born was born at 37 weeks and did not not need nicu went homein 2 days

i had my middle child at 37 weeks,she was 6pounds.i was induced because of previous pregnacy i had high blood pressure/ dr was fine ,we were released about two days later if i remeber correctly

My youngest was born at 37 weeks and was 7lb 8 oz. he was still considered preemie but did not have to go to NICU. The only issue we had was jaundice

My youngest was born at 37 weeks at 7lbs 6oz and was just a little jaundiced but no NICU and we both came home in less than 24hrs from delivery

My daughter was born at 37 weeks. No NICU time

My baby was 35+5 and he was absolutely fine though still had hair on his ears and was a bit smaller than average

All mine were born at 32 weeks and only one went to the nicu she Held her breath for a second and they sent her to the nicu for 2 weeks

I had gestational diabetes, and had my twins at 36 w 5 d and they didnt need nicu…twin A was 5 lb 11 oz and B was 6 even…i think the baby will be fine…its “early” but not “too early”

Unless there are complications, no he will not need NICU. They will induce you early so you will not need a C-SECTION because he could be overweight. They did that for my last one

Even if you had a full term baby you never know if they will need the nicu. Just know nicu may sound scary but it’s not

No i had my son at 36 weeks and he was fully developed if a little small but not small enough to need nicu he was 6 lbs and 11 oz

I had twins at 38 weeks and they were 8 lbs 9 oz and 7 lbs 6 oz. Theyd have been fine at 37 weeks. It depends on the baby and no pregnancy or birth is the same. You can’t judge your child by your brother or by mine. Do what your dr says…they are the ones that know.

Both of my kids were born at 38 weeks. They were fine!

My first two were born via c section at 37 weeks and neither needed the Nicu

My son was born at 37 weeks exactly and didn’t need nicu

Depends on baby… I had a 34 weeker in Nov and a 36weeker in 2011 neither stayed in NICU… my sister had a 39 weeker and my niece was in NICU for 2 weeks

Typically after 36 weeks you do not need the NICU unless there are other underlying issues with babe.

My first was born at 34 weeks and she had to go. My second was36 and didn’t. Both pregnancies I was induced.

My son was born at 37 weeks and he went up to be checked because he didn’t cry when he was born, I got him back like 4 hours later nothing wrong

No, My daughter was born at 37 weeks. She was considered full term and did not need to go to the NICU

Sometimes but usually no. You can get a shot to help lung development I had to and no nicu. I heard girls are lol stronger than boys at birth when early

I think it depends on the baby. Mine did not but I know others that have

I jut had mine on the 9th and he was 35 weeks and didn’t need to stay or go to NICU

I had my son at 38 weeks, he was 5lbs 15oz. We had to stay 2 days to monitor his blood sugar but then we were good to go!

My son was born at 36 weeks, no NICU and weighed 7lbs 12oz

Surrogate twins that I carried to 37 weeks, no NICU, they were 7lbs 4oz and 6lbs 10oz.

My kids were 35/36 weeks as soon as their lungs developed they induced me my kids *perfect :two_hearts:

My daughter was born at 36 and not a day spent in NICU. She weighted 6.6 pounds.

They took my baby at 37 weeks and her heart skips a beat so they kept us an extra day for tests

My last 2 kids were born the day I turned 37 weeks due to diabetes. Neither of them went into the NICU. Born 7.7 and 7.5.

All 3 of mine where in nicu 34 weeks did a month (1st) (2nd) did 2 days at 36 weeks and last 37 weeks did a few hours cuz his sugar was high

I had my first at 37 water broke got 2 shots to be safe and she was ok no issues

My oldest was induced at 38 weeks. I had low fluids and he was fine.

37 weeks is considered full term, if baby needs NICU it would be for other reasons.

My son was born at 37 weeks and didnt need nicu. He was 7 lbs 9 oz.

Normally no but a baby could need the nicu even if born at 40 weeks it all depends on the baby and the birth

I had mine at 34 1/2, 35, 36, and 36 1/2 weeks. They were all completely fine, no nicu, and got to come home with me.

Depends on the baby. I had two at 36 weeks 4 days and 36 weeks 3 days and neither needed it. My 38 week did.

I had my first son at 37 weeks and he was fine. 5lb 5.3 oz and healthy

I was 33 weeks and -almost 6lbs … I’ve had cousins born at 25ish weeks and they were 2lbs and did stay in hospital.

I had cholestasis and was induced at 37 weeks, she was perfectly fine and didn’t need the NICU. She was jaundice but was fine after light therapy

I had my first child at 35 weeks and he only stayed in the NICU for 24 hours and he did have latch issues unfortunately so I ended up pumping and bottle feeding him my breast milk.

My 1st daughter was born 35 weeks and 4 day’s and she was fine besides having to be under blue light for bellirubin a couple days.

An ultrasound would give you more information and consult with your doctor. Go one day at time.

My daughter was born at exactly 34 weeks. She needed no nicu. She was 3lbs 9oz she came home with me!

Just depends. My 38 weeker was in the NICU for a week. My 36 weeker had no NICU time and my 33 weeker went home during his 3rd week in the NICU

I had mine at 36 weeks and she didn’t need to be (11 years old now and just fine)