Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

I mean he’s a grown up. he can wear what he wants… why’re you letting it bother you so much? you wear what you want I’m sure.

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No my sister was doing the same with my nephew and I told her to stop. Try getting him to buy clothing that matches in store already?

That sounds outrageously nitpicky.


Let him where what he wants. Get counciling for your OCD so you can be more at peace with it. In the end he’s a grown man and can, and should, make decisions for himself.

Your mental health matters, so you should definitely see a doctor to help

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I could careless. I only bitch if we are going out together like to a BBQ or dinner. With his work schedule its not very often. :woman_shrugging:

Sounds to me like you might be color blind


I say get over it. Let him dress the way he wants to dress and except him for it


Yo, leave the poor guy alone


That would frustrate me too! I wonder why he won’t take your advice on matching? Maybe have a serious conversation about how it makes your ocd go off and ask if you can maybe help him by setting outfits ahead of time or something?


Really up to him what he wears isn’t it? It’s a relationship, not a control thing. Your OCD is trying to take control

Thats your ocd, not his, if you have to match yours , thats not him


Why don’t you try buying him a few matching outfits that fit his aesthetic? If it really bothers you that deeply


My son never matches just let it roll

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Is he color blind? That might be the problem

Sweetie… my hubby tries to wear flannel print tops with striped bottoms or Star Wars shirts with Pokémon Pajama Pants. THAT is when correction is needed. Otherwise? Let the man dress his damn self. :woman_facepalming:t3:


If that’s the biggest battle you got, then let it go. Also, this is your problem not his…

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Is he Color Blind? Get him a Color Wheel?

It’s his clothes. Leave him alone.


Yes you sound crazy and controlling.


It would drive me crazy too. Sometimes when my husband dresses our daughter I go and change her :rofl:


Maybe he is color blind.

Do u get any type of therapy? xx


Just let him dress the way he likes… you love a person for what’s on the inside… what attracted you to him? I say just let him be his self he is his own person right


I think I’m kind of a tomboy…I really don’t know what kinds of colors match to make a perfect outfit. I tend to just wear sundresses or short and a tank top so I don’t have to match my outfit lol. I think putting that much stress on him just for his clothing choices is a bit silly. Life is too short to fret about that kind of thing.

Green shirt with brown shorts!? Umm have you not seen Scooby-Doo ? Those two items go together :rofl:

And im confused on the color light black :rofl: its black. Black goes with anything. You have way too much time on your hands if you’re nip picking what he puts on. COLOR WISE!!! Are his pants over his cheeks!? Is his pants 3xl larger than his size? Are they stained!? Does he button his pants or walk around with them undone!? Or are you just complaining to complain about color. ??? You are crazy if you waste your time with that. You need to find more things to fill out your day.

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Crazy af. You’d lose your shit at a cosmetology school or salon where all black is required and our blacks NEVER MATCH! Some of us have real OCD that requires medication and we deal with a lot of real struggles minute by minute. You’re just too judgmental and honestly need to get a grip on reality if this is truly an issue for you.

Who cares how he dresses. Is he clean? Does he bathe, wash clothing?

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My husband wears the same 2-3 shirts and i wish he’d wear different shirts he has so many! I have mentioned to him many times that I would like if he would change it up but I’ve learned he just likes those shirts. It’s not a big deal. He also will tell me if he doesn’t like something but I’ll wear it anyways. We have different styles. :woman_shrugging:t4:


They don’t have to match, they just have to GO.
Have you ever watched What Not to Wear?

They don’t have to match. Let him where what makes him happy.

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Yeah you sound crazy but I feel ya I’m the same but don’t say owt :joy::joy: xx

Lol do you have the right? No you don’t

You have the right to be annoyed but he has the right to not care.

Idk. But what’s bright black?

…what the actual fuck, did i just read​:joy::grimacing::joy:

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First world problems :roll_eyes:

Totally unreasonable

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Was he matching when you met him :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Kerry Marshall I agree with your post. Tell him to switch on.

Kelli Lash I want to hear your input….

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

OCD is bad and hard to work with but you can’t be annoyed at him for how he wants to dress you’ll just push him away

I get you have ocd but get a grip if your boyfriend wants to dress not to your standards let him his clothes his choice would be a pathetic excuse to break up with someone because they don’t match their clothes :man_facepalming:

Be annoyed all you want, but putting down or criticizing him over his clothes is shitty. If that’s the worst thing he does, it sounds like you have a good man, and it’s shame that this is what you’re focused on.

Just sound mean u only have to say it once? Maybe !!!:thinking::100::sunglasses:

No. His body his choice.

You sound like a psycho. Hes a fucking man none of us match our clothes

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Chrystal Protheroe is this u? :joy::joy:
Jordy Protheroe


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?


I guess you can be glad his clothes are clean. That’s how I handle the same problem at my house.


Yur not crazy but can’t you just use your words and tell him what colors go together. Why is it such a big deal. Just talk to the guy. He might appreciate the input


It shouldn’t matter as long as he is treating you and his kid right… That’s such a mundane thing to have a problem with.


He may be color blind. My BF is color blind. Instead of getting bossy about his clothes I coordinated outfits for him and compliment him on how good he looks. If I don’t like something I say try this instead and compliment on how good he looks.


I feel bad… I’ve been buying neutral colored clothing for him for years because occasionally my BF doesn’t match. Now all of his clothes go together :sweat_smile: however, I don’t get mad if he chooses to use them as oil rags


Is it possible he is some what color-blind? I had a boss that was and his wife had to purchase coordinating colors so he could dress himself on business trips. She got rid of anything that didn’t match at least somewhat with every piece.


Day to day? Meh.
If going somewhere important, the clothing should reflect that, but otherwise, I don’t care. I might giggle at him & tell him he’d be better off having our three year old choose his clothes, but it’s not serious.


I find people that wear matching clothes (especially socks) to be boring. Be happy you have a guy who doesn’t waste energy on something so small like matching his clothes.


I could care less what my man wears. I didn’t get with him for his fashion sense. Not that it’s bad…but seriously it just doesn’t matter


As long as the clothes are clean and in good condition what does it matter? Although I have zero fashion sense, so what do I know?


My husband and I had a similar issue but I was the one that didn’t match and it bothered him…I told him he knew how I dressed before we started dating I wasn’t getting new clothes just for him…he got over it now we’re married with one kid and another on the way :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


Leave him alone. He can dress how he wants. If it’s really a non negotiable then break up with him. You can’t control what he wears, he’s a grown man. Unless you want to pick out his clothes the rest of his life then leave it be


I don’t care about what my bf wears. I care about the way he treats me. :heartpulse:
As long as he treats me great. I am happy. I don’t care about what he likes to wear.


Why should it matter? The real question is… do his socks match? Can’t stand odd socks. It sets of my anxiety and I don’t know why

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Years ago, I applied for a job. I was qualified but was told that since I wore a grey skirt and brown shoes, I didn’t get the job. Now I kind of match but wear mismatched socks. This is not important to me but yes, he might be color blind


I was a menswear store manager for many years. This was not a problem I had. It is a part of what impressed her.


Someone who dresses to please themselves and not be a slave to how they appear to other people? Be delighted that your boyfriend has an independent personality and character and isn’t a bland photocopy of everyone else. (y)


The color combos that you mention, may actually be undetected color blindness.


My boyfriend’s red/green colorblind, and his favourite colour is red lol so he buys only red/black things to wear.

Yes I wish he’d change it up occasionally, but literally it’s the only color combo that doesn’t HURT his eyes to look at.

IMO yes your a wee bit nuts about this, but it’s something YOU need to work in with your OCD, not him.

It’s causing YOU a problem (insignificant one in the scheme of things) therefore you need to adjust not him.


Sounds like he may be color blind. Start buying him clothes that are of same color group. My son is color blind. His colors are gray and black.


There are so many more important things to obsess about. If he’s good to his kids and you. Works hard and lives honestly it does not matter what he wears. Life is way too short


My husband used to do that. We went out one day he had on blue shorts, a grey tshirt that said I love my Shih Tzu and mismatched sox and old sneakers. He was supposed to sit in the car while I ran into Tiffany’s to pick up a present. While I was looking around he snuck in and I found him surrounded by 3 blond beautiful sales girls laughing at his jokes. I got over being mortified about what he wore a long time ago. I was quite amused most times by him. What he lacked in fashion sence he more then made up in charm.


If my partner had an issue like this with the way I dressed, I’d simply be single :sparkles:
You don’t really have any right to comment on it or control how he dresses. It’s also up to you to manage your own triggers.

As others have said, he might also genuinely be colourblind


He might really be color blind. They see color but in different shades. Has he even been tested. It’s prominent in males with blue eyes but can be in others too.

I won’t let my family (not just husband) out of the house if they don’t look good.


I dont see the problem. Whats wrong with a green / grey shirt with brown shorts? Maybe im the one color blind.


Ok, going against the grain here. I’d tell him, but make it very clear that it’s your OCD kicking in and that you’re not asking him to change, but saying that it’s bothering you. Who knows, he might not actually care how he dresses and may be willing to cater to your idiosyncrasies. He might be really offended and feel you’re being ridiculous. That’s the risk you take. Go into it knowing that if this is a make or break issue for you, it may also be one for him.
I’m not saying this because I think it’s up to you what he wears or how he styles himself (god knows I’d like to change what my husband wears sometimes) but because in a healthy relationship, openness and communication are extremely important. If you guys can’t talk about what bothers you, it won’t work out.


Today I went to leave my house so mismatched and my wife made me go up and change twice :rofl::rofl::rofl:


What constitutes not matching? Plaid and polka dots? What a silly annoyance


I’m sure that no one else has mentioned this but perhaps he is colorblind.
Yes, I saw the other 100 people who brought this up.

Back in the day when I had to wear a suit to my financial services office (early 1980’s and later), I only wore dark blue pinstripe suits plus medium or dark grey pinstripe suits along with white or light blue shirts with conservative ties that went with any combination of suit and shirts from my closet. I bought 2 dozen pair of black knee high dress socks and only wore those. And, I wore black wingtip shoes.
With all that, whether I was home or on the road, I never had to worry that my colorblind eyes would make me look foolish in front of a major client.
And, I always went to one store for my custom shirts and another store for my semi-custom suits. That way, they knew me and my situation and made sure that every I owned already and that I was ordering matched up perfectly.

You see the lengths I went to. Your boyfriend probably doesn’t need all that so please, let the poor guy alone. Just give him gentle guidance, not criticism.


Is he a good man? Is he clean? Does he provide? Does he support you? Does he love you and his kid? Yes??
Why does the colour of his clothes matter?


wow, I’ll bet you’re fun to live with


Just allow him to dress in a way that makes him feel confident with himself.
The newest trend for some school age folks is socks that don’t match. It bugged me at first. Now I embrace it. Lol. No more matching socks on laundry day.
Win win.

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Im sure he didnt match when you first met. So many people try so hard to change their significant other to (Their liking) not what an who they originally are. Thats a control issue. Im sure youd be offended if he told you to change your clothes to his liking an youd freak out. Totally wrong of you to do this.


Like is it a stylistic choice, ur man is color blind, or he doesn’t care how he presents himself?

Cuz that would be a different response for any of the scenario


Don’t let your ocd control another person. Especially something like their wardrobe…


Does that make him a bad person?
If so, go on your way, find one who dresses sharp and well coordinated.
Otherwise, learn to see with your heart :heart:.


That seems to be very shallow on your part - have you asked if he is colour blind? Can he not dress the way that he likes?


I’m color blind. I thought I had a brown suit and wife tells me it’s green. Also don’t really care what I wear. I’m confident in myself and don’t waste my money on matching clothes.

She did ask for ways to say it and not sound mean so it’s ironic how many people are putting mean comments honestly I would just Compliment him When he wears something that you love, don’t put him down or say anything negative if he wears something you don’t like though

I never say anything about what my man wears, he’s All cargo shorts and t-shirts!!!

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Your OCD is acting up…let it go …there are far more important things to occupy your mind with…look at it as a funny little quirk and love it…its his unique style…

I just say “that doesn’t go” or “try that top with these shorts”. He never takes offence.

What does it matter? Clothes don’t always make the man. It’s not really important in the great scheme of things. If he treats you and any children right that should be all that matters surely?

Even if I bought them clothes they still would somehow not be able to coordinate them or I don’t know such a total loss

Maybe ask him if he notices that the colors don’t match and see if he likes it that way? Some people don’t care about that stuff.

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Dear lady, I’m a guy and I don’t know you. I also never match my clothes. I wear comfortable clothes, that’s it. Don’t really care about colors.
Imho, you want him to wear some colours, you ask him that nicely. He’ll oblige because he cares about you.
It’s like he would ask you to give an opinion on a brand of tools over the other. Just like you don’t care of Milwaukee over Bosch, he might not care of blue over green. Sorry if I’m sexist, I do not wish to offend. Just to say that he simply doesn’t understand clothing as you do .

I tell you I absolutely hate that about the guys that I date or married I don’t know I love them but man so not compatible that way and I ended up finding them less and less attractive unfortunately

You can just tell him he doesn’t match and ask if he would mind you laying out/pairing up his clothes. Provided, it is extra burden on you, but if it’s that bothersome to you and he doesn’t care then you can lay out clothes for everyone or put matching outfits on the same hanger or reorganize drawers with top/bottom/ socks combos.

That sounds like something too need to work on within yourself and not try to change someone.

This would also drive me batsh*t lmao. Guys just don’t get our hang ups sometimes, doesn’t make them less valid ¯_(ツ)_/¯ sometimes I think my boyfriend literally sees a different world than I do because of how much he can ignore that bothers me lmao.