Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

So when you met him did he match? If not than why did you get in a relationship with him if it’s bothering you so much? I get the OCD thing but if the man couldn’t dress prior to dating you shouldn’t have gotten with him knowing it was a issue.

He might be color blind So everything matches different to him

Me and my man are both goofy that way. He will go to Walmart In a robe and I will wear two diff patterns of LuLaRoe

I do have a type of color blindness. It apparently has affected my fashion choices but oh well. :man_shrugging:t3:

Your boyfriend is a guy, mismatched. So what? Is he kind, compassionate, thoughtful? Be grateful.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: that’s not ocd, your just fussy and need some concrete :ok_hand:


Sounds like a silly question, but is he color blind? :rofl: my fiancé is and he wears clothes that don’t match every day and it drives me crazy :rofl::weary:

Could he be partial color blind? My husband has trouble seeing certain greens and greys

My husband is the same🤣 We’ve “basically agreed” that when we match it’s for the occasional fancy party, wedding, dinner with grandma/great grandma

If you’re biggest issue is him not matching, you’ve got it pretty good. Just let it be.

Is he colorblind? If he is, those colors may be the ones he has the easiest time “seeing.” I say this from personal experience. I wear one piece of black with anything I wear because it’s all I can do to “match.”

Uhmm. Wow? Why can’t you just talk to the guy and tell him? I saw you said you say something politely but maybe he just doesn’t get what you mean. OR maybe he is color blind and doesn’t know it yet. Men are more likely to be color blind than women.

Lmao my man does that too. I have learned to deal with but he will match and be presentable when he has to be!

Is it really an issue? I just put clothes on and get on with my day. Most days I look like trash don’t even know how I got my partner in the first place :rofl:

Ummmm is this not all men? My partner isn’t too bad for himself but I never let him dress the kids for this reason haha

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If you was a man saying that your women wasn’t wearing what you wanting everyone would say leave… he controlling you ect…
No you don’t have a right to tell a grown man what he can wear. Your ocd isn’t his problem an you must of new he didn’t ‘match’ before choosing to be with him.

As long as your boyfriend wore a clothing,it’s better than a naked boyfriend all the time.

Imagine he dies tomorrow.

Wouldn’t that be a quirky thing to have loved about him? Idk

He is probably just as dismayed by your attitude. Matching clothing and colours is not important!

With all that has been happening lately, please be thankful that you have a boyfriend to love, cherish and share your life with. We cannot blame others for our insecurities. Its obvious he is confident and happy with himself. Just love and accept him for who he is.

THIS… this is your issue? Lol loosen that belt darling.

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How did y’all date this long and call each other boy/girlfriend if ya didnt like his clothes?? :person_shrugging: imo it’s your problem and something you need to work on, not him. You could bring it up gently just by asking or saying something but I think it’s kinda crappy tbh. Hopefully the poor guy doesnt have confidence problems or anything like that

Sounds like he’s colored blind which is fine once you establish that’s the problem with his miss matches and you can both can go with the flow of it is what it is … but if it’s something one of you feels is important to look presentable agree to ask each for their opinion or help…things will go smoother… thank God he was in the military!!… they dressed him 90% of the year :joy::joy::joy::joy:

In the big picture that is not important. Some people just wear clothes to cover their body not to make some kind of fashion statement. Would you want him to tell you what clothes you should wear? Would you want him to tell you that he’s embarrassed to see you with the hairstyle that you’re wearing or the make up that you’re wearing and that you need to change? Then you should not criticize how he dresses or dresses his child.

No you dont sound crazy you sound controlling, warned my son about women like you, your boyfriend needs to run a mile, you should never change someone, if thats what you want to do, live alone and change yourself

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I wear whatever I want no matter how it looks. I wouldn’t tell my partner what she can and can’t wear. That’s a ridiculous thing to worry about in my opinion.

Ok, but…In what universe does green/grey and brown NOT match?

I fail to see why this is an actual problem? If it makes you like/love him less then he deserves better.

He is who he is. If you can’t live with that, you should probably rethink the relationship and let him find someone who can.

Is this honestly what the bloody world’s come too? People getting pissed off by hiw others dress?! :woman_facepalming:t2: if he’s happy leave him be jesus christ he could do worse things to upset you!

Common sense will dictate to dress up according to occasion. I will respect the preference on color matching until the dresser asks one’s honest opinion or suggestions.

If you met him that way and his clothes didn’t catch your attention when you met him then why you trippin? Let him dress however he wants.

Out of all the things you could be upset about your upset about that…

Your guna have a hard time in any relationship if shit like that bothers you…

Sounds like he could be color blind…

Leave him be. Was he naked when you met him? You saw then how he was…Thought you could try to change him? Detach stands for Don’t Ever Try Anytime Changing Him/Her

THEY dont match things like they used to. In fact alot of those things taught like wearing white up till sept. and nothing striped with dots etc are actually not in practice anymore. ITS A TRIVIAL matter.

He may be colorblind. Maybe he just doesn’t mind. If he wants your help he’ll ask. Otherwise your hafta ask yourself, in the big picture, does it really matter?

I would ask yourself WHY it bothers you so much? That may lead you to your answer.

Green shirt, brown pants… they seem like they go fine to me?

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He’s a grown man. No one is judging you over how he dresses.

Not annoyed but frustrated. Tried talking to him or suggesting different combinations?

Unless you genuinely have terrible OCD that is triggered by this, might be best to just pick your battles and learn to deal with it😅

Respect people for who they are, and not for what you want them to be,sounds more like your embarrassed of him

Those colors sound liek they match to me

I can’t remember the last time I looked at mine and was like “ you don’t match, you make me mad “ :joy::joy::joy:

No offense, but that is petty. Just be happy he can be his self around you. That is a good sign when they are like that.

He may be color blind?

Ask if he’s Color blind…could be the reason he can’t match his clothes…

Maybe he is color blind??

He could be color blind ,but doesn’t want you to know .

Honestly I would tell him that you apologized in advance for any comments you may have or any frustration you may have that it is your issue and not his and that he should continue to dress in how he is comfortable

Is it possible he is colorblind? No disrespect intended.

Is he color blind ??

Maybe he is colour blind and doesn’t notice?

Pick your battles. Does it REALLY matter that his clothes don’t match? Is that really what’s important?

Could he possibly be color blind?

Is this a thing? Who has the time?

Wtf is Bright black vs dark black???

You knew that when you first dated right? Why try to change him?

What the hell is bright black?

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Are you sure you aren’t just insecure about yourself?

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Why does it matter what he wears?

Start buying him clothes :joy: outfits that “go” together

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Don’t have any helpful hints for you. But certainly can understand. Drives me crazy when see guys mismatched. After 58 yrs of marriage still need to send my husband back upstairs to change. Good luck.

I wish that was the biggest problem i had. Quit judging him!!!

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I just laugh and say that does not match and my hubby will change :joy: other days I don’t care much.
You could just pick out his and his kids clothes and say your being helpful? :woman_shrugging:

Maybe he’s color blind


Decide if its a “deal breaker”

I’m the same way. I make sure my kids match b4 we leave the house. My OCD is HORRIBLE.

I mismatch on purpose


It’s ok it’s a pet peeve of mine too lol you’re not alone

A lot of men are literally color blind.

In the grand scheme of things…… work on yourself


U sound crazy. If u can’t love him the way he is, u don’t deserve him. Same as if he didn’t love u the way u r, then he wouldn’t deserve u.

Just focus on his treatment of you and the kids and be glad they ain’t naked. LOL

I just thought black was black :rofl:

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You need help with your OCD love… all the best with that…

Set their outfits out for them.

Shouldnt matter what he wears, just how he treats you! I dont know how to match my clothes either lol

Maybe he is color blind

Perhaps he is color blind!

He may be color blind. What does it matter

Many men are color blind!

He may be color blind.

Sorry grown ass man can dress how he wants your not his mother

Bright black… and dark black. Like, I’m sorry, but I see this as a non issue. I don’t know how you’re flipping out over this. :woman_facepalming:

This can’t be genuine question… what the actual hell?!

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Who cares. Be greatful that’s all he does to annoy you.

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Your crazy let dress thecway wants

He may be colour blind…

Who freaking cares as long as they have clean clothes on

Men don’t notice subtle differences like women do. He doesn’t notice that the shades of black aren’t the same. Get over it.


Learn to spell first then critique others.

His clothes, his decision. Sounds like you’re allowing YOUR OCD to be HIS problem.

He may be slightly colorblind and not realize that he is mismatching

My dad is colorblind so when I was a kid I would get his clothes together for him. As an adult I can tell he used to have a stylist​:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t5::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Of all the problems in the world!! My boyfriends clothes don’t match!!! :joy:

Probably color blind… More common in men… And they would not know the difference

If that’s your biggest worries…I’d say you’re okay :roll_eyes:

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My mom was all into buying nte matching sets of pants and tops
Shorts and tops skirts and tops ugh. So boring

If you don’t like it then don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.