Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

Dude… His body, his choice… Just like with us…

Perhaps he is color blind? Anyway, does it really matter if he is treats you well and is great in every other way? You could try setting up his clothes for him if it truly drives you nuts.

Men can be colorblind.

I’d say it depends how far into the relationship you both are. I’d ask, would you mind if I give you some suggestions to better match you and your sons clothing. If it’s no big deal for him, he might go along…

is he color-blind? ~

No. Who are you?? His mother or his GF?!

Be grateful that he has money for clothes.

Let that man wear whatever he wants lol

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Yep…you’re a bit nuts. Hes dressed…yes…then get over it and move on. Get your OCD checked out.


Oh get over it you silly cow it’s only clothes who cares whether they match or work together, so long as they have clothes on WHO CARES!

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I see a misuse of OCD, which means an over dramatization. I get it. It’s frustrating. Like when someone wears black shoes with a blue suit. But it’s not OCD, it’s a preference. He could have difficulty matching colors. If you really hate it, trying saying something like “oh but I really like this shirt on you” or help him pick out my color neutral clothing (e.g. denim shorts bd pants). But at the end of the day, you cannot control what he wears. He’s an adult, he can wear what he wants. If that is such a deal breaker for you, then get out of the relationship now because you will not be able to handle other “little quirks” he has permanently.


I’m actually annoyed that everyone’s response is “maybe he’s color blind.” Or maybe he just doesn’t put all his stock into fashion?

The problem is you. If this is something that bothers you, it should have bothered you when you met. He’s a great boyfriend and a great father, but you care that his and his kids clothes don’t match? Sounds shallow to me. “Dark black and bright black” you’re worried about the wrong things in life, honey

Nothing wrong with it. Hardly anyone matches their clothes these days. As long as he treats you right. That’s all that matters :rofl:

You need to get your triggers undercontrol … You cannot expect the world to change for you …
And tbh what shirt wouldn’t go with black shorts or even brown ones? Do you expect him to wear green pants with a green shirt ? You need to sort your fashion sense aswell by the sounds …

Enjoy his uniqueness no two persons are the same. Sometimes you gotta give a little too get a little. It’s annoying sure but if he doesn’t go out of his way too put you down about matching underwear or something maybe just ask why he does it and engage in the conversation instead of a battle.

I have no issues expressing myself. He would know that he doesn’t match and I would remind him that he’s not 3 years old anymore with that being said I’d get him an eye exam just to be sure he isn’t color blind bc that’s something totally different.

Omfg are you for real? You cant tell him what bloody clothes to wear! Leave the poor guy alone. Does what he wear affect how he treats you? No. Grow up

You only have the right to be annoyed if he just suddenly started dressing this way once you decided to get into a relationship with him.

On the list of things to nit pick a person about, whether or not their clothes match should be dead last.

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With all the crap going on in this crazy world…if that’s your worst problem then I’d say you guys are in for a good life…its not a big deal.

If he is that rarity, a good man, why does him coordinating his colours matter? It is such an unimportant thing in the scheme of things.
Let him be, or let him go, to find someone less shallow that will appreciate him.

Have you ever considered he might be color blind?

Absolutely pathetic. She should be concentrating more on her grammar. Been polite about it much time :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Pick your battles.

Fyi, this is not a battle to pick.
The man is dressed. Wtf more do you want!?

OCD doesn’t work that way.

He should get to dress HER, then!

No, you don’t sound crazy, but you do sound controlling and shallow. I will assume you stay with him because he has many good qualities and is a decent human being. A decent human being is a decent human being, no matter what they wear or how they choose to wear it. If his clothes are clean, who cares?! Your “OCD” and your need to control him are your issues, not his. Stop approaching it. Stop trying to make him conform to your ‘standards’. Worry about what you’re wearing and leave him alone.

you are fucking nuts i would run a way from you as far and fast . you are a control freek

Just tell him don’t beat around the bush lol

It’s the way he is. His decision. Life’s to short to worry about it. Enjoy life

U sound nuts. Byeeee

Crazy… definitely crazy

Who cares what he wears

Up to him what he wears

First world problems​:rofl::rofl:

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That’s YOUR issue to work out, leave him alone.

Damm foo you tripping on some bullshit. Let your man be himself. Don’t trip carnal

this woman sounds liek she needs therapy and honestlky i feel sorry for anyone taht gets with her . i see this as bad as someoen who says they where nto born with a filter and they are stuck being brutal;ly honest as they hurt folks feelings but expact us to feel sorry for them . naw no sympathy from me . this is a boyfriends why he stays with her blows me away

Stephanie Tierney oh, maybe this is where I’m going wrong… add it to my list

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I’m here for the comments. Lol

Not matching is a style. You’re being very crazy, borderline psychopath.

Yeah woah. Huge issue. For YOU. Don’t make it an issue for him too. Poor dude.

There other to worry about

Lmao are you his mother ? He’s a grown ass man he can wash his own ass and dress his own body :joy::joy:

If th a thing as your only hag girl get down on I pur knees and thank God you foun d him first

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He’s probably colorblind.

Was he that way when you met him ?

That’s a you problem

Do u blow him exactly how he likes it??
If not then STFU

What is bright black???

Accept him as he is, or move on.

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Soo ableist because he could be color build. End of story she is a bigot

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If that’s your biggest concern you will end up a cat lady


Yes you sound crazy​:joy::joy:

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Shit I never match :laughing::laughing::laughing:


Pick your battles. This is so dumb


Your crazy get over it


I often do not. Match but tey to fibd color that complement each other

Oh. and brown and green are earth colors, so they do match. You sound like you’re trying to change more than his clothes. Appreciate why your with him and let the superficial crap go.


Go sort your issues out lady

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Probably color blind. My son did the same. Let it go or buy him clothes that all match. Bothers you that much put your money up.

:joy::joy: are you his mom? This sounds crazy.


I guess he one of those dudes ya gotta dress to take out…lol…my dad was kinda like that but not really…but if my ma didn’t like what he choose to wear usually a work shirt…lol. she’d simply ask him to change n explain why sarcastically funny…that runs in my fam…:woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:

My husband dose the same thing and it bothers me a little but he’s a grown man he makes his choices. He dose the same to our kids where I’ve had to change them into different clothes afterwards cuz I was like no their not going out like that u want to go out like that that’s ur choice but the kids aren’t going out looking like that lol.

Man you worried about the wrong bs

If that’s his only fault??? Perhaps he has un-diagnosed color blindness, Hmmm???

I seriously think it’s a man thing. My husband always asks me if his outfit matched before we go out somewhere nice. He’s not color blind but he doesn’t see colors that sharply. Purples can look red, greens and blues are hard for him. Basically this seems like a really easily solved problem. Not something I would let bother me. Not that important in my book.

He’s a grown man he can wear what he wants just like you can. Imagine being told what to wear and what not because someone didn’t like it. Rude and unnecessary. Accept it or let someone that will accept it have him.

That’s ridiculous, let him wear what he wants.

What’s wrong with green gray and brown together?


Green or grey with brown shorts would go well :joy::joy:

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Brown shorts kinda go with whatever :woman_shrugging:t2: but would u like him telling u how to dress??? Reverse the roles and ppl would be screaming about a controlling man, red flags and whole nine yards :woman_facepalming:t2:


Possibly hes colour blind…maybe hes happy dressed as he is…maybe hes doing it to annoy you :woman_shrugging:. Honestly think there’s worse things to get angry over

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My husband used to dress horribly so I got rid of all his ugly clothes and replaced them with up to date modern ones. He didn’t even realize it at first! He used to wear socks with sandals but I finally broke him of that!

If he is happy I wouldn’t worry.

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Would you want him telling you what to wear? Didn’t think so.

Yeah, I can see how that would be a little…annoying but if he wasnt who he is, all of him, you probably wouldn’t want him like you do now. My hubbs has never been into fashion but hes my best friend, matching or not :kissing_heart:

My man is the same way. You sound controlling :smile:

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Should it really matter? I understand if your going to a wedding, other another big event but daily what’s the big deal? My husband doesn’t match his clothes, but I’ve learned to just pick out his clothes if we need to leave home. My oldest is color blind, so his clothes Don’t match on a daily basis, but it’s not the end of the world. If you love someone, do their clothes matching really matter???

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I don’t think its a big deal at all. If it’s for something important like an event or pictures pick his clothes out other than that oh well its just clothes.

Stop trying to control him. He can wear what ever he wants. He doesn’t have to dress to please you


Maybe he’s color blind? Those colors look alike to someone color blind. :thinking:

When doing his laundry match outfits and hang them together.

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Sorry but I wish this was my biggest worry :joy: :rofl:


Your not his mother :woman_shrugging: my kids (9/7) don’t ever match but they are learning independence by picking their own clothing out. I wouldn’t try to change him, I’d maybe try to work on yourself with that if it’s going to cause issues.


Loyity trust these are issues so not seat the small stuff go seek therapy

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Is he color blind? I had a boyfriend who was like this and he was color blind so couldn’t help the mismatch.

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That would drive me nuts, but I would try to keep it to myself, because it really isn’t a big deal. I do end up changing the baby like 50% of the time that my husband dresses him, and no one cares that I do this, so… why not? :sweat_smile:
However, I don’t usually take issue with what my husband wears in general. We rarely go anywhere, and his day to day stuff is pretty consistently like a gray shirt and black shorts, or something simple. When we go out, I will usually offer suggestions, or straight up put out clothes like he’s 5. That’s not necessarily because of color issues, it’s mostly because I want us to look like we are attending the same event. Otherwise he is in gym shorts and a tee and I’m in dress pants and a blouse. Like we should look like we got ready in the same house for the same thing. :smile:
But, like most men, and generally “normal” people, he isn’t as picky as I am. I get this idea in my head of what goes together and what doesn’t. His choices aren’t necessarily bad, they just aren’t… right. :joy::sweat_smile:
Now, I’m not going to ask my grown husband to change to just go to the grocery store or something, and he accommodates me if I ask him to wear a specific outfit out to a party or whatever. So it’s not a constant problem between us… which is probably why we are still together after 15 years. :smile::woman_shrugging:t3:

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Oh so are we going back to socks have to match too???

Let him be… You are doing too much. Sounds like you are controlling right down to his clothes…!!! No body wants to be controlled.


Who tf cares :joy: if he doesn’t, why would you? Is he a good man? Does he treat you and his kid well? There’s more important things in life chick.


I will straight up tell my man to change if he doesn’t match or try helping him match his clothes :joy: he doesn’t take offense to it. It’s not mean it’s being honest :woman_shrugging:t2:

He is free to dress as he pleases and if he feels good like that, you should not interfere, much less how you dress his son, if he is not yours, you are the typical controlling person that everyone should avoid to enter a relationship .


How about, let the man dress himself.

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Settle down and seek therapy


Ummm… let it go… this is not a battle worth fighting, you cant control the way a person dresses, and if it is that much of a bother or concern, maybe hes not the guy for you.


Yes your crazy…stop being a controlling weirdo!


Don’t use OCD like it’s some funny quirk that makes you slightly annoyed about ppls clothes. That’s insulting and belittling to those who actually have OCD. It’s debilitating and life altering, not a cute personality trait.


Temporary. Be thankful he isn’t into nose rings. ear plugs, tongue studs, etc.