Do I have a right to be mad at my sons girlfriends parents for lying to me?

Yeaaaaa you keep being a helicopter parent your kid is just going to start sneaking around and your literally pushing him to want to be alone with girls lol. He’s 4 years from being an adult and moving out. Your literally showing him you don’t trust him and not teaching him any type of responsibility and it’s going to make his adult years so much harder lol. Stop being so strict and start letting your TEEN be a TEEN. If they are going to have sex they are going to have sex no amount of you attempting to keep them away will keep them from each other. Hell there are ways even at school lol your just not teaching him sex is normal and how to be safe and are gonna be the cause of him rebelling and possibly having a unplanned pregnancy :rofl:

Sorry but you sound very untrusting. Don’t be surprised if his behavior starts getting wild when he is older.


Your being way too harsh!


I disagree with most of the comments slamming this mom for being too strict. What did you all do when you were 14? She may be very tolerant on many other issues. We don’t know. I’m shocked at what some are saying they were doing at 14 yo. I know I had well placed boundaries and expectations from my parents, and sex at 14 wasn’t even close to anything allowed. You have 1 chance to protect your children and parent them. I’d much rather look back and know I tried to protect rather than permissiveness that can have lifelong repercussions. If they choose to snack out or rebel. Ok. That’s on them.

If you can’t trust the way you raised your child that’s on you… if you think you are going to shelter your child for the rest of his life… be prepared for him to walk out of your house and your life when he is old enough… by HIS standard… not yours… in other words… he may leave before he is 18… and depending on where you live he will be able to…


Sounds like a BIG lack of trust

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Keep making hard for your kid to talk to you. You’ll know less and less. Choose your path. Either he’s able to talk to you, and you can have the opportunity to guide him into making healthy choices, or he gets into the habit of lying to you. You get to decide.


From my experience: overly strict parents create the sneakiest kids.

We want to teach our children how to become successful adults, and we cannot do that without trust, communication, and teaching decision making.


That’s truly over parenting. My gut tells me that this mom must have a guilty conscience from things SHE did at that age.


My son is 15 and I allow the same age difference sex come over granted I’m not sitting right next them I make the door stay open and they have plenty ( my daughter and her husband come to check on them at times ) my parents come and check on them I check on them and if I seem that something is happening any closeness she is to go home my son is still a virgin and I want my son to be able to come to me when he is ready and I would rather keep eyes on him at my house then else where

Yea… So he’ll just sneak out to see her if you don’t allow it.


Lmao please tell me this is satire


I’d be upset. But I wouldn’t say shit until the girls mom called me. Just keep him away from going there best you can. I get it, and I give you credit for trying to keep your son off of 16 and pregnant.
But if anything happens, know that it’s not your fault. Kids these days are going to try to do what they want, one way or another.

Girls can get pregnant at 14 i got pregnant at 15 it was a hard road to go down put a stop to that now… sorry its hard but are you ready to raise a nother child.


The more you stop it the more they will wont to be together, Maybe change your way of doing it an invite her to your place, an it will all pedar out soon …GOOD LUCK THEY GROW UP FAST …


Wouldn’t you rather they hung out at their homes? Rather then sneaking off to places you don’t know?
What will you do when he has a license?

Them watching a movie together is normal. And should be welcomed.


Wow, you way out there mama. Why not let her come over your house, that way you can keep an eye on them. Keep going like this and you will push your son far away from you.


Your Gona create a sneaky child by how tweaky and strict you sound… I understand to an extent not wanting them to be left alone but damn like give him some space… that’s what’s Gona create issues your not even putting any trust into them. Wich means your now pushing him away and slowing him not to have trust in you

I agree 10000% with, in this day and era with people crying wolf is appalling… they tend to believe woman/girls word over a man. It’s not that you don’t trust your son it’s the next person you don’t know what they’d do🤷🏽‍♀️. I get it


You wouldn’t even let him go over for dinner? Ffs :woman_facepalming:


I have 2 boys 18,16 I have sat down with both and went over the sex talk with both not once but a few times. The more you push NO HAVING SEX they are going to want to do it. I told both if it ever came to that time to let me know and I’ll go buy what you need to protect themselves and partner. I asked what would be better to come to me and say you need protection or you have a baby on the way? I have a very open relationship with all 3 of my kids always have but I will tell you this. It don’t matter what you do to stop them from having sex if they want to they will find a way. You have to trust your children to do the right thing. I have a daughter she is 22 now and had more guy friends then girl friends and I allowed them to stay the night. I trust all of them and nothing ever happened. They hung out played video games and watched movies to going outside and playing valleyball and mud fights. Most people don’t agree with how I raised my kids but that’s okay. I don’t have to worry about my kids being sneaky or lying. They are hard working kids. If you don’t trust them alone stay close by and let them watch their movies or hang out but keep your distance. If they can be supervised there at her house or what not then why not allow it to happen at yours at least you know where he and she are at and can stay a distance or check on the every so often. Best wishes to you

I’m reading the to strict parent, loosen the reigns, etc. We were dumb enough to believe the parents. Kids both 14. I found out to late they were having sex & that the parent was sneaking the kid over while we were asleep. They couldn’t press charges, both were the same age & the parents wanted it to happen. We found out 6 mos later there was a baby on the way. Was already 5 mos pregnant. My child was a parent at 15! We could only see child if there were dating. We quit begging. I haven’t seen the child whose 16 now n my child is 31. They didn’t want child support cause they thought we would take the child smh. Haven’t seen the chil since they were 15 mos.

I would not allow him there. Contrary to what others said those other parents LIED to you. I wouldn’t want my kids hanging with people I can’t trust. If they lie about this what else do they lie about? He is only 14 so ur rules apply.


Im so happy im not the only one . Parents in here going on about lack of trust . Can they just wake up already and be realistic. Honey stick to your guns . Because a time is coming when he will be all alone in the world .


I’d call her. Straight up. She’s disrespected your wishes. People can say what they want, you’re trying to protect your son. I get it. I’d be livid to. People might think you’re overreacting but his your son, not theirs. X


That’s a great way to set your kid up for some major mommy issues :grimacing: I suggest backing off and getting into therapy he’s 14 not 4. The fact that you automatically jump to her potentially making false accusations reeks of internalized misogyny. You need to take a good long look at yourself and why your trying to control your teenage son like he is a toddler.


At first I thought you were over reacting but I get why your concerned. Protect your son bcos he is unable to make safe decisions when hormones are taking over. None of these people on here have to live with the consequences of the what ifs. Listen to your own intuition. You know your son. I say be a parent and protect him.


The more you forbid it the sneakier he will be.


I think you should be so proud he told you what happened because he could have withheld the information from you.I would talk to her parents again and let them know that you are upset and say you want them supervised when at each other’s homes


I would confront the mom do she knows you know that she’s a liar and not to ever call you again. Big No No.


Seems a little over the top in the control department. He is telling you what he is doing which is a bonus. Why is he too young. Have them to your home —- geeeezzzzz. He’ll sneak if you don’t quit it. Tell him about birth control and consequences instead of reprimanding him. SMH


They lied to you, so no I wouldn’t let him go over. Dinner should be fine, but I understand the distance and chaperone rule. We were all teens once… I’d wait till they call again and just explain due to inconsistencies from what you were told would happen and stories from your son what actually happened, that he won’t be returning. Maybe have her come over to gauge their body language to trust them more.


Whether she’s “over-parenting” or not is irrelevant at this point. Her house, her rules…
Biggest issue is the fact she was lied to by another mother whom she trusted with her son after she took necessary steps on her part as a parent to verify the situation beforehand. Nope. Not ok!


I wouldnt want two 14 year olds unsupervised either :expressionless: I know what my ass was starting to do at that age w my first serious boyfriend :joy: my parents were strict about as well and no she shouldn’t lie to you that’s fkd up

If you raised him right with good morals and values, then you should show your son that you trust him to make healthy decisions.


I completely understand why you are mad! I have a son and girls can be vindictive and lied and they are ALWAYS believed! Its your job to protect your child. This is YOUR son and the GF mom KNEW you didn’t want them left alone but didn’t care! Next time she calls to ask can he come over tell her NO because you allowed them to be alone for hours! If they want to hang out they can come to your house where YOU CAN supervise them!


Wow. Your kid is gonna super rebel since you’re being so dumb with simple crap


Totally get it. Teenage pregnancy or what you said… either way, I wouldn’t be ok with it. And I have a girl so it’s completely baffling to me that HER parents were ok with them being alone. Nope :-1:t3:


Compromise. Don’t take her from him because you’ll regret that, but allow her to be at your house supervised with him.


Everyone is saying she’s overreacting. But if it was a teen girl instead of a teen boy, would you be saying the same?


I’d be mad the parents lied, but if you trust your kid then why can’t he at least do dinner? You automatically assuming the girl will make accusations isn’t fair to her, and will be a obvious issue for anyone he dates. He could have lied but he chose to be responsible and tell you the truth, so ease up a little bit and give the boy some breathing space. Have the girl over at your place instead of hers since you can’t trust the parents, but don’t blame the girl for her parents lying, and don’t ruin a relationship for your son when he was responsible and clearly likes the girl. Odds are he won’t marry this girl, but there are relationships that start young and last forever, so give it a chance

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I’d be pissed. I’d def call and let her know you trusted her and now that she lied your son isn’t going over there. If you don’t mind your son seeing this girl, have her over to your house and they can watch Tv at your house under your supervision. Can’t trust other parents. Good luck!

Damn, raise your kids properly and you won’t have to worry about this stuff

I would be livid. I went to high school with a girl who had a baby at 14… No way would I trust the other mom again.

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Well you can’t blame just her parents but yourself too. You should had never let it happened if this was or is your belief and house rules. You opened up Pandora box … Wether the parents lied or not you should had stuck to your rules n regulations from the door. Now you may have to deal with trust issues with your son. He may start sneaking and you don’t want that. End it have a talk with your son . Mother to young man

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At least ur child told u the truth or at least i hope he did

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This is the start of a child whom will start lying to their parents, because they have bubble wrap, and doors off their bedrooms… I’d rebel beyond belief …


jesus christ
your too uptight
dont be surprised when he rebels - or when he leaves you at 18
your poor son - literally shaking my head as i type this


I would be mad about what they allowed, however,I feel like it’s a bit over the top to not allow her over if you know you are supervising


It’s gonna be come a bigger pro blem if you keep them apart hes getting to that age and could lie and not tell you the truth but he did so that show something but that could change if you keep them apart


I understand the mother lying, but your son told the truth, be glad about that. But you may need to lighten up, or your child will have to sneak around and lie to you, to have a life. Why not supervise them at your home? I would not call the mother, I would wait until she called next time.


Your going overboard. Just don’t let your son go back over to her house, geez.

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And not an. Otherwise, you’re being extra. This whole thing is too much.


Wow. I feel sorry for the kid.


I think you need too trust your son he’s 14 not 10 he’s going too end up resenting all your rules and I understand you must have your reasons but if the mother off the girl trusted them enough too be alone then she must feel like her daughter is responsible enough and l do hope your son is better judge off character than choosing too date someone who would lie about things done good luck not trying too tell you how too parent by all means he’s your son l too have a 14 year old son and two tonnage girls so I know the struggle

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Your a certified fruit loop :joy:


I’d definitely be upset about the parents lying. That’s not ok. My advice is that you communicate with your son that there are rules for a reason, not that you just want to be mean; but also understand personal boundaries, consent, and safe sex. Teenagers will be teenagers, and they find ways to get what they want just like we did. They definitely wouldn’t be hanging out there anymore.

Supervise them at YOUR house instead of being so controlling otherwise he will just start hiding stuff.


Sounds like you can trust him. But unfortunately not the adult. I would just wait till next time she calls and ask and bring it up.


You’ve got one heck of a reality check coming your way.

You need to loosen up those reins because you’re just going to strain your relationship with your child and he will find ways to do what he wants to do no matter what you say or do. Instead of trying to prevent it from happening, try educating him on responsibility and safety and build an open and honest relationship between the two of you so he can come to you with questions and concerns otherwise he’s going to be doing things unsafely and irresponsibly as he’s going to be too scared to go to you in fear of punishment. He’s not a little kid anymore. Calm down and work through your issues then go to him.


Why don’t you invite the girl over to you where you can get to know her and let them have there time at yours ? I get what your saying about the parents going behind your back but your son is going to rebel if you don’t give him some trust ! Fair play to him for telling you the truth aswell please remind him you’re proud of him for that x


Yes, I would be upset and there would be no trust for sure. Praise your son for being honest.


Take a fucking Xanax :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

You need to chill out bad… hanging out watching movies is what kids do.


This is a real raw fear of having a son these days. You’re not over reacting. It happens all the time. Protect your boy!


He’s 14 for fucks sake. Stop being so overprotective!!

Being too controlling will push your son away. Chill :clap: tf :clap: out :clap:


Yeah he’s going to rebel against you and push you away.

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I wouldn’t allow my 14 year old over a boyfriend/girlfriends house. That’s goes for my sons or my daughters. Shit happens. We were that age once. It’s not abt trust. My parents trusted me and I wasn’t a bad child, but shitttt kids are doing stuff younger and younger these days. All these negative comments. I personally think you have every right to be mad! I would be!

Child of a super overprotective mom here. Kids are going to be kids. Educate him and put faith in the fact that you’ve raised him well. My parents raised me right, but their strictness made me strive to act out. All I ever wanted to do was actually hang out with my friends aside from my parents overbearingness. Their very strict approach to parenting made me get into way more trouble then just a little freedom would have made me do.


I knew kids that would hook up in the bathroom at the mall in the middle of the day. You are not going to stop anything. Relax.


You gotta loosen up the reins because he will rebel and just be lucky he isn’t out having sex and doing God knows what! Give him credit, he told you the truth! If you have such an issue with this girl or her parents, INVITE ALL of them to your house for a dinner and get to know what type of people your son wants to be around! I wouldn’t be so mad about them being in the basement either, its not like they were having sex, they were watching movies.

Lmfaoooo what?? Stop it :skull::skull:


I know what i was doing at 14 and alone for hours :rofl:. Its your rules but being overprotective itself can have consequences.


I have a 15 yo old son! I totally get it! I would feel the same as you!

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Your son told you the truth about it . You need to trust your 14 yr son before you lose him all together. Have more fath in the way you have raised your son he sounds like a well behaved boy .


lol. this is ridiculous. your son is going to get into trouble by lying because of how psychotic you are acting. one thing not to be at the house alone , however this is the age that kids start making meaningful connections with others. sounds like you have serious attachment issues that is going to end up having your son resent you to the core.


Supervise them at your own house. Yes that’s your son, but you have no authority over THEIR house. It’s not your house therefore it’s not your rules.


My mom was like this she was very very strict it was hell on earth. Because of it I did what came natural. I starting drinking smoking pot hanging out with boys, I became sexually active! I didn’t Care if I got hit for it punished for it. I didn’t Care if I caused her pain or stress. The reason being Is because i only saw her as a control freak warden. Now as a mom myself I seriously feel terrible for my behavior and so did she, We have both apologized to each other since then, now I’m a mom of 8 lol (blended family)I try hard to give these kids room to grow but also maintain healthy boundaries as a parent. I know you think you’re doing the right thing but Don’t hold on too Tight. You might want to bend a little for both your sakes. as a mom tho I full support you not allowing your son back to their house because they did lie and that is not OK. You need to be able to trust the ppl your child is with. But I don’t see why you don’t allow anyone at your house if you’re so responsible and will supervise…I personally think you don’t want any visits because its hard on you watching him grow up. They have to honey its a part of life everything will be ok


I would be upset with the parents, her mother especially for lying. However, you son is approaching an age where we will want to hang out with girls. It sounds like you have a good relationship with him, so you do not want to explode and have him rebel or stop talking to you. I would have a conversation with the parents, ask if you misunderstood because you thought you were clear that you were not comfortable with your son being alone with their daughter.
Maybe from here on out , allow the girl to come over to your house where you can get to know her and monitor their interactions. Talk to your son about protecting himself from false accusations. If you have not have the sex talk, time to start.

Making a big deal about it and later in he wont lisent to you just because of you not trusting him. He would flat out not tell you things just because of how your acting now with him over reaccting about little stuff if you fwel that way you shouldve never have lwt him have a girlfriend in the first place


I’d be upset with the girls parents. But imo it also just sounds like you don’t trust your son


Some of these comments you can tell are either parents that don’t care about boundaries or just don’t give a shit what their child does. You are doing fine. If you feel that way, maybe you should invite her over that way you are able to watch them abba but rely on her parents to. 14 years old are still babies, but in this world now a days you never know, 12,13,14 and so on are getting more pregnant now a days, so I can definitely see where you are coming from. There is nothing wrong with having boundaries and having good parenting. If you just let him do whatever the heck he wants, then there will be problems, if you are to strict and don’t let him do anything then there will be problems. But if you let him do some things every now and then that means letting her come to your house every now and then or going to pool party/birthday parties, then you won’t have problems. You are not overreacting. Parents like that, that lie and tell you something and then do something else are parents that don’t care what their child does, that’s scary. I don’t blame you!!! But be sure to let him do some things or else he will turn out to do horrible things when he gets older.

I totally understand the fear. I have two much younger boys, but knowing how the world is and how women can be is terrifying. Especially when he’s the one that could get burned. That being said, you have to have some trust in him. If you’re worried about things happening there, let him have her come over where you’ll be able to chaperone. Get to know the girlfriend. Have the bees and birds talk with him. It’ll be embarrassing but make it known he can come to you and trust you. The worse you tighten the reins, the harder he will push to be out of your control. It breeds a “need” to lie or sneak out and rebel in general. Best of luck mama. It’s a rough world out there with raising children, and raising boys, we have those very real fears.


Might untie the apron strings a little and allow the girl to come to your home.


You’re not over reacting. They should have been chaperoning them the whole time. And the fact they allowed them to watch tv in the basement alone when she said for certain they wouldn’t be allowed to go to the basement…

They are 14… people need to stop acting like 14 year olds have the ability to make mature decisions.

I would call her and not wait for her to call and ask about him coming over again.


He was honest… He is not doing what me and my boyfriend were at 14!!

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You are overreacting and kind of annoying as well , if they want to do something they will find the way to do it,you are extremely overprotective and this will only push him away from you.

  You do not even want her over your house and that is stupid , if they are at your house you can supervise them

Hes going to do much worse if you can’t trust him. Atleast the parents were home! He didn’t lie to you


I know a girl who started seeing a guy at 14, same set up. They’re dates we at the parents home in the living room with in front of the tv, parents went to bed and at 15 she was pregnant. So yeah, 14 is too young.


Jesus, are you done over reacting? Your kid is going to have sex. Please teach your kid TRUST and PROTECTED SEX. A strict parent just teaches sneaky kids. Yes, I’d be upset with the parents. Don’t get me wrong. My opinion is that: if you teach your children how to communicate and they can trust you without backlash/condemning punishment for mistakes they humanly make, your relationship with your son may get better.

I’d also try to communicate to the parents how the situation made you feel. Not in a “Karen” way.

Your poor future daughter-in-law.


I think your overdoing it. Like this is kind of ridiculous. Cmon now…your asking for a lying sneaky ass kid by sweating this stuff to this extreme.

Your son is 14, don’t smother him. Have some trust in him or he will never tell you anything. And really what are the parents suppose to sit and watch then Like they are 2.


Too young most definitely.
Coming from someone that got pregnant at 14…. Should start teaching him about being protective and all because he’s going to do whatever regardless, but you’re not overreacting.


never ever would my boy or girl go back over ther they don’t care if she can tell a little lie ,like that no way stand your ground on this

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I’d be mad but momma, don’t squeeze that leash too tight.
You have to trust him. Talk to him. I started those chats around age 10. Careful who you’re around. Watch being alone bc she* may get mad & you never know what can happen. If you feel uncomfortable, leave. Respect her boundaries. Be honest…etc. I’ve drilled them into his head. At 20, he still lives by what I taught him. Even has a dash cam he uses if he’s giving female friends a ride. All you can do is teach him. You can’t keep him in a bubble forever. You either trust him or you don’t.


Strict parents Create sneaky kids , he will find a way to be over their even if you ban him completely . He’s an adult in few years . Have a talk about safety and protection and show a bit of trust . Allow her over your house if you want that much supervision . But trying to keep them apart like this will only push them to become closer and more sneaky .


I understand the fear but he’s gotta grow up he’s 14 they weren’t really unsupervised I’m sure the parents checked on them your being that helicopter parent


I was hanging out with groups of friends unchaperoned at 14, including boys we were dating. Not every 14 year old is trying to get in each other’s pants.