Do I have to replace the airpods my dog ate?

I have to laugh at these saying to crate the dog bc he’s a bad dog for chewing on stuff…dogs chew regardless if they’re trained or not, some dogs just do it smh. Am I supposed to crate my son for chewing on everything or make sure everything is outta reach that he shouldn’t chew on?? The kids already know the dog chews everything and have been told to keep their belongings up away from the dog. I don’t feel it’s your responsibility to keep replacing things when they know what’s going to happen. :woman_shrugging:t2: Just my opinion though. After the first few things got chewed up, they knew better.


Nope if u have made it know the dog is a chewer then they need to keep stuff put away not just to keep their stuff safe but for the safety of ur dog I have a dog who is a really bad chewer I tell everyone she will take it if it’s on the floor because that’s where her toys and chewys go is in the floor if its on the ground it goes to the hound


Not your fault. You told them to keep their stuff off the floor and away from the dog and they didn’t listen. Shouldn’t come out of your pocket.


Ur dog ur responsibility :woman_shrugging:


I wouldn’t replace. The kid was told to care for their own property, and essentially fed the puppy their airpods. Your dog could’ve choked, or had digestive issues if swallowed.


Do the right thing and meet the other family in the middle and BOTH of you split it 50/50.

How old is the kid? I could see taking a tough line with a kid 12 and up, but anyone younger is naturally forgetful and the onus falls on you to be watching your pup like a hawk, especially if they’re known to chew/swallow items they shouldn’t. This is a safety issue for your pup. Period.

Valuable lesson learnt on both sides if you ask me🤷‍♀️


Nope. The parents should make sure their children know how to treat their own things and to be respectful and responsible of their own things


We had a new puppy one summer and were the house with the pool. I told the kids she was still little and it was on them to pick up there own stuff. We had a bowl on the counter for keys, phones etc that they knew to use. We told parents that she was in the process of being trained but only 10+ weeks old. Everyone understood. I was not going to crate her because she also needed to learn how to act with people. I think your mistake was replacing the shoes etc early on. Over the months that summer I know she destroyed stuff but those kids were 16-18 and knew it was their responsibility. Good luck


Depends on how old the child is and where they were. I’d probably go halves and not allow expensive items brought into my home without the parents knowing about the chewing pup.

Would they pay if the situation was the other way around. I bet not. You told them, they didn’t listen, so their loss.

If you told them 1000 times and they still left their air pods on the floor- their fault. Hell my kid can’t find her iPods INSIDE our house because she doesn’t put them in a designated place every day and I refuse to buy her new ones! Be responsible for your things! If you want expensive things YOU need to make sure they’re taken care of. Lesson learned IMO!


Absolutely not, you warned them! Oh well🤷


Yes of course. Your dog ate them. So rude if you don’t.

Fuck no. Thats their fault.

That very well could’ve injured your dog. You’ve told them and their irresponsibility could’ve cost you your dog. Nah they need to handle the airpod situation not you


You done warned them so I wouldn’t feel bad they should of took care of their own stuff

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Nope :-1: they are responsible for their own things…


I wouldn’t. They took the risk. If they were that important to the kid they wouldn’t have left them in the floor. Granted the dog needs to be taught to not chew on things other than his toys or a bone. Maybe put up small gates

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I would replace them, but ask that they not come back inside until they can learn to follow your rules :tipping_hand_woman:t2: If you cause me to come out of pocket because you can’t follow the rules then you can stay outside.


They are kids and for some reason these days everyone expects them to act the same as adults their brains are still growing ( the Brain isn’t fully developed till 21) ! The part that makes choices is the part that is still growing ! If it’s that much of an issue don’t have kids at your house ! We all were young dumb and stupid in life ! I’d go half with them if you want kids to continue to use your house as a meeting place


Deduct the air pods from the vet bill

you are %100 responsible for what your dog does. I can’t believe there is no dog gates or anything in your house for safety. If you can’t afford to replace the airpods then just say that.


I wouldn’t let my kids take their air pods to someone’s house. If they do without my knowledge and they get damaged or stolen that’s on my kid. Hell when kids come over I hide my kids tablets cause that’s the first thing kids want to grab. If it gets broken it’s on me.


Kids need to start taking care of what is very expensive technology. I’m astounded at the number of children and teens that have these things that I have to budget for, and they destroy or lose it, then it is just replaced over and over. If they can’t keep up with it then don’t replace it. Lesson learned.


I would not replace them. They were warned, you are kind enough to be the play house, it should not cost you that kind of money too.


I’d replace them but for any future purposes wouldn’t allow high quality items to come over with the kids and take them yourself when they first come over and put it up yourself just so it doesn’t happen again.

It’s not your responsibility to replace stuff if these kids have been told. But maybe buy a cheap baby gate to put up in front of the kids door to keep the pup out


I would invest in some baby gates. We have 2 dogs, an almost 4 year old who chews nothing but her toys/bones, and a 1 year old that will chew anything and everything. I can’t count the number of Barbies he has eaten. But I tell my kids ALL the time… keep your stuff put away and your gates closed. If they don’t, and something gets chewed, I don’t replace it. They may get a replacement for their birthday or Christmas, but they’ve been told a million times to take care of their stuff.

I would offer to split the cost off replacements with the kids parents, because you’re both at fault. Yes, you’ve told your kids friends to keep track of their stuff, but you have a dog that you know chews on everything.

It’s both your fault - because of the dog, and the kids parents fault - for not enforcing them to take care of their belongings.


They was warned about the dog chewing on things. The items should’ve been put up or left at home. Not your responsibility…


I can’t believe how many parents are saying that you should replace these.

If that was my kids AirPods I would have told them they’re SOL.


I would say no. The kids had been warned. Learn to care for their stuff.


how old is kid? Maybe tell parents his item probably caused your dog harm. You pay them if they for a long list of vet bills. If he wasn’t responsible enough to watch his stuff, too young to have it. Oh well.


Thier problem they were told

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I’d say it really depends on how old the kids are and if they are old enough and have a job to be able to replace the airpods themselves

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Your dog your responsibility. Just like your kids are and if they would have broken them it would be the same thing. Your house your responsibility if you don’t want to be responsible don’t allow them to come over! Leave the punishment of not your kid to the parents of that kid it’s not your place to punish them by not buying them. Now if the parents want to punish them in that way they can tell you not to get them but it’s their call. I would be pissed but what goes on in my home is my responsibility so I would Work something out with the parents. I probably wouldn’t allow that kid back over cause they can’t fallow rules.


How old are these kids ? Are they teens ? I don’t even see a reason why a kid needs air pods :woman_shrugging:? …… but NO… not your problem


their kid, your house and rules… no way i would not replace them kid needs to understand what his actions cost him


No cause it was in your home and kids are warned but I would put up a sign stating not responsible for items destroyed or missing when left in reach of animals.


Nope I would not replace them different story if maybe they were put up and dog got them off counter or something but they were told and didn’t listen :person_facepalming::person_shrugging:


I would certainly not replace those. It’s not my job to be responsible for other kids stuff. They were warned and these are the natural consequences :woman_shrugging:


U left an important factor out: What’s the ages of the kids?


I tell my son of he takes his expensive stuff to other peoples places and doesn’t take care of it he is out of luck. He’s 11 so he should know better


You should be watching your dog more. Where’s the discipline on the dog? Can you prove it was thay child who didn’t close the door and not yours? :woman_shrugging:t2: idk seems a bit silly to me. It’s like asking a child to be responsible for their siblings actions when The accountability should lay on the parents.


Nope, you have warned them, plus why would they place them on the floor and especially the bathroom floor. If they can’t follow your rules then they shouldn’t be allowed in your house


Nope. They need to be more responsible with their things.


Sounds like they should have took better care of their stuff. Tough lesson learned. Leaving them on the bathroom floor is a no go. But you also should be redirecting and correcting the dog and giving the dog items to chew on.


i would tell them they just learned an expense lesson, to always listen when an adult tell them to take care of their stuff and to take care of their stuff lol


I wouldn’t replace them


No I don’t think you should fill out replace them because yes this child needs to understand that they were told of the issue but in all honesty will it wreck a good friendship your child has with another child if you don’t. If the second is the case then I’d at least give the parents half the cost and explain that he was asked to keep his things up and doors closed

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I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 19397 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

The most I’d pay is half. But that’s a stretch too.

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No. They were warned. Would they be paying the vet bill if your dog had become sick or had to have surgery because of it? Not likely.


Not your responsibility!

I would not replace them. You already warned them about the pup potentially getting ahold of their things and chewing them. The kid should have been more responsible with their expensive electronics.

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don’t replace, or at most pay only part and what parent sends expensive stuff along with a kid who is not responsible enough to take care of it? Notify all parents about the puppy, as if they didn’t already know, and that you will no longer be responsible for items consumed by the pup!


The kid won’t learn the parents will, and they weren’t even there


I’d not replace them but I hope you told the parents also. Sorry I dont let me son take anything to his friends that is of high value or importance for it might be lost or damaged.


Absolutely nottttttttt, I have a 1 year old pup who used to chew anything and everything if he was left alone unsupervised, I had a roomate who knew him & me very well, I’d give her beyond detailed instructions on how to handle him and to make sure your always checking on him / watching him the times I’d leave her to watch him, she of course would not watch him properly and has lost her own headphones and all types of stuff to his chewing, he even chewed up her actual phone one time!!! And I always told her how sorry I was but that it’s her fault it happened and I am by no means making up for it cause she didn’t watch the dog properly lol

So morally right or wrong is one thing and the law may say another…
Have you read the laws in your state?
I know it’s not the same as your dog biting someone, but your responsibility as the dog owner is as such.

a) The owner of any dog is liable for the damages suffered by any person who is bitten by the dog while in a public place or lawfully in a private place, including the property of the owner of the dog, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owner’s knowledge of such viciousness. › c…
Civil Code section 3342 - California Legislative Information


We have a cat who chews cords. We’ve had to replace so many different cords because he destroys them. My son no longer allows that cat in his room because of this. If your kids friends were warned, and they did it anyway, don’t replace

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Yes, you do have to. They are children and children do not always make the correct choices. The one actually at fault is YOU. You are at fault for not learning your lessons, you continue to allow your children to bring their friends over. You know the children forget things and you know you’re puppy eats anything when unsupervised…why are you not supervising the puppy when you have other children in your house?? But you even say you tell the kids to keep everything up or in your child’s bedroom, you did not seem to mention and close the door with the puppy on the other side, just in the kids room, this child left them on the floor in the kids room. Your puppy was left unsupervised by you, destroyed the property of someone visiting your house with your permission, so as the adult that is meant to be looking after the kids and the puppy, you are at fault. Put the pup in its crate, outdoors, or put a baby gate up, locking the puppy in the room with you, so that when the kids have guests over, they can play without having to worry anyones syuff is going to be destroyed because the adult is not supervising the puppy or the kids. It is a quick, cheap and simple fix instead of having to replace things your puppy destroys. A cheap baby gate or stop allowing the kids to have their friends over and supervise your puppy when guests are over. It is not rocket science.


Nope not your responsibility


Yes, you have a responsibility to replace them. 100%

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The child should have had better training and discipline at home. They should know enough to follow the house rules, do not put your thing on the floor, and close the door. The child should know how to behave when a guest in someone else’s home. I’d ban the child who could not follow such simple rules. Sheeeeeesh…

If someone came to my house and my dog chewed/destroyed their belongings, I would 100% replace them. My dog caused the damage, and I am responsible for my dog.


Absolutely NOT, you are not responsible for their items , as a mom I will not allow my daughter to take her price items to a play date of someone else’s house .


If it was my kid I would tell them well did she tell u to keep your stuff away from the dog? Yea? Ok your bad then. You should have listened.


Do not replace them.

Not your problem, they were warned. Do not buy them a replacement.

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Yeh if your dog destroyed a child’s belongings while visiting then you replace it. They are a guest in your home and if you know your dog misbehaves constantly and destroys things then do something about it. The number of people saying don’t replace them is shocking and honestly pretty tacky behavior.


Nope. Not your responsibility. If a kid is old enough to have airpods, go round to their mates house, and have been told ample amount of times not to leave stuff around then no you shouldn’t replace them…maybe this will teach them to not be so disrespectful of their own belongings because puppy or not, you don’t leave stuff on the floor especially if it’s valuable. Maybe their parents can give them a lesson in cost and responsibilities.


Umm yeah you’re responsible. She was in the bedroom with them just didn’t close the door it’s not her fault that your puppy eats everything it’s yours


It’s not your responsibility, if you’ve warned them multiple times then it’s their fault.

I think honestly it’s your responsibility, your dog. Replace them. We don’t know who opened the door, maybe it was closed at one time. I say replace…


I would half the cost and tell them it doesn’t matter what it is… from this day forward this is my dog home and consider anything he can reach his from now on. I won’t be replacing anything and only paying half now because they’re $200 and want to help offset the whole cost for the kids sake.


I would say split the cost. You’re responsible for the dog and he was responsible for the airpods.


Yeahh maybe offer to pay half I guess

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or call you home ins.

If you hadn’t warned the child about the dog I would say replace them. But they were warned and now it’s their problem. I have replace items over the years that my dog destroyed of my guests because they weren’t warned.

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Not your responsibility, make a firm note to all children if they want to play at your place to leave personal items at home. Clothing/shoes I would replace as kids strip off but airpods that was the child’s responsibility the minute they left their own house. Is there a way to separate the puppy when the kids are over. So no future issues. Good luck stand your ground.


not your responsibility

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I think I’d offer half? Some of the responsibility has to lie with the kid.


They should have put them up but you could also keep the pupp in the backyard or your room. I’d go half on it at best and they can cover the other half

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Offer half is what I would do.

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I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 17783 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

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Tricky one tbh. I mean not your responsibility really but it was in a bedroom so not like somewhere you’d expect the dog to go.
Maybe go halves and reconsider letting the kids come over.


I would put the responsibility on my kid to not leave stuff around the dog. Use their listening ears next time and have my kiddo take accountability to take care of their things. Allow them to do age appropriate chores and such to earn money to buy new ones.

If I replaced I’d find them some chores to indirectly help with for a while

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I would pay half & make a rule of them not bringing expensive items over when they come to play.

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This is a tricky one… however, I think since you know your dog chews things you should keep your dog away from the children when there so nothing like that happens. You said he’s chewed other things you’ve had to replace so you know how he is toward things, and you can’t expect children to always remember to pick up things. They don’t think like an adult… so I would say you are responsible to a degree. You should pay something on them! And next time keep your dog up away from the children and their things!


If the kids parents took the risk of letting their kids hang out at your house, they should deal with the concequences. Don’t pay for anything.


It’s their fault they left them unsecured and unattended.


I feel like you should replace them. Or maybe call the parents of the kid and split them?


Some times they have to learn the hard way! I told my sons, a hard head makes a soft behind!


My daughter has been to houses where her things have been ruined by a dog. She once came home wearing her friend’s shoes because hers were chewed up. I chalked it up to a lesson being learned. I wasn’t thrilled about replacing them, but I’d never expect someone else to replace them. She had been told, several times to put them up. She didn’t and learned the consequences of it. When I allow my children into other people’s homes, my expectations are that they’ll be safe and treated well. I do not, under any circumstances, expect that all of their belongings are being monitored by the adults in the home. Especially when I don’t know how much they have on their plate to begin with.


Who would pay for these items if they were lost … anywhere? Their parents. It’s the chance they took buying them and the kids taking them from their own home. Things happen. If you don’t want it to leave them home.


I don’t think it’s your responsibility at all. You warned the kids many times to keep there stuff up or it would get chewed, you even replaced a few items when you really didn’t have to.
And for all the people saying, you know your dog is a chewer keep it away from the kids, or put it away that’s BS! It’s her house, why should she have to put her puppy away just because these kids can’t be responsible, especially after being warned MULTIPLE times.


I think you should pay half. You know your dog chews (hopefully you are correcting that before you know he dies bc he chewed on the wrong thing) so you need to be more responsible. If you don’t want to correct the dogs behavior then you need to not be the gathering house. If your children or animals destroy others property you need to be willing to compensate. What happens when doggo is chewing on things while still attached to people? If you know your dog isn’t trustworthy to roam free then you need to be responsible too.


they have been warned and they a responsible for their selves and their stuff. they will learn a HARD lesson, but they will remember.


Nope. Not your problem.