Do I need my husbands permission to get my tubes tied?

It’s your body your choice you don’t need his permission

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I live in the state of Ky but here you don’t have to have their consent. I had to sign the paper and so did the doctor performing the procedure.


Really talk to several different women and get the pros and cons of having your tubes tied… As far as permission, you don’t technically have to have it but being married, even tho that is your body, this is a decision that affects both of y’all not just you. Talk to your husband and really understand his reasonings for not wanting you too? I regret having mine tied and we have 4 children but I’ve had major problems since having my tubes tied that I never had before. Now talking to dozens of women that have had theirs tied as well…they didnt have the complications they have now either until having them done…Really think about it before you go thru with it! Best of luck to you❤

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I’m in IN and I did not need spouses consent.

I think y’all need to make this decision together as you’re married. Works both ways. As decision affects you both.

There are some doctor’s that will ask for your husband’s permission…and they are in breach of HIPAA. If you come across a doctor that says that, go to a different doctor and report the first doctor. This was the mindset Pre-1980s but it’s actually not legal anymore. Those same doctors would allow your husband get a vasectomy without your permission.

If there is a medical reason for a doctor (or insurance!) to not allow your tubes to be tied, I would highly suggest getting an IUD. There are non-hormonal versions that are completely safe. I was dead set on not getting pregnant again (after two very difficult pregnancies. Rather than a tubal surgery, I asked my husband to get a vasectomy and thereafter I still got an IUD.

If your husband doesn’t support the choices you are making about YOUR body, then there are more underlying issues.


Girl that is your body not ya husbands. He don’t have to say yes or no.


here in ohio i only needed my voice to do it . my husband had no part in it aside from taking me and picking me up… but you live in a democratic state so you might want to call and ask a doctor but yiu should be able to with or without his consent…

I didn’t have to have anybody else’s “permission”. That’s crazy.

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Here in Kentucky I didn’t need my husband to sign anything. I was the only one who signed papers.

No you don’t need permission but you need to sign paperwork 30 days before

Some Dr.s also will not do it if you are to young

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May be a little off topic, but when I had my 2nd son 10 years ago by planned c-section after emergency c-section 4 years prior, after many years of irregular periods and ovarian cysts some recurring to the point of bursting and needing antibiotics because I didn’t realize due to I was always in pain and having my period 2-3 x a month and a few miscarriages…they did planned c-section for 2nd because after everything with the 1st they didn’t want me going into labor again…I requested hysterectomy due to the years of misery and knowing my body couldn’t take another pregnancy along with the fact at 2 kids, I am done…the dr refused and talked to my other half about how it will send me into early menopause and mess with my sex drive…left that dr after this but it is ridiculous that after all I had been through and at the time I was mid 30s…I really feel while I was open they should have removed everything and I wouldn’t be having all my troubles today…a week before my period my glands and tongue swells up until I start to bleed…then comes back the week before next, my other half didn’t make any decisions for me the dr did they only tied my tubes…but the fact that he spoke to him over me as if he would decide really annoyed me!


Well if you ask your doctor, I’m sure they would give you this answer…


Not sure about NY & “permission” issues but, you could always ask him if he would wear protection (Which MOST men don’t want to) or offer hold his hand while he gets a vasectomy. (this is tongue in cheek…for those that think I am making light of it). I have 3 children (a set of twins was the 2nd pregnancy), am STILL married 42+years, decided to not have children after ? age & had it done. I didn’t need my hubby’s permission. TOLD him I was having it done instead of him having to go for “neutering”. I think that swayed him. :wink:

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each state has different laws on if the husband has to sign off or not and then on top of that each clinic has their own set of rules too. mine in iowa said I had to be 25 with 3 kids

I’m in Georgia & I got mine completely removed. 0% chance of another pregnancy. And I didn’t need my husbands consent.
Some states have an age restriction. They won’t do it for young moms, thinking they may change their mind down the road. But that could be a doctors choice, not a law. Not sure. I was 43, so it didn’t apply to me.

Hunni no they dont need your husband permission but i have four kids got muy tubes done and it is the biggest regret of my life

don’t know why anyone would be pissy face mad at this. It’s not their life. I would say yes & no !! We have had a few moms of a very specific religious group that has to do what every their religious leaders told them, but after ‘x’ amount of kids, some OB’s have tied their tubes, without their husband knowledge. These moms were also in their late 30’s early 40’s & had many kids. The mother still has to sign the consent. Plus I have never seen any husband sign any consent either way


I would politely and calmly e plain to your hubby why you want the procedure, and that you are GETTING the procedure. Not asking for his permission. But out of respect, discussing it with him. IF you’re open to more children explain that there are other methods, adoption, etc. I’d also throw it out there that you can reverse a tubal, if hes concerned you might change your mind later. Might appease him and make him feel better.
Ultimately this is your body. This is 2020. You share it with your husband but this is your decision. If you do not want to birth anymore children then do not. :brown_heart: I wouldn’t have it done in secret as stated above. I’d tell him. But let him know your reasoning all the options like I said just because you shouldn’t keep secrets. If its THAT big of an issue that he refuses to understand that you’re done and he feels like you should be an open breeding ground despite how you feel then there are other issues.

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How old are you? How many kids do you have? That’s it. That’s all the questions your Dr will ask

I had a 4 year old 1 yr old a nnn d new born. My husband was stuck on the road so they wouldn’t tie my tubes. My body not my choice. Had another baby when my newborn was 11 month old.

I did not have to in FL. I signed the papers and made it clear I was done having babies.

Unless he’s found a way to carry the baby himself, your decision, your body.


Wow. Here in PA they were willing to do it anytime for me.

It’s an easier and reversible procedure to get a vasectomy. If you wanna get your tubes tied it sounds like you want to leave your husband. There is no sense in it. Unless you’re sleeping with multiple men, the only person who should have to go through a procedure should be your husband. There should be a conversation that he should do the reversible procedure or you should get on an effective birth control. Save cauterizing your insides. That’s selfish and extreme.


I believe every state is different and every doctor is different. My step mom couldnt get her tubes tied because my dad wants to have another baby. So the doctor wouldn’t do it.

Is this a thing for real? If this is true that’s crazy as hell like it’s your body ! Only you should have say and control over your body no one else.

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It’s your body why would you need someone else’s permission? It would be insane to have to. I’d divorce and get them tied lol and get married again if you wanted too

I did when I was wanting mine. My dr wouldn’t even tie mine till my youngest was 6 months old. Said cause you never know when something could happen to the baby. So I never got mine tied at that time. Let’s say I didn’t get my tubes till 7 years ago when my oldest was 18 :rofl:. Thank God I never had any more kids. I old had two. Their 26 & 21 now.

I think in some states you do but not entirely sure which ones

depends on what state you live in to be honest look up marriage laws in your state

Does he want more kids or is he protecting you? Getting your tubes tied can cause major problems. I got mine done 7 years ago and I’m still suffering from it and will until they deem me old enough for a hysterectomy.

I’d do it anyways. I told my husband if told me I couldn’t get my tubes done so I can’t get pregnant again I’ll divorce him so I can. I refuse to be told what I can and can’t do with my body .

I’m in NY, no permission other than mine was needed.

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Weight limit never heard of my bff was dang near 300 when she had it and she never had health issue from it

You have autonomy over your own body. You do not need permission from a spouse.

No it’s your choice if you feel like you don’t feel like you want anymore get them tied its yourchoice.

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Saying “Your body, your choice” is ridiculous.
That’s how it should be but that’s not how it is.
Unfortunately in a majority of state yes you do need his permission and still then your Dr can say no.
If you don’t have at least 1 of each sex you’ll be denied. If you’re under a certain age, denied.

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I’d say no they don’t need his permission . It’s your body. If they do which I’d be shocked then say you’re single hahha

Sure hope not, it’s your body…Do it, now…

I didnt have to but then again I didnt have a choice. Im glad i didn’t with my 3rd because I wouldnt have had my last one. I swore I wouldn’t have another baby with the same man I have 3 with and boy I made good on that promise. But he helped when he laid hands on me and we divorced. I had 4 c sections and it had to be my last. But only I had to sign the papers.

I’m sure they don’t need his permission. BUT, why not use an IUD instead? He could be trying to protect you from making the decision and regretting it later, or side effects.

I didn’t when I had mine done. That was almost 9 years ago

It depends and varies from dr to dr. My obgyn refused to tie my tubes, even though my husband (then bf) and I both agreed one and done. He did, however, direct me to the other obgyn in the office, and he was glad to sign the papers, and perform the tubal directly post csection.

You need to respect your husband. His opinion matters too. All decisions need to be made together. You have other options besides a permanent one.


Some states you do just like they require permission from the spouse for a vasectomy.  …also this is going to create a huge issue in your marriage if you sneak behind his back and do all of this. Just like it would be if he did it


I was twenty being underage they had my husband sign for me I thought that was crazy !

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I remember being in my early 20s. But I had two kids, two sons. And the doctor I was seeking told me I need my husband’s permission because maybe he wanted a daughter in the future.

Never got mine tied and glad I didn’t. If you feel like it’s right for you, go ahead with the procedure but maybe take him to a appointment to inform him more.

When I had mine he had to sign but that was 20 years ago… Mississippi

I had my tubes tied 2 1/2 years ago with my 3rd c-section. I was 40 years old and sure I was finished having babies. But have endures health problems since the surgery. If you can make another option work without surgery I would try

I have heard in some states that you DO need your spouses permission but that’s not how it is here in MN.

All these medical doctors and lawyers on this feed :woman_facepalming: go to google. Type in “do I have to have my husband’s consent to have my tubes tied in ----- (insert state here)”.
With that being said, how many woman on here screaming “your body, your choice” would like if their husband went and got a vasectomy behind their back while still wanting another child?
But anyways, in Indiana I had to sign a consent form when my husband had a vasectomy 10 years ago.


Its your body. So your choice. I live in New York as well. I never had anyone questions when I signed my paperwork. Didnt have it done because of complications. The husband got the snip and I didnt have to sign anything.

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Louisiana does not require a husband to consent. I get to make the decision with or without my husbands input. Obgyn stated your body your decision

Yes you do if your married but if he is abusive than No

I live in MS and i had to be 23 or have 3 kids before I wouldnt need husband’s permission

Hell no he doesnt need to give it. Amd hell no yoir doctor doesnt need his consent


My husband wasn’t completely on board at first with my having my tubes removed, but if the man doesn’t want a vasectomy which is way less invasive then too bad.

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No . If you want your tubes tied get it done. No one can tell you otherwise. If your honestly asking this though I’d be concerned hes abusive or your worried he’d leave you because he wants more kids. And in fairness if he wants more and you don’t then then be honest tell him your getting it done and if he decides to leave it’s on him

I had mine done same day I had my last child my doctor asked me if your husband agree , I lied told him yes and got it done when my husband ask me what the operation for and I told him I had my tube tied and he left the hospital right away and didn’t,t talk to me for 2 weeks.

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Why would a hospital/medical clinic need permission of another person other than you?
You’re an adult.
In Australia (where I am), you only need your own judgement if you’re of sound mind.

You’re in NY, Nth America, not in an Arab country where you need permission off a man to breathe.


I didn’t have to in NC.
Just tell him no permanent birth control (your tubes or his) = no bedroom time.

7 years ago I had mine tied and I was the only one that needed to sign. I had to sign papers and then wait to sign more papers after 30 days.

But I will say this, I do NOT think it’s okay to go a head and tie your tubes if your husband is truly against it. You both should talk about it and be on the same page. There’s other good forms of birth control to look into first.

But it’s also you and your marriage. Not mine. Just an opinion.

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I feel like if your willing make that life changing commit without his knowledge. You need to rethink your relationship. You have two very young ones and that right their most anyone feel done and probably more if your doing most the care but I feel like it should be a decision made together since it can be impossible to go back. Plus come on, that big of a secert would bound to come out and your asking for trouble and resentment. Id personally would probably tell him that I give him a couple years on birth control but if you still feel done in two year when they were a bit older it was happening.


You don’t need anyone but the dr! You may need to pay deductibles & copays

In Texas they ask your spouse. Or at least my dr did. She wanted to make sure we were on same page because of the problems it can cause down the road between spouses if both don’t agree.

I’m from Oklahoma and at the time I was on state insurance years ago they handed me a paper stating they needed both our signatures and we had to wait 30 days to make sure it’s what we wanted. Scroll forward 9 years and another baby and private insurance, I didn’t have to have authorization from my spouse and got it done within 45 days…

Only if you plan to tie them around his throat…

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It depends on what state you live in and your age. Many states require a husband to sign for wife and wife to sign off if husband getting it done. You would need to check laws in your state. I would talk to your husband some more about this through…its not healthy for a marriage to go behind each others back.

I had mine done in az and didn’t have to ask my husband.

Permission? NO.
Would it be nice if he was onboard? YES

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In California I didn’t need my husbands approval. Try asking your dr, or google it.

I’d say set everything up as if you don’t know how he feels. They may not even give there. It’s your body, your decision. Plus children are expensive.

No you don’t need his permission. But since you’re in a marriage its important to at least here his opinion out. Not just that he doesn’t think you should do it but the why.
Maybe he’s thought of something you haven’t.

In VA did not need husbands permission

No. I did not need my husband’s signature. Doctor did not even talk to him about it.

I think you need to consider your husbands feelings, your partners…I couldn’t go behind my husbands back and do this regardless of how i felt. Would you go have a abortion behind his back? I think if you dont respect him enough to wait then you dont respect your marriage as a whole. Partners not I will do what I want regardless of other persons feelings!


I got my tubes tied at 24. I didn’t need any permission except to convince the Dr I wasn’t to young. I’m now 40 and have never regretted my decision.

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There are other ways to prevent pregnancy. I know none of them are 100% but it’s a means to and end while you guys talk about it. With modern science these days they are pretty effective. And yes I know your body your choice ultimately, but he is your husband and this decision will effect him and your marriage so dont make it lightly

I have no idea but doesnt matter how much I wanted to do it, I wouldnt if my husband wasnt fully for it.

Wait… So some of y’all are saying you need your husband’s signature for tying your tubes… But I’ve never heard of a father having to give permission for a woman to get an abortion…


I didn’t need my husband’s permission. We talked previously about it and made the decision together and my doctor asked if I had discussed it with him but it wasn’t necessary.

No you dont. Not in Mississippi. Just had mine done after my c section 3 weeks ago.

Not I the state of Indiana! Thank god

No. And its your body, if he wants to figure out how to make a baby without using your body for something YOU DON’T WANT, let him! If he wants to wear a condom, great, but I wouldn’t be putting a bunch of crap in my body because " there are other ways to prevent a baby "

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I really dont have an answer but the fact that the husband or wife needs to be conferred with at all about a vasectomy or having your tyhes tied, in any case, is too damn much. Your body, your decision and it should be your decision alone.

No, it’s not up to him legally

You do not need permission

I live in Wa and do not have to give permission to anyone, except a prior auth from my insurance company. If you’re 110% sure, go have a consult Mama!

No,and eff him,get them done


Your body, your choice and if he doesn’t respect that…

Sad that if the situation were reversed, and you found out your husband got a vasectomy behind your back because he didn’t want anymore children, and you did, some of these comments would be very different.


Wow. Y’all need marriage counseling.

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When my husband was snipped in 95, he had to have my signature on the paperwork because we were married. I live in Georgia

I think you should respect your husbands wishes use protection and then discuss the topic more. Dont get it done behind his back that’s a fucked thing to do.

Dr will usually ask how your partner feels. Just lie and say he’s on board. But no, they don’t need his actual permission. The dr doing my surgery at the end of this month hasn’t even met my man🤷 and won’t. Cuz he don’t come with me for lady dr appts.
Altho I didn’t ASK my man if I could get one. Just TOLD him I was. My body. My choice. He can accept it or not.🤷 Mines on board thankfully. I only have one child.

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You would hope he would get a say on it, essentially if you are married, you are cutting off his chances of future children, i think a discussion is needed as it will seriously affect both of you


Hell no this is 2020 not 1820. Women have the right to make their own decisions regarding their bodies.

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When I went to tie mine even though I already had two kids they told me no because I was not married and my husband might want them one day ! This is in Illinois