Do I need permission from my husband to visit my family?

Sounds like he is controlling you.

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I don’t ask permission from my husband for anything. If he ever said I can’t do something, I would do it twice as much just to prove the point. Stand up for yourself, you are supposed to equal in a relationship. X


Visit your family EVERY chance you get. Because one thing IS for sure. You can not get back TIME. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Once family and friends are gone, their gone. :broken_heart: Visiting once a month is awesome. You visit and make memories girl :two_hearts:

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Hell no. He is your husband, not your father. You don’t need permission to do a damn thing.

He is trying to isolate you from your family!


Is he your keeper or your husband?
Sorry but you each get an equal say in your relationship.

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If it’s important to you then he should support you. If he doesn’t then get counseling

Still needing to visit your family once a month, seems like the issue, I imagine when you lived right by them before the move it was all the time, so when you moved an hour away, he probably thought, good, we can focus on our family now, but nope, you still need to go once a month even tho he isn’t happy about it… the issue is clearly not having to get his permission, the issue is your need to see your family so much. I am in no way saying that’s a bad or good thing, I am simply stating it seems as tho he wants some distance between you guys and your family and to venture out on your own together and you can’t do that. A huge percentage of adult couples do not se their parents and family daily, weekly or monthly, especially if they moved an hour or so away… he may see this and he may be right, that you have an over attachment issue to your parents? A lot of adults visit family on holidays and during the summer and focus on their own lives together, I think that’s what he wants and you don’t. I would definately talk to him more about this and not FB.


an hour to get there isn’t far at all. so 2 hours driving and let’s just say you visit 4 to 6 hours. that’s 8 hours tops and as long as your not neglecting things to get done or doing stuff behind his back I dont see what’s the problem unless he gets super possessive and jealous over nothing. not a healthy marriage

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You can go where ever you want! As long as you let him know in advance, that’s just out of respect! I bet he doesn’t ask you permission for anything. Your Family is your blood . How dare him​:rage:. Take control of your life or get out! Red flag for real! You can even invite him and if he doesn’t want to go, you go anyway :ok_hand:.

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You need to discuss this with him - find out why he is so against you going. Ultimately though, you do not need “permission” to go visit your family. That is a big indicator of controlling behaviour… then add in the references to money and that flag is even bigger!

Out of curiosity, whose idea was it to move an hour away?

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“Permission” implies a father figure.


I think a few factors play a role here… has your family been insulting or abusive to him in any way?
If yes, then he is just putting boundaries in place, if no, then there is no reason for his behaviour.

cant understand why you would have to try keep an eye for response does he control what you do

He’s trying to control you. DO NOT LET HIM !


He sounds very controlling ,nobody should have to ask permission or get hassled or get into a fight because they want to see family


Nah, he ain’t your daddy. But it sounds like he thinks hi is! His is M trying to control you andncant stand it that he cant. Do you want like this? He isn’t going to change and his controlling issues will get violent.

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Girl. Hell no. I wish someone had told me. You don’t have to choose between your families. Take the kids and see your mother. :heart:


Tell him to kiss your ass! Go and see your family and friends. He is controlling you and that is unacceptable!!!

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Go visit as much as you can one day that all you will have are memories.


I don’t ask to see my family, I tell. Their my family and I will NOT ask anyone’s permission to see them.


My mom used to live an hour away, she lives with me now but anytime I would go to visit my husband’s only concern was that the car had gas and was in perfect running condition and that I had enough money for us to eat, we have 3 kids.

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u dont “need” his permission but he shouldn’t be stopping u or making u feel guilty either it’s ur family… I would have Gome a long time ago without him


Hell no you don’t need his permission to go see YOUR family. Girl… RUN. NOW!


Sad he hates your family for some reason. We need to hear the history

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This sounds like a control issue!! If so you need to have a serious in depth conversation on what his complaint truly is. If not addressed this situation could get worse. Has he begun exerting even more control of your actions since the move? If so you have a bigger problem to address and access. You shouldn’t need permission to visit your family. As a courtesy only you should advise him of your intent to visit.


This is what abusers do. They isolate you from friends and family. Don’t let that happen.


Go see your family an stay there. Dont answer his call. Let a lawyer contact him.


Does he ask your permission to go anywhere? I’ll bet not. Tell him it’s very important to you if he really loved you he’ll be ok or not😘

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Don’t miss any chance to spend time with family. We have no promise of tomorrow…AND NO ONE SHOULD CONTROL YOUR EVERY MOVE!!!


Who’s idea was it to move over an hour away? Does he see his family often? Does he get pissed off when you see friends as well? I’m only asking because this behaviour raises some red flags of social isolation, which is a form of abuse.


Even when my mom lived 8 hours away I never had to ask for permission. My family is about 2 hours away and I just tell my husband hey I’m going. I think that’s controlling and would never be okay with asking permission for anything from my husband.


Hell no. Don’t argue and just tell him you’re going. When he tries to argue say I’m not arguing

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I can see you respect your husband and his wishes. It is hard to go against what he wants but you DO have to STAND your ground. Gently tell him that you are NOT asking him, you’re TELLING him where you are going.
He will get over it when you carry out your actions but if you don’t go and you stay obedient to him, he will ALWAYS have that control over you and let’s face it, in the end you will only have yourself to blame for NOT taking the time and NOT going because someone else didn’t want you to.
PLEASE go cause trust me, when your parents are deceased, you WILL have many regrets and anger towards your spouse for NOT letting you go. But ALWAYS remember, rather you go or NOT the decision IS YOURS.
So if you stay home, DON’T blame your spouse for the decision YOU made.

I pray this helps you.


CONTROL!! Been there before.

No you do not need his permission. That is your family.


Nobody NOBODY tells me when i can see my family fk that ,who does he think he is. Youd be a fool to let him control you,you arnt a pet or a belonging.


You have been with him so long they are hus family too so start asking him why he cant be bothered visiting his own family. Turn the tables!


It would be polite to let him know you are visiting. When traveling the spouse should let the other know. No more than you visit there should be no complaint. Of course you can tell him, because they do not see you and the kids they are moving close to you. That might change his mind real quick!

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You ABSOLUTELY should not have to ask permission to see your family. Even if you have 2cents to your name!


Informing your husband yes …asking his permission NO. Your NOT his slave or his kid. Just be nice about it. DON’T argue about it . IF he says NO just smile and say …I was informing you not asking you!! I am an adult I make my own decision. …And DON’T let yourself be drag into an argument . THAT solves nothing.


Both the HELL and the NO ! !


He’s trying to isolate and control you. You don’t need permission your an adult. Letting home know your going or asking if he’s ok or making sure no plans are made you for got about is one thing but asking permission is a control thing, especially if you only go once a month. My husband and I check with each other like hey I’m planning on going here or away for the weeked we don’t got anything going do we or you got the kids are you OK with that is respectful. What he’s doing is not ok, and then to ruin your time fighting. I personally would tell him your going send him a text you made it safe and shut off your phone


Communication is vital, permission however is NOT


Never ask permission.


Tell him he is welcome to come and visit if not see u later.


You only haveone mother & one dad if they are old you don’t know how long they have on this earth so visit them as much as possible… We don’t have to be old for the Lord to call us home. I have two sons in Heaven So make your visits.count. God Bless you & Your family.


You shouldn’t “need permission” for anything ! I could see if it was a long drive hours away then discuss it with him but an hour is really not that far. She is your mom and it is your family. You should be able to see them whenever time and finances allows for it.


No. You don’t need his permisson. Don’t ask if you can go. TELL him you are going.


Fighting with you all the time you are at yr families. So you have yr kids .text to say I’ve arrived and will turn ph off till you leave. And will text him when you leave . This way you are being present with yr family .
That is red flag stuff there and you should be enjoying yr time with yr family … not fighting with him.
Setting boundaries etc.
Take some photos maybe aswell but this is seriously controlling behavior


You do not need permission, I can see letting him know that you are going to see ur family. Why doesn’t he visit with you? My husband and I have been together for 21 yes starting at 16 years old. Its a world in progress everyday. He may feel jealous he isn’t included :woman_shrugging:. If he is included then I would be having another talk because he shoild never keep you away from ur family nor should u his. I wish you the best in ur decision :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Not married but even if I were and even in relationships I do as I damn please, permission is control, control is power n that is a form of abuse

Are you an adult or a child??


Girl fuck him and continue to live your life!! As long as you let him know what and where your going and doing he should have no problem. If he does go anyways he’s not your father. Letting him know your plans before and after is showing him you have enough respect for him as your husband to let him know what your plans are. But to do this is not to be asking him for permission and make sure you make that very clear to him moving forward.

No one should have to get permission to visit family or friends. Any spouse trying to prohibit one from seeing friends or family is emotionally abusing you .


No you don’t have to ask permission. This is an absurd question. You have an unfettered right to see anyone you choose at any time.


Go anyway & STOP asking permission. How old are you? He’s not your father. Trust me, he’ll get over it. As long as you allow him to intimidate/bully you, it will continue & escalate. Grow some. Not easy but powerful. Prayers :rainbow:


The respect of telling him your plans. Yes. Premison no.
" hunny, I’m going to see my family this weekend cuz of bla bla bla, your welcome to come if you would like, otherwise is there anything you need from me before I leave?"


Tell him yo grow up your family will always be there, he may or may not.
Dont ever give your family up for a man, they wouldn’t do it for you.
Question also, do you invite him to go??


Since when is your husband your daddy? You have to ask for permission?? That’s called control! That’s called BS! You are not a child so don’t let this so called man treat you as one. No problem telling him you are going he should need to know in case something happens but take your kids and go as you please and tell him to get over it!


That is a form of control which is also…" ABUSE,"…


You’re an adult. You don’t need permission from anyone for anything. I let my husband know what I’m doing and make sure my plans don’t conflict with his. But I’ve never once asked permission to do what I want.


no you don’t need his permission. Does he ask you for permission if he goes somewhere? I will be married 40 years and not one time have i ever thought my wife had to ask me permission for anything it is called respect each other


Go see your family whether he ok’s it or not. Why doesn’t he go too? Maybe you should invite him to go or stay his choice. Then don’t feel bad if he doesn’t go along.

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Drama drama!!! Just go!!!

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Do you also have to get permission from him to go pee? Grow up


What?You got to be kidding me… are you a minor?

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He’s using money as an excuse to keep you away from your family. Toxic


Huge red flag!! :triangular_flag_on_post: Get to reading about domestic violence. Keep safe and if you ever leave make sure he doesn’t find out.

Do you have a reliable car? Does he ask permission from you to visit his family? Does he go with you to visit your family? Do you go with him to visit his family? Get counseling for yourself and as a couple.


I feel it’s respectful to ask, however you don’t need permission. In a healthy relationship. He sounds like he is not a healthy relationship. Once a month is not out of the question and he shouldn’t be interrupting that time.


My ex was like this. Next thing you know he’s moulded you into this depressed person who doesn’t see anyone and isn’t allowed out the house.
Then social problems form down the track.
Get out now please!


First i would ask what country do you live in ??? And second if it’s the United States, …you might not like what response is. !!! Go see ypur family. That’s too much control on his part if he won’t let you see your family. And when you do go, you really might want to rethink going back home to him


No if he gets mad then he is toxic and you don’t need that in your life


I’ve been with my other half for 10 years and have a 5year old … I NEVER ask his permission to do anything nor does he … we are both adults of course if we are planning something we let the other know etc but I would never dream of telling him he ‘can’t’ do something … especially visiting family! :flushed: … I say go visit your mum … if he has an issue spend the night at your mums … he is supposed to be your husband not your owner :flushed::woman_shrugging:t4:


Get rid of him. TOXIC my dear.


This shouldn’t even be a thought much less a question!!!


Stop coming home and see how he likes that.


Hell no, I’m grown and will go where I want whenever I want and I’d tell him that his bad attitude is hurtful and you miss your family.
Tell him it’s a once a month trip and it will continue to be so every time you get mad and have a fit I’ll know your just wanting to start a fight. Grow up and understand I’m your wife, not your child who you can dictate to.

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Do what you want to do… he might get mad but if he truly loves you he will get over it… sounds like jealousy to me…

You absolutely do not need to ask permission to see your parents. He needs to grow up. He is just trying to control you. My second marriage was to a controller. I stayed in it too long. So glad I finally left.


Your husband should be married to me. He’d be walking on stubs right now.

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I’d tell him to kick rocks!

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My sister lives an hour and a half away and my husband would never complain if I took the kids away for most of the day and he got a day of silence…this is a really odd reaction. It doesn’t even interrupt his life. If anything, he gets some quiet time to recharge.


It’s a very odd reaction for sure like state above… is there something else being left out? Was he like this before ?


your husband is a toxic asshole, had one off those myself

This is abusive and toxic. Get counseling.


You don’t need permission to go see your family. My family lives 5 1/2 hours away and if i wanna go then i go. Just like he doesn’t need permission to go see his family

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Really??? You ask if it is ok??? Not that you should sneak off but would he even KNOW if you went for the day - isn’t he at work??

Absolutely not. Don’t ever let a man make you feel like what you want isn’t important and don’t ever let a man dictate how you spend your time

he sounds like a control freak

I check with my husband just to make sure he doesn’t have anything plan and can watch the kids if its a weekend hes off and I’m going down by myself

you and you kids need to be able to go see your mom. screw him, our mommas aren’t around forever

Kick him to the curb

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You dont need permission to do anything. Its respectful to talk to him and let him know things though. Please get counseling and if things dont change i woulf suggest getting out ASAP. It will only get worse from here if nothing at all is done. I have been through it

Don’t let him control you. Do whatever you want.

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My husband would never tell me I couldn’t visit my family!


Controlling, Toxic, Narcissistic. None of those are normal or okay period, let alone in a marriage. The next thing that usually happen after that is abuse. Emotionally, mentality and sometimes physically. Sounds like you just need to go on ahead and move in with your family and tell him to kick rocks ASAP!

Your husband has a problem! He’s a narcissist. He wants to control you! He should want and also make sure you get to see your family.


Are you under 18?? If so is he your father? If NIOT the answer is differently NOT!!!

I mean I think you absolutely should share the communication and planning of going and come to a compromise that fits you both, I wouldn’t just leave when it’s an all day event… sounds like it needs to be talked about as to why it bothers him so much that you go. And hopefully you both can agree on like a certain day every month that works for you to go so it’s already preplanned every time :crossed_fingers:t2: