Do I tell my friend or hold my tongue?

Tell her. She’s your friend. And you would want the same.

I woulda took pictures, videos, and face timed my friend. Then confronted the cheating bastard. WTF kinda question is this?!

I would tell but i would get proof also so she believes u

What would you want if you were in her shoes?

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Tell her but provide proof.

Of course. Tell her.

Keep the mouth​:mask::mask::mask::mask::mask::mask::mask::mask::mask::mask:

You are not a true friend if you don’t tell her.


Confront him with what you saw. Let him know you’re protecting the best interest of your friend and expect him to do the same.

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If it’s your friend.,. definitely tell her

Read this again and ask yourself that question. Would you want her to tell you if the roles were reversed.

tell her then get a gun

Tell her. Wouldn’t u want to know? I would

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Tell 100 times tell!!! If it were you youd want to know!!!

Depends on how they were together if it’s a work colleague or did they do things that are just not acceptable yada yada :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Do you have proof? You should tell her but if you don’t have proof be prepared for her to choose him over you and lose the friendship ( usually how it goes)

I wish you had taken you had proof. And tell your friend.

Tell her she needs to know.

I told my friend’s husband
“You tell her, or I will” (when I seen him with the other woman)
He told her


If you say something to her , it very well could backfire, and you may lose a friend. :shushing_face::zipper_mouth_face:

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Tell her but without proof she may turn on you but she needs to know. If it was my partner playing away id want to know

If you’re a true friend you’d tell her.

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I get pictured first and then show her


i wouldn’t say anything. women always kill the messenger. i stay out of people’s relationships.


Tell her. It could be a work colleague, it could be something else. But that’s your friend you tell her. Period.

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Tell her. I would be pissed if my friend knew and didn’t say a word to me. Friends tell the truth however painful it may be under these type of circumstances.


Tell her. I’m sure if she seen your husband out with another woman without your knowing you would want her to tell you !

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Tell her. Please tell her. But also make sure you are certain it wasn’t just a work friend.

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Tell her you saw him and ask if it was a colleague he was with. Let her come to her own conclusion and she can ask her husband.


I would tell her you would want someone to tell the tell You if it was your man cheating on you. Or you could contact the husband husband and say I saw you with another woman I’m gonna give you the chance to tell her and if you don’t I’m going to tell her

Tell her anonymously through the mail & Make sure you get a photo.


Do you know for sure?? Or was she a co-worker?

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Definitely tell her.

From my personal experience leave it alone. I lost a friend over telling her the truth. She is still married to him. We were friends since Middle School!!!


You absolutely tell her. You don’t need to necessarily say “hey girl I seen your husband with another woman”. You could maybe let her know that you seen her husband with another female at (where ever you seen him) & just wanted to make sure she was aware & you weren’t sure if it was a work colleague or family member because you obviously didn’t approach him.

That is your friend & at the end of the day you should value your friendship with her enough to let her know when her partner is seen with another female that isn’t her.


If you are her friend you tell her

As the friend who this happened to a long time ago my supposed friend never told me. It really pissed me off. Then she wanted me to cover for her when she wanted to cheat on her husband… yea needless to say we aren’t friends. Don’t be that disgusting pig ! Tell your friend she needs to know.

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Tell your friend. After all wouldn’t you want to know?

I would have took a picture and sent it to her. Then she would be able to figure it out. I would want someone to tell me ASAP. To many people messing around and I’m not here to stay for it. My friends wouldn’t hesitate to tell me.

If I was your friend , I would hope you are a true friend and come to me . I would be devastated , yet I would have you as a friend to lean on and trust … please do the right thing , I had no one to tell me . I had to find out the hard way , seen his credit card statement and there was flowers ordered and hotel booked for Vegas and a Grand Canyon trip and so many more things .

I was heartbroken , I just wished I would of known sooner .

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Would you want to be told if it was your husband ?

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Snitchhhhhhhh if she’s your friend she wouldn’t hate you for telling.

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I wish a friend had told me.
Dont accuse him of cheating …maybe say in passing you saw him out with a friend for lunch /drink or something similar because it could well be perfectly innocent …

My question is why did you not say Hi to your friends husband to acknowledge you that you seen him.


My husband goes on business trips for his business with another worker and goes for meetings and presentations etc.
I don’t have no trust issues regarding the opposite sex working together in a open work place.

Are you sure this was not business related ?
That is why I am kinda wondering why you didn’t approach him. You would know 100% from talking to them if it was just business.

I call this Drama and looking for something to stir the pot in someone’s relationship.
I hope for you and her that is not what you saw .

She probably already knows. Hard to say on this. When my ex was cheating on me my brother (Jack jr) found out. When I caught her a couple days later that’s when he told me he didn’t know whether to tell me or not. I knew she had been cheating but turned a blind eye to it until she got caught. You try not to hurt the ones you love. Tough question and no right or wrong answer

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Had a friend who cheated on her bf and got found out, the guy on the side tried it on with me to get his revenge, i turned him down and told my friend. Lost my friend.

I would of taken a picture and sent it to her and asked if she knew who that woman was that you didn’t want to jump to conclusions just curious. That way you save your own butt.

The word “friend” is pretty broad. How good of a friend is it? Do you know if they have an open arrangement?

tell her i wpould have gone up to him when sore it

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I would tell her if I were you

What was he doing with the other woman?

If she’s your friend you would tell her

Tell ur friend - needs someone to be honest to her. Don’t keep secrets from her like that

If that’s your friend why wouldn’t you tell her… couldn’t be my friend knowing these type of things but confused on whether you should say something or not.


Talk to the husband it might have been innocent

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Follow your gut instinct

You wouldn’t be a very good friend if you kept it to yourself :woman_shrugging: just saying

If you tell her be prepared for her not believing you, cutting you off as a friend or just ignoring it. Best bet is to lead her to catch him herself.

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I would tell her but only after you have evidence to prove it!

If you don’t tell her… you’re not her friend

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:100: or you’re not a friend simple

If it were my friend id be telling her.

Wow, what a dilemma. It’ll come out eventually so I think you should tell

If you saw him in inappropriate behavior with this women go ahead and tell her but if he was just side to side or just talking with her then i don’t see anything wrong.

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Um tell your friend!!!

If my friend didn’t tell me I would be upset. Tell her!

That’s a tough one, but she has a right to know.

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Um tell her… what kind of friend wouldn’t


I would tell her, but don’t be surprised if she hates you, not him.


Of course she needs to know. She is your friend. I would of snapped a pic for proof.

Would you want someone to tell you if they :eyes: your man with another?

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I wouldnt tell her id tell him what you saw. See what he says and tell him to tell her or you will…


I would tell her before he gives her a disease.


Did you just see him with another woman or did you see him doing something with another woman? Does he have female co-workers? Maybe rule out some scenarios first before making a stink. Ask questions about whether or not he has a reason to be around other women?


If you have to ask this question then you aren’t really a good friend… sorry.


If you confront him first RECORD y’all’s conversation! They way if he admits it and tries to get you to lie then you’ll have it recorded so you’ll have proof to send to her!

You’d be a shitty person let alone friend if you DO NOT tell her

You should have taken a picture to send to her for proof. Some people hate the messenger.

Well you wouldn’t be much of a friend if you didn’t tell her now would you?

Keep your nose out of it .
.it may of been just a friend

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I’d want to know, it’s also alot to carry on your shoulders

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What was the context of the situation? Could he have been friends? Could it have been family?
Why start drama if you don’t even know the whole situation?

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Tell her. She may know her? :crossed_fingers:

R u kidding? Tell her always.

Umm you tell her. Wtf kind of question is this


Off course…u must tell her and asap…its the right thing to do…all those who don’t tell…they would be labelled as deceivers…my issue was similar…I found out after almost three years…was not good at all.

If she’s your friend like you say you tell her… Shouldn’t even be a question. I know if I seen my friends partner with another women I would be telling her straight away.


Ask yourself- would you consider her a friend if the roles were reversed and she didn’t tell you?

That’s a stupid question… wouldn’t you want her to tell you something of such?

I would want to know if it were me

I wish someone would have told me that my exhusband was cheating on me. I would tell her and get proof.

Unless you have proof of more than a friendly conversation I’d leave it alone.

Tell her and be prepared for fallout. Hopefully she is thankful, but she could push you out of get life. Experience on that one. Still glad I told her though.

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NO , I would NOT tell her ! If I see my own brother in law with another woman I would not tell my sister. That’s not of my business.

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Absolutely tell her…

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You could tell her and she may not belive you and could ruin your friendship or you don’t tell her and same situation could happen its a lose lose either way

At the end of the day it’s none of your business until you make it your business.

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Honesty all the way I could not look my friend in the eyes and be a fake ass bitch not saying anything while he is treating her like that even if she decided to hate me over I’d still always tell on those cheating ass hats and always be honest with any friend close or not close it’s the same for me Honesty 1000%
I wish I was told about my ex instead of being in the position I was put in with my kids it being so messy and stressful and just 10x worse than if I was told and could atleast prepare for the break up!

Wanna bust him?
Play PI, get pics of them kissing or being naked together.
That’s the only way I’ll believe my friend, when she comes with proof.

Who knows, it might be a work colleague or an old friend, perhaps his sister or mother.
Just be careful while trying to ruin a marriage

The messenger always gets shot. No matter what