Do you force your child to go to their grandparents?

I wish my mother had something anything too do with mine

No force. My 5 year old goes willingly any chance she gets lol

Never force them to go or stay anywhere.

nope then again I live like 8 hours away from any family because my family is shit.

My kids love my mom. Absolutely adore her. I don’t have to force them. Plus my mom lives 3 houses down from us.
My husband and I have a really good loving relationship with my mom.
My dad is meh.
His parents are in a different country.

I don’t have too, my kids love their grandparents.

I’ve never forced my kids. My son Loves going to his Grandmas and Grandpas on Fridays after school. He lives spending time with them. He is 12 now so I ask him and he always likes to go. And he’s been going since he was just a few months old, only because at just a couple months old I had the belly bug and Grandma came and got him so he wouldn’t get it. Ever since then he’s been going. She probably wants you there because well, she isn’t used to being there. I think it’s important for kids and Grandparents to have a bond. There’s things they instill in them, things that are special. I never had that with my grandparents so it’s important that my children have a bond with theirs. And they do. And they Love it and so does Grandma and Grandpa.

You should encourage her to build relationships with them. They will be gone before you know it. Even if it’s one weekend a month. My grandma had my son every day because that’s where he wanted to be. They were best friends. And when she got sick took care of her every day up until she passed away.

I absolutely do not force it. Having a little girl, she’s 4, I want to imprint as early as possible that if something makes her uncomfortable or unhappy that it’s okay to say NO or tell me she doesn’t like whatever it is. I mean, with her grandma visits she runs for the car lol but there have been a few times she just seemed upset and didn’t want to go so I canceled.

My daughter is so close with her grandparents she goes 2 to 3 weekends a month. I have also always worked weekends until my current job but I work from home. I miss her but I love the bond she has with them.

Nope. But they love going there anyways.

I work fill time and try and manage life and my parents kiss her butt so… shes not hesitant to go.
Myself on the other hand… need some sanity and rhey do mean well and she’s safe

I never force. If my child is uncomfortable in any situation be it with friends family cousins, im not going to force them there.

If the grandparents were fun , and making the stay enjoyable then no child will say no to go there.

My kids are 6 n 13. I love them but I’m stay at home mom. I need a break. I wish had grandparents to take them once in awhile. Only one that would is 10 hrs away.

Nope, sure dont, I dont have to force her to go to my moms, she loves it there. If she doesnt like someone in the family cuz they were mean to her then we try and stay away.

My daughter doesn’t have to force mine,I stole and rewrote a SpongeBob song"Serenity is my best friend in the world, Serenity is my best friend in the sea, Serenity likes Grandma more than momma"

My mother lives less than 5 minutes away from me, and my 4 & 8 year old have never been over to her house, she does not offer to watch them for any length of time. And I will never force or beg her to participate in their life…

If your child doesnt want to be around grandparents listen to them. If a child feels uncomfortable around someone, listen to them…

Me being a grandma, I went to see them every chance I got, who h was alot, then they started asking to go with me. They get so happy to see me. If the grandparents aren’t making the effort, then let ur baby be with you. Kids know who is investing time in them

We drop our son off with grandparents regularly, and overnight or for 2 nights sometimes. He would rather stay with us (he’s 4) but he always has fun when he’s there. It is so crucial to not neglect your marriage. You need one on one time with your spouse without the kids around.

My kids stay with my parents anytime they ask to. My kids. If my parents ask and the kids say no then they don’t go.

I didn’t have the option because neither set of grandparents lived close to us.

I do think grandchildren need to spend time with their grandparents, but I don’t think their grandparents should have them all the time.

I will never force my daughter to have a relationship with anyone. She only has 1 grandparent for this exact reason. Her Pop is her favorite person after mama but she goes to him by choice. We do live with him but on the rare occasions she would prefer not to see Pop, I don’t force it. Nor will I with anybody else.

I wouldn’t force my son to go anywhere or do anything, period. Especially if he ain’t asking me…

As someone commented below, it will help establish healthy boundaries and by forcing them to go anywhere or do something, you’re dismissing their boundaries entirely.

My kid loves it there he doesn’t have to be forced if I’d let him he’s probably move in :rofl:

Nope , my dad volunteers to come get my boys ! To give me a break :bangbang::wink::v:t4:

I go to them. Once a week. We are all happy with that.

No! absolutely not, my kids don’t do anything they don’t want to (within reason) :ok_hand:t4:

My 14yr old doesn’t go to any of his grandparents house. Granted his living grandparents aren’t really grandparent material. His great grandmother passed away 7yrs ago but before she passed, he stayed at her house every opportunity he got. And I don’t blame him BC I stayed at her house as much as I could too. My 9yr old daughter has grandparents but she doesn’t stay with them. She will go for day visits to one set of grandparents but will come back at dark. The other set she doesn’t like to visit much at all. I don’t force her and neither do they. They call and ask her to come and if she feels up to it then I bring her but most of the time she wants to stay home with me and her brother.

As a kid I lived next door til I was 6 and was over there alllll the time and if I wasn’t there I was at great grandmas next door. We moved a few miles away after that but my best parts of my childhood were at my grandpas and my great grandmas. It wasn’t a forced thing—mom didn’t force me to go, they weren’t forced to take me.

My own kid lives a few hours from her grandparents (my parents) so she doesn’t get to see them much. They always take her for anywhere from a long weekend to a full week each year either in the summer or between Christmas and New Years. She’s not forced to though, she likes going. We uhhh don’t and wouldn’t let her go to her other set of grands though :grimacing:

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I am the parent an dont ask my kids permission on what we are doing today lol if i want to visit my parents my kids come with me…

I would not ever force my child to do something he didn’t want to do.

I would also be wondering why my kiddo didn’t want to stay alone. My boys both loved eight at moms.

My daughter doesn’t have to force her daughters to come see me, they’re always asking me if they can come to my house. Lol

No I would never force my child to do something they were not comfortable with.

No but my kids love my mom so much I can barely get them to let go of her haha

I helped raise 2 of my grands for 6 1/2 years

I grew up with mine. Best childhood ever

Why would u force it if they ain’t even asking for her…like u said just keep doing u & enjoy ur babygurl they grow sooooo fast🥰

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I yeet my kids to PawPaw real quick at least once a week

Use to. And I regret it now

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do you force your child to go to their grandparents? - Mamas Uncut

So I’m a SAHM, I do not force my child to go, but she goes to her great grandmothers house a lot. Her mawmaw is on her dad’s side of the family, and she is the greatest women i have ever met. When I first had kiddo, I went through really bad ppd, and she kept her here and there for me in the very beginning when I got too depressed. Now kiddo goes almost every weekend. We joke about having split custody, but at this point I wouldn’t have it any other way. She ASKS for her mawmaw, and they have such a special bond that im glad she got to form. Im lucky to have her in my life as well. :heart: a lot of people judge me on it, but she and pawpaw won’t be around forever. I want her to get time with them too.


My kids only have 1 interested set of grandparents. My mum and dad love them dearly. I would drop them there without a second thought, whether they wanted to or not.I would however not drop them to their dad’s side as they have shown absolutely no interest in them what so ever.


My kids dad’s side is pretty shitty. His mom ran away when I was pregnant with my 1st and has never met our 4 kids, he has no dad in his life, and his aunts, which would be his mom’s sisters aren’t involved either. My parents are a joke. My mom lost rights to her 1st daughter My half sister because she ran off to Florida and got abandonment charges hasn’t seen her since she was a toddler, both My parents had my full brother and sister taken away by dhs from abuse and neglect, and gave up my little sister cause they couldn’t handle my younger sisters behaviors who was a toddler…and literally it was their fault with my dad being a truck driver gone for weeks and my mom was an alcoholic having affairs with tons of guys… my mom finally stopped cheating about 6/7 years ago. She plays favoritism with my oldest and totally treats my 2nd son different and injustice then my girls she’s never had stay the night let alone just hang out at her place. She doesn’t understand or respect boundaries and has stalked me on numerous occasions. She’s pretty closed minded as well and a huge Bible thumper. I try not to let my kids be in her grasps and I sure hope I’m doing a good job raising them different… sometimes adults just suck girl. Don’t force your kiddo for sure my parents did that with my moms parents and they use to make me hyperventilate on many occasions.

My son loves it at his grandparents, he’s 3, I think it has a lot to do with him getting to do whatever he wants there :laughing: lol he goes like once a week


i pay my grandparents to keep my boys 3 days a week, and they absolutely LOVE IT! it’s honestly their second home. they aren’t spoiled there, and they still have discipline and they just stay whenever they want. but if they didn’t want to go, i wouldn’t send them. but since it’s the only family we have, we are all super super close.


My kids have always loved going to their grandparents! They all started having sleepovers from about 6 years old. I’d never force them to go, but that’s never been an issue.
I’ve not needed my parents to babysit often, so going there has always been a fun option.

My kids don’t go to their grandparents at all. My mother is their only LIVING Grandparent and she lives states away (We’re in FL, she’s in NY). They are will me all the time and she doesn’t come visit not do they go there :woman_shrugging:t4: Even when we did live in NY they didn’t go.

I’m a nanny and both my grandchildren stay with us after school whilst there mum who is a single parent goes to work for a couple of hours mon - fri they both love staying with us .We enjoy every minute with them both and they both sleep over every Saturday night and go home Sunday evening. They just live around the corner from us so my daughter is also with us a lot . My daughter & I ate like best friends we do loads of stuff together

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No I wouldn’t force them to stay unless I had no choice. Just visit together till they are comfortable being around them or if they aren’t they aren’t I wouldn’t force them to stay though no. Find out if there’s a reason they don’t want to stay though. Normally kids wanna go or not go because of some reason :woman_shrugging:


Never. I also make sure my children are treated the same, or there is no visitation. My parents are awesome grandparents. My inlaws not so much.


Growing up I was with my grandma every minute I could. It was more of a want than my parents dropping me off though. My boys see their grandparents but only if I call and ask to come over to see them. My dad passed right before my youngest was born so he never met my dad and my mom is a smoker so we never go there but she comes to our house about once a month or so. My in-laws are divorced and FIL has seen the boys a handful of times. MIL has seen the boys quite a bit but never ASKS to see them. Again, it’s always when I call and say, ‘hey, we thought we’d come out to see you.’ :woman_shrugging: I’m with you, I’d rather spend all my time with my boys since time is never promised.

As someone who has lost my grandparents I wish I would have spent more time with them. Kids should see their grandparents. Even if it’s forced once a month. Because as an adult you’ll wish you had spent more time, or had more memories. People don’t live forever. Just my opinion.

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My kids don’t ever get dropped off at their grandparents houses but I stay and visit with them. They’ve taken my kids a few times overnight through the years but not often and my oldest is 17.

I would never have to force my kids to go to my mom and dads… they would live there and visit me if i let them :woman_facepalming::joy:


No you do not force them unless you have no other choice but to have them watch them. But I would be asking my kids why they are not comfortable being alone with these people just to ensure nothing has ever happened while you weren’t around. Otherwise keep doing what you’re doing into you are both comfortable or she expressed otherwise :woman_shrugging: grandparents can be upset but if is up to the kids comfortability level not theirs.

As a grandmother of three, I see my grandchildren all the time… Tomorrow will be the first time in 9 years, that I won’t be watching one… they all will be in school. I will still get the two youngest ready and take them to school. I will alternate with the grandmother’s picking them up in the evening… I love every second that I’m with my grandchildren and my daughters…


Your child may enjoy the grandparents if they knew them better and you never know when you might need extra backup


I had a part time job I have a 2 year old and I’m currently pregnant my boyfriend stays at home with our daughter we live with my parents but currently because we would rather not pin our kids off on my mother all the time he stays home to take care of her because I had the better paying job and he quit his until I go on maternity leave then we will switch who works but my mother does watch her from time to time when we both have something to do and we don’t trust anyone else to watch her other than my parents or his parents and my brother.

When my oldest was 6 months, our whole parish flooded. We were lucky enough to not flood but my mom did. She came to live with us for a year and a half afterwards while her home was being rebuilt. So from 6 months to 2 years old, that’s all my oldest knew. Grandma lives with us. I see my grandma every single day. Now that my mom lives in her home, my daughter is over there, by choice, almost every weekend. I grew up on the weekends with my cousins at my mawmaws house. I loved every minute of it. Family is huge to me.

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One night a week my oldest stays with my parents. My mom takes him to preschool Wednesday-Friday tho so it makes it a little easier on us.

My daughter is the same way I think its a phase but she’d rather be with me learning new things than with my parents. She goes and hangs out with them a little but she usually gets bored of them quick luckily we all live on the same property so she goes back and forth

My kid absolutely loves going to visit family and i practically have to drag her back home kicking and screaming even tho she would sleepover at her grandparents place or aunties place for the weekend. I’m a SAHM and it’s nice to have a break but after the second day I want her back home :weary::sob: lol to each their own but my parents and step parents aren’t going to be around forever so I always make sure she spends a lot of time with them and I feel no guilt because she’s creating all these memories with them and that’s important. Also I’d like to visit them with her but they all including my daughter kick me out of the house (not literally) but everyone agrees that she’s an angel when I’m not there but when I am, well… she’s my little part demon baby :joy: so it’s usually best for me not to be around during visits.

No I do not force my kids to go anywhere they don’t want too.
But they have grandparents that want them around, however if they don’t wanna go, they don’t. I let my kids make that decision and if a relative does not make the effort to ask about them I don’t go out of my way to make them a part of my kids’ lives either.

My parents keep my kids regularly but sometimes when I’ve had crazy hours at work and my 6 year old daughter misses me she would rather stay home and I don’t force her to go.

Our son loves it at his grandmas. Loves being outside with all the animals. Its not always sunshine and roses but the memories will be lasting.

Children should spend time with there grandparents, they are not around forever. My kids go to grandparents house.

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I wish mine or my fiance parents were here… But they are not…

My husband’s parents take the kids all the time…mine have never and will never.

If my kids don’t want to go I don’t make them! If they call me at anytime if the night while they are gone and want to come home I go get them!!

My kids spent a 2 weekends at papas and came back scared, crying and clinging to me so nope never again. They ask and I just say no

I don’t even make my children say hello to them. :woman_shrugging:

My mama keeps all her grandbabys while the moms work. She constantly has a house full of kids. And none of them pay her either.


I will not force my son to see anyone. His grandparents haven’t even so much as asked about him, call, visit, text nothing in over a year a half. Yet watch their Facebook and how they post pictures and “I love my little boy so much”. You’re little boy doesn’t even know who you are!

My boyfriend’s mother flat out told me, when I was pregnant with my son, that she would NOT watch my kid for me because she’s too old and basically raised her son’s first daughter. We have 2 children together now. She complains I do not let her watch the children and I’m a sahm so I do not need child care so the hypocrisy bothers me. My mother was super abusive and have met my kids a handful of times in a family event or supervised. I don’t think you should force it. Do what’s best for your children.

It all depends on what you value alone time with your daughter or for her having a relationship with everybody in the family. I want my son to have a relationship with his grandparents and his aunts. I am a single mother and I work full-time but when I’m off I might go have dinner with my parents and then my mom will play games with my son and enjoy time with him. Also if I can’t make it to pick him up from daycare because I’m working longer somebody in my family will go pick them up. My sisters have also been known to pick him up early and treat him to a day of fun. Family comes first and I will never withhold my son from them. My son has been a huge blessing to my family and everybody loves him and wants to be around him. Picture of my son and my mom

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Im a sahm of 6 and my kids loves going to their grandparents houses. I think my kids some times prefer my mom over me lol she does have better snacks :woman_shrugging:

No. I don’t force them if they don’t want to. My kids always loved to go so they would but if they didn’t, there’s a problem.

Why would u have to force them?

I think if you pay attention most of the grandparents posts here are mothers complaining about grandparents so if you don’t have that stress, count yourself lucky. Also, she’s your child and you should definitely spend as much time as you can with her as possible. I agree, Monday to Friday has always been rushed so take full advantage of the weekend

My kids ALWAYS go to nana and papa’s. All we have to do is show up and drop them off or they just come and randomly pick them up. But they love them and love being with them to.

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I dont ever make my children go anywhere they don’t want to. I’ve had a few emergencies where I’ve needed to drop them off but it would be with someone who I know they’ll be absolutely fine with.

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My kids are grown and gone. But when they were growing up, their grandma (my MIL at the time) had lakefront property fairly close to an amusement park. They spent about 3 weekends a month with grandma. Not because I sent them, but because they loved it there. They were pretty spoiled, because they are the only grandkids. They had friends there that they could see every weekend. I would go with about once a month, too, and it usually ended up that they were with grandma and away from me every other weekend.
Now, MY parents? No. I wouldn’t force my kids. My parents are/were good grandparents (mom passed away), but they smoked like chimneys and didn’t really even leave the house much. The kids would get bored easier. Doesn’t mean my parents were ever less deserving, but the kids didn’t have a whole lot to do.
I get to watch my 2 grandkids and i love it.

Stay at home mom and I never drop them off. We stop by to see them and they come home with me.

It seems like most of you have parents/grandparents nearby. Be grateful you’re not separated by distance.


This is a grandma’s perspective. I have four grandkids and love to see them all. My husband and I over the years have tried to spend as much time as possible with our grandchildren. This wasn’t always easy since our first two lived at the other end of the country and my husband and I were still working when they were born. We usually saw them only at Christmas, in the spring and in the summer but we made the most of that time. Every minute was spent with the kids. I once said to my son that we seemed to spend all our time with the grandkids and not with him. He replied that when we enjoyed spending time with his kids that we were making him happy. Our grandchildren have always stayed with us and I hope enjoyed spending time with us. I feel that it is important for kids to know there are others, besides their parents, who love them and care for them.


We have a live in grandpa so the boys get to see him everyday. However, my in laws don’t get to see our boys as much. We go to visit or they come here to visit. They haven’t really spent an entire day/night with them by themselves. Our kids aren’t in daycare so they are with one of us 24/7. No break for us unfortunately. But we enjoy our time with our boys and we know once they get older they probably will be spending most of their time with friends. If my in laws lived closer we probably would have the boys spend more time with them alone but that’s not an option for us.

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I’m a sahm. My kids never stayed with there grandparents. Not more or less because of myself. Just the grandparents always said " oh you should stay also. Was no point in the kids staying.

I don’t force my kids anywhere…and if they start refusing to go somewhere they once seemed to enjoy…I find out why…but my kids are people with feelings and likes and dislikes and I’m not going to force them to be around or with people they don’t want to be with…I like my needs respected esp on the small things so I consider my kids too…they like going to there grandma’s and when they started not liking it I asked why…but they said there dad was no longer there and grandma’s old and makes them sit down all the time and they don’t get to be kids…so I talked with grandma and communicated with everyone and changes were made and now they are back to loving going to there grandma’s house…but try to include grandma in things with you also not just getting the kids…a weekly family dinner with grandparents…a movie night or something that has you involved too…but always always respect your kids feelings and emotions…yes they are kids but they feel to and should have some say…not pushed and placed wherever you want them or any other adult wants them…you wouldn’t like being put wherever regardless of your feelings…it’s your job to raise and guide them not ignore there wants on the environment they feel best or whatever…not that you are but if you kids don’t want to go don’t make em…but find a good time to sit and talk( we usually bake something together and then enjoy it together for our talks) but find out why…and hear it out and see if it’s something that can be figured out… communicate with the kids and then with grandparents…but don’t force your kids to be anywhere they don’t want to be… doctor appointments is about the only thing my kids are made to go to and school but iv also told them that for now there attendance effects me when they old enough for it to effect them and suffer the side effects of refusing necessary things like school and education or doctors and medical attention then that’s on them but as long as they live here and there attendance effects me it’s mandatory…but respect your kids on the things that matter that you yourself would want respected they are humans with real emotions not items that get put or made to do whatever you want.

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My child asks to go to her nans, and if she wants to go I let her go, I only have one grandparent left and what I would do to see my others and spend time with them. So if she wants to go for sleep overs and what not she does :slightly_smiling_face:

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As a parent I think there are different ways to look at all of this.
When I was working my oldest (and only at the time) stayed with my grandma.
It created a very close bond between the two.
When I quit working he always wanted to go to grandma’s. He’d also ask to go to my aunt’s or mom’s because they helped watch him too.
By the time my youngest came along I’d quit work. He doesn’t have as close of a bond with any of them…because I stayed home and didn’t need anyone to watch him very often.
He turns 4 in a couple months.
And he’s much more attached than my oldest was.
He’s only willing to stay with someone else if his older brother is there too. I’ve only seen him willingly go with someone else without his brother twice: His brother’s best friend’s mama and school.
Occasionally we don’t have a choice. Like when oldest has OT youngest stays with my mom. He’s ok after a few minutes…but before and during he’s not happy.
For him I believe it’s fear of missing out rather than being afraid of the person or being afraid of being without me/his brother.

My problem has always been that I don’t want to take advantage so I don’t really ask others to watch either of the kids unless I have to or it’s in the kids best interest.

I wouldn’t force force it. But, I would try to get your child to a place where she’s ok being there so If they ever have to watch her it’s not so hard on her or them.
Maybe start small. Drop her off for an hour or so only. Let her know you’ll be right back and see how she’s feeling during and afterwards.

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My grand children phone me and ask for sleepovers the eldest is soon to be 14 and would be with me every weekend if i let her :slight_smile: its personnel choice for all :slight_smile:


My 5 yr old goes when I visit. I dont drop her off.

What you have is a seriously dependent child whose not going to learn independence by being babied and sheltered. Very early, we taught our boys family means Mom, Dad, Siblings, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents. Sometimes, they have to stay with family. Emergencies and parents need time to be adults too! Working or not, it’s HEALTHY for children to learn they are safe with other family too. God forbid if there’s an emergency… your kid is gonna meltdown!!! At that point, it can actually be considered emotional abuse to a child! Be a responsible parent and acclimate your child to staying with other family members!!


If they don’t work, maybe let them have her sometimes during the week and have her just not go to daycare that day.

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My granddaughter got dropped off in my driveway. I now have custody. Not a pleasant story. But she’s the happiest little girl now.


They go but only with me my Dad has watched a few time for few hours and my mil for few hours but only couple hours but not my mom I’m stay at home mom my kids love to visit but they always want to come home with me and my Dad understands my mil would watch them but want to be paid her school rate and that’s not happening it’s not like I be gone that long plus we don’t agree on parenting

No I would never force my child to go anywhere


As a parent to a seriously high energy 4 year old I personally need the mental break. He is A LOT. I love him with my entire being, but I’m a better mom when I have a little space once or twice a week to clean and get my stuff done. The in laws love keeping him and he loves to go. They have 2 dogs to play with, a big yard, and my MIL has the time to go to the beach, the park, and out to ice cream all in one day and I just don’t. He enjoys the break from our regular days too