Do you think my boyfriend still wants to marry me?

He isn’t going g to change. If you stay with him you will only be his live in

Maybe give it time. Maybe he tired from working? Its a hard transition adding a child in the mix. Have you told that marriage is important to you?

I am wondering why in the world you would want to marry him???

Some shallow men change towards their partners after they give birth. You are now a mother, with a mothers body. He can’t process that you aren’t his sexy girl anymore.

Whether or not you have a child with a partner, if he/she has not proposed after two years of study dating or living together then they’re never going to propose.

So my advice is either you propose yourself and see what he says or you break off the relationship completely

Sorry but I am stuck on the maternity leave with a 13 month old.

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You need to be asking yourself… “do I really want to marry someone who treats me like that?”

its something that only he can answer and you need to confront him

The better question is, do you still want to marry him, and if so…why?

Unfortunately, the bloom can go from the rose as things change. Being just you is one thing, but being you with a child and another one on the way is quite another thing. The excitement of a new relationship with just the two of you gets very complicated with the addition of children, paying the rent, keeping a car maintained, mediating relationships between children and parents and children and siblings. You go from single life with fewer responsibilities to being a family with lots of responsibilities. It is not as fun or as easy as it used to be. You have gone through all of this without being married. Perhaps your boyfriend is overwhelmed with where his life has gone. He may feel weighed down with all of his responsibilities. Having to work to support a family is a big deal. You should have a conversation with him about what he is thinking and feeling. Ask him if he still wants to marry you. His lack of interest in having sex may be that sex equals babies, but you should also talk about this, although men are often reluctant to talk about these things. Perhaps if the two of you had been mature enough to make the decision to get married before you had children and all that goes with that, you might be in a better spot than you are in now. I wish you good luck. And please stop having babies until you are married.

Honestly, if he hasn’t married you by now, I don’t see it happening.

If you’re asking you already know the answer. For your sake it’s time to move on

You should have thought this out 13 months ago I am sure his actions have been the same?

Eight years is a longtime. If he was going to marry you, seems to be you’d be there by now.

Marriage is an unconscionable contract to men in western civilization. No man should willingly do this in this day and age.

Everyone keeps telling her move on move on. Has anyone asked if he doesn’t want sex because of him working so many hours and she’s still on maternity leave when the baby is 13 months old aka 1 year and 1 month old. Maybe he’s depressed because he can’t handle all the hours and still not make bills. But you know it’s always the guys fault. When I’m saying this I’m saying it from experience.

Haven’t read comments, but reading your comment…I’d say no and get the heck out & away. Just me, but why stay when you are NOT appreciated. Sex 8 times in 13 months?! No way! Doubt he’s even interested in marriage! LEAVE!

kick him out or you pack & run. He will never change he will only gets worse

I agree with Kathleen Kelley, get out while u still can. I would rather be alone than to be with this guy.

When she goes back to work ,and prepares to leave, she will get her answers.

Hubby and I were together $or 13 years. I moved in with him as he was taking care of his mom. Well it got to the point I told him that we were going to get married that year or I would be gone. He had 2 grown kids and helped me raise my 3. He told me you set the date and I will be there. Oct 11 1997 we got married. Tell him how you feel and give him a alternative see what he says. Then you’ll know if he loves you or not.

13 month old son and still on maternity leave? Did I miss something?

How much do you love yourself? If he doesn’t love you the same or more get awat.

Sounds like things have become a habit. If you want change, you’ll need to make it. He obviously likes things how they are.

Ok . From a man’s point of view I think that there are more issues here . The question and story are one sided and lead only to one conclusion…
First you need to clear the air between the two of you and get ALL the issues out on the table.
Ask him what he is feeling and what he’s going through . Listen to HIM and not all of these broken hearted bitter women here because they only know the hurts they’ve endured . Believe me I’ve had my share of broken hearts . And the LAST THING you want is to add more hurt to the situation .
After he tells you what is bothering him or what he’s afraid off you should tell him how grateful you are for all that he does and then tell him how much you love him and how proud you are that he’s standing by you and your child !!!
Then ask what you can do to help him …
Then you should tell him how tired you are and that you need him !!! And you need his help too !!!
This will allow you to re center your relationship in love and let that be enough for now.
After you’ve had some time to rebuild the romance , ( and believe me guys NEED that too !!! ) . Then maybe you should “pop the question” if he doesn’t . Even give him an engagement ring if you want …
Dress up for him . Wear some perfume to bed ( not tons of it but enough so that he’ll want to be close …
Buy something sexy for you and him . Silk boxers are always a hit and you’ll like the way he looks . By now you know what he likes in bed and out . So give him that and do that freely without asking for anything in return. He’ll come around …
Take care of yourself . Loose the baby fat if you can and take a hot shower twice a day and that will help you to reduce your stress … Its good for you . And be a bit more independent . Not defiant . There is a difference .
If he sees that he needs to chase after you you may wet his appetite(s) again and re spark something that has become routine before you found out you were pregnant …
If your goal is to save your relationship and get married then you must be honest with yourself and give of yourself … By now you know what he wants from his love :cupid:… Thats you .
Be independent . Self assured . Desirable … And cheer up . If you let this get you down he’ll think you’re pulling away and that is very unattractive !!!
Also don’t do anything to provoke jealousy … That’s the beginning of the end and impossible to overcome because the hurt is so deep . Don’t reach out to ANY other man in any way !! Except your father or brother … In this way you’ll protect your innocence and he won’t question your fidelity .
Now for the most important thing of all …

It won’t get better with marriage! It will get worse. Start stashing some cash now, you will need it.

You can’t change anyone or make someone love you.

Dont marry someone that give half hearted attemps ,even for your baby ,youll regret it

Why are you still with him? Should have stayed dressed, years ago!


Leave him now. What a lazy POS. You can coparent and move on to someone who is much more worthy of you and treats you with respect.

Hate to burst your bubble but if he hasn’t t decided by this time your the one then forget marriage. Like the old saying goes “why buy the cow when the milk is free”

Kick him to the curb, girl!! You’re too good for him!! Move on. There is a better man waiting for you and he will treat you the way you should be treated!!


It’s not what we think its what you think. After 8 years what’s that telling you??

Don’t waste any more time on him. He is taking you for granted and clearly doesn’t want to marry you. Move out or kick him out. Get rid of him. Why would you want to saddle yourself to such an ingrate?

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Ask him that’s the only way to find out. If he’s says yes tell him to bad and kick his butt out

If you have to ask, then the answer is apparent.

Kick him to the curb before he kicks you!! And don’t expect him to help with your son! He won’t, and will start saying that baby is not his!! He is JERK!! Get out NOW!

If he’s that terrible, why do you care if he still wants to marry you?

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Brandi Lee Thompson. I agree with you it’s not maternity leave it’s stay at home mom and that fine too my husband and I worked as a team always

In the 8 yrs you been together and you haven’t got married mmm not going tooo

Have you asked him, communications are the key, been married 26 years, looking forward to the next 26.

A man isn’t going to buy the cow when he is getting the milk for free

There are some strange things about what you’ve said. Why are you on maternity leave still if your child is 13 months old ?

Run. Don’t look back just keep running.

Both. Eight years?? Get out

If he hasn’t asked you to marry him in 8-years…KICK him out and move on. Then, Demand Sole Custody, Child Custody and Supervised Visits only.

So are you saying you have been on maturity leave for 13 months or were you dumb enough to get pregnant again with a man that obviously is not the “marrying type”? If he didn’t marry you with the first one, he is only going to be less interested once he feels trapped with two. If you haven’t worked for over a year than he must be the one supporting you and his child. It sounds like unless you can support yourself and your child(ren), you can figure he is never going to marry someone that he knows can’t leave.

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My question is - why would you wanna marry him?

Kids even before marriage? No wonder you are stuck.

I think things already did change. It’s not likely that they will change back and he’ll become that loving guy again. All three of my husbands have done that to me.

See a marriage counselor. Facebook isn’t the place.


The old saying (Why buy the cow , when you get the milk free)

Why would you want someone like that??

why would you want him?

He has been stringing you along. Be strong and leave him pronto!
You deserve a lot better.

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He has answered ALL your questions. Why aren’t you listening?

The only way you can change a man is if he wears diapers

Why would he want to?

:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::dizzy_face:He’s a real dead head …You need to walk & don’t stop at GO…Things could get bad you have a little boy to care for he needs your LOVE… Each day one at a time…GOD LOVE TO YOU…:stuck_out_tongue::grinning:

Find yourself someone who appreciates you and shows it…


After 43 years of marriage I say this- talk to him openly and honestly. If you get no where, husband says change the locks, bags in the yard and child support papers ready.

Some men get automated. Just because they are quite doesn’t mean they are not thinking. You need to break the cycle and get them to talk.

Please, please don’t spend the time with him being miserable :confounded:!!
Cut your ties with him, and move on! You are wasting precious time.
If you stay, your baby will be miserable too!!
Sorry dear, but you asked!!

You don’t just throw away 8 yrs because of a hard patch. You need to have a heart to talk conversation. Be honest with him. No-one else is in your home. We don’t know all the answers. Your relationship is between two ppl.


Get rid of him!!! He needs you more than you need him!!!

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Um he has already left then…


You should pray and ask God for advice not Facebook God know what’s best trust and rely on God not Facebook for advice

Take your son and leave


sorry, but ur crazy for staying. not being mean been there done that

Girl, leave!!! You and your son are worth so much more!

He’s just not really into you

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Get your financial life together and get rid of him he is not in your corner

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You must communicate. Neither one of you are mind readers. Relationships are stressful.

Talk to him but sounds like it is over

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I would say he doesn’t want to get married!!

I would not marry him for sure

Get out before you have another baby… he is not the man for you

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Get your self together and get out while you can

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You need to talk, maybe being the sole breadwinner and a new dad is overwhelming as being a stay at home mom and being dependent on him is overwhelming. Be honest with yourself and him. Don’t stay just for the baby or where you are not wanted but also don’t jump the gun.


Run, don’t walk, away…you deserve better!!

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Tell him to go fly a kite. You are a strong woman that can do this on your own.

Relationships can get hard you need to romance each other

Actions speak louder than words!!

You know the answer i hope you act on it

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Does he seek God at all

Well, those are questions only he can answer. You need to talk about it.

This should be the good times. It will just get worse as time goes by

Talk with him. No one else can tell you that. Best luck!

You should be having this conversation with Him, not FB…

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If you haven’t gotten it by now, you’re never going to.

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I think it’s time to move on. You deserve better. Remember that.

I don’t know why you would want to marry him!

I think if you reread what you just posted you have your answer

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Confront him honey. Tell him how you feel, about not feeling appreciated.

Why marry someone like that , you can do better

Sorry I Don’t Think Marriage Is In The Cards

I would never want to marry him if he acts like this to you.

The answer is, that relationship seems to be over. Sorry!!

Sounds like he wants somebody new!:disappointed_relieved:

He will never change !