Sounds like a typical marriage to me
Read the the book on the five live languages… then decide.
Just come right out and ask him!
things can always change. talk to him!!!
Those questions should be discussed with him.
He is getting sex somewhere …maybe he has girl friend, if so maybe she has his interest…
Yr feelings will not lie to you.
Run as fast as you can!
You need to get out and find a real life!
I apologize if this sounds crass, but, u let him string u along for 8 yrs?
BTW, the next two years you spend with him could of been spent with a man that treats you right.
Walk away ! You are worth more then this
Face it. He is never going to marry you.
It won’t change. I’ve been there. Walk away. Work on you. Focus on that little boy.
Maybe the better place to have this conversation is with him.
Sit down and talk to him not the world
Doesn’t sound like he wants a wife. Just a maid
Run! Run away as fast as you can!
Serious discussion is in order. If he just ignores your concerns move on. You will get support financially and then you can form a life you and your child will enjoy.
So ask him. His answer will solve your problems
I think you’ve already answered your own question. They don’t get better😔
Sounds like you are mom/ babysitter to his child and housekeeper.
A conversation is needed and then appropriate action
Time to show him the door and tell him not to let it hit him.
Get the hell out of this mess
Time to kick him out.
Do yourself a favor don’t marry him -
Are you looking for other signs ? He may have a Madonna complex now that you are a mother. It is all new to him too. Watch to see if he is cheating on you. That is also a part of the madonna Complex. Elvis had it with his wife. It is common among Hispanics, Latinos, and Catholic men. It is related but not the same as a macho complex.
Hon u need to read what u wrote and the answer will come to you.
Read what you just wrote… it should answer your question… peace
So many signs, I think you have answered your questions.
No one can help you but you
Run and get child support
STOP making babies for him!
Get prepared to get out an go on with your life
Read back to yourself what you just posted,you dont need to ask anyone for a answer.Dont waste your life and your sons life on this man
Get rid of him now…no excuses to be rude and not caring.
You’ll have to ask HIM these questions.
Eight years? Doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship at this point. You love and are completely dependent on someone who doesn’t seem to reciprocate your feelings and now you have an innocent child dependent on both of you. Not saying it can’t be fixed but both of you have to want to fix it…not just you.
How about you ask him instead of facebook?? Just a thought…
Run!!! He’s showing his true colors
I think you know what to do…its not going to get better if you marry
Stop trying so hard for the wrong man.
Run, before it is too late
Lady you put the cart before the horse. Take to Jesus.
If you can just leave, he is comfortable and taking advantage, you deserve to be loved and appreciated nothing wrong with that.
Run as fast as you can!!!
Stop doing his laundry, cook only for you and your child, stay away from the home as much as possible, always be too busy to do things for him, stop thanking him for anything, and most of all. Prepare an exit strategy and gtfo!
Having a child changes everything
I think you need to just walk away. He does not exactly sound like a prize.
Listen to Steve Harvey on this subject.
You can do bad all by yourself. Give him an ultimatum.
Cut your losses now and move on
You need to have the conversation xx
He needs deliverance, inner healing and counseling
Marriage does change nothing
He sounds like he is narcissistic personality
Disorder a lots of men act like that
You don’t have to put up with it
Are you willing invest in yourself inbox
Give him his space works on yourself
He probably is cheating if he doesn’t want to touch you. Leave him- go to court for child support- focus in you and your child and work. True love will happen when you least expect it.
Have you talked to him?
Unload that guy, you deserve better.
You already know the answer.
He’s getting the milk already
End of story
I agree totally with Tonya. You have to lay it out to him. I would not take it much further than you have already. You could be wasting your youth. You deserve better. AND DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER BABY WITH HIM! THE MORE BABIES YOU HAVE WITH AN UNCOMMITTED MAN, THE FEWER OPTIONS YOU HAVE. PLEASE BE SMART.
Been in this situation. He ended up being gay. Took 3 yrs to get over him. So happy and peaceful now. Get out.
All these questions are hypothetical your answers mean nonthing
Better start looking around for a replacement
Time to.leave the AH
You need to decide if you really want him or not. Sounds like everything is fine for him and since you have accepted things so far, he’s not going to make the commitment. And your child will grow up thinking this is life. Basically the ball is in your court.
I have to question what may have changed to make the relationship go south. Why would he be repulsed by her? She was quite vague in her question. Not enough info to evaluate this which only leads to just guessing the reasons.
If you love him I would talk to him about it and if he still sounds like he does not care then it might be time to move on
You know the answer. All the signs are there.
Move on, people can’t change
Actions speak louder than words! There is someone better for you. Run, run fast
Pack your bags now. It’s over
You need to respect yourself first! Get out now and stop having children with this man.
U need to sit down and u both need to talk to each other
Get couples counseling. Then decide.
Sounds like he has someone else on the side
Plain and simple get out
This ain’t the spot to find out. Talk to him about it, not a bunch of sour women on internet.
In some states after 7 years together you are common law married.
I just finally got out of the same situation. No - he will never change and will most likely never change.
Please don’t waste another moment of your life hoping for him to love you more, or enough
Only he can answer that.
sounds like he’s comfortable. u gave him everything a wife would without being a wife. men dont want weddings.
Leave before it’s to late
Always consequences to the choices we make!
Maybe he just isn’t inlove with you anymore. It happens. Maybe the two of you are just comfortable with eachother. Maybe it’s time for both of you to move on. Reality.
Although eight years is a long time to be with somebody sometimes it’s just best to say you gave me the best gift you could and that was my child and move on. Go back to work because you had 13 months maternity leave, find a way to amicably co-parent or go to court whichever you have to do and move on. The truth hurts but if he’s not having sex with you he’s probably having sex with somebody else. If he has completely stopped talking about marriage he does not want to get married. And if you have to ask somebody if they want to marry you or basically forced them into it oh, he’s not interested and b you shouldn’t be either. Get a job, get on your feet, and get out on your own. You’ll probably be much more happy cuz you sound miserable right now
You been on maternity leave for over a year? He actions are showing? But you can keep trying to paint a different picture, but it’s already been painted
It will only get worse. Kick him yo the curb. All of your verbage answers your own question. Why do you want to marry all that negativity???
No! Nothing will change unless you leave.
As Dr. Laura says is this the way you want to live for the next 40 years or more.
Why would you want to be with a man that doesn’t appreciate you?
You need to be talking to him. If things don’t change, move on.
Why would you want to be married to all that? If ya’ll do get married , what would change?
Marriage won’t change anything. Only make it worse.
Why are you seeking answers from others when you already know the answer.
Why r u still there???
Why by the cow when you can get the milk for free?
Why by the pig when you can get the sausage for free?
Sounds like you know the answer you’re seeking. Move on.
Self love
Work on your self esteem
Psalm 139:14-15
God has someone better
Why would you stay with a man with bad character and selfish
Your wasting your time my daughter was in the same situation except she was with my grandson father for over 14 years on/off he walked out on her when she miscarried then once my grandson who is now 28 months old he walked out again when he was 2 weeks old and he finally moved out last June he made it clear only family he has is his 2 loser brothers that Don’t even acknowledge my grandson
You should be having this conversation with him.