Show him these posts. Maybe he will wake up
Leave…good lord if you cant see the signs your blind
Knowing all this why would you want his sorry ass. Now you have a child. Pray to God to give you giudence. I will say one for you right know. Done.
Honey, you need to dump him. You are so being used.
Run as fast as you can!
Run for the hills, he’ll only get worse!
You can do much better and you deserve it.
Sounds to me that he is cheating
Kick him to the curb! You deserve better and so does your child. You want your baby to see a healthy relationship.
Move on girlie people don’t change!
He has the seven year itch.
Get rid of the creep
Sounds like you’re already married.
Pack up and leave. This guy is a loser.
Leave, he want change.
Therapy is needed. He needs to say what’s going on in his head.
Leave him. Life is too short for all that.
If he wanted to marry you he would’ve done so by now.
Men like that are shitty they should not be born do not marry him it is worst.I am married with a man who faked loving me,now I feel like Iam not worth it,to me life sucks bad real bad.
Maybe put yourself in his shoes and think with his brain. For the entire time you’ve been together it’s been a team effort, now that you have a child his needs from you have been dropped to the bottom of your priority list. He’s probably working harder to support you since you have been no maternity leave for 13 months.
He may just be too exhausted to put in the effort just to be denied cause the kid may wake up.
Been there done that. Maybe you should make the effort to make him feel wanted at once a week or so. Maybe put out a romantic dinner setting and propose to him. Or at least ask where he sees the relationship in 1year. He. May just surprise you.
The way he treats you is how he feels about you. Get out!
Ask yourself why you’re willing to put up with such treatment.
This is YOUR decision, not his.
Honestly, the fact that you’re allowing him to treat you like this NOW says A LOT. When you say nothing, you’re pretty much giving permission to treat you badly.
Ps. NO letting him off the hook in the parenting department.
Seems he’s falling into habits sometimes a husband falls into. I you aren’t happy or feeling insecure you should have a conversation about it. Your true happiness should be your main concern. If he loves you it will be his as well
He doesn’t deserve you. 8 years and a child, dump him.
You have certainly listed many reasons on why you would not want to marry him. I didn’t see one reason why you would
Why would you still want to marry him? Any man that acts like this, and doesn’t appreciate the mother of his child and all she does, should be sent on down the road. You can do a lot better. Don’t settle for less than you are worth!
My opinion: I see no marriage vows in your future. “For better or for worse” in sickness and in health. To me he has already voiced how he feels toward you. He is self centered and if he is repulsed by having sex, he is shallow to say the least. Take your precious baby and run. He will not change just because he Marrys you!
He is a jerk
Why would you want to marry a man who doesn’t appreciate you
It can change, men get depressed just like we do. Not having sex can go both ways. He might think you’re repulsed by him. Just look up male depression and ask him a few questions here and there. Some men don’t want to talk about their feelings so be patient. Don’t give up and don’t put this on 100% on you.
Have a heart to heart, tell him how you feel unappreciated, he needs to help more, etc. If he doesn’t change…run! From experience!
Maybe the question should be why do YOU want him to want to marry you?
what a loser, dont walk …run… out of a stale relationship. this man is a user,he doesnt love you he has used you for sex and now he is tired of you . it wont get better ,it will only get worse and by the way honey if he is not comeing to you for sex, he already has some one else, RUN GIRL RUN!!!
Still on maternity leave for more then a yr… I’d go back to work Then take your son and leave his sorry ass to take care of himself. He ain’t worth your time
You spent 8 years in a going-nowhere relationship. You thought producing offspring would light a fire under him. Wrong. Why do people always think they can change other people? They are what they are. No one is perfect. Spend some time (8 years is a bit excessive!) getting to know them. What THEY want/don’t want. What THEY like/don’t like. Be honest about what YOU want/don’t want. What YOU like/don’t like. Decide whether this is something you can live with. NOT something you can change. It is not your job to “raise” a husband or wife. It is your job to FIND someone you can be compatible with. NOT CHANGE someone to fit your image. People would be a lot happier if they realized that.
I had past relationships where the men treated me poorly and chose to stay waiting for the moment. It never came for me. I suffered because of my choices. I recently met a man 5 months ago and he asked me to marry him and he loves me and my daughter to the fullest. He is the most loving, kind, supportive person, sometimes when I least deserve it he tries harder. If I’m only giving 30% one day he gives more to make up for it and never stops trying. I am a person with many walls and many barriers because of my past decisions. Find a man like mine who gives you all that he’s got and even when you least deserve it. i spent years with people who made me feel inadequate, not enough, abuse-physical and mental, and severe trauma, and all of them never wanted me. Do not give your child the option to see what a poor example of a man should be and act like, find someone uncondtional for both of you.
This is what happens when you have children before marriage without a commitment. This is one of the downfalls of our country. Sorry, TRUTH!
Some men get very turned off after a woman gives birth. Therapy might help but only if he wants it to.
So the question isn’t does he still want to marry you? The real question is why would YOU want to marry him??? Cut the rope move on. If there is no affection no sharing of the home chores no love why do you need to even ask???
These are things you should be talking to him about because this is between you and him. Outsiders don’t know him or what is on his mind and can only speculate what is on his mind. I don’t know why everyone wants to go on a social media platform to discuss very personal issues. Trust and honesty are two of the most important things in any intimate relationships and by bringing in others you have betrayed his trust. I hope you are smart enough to be on birth control to prevent you from bringing anymore children into YOUR unknown future. Children should be brought into a committed relationship only aka after marriage. A child out of marriage doesn’t push a wedding or isn’t an anchor for a relationship. SMH
I’m going to bet that he didn’t want a baby and resents you for the added pressure and exhaustion that brings. Some guys only date because they want regular sex, not the progression into marriage and a family.
Give them consequences or you won’t change don’t do what I did and waste away your life with an a****** and then look back like wow what could I’ve done with that time
The real question should be … Do you still want to marry someone who apparently does not appreciate you in the slightest? If yes, why?
Time to make a change, I’d dump that loser as soon as possible. You are only setting yourself up for a lot of heartbreak. You deserve more
Talk to him, nicely at the right time…like after a nice meal? Tell him how you feel. And dont say “you make me feel” good luck
My Granny always said, why buy a cow when you can milk one through the fence. After 8 years, he has you right where he wants you. Now the question is, do you want to spend life like that.
It’s time for you to go back to work. 13 months old? Go back to work
He got zero reason to marry you
Nope on outta there. Been there. Chose to ignore the signs and ended up divorced for my stupidity.
Be smarter than I was.
Honeymoon is over before the wedding. Either you move on or become best friends. Sex is not the only thing to a relationship. I would think if he did not love you he still would not still be with you.
I would try therapy. Men can suffer from depression after a baby too. It sounds like something more is going on.
It could also be low testosterone, you should speak to him
And one more case study as to why it’s better to wait until married to have kids.
Dont stereo type a man that’s trying to support his family. If I were him I would feel betrayed by this being posted on facebook instead of simply talking to me. No woman is remotely qualified to answer your questions. There is no way a woman could know. Set down, Talk to him then never bring personal concerns to social media.
I’m going to say this as nice as I can: Can you take a hint?
You ain’t old enough to handle your own business?
You give him all the things he needs without marriage. He will never marry you.
Why have you wasted this long on this boy?
why marry you seems he got what he wanted when you were too stupid to take precautions
Ask him whats up dude.What are we doing. Good luck with this.and Happy Mothers day,anyway,to you. <3
I think you answered your own question!!!
Start introducing yourself as his spouse and him as your husband. That’s common law marriage.
Do YOU want to marry him???
Don’t be so dumb. Get rid of him…
You already know the answer…stop wasting your time
They don’t change. I know.
Marrying him would be a curse. Tell him to leave.
Boot him out and live your life!
Sounds like you’re already married.
13 month maternity leave? We’re lucky to get 6 weeks here.
See the writing on the wall. Get rid of this jerk.
No things won’t change…
Time to flush that toilet, Chal, before the backup becomes unbearable!!!
Dump him…all the signs of cheating
He behaving just like a married man anyway !@#$
Grab your child and run. He probably having sex with someone else.
Run… far and fast!!!
Why buy the cow when u get the milk for free
No, your just a shack mate
Kick the ass to the curb…
Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free
Get your thoughts together and go to couples counseling. If he refuses, I hope you’re financially stable enough to leave.
I agree with Kathleen Kelley
Get a job. Good luck.
Gut says he is cheating…
Do not marry him. You can do better.
I think you already know
No marriage. Leave him.
I hope she realizes that she doesnt want to marry him.
Sounds like you deserve better.
He treats you like crap, kinda like a handy piece of ass. Should have dumped him years ago
Read what you wrote, that should tell you
Dump him…life is short!!!
You have your answer
God has better plans for you
The problem is not just him. It’s on you as well. Marriage is a fucking waste of time. Maybe you shouldn’t have gave up the milk.
Confront him about it.
Actions speak louder than words
Maybe try counseling HAPPY MOTHERS DAY
Put him down & kick him out