Do you think the weird things my kid is doing could be related to our roomate?

He’s probably getting into your bfs porn

I have questions.
Is your BF the father of your 1 year old?


Kick her the fuck out !!! Sounds like your son is being sexually abused, TRUST YOUR GUT !!!

These questions can’t be real! Wtf. If so, you’re the parent. Protect your kids! Good lord! I’m gonna leave it at that because I don’t have anything nice to say.


Doesn’t sound good to me at all I know what I would do but it’s not my child not my roommate

Trust your gut ALWAYS!

Follow your instinct

Listen to your gut And why would he invite another woman in?.take the child to a pediatrician


Trust your gut mama…

Mamma always always always trust your gut.
Everyone boyfriend and all should be considered suspicious until proven innocent. Protect your child. Don’t be dumb about this.


My cousin did this to me once. No idea where she got it from kids are odd. I brushed my teeth with the strongest toothpaste they had for adults she stopped because of the smell

Go with your gut feeling! God gave mothers that for a reason!

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Your gut is telling you all you need to know . Has your BF got a thing for older women ?? Show her the door today .

You should always follow your gut, but also know that those are natural things kids do also! I would definitely check and make sure nothing is happening behind the scenes, but both my kids did silly things like this. And they both at some point or another humped themselves to sleep :rofl: I’m not sure if it’s just a form of exerting energy or what, but I also know many other mothers who’s child have done the same.
But still follow through and install a nanny cam just to be on the safe side because that momma intuition is there for a reason. Good luck!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do you think the weird things my kid is doing could be related to our roommate?

You cannot under estimate Mother’s intuition!! If u don’t like and don’t want your child around her, kick her ass out!
She’s not family and she doesn’t need to be in your life. Better safe than sorry


my kids literally do all those things. they are 1 and almost 3. especially the biting. they lick my face and arms and find it funny. and my 2 year old will stick his tongue out every time i go to kiss him.

that being said, listen to your instincts. it might just be a bit of paranoia but mother’s intuition is very real. if something doesn’t sit right with you or makes you uncomfortable then ask her to leave. don’t accuse others without proof, but trust your instincts and do whatever you need to make yourself more comfortable.

My son went through a stage at about the age of 2/3 of touching my toes and feet and stroking my face also playing with my hair and kissing my hands and feet. He is now 7 years old and has been diagnosed with ADHD and sensory issues. I think it’s normal at this age could be a sensory issue but also could be normal. I think the fact you don’t get on with this women could maybe be you over reacting and hormones playing apart. But in the same breath I would say you as a mom should always trust your instincts and the fact you don’t like her she needs to leave as you being pregnant you need a happy peaceful home :slight_smile:

‘My boyfriend let this lady he knows move in’

That was enough for me, Were you consulted on this? Especially if you both aren’t getting on…

Kids do have weird behaviours , However if its only now started since this lady has moved in I would be suspicious as well…

Personally I would be telling said lady she needs to move out of your family home , Arguing over silly stuff is going to cause tension in the household.
I also would not like someone my partner invited to live with us tell me how to do things in my own home.


Kids do weird things…think he’s just being a kid.

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The kids stuff sounds like kids stuff. My 18m old is forever trying to give me a kiss with her tongue stuck out, licking me, biting my toes and things :woman_facepalming:t3: but if you don’t like someone living with you, then don’t let them live with you.

I’d be telling her to move out before the new baby comes, just purely because it’s not her home and she has no right telling you what is okay/not okay with your child. It also seems a bit strange that your boyfriend would invite some you don’t know to live with you…

Personally I think you’re overreacting because you don’t get on with her. Kids develop differently and do have different comforts, maybe he thought it was a thumb for example. As for the humping that’s something beyond anyone’s control given he does it in his sleep it’s not really copied behaviour

Why has he moved someone into your home you don’t really know and allowed that,no chance would I allow that,especially if you don’t get on with her hes taking the piss

Make sure he isnt alone with her for a substantial amount of time see if his behaviours improve. Yoir boyfriend may need to kick her out though and put you both first. Although my son is a licker but isnt weird with feet

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do you think the weird things my kid is doing could be related to our roommate?

She’s not even family…she’s a guest. There is no reason why you can’t ask her to leave. If your boyfriend has an issue with it than that says a lot.
Mom’s have a “gut feeling” for a reason. Maybe it’s not molestation but maybe it’s a sensory issue…eaither way you aren’t comfortable so do what you think is best


Yeaaaaa… Im going w over reacting… And I use that term loosely cause when it comes to protecting our babies there is no such thing as over reacting. HOWEVER… Babies give kisses before they even know was a kiss is. And its likely the baby is trying to suck or bite on things on its level or whatever is there… Like a foot… And they literally mimic everything they see…
Jumping to molestation cause of something like that is a leap. :person_shrugging:
However if u are uncomfortable w it. Say something. You should never be uncomfortable in your own home… But tread carefully if the bf looks at this woman like a mom.


Trust your gut. Mamas intuition is normally right.
She needs to go. And you need to bring your son to the doctor just in case to be checked out.

Could be nothing, but my gut never steers me wrong when it comes to my daughter.


Lol my three year old (now almost 12) straight came at me face one day open mouth like I pushed himz lil head back like what are you doin? and he says ‘i just want to kiss you like daddy does’ and I died laughing…explained him boys don’t kiss their moms like husband’s as he will share that with his wife one day…it’s natural they’re curious because kissing is an essential part human nature and unless he’s watching soapy dramas with grandma lady it’s really not her faultand it’s still ok to teach him good touch bad touch…all my kids know and could use the proper terms for their pieces but growing up we call it the business…it’s YOUR BUSINESS and no one elses unless something’s wrong and your doctor can check it…everyone minds their own business lol


Kids do weird things all on their own, but that being said if you are uncomfortable with her in your home and around your child them it is time for her to go. Letting her stay will teach your child that other people’s feeling are more important than your own boundaries.


If your boyfriend let some random lady in the house to live with you, for like no reason at all. Then he might be hooking up with her. And I don’t kiss my kids on the mouth, it’s not what I’m comfortable with and I’ve never been a very affectionate person from the start :woman_shrugging:t4: but my toddler is two and when he was younger and crawling and learning to pull himself up on things he tried putting anything in his mouth, especially toes. But we shut that down real quick and was like “baby icky, toes are ickyyy”


I still kiss my mother, grandmother and aunt on the mouth. I kiss my kids on their mouths. And my 1 year olds are always trying to lick me, bite me, suck on me in weird places. So to me, it’s not very weird and I think judging people for it is kinda shitty.
But as a Mom, if you have a gut feeling about something, say something. Make your boundaries known and express that if they are crossed, she’s got to go. Dont leave her alone with your child. And put up some cameras. I have cameras in the common areas of my home as well as my daughters bedroom that I can check anytime. I don’t trust anyone.


Being only one they’re in a mimicking stage, they’ll copy everything they see. If your concerned you need to bring this up to your bf since 1 year old isn’t old enough to ask what is happening. It’s better safe than finding something crazy out later on once damage has been done.
I’m not saying anything is happening but I’d rather you remove the situation before something does


Go with your gut…get her away from your family.


She needs to go period. Go with your gut.


You need to get rid of that girl and take that baby to a dr to be checked over! You got one shot at doing the right thing by him and the others!!


She needs to GO!! Trust your instincts as a mother. The fact that you two have argued about the rules you have for your son is a problem.


Boot her ass out. You don’t know this woman and men aren’t the most reliable when it comes to judging who should be around their children. But if you’re not wanting to be hasty. Keep a close on her. Get a nanny cam. But you shouldn’t be feeling uncomfortable in your own home and this woman should not be getting into it with the pregnant woman who’s house she resides in.


If she makes you uncomfortable and you dont like her, get her out. You are the Mama and if you ain’t happy, nobody will be. Just trust your instincts and get her gone. May not be anything at all going on, but her being there is apparently causing you mental distress, and you are a mommy, you dont need that, especially in your own home. Hope it all works out!

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It could be her but my kid goes thru phases.
He saw my husband and I kiss on the mouth. Then wanted to do the same.
I won’t bc I get cold sores and I can tell my husband to kiss me on the cheek. My kid won’t understand and automatically go for my mouth EVERY TIME.
Everyone has their reasons. As far as I know my parents don’t mouth kiss him but monkey see monkey want.


Calm down. Babies/toddlers go through a very oral stage, like puppies. They chew, taste, bite…whatever, it’s normal. This is a normal stage of life. Don’t be so quick to jump to conclusions.

And don’t judge parents for kissing on their children and we won’t judge you for not having your 3 older kids live with you.


There’s not a single period……. :woozy_face:


Sounds like normal 1 year old behaviour to me :joy:…All these comments are strange…

The weirdest thing about this is not that it just so happens to tie in with this random moving in but that you just moved a random in, full stop? Clearly know nothing about her? Not cool that you argue over difference of opinion over YOUR child but your kids behavior isn’t bc she’s being inappropriate, it’s bc it’s normal baby/toddler behavior. Tell her where to shove it with her opinion on whats right and wrong for your child, of course but his behavior caused by her? Doubtful…


All the behavior you describe can be very normal. I have 4 kids too, my daughter tried to bite and suck my toes! :laughing::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Sounds like you need to have a talk with your boyfriend. If you don’t get along with this woman, she should probably find another place to live?


You need to move her out! If you never had this problem before, your child is learning things from someone. If your gut tells you something is off, it is. Trust a mothers intuition


Why is this lady in your home if you do not like her? No bish would be in my house especially if I didn’t like them. :crazy_face:
Anyway kids do mimic but who am I to know what goes on in the home. I would first, set up cameras and if after watching the footage and nothing happens then talk with your child about what he is doing is wrong. If something is being done then take action.


Honestly this just sounds like teething to me, licking, biting, and sucking on everything in sight is how they try to relieve their pain.


Wtf did I just read? It sounds to me like you’re the one making it weird! Any mother that thinks it’s not appropriate to kiss their one year old baby on the mouth is coming from a place that I cannot relate to. Why do u let some strange woman u don’t know live in your house? That’s the real question. Girl bye.


If she’s arguing with you with how you raised your son and you’ve welcomed her into your home. It’s time for her to go


Yeah babies don’t have foot fetishes or any kind of fetish. Tf… kids put all sorts into their mouths.

Also absolutely nothing wrong with parents kissing their kids on their mouth if you read into that in an inappropriate way then it says more about you than anything especially when your sexualising everything your toddler is doing


Get some spy cams before you jump to conclusions


Your choice of wording is very… strange. Who says their 1 year old has a foot fetish???..

Anyways… I would take a step back and evaluate your situation. Have a conversation with your boyfriend and the other lady, and go from there.


I just typed up a huge commment but i deleted it to simply say GO WITH YOUR GUT! if your boyfriend has issues with you wanting her gone… there is obviously some underlying reason!


Definitely trust ur gut especially with ur child… even if its nothing happening always better safe than sorry from experience kids do weird things … they experiment just like we do but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t shown either hope u figure it out mama


It sounds as if she’s molesting the kids. I would love her out ASAP


Your kid sounds like my son :joy: it’s definitely not the lady but I’m sorry your child is going to do alot more weird shit I know mine has certainly shocked me so many times with the weird shit he does :joy:


That fact that you’re uncomfortable in your own home because of a guest is enough reason to tell her that her time is up. I’d also have a talk with my significant other and inform him of your decision. He decided to let her in, you’re deciding to tell her to leave :person_shrugging:. You don’t owe anyone an apology or explanation when it comes to your home and who’s allowed in it or why they aren’t.


So kids are weird…but they also learn what they see…regardless of proof or not, it’s your piece of mind, you don’t need to explain…just give notice in writing of your request for her to move out, politely say, You guys have chosen to move forward with a roommate. Trust your gut.


Sounds like she needs to leave. But if you want actual evidence get a nanny cam and watch what happens when your not around :woman_shrugging:t2:


Mother figure to who??? Your boyfriend or your kid! If it’s for your child aren’t you the mother figure? If it’s for him that’s just plain weird!! Why only one out of our four live with you and now you are pregnant with number 5!?? So many questions lol


Listen to your gut. There are times in my past I wish my parents would’ve listened to theirs. Get that lady away from your baby and your family. Her arguing with your parental boundaries is a giant red flag


Don’t ever leave her alone with your child. And just to be safe either she has to move out, or you do :confused:


You not liking her is reason enough to get her out! Add to that the chance that she is influencing your baby in a bad way is beyond what you should have to endure! Get her out!!!


As for the tongue in mouth. My kid did the same thing. Tried to slober me and he does it to show affection. The toes… yes he’s done that several times at that age and Eventually stopped. But I’m really not understanding how your able to tolerate someone you don’t like in your home :confused:. We need to start there considering your having one on the way and your uncomfortable.

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Ummmm no. She needs to get out or you get out.

I worked for a law firm where one of the cases was where the young toddler daughter started showing signs like this (kissing with tongue). Come to find out dad was molesting their daughter on his time.

Sexual behavior like that typically means sexual abuse. I was molested by a cousin as a child. Get out and get him a child therapist where they can do play therapy and get to the bottom of this.

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Is this real!?!???!!! I would never agree with a woman moving into my house. Not out of jealousy or anything like that. I have had live ins before even family. The stress is unbearable and people will purposely teach and or allow your child to things you would never allow them to do and also do it out of hate. Sounds like you need to get rid of both of them and you and your child will be fine.

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Just get a nanny cam and catch her while your not around if you think something is going on. All kids are different


It sounds like your over thinking what your son is doing. My daughter is almost 2 and she did the same thing since she was maybe 1. She doesnt do it as often cause she understands now when i tell her not to put her tongue out when she kisses lol but as far as feet i thinks thats all kids. My daughter plays with everybody’s feet. She has bit mine a few times when i was laying on the couch. I really think all kids go through that and they grow out of it. As far as the lady i can only say follow your gut. Get cameras for inside your house. Indoor cameras are cheap and some of them you dont have to pay monthly plans. U get like 7 days of playback clips without a plan. Or just tell her she cant live there anymore.

She needs to go!! Something is up! Most of those behaviors are learned from someone else… just saying. Coming from a mother who’s two daughters were abused under my nose many years ago. Hugs

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I love how people are laugh reacting but there’s predators EVERYWHERE. You can’t trust anyone not even family. She may not be doing anything but there’s nothing wrong with her noticing these things and being concerned

First things first! She has NO BUSINESS getting into any argument with you over YOUR CHILD! Secondly as a mother learn to listen to your instincts! I’m not saying she is doing anything or you should even accuse her of anything. But if you are uncomfortable then she needs to go.

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If you don’t like her then why is she living in your house?? Make her leave simple


Put a camera that may help and than you’ll really know… my youngest was completely over in love with I have woken up to his hand down my shirt my boobs my boobs mom I would look at him NO Marquez that’s mom private area he would grab my face squeeze my face I love you mom MOM I LOVE YOU I would say Marquez mama loves you too but be nice… my twin boys where never like that ever… thankfully my youngest is almost 12 and don’t do any of that any more but it went on for years and me trying to sit down with him… being 1 years old a little harder for sure I would just put a camera and hope that it’s nothing

You need to put it all out there for your boyfriend and this woman. Draw a line that is not to be crossed. Do not let it be crossed. I know it’s weird but I know someone who was forced to suck her grandma’s toes and fingers when she was young. From a toddler up. It’s just weird! Make sure this isn’t going on. Keep that baby safe.

WOW, first trust your instincts, you have them for that purpose. Children pick up and act on everything they see and hear. Children are very curious and will get into everything, but certain things are a learned behavior …monkey see, monkey do…trust those instincts.

You getting these signs can be your chance to protect your child in the few ways a parent can. The fact that these are all sudden at the same time is SIGNIFICANT. She needs to leave immediately and you need to see a pediatrician and tell them what you are worried about. The fact that you are pursuing this issue shows that right now in this moment, you are being the best advocate for your child. I can’t believe how many people have the innability to focus here on the question at hand!

You absolutely should trust your gut! I also find it weird when kids kiss their parents on the lips especially as older children…also…germs! But not all people are like that so they may have learned it somewhere, maybe even the store or daycare. I would maybe call your local dept of child’s and family and see if they can look up to see if she’s on the abuse registry or sustanciated for abuse previously. You can also talk to your Pedi about it as well,

Are you leaving the child alone with her


RIGHT!! I have three and a baby that is 1 and he comes at ya like a shark with the bites but NEVER ever had him tried to suck of my toes. :flushed: but I guess toes aside, if you think something is going on don’t just let other people tell you to brush it off!! All these things together aren’t normal behavior :woman_shrugging:t2:

Hard to say really. Trust your gut. I have an 18 month old and he started laying on his belly with his hands under him and “humping” I guess you could say. He also has licked me face and tried to lick my tongue if I stick my tongue out at him playing around.

My 2yr old girl touches her butthole at LEAST 5 times a day :joy: She also reaches into my shirt and twists my nipples (She was breastfed)… The more I try to discourage the behavior, the more she does it. No advice. Kids are weird.

I don’t know about the tongue issue but little son had a foot fetish for awhile. He would go back and forth in of a stranger like he was shark. If your toes were painted even better. And a toe ring drove him nuts! He wanted to put their foot on his belly and didn’t ask. I was freaked out but he grew our of it. I wanted to share my experience with you. Bless you

Kissing a child on the lips isnt weird or sexual until somebody makes it sexual. Kissing is a form of affection. Not all affection is sexual. We give Eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses. Judge me if u will but I kiss my kids on the lips. Ive also licked them both. On several occasions ive licked the whole side of their faces cuz thats how the cow kisses. Its funny. Its not weird unless someone makes it weird. And when babies r first learning to kiss u back its usually a lot of slobber and sometimes tongue.

Uhm babies give open mouth kisses for a while lol I’ve been licked and slobbered on at the very last moment many times. They learn as they age that they need to close their mouth but they’re babies… let them be innocent for a while

It’s hard to say. My three year old gives smooches but usually it’s just a peck when her dad leaves for work at night or if it’s bedtime and she gives kisses and hugs. She sees me and her dad kiss so it’s just a thing but sometimes she’ll grab my face and try to kiss kiss me and I’m like no that’s gross that’s not how we kiss. If she is saying bye to her cousins she’ll kiss them on the cheeks or just hug because we’ve taught her you don’t just kiss anyone any type of way. I’d definitely keep an eye out I know why my daughter does it every once in a blue moon but if you don’t know why they’re doing it and that they just started doing it around the time she moved in I’d pay extra attention. You can also use this as an opportunity to teach your child that you can’t do that and it’s not appropriate even if they’re real young. Teach what is inappropriate to be doing to others and what is inappropriate for someone to do to them. I was abused my whole life so my daughter knows that people aren’t allowed to touch her anywhere private and she isn’t allowed to touch anyone else in their private places. And if your child is really young they won’t know what’s even going on if something is happening.

I’ve been around a lot of infants and toddlers. These things seem pretty normal for a 1 year old. Not all kids go through these stages, as it’s most likely sensory differences. Both of my kids practically tried eating my face at 10 months. Oldest went through a “humping” phase at around 1 1/2. My younger one will try sucking or biting toes, fingers, or anything else he can get to.

If you don’t want her there, then talk to your boyfriend and ask her to leave. It seems strange to automatically assume she’s the reason your kid is doing these things, especially since I’m assuming you don’t leave your kids alone around her since you don’t trust her.

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I’ve not read the comments here but I’d do a hidden camera. I really would. We have a clock one that goes to our phones. Looks just like a digital clock. If you didn’t know it had a camera you wouldn’t know. Sound too. Trust your gut. And tell her it’s time to go. Better to be safe than sorry mama.

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I wouldn’t really say that was normal behaviour for a kid but they do copy things they see and hear for sure. I wouldn’t be too happy with what your kid is doing to be honest. Something has happened somewhere for your kid to be repeating that stuff. I would have my eyes and ears well and truly open.

My almost 2 year old does this all the time. We don’t normally kiss or whatever in front of our kids but he just has this thing about licking things :woman_shrugging:t3:
Each kid is different so it may be a sensory thing with him.
I wouldn’t presume the worst about someone just because she exists in the same space as your family.
However, if you have a gut feeling that something is amiss regarding this roommate, definitely address it and see what’s up.

My 2year old bites everyones toes. He kisses me on the mouth. He’s very affectionate. Relax. He’s being a toddler.

1, I would never have anyone I don’t personally know in my house even to visit let alone move in, 2, take your son to the doctor and explain your fears to the doctor so your son can be checked over, 3, if the doctor finds anything even vaguely suspicious you have your answer about whether this woman who may or may not be old enough to be a grandmother is being inappropriate with your son

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I think the real question is why are leaving your child alone with someone you don’t actually know and trust? She’s a stranger she could do anything to him. The biting, sucking, mouth stuff is probably teething but still, the rest does not sound right. Stop letting her be alone with him or buy cameras that record like ring.

My one year old does all those things. I think its pretty normal behavior. If the lady is making you uncomfortable, tell her to kick rocks!

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Ok I have two questions here. First off if you’re uncomfortable with this woman you should never be leaving your son alone with him so I’m wondering is he ever alone with her? Also what kind of sleeping situation are you in with a one year old that you’re waking up with him by your feet?? And let me be clear I’m 100% ok with co sleeping (and I know kids move around typically they get they’re feet In Your face) but I’m not sure it’s safe to co sleep at one if they’re head is somehow ending up by your feet? But outside of all that to answer your question you should never let someone you’re not comfortable with live in a house with you and your kids, doesn’t matter if you’re overreacting your boyfriend needs to be behind you on that. Period. Always better safe than sorry when it comes to your children

Open mouth kisses are a very common thing for all babies especially around that age all four of my children have tried to stick their tongue in my mouth they don’t get it they’re learning

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My toddlers try to bite/lick my toes all the time. I don’t kiss my kids on the lips either but they still occasionally try. Kids do wierd things. Especially young ones

For these circumstances especially, id say trust your instincts! Its better to be safe than sorry! I see other people are saying dont assume, but you could still avoid accusations & just tell her she needs to leave. You dont need to give her any explanation.

Usually, it’s something kids have seen briefly on tv or a movie. I mean, there’s even a kiss scene in Frozen!

Just correct the child and let them know we don’t do that (if you guys don’t).

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No need to worry Mama’s. Babies will do things that we think are not normal. They explore and do things that feel good. It is completely normal. Now if he was to start doing full blown out sexual things like you already know. I am not going into detail. That’s when you need to start worrying.

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