Do you use melatonin for kids?

Have a Vitamin Panel done to see his levels. Also do a blood allergy test. He could be consuming something to cause hyperactivity. Sugar does this. Cut sugar out for a month and see how it improves. Keep a journal so you can see how often he sleeps and how quick.
I promise you, cut out sugar and he will sleep. Also there are sleepytime teas you can give him at night. A principal at my son’s school told me she would sit at the table with her son and have a full disclosure with no repercussions “Tea Time”.
She said it was the best thing she ever did. He was autistic and she said it really helped to calm him down for bed. Plus it brought them closer together. Magnesium is also a good calmer. There’s a Vitamin fb page as well that may be able to help. I always read at night to my hyper son. He would fall asleep within 15 minutes usually. Sometimes 5 minutes. God bless.

Kerry Boulet not some of these people saying they gave it to a 2 year old :sob:

I use melatonin for my kids.

Yup I give my 5 year old melatonin when he has a rough time.

We use zarbees melatonin for our 4 year old. Works wonders

I don’t know about kids taking it but I know it doesn’t work for me. It just doesn’t for some people so, if you end up trying it, keep that in mind. I was on prescription sleep meds for almost a year but really wanted to stop using them. The natural sleep teas (Yogi and celestial brand) work really well for me. I usually make it a night time routine. Take a bath, maybe use some of the relaxing bath salts, drink my tea in the tub, and I’m out within half an hour to an hour. Talk to your dr about using them first though because I’m not sure if they’re kid safe.

I will add that my ADHD kids had a sugar effect where they went hyper then fell asleep better after sugar. I am thinking now that they are grown that it may have been an offset to their adhd as I am the same way with all carbs. Try to pay attention how his diet is affected by sugar/carbs and if he goes hyper then crashes and talk to your pediatrician. We all have autoimmune, adhd and diabetes risk

Ok so first of all ignore all the judgy ppl. 2nd you can safely use a small dose of melatonin (.5 mg) every other day or 2 days on 2 days off. We do it this way to keep our bodies from becoming dependent on artificial melatonin and continue making its own. I use half a MG to 1 MG of my 5 and 8 year old daughters when they need it. And that’s only a couple days a week. But you’ll want to start bedtome at 630 or 7pm not 8pm. It can cause headaches though so listen to your child. Always start as low as possible. If you notice .5 -1 MG isn’t working that means it’s time to take a break for a few days, NOT increase the dosage. Another thing is that melatonin give our kids a good deep rest and should be used to help get them on a good sleep schedule. It’s not for constant long term use. Give it an hour before bedtime and at least 1.5 hours after dinner. And avoid phones and tablets for the hour or else it’s just pointless. Screen time up close like that keeps them up no matter what. You’ll see your.child go to bed eariler and wake up earlier. My girls take it at 7pm asleep at 8pm and they are up by 6am the next morning. My 11 year old son takes it so rarely that he only needs 1.5 mg m, ne a an adult I’ll take a 3mg dose and I’m out luje a light with the best sleep in ever had… It’s a good tool but don’t fall into the trap of becoming dependent on it.

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Melatonin works for my soon to be 5 yr old, BUT gives him crazy dreams and he wakes up scream crying almost every time I’ve given him even a half the kids gummy.

It works but please know that they can become dependent on it if you use it for long periods. My son is super high energy as well and what has worked for us is cleaning up his diet - no dyes, as little processed sugar as possible and carbs, and upping protein - getting him up earlier helps too. So his bed time is 8:30 so we stop all screen time 2 hours before bed, eat dinner, spend some family time together and bath time. This consistent routine helps too if you don’t have one in place. Make sure he gets adequate outside time too; I can always see a difference in my sons behavior if he hasn’t gotten to play outside.
This is just what’s worked for us; my son is a young 5 so not far off from yours. I hope you find something that helps :heart:

Might check for dibetes just saying

Earlier bedtime for sure. Do a strict routine like bath, books, bed. And have it all done by 7. My son is 4 and extremely hyperactive. Was a colic baby and now showing many signs of adhd. We tried melatonin and it was a huge bust! He would fall asleep fast but wake every time in the middle of the night with terrors. So now we do early bedtimes 7pm

Yes they make melatonin gummy‘s for kids, This is the thing they are not made to take every day for a year, they are to use to create a healthy bedtime routine… it takes 21 days to create a habit… I will give him the melatonin 1 mg at about 7pm…

Push that bedtime routine up to start after supper and in bed by 8, also I do use melatonin as my kid fights sleep super hard, 1mg every other night as I was told it’s not good to use every night, sometimes it’s not needed, but I also find using lavender in her bath really helps relax to.

I used to but it was causing my daughter to wet the bed, stopped w no further issues of bed wetting

Do you think he would like pistachios? Pistacios, about 5 of them little buggers have as much natural melatonin he needs. We eat 1/3 cup and it make us sleep like a baby!!!


My pediatrician said its perfectly ok. Maybe use as needed since I see lots of comments saying its not recommended

Talk :clap: to :clap: a :clap: doctor!


Dangerous my Arse they probably rather put the child on some form of drug they recommend. Melatonin is non habit forming and already in our bodies such a crock. Anyway itll help ease him into sleep but will not keep him asleep if its something more than a simple hard time easing into sleep

Yes our bodies produce melatonin naturally-However that doesn’t mean it’s “safe” to take for everyone- as your body becomes used to having higher amounts of synthetic melatonin it will trigger your body to stop producing it naturally- which in the long run will cause further sleep issues for him down the road and into adulthood- melatonin should always be a last resort and be taken “when needed” or if a doctor prescribes/recommended it. If your doctor said no than listen to the doctor and not people on FB :woman_facepalming: If you think your doc is not listening or brushing it off- get a second opinion from a doctor- not FB! If your child has a reason to take melatonin that’s one thing- does he have ADHD and has issues sleeping, autism, ect… that’s one thing and in that case a doctor would probably recommend it, However if you have an A-typical child than change his sleep schedule - if he’s getting up at 5:30 am to go to daycare, only getting a 30 min nap, and not getting ready for bed until 8:00pm- but not falling asleep until 10 or 11 than the most likely culprit is he’s Overtired- which leads to sleep issues- try moving up bed time by 15 minutes every night until hes in bed by 7 or 7:30- also allow him to burn energy before dinner/bedtime. Try to change up the bedtime routine. There’s all sorts of things you can try before resorting to medication. However again you can always get a second doctors opinion- but don’t take advice from FB when it comes to medical / medication advice- most people mean well but no one knows you or your child so no one can tell you what’s best for your child medically except for you and his doctor.

I would never use it for young children. It gave me horrible nightmares as a child.

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I can actually help a little here! My younger sister (single mum) has just been prescribed melatonin for my 4 year old niece as she just isn’t sleeping and it affects absolutely everything. She took it for the first time last night and my sister said she was asleep within 20 minutes and slept all night. Reading the leaflet can be a little scary but she called the hospital paediatrics unit to get a second medical opinion and called again after 8pm to get yet another opinion. It says not to take with food and not to crush etc… But my sister was advised to crush with something soft (yoghurt, ice cream etc) so she crushed one into a yoghurt. Hope it helps xx

I know plenty of ppl who use for their children in my family and it works and the doctors know the children are on and recommended it

My boys take zarbees melatonin they are grape chewable 1ml and they only take 1 and it works for my boys it only takes about 15mins and they are out til 7am when I wake them up for school

When I was 11 I was. Diagnosis with hyperactivity now days they call it adhd I was put on Ritalin surprise surprise it didn’t work it acted like rocket fuel made me run 100mph. I am 66 now living on Valium’s when I want to sleep. I’ve tried melatonin it didn’t do a thing for me when I was in my 20,s I was on Seconal but it didn’t work to well and my drs was scared I would od because of depression so for years I did over the counter sleep aids. My prob was I would build immunity real fast Monday 1. Wed 3. Thurs 4. I finally got a dr who got me Valium’s they work!

Only helps fall asleep. Start bedtime routine earlier at like 7 and be in bed by 8. You can use it to get him on a schedule and then taper off of it. When my boys can’t sleep I tell them idc what they do as long as they’re quiet and stay in their rooms but they have to get up to go to school no matter how late they try to stay up

I’ve had varying advice regarding melatonin for my girl. She was 3 when we attempted it and is 4.5 now. Her regular provider said 1 organic gummy containing 5 to 10mg would be acceptable 20 minutes before bedtime. Another in the same office swears it’s of the devil. So, after digging through pages provided by Google, I made my own decision to try it. It worked like a charm, for about 6 months and not daily… just when she couldn’t calm herself down after getting a nice, warm, lavender bath. Maybe 3 times a week. However it suddenly stopped working for her altogether. Now she can eat 2 with no effect. I gave up because I wouldn’t want her to develop a dependency on melatonin to get to sleep and didn’t want to give her more than 2 anyway. Her dad gave her 4 one time and while she slept great that night, she wound up hyper all day the next day and couldn’t get to sleep the next night even with a gummy and bath. Every body is different and reacts to meds and supplements differently.

We never used that stuff it was " relax!" Or go to bed😁

My two year old and 6 and 10 year old all take the melatonin gummies my two and 6 year old takes 3 10 mg and my 10 yr takes 4 of the 10 mg. My pediatrician actually told me to start giving it to them.

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My boys are on melenton and it’s not dangerous it’s a natural substances

Yes my sons pediatrician had his start in when he was about 5 because he wasn’t sleeping good and he did really well on it when he took it.

Melatonin is not dangerous. Your Dr is silly for that. I mean, you’re not intending in giving him a whole box a night, right? I can’t understand when a Dr is against it. Sounds silly, but have you ever tried sleepytime tea? My sons been drinking it, god…God… forever. Lol. Hes only 6, but I’ve always had a habit of tea before bed, so when he started wanting some I bought it and showed him (with excitement and what not) how it’s gonna help us relax and sleep soooo good at night. I’m not sure if its a mindfuck (pardon my french) or If it actually puts him to sleep, but he’ll even ask for it when he knows he’s restless and before he finishes a whole cup he’s sleeping like a baby. Lol. So personally. We haven’t had to try Melatonin for him, but I know a lot of moms who do and kids who know they sleep well on it. Zarbees is definitely the one I’d try if I was going to.
Good luck

Actually try contacting a chiropractor that specializes in kids. Helped my friends little guy a lot.
I tried melatonin on my oldest and he started getting night terrors, stopped that quick. It was also half the recommended dose.
Every kiddo is different, he may need an activity in the evening that will release his energy.

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My children’s pediatrician recommended it but not every night as it will affect their body’s own melatonin hormones. If your son’s doctor won’t listen I’d find another perhaps.

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I give melatonin to my daughter and i take it daily as well. My daughter’s pediatrician says its safe to give everyday…but every pediatrician is different

Nothing wrong with it my kids take it

Your children need a new doctor. 2nd it was fully recommended for my kids by their doctor.

I’ve had my granddaughter on melatonin 5 mg since she was 4 yrs.
I also cut out electronics and tv at 7:30 and she’s asleep by 8 or 8:15. No caffeine after 5.

Melatonin is a natural remedy. It’s already in our body’s. I use it for my 1.5 yr old

I had a grandson like that. He was living with us at the time, and his mom was working the second shift. She wouldn’t get home until around 4 in the morning. Went to work at 5in the evening. I tried everything. His sister would be woken up by him, all the time. I got a lavender type smelling salts for his bath, and let him watch those damn cartoons. He always turned on the TV, as soon as I left the room. The salts worked. Had to leave the TV on low, or he would wake up, but turned it down low. I hate to say this, but my husband works night, and I have to have the TV on too. Can’t sleep without it. Even on his days off, of he turns it off,I immediately wake up. I even have taken all sorts of sleeping pills, including melatonin. It never worked. Just saying, oh by the way we are both ADD

Take him to a pediatric chiropractor. Melatonin is safe to use, I’ve used on my kids.

I don’t think it’s dangerous how ever dangerous as far as them not learning how to go to sleep or somethings going on to where they can’t sleep melatonin kind of puts a band aid on the issue. But it is also very important for kids to get there sleep I would do a low dose just to get a routine for him going.

Good luck.

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My middle daughter has ODD & ADHD, she needs the melatonin to help her go to sleep and sleep through the night. Or I SWEAR this kid would bounce off walls all day and night lol. She only gets 5mg

Recently started giving it to my 3 year old as she is very hyper and never wants to sleep. She only gets 2.5mg tho.

I was skeptical . But the dr and their paediatrician highly recommended it for their sanity and mine :sweat_smile:

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My son was hyper. And NEVER had any problems falling asleep nor staying asleep. First sugar stuff was VERY limited, They have no idea about Fruit Loops or any other sugar loaded cereal. They had very, very limited candy. They were outside all the time unless it was pouring rain with lightening. Cold didn’t matter. All the kids played together. No TV or again very little TV. So also think about what your son is eating. And make sure he goes outside & run & play. Ride some sort of bike( with my kids it was Big Wheels at this age) I am not one , but this is me, given any child anything to fall asleep, just doesn’t seem like the right thing to do. But that is me. I feel they might get too use to it & as they get older need more & more to fall asleep or something else . Also after their baths at night we read books. That was our time together. Each night each one got to choose what story book I read that night :grinning:. Again playing outside was the best thing.

That’s odd, our Pediatrician who specializes in genetic condition specifically recommended melatonin as needed. Liquid only and a specific dose. Little guy was 18 months then and the dose has changed slightly as he grew. Maybe it warrants another conversation with your Pediatrician. And yes, it works.

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We use melatonin I would take him to a psych dr o took my grand daughter and it turns out she has adhd and they gave her sleep meds

I use the melatonin gummed and they work great for my 9 yr asd son I don’t see how it could be dangerous when melatonin is natural I would give it a try girl u need your sleep to

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My Daughter is 6 and she takes a gummy every night. No side effects and she wakes up in a great mood. I believe my daughter is slight ADHD but I won’t ever put her on meds. She gets wound up before bed so bad. We do our routine and about 20 mins before bed she takes a gummy.

I mean as long as it’s not every night I wouldn’t be worried. It can cause a dependency but it isn’t dangerous. I use it for my daughter every Sunday night just so she can get to sleep after the weekend

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Melatonin is only to be given for up to 1 week straight per month. After that is messes with kid’s hormones. Can cause bed wetting, early puberty, and for them to be dependent on sleep aids rest of their life. Know too many people that give it to their kids every single night for months on end. Messes kids up. Glad you have a smart dr that acknowledges that it isnt 100% safe with no side affects. Most drs will just say whatever parents want to hear to make them happy. One reason why so many girls are getting periods and stuff sooner. Use it wisely. Not all the time. Sleepytime tea with some honey is better option. Even benadryl is safer given long term than melatonin. Cut out sugar and turn off all devices over an hour before bedtime helps as well. I always cut out sugar by 6 pm and screens go off by 7:00pm.

My daughter was having the same problem after summer getting my grandkids to fall asleep for school . She started giving them melatonin, 1mg. Once they got into a routine she stopped on the weekends. Eventually she was able to stop after alternating days. Make sure you keep the sleep time and wake time consistent or it starts all over

I give it to mine, they are 8 and 6. On school nights, they normally go to sleep fine because of getting up early. I mainly give it to them like on a Sunday night because weekends they stay up later and sleep in, Sunday nights are normally a struggle for bed time at a decent hour.

Could you maybe wean him off his nap time? He will be more tired at bed time without the nap

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Yes, both mine have it

Melatonin is not dangerous. Any Paedeatric would tell you that melatonin helps release sleep hormones to help the body relax…


Yes I did with my older 2 when they were little now I do with my almost 4 yr old during the week. Right now she fights bedtime and her sleep and stays up till 10 11 pm and she has to be up at 620 for daycare and drags. Weekends and if she’s home during the week I don’t use it bc then she can wake up later. My older 2 stopped taking it around 7 or 8 on occasion my 12 yr old asks for some but it’s rare now.

I would only use melatonin if absolutely necessary. I’ve read the melatonin can have an effect on the immune system, increasing its strength. That can be bad for someone with any allergies, rheumatic diseases or any genetic predisposition to those diseases.

Yes my kids get it I didn’t even know it Existed until our Pediatrician recommended it!!!

I’ve used it when my son (now 12) has a bout of insomnia. He uses it for a week or so until his body is back on schedule and then we don’t use it again until needed.


Both mine take melatonin every night they have for over a year and they’re completely fine, better even because they get a good nights sleep. It’s a natural substance your body creates so as long as you don’t overdo it it’s perfectly fine


He shouldn’t need a nap at 4 years ol to be honest x


Also maybe if theycan burn enough energy during the day playing they’ll be tired and fall asleep.

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We had the same issue when my son was 4…Our pediatrician said it was fine. Once he started kindergarten, sleeping for much better! Don’t be ashamed to get some sleep.

There is nothing wrong with giving him melatonin 2 of my grandchildren get it before bed! It is naturally in your body he may not get enough I even take it to get a good nights sleep.


I give it to my 3 year old about once or twice per week and my pediatrician has fully endorsed it. Zarbees melatonin gummies from Amazon. Try it out and see if it helps…sometimes we need some extra help to relax our crazy toddlers


I have never heard of it being “dangerous”. So many friends with kids younger have used it. My 10 y/o uses it. Never an issue and its been recommended by our dr.


I do but mine is a 4 year old girl. She is very overactive and is hard to shut down for the night.

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It wont hurt him. Get some sleep mama.


If you give children melatonin with out knowing what the long term affects are going to be when they are adults and then have problems because of it you will end up having to live with the guilt of what happens to them

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Actually it IS dangerous. It has been proven so. I would work on making sure he gets LOTS of physical activity all day.


It caused my kids to have nightmares but I know a lot of people who used it for their kiddos with no problem. I don’t think it hurts to try. If not, start bedtime routine way earlier. Cut off screen time 2+ hrs before bedtime. I know it’s easier said than done :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

Both my boys get melatonin before bed. They are the same way and wouldn’t fall asleep till midnight then have to be up early for school made for grumpy kids. My dr said it was fine in low doses and not to just give ‘em 10 mg lol they do so much better with it

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I do for my daughter. No side effects

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Melatonin is natural
Give like a half hour before bed

I would use it to start good night time habits and in very small amounts. What kind of energy burn off is he getting? Is he going electronics free to help his body wind down? What kind of meals/snacks is he eating and how close to bedtime including milk? Is his room too stimulating? Are others up and active near his room? You need to make sure and give his body a break from it bc there’s really not enough studies to conclude it if will affect his natural melatonin output. Start with like .5mg. And just know it only helps fall asleep in optimum conditions, it’s not a sleeping pill and will not keep him asleep. If he awakens then you need to restart his routine. Also it has like 5hour life so he could be groggy if given too late. And some people suffer nightmares/terrors. And kill the power naps at school that’s not helping him at all.

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I would suggest he stop taking a nap. I don’t think four year olds need a nap.

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Zarbees sleep aid works great for my 5 yr old

I will not use it consistently, because it can mess up the bodies natural melatonin production. But particularly when my littlefoot is sick, or when her schedule gets messed up, I will use it for up to a week at a time.
I would also highly recommend baby chest rub! It has lavender, chamomile and all kinds of good stuff in it to help relax baby. This is my go to, unless she is sick because it is a lot less effective with helping her sleep then.

I would also consider your kiddos age, and possible sleep regression. When mine went through it, I was quite literally losing my mind. This girl would not sleep through the night. She’d hardly sleep at all. Being a co-parent who has her most of the time, and working fulltime… that was a nightmare. I feel you, mama.
If you’re gonna go the melatonin route, just be mindful of how much you’re giving baby, and how consistently you’re giving it. Best of luck :heart::heart::heart:


Absolutely not! My son’s as being given it, not by me. The nightmares, sleepwalking, peeing everywhere, and next days being horrible! Not ALL kids react that way, but too many do! I’m an adult and I get those issues. The nightmares and such. It hits us all different, but just look into it more. All our advice won’t be able to help as much as reading the side effects! My doctor is against it, 100%, because of the effects she’s seen in her patients.

I have heard it Makes male children get female’s hormone I would go to a health food store and see what they would sugest. I

Yes melatonin is safe for kids and you should get your son tested for adhd that’s how I knew my 10 year old had it at that age bc she never slept


They sell bath bombs and room spray by Dr. Teals that has melatonin in it and I’ve heard great things about them. I’m wanting to try them out for my kiddos myself! Also if you by the children’s melatonin gummies they specifically made in doses for ages 3+. My mom used to give us melatonin when we were kids and I’m perfectly fine lol😂 It’s a natural vitamin, your son could have low melatonin production. I say give him children’s ones. I reccomend the Zarbees brand.


My children go to bed at 8:30 each night and both take a melatonin about 30 min prior.

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Cut back on the nap and how does he respond after going to sleeep at 1030 in the morning is up n ok he just maybe a kid who doesn’t need a lot of sleep

4 year old shouldn’t be napping


It changes their brain chemistry amongst other negative effects. I would never give a young child any type of sleep aid.
Oatmeal raisin cookies with a glass of milk before bed worked wonders on my children. If they don’t eat cookies you can give them a slice of turkey with a glass of milk.
After the snack they got a warm bath, bedtime story in bed and they’d drift right off. One of my girls had a very difficult time sleeping and this routine worked well for her too. Good luck

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Start the bedtime routine earlier, change it be 15min every couple days. At 4yrs old a nap shouldn’t be needed.
Warm milk and a banana before bed (magnesium from banana helps)

I use prn for my son; who is 12;has ADHD Hyperactivity.
The nights that he is buck wild all over the place; low dose winds him down; along with lights/phone off.

I do not recommend melatonin at all I’m a volunteer at my local fire department and a friend from there gave it to her son and it caused him to have seizures she no longer gives it to him but he still has the seizures sometimes

If your doctor said no then The answer you are looking for you already got… start your bed time earlier then 8pm… seems like this is an every night issues and in that case melatonin is not safe to use every night… but again you asked your doctor and he said no so there you go.


I used melatonin on my grandson when he was younger but he had Autism, adhd & pervasive behavioural disorder. Hes 28 nearly now and obvously stll has these things but doesnt take melatonin now x

My pediatrician recommended the melatonin. My grandson has been taking it for about a year/

Have you tried starting bedtime earlier? If he doesn’t go to sleep until after two hours of trying to get him down, maybe try starting the routine aroumd 6pm?

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Bananas and turkey have tryptophan in them which are natural sleepy inducer. I do give my daughter melatonin on nights she can’t sleep just not every night.

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My pediatrician and a neurologist at children’s hospital recommended melatonin and it helped tremendously with no harmful effects.


Youtube…kids sleep hypnosis…Elaine Martin. Our favorite ones are Relax & Sleep, Joshua the Whale, & The Sandy Snowman. My daughter is 8 and extremely anxious and has never been a good sleeper or good at settling down to sleep. This woman’s voice who tells these stories is wonderful and relaxing and has worked great for us. There are several stories/videos for different age kids. Hope this helps.

We have done melatonin in the past in very small doses. Although it got her to sleep she always woke after a few hrs usually due to an awful dream. We stopped using a while ago because of this. We would only use to get back into a better time frame of bedtime and settling down. The sleep hypnosis videos work 10000xs better though.

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Try a warmies animal they have lavender in them and it’s all natural and it helps

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Try using lavender lotion after his bath at night. No tv, or any light form that could keep him awake. Bedtime is go to sleep time. Read him a story too calm him down with his eyes shut. If that doesn’t work, try children’s bedtime meditations if that doesn’t work find a new doctor to find out what is causing him to not want to sleep good luck

Many don’t know that melatonin is the only hormone sold OTC. The US is the only country that sells it w/o a prescription in doses usually too high to work. After much research I chose certain supplements instead. Please fully research

I use kids melatonin gummies on my 5 year old son and 7 year old daughter. I do not give it to them every night. Also if you do not wanna do the gummies there is kids bath salts with melatonin in it. Within 30 mins after the bath my son is asleep.