Just thinks about this… how many unnecessary and interruptions would be made if students could call their parents for “personal reasons.” If she really had a problem, she could have asked to see the nurse and called you from there, at least that’s how it worked at the schools my daughter has gone to.
Was the timing bad?, in the middle of a discussion, explanation of an assignment?.
Get her a cell phone. Tell her she can be excused to use the rest room and call you for personal reasons. Every child should be allowed to call home in emergency cases. Any parent who advocates for there child, would do as your doing and find a solution to this issue so it doesn’t happen again.
Sorry but I agree with the teacher on this one. They can’t just let every kid call home for any reason.
I dunno if it’s just my kids school, but my son’s teacher allowed him to call me to ask if it was ok if he traded one of his special Pokemon cards with a friend while they were at lunch. Even if you’re daughters teacher wouldn’t allow her to call you the teacher could have contacted you herself
OMG she should had been able to call her mom.
My daughter called me to come get her one afternoon (due to bad menstrual cramps) when I arrived at the office the secretary gave me a hard time because “students are NOT TO USE THEIR PERSONAL CELL PHONES” and my daughter didn’t nor does she have a cell phone that she takes to school, she had her teacher dial my number and I guess the teacher didn’t inform the office. It was a HUGE deal and the secretary made my daughter feel awful for calling me and not going to the office first…But later apologized once the teacher informed them she had “allowed” her to call me.
When I was in year10 I got my period during class and my history teacher denied me to go to the toilet. I just kept asking and he told me to go wait outside for him because I was ‘disturbing the class’. I didn’t wait for him, the minute he sent me out I took my bag and left to go the toilet then to the school nurse for a shower and change of pants
For this reason exactly …get her a phone and a little purse …teach her how to take her purse to the bathroom and call you…
This is where I visit the school. Children should feel safe to get up and leave to the office or restroom if they are having a personal emergency. Especially girls, because of menstruation (it happens very young nowadays) its not acceptable for a teacher to dictate whats an emergency. Now, if a child is playing games about it, meaning theres nothing actually warranting being excused from class, then appropriate consequences should follow. But it can be traumatizing to a child to have to announce something personal, and nevermind the teachers that lack enough couth to keep it quiet from the rest of the class.
I think that maybe your kiddo need to be more specific with things like this. We have kids that want to call home for things like “are you still picking me up”.
My child goes to the nurse and the nurse lets him call home.
I would stand your ground with the school, remember you pay your taxes for their pay check, they work for you and your kids
I believe some teachers forget what it’s like to be young and have an issue the class doesn’t need to know about!!
Always tell your kids to tell the teacher they need to go to see the nurse. The nurse will then let the child call a parent.
This is why I got my son a cell phone he turns it off at school but if he needs to get ahold of me he can go in the bathroom and call me text me or if there a lock down at his school he can get ahold of me
This is so wrong Mama! No teacher should have this right and being someone who is wanting to pursue a degree in Education I wouldn’t ever deny a child that right. I would personally get her a flip phone and a small purse or bag she can keep that in to take with her when she goes to the bathroom or wherever when she needs to call you. It’s always a positive incase there was ever an emergency as well:two_hearts: I would also definitely be having a talk with the schools principle about this matter and the teacher. Best of luck!
If it’s something serious my kids know to call me from the school. If the are not allowed and my kids would tell me I would go there and make hell. I have no understanding for that. But that’s just me lol
Go to the nurse. I tell my kids if they ever feel uncomfortable in the class they can leave and go to the office.
Tell her she has your permission to walk out and go to the office. Even if she just sits quietly, they will call you. Tell the teacher and the principal and the office that your daughter needs to be allowed to call you when she asks. It is their right. Regardless of what’s going on in class.
Having 5 daughters and worked for the district 16 years, I know what you mean. No, they do not have that right. If it was me and that was my daughter, I would have raised mortal hell and remind them they’re on my payroll. Too, many passive parents have created a monster.
ABSOLUTELY NOT, Some people like to use their power to make them feel important.
Yes the school denies kids the right to call home. If they allowed every child to call home for any reason the office would be full of kids wanting to call home constantly.
When my son was in the 7th grade I went into labor. I called school to let him know not to go home but to walk to s friend’s house. I told the secretary I was in the hospital & needed to give him instructions. She said “he’ll call you next break”. By that time labor turned into an emergency situation. I tried my best to stay calm for him & explain without alarming him. He caught in something wasn’t right & wanted to call his aunt. They told him no. The rest of the day my kid sat in school scared to death of what was happening. His baby brother & I both almost died. He was denied the right to call his aunt who would’ve brought him to me. After that he had a phone.
Run for a school board member. Get involved. Education system needs good parents to get involved in decision that affect the district their child attends.
Think logically here
Teachers can’t just dismiss kids left and right for “personal reasons” because then kids start abusing it
Not unless their is an emergency or valid reason if so the nurse will allow it. I mean if every kid in class was allowed to call their parents when they felt like it how much would actually get done? If I had that option when I was younger I can most definitely assure u I would have cried to my mom to pick me up early every single day and she would have.
I end up getting cells for my kids because of this. One too many times they were denied permission to call me. My son actually once asked, was told no, respectfully apologized walked in the office and called me anyway. Even after meeting with the staff they were denied multiple times. U can get a little flip phone or pay as u go and let her know it is for those times she has a private matter and needs to reach u
My kid will always be allowed to walk out of class if they need to contact me and are being refused that right. What if this girl had started her period and needed a change of clothes?
That’s why my kid has a cell phone idgaf
As a teacher, I cannot tell you how many times kids ask to “call home” and are calling friends, boyfriends, friends parents, etc. I would say only 1 in 40 kids actually has a legitimate reason to call home. Yes, your child’s situation is unique so you should discuss with the teacher that your child understands that she should only ask in the event of a true emergency-like situation but I understand where the teacher is coming from. As soon as you let one kid call, you have the vast majority of your students asking to use the phone throughout the day, day after day.
No, they can’t just call when they want to but how is that even reasonable?? Kids would be calling all day just to see what’s for dinner
Maybe instead of calling mom, request a trip to the nurse. The nurse could possibly fix the problem or if sees fit call mom to get a replacement.
My 5th grader has a cell phone. If she needs me she goes into the bathroom and texts me.
This situation I think is 100% appropriate to be asking for mom and I hate that we’re all made to explain every detail to get to that this can be embarrassing for a young child and can be learning about inappropriate behaviors and was needing her parent I’m sure a little explaining would of helped but hard to say really my son doesn’t get to call me either and it infuriates me he was sick and went to the office they never called me he got off the bus with 102 temp and vomiting the rest of the night he held off until he got home the best he could but the way schools are if the fever isn’t there right then there fine and if she’s not explaining the whole situation then it’s just another kid calling home for no reason personally I think children should have the right to call parents as long as it’s a good reason as I don’t feel well or something needs fixed in an inappropriate for a teacher to look spot
Look at it this way. Say there is 25 kids per class, 3 classes per grade. 375 students.
Kids go to school about 6 hours a day or 360 minutes. If each kid has to call mom at least once a day, the whole day is consumed with phone calls. Not to mention the people in the office are there to help run the school.
My daughter in second grade kept getting UTI’s cause they were only allowed to use the bathroom twice. Once when they get to school and once after lunch, she was holding it all the time at school basically and she got like 4 UTI’s in one school yr, at one point she was ON ANTIBIOTICS and the teacher and school KNEW and when she asked to use the bathroom they STILL told.her to wait till after lunch. I told her from then on when she needs to be she needs to raise her hand and say ‘I’m going to the bathroom’ not CAN I GO TO THE BATHROOM…I AM going to the bathroom. And if she got in trouble not to worry cause I wouldn’t let that happen. She continued to do that the rest of the time she was at that school and I only ever got one phone call about it, they got a piece of my mind and never gave her a problem about it again.
My children have mobile phones if they have a real issue then they will call me… example my daughter started her period and was embarrassed needed clean underwear/tights etc. They know only to call if it’s necessary otherwise I would take away there phones!
Our school will literally call me for EVERYTHING and i hate it! Like unless they are bleeding, puking, or have a fever do not call me
I don’t know. However I have a sister that works as para in one of the schools plus a cousin so I’m blessed to have them there. Additionally, being from a small town I know nearly every teacher and have more cousins than I can count in each grade level - so if one of my kids/nieces/nephew need something. I know their going to be ok because someone has their back.
I was a school secretary for a while and we did not allow students to call without a reason. Just because was not a reason. You won’t believe the number of students that wanted to call home just to get out of class.
I agree with those who said this is an issue god the Nurse
Maybe have her ask to go to nurse and then ask nurse to call u for personal reasons
It depends on the school and the teacher. Some teachers do not care if kids call.
Some schools prohibit calls unless it’s medical or an emergency.
However, her bra isn’t any emergency. She can go to the school nurse. If she’s shy, make a point to go see the nurse one day before or after school with her.
Is this an issue with the student that happens frequently? Did the teacher ask any questions to narrow it down to what kind of “emergency” this was? If the student wasn’t sick or having a psych meltdown, the teacher could have suggested during recess.
The point of being in school encompasses more than just the basics, reading, writing & 'rithmetic. It also prepares kids for the adult world. You can’t show up for work and then be on the phone every time the boss looks at you.
Our school doesn’t deny my child any longer. They were. They don’t need to know the reason. It’s none of their business. If my child wants to call me then my child has that right.
Go to the nurse and ask her if u can call mom/dad what I did when I was younger.
That is ridiculous yes your daughter should of been able to call you !What if it was the monthly thing ?I did that at age 9 !Go to the district and file a complaint !
Lol kids a be asking to use that phone nonstop… schools would have to create a call home office
My daughters teacher allows her to call home if she’s forgotten her lunch or even a library book, however with this being a personal issue and a private matter I would encourage going to see the nurse that way she can speak freely without other little ears listening
Our old one tried that and I raised hell
Teachers need to be there for the kids, they have them in their class all day and have to be sympathetic to a child’s needs. If they need to call home, no matter what the reason is, they have to be allowed to.
They can literally get up and go to the office to call you. If the school has a problem with that they can take it up with you. Personally I would send the office, teacher and schoolboard a nice little message about this incident.
I got denied to call my mom when I had concerns about my monthly, when I got home and finally got to talk to her about it she was pissed they didn’t let me call
A bra at eight. Guess I’m out of touch
They would probably have to go to the nurse and call from there. Teachers can’t just be letting kids call home whenever or they would all be doing that all day.
We do not have a nurse in our school grades 7 to 12 no nurse… just go see the principal or guidance office.
Kids have very little rights. My great Grandaughter ask to go to nurse today. We told her to if she got to feeling worse. She was told no sit down. I’ll be having talk with teacher in am
When i was younger i graduated in 2002 if we called home we were sick we were not aloud to call home. The secratary would call and talk. My 13 year old twins have asked to call home and they let them every once in awhile but its up to the office.
Phones are for emergencies. Kids would be calling home for everything. If she had a male teacher, there must be a female secretary or something.
Go to nurse, tell nurse she needs personal items from home, and needs to call her mother
Yes they can. She could ask to go to the nurse and have the nurse call you.
This is why my daughter has a phone of her own
I had stipulations written for my kids every year that they are to be allowed.to go to the bathroom or call home when ever they deemed they needed to… with that i also made sure my kids didnt abuse those rights…then once old enough they got phones
What we allow they will keep doing to us and our kids
Tell her to go to the nurse next time
She might have asked to see the School Nurse or tell the Teacher it was private - (Assuming it is a female teacher).
BTW - 8 years old wearing a bra?
Do 8 year old girls actually wear bras?
I thought school was for learning, ask to go to the principal office for phone calls, to disrupting to the others in the class.
As a teacher, here’s what I say. My students aren’t allowed to use personal phones to call home during the day (just as I’m not on my personal phone texting/calling people during my students time with me). However, I always offer for each student who asks me if they can call home to go use the office phone. I will ALWAYS write a student a pass for this (unless we’re in the middle of a drill) and I NEVER ask why. That is the business of the student.
Mine just tell the teacher they are going to the office & when the get to the office they tell the secretary that they need to call for XYZ reason mine don’t ask anymore because the teacher usually says “wait till class is over/go sit back down etc.”
I would say no because kids would be calling home all the time let one you would have to let them all. Suck it up and deal with till you get home or have a female teacher help you.
They’d have to go to nurse. Just have her say she needs to go to nurse.
Doesn’t matter why the girl is 8 and needs a bra and it’s none of y’all’s business anyhow. The mom is just simply asking for advice because her daughter was denied making a call to her mom for a personal problem.
I would definitely be calling the school and telling them that if your child had a private issue she is allowed to call you! If she’s not comfortable explaining the problem to the teacher in front of the class, the teacher should offer to step out in the hall with her.
My girls message me when anything is wrong at school. Now granted they’re older (12 & 14) but they have been made fun of and talked down to by the office staff at their school previously so I told them to bypass and just message me from their own phone. One of the office ladies felt it necessary to lecture me regarding my oldest daughter messaging me and I simply told her that my kids and I have an open line of communication and nobody was going to change that.
That’s a ridiculous reason to need to call home
Aussie here - how many schools have nurses?
Talk to the teacher…
That’s a privilege not a right and yes a teacher will tell her to sit down. If her bra was bothering her, the teacher or the nurse can help her. No reason to miss learning time or bother a parent at work. You have to understand, your child may have a legitimate reason but others will call just to try to get out of a test, out of work, just get out of the classroom to wander the halls. You wouldn’t believe what all teachers have seen. And you maybe perfectly find with your child calling but other parents will scream at teachers “you called me at work for this”. Talk to your daughter. Let her know it’s ok to ask the teacher for help. Talk to the teacher. Let her know things are happening and your daughter might need to call you now and then.
Teach her to insist and make her use the word “my right”
My kids go to a charter school and it’s great. Haven’t had any issues with the teachers, and when there’s been issues with other students, it’s always been dealt with fairly. I would definitely talk to them and let them know she needs to be allowed to call you when she deems it necessary.
If a child needs to disrupt the class, then the teacher should know why.
In this situation, that’s not a good enough reason to call home, and she could have gone to the office, nurse, female teacher etc if the situation called for it. Or just waited until break and got help from a friend.
If they allow one child to keep phoning home, then all 30 kids in the class will want to be doing the same.
She needs to be able to tell why she needs to call home. She can ask to speak to the counselor, principal, or whoever she feels comfortable with to tell why she needs you. My kids can’t just call home because. There’s always a reason for the call. They are allowed to call me when they leave instruments or text books at home, but that is a reason.
I noticed that too my almost 7 yr old has been told no both times shes ever asked to call home.
I told her ill talk to the teacher.
Id def chat with tbr teacher and say if your child asks, theres a good reason!
Geez pretty soon kids be coming out of the womb and jump in a bra and.diaper. My advice would be tell that little girl to be a.little.girl before she.rushes in to being a woman
Yes my kids have rights at school. I have direct messages to 5 yr old daughters teacher any time of the day, my 11 yr old daughter can call from nurses and front desk. My 13 yr old boy doesn’t want to call me even tho he has medical condition.
I made it a point at the beginning of each year to tell the teacher that if my child needs to call me, send her to office to call me AND if she needs to go to the bathroom, let her go to the bathroom! Don’t make her go sit back down.
I fell down and asked for my mom when I was 4 at a church class and the lady told me to suck it up. Turns out I had broken both bones in my arm. My mom was furious and made it clear anytime I asked for her to get her. I know some kids might just ask all the time so as a parent I think you have to advocate for your child to be heard and for that communication to be taken seriously.
I communicate with my son’s teacher daily. I try not to bother her with petty stuff because she has 30 students but we have a very good relationship because I talk to her and treat her like the person of authority she is
Honestly, if my 10 or 6yo daughters called me from school for something like that I would be upset. Because part of them being in school is to learn to deal with issues on their own, to learn independence. Also, that’s their time to learn. That’s their job like we have jobs. Can you imagine if the teachers allowed kids to use the phone every-time they needed to talk to their parents. Their would just be a line out the door all day long. School is where kids learn how to be away from their parents. That’s my thought on it. I run an In home daycare, I feel parents would be angry if I allowed their kids to call them every time they said “I need to talk to my mom”. It’s my job to help them through when they are in my care. I don’t know. My thought is your 8yo has to learn how to deal with some issues on her own.
An emergency is an emergency. Or she shud b able to use a fone at the principles office or sumn…but I’m not surprised a lot ov this has been goin on. Cux they don’t want kids on their cell phones
Wow… I feel like if your child really feels the need to call home, no matter what really, they should be able to… Even if asked for what, they should still be able to call. Esp being an elementary school… Theyre just little kids. Obviously they feel as if it is important enough to call mom. And with it being her bra, to us girls, that is pretty private and important. We Shouldnt have to ask our teacher for help with our bra. Honestly itd be inappropriate…
The answers on here are shocking and quite honestly disgusting. The school does not own my child, if my child feels the need to call me then she better be allowed to! I don’t give a damn about the reason- mental health, physical needs physical concerns, you name it. If school would not allow it I would highly consider transferring or at the very least providing my child with a cellphone then!
My kids school calls us for EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING!!! If Chase burps and it burned they gonna tell me!!!
Wow 8 years old with a bra? I didn’t start wearing one until I was 11 but I can’t imagine it would have been that much of a emergency that she couldn’t wait for that until a little bit later but I have no idea. But yeah as far as I know you’re supposed to have a reason that you want to call your mom from class especially in the middle of teaching. If it was a male teacher then I understand but if it was female, she could have asked if she could speak to her in private for a minute and if it wasn’t a female, she could have said that she’s having a girl problem and she would feel more comfortable talking to the nurse about it and then she can see if they can help her
I have mixed feelings. I have twins that are 9 and while I want them to be able to call me if needed I also feel it’s important that they understand when it’s appropriate. I feel it’s important for them to still have authority figures like teachers that they need to respect and listen to even if it’s inconvenient or slightly uncomfortable for them at the moment. However if it’s serious situation where they are feeling unsafe or really need me I want them to be able to call. But I would not be happy for them calling over an uncomfortable bra. Take it off and put it in the backpack or go to the nurse If someone at school is bullying them or if they are sick that’s a different story.
I want them to learn life is not always ideal or comfortable and sometimes you have to learn to pull through while other times it’s okay for them to need me. It’s a hard line to draw I guess and prob depends on the kid and the parenting style they are accustomed to
I’ll get hated for this but I believe yes they need to be told NO. I’ve trained 2 great children and I was hard on them…the softer we are the softer they will be and it’s a dog eat dog world
Typically yes. I did have an incident with my one of my oldest sons teachers. He had just had surgery on his arm to place a plate and 6 screws after he broke it in 2 places. It was a cold day and he text me to see if I could bring him one of his pain pills. She yelled at him and told him it was that bad and he needed to suck it up. Little did she know, he’s smart enough to record what she said. I played it for the principal and he wasn’t happy.
This obvs isn’t the UK. Never heard anything like Kids being able to call mum/dad during a school day.
My daughters 12 and I’ve made her carry a phone with her to school since 8 she will literally text me in between classes or call me if anything happens and by the times teachers or principles these days get around to addressing anything in general with our kids because their so over whelmed and loaded with student I’d rather hear it first hand from my child’s point a view before a facility member is speaker phoning me in a meeting probably making my child scared to tell her part or being told she’s lying or wrong by an adult … solved that issue right quick too
I would call legal aid in your county and request a meeting at the school. They definitely have rights. If it comes to where she is asking to call to much THEN they can direct her to another adult she is comfortable with at school first. To straight deny her for no good reason is dead wrong.