Does anyone elses husband take 3 hours in the bathroom?

Lol seriously…
come on…
we all know he isn’t pooping…
He gets angry because he is doing something he shouldn’t or thinks you wouldn’t approve or is embarrassed he is (wanking) either way a big red flag is that he is not being honest with you…


Unless your mans lost like tons of weight, I doubt he’s using the bathroom for that long. Lord help your sewer system if he is. But be real with your situation, is it the same time roughly each time, any type of pattern where it could be that he is cheating ? Not saying he is bc I’m not in your shoes, but there is nothing right about it. If he’s watching porn and jerking off, he’d be done in less than thirty minutes, 20 to find the porn, 30 seconds to jerk off and the last 9 minutes and 30 seconds sitting there erasing his browser history and closing all the pop up ads that come with porn.


He’s watching porn :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Put a camera inside there


Hide the laptop and tell him you don’t know where it is… see if he’s on the toilet that long tomorrow


Tell him you are making him an appointment with a proctologist because something is clearly wrong.


Hide the toilet paper…if hes pooping, he’ll need it. If he comes out and doesn’t mention it…bingo!


Hunny he probly on another woman’s business


Yessssss… Put a camera in there! A baby monitor!


Maybe he’s feeling angry with quarantine and needs some “him space” or “alone time”
Suggest giving him some time alone if he needs and doing something alone yourself? People are getting so agitated right now during all this so maybe that’s why?


The computer can be addictive.

Does he work the night shift or something? How the hell does he hang in the bathroom until noon?

He could start working from home, use the bathroom as his office. Nice desk chair toilet…I think he needs to be honest or see a doctor…good luck! I have a husband that I freak out when he’s in there for 30 mins, now I feel bad!


Put spywear on the laptop and you’ll know next time.


Sorry but fuck that who is king of the toilet? Put your foot down or smash his computer to bits he’s not pooping he’s having what he’s designated as his time because he s a guy nd they seem to thing they can do that regardless of others 3 hours is pathetic

Nah, he’s definitely hiding something. I mean 3 hours…not to be gross, but wouldn’t you be able to smell that!? If you have kids and he’s MIA all morning that’s bs. I’d cut the wifi and play dumb lol. Also tell him you made him a Doctors appt. because your worried and see what he does.


Let the man have some time haha :joy: dont obsess about it. Don’t spy on him. Maybe he just needs some time away from you lol :joy:

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He’s got an online thing with his :eggplant:

Porn,online dating,gambling,medical problem,needs to see a dr.,napping


Lol is he using wifi? off everytime :joy::joy:

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Check the history on the lab top :woman_shrugging:t2:


Give him his space and trust him :woman_shrugging:t4: you’ll know when something is REALLY wrong.

He really wants to hide what he is doing. Most likey watching porn or talking to another woman online. Who needs a laptop in the bathroom? No One. He’s not going to leave breadcrumbs for you to have proof that he is cheating. You need to catch him bcuz what he is doing is obvious and also most likely will deny your accusations till his last breath, unless you have proof. Hidden camera in the bathroom?


The 3 S- shit.shower.shave

Could be something, could be nothing, could even be medical?

I mean my man takes his laptop and notebook in there and writes stats for an hour. Drives me crazy cuz we share the bathroom. Sometimes I just barge in and kick him out. He never locks me out or hides what he’s doing though.

Take the door off :woman_shrugging: my husband spends about 15-20 min. at a time in the bathroom so if I want him out I send our youngest (3) in there to bother him or I just open the door all the way and walk off. Everyone likes privacy while doing business so it works 99% of the time.

Does he not have a job? :joy::joy:


A 3 hour tug? Bit eccentric isnt it? Maybe hes just having some him time? Talk to him ask if he needs an hour set out of the day to just chill on his own? That way he feels like hes allowed and you arent pissed off that he keeps hiding away for hours.

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Hes hiding something… let us know


Porn,or maybe an affair online.


Porn or chatting with other girls.
My man can use up to one hour, but only when he watches porn😂

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Look at his computer

Watchinh porn. 3 hours is ridiculous tho!!!


Take that man to the Doctor… Make sure it’s a female and she’s pretty, then let him explain the 3 hour poop fests to her, also make sure they leave time for the rectal exam and fecal smear… Problem solved


A lot of men do this to avoid stuff Around the house

How does he navigate his way around wiping his bum, carrying all these gadgets and washing his hands though? :see_no_evil:


He’s definitely not pooping for three hours. How long are you going to put up with this, exactly? I would be demanding answers and if I didn’t get them I’d pack my shit and leave.

I really think he is doing much more than “pooping”. If he isn’t cheating, he is getting ready to cheat. Good luck to you.


It’s probably a mixture of porn, flirting/taking with other women, and a “get-a-way”. I’m thinking more of another woman because it’s at the same time. Not that’s it’s any of my business, but is he out of work right now? Who has that much time on their hands and gets to be in a bathroom until noon??


My ex was doing this he was in there for hours. He indeed was texting women back and forth on Facebook. Looking a pics of women , some games etc. I just started doing the same thing especially after we had our son. So sit Cha self out there and make his bottles change him etc while I sit in the bathroom for 2 hours. He eventually stopped lol.

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somethings wrong with him if he takes that long. There is no way, something else is going on


Probably watching porn. Hate to say it but nagging at him will only make it worse, your his spouse not his mother.


Mf is watching porn bruh. He’s got an addiction.

Edit: my husband says he could be gaming. Lol


Yes and mine would take the remote control with him so we couldn’t change the tv channels

Guys like to sit on the toilet n talk to other girls unless he has colon cancer or something he’s being sneeky


Go in there with him and see what he’s doing

This sounds like a question that was sent in just to see if they post real questions lmao

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Oh hell sorry if u believe he aint doing nothing wrong…you are screw…fk#! Him

And you believe him?:woman_facepalming:t2:

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Put a hidden cam on bathroom -then u know what is happening


Mine takes an hour and gets so offended if anyone else wants to use it. :roll_eyes: If we have to get ready for an appt, I either have to get it all together the night before, wake up an hour early, or run around like mad once he is out just in time to leave.

Put keylogger on the laptop. That sounds like my ex husband. He was looking at porn and in chat rooms or texting or on calls. Busted him on the porch at 2am. Then taking unexpected trips to the “store”. Checked the online call logs and text…sure enough.

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I have afriend whos husband does it everyday to and its because hes watching porn and talking to other girls…You can actually hear him…Hes cheated on here and addicted to porn and refuses to stop he says its that or he will cheat on her instead…


Girl he is paying for one on one web cam sessions!!!
I’ve never been in this situation, but it’s only logical :woman_shrugging:t4:
Search the browser history, check your phone bill, debit/credit cards. Check his credit report on credit karma and see if he has a secret credit card. Investigate!!!
Get in P.I. mode!!!
Figure it out and don’t be afraid to take the extra mile to do so!!!


Masturbating is my best guess. Check his history

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maybe he has a turd stuck?:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

Cheating ass, watching porn, or getting high

That sounds pretty shady to me. If she doesn’t trust him then perhaps she could hide a small camera in there to see for herself. I dunno…


3 hours ummm no way! I wouldn’t put up with that. either something is wrong and he needs a dr or he’s up to no good in there…I would unlock the door and pop in there and see what’s up,
maybe you should take the computer and headphones and everything else and stay in there for 4 hours see how he likes it


Well. I accuse my husband that his favorite room in the house is the bathroom. Hours a day.
Once I found him asleep on the toilet. of course I don’t get it!
I had to beg him to get out if the bathroom to take me to urgent care ASAP as I could hardly breathe. The answer, " I’m pooping, I’ll be out when I get done. I took myself to urgent care and needed hospitalization.
I think the bathroom obsession is beyond weird and I’ll always hate it! Luckily I have 2 bathrooms and “his” is far away from mine.


It’s either porn or if it’s the same time every day I would guess he’s having an affair. Maybe she’s married too or works later in the day and that’s the only time they can talk. Either way he is up to no good. You deserve better and so do your kids.


Getting an opinion or advice in this manner is highly inadvisable. It will only implant things in your head that may be false and will cause issues because now you are in a different frame of mind. Best advice is to ask him directly in a non suspicious, angry, or accusatory manner. Don’t let anyone here put worst case scenarios in your head.


Yea, he’s not using the facilities. He’s escaping. He’s using it as a time out. From you…the kids…life…whatever, he’s using it to hide from something or someone. I think all men do this. Heck, I’ve been known to do it, myself. And I’m fine with it if he needs a little alone time. But, three hours would not be ok with me. At that point, he’s using it to get out of husband and/or father duties, and that’s not cool at all.


Either he is looking for some alone time, or he is doing something he doesn’t want you to know about…
So ask yourself, which one does your gut tell you…
If you feel the need to know, set up your phone and tape him…Yes, invasion of privacy, but also, saves your sanity…
If it is nothing… he doesn’t need to know, if it turns out to be something, be prepared…
Follow Your Own Senses, Your Gut,

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That was my husband and he was in denial about his digestion
turned out he had a huge pancreatic tumor and passed 8 months later


Three hours?!! I feel like you have your answer already but want validation that you’re not crazy. Well…he ain’t pooping. If he is then ol’ boy needs more fiber in his diet. People have delivered children in less time than this man takes to “poop”. Something ain’t right sis.


I wouldn’t say my husband, both of my sons sure take A Lot of time in the bathroom. They are now grown adults. We (them, spouses and myself) get together for dinner out about every 3 months. Don’t EVER let them both go to the restroom at the same time! Bad idea.

He either needs to see a doctor, or he’s doing something else in there. Doing drugs, watching porn/live cams, or talking to someone he’s cheating with.


Uhh, he’s not taking a dump, if he’s taking his computer and consuming 3 hours of the bathroom…take a wild guess? I bet you he’s watching pornography and doing his thing c’on no don’t be naive!!


You already know the answer sweetheart. Now as a wife you have to decide if your willing to stand by. Because it won’t change unless you change it or say it’s ok. But forever is a long time. He’s already choosing every day he spends 3 hours lying. It’ll get worse.


Actually I would not jump to conclusions. I have ibs and when I’m in the middle of a bad flair I can take hours upon hours. When the symptoms first started I didn’t talk to my husband about it because it was embarrassing. It took until I passed out on the floor because of severe pain and low blood pressure for me to finally tell me husband what was going on. Please before jumping to cheating or porn conclusion. Talk to your husband be honest about your feelings and concerns and for God sake don’t barnbard him right as he’s walking out. He could of seriously been hurting for 3 hrs.

Yeah right. Double dog care him to go in there without the computer and see how fast he gets out.
He is addicted to the cimouter. It doesn’t have to be porn or a cyber lover or Even a game. Could be just facebook!

Pretend life can be real life.

My suggestion, is he a provider and good mate other than this peculiarity? If yes, then go off an do something fun for you during some of those times. If he can escape, so can you.
If no, and this is blocking any growth in your relationship, take the time he is in the John to look into a that does not include him physically. As.In divorce.,


Just sit and talk with him calmly before you make a decision that hurts your little family. If he won’t discuss what’s going on then explain that maybe he needs to see a doctor and you want to make an appointment for him. Maybe he will open up

I’m a mom with 5 kids, the bathroom has always been my sanctuary from the kiddies and hubby since forever. I can literally sit, read, shyte, bath an drink water in peace. I have also been accused, although I had nobody but myself in there. Hoping you two can work it out…

He is definately up to no good. Looking at porn. I know because I used to do the same thing. I allowed Jesus to take over my life and that is a thing of the past. He would not get that upset if he were just working or something.


I went through a similar situation with my ex a few years ago. Turns out he was cheating on me with several other women. He would sit in the bathroom for hours on his phone and then would get defensive when i would question him about it. Then it got to the point where he would also sit in the car for hours on end on his phone. I had my suspicions but didn’t get proof until months later after I had left him.


You sound quite normal to me. That’s an incredibly long time to poop, even with a health issue. I say this because my husband spends much time doing the same, although spread out over multiple trips. He has digestive issues…recently had multiple polyps removed. I know that he’s a regular on sites featuring nude pics. It bothers me. I hate it, in fact. It’s not a lack of trust, insecurity or jealousy on my part. Perhaps I’m just a little old school & just believe that it’s wrong. He’s 60. I’m 50. I have peri menopausal issues, including weight gain. It is what it is. The thing that really bothers me is these nude pics are of “girls” younger than our daughters (ages 28 & 34). I get you girl. Three hours, with a computer & headphones are suspect. Trust your instincts. Best wishes!


Nope… I would lose my mind. Something doesn’t seem right. Even if he’s in there gaming or doing something totally innocent it seems fishy. No one takes that long. I’d be looking into this more.


Make him a Dr appt. Tell it’s because you are worried. If it continues they should check his colon and prostate. After that he will either have a serious illness diagnosed or admit to watching movies or porn in the bathroom.


He just needs a break :sweat_smile: I’ve done this to my gf before (once all day haha) just becuz I was so stressed out about work and life and everything happening around me. I would bring a candle in there and my laptop and just watch Netflix and pretend that just for a little bit that everything was fine. I know I’m gonna have to deal with it the moment I leave but I still needed the time to myself.

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I noticed my husband spending a lot of time in the bathroom. Sure enough he was cheating,texting some other girl,sending each other pictures. Turns out he was messing around with this girl for almost a year, while I was pregnant with his first born son, But it could be anything, he could be watching porn. Or just needs his time alone. Best luck


Yup your instincts are spot on…cheating…and i dont care how you look at it…the internet would be first to go then i would leave you need to get out now


He’s doing something on his computer that he doesn’t want you to know about.


Why are you timing how long he’s in the bathroom? If you can’t trust him then you shouldn’t be with him. Maybe you two need to have a long talk about things . Communication with each other is so much better than nagging him about how long he’s in the bathroom. Nagging will only make him want to be further away from you. Don’t be suspicious, talk to him. Don’t get a camera, would you want him to do that to you?


That is bizarre tell him you’ve made a doctors appointment for him to see what is the matter with him .see what happens .:crazy_face::thinking:


I can tell you that I use the bathroom as a sort of hide away for some alone time. I don’t take 3 hours but 30 min or so. Just so I can have some peace sometimes.


Making he just wants some peace. Is this inconveniencing you in some way? I find it slightly creepy that you time him.


Hun he is probably watching porn or worse. I’m sorry to say that. But there are very small cameras for under 40 dollars put one on there or go through his computer when he sleeping or leaves it home if he does.

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My husband does but the bathroom is his relaxing area plus he let’s me have the bedroom. When I’m watching a show he will go in the bathroom with his phone and watch his loud car shows.

I can’t imagine. I’m in and out quick a possible. Who the hell want to sit smell that


Yes I’m in the bathroom sometimes 2-3 hours using it because of colorectal cancer and no it isn’t funny
Thank God I’ve been cancer free 9 years but still have bathroom problems.


Something is very possibly medically wrong. Please insist he goes and sees a physician and insist you go with him.

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My then boyfriend now husband did this a lot, he would lock himself in the bathroom to watch porn and smoke meth, he would be in there for more half the day :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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He seems to have taken over the bathroom as his space. His man cave. Apparently he needs a room of his own with a bathroom.


That may be his alone time if he is retired and your always together. Unless you find out otherwise I wouldn’t worry about it it will drive you crazy!

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My vote goes towards shady. If it’s the same time every day and he brings his computer and headphones, a device used to keep sound to yourself. I understand having the solitude of bathroom time, but three hours every day at the same time is suspicious. Who’s bowels decide to have a movement at the exact time every day? That would be so convenient if that were a thing. Maybe I’m just jaded because my ex spent long periods of time “pooping” or “taking a bath” when really it was drugs. How does a bathroom get hazy and smoky when there are no candles…

How in the hell is he watching porn that long and playing with his Wiener when at best they can go 45 mins in the sheets. He has a girlfriend on line.


Sounds suspicious to me ! Or he is getting out of helping with something !

Take that time for yourself and go for a walk or out for breakfast or read a book in the garden…join a book club that meets at that time.or when he is finished you go in the bathroom and camp for 3 hours. Good luck and I know it’s concerning to you.