Does anyone elses husband take 3 hours in the bathroom?

He’s watching porn in there on the toilet

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Sounds like he wants some alone time

Get you a spy camera and you will know what he’s doing!

Pop in catch him I know you suspect what he is doing for real

Well at least you know where he is.

He’s either doing something with himself using porn or he’s got someone online And they’re doing computer sex. Sorry to be so blunt but that’s usually the case sorry girl

He is cheating. Spoken from experience.

Does he not have a job? Weird!!

Dnt think his pooping with @ computer …have you check his computer …

Hide a secret camera in there


Watching porn or contacting other women is my guess

My guess would be he is watching porn or in a chat room

He’s taking a shower and I bet his laptop is with him. :woman_shrugging:

He’s checking online porn or emailing his honey😁

Just log into the router and see where he’s going…

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He’s asleep. Trust me. I have one too.

It’s best you don’t know what he is doing in there

I hope you have more than one bathroom.

Definitely not normal

Must be cooking something

He’s watching porn or chatting with someone. :woman_facepalming:

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Check history on phone and text messages.

Hes obviously lying, and if not he should see a doctor asap.

Maybe his doing something

Check the browser 0history it will tell you where he was

I was waiting for the punch line🤷🏼‍♀️

Tell him to take a stool softener :man_shrugging:t2:

I think it’s his man cave

Shady shady shady business. He is probably addicted to porn or chatting with his sidechick.

Camera will tell the truth. End to the mystery.

Maybe he’s doing it to aggravate you for being so dam nosey!!!:joy::joy::joy:

Maybe. In net surfing. Talking to people.

He’s doing OTHER things in there

He’s probably on his computer visiting porn sites.

He probably feels smothered.

Put a hidden camera. You’ll know then

Where jack meets jill

probably looking porn or cheating you

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I vote for jerking off to someone of the computer

3 hours??? Sweetheart hes cheating or watching porn.

strange might be a porn addict

Probably looking at porn

Sounds like he’s watching porn

Put a bunch of Metamucil in his food lol

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I hope you have 2 toliets…

Seems he may be watchig porn

Something isn’t right.:face_with_monocle:

He’s video chatting with his lover be male or female

My husband takes his time as well and I think it’s because the only time he’s left alone is when he’s in the rest room. If it’s causing you to be late or something then I understand having a talk or of you are truly concerned about his health bring it up but if it’s because he’s escaping for a few hours and you need his help then when he comes out u go in. Take a bubble bath, drink a bottle of wine, paint your toe nails and fingernails. Being ur computer and check ur email. Take an hour or two while he’s with the kids so u can unwind yourself and if he doesn’t have a problem with it you guys can just take shifts hiding in the bathroom. Now if you are fighting because you are accusing him of watching porn while not taking care of your needs that could be an issue for the fact that his isn’t having sex with you and meeting his needs alone and that can be hurtful. If you are fighting because you are accusing him of watching porn but your needs are met, your sex drive isn’t going, or you are declining him and are mad because you think he is watching porn then that’s a you problem and I don’t think other than the amount of time he’s spending that you don’t really have a reason to be upset. If he’s working while using the restroom and you disconnect his computer… Well that’s immature and irresponsible. Not only could u be ruining his work but you are putting him in jeopardy if he is dealing with time restraints. I hope you guys can work this out in a healthy matter but asking the internet for help while being vague isn’t going to help anyone. What is the exact question. What is the thing that’s making you mad? Or are you asking aita then to give an honest response I need this stated differently.

Most likely watching porn. Even my SO said he shouldn’t be taking 3 hours to “poop” and he’s definitely watching porn

He is looking at porn

Sounds to me like hes on porn sites. Who wants a computer in the bathroom yuck

Turn off your WIFI and see how fast he comes out of the bathroom!! Its most likely porn, my ex did that and that is why he is an ex. Check his browser history or the cookies it should be an eye opener, it was for me!


You sound very insecure and controlling. Guessing out of anger or jealousy you’ve shut down the internet before based on your comments. Either he needs a break, he needs personal time to satisfy himself or he has some concerning medical issues and uses the computer to pass the time while he’s passing his stool. Either way you should be able to talk to your husband about your concerns. But if your just going to him because your angry about his bathroom time you need to self evaluate your feeling first.


He’s doing other things…tell him you made an appointment with the dr to see if all was good with his colon,bowels and such…see if that changes his time…he seems like he’s avoiding you ,the kids ,chores or all of it…


He’s probably watching porn, but it could be something worst like having an ongoing affair. But talk to him and tell him that if he wants to watch porn he can do it somewhere else in peace instead of the bathroom. But who needs 3 hrs to watch porn? That’s a bit much

Holy cow, he’s probably watching some porn and masturbating.

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Are you two having problems with sexual intercourse? Because to me, 3 hours is a very long time. I’m praying that he’s not in there watching porn😣 maybe go to marriage counseling?
But, he could also just be getting away to watch a movie😂 idk.

Either way sitting on a toilet that long he’ll end up needing hemorrhoid surgery.


He’s doing something shady on his computer that he doesn’t want you to know about

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I asked my husband. He said instantly “he is in there playing with himself and its either porn or with someone on video messing around.” Sooooooooo yah your man needs help…is either addicted to porn or cheating.

Open the door and barge in. See what hes doing.

He cheating probably filming himself jacking off to his next partner
Or he us hacking off to porn
Either way he shouldn’t be doing this and be a arsehole to u at same time
Put a cop cam in the bath room catch him in the act and can use it against him when divorce starts

He must have subscribed to pornhub premium!

In life things turn upside down and u question if there are even true friends out there. Sometime back, I caught red handed my husband with my own best friend in our own bed. I couldn’t believe it wen I saw it and my heart started beating so fast and felt like my body is shaking then I ran straight to my elder sisters house. I cried so much and my sister left me to cry and told me it would ease the pain I was feeling then she sat me down and asked me if I still love my husband and I told her yes of course and she told me that we all learn and grow through mistakes and no one is perfect and told me that if I wanted my man back I should fight for him and never trust friends again. My sister told me to contact Mama Shamina and told me she will help me bring my man back. It took me a month to think about it because we come from a strong christian background but things worsened because i could not even concentrate at work and i got fired, after that i remembered what my sister about consulting with Mama Shamina. so I contacted Mother Shamina immediately and told her everything, she listened and she told me that she will solve all my problems with in 24hrs. since it was my first time doing this, i could not believe her words just like that but i had to wait for the the 24hrs, she cast a love and binding spell for me and immediately the spell worked, my husband called me and asked me where I was and he came straight to me and confessed how my best friend seduced him and he was sorry to fall into her trap and showed me all the messages my best friend was sending to him and promised never to see her again and promised to love me and only me. That evening he took me to a romantic dinner and he had baked a very delicious and beautiful cake for me. Since Mama helped me, I got a better paying than the previous one, my husband is back to the old man I used to know.he loves me so much and does everything to see that am happy. Thanks so much Mama Shamina your spells indeed work. If your going through struggles, You can contact her on +27673785858

Who watch porn for 3 hours? Hahaha

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Sounds like he’s full of :poop:. Sorry couldn’t help myself :rofl::rofl:

check the browser history

He is masterbating and probably doing drugs

Hmm someone likes porn :joy::joy::joy:

Hes got more than shit going on in there for 3 hrs… I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him.especially if he gets mad if u unplug him…

Tell him to shit or get off the pot!

So girls do the same shit they must be up to something in there too

I think you know…

Veronica Jachimowicz

I wouldn’t put up with this shit.

Dawson Stroud same :joy:

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Sounds like he needs to get a job lol

Maybe he likes the smell of his own shit

Porn or online gambling

BJ Mendoza hmmmmmmmmmmp tubaga hahahahahahah

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He’s going to get hemmroids.

Really! Lol maybe he has ibs. And needs to shit !

Yes yes yes and I have only one bathroom😳

Mark Refstrup Jakobsen :joy:

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This sounds pretty stupid

definitely masturbating

If he claims to just be pooping, he needs to see a doctor ASAP!

  1. Is he really hairy?
  2. Is he a narcissist?
  3. Does he play mobile games?
  4. Do you ever hear him on the phone talking to someone?

My best bet is #3. Time can fly when you are playing games.

I’d be checking the computer history to see what sites he’s looking at !


It doesn’t take 3 hours to poop! Period. There’s no medical issue that causes someone to poop 3 hours. He’s lying. Doing something else… you’ll have to figure out what it is.


Make him a doctors appt :joy: put him through a colonoscopy.

Worst case, he’s watching porn and you got revenge. Easy case, he has IBS :joy:


Hmm… I wonder does he come out right before the kids go for their nap? :thinking:
How is this a real question?? :joy:


I hop you have two bathrooms


Set him up with a colonoscopy… the prep will get everything hes ever eaten out…no more poop for a day or two. And while hes sedated, start asking questions…


Lmfao 3 hours… damn my husband will spend close to 30mins-45mins every time has since we first got together, but like he’ll be on his phone too and all that. But he does this about 4-5 times a day and I’m like dude I can barely shit 1 a day on a good day with my tummy… wtf is your issue lol… but 3 hours with computer and headphones hell no that’s ridiculous … I suggest turn the wifi off and if he gets mad oh well but see if he how mad he gets and what comes out of his mouth. Alot of men when they mad let out what they really doing… could be gaming or something else but I’d wanna know

Come on… You know it doesn’t take 3 hours to poop.


Mine does the same thing
He hasn’t made it three hours yet I think the longest it’s been was an hour and half. .

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Cheating or drugs. I highly doubt porn

Online talking to someone or getting high can take hours…porn is doubtful to be longer than a half an hour lol


This is a joke right? Your man ain’t pooping for three hours girl


Um, no. Even with a shower and shaving, my husband is in and out of the bathroom within 30 mins