Does being with someone with a huge age gap work out?

I’ve been with a wonderful man, who is 14 years and some months older, and it’s the best relationship I’ve ever been in. He treats me like I mean something to him.

Do what works for you.and just for the re order I know of several cases and it is working out great. Being with someone that you love is much better than being with someone that just works.

I dated a man that was 14 years older than me and no we didn’t end up staying together. He was always conscience about our age difference, which was his problem. I didn’t have a problem with it but he always brought it up.

I have been with my husband for 22 years now. We have 4 daughters together and he is 10 years older than me. Doesn’t matter, and no one even notices. It’s like parents… people have kids at different ages. Some young, some older, etc. No one cares about age once you are an adult! Do you and be happy :heart:

One set of grandparents were over 15 years apart, and they made it work(grandma was the older one). My ex and I were 13 years apart(ex was the older one)…and we didn’t make it(he chose behaviors that I couldn’t let slide). I would seriously be reluctant to go for another guy that was older than me again.

My husband of 10 years is 14 years older than me. We don’t even think if the age gap anymore. He was always more concerned than I was anyway. We have more in common and get along better than my first husband who was 2 years older. As far as I’m concerned, age is irrelevant. We love each other and that’s what is important. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My husband is 11 years older than me. I was worried about it not working out and figured itd just be a fling. We just recently got married but I am so happy. Eventually you forget all about the gap. Just worry about yall. If yall are happy that’s all that matters

I was 13 years older than my husband unfortunately he passed away three years ago we stayed married 22 years I hope that answer your question and I miss him dearly to this day

Don’t worry about others say. But with me and my husband he makes me feel so young at times. He talks about being in the army while I was still playing with dolls. Be seeing each other for 40 years until we finally got married 3 years ago

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My husband was 23 years older than me. You shouldn’t let what other people think. How do you feel. If you’re happy that’s all that matters.

Of course there is a huge generation gap. My present husband is ten years older than me. He is a good listener and I try to be the same. Just remember you chose him so get used to some differences.

My husband was 27 years older than me. I lost him in 2006 to asbestos lung cancer. I could not have asked for a better husband or step-father to my 2 girls! I wouldn’t change anything about our life together. He was amazing!

I had a very happy 23 year romance with my best friend,lover…Our age difference was 16 years.He passed away 2 yrs ago.I would give the world to have him back.Among other wonderful things,he made me laugh every day.

My husband and I have been together for almost 11 years. Anniversary next month and he is 17 years my senior. And I couldnt be happier. I fall in love with him everyday and I thank God he put him in my life. You do what makes YOU happy, because in the end, its only the 2 of you in the relationship. :wink::blush:

Age doesn’t matter. My husband and I are 21 years apart, him older. We have been together 21 1/2 years, married 20 of it. We have 4 children (2 from his previous marriage and 2 that is ours). We also have 3 grandchildren. We complete each other and have never been happier. Both of our first marriages just didn’t work and I am so thankful that our paths crossed.

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I have a friend who’s husband is 20 years older and they just had their third child and are very happy and well matched. They’ve been married… I think 13 years now, since their oldest just turned 12.

My dad’s wife is 33 yrs his Jr and they have been married almost 20 yrs! She is actually 3 yrs younger than me but she is a saint and we all love her very much and I know my mom would have too because she made my dad’s heart beat again after losing my mom!

My husband was 15 years older than
Me and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Had he lived this would have been our 50th anniversary and I
Miss him dearly.

Me and my hubby are 15 years apart - just had our 35th wedding anniversary - never saw him as older at all

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My wife and I are 15 years apart and she is older than me and we’ve been married 27 years Happily married and I have one kid and he’s 25 so it will still work it’s all about love

It all depends on you and him, there is no formula for a perfect relationship no matter your age or your partner’s. My bf is 11 years older than me and we’ve been together for almost 4 1/2 years. If you love each other, respect each other and treat each other right, you’ll more than likely have a wonderful relationship. That being said, differences in age can cause some problems, but usually if you talk it out everything will be fine.

My bouther and his have have been married for 25 years and he id 14 years older than her they still hold has they are amazing together

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My cousin married a guy a lot older and was very happy . He had a stroke in his 70’s and it was a hard thing to happen. Another friend married someone her father’s age and adored her marriage till he died

My husband was 14 years older then me and we were happily married for 45 years. After that it was Gods turn

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I am 10 years older than my husband and we have been married for over 33 years. I will be 70 this year.

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Me and my boyfriend almost 18 yr age gap.We are deeply in love,but there is things,like he’s more relaxed works sleeps…I am a go go go person I work I sleep ,I’m an adventurer…I have learned to do alot if this alone,but that’s ok.All and All we are great.No one judges are mutual friends are very happy for us…My kids like him alot but they get weird about our age gap.Other than that we are great !!!

My hubby is 13 years older than me. The age difference didn’t matter. We had two boys, who are now adults. At this time he is 78 and I will be 65. He has really slowed down; I wish he had the energy he once did.

I was married to my husband for45 yrs when he passed! I met him when I was 16 he was 26! We married at 18 and 28 ! He died at 75 and his last words to me was I love you! We lasted and hurt in most horrible way when he was gone but I ready to see him again!

My grandmother and grandfather was 13 years difference. Can’t reme what year that was married. They stayed together until he died in 1954. He was older. The same grandmother married my step grandfather. He was 10 years younger. That had a happy life too until he died in 1986.

There is a 25 year difference between my husband and myself. We have been married for 45 years and I have no complaints. There is always your usual differences that couples will have from time to time, but as for the age difference, it feels to us, as there is none.

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My husband and I are 16 years apart 37 and 53 and been married 14 years no problems just ignore what ppl say or think as long as you guys are happy

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We have 22 age gap. We have been married for 11 years. I love that man so much, the only thing that scares me is he will most likely pass away before me, but who knows maybe one of my crazy adventures will take me first. We travel together and just enjoy being together. We are a team and we both hustle to take care of each other and live the best life we can while we have each other :slight_smile: I’m so blessed to be married to that man

I was married 32 years to a man who was 15 years older than me lung cancer took him in six months and I miss him so much he’s been gone 3 years and so far I’ve not been able to even go out with anyone else I loved him that much

My baby sister married a man 15 years older then she been together 38 years in August one son and getting a grand son soon. Very happy.

My wife & I are 7.5 years apart, she being older. I’m 63 & she is 70. August will make 25 years we’ve been married. We’ve had hard times, when age was a factor, like health issues, but we have always worked thru it. It’s all about being devoted.

My grandparents were 13 years apart. Mostly depends on how committed you both are to make it work. Accept each other’s differences. Celebrate the things you have alike. Keep finding more ways to grow and develop new interests. Etc. But if either has a lack of ability to compromise on the small stuff and work out the bigger stuff, it will be just as unsuccessful as any marrage.

I’m married to a man who is 15 years younger than me. We’ve been together for almost 16 years and will be married for 9 years in September. We’re as happy today as we were when we met. Age is only a number.

I am 20 years older than my hubby… we are very happy together… 10 years now. I’m 61 and he is 41…

I use the 20 year rule. 5 years older or 5 years younger. Anymore than that there are differences in music, movies, even foods. I’ve been there 15 years is a very difficult gap.

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……My husband is 12 years older than I am.( I was 28 and he was 40.)We married 5 months after we met. 3 years later we had our only son together.( He had 2 sons from his former marriage.) His oldest son is 12 years younger than I am. I have never regretted marrying him. There was some hard times with the sons, and his parents never truly excepted me in ways. But, we got past that…and we are still married, and happy after 36 years! When you know it is the right one…you will have no doubts.

My mom was 19 years younger then my step dad. The best happiest union ever 44 years! Dad passed in 91 mom was devastated. Age does not matter. Love does.

I’m almost seven years older than my husband. We’ve been together almost 18 years . We will be married 15 years in oct & will be renewing our vows 2 days after our anniversary

My husband and I are almost 18 yrs apart. We have been married for 26 yrs and still going strong. Love, respect and listening to scriptures is key.

My husband is 16 years older than me and I don’t care if anyone dislikes it. My family adores him and it just works out! :heart:

I mean really it depends.
How old are you. Did you just turn 18 and he is 33 or are you older? If you have one or have a carrier plan for the future will he support you or expect you to only support his dreams.
I know 2 people in relationships with major age difference.
My mom who was 18 and my dad. Still together today and an example to me of what a healthy happy relationship looks like.
And my best friend who is now planning her wedding after 4+ years together.
You need to be more careful going into a relationship with someone older because they are in a better position to take advantage of you but really it depends on you and him :slight_smile: even if your 18 it can be a wonderful loving relationship like it was for my mom. But I do advise more caution.

I married a man 16 years older than me and we had a loving life together and 4 kids. No regrets, no sorrows. If he’s good to you and respectful…….go for it and enjoy it.

My husband is 15 years older then me. You forget about the age gap pretty quick. If he treats you good and you both are happy that’s all that matters.

Are happy does he treat you like a lady do you see yourself growing old with him my husband was 20 year my senior I cold never tell he was just as crazy as I’m I could tell you the shenanigans he pull on me yes we had our moments when we disagreed but do what feels right. Pray that God will help you well pray for you :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3::hibiscus::two_hearts:

My husband and I were 13 years apart, we had just shy of 30 years together before he passed suddenly. We had good days and bad days but just took everyday as it came and never went to bed angry with each other.

I had a hubby 18 years older we were very happy till. He passed married 21years

My first wife was 20 years older than I was. We hit it off and we’re happily married for 6 years. My job in the oilfield ruined it all but we remain friends.

I’m with someone 13 years older than me, the relationship is awesome and we’ve been together 20 + years,

My parents would have celebrated their 52nd anniversary this December!! Btw, my dad was almost 21 yrs older than my mom when they married in 1968

There is a 25 year difference between me and my love. We’ve been going strong for nearly two years. Age is just a number

My husband is 17 years younger than me and we’ve been very happily married 22 years. We have no issues and enjoy being together

I’m 19 years older than my husband. We met in 2015 and married in 2017. Everything is great so far :wink:

Age makes no difference if both of you want a relationship…but you both have to work at it. The stigmatizm from years ago is not as bad or as big a thing as it used to be. Don’t overthink the situation and just enjoy loving each other…good luck

My husband is 14 years older than me. We’ve been married for 23 years. He looks my age and can do circles around me. Our age difference has never been a problem for us

My mom and step dad have been together over 20 years. They are 14 years apart. My uncle’s girlfriend is about 20 years younger, they’ve been together 10 or more years and are still very happy, my grandpa was 8 years older than my grandma and they were married over 50 years. Its very possible for it to work out. Its really just the people and the relationship that matters on whether it will work out. The biggest challenge is making sure you both want the same things going forward in life, ie kids/no kids, where to live etc. (Btw, almost none of my family have partners the same age, but most common age difference is 5-6 years).

My husband and I are 15 years apart in age. Happily married 31 years in January.

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My dad was much older than my stepmom and they were married and had my siblings for many yrs till he passed away 8 yrs ago

My sister was 21 when she started dating her husband which was 35. She was afraid our dad would be upset. My sister is we’ll say quite bitchy and has no patience. Or dad said it would be an older guy to have patience with her. They dated 6 years and have been married 17.

Me and my husband has been together for 37 years and we’ve been married for 22 and we are still together I age does not matter go with how your heart feels we are 13years Different

I don’t think the age difference is so much a problem as making sure that you’re on the same page of what you want out of life and how you want your relationship to look. Also being clear what are your expectations? I’m 9 years older than my husband and most people don’t even care or realize it. We don’t even think about it anymore.

very important that the man is older I was dating someone 20 yrs younger I broke it up I realized that as I get old and grey he will look distinguish men always carry it better now I married a man 4 yrs younger nice to see as I age he is right behind me can’t walk ect I look at men now 20 yrs younger wow no good me in a wheel from arthritis

In later years it can be a challenge but if you love him and are willing to take care of him if he would happen to have problems then yes it could but you didn’t mention your age. So if you are young enough to have children he may not want any.

Do what you feel is right. As long as your of age and at least in your 20s…and you both treat each other with respect…

My husband is 14 years older than me. Nobody judges. We have been together for 10 years and married for 5, could not be happier. If anyone judges, they are the ones who have the problem and you shouldn’t care.

14 years between my grandparents and they stayed together and happy till the day grandpa (the older) died. Grandma followed ten years later almost to the day. I think it was something like 48/9 years together. If you’re happy don’t let age stop you.

There was 13 years between me and my husband. We were married almost 50 years before he passed. We were very happy and had combined children.!

My husband is 9 yrs older then me. We are celebrating 18 yrs soon. Age is just a number an forget what everyone else thinks as long as you guys are happy nothing else matters

my late husband was 15 years older then me his friends told him to dump me it would never work and they said it to him like i wasnt there ,but we married and had 4o years to geather when he died dont let what people say stop you from being happy if they are saying that to your face what are they saying behind your back ,just be happy

No matter how much you two love each other and have so.much in common, there will come a stage and age. In life and usually the younger partner will leave.

It is hard and cruel for you both.

My suggestion, love each other as good friends, but keep it there.

My husband is 16 years older than me and as long as you don’t care about the age difference it won’t bother you we have been together 8 years and married two years and we have two beautiful children age is nothing but a number

My boyfriend is 14 years older then me I’m 56 an he is 70 we have been together for 7 years we have a good relationship but as he gets very jealousy the older he get!

My husband was 23 yrs older then me. We had a great time together we also had a son . He was a wonderful father and husband. Our son is 36 yrs old now and is a Music Teacher in New York City. We never let people bother us with what they said we were HAPPY and that’s all that matters!!

My husband is almost 12 years older than me. I never thought I’d date or marry someone that much older than me but we met and fell in love. I don’t know if it matters that we met when we were older. I met him when I was 41. We’ve been married for coming up on 2 years and so far very happy

I’m 18 years older than my husband. It was grate at first then after13 years he can’t handle it anymore so he left me for someone younger. I’m heartbroken but can’t do anything about it.

Hey my dad was 15 years older than my mom and they were married 54 years before he passed away. Doesn’t matter what other people think.

My husband was 18 years older than me. And he was my soul mate. I lost him 7 years ago. And i miss him every day. I always got one dingle red rose on my pillow . on my birthday , our anniversary and valentines. No sappy card just that single rose.

I married a man 19 years older than and we were very happily married for 40 years.

I was married to a man 11 yrs older for 12 yrs when he died. But the best was the man i lived with for 22 yrs and he unfortuntly died also. So age gap is only a hindrance if you let it.

Give it time to develop your relationship…at 2 months in its to early to tell…have fun…be safe and just watch for red flags. If an age gap bothers you…dig in and find out why…you’re happiness in all ways deserve your attention.

I’m 7 years 8 months older than my husband and it’s worked out great, age is just a number

My late husband was 15 years older than me, we were together 17 years before cancer took him from me and we so wanted to grow old together :heart:

My husband was 15 years older than me. We were together for 33 years before he died last year. Age has nothing to do with love. If you can’t live without him you are definitely in love, go for it. My happiest days were with Bob.

The best couple I knew and love had a 16 year difference they had a wonderful life together if it feels right go for it

My husband was 12 years older than me. We were happily married for 19 years before he passed away.

25 years difference here. We were married almost 18 years when he died. No one can decide for you. I took my chances. I did not want to spend the rest of my life wondering what if, so I married him.

I am 13 years older than my wife. We have been married 41 years. The best 41 years of my life. Its a number, just a number.

My first husband was 18 years older than I. We were married for 30 years. It ended when he passed.
We had a happy marriage.

My husband and I are 11.5 years apart. Been together 10 years and one child together. Yes, we’ve had many many remarks since the beginning. Over time it has all but stopped. As long as you guys have things in common and enjoy each other’s company. To hell with what people think.

Mine is 20 yrs older and we’ve been married going in 4 yrs. It’s been the best and still is the best!!

My hubs is 10 years older than me and we are happily married

Happiest I have ever been was with my late husband. 12 yrs older than me.

My husband is 15 years older than me. We’ve been together about 15 years and married for 7. We have 3 handsome boys together. Of course you’ll have people that judge your relationship. But if you’re happy and it works, then those people don’t matter.

My aunt is like 10+ years younger than my uncle. They have been married forever! It really depends on you and what you are comfortable with and what you are wanting out of your relationship. Goals in relationships need to be the same no matter what age.

I am 11 years older than my husband and we have been married 28 years now still just as happy

My husband is 9 years older, and we’ve been married 22 years. There’s ups and downs in every marriage regardless of age. You have to be committed no matter what.

Depends on the ages of the people ex 30 & 45 ok 20 & 35 it might work 18 & 33 idk it depends on where people are in there lives and what they want the communication is very important