I am married to a man 11 1/2 half years older. Don’t do it. We aged differently and he quit doing all the fun things we used to do. Find someone closer to your age.
My husband was 16 years younger than me ,we were married 35 years.SO
I’m 14 years older than my husband and we been together 11 years
My grandparents had that big of a gap between them and they stayed happily married till death due them part. I say if It works don’t worry about everyone else. Be happy
Go for it girl if the shoe fits wear it enjoy whatever makes u happy forget what other people think .if your happy that’s all that matters!!
21 year gap here and been together going strong for 35 years and counting. We’ve had ups and downs but everybody does
There’s a 21 year age difference between me and my husband. I think age is just a number, in most cases, unless the person is 20 something and the other one is 70 or 80 something. We’ve been married almost 12 years now(in July) and I couldn’t imagine being married to someone else. Sure, he’s 21 years older than me, but that’s ok. I already have a son from a previous relationship, and we agreed early on that we didn’t want kids together
We just celebrated our 30 th anniversary with a age difference that has never been an issue …if people can not cope with it , just remove yourself from that situation
My husband is 13 years older than me. We’ve been together 32 years, married 29 years. He and I don’t notice the age difference. Over the years, I have only had one person comment to my face about the age difference and I put that idiot in his place really fast. Whatever they say behind my back doesn’t worry me. The fact that you asked if “eventually just not care what other people think” makes me wonder if the age difference bothers YOU. Your insecurities may not be totally age related. I would give you the same advice if he was only 2 years older—— don’t rush it. Take your time to really get to know him. At least a year before making a drastic decision.( marriage, living together, children) Blessings to you.
My mom and dad were 12 years apart. They didn’t care what people thought. As long as your happy its no ones business
Husband 13 years older than me - will celebrate our 28th anniversary this year. Follow your heart - not everyone else’s opinion.
My husband is 22 yrs. older than me. We met when I was 40 and he was 62. We got married in 2093. The only thing I didn’t think about at the time is that he will probably die before me and I will be alone, but that could happen to anyone.
13 year difference. Married 21 years in September. Still going strong. Follow your heart and don’t worry about what others think. If the love is strong and your happy then thats all that matters.
My late husband was 11 years older than I and was the love of my life
My husband was 13 years older than me. We did everything together until his death in 09.
I was much younger than my husband. We had a wonderful marriage of 46 years before he passed. Age is irreverent.
I really think that you and your significant other need to navigate the age issue and figure out how you both feel about it, pro and con…if you’re going to be a couple, your opinions and feelings are the only two that matter…
My husband & I are 14 years apart (he is older) & have been together for 24 years. We met when i was 24. We have 2 children together (he was 50) & he had children. When we were younger there really was not a feeling of age difference, but we have had our share of issues related to age. And we do feel the difference more now with him retired & me still working. I think it can work, but don’t fool yourself that as you get older there will not be issues.
I don’t care what anyone thinks about our 14 year age difference. That’s their problem. We have been happily together for 25 years now.
I think the older u are the more likely the relationship will work. My parents were 11 years apart but they were middle-aged when they married. Were married til death 35 years.
I have a friend that is the same age gap, they get along great. They very seldom have a fight.
My husband is 12 years older than me. Been married for 35 years.
I am 14 years older than my husband. Been together almost 27 years
Age is just a number. If you are happy and he is happy, that is all that matters.
Im 10 years older than my wife. Everyone said it would never work. We are 7 years together and going strong. We are trying to conceive. To hell with what everyone else thinks.
i was 25 my husband was 55 married 20 years took good care of me i did not have to work worked for me
My husband is 14 years older than me. We will celebrate 30 years together, 27 married, this year
There was 17 years age difference between my husband and I. We were married 42 years when he passed away.Age is just a number.If it’s real love it want make a difference.
I was 7 years older than my husband
It never was an issue. He passed 4 yrs ago an we had been married 26 years.
My husband is 17 years younger than me. We have a great time together.
Follow your heart. My husband is much younger than me he’s 40 and l’m 62 we celebrated our 19th wedding Anniversary this past May
My husband is 18 years older than me and we have had no problems with the age difference. we will be married 13 years this fall. Follow your heart.
My husband is 11yrs older than me, we’ve been together for 8 1/2 yrs and just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary
My husband is 13 years older October will be our 8 year anniversary and we have 2 little beauties together.
Age is a number… What matters is how you feel about each other… Its no ones business but the two of you… Good luck
Who cares what other people think. If you and them are happy that is all that matters.
Never let age get in the way of what makes you happy! Just remember, other people don’t pay your bills, rent/ mortgage or buy your groceries ergo they have no business “judging” your life?
Age doesn’t matter as long they love you and not abusive. My hubby and I are 10 years apart.
I am married 50+ years to a man 11 years older than me. age has never been an issue. I would not trade him for anything. age is what you make it.
I have been married to my husband for 41 years, he is 14.5 years older than me. Yes sometimes it is rough but it is worth it.
My husband is 16 years older. Been together 10 years, married for 5. Works for us
My girlfriend is 17 years younger than I am we have an amazing relationship
I was married for 13 years. I was 7 years older. We did divorce but it had nothing to do with the age difference.
My best relationship was with a man 16 years older. Didn’t work out only because I was scared of a good guy
My husband and I are 12 years different in age. I was 33 and he was 45. Both of us were married to other people at the time. We did get married to each other. He’s now 76 and I’m 64. Soul mates we are for sure! We were meant to be together.
It never worked out for me was happy at first but after 12 years it ended and it will be hard at times
I have dated them older and younger. Whatever makes you happy. Age is only a number.
Don’t worry about age. Don’t worry about what folks think. Does he treat you
Good are you happy.
My husband is 10 years and been married for 40 years
I married a man 10 years older than me and been together 40 years, age don’t matter how he treats you and you treat him.
My husband and I have been married 37 years come July he is 14 years and 8 days older than me
My step dad was 18 years older than my mom. Worked for them.
My parents are 12 years apart and just celebrated their 27th anniversary. It can work😊
Both of my sons have women in there life who are 11 yrs younger than them. They are very happy
My dad was 15 years older than my
Mom they were married 56 years when he passed.
My cousin is married to a man about that same age difference… They have been together for years!! It’s all in you 2 as a couple and what you both want.
Married 40 years thus Sunday, we are almost 12 years apart. Embrace the difference and the hell with everyone else. You are the only one that can feel if its going to work or not.
My motto about this is Love is colorblind and age is nothing but a number. I am 26 and my fiance is 43 and we have been together for going on 2 years now and am the happiest I’ve ever been. Yes there will be people who don’t like or agree with the age gap but hey as long as you and your partner are happy that is all that matters
Can be a problem later. When you are 60 an he is 75 age makes a difference. You would like to travel and too late for him.
I married my hubby 31 years ago and he is 14 year older. Yes many said we wouldn’t make, but that wasn’t just age difference but also we married 2 1/2 months after we meet.
If you’re both happy and respect each other, get along well and share similar values, the age difference is no ones business. That shouldn’t be an issue.
Im 14 yrs older than my husband and we have been together for 11 yrs age doesnt matter as long as you treat each other good
If he or she is older than you, all you need to worry about is how they treat you and others. Their character. They are more than likely wiser than you and since men tend to mature a little slower, it never hurts if he’s older than you.
Me and my husband are 10 years apart and we have been married for 4 years next week and been together for 8 years all together. We barely ever fight and have 2 great kids.
My hubby is 14 years older than me…never have an issue with it…
My husband is 16 years older than i am and we are happy together
My husband is 8 years “younger” than me and we’ve been married 34 years. The best ever…
I know a couple that were almost 30 years apart. She was younger. Just had so many mutual interests. Traveling, art, education. He was actually her professor in college. She ran into him a few years after she graduated. Neither were married before. Great couple.
My husband is 10 years younger and it has never been a problem for us. 25th anniversary coming up!
My husband is 15 years older than me. We will celebrate 25 years this September.
My husband was 10 years older than me. He was my soul mate. He treated like a princess. The happiest years of my life. He died at 45 with cancer. So I say grab happiness where you can find it. If I would have let age be a factor I wouldn’t have had that experience.
It doesn’t matter what other people think unless you are a child and under age or unable to make your own decisions (mentally impared).
Older men have more appreciation for women than younger men they have more patients and more time for you n your relationship
Some People will always have something negative to say about anything it’s your lives and that you are Happy together is what matters
My husband is 9yrs older than me and we’re going on 7yrs married jn July. If it wasnt for him i wouldnt be where I am right now. Im 31 he’ll be 40 this year.
Wow, I just started dating someone who is my daughter’s age, I’m 20 yrs older than he is. I talked to him about our differences but he says he dont care. Oddly enough, he is a fantastic guy, says and does all the right things and makes me live and protected. He also says he is in this for long term and today he jokingly asked me to marry him.
My boyfriend is 16 years older then I am. We have been together 3 years, we have a child together. And he treats my oldest daughter like his own.
My husband is 5 years older than me and we been married 27 years and my family said it would never last with age difference my thing is don’t listen to what people say follow ur heart age is just a number
There was almost fifty yrs between me my husband that pass away age doesn’t matter just be happy
I am 7 years older than my husband and we have been together 5 years. He looks really young and we have a 15 year old and a ten year old and people think he is my 3rd child or they think he is our oldest boyfriend… jajaja… it really throws people off but when one of the girls will say dad the looks we get are hilarious.
Always marry a younger man. If the man is alot older, you will end up as his nurse…speaking from experience…
I’m 15 years older than my Husband and have been together for 30 Years and June 22nd we will have been Married 18 Years
My husband is 10 years older than me. We’ve been happily married for 14 years.
I wouldn’t know, I wouldn’t do it. I’ve never dated anyone younger than myself and I never would. That’s my preference. I want someone at the same stage in life as I am. I would feel like I was with one of my kids and that’s just downright gross and creepy. Same age or older and no older than 7 years Everyone who knows me my kids and family included KNOW I don’t give a rip what people think ever. If I was with someone I wouldn’t hide it because I wouldn’t care who liked it or didn’t. I just am not attracted to younger men at all.
Don’t go by anyone else. If you’re asking maybe you’re not comfortable with it. Do what’s in your heart.
Lifes too short to worry about numbers. If you both like each other and aren’t hurting anyone go for it.
I met my husband and he was 15 years older than me and we were married for almost 25 years before I lost you so it doesn’t matter the age difference what matters is that you guys do it together
My fiancé and I are 11 years apart. I am the older one. If it’s meant to be it will work
My sister and her husband have a 14 year gap and have been going strong for about 30 years
My mother married a man that was twenty years younger but he seemed to be a old man. They were married for 31 years then she passed. No one ever said anything about the age difference.
My husband and I are not quite as far, but we are 7. We have our up ls and downs like every marriage. I don’t think any of our downs have ever been caused from an age gap though.
My husband is almost 11 years younger than I am. We have been happily married for 15 years next month…
I was married to my husband for 19yrs until he passed away and there was 22 yrs between our ages
Do what makes you happy my husband was 10 years older than me we were together 20+ years before he sadly passed my grandparents had an 25 year age difference they were together over 40 years
My husband are 10 yrs apart & we’ve been married for 15 yrs. Never had a problem
My parents were 11 years different, 61 years tomorrow
My husband is 17 years older then I am and we are going on 15 years married. If your happy with eachother then nobodies opinions matter but yours and his.
Me and my husband are 8 years different we just celebrated 25 years married don’t worry about what other people will say
I had a husband 17 years older married 25 years and was in love the whole time
My dad (deceased) is 19 years older than my mom. They stayed married (because they wanted to)
My man friend is 14 years younger and we have fun together.