My dad was 18 years older than my stepmother. It worked over 50 years.
I’ve been married for 26 years and there is a 13 year difference. He tells everyone I’m the boss. I laugh. If I had to do it again I say go for it
If you are older than 30, 15 years should not be a problem. Worry about your happiness.
My husband is 19 years older than me. We’ve been married 25 years. Never been happier
13 year age difference. Will be married 30 years next summer.
My wife Marty was 16 - I was 24 , we were married 54 yrs
I’m 48 and my wife is 28. We’ve been together for 6 years. We have a great relationship.
My husband is 11 years older then me going strong for 7 almost 8 years now with a child too
My Dad was 12 older than Mom and they still had 9 kids. After he died she got with a guy 1o years younger
My husband is 14 years younger than me and we have made it 15 years together
I’m 34 my parents are 14 years apart been together for 36 years and going strong.
I’m 11 years older than my husband and will be married 35 years
My husband is 25 yrs older than me happily married 6yrs next month
The age gap will become an issue when you realize the older person is immature. And if they are not, the things you do because you are younger will come into play.
Been there done that.
My husband and I were 15 years apart and we had 43 years before he passed away. So it works.
My husband and i are 14years apart… celabrating our 10year anniversary this aug!
It is your choice. I know a couple with the same age gap. The male is the youngest. They have been together 10 years
Age does not matter, as long as. Long as you both are happy and have things in common.
I dated a guy 20 years my senior and it did not work out at all. Maybe it was just us…for some folks it works…but i wouldn’t recommend such a large gap
My husband is 10 yrs older than me and my dad is 20 years older than my mom and they have been together for 41 years
It depends on your age when you got together. For example: 18 and 33 no. 40 and 55 ok.
Ive been with my fiance 14 years and im 35 yrs older than him and we have an amazing relationship
My husband and I are 11 years apart and have been married 28 years.
If you are 15 and he’s 30. Problem. Call the police he’s a predator. If you are 30 and he’s 45 - ok. If you’re both adults and it’s not a daddy thing and he’s not expecting you to be a trophy or raise his kids or using you to make his ex jealous or some other toxic behavior then go for it. Just understand there’s gonna be some generational misunderstandings.
I say if u love each other it should not matter what anyone else says. Nobodys business but yours.
I have been with my husband who is also 15 yrs older, for 20 years. Married for 12.
My husband is 15 years younger than me. We have been together for almost 16 years
Won’t matter much in the beginning because your all happy and in love just worry about when you get older
Age has nothing to do with it
Your happy stay happy
Mine 20 years older been married 25 years
My husband is 19 yrs older than me and we will be married 27 years in September.
I think an age difference is fine, but don’t forget that as the older person ages there will most likely be a big difference in health.
It doesn’t matter. It just depends on the love. It goes against social norms, but who cares? Social norms are all about the self.
My husband was 18 years older than me and we were married 38 years
My ex husband was 11 years older. Age was definitely not an issue.
My mom and dad are 10 years age difference and I never seen her more happy when she was with her ex’s
I’m 10 years older than my guy and been together for almost 20 years now.
I’ve been with my husband for a total of 18 years. He is 13 years older than me.
My husband is 8 yrs older and we just had our 25 yr anniversary
My hubby was 16 yrs my senior. Was together 14 years before he passed.
Me and my husband are 10 years apart we have been married for 31 years and together for 35
My daughter had 2 husbands… both younger than her, one was 11 yrs, the other 12… neither worked out…
My sister married a man 20 years older than her they have been together for 30 years and going strong
If u care what others think then no it wont last. Dont worry what people might say just be happy
Worked for me. Married 34 years so far to my husband who is 18 years older.
My husband is 13 years younger and we have been married since 1999 !
Age shouldn’t matter it’s what’s in the HEART that matters. My late husband was 30 years older than me and were married 15 years
Many do because the Man is usually more mature than men closer to your age.
I’m 9 yrs older than my husband and we’ve been together 40 yrs and married 31 yrs …Age is just a number …
Why are you worrying about people
As long as you to are both happy with each that’s what account
30 years together. 9 years dif and I am older
I had 2 uncle’s go with lady,s 20 years younger but they fit together no problem was neat…
Young or old, just follow your heart and don’t worry what other people think.
If you care enough about each other what other people think doesn’t matter
I’ve been with a man who has a 22 year age difference. We have been together for 7 years and I don’t care!
If you love him don’t worry about age. Some people are old & some are young in their behavior.
My grandparents were 20 years apart and lived happily until he passed away
I’m 7 yrs older than my husband. Been married 23 yrs now
I’ve been married to my husband for 24+ years and we are 13 years apart
My dad is 12 years older than my mom and they just celebrated 32 years this year
My husband is 11 years older than me we just celebrated 46 years in May.
Depends how old you are now, if you are a teen, yes it matters.
Nope…When you are 60 & want to go dancing. He’ll be 75 & at home with a heating pad.
You both are consenting adults. Go for it. My parents have a 20 year age gap
If you really care about each other age does not matter.
My parents are 16 years apart and just celebrated their 55 year wedding Anniversary.
Married 12 years to someone with almost 14 years age difference. Seems like no one gives us looks anymore- or maybe we’re too happy to notice any judgment
My hubby and I are 10 years apart! It works for us
Work out age is nothing stay healthy.
9 years difference and we have been together 5 years!!!
I know a couple with a 30yr gap. If you are happy then thats what matters.
I have been with my husband since I was 18 and him 30 we have grown children together, he is the love of my life 23 years later
It depends on a lot of factors- what others think should not be one of them if you are both adults.
Life is too short to worry about what other people think. The he’ll with what everyone else thinks !!!
Gma & Gpa we’re together about 40 years bf gma passed they were 14 years apart & I remember gma always saying he need to be at least 10 years older
My husband was 9 years older never made a differance to up us
I am 14 years oldet than my husband of over 20 plus years.
My husband is 11 yrs older than me we have been together 36 yrs married 19
There is 13 yrs difference between me and my hubby and we still together 34 yrs now
I’ve been married to 2 younger men. Age wasn’t the cause of the break up. But remember when youvs tart to age, one of you may look much younger.
It’s not a problem when you’re 20 and he’s 35. But when you’re 50 and he’s 65 and he’s starting to age badly, then there’s a problem. And it gets worse as time goes on. You’ll see.
14 years apart. Together 8 1/2 so far
There are 22 years between my husband and I. But we were both adults when we got together.
My husband and me have been together 13 years. We are 12 years in age difference. It can work. It is for us.
Isn’t there some saying like…
They say age difference is mind over matter if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter!
Are you happy? If so don’t care what other people think!!
my husband was 13 yrs older, and older men show more respect,
23 years together 5+years and married almost 2 months
My husband and I have a 10 age difference gonna be married 42 years in September
Why ask other people if its ok get real . If you are worried what other people think or say no it wont work because you are worried about what others say.
I met my husband at a bar we started dating then , first of May got engaged in June and moved in together then got married in September . He is 17.5 yrs older than me. Actually 5 yrs younger than my mom. We have been together 26 yrs. Age doesn’t mean anything. Just a number on a license.
If your past 18 don’t worry about what others think if he treats you right
My husband is 16 years older than me. We are coming up on 41 years together. Age is just a number!
Nothing wrong with that my sister and her husband are 15 years apart they lasted a long time
why not just enjoy the moment an d see where it goes
Mine after 23 yrs decided to split for greener grass. 7 yrs difference.
I personally wouldn’t do it (not my thing), but it’s none of anyone’s business what u do
It can… my bil is 17 years old than my sister
Age doesn’t have to be a factor. Maturity is what really matters
15 years seems nothing when u r young but as u get older it’s a big difference
As long as the age spread doesn’t bother either of you, don’t worry about the others. It’s your lives not theirs. Age is just a number, not an issue.