If you get along than age should mean nothing. Never pass up a good chance of happiness for a reason like age. 15 years is not alot.
My daddy was 14 years older then my mom,it worked out well.
Ours is 15 years too.
Now we’re almost to being together
40 years. You tell me…
Nothing wrong with age gap age doesn’t matter what matters is what comes from the heart
Mine didn’t 16 years apart became more of an abusive father than a husband.
My husband is 15 yrs older than me and we have been together 41 yrs
Shouldn’t matter unless it’s something creepy like your 15 and he is 30!
Ive been with bf for 3 years. 3 years still going good. 16 years between
In 15 years it will matter.
Just lost man to younger women and was treated like crap by him to do it .
If the person is controlling or a narcissist doesn’t matter how old they are
We know couples with at least a 29 yr gap no problem. Age is just a number, it’s about mutual interest & compatability
15 years difference isn’t so bad…last year my ex left me for a 19 year old…he was 59…
I met my wife of 25 years when she was 26 and I was 41. After a very few days together we never thought about it unless someone brought it up.
Don’t worry about what others think. Someone will always judge for one reason or another.
15 yrs I think would be ok
It always makes me wonder why it’s alway the women r younger
if you are happy age should not matter age is just a number enjoy each other
So long as it works for you ,don’t worry about what others think. It’s your life…not theirs.
If you are in your 20s than I’ll bet not gonna work out.
No deal such as that is not normal. That’s like sleep with your daddy.
it really is no one else business, if it doesn’t bother you then go for it
Age is just a number. If you love him dont worry about the number or what others think
I’m 38 and my husband is 59. We’ve been together for 13 1/2 years
My sister and her husband there is a 15 year differents between them and they are getting married
15 years is a big deal. Unless he’s at least 33 years old.
She is just a number. As long as you’re both happy that’s all that matters. You need to follow your hearts
As long as you two are happy who cares about the age
My grandparents had a 16 year age gap…they were in the paper on their 65th wedding anniversary.
Cheryl how old are you? Isn’t seeing some 8 years old a.crime?what
I’m married to a man 22 years older. Been together 20 years
i had a boyfriend who was 27 when i was 47-we had a lot in common believe it or not and the sex was fantastic, finally found someone who could keep up unfortunately he decided to fall in love and wanted to get married and have a kid with me–about that time i broke up and bolted like a scalded dog lol
My husband and I are 15 years apart. Worked for us really good.
My husband and I are 15 years apart and have been happily married for 25 years
Listen to your heart it’s none of anyone’s business but yours and his. I wish you both happiness
Don’t worry about what other people think. If you can’t live without him, marry and be happy happy.
14 years strong she’s 59 I’m 42
I am 8 years older than my husband and we are celebrating our 26th wedding anniv this weekend. Go with your .
My husband is 11 years older and in October 2020 we will celebrate 50 years:heart:
The love of my life was 15 years older than me.
You do you- the heck with what others think- only you know what makes your heart & soul sing
My great grandmother said she would rather be an old mans sweetheart than a young mans slave. May be some wisdom there.
13 years difference…was good, he passed 2000…miss him everyday
Do what makes you happy!
If you two are happy together that’s all that matters
Married for 37 years to a man who’s 13 years older than I am.
Just be happy. Life is short. Be with the one you love.
All that matters is that both of you are happy.
You do you. I married the love of my life and 12 year’s different.
We’re only 8 years apart… I love it.
F**k what anyone thinks… If your happy… Go for it!
As long as your both adults, it’s nobody’s business… be happy!
Doesn’t matter hon, as long as he’s caring and respectful
Thats good honey, he knows what he wants and will treat you like a queen
12 yr gap 32 yrs going strong
Who cares as long as your both happy.
If your really happy both of you age is just a number
My hubby n i r 16 yrs n 5 days to be exact. We have been married for 15yrs.
Age is just a number go what makes you happy
I’m married to a man 12 yrs younger. I guess you’d have to ask him
Don’t Waste your time Boys when you can get a Real Man.
Don’t worry be HAPPY.
If you guys are happy go for it its your choice
Me and my husband are 19🤷🏽♀️ I wouldn’t change it for anything
I am 10yrs older the my husband been together 25yrs still going
Dont tell anyone and they wont know…and if it bothers you that much…u already have an answer
If your happy. That is all that counts
Be happy it’s no one’s business but the two of you!!
So what as long as you have a good relationship that’s all thatmatters GB
Depends on how mature you both are
Age means nothing when you love someone
My parents we 22 years apart
As long as your happy and besides it is no ones business
Age dosen’t matter do what you feel in your heart
If you love him and he loves you dont worry about the age difference
Learn to not care what other people think.
It can work out, it all depends on the person.
Age has nothing to do with loving someone.
Don’t care what others think !!
Do not analyze it.Build a life and enjoy it.
Live your pun life don’t listen to anyone else
We had 33 year together
Depends on the people always oldyoung whatever be happy
My Daddy Always said,
Better to be an Old Mans Sweetheart
Then a Young Mans Slave.
Older men Appreciate You and your time.
Younger men is all about themselves and What You Can Do For Them, Then moves on to his Next Victim.
Older is Better in my opinion.
I didn’t care what anyone said
Doesn’t matter as long as your happy
Don’t care what people think your life
Age does not matter!
Age is only a number. Follow your heart.
Age is just a number
do what works for the 2 of you
Age is just a number
50% say yes!
50% say no!!
You are the deal breaker! It’s your deal, and win.
That is your business and no one elses
Well you ain’t no spring chicken either Sandy I love you
I agree 100 % with cheri
Mine is 14 years old.
8 yrs between me and mine…14 yrs and still going.
My husband is 14 years older than me and wh have been married for 35 years. AND we are in business together. It works for us!
My husband is 12 years older than me. We have been together 14 years
I am 10 1/2 years older than my husband & we have been married 33 years.
Who cares what anyone else thinks?