Does my partner have a right to be upset?

I would have acted the same I don’t want someone tracking me either :woman_shrugging: Andi go to work home and grocery store :sweat_smile:

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The real question is why do you want him to have it - If you have no reason to suspect him I’d leave it alone. Its not a normal thing to do in a healthy relationship


First of all thats his right to not be tracked…I like the App personally but would never ask my man to be put on it…I think getting upset and questioning your relationship because of this is very silly of you…Get over it…


I have it for my whole family and my mom and for my sisters whole family, it has crash detection and let’s us know if we made it to a locations safely also great for our kids and tells me how fast my teenager has been driving and Id their phones are dieing. My husband and I have no issues with tracking each other because we don’t use it in spite of each other we use it as an extra help app


Nobody will ever put that shit on my phone. I know Apple already tracks me, so does Facebook, I don’t need yet another app tracking me. I’m with him. I know too much about technology to trust it.

My husband doesn’t like to use it when local but when he travels for work he will turn on so I know he’s getting to his hotel safely or wherever safe.

I use it because I’m a SAHM and want him and my mom to be able to find us worse case something does happen.

I haven’t/won’t cheat on my husband and I absolutely would not want him to track me and I wouldn’t want to track him. I also lock my phone. I’ve got nothing to hide. I just like my privacy. I don’t ever want to explain every embarrassing random meme I sent to my best friend or every trip I took to the store just to relax in the parking lot. You’re being controlling.


Maybe you’ve done or said something that makes him feel like you’re gona check his location every 30 minutes and that’s why he got upset. I don’t like the idea of sharing my location with my husband 24/7 but when I got out of town or out with friends one night I do share my location with him, other than that I don’t. He actually tells me when he leaves work or and just like I do he shares his location when he’s out of town but that’s it!

There’s a real catch 22 with these tracking apps, a cheating spouse may want this app on their spouses phone so that they know where you are when they are up to their shenanigans. If you’re both tracking each other, there’s absolutely no way that you could sneak up on your partner and catch them if they know exactly where you are so it could actually be used as a tool if their up to shady shit. My ex-husband worked in an area that he didn’t like me driving in and that I wasn’t familiar with so this app could have been the tool for him to know that I was too far away to catch him. However, I do believe that these apps are great for family members who have medical issues like diabetics if they aren’t answering their phone and were to go unconscious, also if you were to be in an accident and unable to call for help or even if you lost your phone then the app could then be used to locate a loved one in need of medical assistance or to locate your phone if you’re someone who has a habit of lose things. These apps are great if they are being used for the right reason so therefore I could also argue that he doesn’t want the app tracking him because he could be suspicious of you and doesn’t want you to know where he is in order to give you a tool in your activities as well.

We use it. Only time I usually check is so I can see if he is headed home so I can jump up and like I ain’t been sitting on the couch :joy::joy:


I dont exactly like the idea of a tracking device… it seems super invasive (and this is coming from an individual that literally goes no where aside from the gym or grocery shopping). Putting a tracking device like this on your children’s phones would be one thing but idk.

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You’re not his mother. You don’t need to track him

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This is tricky… invasion of privacy myself…bc everyone has the right to space…just bc he doesnt agree doesnt mean he is doing anything wrong…but i dont know him…the fact that u brought it up though…and dont. Take this wrong but has he gave u a reason to be suspected of wrong doing???

I wouldn’t want to be tracked either :woman_shrugging:t2: if you had kids or something I can understand it more but he might feel like you suggested it because you don’t trust him


No! Just no! Tracking someone is controlling and manipulative. I’ve been tracked before and found out. I was hurt, and I was PISSED!! I felt violated. If you do that to him, you are beyond wrong.


Wasn’t this same question already asked just a few months back?


My ex husband stopped using it when he started having an affair.

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While I understand not wanting to be tracked, I question the strong reaction to it. Like just say no and be done. Why make it a huge deal? It was just a suggestion!

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We have life360 and my husband disabled his after I called him out for going over 100mph in a 40mph zone. But I use it for my son and myself. I was pissed at my husband at first but was finally like whatever but if you are not going to have it then I’d like to know where you go. So we compromised with that. For me I don’t care if they can see where I am at all times. That way they can’t say I lied to them which I’d never do.

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After a few years they get to comfortable talk certain ways do extra trips to the store etc even if u trust them and by that reaction even if u put it on for a month or two at least u have piece of mind and say I was right he does nothing wrong but now u have doubt and that’s gonna eat u away

I’m big on sovereignty. I’d never give up my rights and allow anyone to track me.


My husband brought this up once.Im not a child.I will not be tracked.Im faithful to my core.You dont trust me , then I’m gone.

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So what if he gets a wild hair and wants to surprise you with a big birthday/anniversary event? Wouldn’t u feel like crap spoiling your own surprise party or weekend get away? Sometimes it feels like certain women want to find something about their significant other so bad, even if there’s nothing there. Maybe your hubby wants to get off work early one day just go fishing for a couple hours to get away from the noise. Just like you don’t want him actually tracking your step by step movements everyday.


In this day and age… you can’t trust anyone. We share locations. If you got a problem with me knowing where your at then WE got a problem in our relationship.


We have it for safety reasons.

My whole family has it (mom, siblings, everyone) however my husband and I do not. We both think it’s just weird honestly. I don’t want anyone getting notifications saying “Emily arrived home” now when my child gets older, I may have something like that for her but as for myself or my husband we both think it’s too much.

My family uses it. No problems. Including my adult daughter, her fiancé, my 18 year old, our 6 year olds iPad, my husband and I. We all like to be safe in knowing that everyone is safe. I pay extra for crash detection. Gives me peace of mind. We all like it.


I would never ask my bf to put a tracking app on his phone. I trust him completely. I don’t want to know every move he makes. And as for emergencies, he will call you or someone else will.

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My household has life 360. My kids my husband and my brother-in-law can track every move I make and I can track them. With mine and my husband jobs I would rather someone know where we are if something happens. Not only that it this day and age if someone takes one of my kids or myself I can track them


I am a Private person need my own space…would not want to be tracked …even though I am doing Nothing Wrong it is the Principal…


If you feel the need to track him, and are upset he doesn’t want to be; you don’t trust him at all.
Divorce him. Let him be with someone who actually trusts him for real without “tracking” his movements.


I would be mad if my partner of 12 years all of the sudden wanted to track my every move. Like where did the trust go?


Me and my husband have it. It makes me feel better that he knows where I am in case something were to happen and same for him. Plus…I can see when he’s on the way home so I can start dinner :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Each to their own, track me don’t track I do not care, you want my passwords? I’ve gave them to you 100 times, you know where I keep them go look for them if you need them that is what I have to do. You want to barrow my fishing pole? HELL NO ! :rofl:


We use life360 and if more for if something happens someone would know where to start looking. We all work jobs in the middle of no where. Plus my son is joining it because a kid at school lost his dad and it brings my son comfort to be able to look and see where we all are. I guess it depends all on why you want to do it and i would talk about that.


I literally go no where work from home have no car have been with my hubby/best friend for 30 years. If he asked me to put on a tracking app I would be pissed. For gods sake everyone Carries a phone. All phones have built in tracker for emergencies what kind of craziness makes someone think the need to track a loved one


No chance I could let my husband track me. He would then know I’m shopping - AGAIN!


If you have never questioned him, why now?


If you can’t trust him leave him.he is a grown man you do not need to be tracking him

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I have adult children we use something Similar to this. I really could care a less if they know where I am. We use it for safety reasons. I am not married (yay me) however if I was I would not care if he tracked me. I would have nothing to hide

I am a private person. Plus I don’t like all this high tech monitoring. I refuse to be tracked. It does not mean I am cheating or lying. If someone wants to know where I’m at, all they have to do is ask.


My husband is a truck driver and primarily works locally but is sometimes gone for a day or two. We also have a 15 month old daughter. We are both going to be downloading life360 (his idea) so I know where he’s at should anything happen with our daughter while he’s away. I do trust him but it just gives me peace of mind knowing where he is and how to get ahold of him if I need to.

It may work for some people :woman_shrugging:
But I wouldn’t like to be tracked, I feel it’s an invasion. I don’t have a problem sharing passwords or letting partner see my phone etc. I have nothing to hide. But that doesn’t mean I want to be stalked of my every movement. If you want to know where I am, text me or call me, ask me? If your husband doesn’t share your thoughts on it then you need to shut it down. If the situation were reversed you wouldn’t want to feel like it’s an ultimatum if you didn’t agree to download app.

Maybe not.
While yeah, the app is intended for safety purposes…when it comes to couples, it often gets used for “proof” of trust as well as abuse and control.
And sometimes they cause more problems than they actually solve.
I took my son to Occupational therapy…Google was convinced I was at the hotel next door :roll_eyes:
If you loose signal the tracking drops out and looks as though the person disabled it.
And if your partner is someone who reads info every little thing …well big issues ensue.

So here’s my questions for you:

  1. Why do you want so badly to track him? So badly you couldn’t even try to understand why it might make him uncomfortable? So badly you had to blow the situation up?
  2. What if the situation were reversed? What if he came to you demanded you let him track your every movement 24/7? What if when you expressed discomfort at it he started accusing you of cheating?

Let me say here. I do understand your feelings. I really do. We’ve talked about this before and my husband says absolutely not. There was a small part of me that did question the reluctance.

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My son hates the idea. He doesn’t want the invasion of his privacy.

I’m an incredibly trustworthy wife, never have I cheated or thought about it or given reason for my husband to think about me doing it. But I would be incredibly pissed if my husband thought we needed it. People say it’s only fir “safety” and yet they probably check it daily just to see if their parter is where yhey say they are. Then one day they forget their phone and they are “cheating” Its a start to an end IMO

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I don’t get this whole thing. I wouldn’t like being tracked. It’s strange and borderline unhealthy in my opinion to want to know where your significant other is all the time. There’s exceptions like older family members and maybe children but even then the idea of tracking my teenage child sounds strange. You either trust your significant other or you don’t. Same goes for teenagers. If there ever was an emergency authorized personnel can track a phone. I think that’s where that invasion of privacy should end.


All my family have it… Even have my kids on it now too… Only there to make sure if anyone needs help we all know where they are… Literally in-laws are even in the family group. Wouldn’t be without it now. Although the random calls “are you in tesco? Can you grab me some milk while your there” gets a little annoying haha :smile:


Me personally it’s invading privacy. Me and my husband can track each other but it’s for emergency only like if I break down or when we loss our phones

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And what is your reasoning for thinking you need the app? You didn’t say the reason…so if you don’t have a good reason makes me think you just want to track him and are inviting drama into the relationship…

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It doesn’t matter how long you have been with someone. That person is still an individual person and still deserves some sort of privacy and tracking a person no matter who they are to you is going WAY over board!!! If your neighbor wanted to track you because you have been neighbors / friends for 12 years would you be okay with it? Would you be okay with a psych doctor tracking you so they could help monitor your habits? NOPE… AGAIN, WAY OVER BOARD!!!

No. I would have an issue with being tracked as well. Thats nuts.

I would use it for kids, but for adults it’s kinda creepy that you would not trust him because he didn’t want that app! You sound like my ex! That’s stalking

I don’t think he’s doing anything. I would have the same reaction. I’ve never done anything why start tracking now?

My now husband made me download it when I was in an abusive relationship. He wanted to make sure he knew where I was if I needed help. It actually ended up benefitting him because his truck broke down over state lines and I was able to find him super easily.

My boyfriend and I are truck drivers. We weren’t dating when I started trucking. I shared my location with him before we started dating because more than likely he’d know where I am and could figure out how to get to me faster than any of my family if something were to happen. We shared his in return. 6 months before we actually started dating. It’s not an issue of trust for us it’s a safety thing. He had a wreck last year and I knew something was wrong because he wouldn’t answer the phone. His located had no moved for three hours. When his boss finally called it only reassured me of my suspicions. Definitely will always share my location with him. It’s not an issue of trust for us it’s just necessary for our lifestyle.

So this sparked a conversation for my husband and I.
We came to the conclusion that we don’t mind being tracked by each other. We know where each other are always going, and if they don’t immediately, we tell them. I go to work and I come home. Sometimes I “sneak eat”, but its never a secret cuz I’m always like guess what I ate!
Where ya going that you’re not supposed to?

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I don’t like the idea of this either. I believe the only real use for this is to make sure kids are safe. I ask my daughters to turn it on when they will be somewhere for hours without an adult present, but it’s not an all the time thing. As far as couples I think it’s strange to feel the need to track each others whereabouts constantly. I’ve been with my husband 25 years and this idea would annoy the F out of me and I’m sure him too…lol.


If you actually trusted him you would never have brought it up. I don’t blame him.


Tracking someone= control issues


I have never cheated & would never but I’ll be damned if I’d let someone track me!

I mean it depends for the reason, if it’s so you can track the phone when it’s lost or the person goes missing the I don’t see a problem with it, other than that it’s kinda controlling

My whole family has it. All the way from the top to the bottom.
My dad, brothers, sister in law, nephews, nieces, me and my hubby. Once my daughter has a phone she’ll have it too.
We look at it as safety.
We will always know where each other are at all times. If something happens we don’t have to go searching for anyone.

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I don’t agree with it

Maybe it does include with trust issues

My ex used to track me all the time

So my husband now
One time my phone told me he was tracking me
I blew up and got so angry

Not because of him but because it brought me uncomfortable feeling about how my ex did that to me all the time

My husband said it was our son playing on his phone

I knew it was the truth because my man leaves his phone laying around unlocked and our 3 year old loves grabing them
Also my man didn’t even know our phones could do track other phones locations

So I suggest asking him why it makes him so uncomfortable

I have absolutely nothing to hide - and there’s no way I’d want a tracker on me or my husband…

I have issues with people suggesting that I can’t be trusted when I’ve done nothing to deserve it. I see his point.


This sounds like you’re being a little possessive

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We have trust in our relationship but we use it as well as my kids, my family, my girlfriends (when we were online dating) and his kids. Neither of us hardly look at it but in a pinch we look at it and can find one another when they don’t answer their phones. To us it’s about respect and availability never about trust. Never been trust issues here

We have trust in our relationship but we use it as well as my kids, my family, my girlfriends (when we were online dating) and his kids. Neither of us hardly look at it but in a pinch we look at it and can find one another when they don’t answer their phones. To us it’s about respect and availability never about trust. Never been trust issues here

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I can see the point if you have a safety issue…maybe travelling far from home or a family member has special needs of some kind…but i don’t feel theres a need other than that.

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If you having nothing to hide you shouldn’t have a problem with the person you love having the app. I wouldn’t care.

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I have life 360 on my my phone with my mom, dad, and grandfather being on the 360 account. My husband chooses to not use it and that is ok. It came in handy once when I got lost thanks to Google maps so my mom used 360 to see where I was and help me get home.

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We use it incase anything we’re to ever happen like a car accident, or a phone getting lost, someone isn’t answering or anything like that. We barely ever open it but it never caused any issues with us. I enjoy having the peace of mind that if I wrecked my car he could find me. We live out in the middle of nowhere.

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Good for knowing where your kids are , not stalking partners


We use it. For security reasons I also have my in-laws, aunt’s, uncle’s cousins and grandma on them. Not to mention my parents and siblings. The family travels a lot.

My Son tracks me and I don’t care. In this day and age who knows when it may come in as a necessity. If someone has control issues and uses it for that it is wrong but for safety sake it comes in handy.

How did you bring it to him? If you brought it to him as a safety thing & he reacted this way he’s cheating in you. If you have accused him of cheating or brought it to him that way I can see the reaction.

My adult son has the app. We track each other. I brought it up because of scary stories I’ve read.

I wouldn’t mind. I had a relationship where the other person lied and cheated constantly, and HE actually suggested one knowing that I WOULDN’T cross that kind of personal boundary. He also was a heavy gaslighter and would accuse me of doing the things he was so that I spent more time defending myself than noticing his behaviors. Having something like this in a healthy relationship, makes it so that you know they are okay and going about their day. I don’t see anything wrong with this in a marriage, and I do think it weird he’d react that way. Personally, I get off track and lose track of time frequently, like everyday. So I think in my future marriage I wouldn’t mind at all. They’d be able to check in and know I’m okay even if I’m running late and tossed my phone/purse in the back with my groceries and can’t call. I also misplace my phone on a regular basis. :woman_facepalming: My point being, there is a reason he reacted that way regardless of healthy or unhealthy. Putting words in your mouth of distrust and accusations if you’ve never displayed that in the relationship, that’s a red flag for me. I would think even if he was uncomfortable with the idea, his focus would be on asking what you feel and your suggestion rather than projecting unfounded issues.


My family uses it… My husband didn’t want it at first either. He would always call and ask where we were, so I started to tell him if he was in our “circle” he would know. After awhile, he downloaded it. He still calls to ask where we are though :woman_shrugging:

I have nothing to hide and would have the same reaction he had.
Why do you need it if you trust him?
That whole “nothing to hide” is gaslighting. Grow tf up.


We use the Find My IPhone app, we don’t use it to “track” each other, the only time it really gets used is if one of us looses our phones. But it was downloaded with the purpose of keeping us all safe. He’s a delivery driver, if he gets jumped and robbed, I can find him. If me or the kids get kidnapped, he can find us. Or at least a good lead of where we were. I don’t see it as a “not trust” thing. But I can see why he’d react that way even if he wasn’t doing anything, has he been with an insecure person before that accused him? I would just sit down and civilly talk about why you want it and why he doesn’t. Communicate, compromise.

I’d use it for my kids, but not fir my partners, unless I was going somewhere I felt unsafe going to


I don’t want to be tracked. He doesn’t need to know how much fast food I’m eating while the kids are in school


When i started reading it I thought youbwhere wanting to track your child. That would be reasonable.
But I’d be against being tracked by my partner too. There’s no reason to do it

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Maybe he looks at it that if 360 is tracking him what/who else is tracking him?

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I think you need to recognize that yes people have a right to feel certain ways about any situation even if you don’t agree or understand it. Partnership is recognizing their feelings and meeting in the middle. I don’t think it’s ever okay to tell someone their feelings aren’t valid or ask if they have a right to feel one way or another on something. To me that’s just a toxic way of life. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yeah I don’t understand the need to track him. We have to be able to trust each other, I am pretty sure he is getting mad because you bringing it up to him is probably coming off as you don’t trust him, and now he is feeling a certain ways. Has he given you the impression he needs to be tracked. Don’t start something when there’s nothing to start.


I deliver for amazon out of town most of the time… I use it between me and my dad incase anything ever happens. I’m only like 110 lbs soaking wet so better safe than sorry. I love it. It also sends reminders when the other person’s phone is dying. Lol that part drives my dad nuts bc my phone is always dying …other than that I love it.

A right to be upset? I’d leave any relationship if someone wanted to track me.
Thats ridiculous.


We don’t use it and I’m perfectly ok with this. I have no need to keep tabs on him and he on me plus it would make it hard for there to ever be a surprise if you know his every stop. Many people (men especially) feel this is a huge invasion of space and they aren’t wrong. If you trust him then you don’t need it.

my boyfriend and i share our locations on our phone not to “track” each other but incase ANYTHING happens and we need to find the other. i also use it to see how far away he is from getting home so i can either hide what i bought or make sure on when to have dinner and such done. it’s really not about “tracking” the other because you don’t trust them🤷🏻‍♀️


We have it, my mom and sister are even on it. It’s not a trust thing, it’s a safety thing…. And it keeps my sister from freaking out every time she hears about a wreck and we don’t answer the phone :joy:

I use it for my husband to see if he’s on his way home from work yet without having to call and distract him, my sister to see if she’s at work so I’m not calling her while she’s busy, and on holidays to see where tf the other person is so we can eat :rofl: My mom because she’s going through cancer treatments and I drove around town in a panic looking for her one day when she was supposed to be on her way to my house, had her phone on silent, and decided to run errands without telling me. If you’re using it because you don’t trust him and want to track him you have a problem. Other than that it can be really convenient and put your mind at ease.


We have the Hum through Verizon. It’s on my vehicle and my husband’s truck. I love it because if we were to get into an accident that we were unconscious and can’t answer our phone when hum calls, Hum will call 911 for us and direct them to our location. Or if our vehicle is stolen we’ll be able to locate it.
My husband at first didn’t want it, but when I explained what it does can do for us in an emergency situation he understood and agreed.

You are questioning your relationship of 12 years over an app?!?! You got bigger problems than just the app then :woman_shrugging: I dont want to use that app and I am in no way cheating or doing anything bad.


Ive never been unfaithful but if i was asked to track my movements id be pissed, ive nothing to hide but tracking is going beyond boundaries unless its for safety reasons, my husband works 12 hour night shifts security patrols and id never ask him, his safety and well being at work is down to his employers not me as big brother

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The real question is why do you want to track him like he’s a UPS package? Lol


I would mainly clear up why you felt like you should bring it up? I mean it didn’t sound like you meant it for tracking his every move you seemed to be more infatuated with the features and probably thought it’d be cool. I would approach it with a cool and open mind that if he rejects it that it’s a full rejection. You’ve gone this long without it so you should be able to continue without it. I don’t see the need to end your relationship over a stupid app

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You literally said “he has never given me any reason not to trust him” but somehow you don’t. Seems like your issues are yours and you should deal with them instead of making your SO seem like a cheater or liar. Seems pretty unfair of you.


You should stop and ask yourself why you feel the need to track your spouse instead of why your spouse is upset you want to track them.

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Privacy is important to some. Trust should be not worried.