Every Mother's Day is about my mother in law: Was I wrong to make this one about me?

I think it could be handled fairly for both his mom and his wife!!! I be his wife and her needs should come 1st now that he is married and has a family but still do a lot for his mom who raised him and loved him. It’s a fine line but it can be handled so everyone is happy!!

You come first & he better catch a clue fast! Next time make it a weekend with 1 day yours the other hers. If he still won’t celebrate you as the Mother of his child then you know exactly where you stand with him. The next step is marriage counseling (sometimes a neutral intermediary can get him to understand your side of the story), if that fails. Send him packing. Such mama’s boys disgust me & are a waste of space. As for you being stuck looking after everyone’s kids make it clear you are NOT the nanny & you have the right to take part to. If that doesn’t work & they still don’t give a damn about your feelings. Screw the whole lot of them & walk away. Your husband must learn that you matter to & if he refuses to see that, send him packing back to mama for good!

Wow everyone says about his mother his mother what about her mother just saying regardless of the fact she is a mother and wanted to celebrate with just her kids and husband she also has a mother so it’s not just about her husband and his mother. Anyway since his mother is further away give her sat that way she can relax with her kids on Sunday a school night

Well, I’m the mother of three sons and every Mother’s Day is spent with their wives’ Moms. Wonder if my daughters-in-law feel the way you do about their own mother’s?

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Maybe you should ignore his father’s day. He might get the hint.

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You are not wrong at all! I am sure this is NOT THE ONLY ISSUE WITH THIER selfish ways. Good luck and stand your ground. Hopefully, he can cut the Cord lol
As for Nancy Smith-Polisky what about your mom? Do you send any time with her on Mother’s Day? How do you split your time ? Just curious as to which mother controls you ? Or is that your husband lol?

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I think he was right, you could do another day because she is older and doesn’t get to spend as much time with her children as she wants…im sure. Being a mom of an only child it hurts a lot when Justin has to work and we don’t get to spend the day together because I am his mother…I as a wife would just do it the day before.

Sometimes moms unknowingly teach their sons ,nothing matters. Just another’s day , emotionless, and shouldn’t have to give all that. After years of, flowers making her sick, candy gets stuck in her teeth, blouse with heck that’s too high or low…etc and Visa cards she can’t figure out. She only likes cash. Snarls at every gift from Xmas to bd. It’s down to a phone call. Her son is wired the same. Would not get a card or gift for nobody. Ever. Even utter the words happy birthday…!! I had to and I quit years ago. No appreciation thought shown any which way. It’s all about them and having to go out of their way having to think or decide, maybe pay for something for someone else. If you anticipate anything your going to be very disappointed. Their happy…disconnected ,after 44 yrs it’s been a one way street, “I need, “. Is the only words they start a conversation with. Now , I’m blind for Past 3 yrs. lol…

Nope it’s very selfish of her to make every Mother’s Day about her. She needs to let someone else pick what to do cause it’s just going to keep causing problems between you and your husband. I would be mad if my husband didn’t understand why I was upset. You should have your husband/wife’s back. I’m on your side on this one. I don’t really have a relationship with my mom and my husband doesn’t either but I know I would be mad.

Only thing I see wrong is the kids going with him. They should have stayed with their mom.
It’s called Mother’s Day

No you are not being selfish. Don’t feel quilty. You are making this about you she asked a question about herself. I always have to make my husband call His mom or go to her house. I refuse to cook on Mother’s Day so he has to take me out or order in there for it’s about me. You got to train them right from the beginning.

Your husband needs to put your feelings first. And she may not see her children everyday but they are adults and she could come your way

I suppose I am the luckiest woman alive. When I met my husband he told me all about his mom and his grandmother and his sister. He talked so lovingly about them that I knew he had a good true heart. Where I came from the guys called their mothers “my old lady” or worse. We were married 6 weeks later. I enjoyed a very loving relationship for 55 years. Including with my mother-in-law.
Chill out ladies. Be kind and be sensitive to everyone

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I have 3 sons and a son in law. I try to work the holidays out so that we can spend one day with me and one day with their mothers. Maybe take Sat. For your day and give her Sunday. The whole point it for them how much they mean to you. Your husband should let his mother know that he wants to spend time with the mother if his kids as well as her. You need to let him know how hurt you are.

When we had our first child, we celebrated. MY Mothers Day on Saturday and the other mothers on Sunday. That way I got to celebrate, too. I e did the same for Fathers Day.

I lost my mama 17 months ago🦋…I say let him go spend the day with her while he still can. You spend the day with your child and let him have the day with her… it’s a win win…

Why would his mother make him work on Mother’s Day? Seems very selfish to me.

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Wow. Time to make some new memories. Nexted year offer to meet half way. Do something together. Or do Mother’s Day that Saturday with her so you can have your time too. Good luck.

We have always split our time. Mother’s Day for me is celebrated the day before and then for my in-laws on a different day.

I believe I would call his mother or tag her to this post. And tell her that you two are a mother of her grandchildren and you deserve to have next mother’s Day at your house and pick where you eat let her drive. And if your husband does not like that I think you should keep your kids home next mother’s Day and plan on taking them too the zoo or an adventure and out to eat. What’s your mother in law and your husband are doing are completely 100% selfish.


Shame on him. At least he could alternate years, or Mom could come your way, and have a dual celebration to honor BOTH of you as Mothers. To me, he is not respecting you as his wife and HIS Children’s Mother to act as he does. How do you celebrate Father’s Day? Do they do the same thing? How do the other daughter in laws feel about this every year deal with the husbands mother. Is your Mother alive? If so, how did both of you honor her? Fair is fair.

You are absolutely not in the wrong, he very much is. Mother’s Day is to celebrate you as much as it is her and personally I feel she’s being selfish for expecting it to be all about her.

Your husband should stand with you if not he’s a mama’s boy and you have enough children


No your not in the wrong he is not a baby anymore it’s your day too you have a right to spend it with your child he could have went over the for a little bit then came home and took you to dinner and a movie or just spent quality time with you instead of being but hurt

It’s a simple word love NO. NO works, he’s spoiled rotten, so he’s not used to you putting your foot down. You gotta take a stand, grow a spine! Make plans with your sister or girlfriend from now on for the day, get a sitter if he won’t take them with him. Have husband guy go to his mom’s, it’s settled.

Does your MIL know how you feel ? If not you might respectfully let her know you are hurt . I will always take a step back for my children and their families . Perhaps you can all come to some sort of agreement and share the day . Maybe breakfast and celebrate you In the morning and then Mil in the afternoon :blush:

I don’t see Mother’s Day as a huge deal to begin with. But, I loved when we used to go to my Granny’s for lunch, get to visit with the family, the kids had a blast… most of the day was not specifically about me, but we were celebrating the day with good food and family!
This year, I worked 12 hrs. My kids each told me “happy mothers day” at some point in the day. That was it. It would have been great to be able to get together with family like we have in the past, but work makes that impossible, no biggie.
Maybe celebrate you on Saturday before mother’s day? I wonder what exactly it is you want your husband to do for you on MDaY? That guy has to be dreading every MDay… :sweat_smile:

I agree with those that suggest you try to plan something for her closer to your location Or, have a different day for your own Mother’s Day.
Do talk to her, explain to her that HER grandchildren from you make YOU a mother as well and you would like to do something with your children that YOU enjoy. Try to reach a compromise…
A side story, my husband used to work Sundays, so I would spend every Sunday at my parents house (they lived a mile away). One year my husband was able to get Mother’s Day off. I wanted to spend it with my sons and husband and told my mother that. She got angry, saying “I’m THE MOTHER!” My answer: “Oh really? What do Tom and Dan make ME?” It stopped her in her tracks…

no dont guilt yourself!when a man leaves his parentsd, his wife is to come first not his mom. he is to continue to love her but he can send flowers or any gift or even just call and that should be good.that mom seems to be a selfish person and a controlling one.if i did that to my children im sure i would soon find them upset with me and that hubby needs to grow a set. not sorry if i offended any one.

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Its worse when your children have to split their time between their parent and their in law. And not just mothers day EVERY holiday.and since we’re the old boring ones, well you know the rest of the story.

My Husband always told me “I wasn’t his mom”. Which is ok. My kids are old enough to honor me & my Grands.

I think you had every right to feel that way. I do tell my children there are 2 days out of the year that are mine, Mother’s Day and my birthday. The past few years my adult daughters have celebrated Mother’s Day at our house and invited their godmother also and made a beautiful dinner. This year my girls have boyfriends who wanted to celebrate their moms so I decided to tell them I didn’t mind celebrating on Saturday. Not only did they invite their godmother but also our neighbor who is like a grandma to them and a friend who will be the godmother of my daughter’s child who will be born in a July. It just so happens that her child is my godson. It didn’t matter to me one bit that it was Saturday nor did it bother me that they shared my day with special women in their lives too. It was a wonderful day and I’ll cherish it forever. My heart was so full! I think a good compromise would be to ask your husband to choose Saturday for his mom next year and allow your children to celebrate you on Sunday.

I always tried to have both mothers at our house for a nice dinner on Mother’s Day. This way we could spend the day with both mothers.

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Schedule Mother’s Day for yourself and your children. Those days are numbered as your mother in law should know. You also can do something special for your own mother and mother in law. However, you are the mother of his children and if my husband would have responded the way yours did then it would speak volumes on his lack of respect for his marriage.

Your husband should have come up with an alternative plan and took your feelings into account.

Example: this was my first Mother’s Day, my mom and my husbands moms were celebrated that day, my hubby’s mom picked dinner and my hubby looked at me and said let’s celebrate your Mother’s Day tomorrow. I didn’t even care she picked food, I forgot it was a day for me as well. But my hubby didn’t forget and when i got home from Monday, he had flowers, card, a custom shirt, and candy for me.

You deserve better Hun. Maybe sit down with your hubby and explain your feelings.

I would have kept my child too. Let him go spend it with his mom.

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When my husband was alive, he would say to me “you’re not my mother” when I would ask him why he didn’t say happy mother’s day…hurt me to no end…I never forgot it…even my ex husband would get me a card…

I would so gladly give up a celebration of me to have another one to celebrate my mom and mother in law!!!

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Mother’s day is for you. If your husband chooses to go to his mom’s let him (tho I think it’s very disrespectful to you). Tell him you’re going away for the weekend as one person said, her 4y/o cried and they never did it again. Husband needs to know how much he’s hurting you.

If a mom has more than one child or several I think if one can each go a different day would be great. If your elderly and alone it would be wonderful to have visitors on more than one day. Maybe one go Friday after work and take mom out for supper. Saturday another for lunch. And if your blessed with the another child an afternoon visit. If you only have two children spend your Sunday in church. Try to stretch out the fun. It would give daughters and daughter in laws their own day. And you would have several days to look forward to. Make the most of what you have. And husbands remember your wives. Their mothers too. Do something,you and the kids together for your wife,the mother of your kids. What day you celebrate isn’t important. Recognizing the people you love is what matters.

Mine always used the excuse “your not my mother” but if I didn’t get the kids something to give to him on Father’s day, HOLY H&** broke loose

Your husband sounds like a mama’s boy?? It’s all fine and well to enjoy your mom’s company but they had 18 years to spend mother’s day together. You only have 18 years to spend it with your kids. I moved out a little before I was 18 and that’s the last mothers day I have spent with my mom bc she lives in Illinois and I do not. Once you have grand kids, it’s not your holiday anymore :woman_shrugging:

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Absolutely not Your if your Husband wants to celebrate with his mother he should go the sat before and tell her he wants his children to celebrate with their mom so he’s there for her to do whatever for her Mother’s Day with him

Im so thankful that U.S. Mothers day and Mexican mother’s day are on different days.

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I understand, could you be happy if your husband and children honored you and took you out for a meal of your choosing the weekend before? Maybe if you explain to your husband a second time but calmly and tell him you would like this tradition each year as long as his mother is living.

We do what we can to celebrate our (mine and my husbands) mothers who both now conveniently live in the same town as each other, but inconveniently is about 3 hours away. This year we traveled there and got to visit both. Maybe I’m the weird one but I don’t like all the attention of making a big day about me. Even for my birthday… but with your situation maybe if he refuses to not see his mom for mother’s day then maybe come to a compromise. Celebrate one of you (either you or his mom) on mother’s day and the other has a separate mother’s day. We often have to split up holidays into multiple days because both mine and my husband’s parents are divorced. So we like to do separate things with each of them. Yes its tiring and all but the family time is worth it when we don’t know how long we will have left with them.

How about a split celebration. Every other year he and your children celebrate with you on Saturday and his Mom on Sunday. The next year reverse the celebration…his Mom on Saturday and you on Sunday. By the way, what about your Mom? Do you have this same situation on every holiday?

Celebrate mother’s with her the Saturday before, that is what we used to do…it worked out fine.

Everyone always thought I was weird I made my husband take the kids and go see his mother while i stayed home and did what I wanted all by myself !

Mother’s Day can be any Day you and your Husband pick! Not necessarily what day is on the Calendar! It’s how he treats you the rest of the year that really shows how much he appreciate’s you or not! Plan a day your family can do something special together before Mother’s Day. A day is a day spending time in our lives. One day, there will be no more days.

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He has his priorities wrong. God first, wife second, then children and then his parents!!! You should come before his mom, but yet he needs to honor her too, but you first!!!

Next year tell him to take the kids to grandmas, you relax and do WETHYW, and then have dinner with your kiddos at the end of the day… both moms are honored and both get time with their “kids”

Well it should be for both for his mom and for you have the dinners and gifts for both not pick one over the other. Well if you have your mom say u go see your mom I will see mine. I feel it shouldn’t exclude any mom or wife which bore your children.

What he is teaching your children is that the only mother that matters in Grandma, aka his mother! It’s really sad that he doesn’t get that & is very selfish on your mil part for selfishly stealing the day for only her!

Sometimes husbands need to be reminded that their wives are their #1 person on this planet.

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this is hard, every Mom deserves her special day. But maybe next year, you celebrate Mothers day on Saturday, and do your Mother in law on Sunday. Its really just a day of celebrating Mom’s and it doesn’t have to be one certain day. (Just a idea, give it a try)

Picking sides won’t solve the problem. What we used to do was get the moms from both sides of the families together, at the biggest house and bbq along with a pot luck. Let the men run the bbqer. Razzel dazzle everyone with your favorite dish’s, along with some straight and booze filled drinks. The kids get to play and unwind, the adults are all on the same playing field and no one gets left out. Let his mom know a good month before moms day that this year will be special and done different, so she has time to adjust. That way if she tries to change things, she will look like she is being difficult not you. The point is to make a new family tradition that all of you will look forward to. And as for my opinion, I think you have every right to feel hurt. You do deserve a moms day too and only you can change that. Good luck :heart::pray:

That’s how Mother’s Day went for me for years. My now ex husband was always only about his mother. Now that my children are kind of older ages 21,18,15,11,5 I spend Mother’s Day with them. This year we had a extended family get together with everyone. Next year it will be me with them on a trip hopefully (Covid pending). Long story short, if you keep letting yourself get pushed to the side, than nothing will change unfortunately. It’s truly your choice on what you do. Either keep putting up with it or put your foot down.

No. You should have nipped that in the bud, the first year of your motherhood. He is so disrespectful to you. But, my child would not have been gone all day either. Pizza? That’s all you got for me. Cool. Father’s Day is coming really soon. Disappear and send him a pizza.

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What happens in fathers day? Does he expect to be showered with gifts? Or does he spend it with this dad and you do nothing? Yes it goes both ways. He should split the day with you and this mom. If your children are older they should do for you. But he should be kinder and give you the respect and time just like im sure he expects on fathers day. What about your mom in all of this? Is she left out so y’all can go shower his mother?

You are not wrong in any way. His mother has had plenty of mothers days done her way. You should have a day for you. Yes, I get that it is his mother, but you are your child’s mother and you should get to celebrate it while he’s young, just like she got to do. I would say alternate years. On every holiday, not just mother’s day. You should get to do things your way every now and then. It’s not selfish to want that. It’s human.

Tell ur husband you are a Mother…u deserve to be treated like a Queen because u see you gave birth to his child and therefore he needs to respect that…its also in the bible your spouse is first above all tell him to read it…send ur mother in law a card next year and you do you with your child tell husband go without u

Well maybe your husband should celebrate you in the morning and his mother in afternoon! Or what we usually do is celebrate it on another day! But now that my mom and his mom passed I would give anything to spend the day with her! But I totally understand how you are feeling ! Your husband should take your feelings into consideration as well!

To honor all the mother’s in this family, why not the men in the family baby sit for all the children and let the ladies have a great day day to themselves?

That’s how it is when your husband puts his mother first, and no you are not wrong for feeling the way you do :blush:

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Sorry but your husband is very insensitive!! Just one year it could have been about you!! You are not asking too much!!!

Actually, I would have gone out to a really really wonderful brunch or dinner and had it by myself and been perfectly fine with that and drank a glass of wine and had a really good cup of espresso and a really great dessert and I wouldn’t have cared at all how much money I spent as long as I could afford it somehow and if they all had to eat pancakes and rice for the rest of the week then so be it!

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I have been in your shoes . I think you did the right thing. No you are not wrong in wanting your family and husband to yourself. I told my husband a month in advance let’s choose a restaurant and invite your mom to go with us the day BEFORE Mother’s Day . We let her know in advance that we were spending Mother’s Day by ourselves. We have a right to set guidelines and still be content, and keep peace .

Forsaking all others… this is why a proper wedding ends with the couple walking down the isle with the husband separating his bride from her family and the wife separating her husband from his family.
Of course we should honor our parents on mothers/fathers day but each spouse should make sure their wife/husband is #1 on their special days through their actions.
You should ask your husband how he would feel if the last 6 years you ignored his father’s day for your father.
Then make a plan. If the m-i-l is hours away celebrate mothers day early either on Saturday or the previous weekend. Same for your parents. Let them choose them you choose on actual Mothers Day.
For me, I would rather celebrate my mother’s day the weekend after so you can spend the weekend at the beach/camping/theme park, etc with the husband and kids with no stress or time constraints. :heart:

We Visit my mom, and his mom for an hour each. Or have dinner/breakfast at a restaurant with them, the rest of the day is for what I want. We all live in the same small town which works well. My husband works with his brother who still lives at his parents, so he sees them daily when picking up/dropping off. We frequently bring the kids, and flowers to see our parents. Im honestly not close with my mil, but he is a mommas boy, and i admire his love, and respect for her. I wish my children would care for me someday the same way. Basically drive to the dinner, spend an hour there, then find places in that area that you may enjoy, or go early to go to places before the dinner. Maybe a massage, while he and the kids go to his mothers. I personally like to spend mothers day with kids, so I would look for a zoo or something similar.
Your Husband needs to appreciate the mother raising his spawn as well.

You’re not wrong. We always do breakfast/lunch with my SO mom & dinner with my mom. And then we come home. Usually the day before Mother’s Day my SO sends me to the spa for myself. It works out well for all of us.

I would have kept my kids with me if he wanted to go so be it and next year I’ll tell him to plan a dinner for all the mothers to celebrate together or you will stay home with your kids

You are not selfish for asking for one mother’s day. I don’t have your issue bc my husband’s mom is what he refers to as an egg donor. But please remember, there are people out there that mother’s day is just a reminder that they can’t have kids. Let him throw his temper tantrum. And maybe later on talk to your MIL about it to see if you can come up with a compromise for all the moms in your family. My family does this thing where none of the women do anything. The guys cook and clean up afterwards.

Only thing I have a problem with is your child not seeing you on Mother’s Day. I don’t think it’s wrong and I’ll be quite frank I think he acted like an ass. You are the mother of his child. Not his mom. Mother’s Day is for ALL moms not just his mother. However, take your child on Father’s Day to your dads for the day. Let him fend for himself and if he enjoys it - possibly there’s more wrong than just his position on Mother’s Day

Your husband is very inconsiderate. What about your mom? All the mother’s in the family should be treated special. But I do know that only my daughter ever really acknowledges me for anything special. Maybe it’s males. Their father never showed them how to be a good example. All holidays are spent with the DIL’s family who are local. The old saying is so true: Your son is your son till he takes him a wife but your daughter is your daughter for the rest of your life. .

Maybe he could go to her house on Saturday and spend the night there. Then he can take her out for breakfast to celebrate Mother’s Day. Then he can come home and take you out for a late lunch or early dinner on Sunday for your Mother’s Day.

Irony. Husband says wife is a mother every day so no need to celebrate but his Dear Mom needs a 3 hr round trip commute, dinner even further away etc on Mother’s Day. Time to sit down and have a heart to heart with the husband before the next Hallmark holiday of Father’s day.

your husband is an ass and the kids should have stayed with you. He is not teaching them to respect you as their mother. You are the nanny

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Though I love that your husband loves his mom (my former husband loathed every time his mom came to visit which I found sad), you need to be pampered on that day, also. I think a great idea is to invite her to your house next year and order in food or go out to eat. If she doesn’t come then you can tell your husband that you understand why she didn’t come - the same reason you stayed home this year. I think if you go to your mil house every year there is no reason why she can’t come to your house next time. I do think its sad your husband doesn’t pamper you. You are the mother of his children. My ex never made me feel special, either. Good luck!

Men don’t realize that the way he treats their mother is how they will be to their wife later in life
Next year you plan something for yourself! And follow through either with the children or without!

So is Father’s Day with your dad since he isn’t your father. Sorry he made you feel this way and you have every right to be upset. I wouldn’t do a thing for Father’s Day for him and celebrate with your dad since he goes by that logic.

Nope. Your husband is wrong. You’re his WIFE and the mother of HIS child. Next year make plans, invite him, and let him choose… Sounds like a mama’s boy to me.

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Let us have our Mothers Day while we can. We won’t be around forever and one day Mom you will have yours. Please don’t be angry or sad at us. It means the world to us when we get the attention. We love you too and are very thankful for you . Hang in there! Your Day is coming and then you will understand.:heart:

For the life of me I do not understand why some DILs make a man choose between her and his own mother. Maybe it’s just in our society. Maybe it’s jealously.

I wouldn’t care if I never got anything else for mothers day as long as my mother was alive again.

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You can pick a day and make it yours. I would have gone and watched the love of my life love his Mother. She won’t live forever but maybe to you it will seem like it. I would want to be with my kids and husband show them it isn’t always about me. You have to do what is right. Were you happy being home alone? Were your kids glad you stayed home? The love and respect you show others is the love that comes back to you! Not saying you did it wrong just saying your kids are watching

My Mothers days were always sent with my mother in laws. I never felt bad about. I just excepted it and loved it. I still got attention and loved being with all the family. I was married 5 times but the last 2 had lost their Moms and I really missed it…

When my three were small…I told their father “I will NOT be doing anything for Mother’s Day; NO cooking, NO cleaning, etc. I get, at least, one day off a year”.


Choose an alternate day and even a weekend to celebrate you as a mother with your own family. A day or weekend away would be great for your family. Make it an adventure. Then celebrate Mother’s Day with your husband’s mom. In doing this you get two celebrations. Go for it.

I went through the same exact thing .it’s always about his mother ,even on Valentine’s Day !!

It is mother’s day, not wife’s day.
Allow him to give attentiion to his mother.

This will set the example of how your children will treat you on mother’s dag when they are bigger.

Stop competing with his mother for his love. There is place in his heart for both of you.

Work on your lack of love, your neediness and your selfishness, as these are the qualities that will smother him and drive him away.
If you behave like this on mother’s day, how do you behave on other day’s?

Surely you can live with it when he gives attention to his mother on her birthday, mother’s day and her aniversary?

Next year show love and make it a special day for his mother, as it may be the last.

It seems that you have little love and respect for this man, why did you marry him then?

Sad he doesn’t appreciate you. Momas boys sometimes never grow up and cut the cord. Forget the pizza. If he can’t honor you I agree with that lady, he should pay for a full spa day for you. If he won’t, give it or something you want to yourself. Being me I’d forget his birthday ect. :smile:

My kids and grandkids and great-grandkids always come to my house. My husband cooks for everyone. So my daughters and granddaughter get a day they don’t have to cook and the cousins go and play with each other? I make it early enough so they then go to their in-laws to celebrate with them. I then have the rest of the day to relax and unwind after listening to 7 kids running through the house. My kids know if something comes up they do not have to come over just let us know because we buy the food and cook it. I am their mother and I enjoy having a day with them.

I don’t know if this helps but according to some good friends of mine mother’s day is when a woman’s children lavish her with gifts and do chores for her to show how much they love and appreciate her the reason I was told this is because one year I commented to friends that I felt bad because all of my daughters were mom’s and I could not afford to buy all of them something or do something nice for them on that day I was told your daughters are not your mother they are thier children’s mother ,oh I think I get it this passed mothersday one of my son’s and his wife had a bbq for me and his wife’s mom on Saturday then on Sunday thier kids had a special plan for my daughter in law I thought that was really nice!

He needs to rearrange his Mother’s Day plans with his mom. Good Sons do not need their wife and kids in tow to visit their Mothers frequently. Your husband needs to get it together. He made you a mother he needs to celebrate you. He can make his Mom feel special on the day prior. Good thing Father’s Day is coming up. Don’t go out of your way cuz he ain’t your Dad,right?!!

You take another day for yourself. Older moms want be around always. Trust me my mom in law is passed away an I miss these family get together. I miss her. Sounds like you have a great husband who is trying.

I love it when Mothers Day is over. I don’t understand all the fanfare over it.

You are not your husbands mother, I do understand why you’re upset, but she won’t be around forever. Don’t be that Daughter-in-law that alienates the Mother. I can’t tell you how many times I saw my grandmother cry because she couldn’t see her son.

Next year try to convince your husband to go to his Mom’s on Saturday, the day before Mother’s Day. That way you will have him at home on Mother’s Day. Suggest to him that if he wants to spend the day with his Mom on Sunday then she could come to your house because as a mother yourself, you want him and your children with you and not doting on his mother. Yes, she is his mother but you are the mother of his children and he needs to be teaching the children to honor you on your day!

Is your Mom still with you? If so , you celebrate Mother’s day with your Mom.Doing something that you both love and your hobby can celebrate with his Mom. Everyone wants to be with their Mom on Mother’s day. So you celebrate with your kid as you’re his Mom so he should be with you. Not with Dad and his Mom , so you your son and your Mom celebrate together.