Definitely not wrong however, every Mother’s Day going forward MAKE IT ABOUT YOU. If he wants to be with his mama let him and send the kids with him. But you YOU GO GET YOU A ROOM DO A MOMMY SPA DAY AND LIVE IT UP. That’s your day/weekend you are a mom as well and deserved to be celebrated.
These days can be tough for many reasons. As a mother and very involved grandmother, I would be upset to not be honored. But I do remember being the younger mom too, which always included our moms. Throw in your mother and his mother into the mix and yourself as a mother - challenging - just like Christmas! Try to go to brunch with one and see the other either the day before or later that day. You can look at it as Mother’s Day weekend and try to plan something that is special just for you and your kids. If distance is involved, make plans wisely and in advance. All mother’s matter on the one day a year to honor them!
Be grateful. Spend every moment with family.
Thank your lucky stars you GET to watch the kids,get to know them. Bake your mother in laws favorite cake take to her - thank her for her son
I think it might work better if you did mother’s day for yourself the day before or for her the day before. I coparent a toddler with 3 other adults (a teenager got pregnant and isnt emotionally able to handle the child due to a disability so us adults stepped in to help raise the kid). I got mother’s day on friday, leelee got it on saturday, and his mom and nana got it on sunday.
First: saying “you’re a mom everyday and here with your child everyday” is not an appropriate response. So what because his mom doesn’t see her kids daily does that mean she’s not a mom everyday? Secondly maybe try taking he conversation at a different approach. I understand the frustration at your mother in law believe me. But it sounds as though she was kinda made into being the bad guy and your husband of course reacted because he felt the need to defend her. Tell your husband how it makes you feel without comparing to your mother in law if you can. I know this is easier said than done. Use statements like “it really makes me feel like you don’t appreciate me because I never get to celebrate Mother’s Day and it would mean a lot to me if I could also be included”. Communication is a barrier and a key to relationships. Hang in there.
The bible says be is to put first them his mother. He could call and tell her happy mothers day. Maybe even drive to visit for a hour or so then tell her y’all are going to a place to eat that you chose then let her ride along if she chooses to.
Absolutely not you are completely right and you should be sensitive enough to realize that and do something for you just for the appreciation of you being the mother of his children
I’m guessing he spent every Mother’s Day growing up with his paternal grandparents? If not, his mother got lots of Mother’s Days when he was growing up. There’s nothing wrong with spending Mother’s Day with family, but maybe limit it to a couple of hours and then go out to dinner with just your family. I think your husband needs to understand that it is a special day for you and your child. Maybe he could go to his mothers and you plan something with your child. We spent every holiday, birthday, you name it with my family growing up since they all lived next door. Every once in a while it was nice to have something with just us. I just moved back to my hometown and I am finding how much fun it is to spend time with my family again. I see both side. Sometimes there has to be give and take. If you see them on a regular basis, your husband shouldn’t pull the…but this could be her last Mother’s Day. Now if you only see them a few times a year, maybe sacrifice the day and do a two day extravaganza right before. The exact day doesn’t make it more special.
No you’re absolutely right, and do it again next year because it’s you who he now needs to appreciate the mother of his kids, a mother yes but a wife should be as important as our mom’s, happy mother’s day to you.
My husband’s mother has recently passed, Mothers Day is hard for him but he still takes the time to celebrate me as a mother and always has. We also celebrate my mother, with a card and a phone call or dinner when possible. We also celebrate my daughter who is a mother, with a card and a phone call or dinner when possible. Her husband and and daughter celebrate her as that is her day with them. You should have your day. I suspect the ways of manipulation, disrespect and overbearance is more deeply rooted than just on Mothers Day.
You’re not wrong but maybe there’s another way. Try calling your mother-in-law several weeks ahead of time and ask that the two of you plan the mother’s day festivities together. Find some middle ground. Explain to her that you’re a mother too and that you’re feeling left out.
I think your husband’s reaction was inexcusable. Is it ever going to be your turn?? Or are you always going to have to watch her celebrate mothers day. I hope you get Christmas and Thanksgiving. I never did. My mother in law takes precedent every holiday. Her happiness was. More important than mine. I get miserable days before just thinking about it😔
We always celebrated my mom on Saturday and his on Sunday, until his mom passed away. I never felt left out, even though I was a mom as well. But I have a husband who makes me feel special and both of our moms also made me feel special on Mother’s Day. I think you could have handled it differently, but hindsight is 20/20.
Grow up, she raised your husband! Be thankful that she did a great job, is it too hard to accept that they do for their mom one special day a year? Pick a day that you can celebrate with your family or better yet celebrate everyday . You don’t need a special day to be a good person.
No… you aren’t! Maybe you can have Saturday with his Mom & Sunday with you… then the following year reverse it!
Sounds like the mil was using Mother’s day to get her son to do chores. I think that he could have done chores any other time. Maybe he never goes to see or help his mother on a regular basis. Both his wife and his mother should have been pampered. Not just watch him do chores. Maybe they could all go to a neutral place and enjoy each other’s company. A park, a restaurant, a train ride, a movie, etc.
I am a Mother in Law. I don’t expect my kids to come by and see me on Mother’s Day as of Son is Married with kids of his own. Our Daughter is also married but yet. I always tell my Son to spend the day with his wife and kids. But they always take me out to dinner either on Sat night or Sunday. This year we all went out to dinner on Sunday. My Daughter in Law picked the restaurant which was fine with me. Both of the kids live close so I get to see them often. I do understand your point and your right to want the Day to.he about you. Maybe you could have Mother’s Day for your Mother in Law in Sat that way Sunday is your day that way you both win.
Hell no!! Mother in law is being selfish and shame on your husband for not spoiling you on the one day we are supposed to be thanked for everything!!! Even if he wants to celebrate his mom, he needs to realize, this is Your Day!!!
I’m on the fence about this one. Me personally I’d just celebrate it on a different day and let his mom have that day. It’s a man made holiday anyways and I feel it’s just like Valentine’s Day. why only be celebrated for all that u do, once a year.
Be happy that you get to share it with your MIL. Some day you won’t. Why can’t it be about both of you? Be gracious and not selfish. May change the whole day for you
No! You’re not wrong!!! You are the mother of his children. He is scared to hurt her but doesn’t give a crap about you. I’m sorry you have to go through that.
I didn’t even go see my own mom! I told her I will come down this weekend instead. I was not driving 3 hours round trip to hear my mom tell me about my kids irritating behaviors on mothers day. My husband told me flat out that is my day even though we just moved back this year. Take a break and seriously pizza? I mean if that is what you wanted okay.
I don’t think you’re wrong but he’s also not your child. If you’ve got a 6 yr old, they could have stayed and helped you around the house. Also, you probably won’t win a fight over getting him to spend mothers day with you. I rarely get anything, even for my birthday. I’m just thankful I have a family that loves me, a roof over my head, and food to eat.
Comprise this mothers day we spent Saturday with my husbands family and Sunday with my family. He should help the kids honor you as he does for his mother.
No! He should have stayed home and treated you nice for your day. He should be apologizing to you for leaving you alone.
I share mother’s day and my birthday with my mom but we share it. As for my future mother in law i shared it with her also cause its out of respect. He ended up and spending 2 hours outside with his dad that day yes i had a problem with it. When the car should of taken 5 minutes. Me personally i was upset cause i am a working mom and i don’t get lots of time to myself. But thats what we have to do so i took away his birthday and father’s day
At the least there should be compromise from both of you. One year you all bow out of sharing mother’s day and have a gift delivered, and the next year you spend it with his mom. If you’re Christian, then the spouse comes first. Alternate years and honor your and his parents in another a way other than time on the years you all don’t spend it with her.
I think you have every right to be upset. Honestly I’d go way over and above for your father for Father’s Day. Ignore him and his role entirely. Pay for some pizza deliver and ask him how that made him feel.
Compromise. Meet half way or invite family to celebrate in your home. There are more than one mom so it should be a celebration for ALL of them in the family. Let the men cook an clean up.
It is just a Hallmark day. Celebrate with your family the next weekend. That way everyone is happy and no where is crowded when you go out and flowers are way cheaper. lol
Im sorryI dont care for mothers day since my mom passed i have a son that does not care for me . Unless he needs money or need to ride Otherwise I’m just a human piece of crap So that’s why I consider mothers day nothing to me but an egg donor day And my husband apologises up-and-down to me cause he gets treated the same And it makes us cry He does very little For us Unless he want something
Touchy subject. My husband says to me “you aren’t my mother” at first I was upset by him saying that then I thought, well he is right…For me, Mother’s Day is like Valentine’s Day. Someone made up a holiday for attention and gifts. I’ll admit my son is a mommas boy and he would probably “choose” me but I wouldn’t let him because it’s just not important to me. I know my kids love me.
Do it for the love…
One day she will be gone.
She gave birth to your husband
His mother should be more respectful of you too, after all you’re both mothers
Why does it have to be either/or? Why can’t families enjoy all Mothers together including in-laws, out laws and young families enjoying their young life’s with their children. I know distance is sometimes an issue, but really people there are ways to enjoy each other without worrying about who is getting the most attention! I know I loved being with my husband’s Mother as much as my own, plus my wonderful children! Just try a little harder to find a way to enjoy just one or two days a year for family!
I think it’s unfair for you! You are also a Mom and should be celebrated as well!! I believe that y’all could agree on plans for that day!! Breakfast in bed for you from your husband and kids then spend time with her but you should get a say in the plans for that day!! I would go see my Mom on Mother’s Day every yr that I could but sometimes we had plans with the other side so we would go there and I’d see my Mom the day before! My mom has been gone almost 11 yrs now and my husband mom is also deceased so we made lunch went to 3 cemeteries to give our moms and my bonus mom flowers on their graves! Then came home and coked my own bbq because I wanted too!!
Well went your kids grow up will you want them to see you on Mother’s Day? Maybe you can do something for your fam on Saturday and go see MIL
On Sunday or visa versa
We’re all going to have different views and opinions this subject. There are a few resolutions to make sure every mother is happy and celebrated. One you can celebrate with either your wife/mother of your children or your own mom the day before Mother’s day and one the day of. Everything doesn’t have to be celebrated the day of. This way everyone is happy and doesn’t feel left out. It’s no enjoyment for that young lady to have to watch everyone else’s kids while they are busy planting trees. Mother’s Day should be a day where every mom feels special. Whatever her choice may be.
So it’s about a man knowing what’s important to him. I’m married & my husband & i have no children yet. He took me out to eat Saturday & Sunday for mother’s day. Bought me gifts & spoiled me all weekend through today still. My children’s father never says anything but does respect me as i do him & that’s enough for me as he is my ex. My MIL will not steal my days as my mother wouldn’t even expect that. I’m just saying. Appreciate yourself & live with no regret.
How dare they treat you that way. You are right. And don’t forget what the bible says when you and your husband married. He should Send his Mother some flowers and stay with the mother of his child/children and treat you like the princess you deserve to be treated like.
But, I’ll bet you enjoyed those few hours to yourself.
Thank you for giving me a different prospective. I hope if given the opportunity I will take my daughter in luvs feelings in consideration for Mother’s Day. I am sorry you did not feel special, but neglected on your Mothers’s Day.
However; my husband, says why should I do anything for you? You are not my mother.
No its your mother’s day too. Spend it how you want.I can only say his mom is not going to be around as long as u hopefully will . So understand she wants to spend her mother’s day with her son… you certainly would want your children to spend it with you. Traditions are beautiful… create your own, yet don’t get angry at others for there’s. No one is wrong here. Not your husband and certainly not you. Compromise and flexibility keep a happy marriage. Sounds like you both did that.
Oh heckkkkkk no. Mother’s Day is 100% about you too. He should of made you feel special today. I’m so sorry.
My mother in law doesn’t live near us. But what we have started doing is that Saturday before Mother’s Day we spend with my mom! We usually have a Mother’s Day BBQ. My brother and his wife, my husband and I and our kids with my mom and dad and sister. We went swimming and just hung out and exchanged gifts with my mom.
Then Mother’s Day i normally ask to sleep in. My kids and husband made me breakfast and we ordered my fav meal for dinner. My husband and kids for me roses and drew cards for me.
We do the same Father’s Day weekend.
We always spent Mother’s Day wirh my mother. Some years her birthday was also on the same day. My husband’s mother died before I met him. I never felt cheated. We celebrated each other. I miss my mama.
For future mother’s day, it’d be best to find a way to celebrate both mom’s. Like have a morning into lunchtime some kind of tradition with you and then go out to dinner with MIL so she can she grandkids and her son. Just not spending the entire day with MIL and neglecting you. But being able to see celebrate both
Absolutely not!! Because your a mom every day, it’s the one time a year you get to relax. Your child is young, so it’s up to dad to help out. Six hours of peace? Wonderful!!
Well it is his Mother… but you can say no and do for you that day without beef for sure:heavy_heart_exclamation: When he loads up to leave with kids. Go lock yourself in ya car with a note. Enjoy your Mother while I enjoy a break from being a Mother and drive away:heavy_heart_exclamation:
You’re not wrong at all ! He has to cut the cord !
My boyfriend makes it bout his mom for mother’s day as well. Although he does take the kids to get me things for mother’s day. However he won’t get me anything flowers or even a card to show his appreciation for the mother of his children. He says its weird and that he never heard of anyone buying their children’s mother anything. We always have dinner with his mom on mother’s day. But his mom is his number one then it goes his cousin, friends then me.
Once you are a mother yourself, Mother’s Day is yours to do as you please. I have 4 grown daughters, 2 are mothers and they do NOT have to make that say about me. It’s their day. All of my children have significant others and sometimes have to spend a holiday with the others family. I would rather them spend an entire Sunday with me on a regular day than have to spend half there day in a car while driving from one place to another!
Seems her husband thinks she doesn’t rate any love or acknowledgement. Six years and no special day for her is cruel. Switch years on stay or go and MIL and wife have a special time each.
Without her you would not have him. We celebrated Mother’s Day with the matriarch of our family. Sometimes we had to split the day to accomodate mothers/ mothers in law. They are all gone now, and it is sad that the wisdom of these women is gone. I miss them
Remember at some point in time, your children will have that decision to make. I hope for your sake, they are better at compromise than you decided to be.
I think adult children should be with their mom on mothers day. My adult children, when able, go to my moms with me. This year my husband stayed at his moms and came to my my moms the next day. When they are gone, dont make the person you love have regrets…just my opinion
I know exactly how you feel. Every vacation was spent at his moms. Not Mother’s Day. But the point is I cooked , cleaned and done laundry. The worse was tradition has men eating first, then young mothers and babies. My kids were older so we ate last. There was only enough food left for my kids. So my kids ate I didn’t. So when it came to doing dishes I was offered a brake. But guess what. We’re not allowed to use the dishwasher because it uses too much water. Then I sit down to rest and then hear the ladies talking they couldn’t believe I left all those dishes for so and so to wash. First of all I had cooked every meal and and washed every dish for that week. Also we had to have fresh cornbread and biscuits every meal. When dinner came the multitudes showed up and guess what extra work. I stopped going to visit holidays and vacations because I did home health for a living and going there was triple or more the work. Stayed home holidays with whatever kid didn’t want to go. Made reservations for holiday dinner. No cooking no dishes or cleaning someone else’s house.
I would celebrate his mom on the sunday and then you should be spoiled the weekend prior or after. She wont always be around, so it would be better for you to not set up your husband to resent you if after she is gone.
Many people that I know will rotate family gatherings so u both get to enjoy the time with respective relatives.
My ex always went out of his way to ruin special days for me… birthday, mothers day anniversary…unless it was a day about him. I would have preferred celebrating his mom or grandma…along with my mom.
Best wishes…and I hope you get all the praise and celebration u deserve.
I was upset that my husband didn’t do anything for me on Mother’s Day but not because he wanted to celebrate his mom. His mom died before we got married. I never wanted a lot, just a card to teach my kids that Moms count. I always did for my mom and my father and father-in-law on their special days. Family is always top priority to me and I believe I taught my children that too.
I would next year keep ur kids home let ur husband go alone and have a mommy and child date. Or offer to start celebrating with his mom on Saturday and u get Sunday
Plan one day with you and one day with his mom, it don’t have to be on Sunday of Mother’s Day, good planning is the key and everyone is happy!
I think you’re wrong in that you could have and should have offered a compromise. Meet somewhere halfway to everyone and still share in the day together.
It sounds like you threw a fit and sat and pouted alone instead of spending the day with your family. You could have at least tried to come up with an alternative solution instead of being a brat about it.
You and your MIL both put your husband in an unnecessary predicament where he feels like he’s needs to choose. That’s not ok on either of your parts. You do deserve to be celebrated but this is also HIS mother who deserves her day, no matter how many she has had. Should have compromised.
I’m not a mom, but this pisses me off! You have a six year old child. Did you husband bother to get you anything from your child? I’d ask your husband what they did when he was a kid. Was the day all about his grandmother? If so, it may just be the tradition for his family. If it wasnt, they you need to have a serious talk with him.
No. She is being selfish. You want to celebrate your own children in ways you want to as well. You carried your baby in your womb for 9 months. Sacrificed a lot to bring his child into the world. He should show you a little appreciation and consideration. He needs to be more considerate of your feelings.
Father’s Day is next month. Keep what happened to you in mind when that comes around.
I think it’s such a shame to have my family his family. Should be all one family that enjoys being together and celebrating each other. All the manual labor should be saved for another day and just spend time with each other. I try to spend any holiday with as much family as I can and I cherish it always.
Oh how I wish I still had my mum! I’d by far celebrate for her before me! My time will come later! I’ve taught my son to celebrate with his Grammys because I’ll be there later. Both his grandmas are gobe
You both are wrong on how it was handled. The way it is written you waited til Mothers Day to handle it. You should sit down right now with your husband and agree to a plan going forward on how you do Mothers day. You deserve to be celebrated but as does his mom and he should understand.
I am not my husband’s Mother every year we honored our mothers his mother is in heaven I cared for her till she died my mother is 85 and he helps me honor my gift is being a Mother to my boys and a grandma .sometimes I’m in awe of people and attitudes
Honestly, I am not one who loves the pampering and attention, so I don’t quite get it. We visit my mother in law and eat lunch there and we go to my moms for supper. I’m a mother 365 days a year and as our parents get older, one day we may look back and wish we would have done more, so I take the day as an opportunity to show them love and appreciation.
NTA, you did nothing wrong. She needs to graduate up to Grandparent’s Day and leave Mother’s Day to you ladies with little ones since she can’t just do it with cards and phone calls once in a while.
What about your mother? And what do you two do for Father’s Day? If your husband expects that day to be about him, he’s a tool.
You are not in the wrong. My first 12 years as a mother i never even got a card and had to cook ,clean, ect so my mother in law could be with her son. I finally threw a fit and made plans for the next year to be away. As mothers day approached i told my family i was leaving. It was my youngest son who was 4=who cried and said he made something. Out of the mouths of babes. My husband and other children have not forgotten me since.
When a husband takes a wife they become one being second only to God. His first priority should have been his wife. It sounds to me like the mother does not respect that or anyone else’s time. She sounds selfish and not the least bit motherly.
I would have handled it by doing something for myself either Friday or Saturday and just went with my husband to his mom’s for Mother’s Day. I don’t think you did it wrong, you spoke your mind and heart maybe the thought will stick with him, maybe not. No you’re not wrong for wanting one Mother’s Day for yourself. Your husband handling of the situation leaves a lot to be desired, that wasn’t supportive at all.
My husband always spent the day with me and our kids. His mother is about 3 hrs away. She gets a card with flowers or money. He always got me something from the kids and then we would go to dinner. I think this woman’s husband is very inconsiderate towards his wife… I dont blame her at all for being upset
I’m sorry but o hell no he a grown man and it is so very disrespectful of his mother to be ok with that you guys have a kid together so that day is now yours he can send her flowers and a card unless you are totally ok going there for PART of the day my husband would be left for awhile I don’t tolerate coming last but everyone is different and so is every relation ship just bc I would take my child and hold up somewhere for a week to give him some self reflection on where his priorities should be doesn’t mean that works for everyone and mind you that is after I would have talked till I’m blue in the face 100x I would definitely sit down and let him know his action have left you feeling unvalidated especially on a day thats ment for him and ur child to celebrate you and see where things go I’m sorry that ur mothers day wasn’t what you were expecting or deserved
We share. We do breakfast and morning with me, lunch and early afternoon with my mom and late afternoon and dinner with his. Times may vary and I might switch out for a different time some years, but this way we both get to see our moms and still have family time with our kids.
Your children will learn that from that & if you have sons they might have to stay home with wife while you sit alone! Learn to share! She won’t always here!
Idk hard to really answer that question if course you’d like to have a mother’s day about you it’s not selfish but then on the other hand his mother will probably pass first and you’ll get all those mother’s days for you once she’s gone but then again you never really know for sure what’s gonna happen she could outlive everyone or your kids be grown and moved out before you celebrate your day together just you guys and they might not always be around for it the best thing to do is to plan something everyone would enjoy a family bbq or take turns picking where to go eat that way you get to celebrate together and be happy or have your husband celebrate mother’s day with his mom or you a different day theres always a way to fix the situation
Mother’s Day is just that MOTHER… you are not your husbands mother, you are his wife and you celebrate being his wife on your anniversary. On Mother’s Day, he should see his mother.
My children’s step grandmother is an old B***h. She has grown sons and they go over there on actual Mother’s day. But we get invited over there on Saturday. Separate from everyone else. And if we don’t bring a gift, my husband isn’t allowed to get his dad a gift or see him on Father’s day. We got out of going over this year because I got sick. You did nothing wrong. You deserve to spend time with your child and do what you want to do because you are your child’s mother. Sucks that your child wasn’t allowed to stay home with you for you to enjoy the day with
All I can say is your husband is a very unwise and unappreciative man. Can’t imagine treating my wife, the Momma of our precious children that way.
Maybe Mothers day can be celebrated two consecutive weekends. There really isn’t anything magical about the day chosen. Alternate years could be celebrated by you and your mother -in -law to coincide with the recognized day. You both deserve to be celebrated.
You should definitely be recognized after all you are the Mother of his child. I have to say I have 2 awesome daughter in laws that are very kind and thoughtful - they include me in lots of things and I so enjoy time spent with them. I get them a little something for Mother’s Day from me to show my appreciation to them. Statistically speaking I won’t be around for many more Mothers Days and they’ll have lots to come, but my most precious gift is the time I have with them ALL.
What about your mom? I think the his mom is being a bit selfish. Seems like he could speak up and ask for a compromise. I can’t help but wonder what his siblings spouses feel.
Celebrate together, your husband should sort that out, you and his mum should both be treated that extra special, but his mum maybe alot older and he feels responsible to enjoy them with her while he can, once a year, you seem bitter because you say he seen her 2 weeks before for her birthday, he loves his mum, what a lovely man, you dont like her or something instead of loving her too, what a caring man and he got that from his mother, why you dont get in there and enjoy his mother and the days could be for both of you togetherness,
I think 2020 has reminded us that people of all ages die. Going to MILS just because she’s older is wrong.
There is no reason they can’t make it about both Mom’s. Have a get together where the men provide food, drinks & child care. At MILS house. That way each Mom can have what they want. Not what the other wants.
The waitstaff will appreciate your not eating out.
I started going to see the mothers on Saturday, made things much better. Now if my husband would honor me on Mother’s Day. His response years ago that he didn’t have to honor me was because I wasn’t his mother. Stupid response but he gets it from his dad.
My Mom was 76 when she had a massive stroke.
Prior to that she babysat my brothers children for 15 years. She never was compensated for it. I remember my SIL calling my brother every 15 minutes when he stayed behind to help hang curtains .My other brother had no children , he visits maybe 3 times a year.
He lives 15 minutes from the house.
My oldest brother is the only one who contributes to her well being.
He takes care of her financial affairs , which is complicated because she has properties, that need to be managed. He usually stops by at least every 2 weeks.
Since The stroke , 75 percent of her care has been me. My son is the other 25 percent.
Yet, everyone wanted her out of the nursing home , everyone promised to do their part.
People are very selfish, your children are a reflection of you.
Mother’s Day is one day out of the year. Shame on you if you can’t share your spouse with his mother.
First of all you don’t mention being able to do anything for your mom either! But as your husband he should be making mothers days special FOR YOU first, since you are the mother of his children. Then his mom and so on.
Cool. She can celebrate with her children. He wouldn’t have taken mine. They would have celebrated with me. And likely, he would return to an empty pizza box with divorce papers inside. There comes a time - the day you get married, by the way - where your mother is SECOND.
I think you got the better deal!!! No kids and husband all day? I would have spoiled myself all day long with a mani and pedi, lunch, maybe a nap. How often do we get time alone? I think you got the best gift of all!
I think you’re very entitled to your feelings. I would be hurt and a bit annoyed if every single mothers day it was all about his mom and never about you. I think there could have been a different way of going about things like instead of just not going, tell him how you feel and say, I’ll go this time but next year I wanna do something for me? I’m sad for you that he didn’t seem to want to celebrate you at all. I can understand him wanting to celebrate his mom and he had every right to but he seems to be neglecting you in the process. I would def talk to him about it and tell him how you feel. Maybe you guys can compromise? Maybe he can spend time with her the day before and you the day of and you guys can switch off like that??
I’m sorry but he should celebrate his mother BUT you at the same time. Not just celebrate his mom and you babysit. That doesn’t make sense. We don’t make huge deals about gifts for mothers day in my man’s family but we do have a mother daughter meal that day. Maybe try that next year? Try to even out the focus? I’m so sorry you didn’t it alone though. I would’ve cried.
We always split time. We see my MIL at some point for a couple hours then my mom for a couple hours then spend the rest of the day for me. It’s Mother’s Day for all the moms involved. It truly is about compromise and finding what works best for everyone. We do this with other holidays too. Split your time is my suggestion. Next year go to his moms but give him a time frame of when you’d like to be done and for you guys to go do what you want to do.
Nope. Not wrong. Girl, your 1st mistake was allowing her to dictate that 1st yr. Your 2nd mistake is to keep giving in. Hubby needs to get a clue
Those who are saying wait for your turn. In my case never came. Untill mother in law is there it is her day. When she is gone. My says my mother is dead you are not my other. I am not judging anybody.
A wise older women once told me, treat your mother in law better than your mom, because your mom will understand. Try it.
I always honored my MIL first on Mother’s Day because if it wasn’t for her I would’ve never met my husband!
Besides I’m not he’s mom!
You know we get very upset about husband and their moms. I have 5 sons, some of my sons lives in the same town as me, however, some lives in other cities, but, they are my children, you deserve a good mother day just as his mother, until your children are old enough to do for you he should make sure your special day are special, but his mother is specisl to him and if him and his siblings want to make their mother day special so be it, Mother’s day is in May so is my birthday, so I see my kids that’s out of State on my birthday, so I enjoy gifts phone calls, but I deserve acknowledging on Mother’s day and some day your grown children will do the same for you, children do what they are taught and observe, in other words they see how their father treat his mother, then they will treat you the same way, does that make sense?
Personally If he couldn’t make it about you both then I would have taken my child and enjoyed the day and he could go do his thing. I get the whole thats his mom part but you are also the mother to his children. Does that mean nothing to him. I don’t understand his reasoning that your a mom every day so you shouldn’t be celebrated? That’s litterly ylthe point of the day, to celebrate the fact that you are there for your kids every day so let’s make this day extra special for you. Yes his moms important but that doesn’t mean you aren’t. He needs to do better and his mom needs to stop making it all about her bc she’s not the only mom. In all honesty you should have kept your kids and had a day, your kids are not hers. Just an idea for next year. Also what is he expecting for Father’s day bc if he expects you to celebrate him but he can’t even acknowledge you as a mom I’d throw the whole husband away and start over.
No. Maybe in the future they can plan to have Mother’s Day with His mom on a Saturday and then Sunday at home with you.
How about spend Mother,s day with his mom with the understanding that you will have your special day at another time. Celebrate 2 mother,s day. If your mom is alive include her in your plans,
Take her to the in-laws with you.