Every Mother's Day is about my mother in law: Was I wrong to make this one about me?

I have lost a child, mothers day just isn’t the same. Be grateful for all you have, because one day it can all change! His mother…the Day is for her. Your son…your day with him! Don’t begrudge the time he has left with her. They may not get a “next” year!

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This Mother’s Day my one son was with his wife and kids, the other was with his ex and their children and my daughter is in another state. My husband went to his sister’s for the weekend. I worked on Sunday, came home fixed myself some lunch, watched TV and went to bed and I was perfectly happy. I did not feel neglected or slighted in anyway. They all wished me a Happy Mother’s Day and that was all I needed. It was a great day because there was no drama, there was no family fighting as to whether to take care of the wife or the mother. Life is to short and with all the problems in the world today do we have to go ahead and Mother’s Day too so no one will feel offended??


You have no one to blame but yourself. I was married for many many years. But I made it clear we are celebrating ALL of us mothers ( sis in laws too) we are ALL Mothers. If that doesn’t work then celebrate separately. For you not to show up was disrespectful. But honestly, your husband was. If you have to celebrate a day before then so be it! Bottom line, you should have told your husband how you felt. You stayed home because you don’t speak up. But to this day I wish she was still alive.:persevere:

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You didn’t mention her age , any health issues or if she is able to drive herself. My Daughter in law plans holidays at my house but I know its because of my health.

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My ex father in law told my ex husband years ago, that now that ex was a married man, his wife and kids came before his parents and brothers. I loved that he told my ex that. I also loved my mother in law dearly so we’d all celebrate Mother’s Day together. My mom, sister and family included.

Your husband has a right to celebrate his mom, but he needs to make you feel special too. It doesn’t sound like he does, and that’s what I’m thinking you want. You need to tell him what you want. If he doesn’t try, make plans next year with your girlfriend’s, sister’s, etc…

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Absolutely not wrong. I believe there are other issues here. His disrespect of you goes much deeper. If you don’t have respect in a marriage then something is seriously wrong. I believe in compromise but that should willingly come from your husband.
How does he treat you other than this particular day? Remember your children are all watching this go on. Something definitely needs to change for the sake of your marriage.
I wish you the best.

If you have a son would you accept him spending Mother’s day with his wife instead of you? Just curious!


We try to celebrate Mother’s and Father’s day either the weekend before or the day before. We have four children who are married and 11 grandchildren. I feel that the 4 women are also Mothers and the 4 guys are also Fathers. If we do it early then they will be able to celebrate them . My parents and parents in law have all passed. When they were still with us , we always went to visit them the day of . I never got to celebrate us , so i know how our children may feel. They will each just stop by sometime during the day of at their convenience to say hello and of course a hug and kiss

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He did the right thing his mother is his mother and it’s Mother’s Day when ur sons marry are u going to say don’t spend Mother’s Day with me spend with ur wife no u want so be thoughtful and caring about this day😀

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Make the best of it! If he wants to spend Mother’s day with his mom maybe he can take the kids and you take the day pampering yourself! Take advantage and relax! No cleaning or cooking! Just pampering! An opportunity to reboot :slightly_smiling_face:

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No you are not wrong, he even said you are a mother every day so why doesn’t he respect you enough to celebrate your one day of the year stand up for yourself I say keep doing it you are a person also and his wife so he needs to cut the apron strings and be your husband

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Your not wrong !! But you should of planned something for you to do not just sit at home go have fun eat what you want shop !! You are the mother of his kids and you deserve something… I wouldn’t of ask him to bring me home anything But that’s me !!

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Both my mom and my mother in law passed away and I would be thrilled to have the chance to celebrate with them again my advice is treasure them while you have them

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Maybe you’re looking at it in the wrong light. Mom’s day is not just about a singular person. Maybe if you would have talked to your husband and mom in law about how you were feeling, they may have agreed to a mutual place to celebrate both of you. I am honored to celebrate Mom’s Day with my own mother or my ex mother in law and new mother in law. I get to see the generational love that I got to help continue with my becoming a mother. I’m sure if you would have talked to your husband instead of saying “I’m not going”, he would have understood

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I’ve been married 53 years and the majority of my married life was raising 4 girls and then for 15 years we lived with my mother in law and I took care of her til she died
I never resented spending holidays or Mother’s Day with her
When you get older you will feel differently.

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No your not wrong and I would have kept my child home and told him to go see his mother if he wanted to


My sons are grown and I am recently widowed. When raising our family we saw both of our mothers on Mother’s day as a family. My husband usually made sure I received a small gift from my little boys. Once they were in school they usually made something for me. We always enjoyed visiting both mothers for Mother’s Day. I did not see it as a slight or a threat to me. It is not about the gift. They all spent the afternoon with me this year and each other. They spent the evening before with my daughter in laws family. Marriage and Life are give-and-take.

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i go by my mother and my husband goes by his. We used to all go out to brunch or dinner, but with Covid it is more separate. No hard feelings from anyone. Personally, i rather just sit home and be left alone, but that didn’t happen. My daughter is a first time mom and lives in my house. Her and her husband went out by themselves.

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I always took the back seat, and my three adult children don’t bother. It makes me sad sometimes. You shouldn’t have to fight to be acknowledged. That defeats it.

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When you are married Mother’s Day should be about you. Your husband should appreciate that you are the mother of his kids. His Mom had all of those years having her own Mother’s Day. I usually get my Mom, his Mom and his step Mom a gift but at the end of the day it’s my holiday. I don’t think you are wrong. I think he is being immature. If you just had her birthday 2 wks prior, why could they not celebrate her birthday and mother’s day then? Why do you have to be slighted? He is wrong and she is selfish. My mother doesn’t expect us to hang out with her on Mother’s Day. If we happen to visit then she is happy, but she understands if we don’t.

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We were military. You adjust. We all need to adjust, a lot of happier holidays!

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Your mother in law is an annoying, selfish woman to expect everything to be about her. Why couldn’t your husband just send her a card or give her a phone call. He should have bought you gifts and flowers from your kids and cooked you dinner!

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He sounds very selfish to me. You are a mom and he should respect that and teach your children to appreciate and honor you on Mother’s Day.

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Husband needs a swift kick in the ass!!! My kids are 10 and 4 and I always spend the day away from home with mine or his mom, but every now and then…come on! We all need our day too!Nothing wrong for asking for your day.


No you are not wrong. If he insists next year the same thing. Make yourself an reservstion at an spa ALL DAY. On him of course get the works. Also how does he spend his father day?

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I read a lot of I’s … in this. How many I’s??? You ruined your own Mother’s Day. So yep, You chose to stay home by yourself. He is right, you got what you wanted. It’s not like she lives next door, or in same town? 11/2? If that’s hours, well yes, she deserves her time. She deserves her birthday and everything holiday. Seems you are begrudging her her time.You deserve yours as well, but separating each other’s out won’t remedy anything. You are lucky to have a husband who honors his mother… he will do you the same honors. By the way…Why did you feel stuck? You get what you get. You get what you deserve. Maybe, try to be a part of it and not left behind. ??? Mother’s Day is about Mother’s. Share the love.


Please don’t come down on the MIL. Nothing was stated that said that the MIL expected anything. It’s the husband that seems to plan this. My husband never gets me anything for Mother’s Day but when my daughter was younger, he took her to get me something. He didn’t do it the first couple of years but his mother set him straight. I loved my MIL.

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Why can’t his mom have Saturday if he has to work in her yard and need to drive a long distance. You can have Sunday where you spend it with your lil family and relaxing and not rushing for bed. His mom is important too. No one is looking forward to the day he can’t celebrate with her. Make a compromise.

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You did the right thing, but why didn’t you keep your son home with you, she is not his mother you are, seems how you have his son he should spend at least half a day with you, sounds like a mama’s boy to me, he’s not going to change, good luck!

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Sometimes husbands seem to “forget” that even tho you are not their mother… YOU are the mother of their children. So sad.

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Nope you are not in the wrong!
It’s like the saying says the family you come from is important but the family you make is PRIORITY!


Hell no, your husband should always put you first. He is your spouse, the mom had her turn. My husband did the Mothers day thing until the kids got old enough to make the plans. Now we enjoy our special treatment together!!! Same for fathers day.

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I’m curious, did you enjoy your day? I’m ok with your husband going out of his way to do something for his Mom. As a Mom, we love that and feel appreciated. I don’t agree that during that same time it isn’t recognized that you too are a Mom and you shouldn’t be relegated to babysitter that day. Next year cut it off at the pass and ask if you can meet for brunch half way, or maybe even get a nice hotel for all half way for the night and swim and get lunch before everyone goes home.

I’m curious on how Father’s day goes around your house? And I really don’t mean any offense, just wondering.


I think a man or daughter that respect their parents are 100 percent right to want to be with their mother on Mother’s Day. You should have taken a day then the next day for Mother InLaw

Some kids don’t even speak to their parents are even go see them. Are give the time of the day.
They think of every body else are time to talk to friends but not their parents.

So be Thankful he loves his mother!!! And you as his wife .

Well I always thought about my Mom’s time here and wanted to honor her as long as she was alive and I would have plenty of them to myself when she was gone.But that is how I felt.I am not you…So you get to do what works for you…

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What do you do for your mother if she’s passed I’m sorry . Yes you should be recognized by your children . Just remember one day your children will be grown and your going to be in her shoes your gonna want your children to be with you on mother’s day .

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Not at all, you are the mother of his children he should have honored you. As the saying goes “A son is a son until he takes a wife a daughters a daughter the rest of her life”
meaning when a man marries his wife and family should always come first period

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BOTH mom’s are to be celebrated. But if you can put yourself in her shoes… You’ve been a mom for 6 yrs and hopefully will celebrate for 30 or 40 more years. This could be your MIL’S last year to be with her son. Just a MIL’s opinion

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My mom died July 17, 2020. I usually saw my mother at church on Mother’s Day. My husband made sure our 2 sons had something for me. We got something for his mom. No big problem

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We celebrated Mother’s Day with my mom for a few hours and my mother-in-law for a few hours on the Saturday before Mother’s Day and my celebration was on Mother’s Day. They are both gone and I wish I had shared more holidays with them.

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I guess from the irate comments that reading comprehension is necessary. It was clearly stated last year she was subjected to 6 hours of her husband and his brother digging holes for their mother’s trees while she was watching everyone’s kids. Some Mother’s Day for her. No thanks. I support her decision to not participate in his mother’s holiday. Stand up for yourself. Most men take off on Father’s Day to golf, fish or enjoy themselves. Why on Mother’s Day are we expected to watch the kids.

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Perhaps many of you have either forgotten or never even heard the scripture, Genesis 2:24: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

She, the wife, occupies the first place. She is pre-eminent, even above the parents who are so dear to all of us. Even the children must take their proper but significant place.

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I feel you. There should be time for you also. Even if it is on saturday. Have your family day. Then on sunday, let hubby go see mom and you enjoy some me time


Definitely not wrong by any means. I’m glad you didn’t go and enjoyed your very own mother’s day to yourself you deserved every minute of it plus more. I hope you had a fabulous great day.

I would say compromise and go to her place every other year and on your year your family stays with you for sure. No one knows how many mothers days they have left. Life is short.

No!! You are Not wrong. You e earned your privilege to have a Mother’s Day. YOU are a mother. Your husband sounds like a spoiled jerk. Sorry but I’ve been a mother for 50 years and I do not expect my 3 children to devote their day to me. If he wants to go visit his mother that’s fine. Nothing wrong with that. But you deserve your day too. He needs a good come to Jesus talk. And his mother should be the one to do it. Yes I have a son too.

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Not at all. We still celebrate with our moms by having dinner with each of them on Friday or Saturday but Mother’s Day itself is for me to spend with my kids and husband. He’s right you are mom everyday which means he should make Mother’s Day extra special for you. His mother should be understanding of this as well.

I have been married for almost 56 years. Some of them I lived close to my Mother my husbands mother lived a long way away. During my first year of marriage I had a child just before Mother’s Day. I think we had my Mother to our house for dinner. We moved out if state a few years later & didn’t live close to either Mother. It was before cell phones but I am sure we sent them something & called them both long distance. The last 12 years of my Mother in laws life we had moved to the same town. She either came to our house & I cooked dinner & we had 3 children the youngest her last Mothers Day was 11. I never thought I was missing a Mother’s Day because we had my Mother in law. I had my children that probably made me something in school. I treasured those things. My parents moved to our town years after this & again when Mothers Day came it was for my Mother & Me in fact one year my grown daughters had a pot luck dinner at my Mother with their children me them & my mother . I am not sure you or your husband did the right things but be happy your husband treats his Mother like she deserves. Maybe he should have made you feel special too but I think if you show your children how you treat their grandmother, when they are old enough they will honor you. This Mother’s Day we went to my youngest grand daughter’s 70 miles away so that both our daughters children could be there had a picnic dinner there was 14 of us. One of our grandsons & his wife were with her mother this year, they were with his last year. Learn to share your day, just remember this some day your children will grown, married & have Mother in laws. Don’t make it a contest if it means you have them all & have to cook, enjoy being together.


All I can say is I totally get this! I wanted to create those memories with just US and our 4 kids! I’m all about family and traditions and in no way wanted to hurt anyone. I just wanted to matter too! I just wanted a holiday alone every once in a while. I wanted to cook that thanksgiving dinner or celebrate a holiday and do things our own way! We were too scared to say “no thanks we are staying home!” I lived years and years of this! Speak up now while your kids are young and make those memories you’re missing out on!

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No you fidnt do anything wrong your husband should’ve stuck up for you I know 8ts his mom and therefore he can plan something for his mom but he should’ve planned something for you as well your the mother to his kids and until his kids can do for you he should do for you

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How very very sad is your story…She’s stealing your lime light…Thats clearly unfair…each year should be another option if she has to choose it should be balanced…Start praying about it for next year…God willing and tittle tale your inner thoughts to a GOD that is fair…and see what happens…I bet you things would have changed as GOD is not unfair and He alone brings equal fairness with harmony peace and love into any and every unfair situation…I can’t enforsicise this enough…God Bless…x

I think you need to split the day or make it two different days. Don’t make your husband choose. Will you make your children choose when they are married and have a mother in law? The day can be split or shared.

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1st… his mother is controlling ,demanding selfish . She has No respect for her son as being a grown man & Not her little boy anymore he has his own family…wife & kids & his responsibilities to Them & Not just his mom . Its the husbands responsibility to remind her of this & that he will always love her but His wife & family comes 1st. He must give his own wife & family time together to appreciate her & make it HER day . His mom is literally robbing his family of the joy that their children deserve to give to her .

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It’s ok for husbands to spend Mother’s Day with their moms. We took turns taking our kids with us to spend Mother’s Day with our moms when our parents were alive. We both were able to spend time with our moms every year, and take our kids to celebrate with their grandma every other year. Neither mom is neglected on Mother’s Day, and I was able to plan something special just for me and my mom when the kids were with their dad. It was a win, win!

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My husband has never done anything for me. It has always been my children, even when they were little. My mother died when I was ten and my mother in law passed away the 3rd year we were married. I wish I could have spent more time with her and spoiled her. To each his own.

I’m sorry to hear that. But your husband should celebrate it twice though. If today is for his mom then tomorrow should be for you. I’m sure taking you out to dinner after hours of spending with his mom is already a great deal.

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My boys came to see me and bring me something earlier in the day then they spent the rest of the day with my daughter in laws and I got to spend the rest of the day relaxing and watching t.v. and I was happy with that.

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You are not wrong at all. He is extremely insensitive to your needs and desire to be recognized on mother’s day as well. Next time, tell him to go and leave your child behind so you can spend time with YOUR child on Mother’s Day. The mother in law sounds very insensitive as well.

I think you should celebrate mothers day with your mother in law but it needs to be a celebration for both. I had a similar situation and I reminded my husband that a man shall leave his parents and be with is wife and that means that he should make sure his kids celebrate Mothers day with their mom.

The adult children are honoring their Mom. When your children are older, they will honor you.
I’m afraid you are drawing a dangerous line.
I never had those issues as both Mother’s were honored . No resentment.

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death will take his mother from him he knows. please honor her for the gift of your husband and child you have a great husband that loves. the one who gave him life. he loves you also two different roles in life .

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This is my advise: What does it matter we’re you spend Mother’s Day. Parents tend to forget that they or their children wouldn’t exist if is wasn’t for the grandparents! Spending time with grandparents is a special gift, for both the grandparents and grandchildren. I’m a mother of two young adults, and both grandmothers have pass in the last few years. I’m am so happy that my kids got to spend time with each of them, as I never knew my grandparents. My kids and husband make my Mother’s Day special just for loving me everyday! And being together as a family! No matter we’re we spend it! Mother’s Day isn’t all about the Mom, it about being A Mom! And being able to share it with the grandparents is a true blessing! :two_hearts::tulip:

I would never put up with being mistreated or respected by the man I married or his damn mother it’s time for him to tell his mother to let you enjoy your own family along on mother’s day without her or send his butt back home to her

Celebrate with his Mom on Saturday and celebrate you on Mother’s Day. When do you celebrate with your Mom?


When our moms were alive he always called his mom since she lived a few hours away ( she wasn’t big on get togethers or holidays). We would eat either lunch or dinner with my mom or go to church with her. After I became a mom we did a meal together and then the other with my mom. We also did something for my granny. It worked for us but it does take a little planning. Now we are grandparents and working a new plan so everyone has time together.

My children celebrate mother’s day with me, but first they celebrate the woman who are their wives/girlfriends. I have taught my boys that while I am their mother, the woman who are their children’s mother should be celebrated too.

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I feel once you become a mother it is your day too. If you can get together and plan the day together, that’s amazing and in my opinion the best way to handle it. If she isn’t receptive to sharing the day, then absolutely do what you want for Mother’s Day.

He should definitely take care of the number 1 mother in his life and that is YOU. Its your day. Why on your special day do you have to do someone else’s plans year after year. I would be mad too.

Go along with your husband and help plant the trees etc. it will be quality time and teach your child to do for others. Your mother in law won’t be around forever.

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My advice would be on father’s day take your kids and go spend the entire day with your dad do not get your husband anything for Father’s day do not wish him Happy Father’s day and let him see how he likes getting treated that way and on next mother’s day go spend the entire day with your mom celebrating it with your kids and then he can go with his mom seeing how he doesn’t want to be a man and treat his wife with any form of respect I would never do this to my wife

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It is understandable that your feelings are hurt! How about a family get together at your house or a nearby restaurant next Mother’s Day. The following year at her house… it is a celebration to honor ALL mothers and your choices should not be excluded, unless he feels your choices don’t matter. By the way, does he reciprocate the same courtesy to your father on Father’s Day?

Pick the Saturday before Mothers’ Day as YOUR day, and ask your husband and child to plan accordingly. Pick an activity you want and tell husband what you want, including dinner out. If you have your day before your MIL’s, you’ll feel better about it.

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Oh sweetie I feel for you be side I had just about the same thing. So let him do his thing & you stand your ground. No one knows what something is like unless they had a taste of this type of treatment.

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No u are not being selfish or wrong for wanting a special mother’s day. I would be post because he isn’t thinking about you also. He could say this year is for my wife, next year we will be back to your place. I mean, even you don’t know if you will be here tomorrow. So no you are acting same way I would. I say swap everyother year.

Sounds like he’s a mamas boy and would put her first before you. That is not a healthy marriage. She is controlling him and he doesn’t mind it. His mother’s feelings are more important than yours which is not how a marriage works.

You are not wrong however you are not his Mother but he should on behalf of your children do something special or Encourage him to do something special for you monthly with the kids and on Mothers day Husband and kids go dig more holes for trees while you are getting pampered

Your children are learning from your husband to honor HIS Mother, your young, it’ll come back to you and need to get on board and do respect her, get on page and teach the respect to parenting, he is doing RIGHT!

I had a wonderful mother’s day, I was there with my son, and his wife had her mom , my son and there daughter, so we were all together and we all got a mother’s day with good food and flowers

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My stepdad (God rest his soul) passed away over 12 years ago, that man was a saint! Anyway he would do all the planning of special occasions and holidays and he loved it. Well ever since he passed it has all fallen on me even Mother’s Day, I’m expected to do it all, planning, cooking and cleaning up afterwards. Well not this year, I told everyone that I wasn’t doing it and took my mom to lunch. Everyone else had to fend for themselves, my daughter and her family and my husband and my sister. I do all of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Birthday parties and while I love my family and and love pleasing them it wears me out. And while I’m a pretty darn good cook I’ve come to realize I don’t enjoy it as much anymore…

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He can go spend the day with his mother. Mine is gone. But I spend the day with my daughter…win/win! You can do as you damned well please…it is your day. If she sees her grandchild for her birthday a few weeks before than you should be able to spend the day with your child…if she can’t share, she and your husband are selfish!!

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There’s no right answer. The problem seems to be your husband. He needs to be more supportive of ALL the mothers in his life

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I am sorry that for all this time you have had no voice. Sounds like when you did express your thoughts no one was really listening to what you were trying to say. Shame on your Mother in law for not including you in what should have been a day for both of you…That is not a good example to set that she is the only one that counts . She is blessed to have someone to share that one day with. Your husband also is lacking in setting examples. To have your children not spend the day with you in which I believe they weren’t even asked if they wanted to stay or go just shows me that your husband didn’t even think. There’s no reason the weekend cannot be split. Since they seem to have an issue with sharing a day that is meant for all mothers.

I don’t understand how it can’t be about both of you guys. I’m a mom and mother in law. My feelings would be hurt if my kids didn’t do anything for me for Mother’s Day. I also raised them to know that that’s your wife and she deserves sometime as well. You guys should be able to share the day. Maybe next year you and your mother in law can discuss how the day can be divided between you two. She might not even know you feel this way. I would really try to discuss this with her and not your husband. Hope everything works out for you two

Silver lining to COVID I didn’t have to deal with any of this nonsense(her,not you) for over an entire year. I could just plan for my family. There is going to be some hard realities for some of the family that treated us less. COVID taught me how to advocate even harder for my kids feelings and my own!

Celebrate your mothers day on Sat. You pick what you want to do with your child and husband and let him go to his mothers on Sunday with your child of course.

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I am a Daughter, a Mother, a Mother in Law and a Grandmother and we all celebrate together, happily. One of my daughter in laws spends the day with her mother and her son ( my grandson) which is a blessing that she has a Mother to love. And my other DIL spends Saturday with her mother. We are all in this family together and no feelings are ever hurt because they want to go to someone’s house. I Love my Children and their spouses and my grandchildren everyday! It doesn’t have to be just one day to make me a mother.

Personally I think that you are a very patient and kind woman. You are not wrong. I hope future Mother’s Days go well for you. You deserve them. You’re a mommy too.

Eff that. Hope you at least relaxed in the silence but I wouldn’t dwell on it for too long. That sounds like a blast to me. :rofl:


First of all: OH HELL NO!
She had ALL the Mother’s Days when her children were small and they are robbing you of Yours! (Insert multiple curse words here).
Next year plan yourself a fun or relaxing trip with other women or alone and leave your husband with his mom. The problem here is much deeper than Mother’s Day, since he is showing you no support or appreciation! He would be in the garbage can next to that pizza box.

Shouldn’t have married a mamas boy. I’m sure there were signs early on.


Glad you stood up for yourself. He needs to learn balance between spending time with his mom and doing something nice for you on muther day. Personally I would’ve put my foot down on traveling all over and babysitting for everyone on mother’s day too!

You could celebrate you on Saturday and his mom on Sunday. Or one year you decide on where to eat or what to do and the next she does. I believe both deserve to be honored.

Your husband is wrong for disrespecting you. He should make an effort to understand your feelings. Many women long towards becoming a Mother. The husband is responsible for his children doing something special for their Mother on Mother’s Day.
He can visit his Mother after the special events his child(ren) plan for their own Mother. Doesn’t have to be an either or.
If his mother hasn’t yet suggested that to him in six years husband isn’t the only problem. He owes his mother a card and maybe a gift. He owes his wife the world.

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Divorce him and tell him to go live with mommy.

My mother in law did not want to share mother’s day with me after my daughter was born. If it was not 100% about her then she didn’t want to be around us so we just celebrated by ourselves. My daughter is almost 8 and I’ve yet to get a happy Mother’s day from anyone in bis family.

Your hubby can get his mother flowers a card and a phone call or even a visit later in the day why does he keep insisting on forgetting you on your special day. You are the mother of his child or is that not as important to him?
The fact that he left you alone and took your child away speaks volumes. He obviously doesn’t care about your feelings.

Why can’t you celebrate both? Go to his mom but you pick what to do. She comes to you and she picks what to do. Both are moms and both need celebrated. I usually buy my mom a gift and spend the day with my kids. My husband decides what to do for me and his own mom.

Why can’t the Mothers Day celebration be for your mother-in-law and also for the other female family members (like you) who are also moms! That’s what we do in our family.

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If it’s always going to be with his mother also then you should set a morning breakfast Mother’s Day for just your family. And then go to her house after you’ve been celebrated. It’s not you against her and let her know that maybe. But your husband should show your children that you are their mother and ultimately their most important of the day.

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So one year, celebrate YOUR day on saturday, MIL on actual day, the next year, switch. That way everyone has their celebration. If rest of the family doesn’t approve, too bad, give her the respect she’s due, but you are a mother too and willing to meet half way. Is your husbands father still alive? How does it work on Father’s Day?

Nope I had that battle with my husband as well-my own mother sees me on Saturday at her request bc Sunday is “my day” I told him he could either be with me and his daughter or his mother but I wasn’t going - there have been times when it was just she and I eating out and going to the zoo but after 17 years he has come around - he will see his mom before Sunday or take two hours or so and visit on Sunday and the rest of the day is mine — don’t let him spoil your day with your child - you go and do things together—it’s about you two anyway not him