Has anyone had a breast lump with pain and been fine?

Yes and they did ultrasounds and everything was fine. I would be more worried if there was bloody discharge or any other symptoms like shoulder/neck pain and if white blood cell count is high.

Yes it was a fibrodenoma hurts more at certain times in the month. I only found it as my implant pushed it up. They said they wouldnt of even looked into it If I was a couple of years younger ( I was 32 I think at the time ). Apparently if it hurts itā€™s a good sign.

My grandma has them but they turn out to be cysts.

Yes! Have had this issue since I was in my teens. They say itā€™s cyst and very dense breast tissue.
But now at 38 I still have to have regular mammogram done to be sure

Iā€™ve never had one, but my mom didā€¦ Turned out it was just a cyst and she had it removed

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Yes mine was fibrous breast tissue. I had so many painful lumps. Mammogram was done 3 times. Im 38 and breast cancer runs in my family. So far so good

Yes! At 26 they did a biopsy on it, came back as nothing. But it hurts certain times during the month.

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I had two while I was pregnant one in april and the other in july still have a lump like thing there but my boobie doctor and obgyn both think that its scar tissue . But the two lumps turend out to be a staf infection

Iā€™ve had 6 fiberadenoma tumors removed. The lumps were very painful and grew fast. Iā€™ve had 3 surgeries to take them out. Not cancerous. The only issue Iā€™ve had after is Iā€™ve been unable to breastfeed my 2 children due to the scar tissue from surgery.

I did. Had an ultrasound done, then a biopsy, was benign but still recommended to be taken out so I did.

Most of the time its a cyst (fluid pocket)

Donā€™t know you but praying for the best results.

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Iā€™m 32 and have 2. I had a guided biopsy done came back benign, now I do ultrasounds every 6 months and a mammogram once a year per my doctor.

Cysts are typically very painful. My mom had 8 removed from her left breast and they all hurt.

My sister had one, turns out itā€™s scar tissue from wearing wired bras. Danielle April

Yes!! Itā€™s probably just a cyst or fibrous tissue :heart:

Twice Iā€™ve had cysts. The 1st time was awful. It was huge and had to be aspirated; they drained 94cc of fluid. :flushed: Last mammogram was abnormal, had an ultrasound and determined cysts again, but not big enough to bother with. Itā€™s super scary!

Iā€™ve been in the same boat
I was told that if painful itā€™s not cancer as cancer is painless

Yes, I get reoccurring cyst.

Yes. My mil did. It turns out she had a noncancerous cyst. They did an outpatient biopsy and sent it off for testing.

I had one and was freaking out. I had an ultra sound and a mammogram at my Aunts Place because I was petrified. It was just a cyst. Hope yours is as well. Hang in there.

Cancer doesnā€™t usually hurt.

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I have. And it was. And I think I was around your age too.

Yes 2 , exactly a year apart, same breast ,same place. Turned out to be cysts, they were drained and have never returned. Good luck, chin up.

Yes maā€™am I have. After the first dose of the Covid vaccine I got a painful painful lump. They all reassured me cancer is not painful. However my doctor skipped the mammogram and went straight for an ultrasound. Everything came back clear. Everything will be fine :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

Me, I had a really painful lump while pregnant with my youngest. The consultants told me that painful lumps arenā€™t often anything serious if that makes you feel any better :two_hearts: I had a biopsy on mine and it was all good, just a random lump

I just had to get biopsy in February. All turned out ok.

Never a lump but did have blood start coming out of one if my nipples before. After a mammogram it turned out to be a blown milk duct ā€¦ was not breastfeeding at that time

I have and turns out I drink yo much caffeine stopped drinking caffeine and my lumps went away

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I had a lump in my left breast when I was 21, turned I was pregnant and had a clogged milk duct. It was a relief to know that since cancer runs in both sides of my family

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Yes. It was a cyst. Hurt so badly.

yes, I had it removed though. The removal wasnā€™t necessary and wasnā€™t covered by insurance but I felt better knowing it was gone; plus it was causing pain. I was told that cancerous lumps are painless 99.9% of the time. Sending positive vibes your way, I know itā€™s a scary process.

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I had one also a few weeks ago. They did sonogram and a mammogram, and it all went fine. Donā€™t be scared until thereā€™s something to be scared about. Youā€™re stressing out without even having a reason for yet.

Yup it was just a cyst for me. Still a year later and it hurts but is fine.

Mine ended up being an oversized muscle. Sending prayers

Does it move around when you touch it? I had one that was a cyst. Our hormones can cause them

I discovered one 2 yrs ago. Went to the Dr then had mammogram ultra sound and biopsy done on two in close proximity. Everything turned out to be benign but scaryā€¦ Iā€™m peri menopausal and they said our breast tissue changes. I just had to do extra mammograms for a while and i just had one a couple months ago and they said I have dense breast tissue. Maybe try and not drink coffee and eat chocolate because that can sometimes cause it I was told by my Dr. I know not fair right lol. Best of luck to you.

I. Have. A. Lump. In. My breasts. But. It. Doesnā€™t. Hurt they. Said. No. Cancer. Hope. The best. For. U

I had breast cancer at your ageā€¦BUT get your tests all done and see if you do. And if you do please donā€™t panicā€¦stay strong laugh take your treatments and live lifeā€¦laugh lots and pray. Iā€™m now 17+ years past itā€¦.you can be ok just keep your spirits up and donā€™t let the chemo get the best of youā€¦it always gets better! And if youā€™re healthy then no problems :pray::pray:

If it hurts, usually a cyst. Cancer doesnā€™t usually hurt cause it kills all the nerves.

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Yes! I have multiple in each breast and they are benign. Iā€™ve had them since I was younger. They get more painful with excess caffeine, stress, etc. Fibrocystic lumps are what theyā€™re called. Best wishes to you! :white_heart:

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Mastitis likely. I have it and I havenā€™t breastfed in over 8 yearsā€¦ wish you well, mama.

I get checked all the time due to my mother having breast cancer
They usually tell me most times a cancerous lump wonā€™t hurt
The pain is usually benign or cyst

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I had a painful lump in my left breast last year so they did a mammogram and it was just a benign cyst.

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I had a lump (a few actually ). Painful ones and diagnostic done and everything fine

I had one a few years back it was a cyst

Yep, blocked milk duct. Mammogram did Not feel good, that machine sqeezes your girls flat, itā€™s like having them pressed in a waffle makerā€¦just so you have a heads up :wink: noone warned me :pleading_face:

I just went through this too. Had to have a biopsy and the results came back benign just some scar tissue. Good luck

Me! I had a biopsy done and it was an infection.

Yesā€¦could be a cyst or too much caffeine. I had to have 2 done last year because of fatty tissue

I did it and it was a cyst.

My mom did and it was a cyst pushing on a muscle caused the pain. I hope this helps put your mind at ease. Good luck

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I did. I had hit that breast and then my bra pushed on the area making it sore and it caused a small lump. It went away after a week of wearing a super loose sports bra instead of a regular bra. I did get it checked out by a specialist. I did not just try going bra free/using a loose sports bra. I was also on an anti-inflammatory.

My daughter did and it was a benign tumor

Yes. I even had ultrasound done. She told me straight up to stop worrying bc if it was cancer it wouldnt hurt. Slack off caffeine some. Ive had my lumps since atleast 17 (1st mammo) and Im 50+

Me, Iā€™m fine. They just said it was a benine fibroid cyst and they resolve on their own.

Usually if it hurts its not cancer is what doc told me.

If itā€™s painful itā€™s probably a cyst

Yes it was a fibroid cysts

Usually they say if it hurts it okay its probably a cyst or something else but it if doesnā€™t hurt then it can be serious.

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Yes! I just went through this a few months ago. Mine was a large cyst that they aspirated right at the ultrasound after the mammogram. :white_heart:

Lump with pain is a good sign. Just had two mri guided biospsies done and were just calcifications. And after having covid I now have painful cycle related englarging lymph nodes. Good luck with your testing.

Just had this happen 3 months ago. One benign tumor and 3 cysts. The waiting is the worst part. Try not to stress too bad until you know for sure. I know easier said then done though

I went months with a lump and severe pain and got checked and they said it was fine. All I got diagnosed with was fibrocystic breast disease and Iā€™m 24.

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As a former RN, if there is pain, itā€™s typically not cancer


Cystic can cause pain. Caffeine makes the pain worse and your period. Great that yoy are getting a Mamo.

I just went thru this less than a month ago. Same age. With high risk, due to family history, they scheduled me right away! The initial lump was only a cyst and they were able to inform me of that at the time of the appointment. But they said they found another suspicious spot. They scheduled a biopsy. Within 2 days they I formed me it was benign, but they wanted to remove it anyway just to be safe. It was small. The surgery was super quick. Like an hour. Again, they biopsied it and everything came back benign. Itā€™s scary. But try not to worry until you get results. A lump doesnā€™t always mean the worst. Good luck!

I have a benign tumour. They should run tests. Lots of reasons you could have lumps and pains. Hope for the best for you.

Yes ! Found out it was just bc I was about to start my cycle !

Yes I have it was Cystā€¦I have also had breast cancer with no pain and would not have found it had I not had regular mammograms.

Normally if thereā€™s pain itā€™s not cancer. I had two on my left breast a year ago. My mammogram came back normal!

My mom has had a couple during the past few years and they turned out to just be fatty tissue

think I was 15 when I got a cyst removed from my left breastā€¦ they said it was non cancerous. I didnā€™t want that chance.

I get them occasionally on my left breast. I get them checked out each time. They turn out just to be cysts.

That is how I ended up finding out I had fibrocystic breast disease

If you drink coffee or soda it could be caused by caffeineā€¦donā€™t worry about it.


Yes. One in each breast. Benign but painful. My OBgyn suggested primrose and vitamin E. I didnā€™t believe it would work but took away 90% of the pain.

I was once told too much caffeine consumption caused this. Iā€™ve had several over the years

Yes itā€™s happened to meā€¦ got three in one breast one in anotherā€¦ found them right in the middle of my older sister going through major surgery for breast cancer ā€¦ but thankfully all was clear no cancerā€¦ but yes they do hurtā€¦ so please donā€™t stress to much hunā€¦ Good luck xxx

Iā€™ve had multiple ultrasounds bc of lumps. The ultrasound tech and my gyno have both said I have very lumpy boobs lol but my results have always been clear.

Itā€™s called fibrocystic breast- too much stress and/or caffeine. If I was you Iā€™ll schedule ultrasound first before mammogram.

Yes I had a benign tumor when I was 18. I got an ultrasound and biopsy done to determine what it was.

Yes hurt to the touch and was sooo red. I never went to the OBGYN about it because it disappeared within 3 days and never came backā€¦ no idea what it was but no issues since then

I have a lump, I had it confirmed itā€™s a cluster of abnormal cells, Iā€™m checked every 6 months for change, hope you are ok xx

ME! I litterally have a chip in the mass In my left breast and Its fineā€¦They only chiped it so we could find it if It moved. But it was discovered 4 years agoā€¦ Iā€™m doing fine

Get a scan as well
Apparently mammograms donā€™t show anything
I know someone who had a clear mammogram and ended up having breast cancer

Yes I have. A few times! Tender to the touch kind of like a knot type of lump, they call them milk duds " and no you donā€™t have to be pregnant " itā€™s just what we call them around these parts!:blush: I wouldnā€™t worry so much easier said than done I know, youā€™ll be fineā€‹:blush:

I got a few lumps and alot of pain on my left one. Came back as a cluster of cysts im 32

Yes I did and it was a cysts. It went away on its own a couple months later.

Yes lump very painful had to be excised it was a cyst

I have fibrous dense tissue and at my time of the month my lumps get bigger and hurt so bad, but they are fine and nothing cancerous has came of them. I still have to go get a mammogram done every some many years though


Couldnā€™t even turn in bed it was so painful

If itā€™s warm and red it could be a cyst

My dil has ā€¦too much caffeine

My sister did and it was a cyst

Yes, in my case it was a cyst which went away. Itā€™s hard, but try not to stress x

I had a pea sized lump in my breast early in my first pregnancy when I was 21. It wasnā€™t painful but definitely had me worried. I was scheduled for an ultrasound that revealed it was fibrous tissue/build up from all the hormones. It went away on itā€™s own and never came back. Currently pregnant with my second and havenā€™t noticed any. Try not to stress too much! Given all of the answers here and your symptoms Iā€™d say youā€™re most likely fine.:blush:

I had a lump ot was red and painful but because I was so young the doctor at the placed said he would rather do an ultrasound. I think I was 25 or 27. They ending up pushing the ā€œclogā€ out when moving the wand around. I was so scared for 3 days. I havenā€™t breastfed for years 7+ years. My doctor just put me on antibiotics for 10 days just to make sure everything cleared up. It was super scary.

Yes it was just a cyst

Itā€™s possible itā€™s a cyst