The compromise here would be something like a baby pet. Mayyyybe something like foster parenting AT BEST. Forcing anyone or talking anyone into another lifelong commitment like a child will only foster resentment. There’s a chance he’ll change his mind down the line. There’s a chance you’ll change yours. These are life changes that both need to WANT. Not be talked into.
What about getting a puppy instead?
You can’t force someone to have another kid with you and is it worth possibly risking your marriage for another if he doesn’t want one. He has a say in how many children he has as well, it’s not just about you. If he doesn’t want one then compromise and get a dog or something.
You don’t have another one. He had made it very clear that he doesn’t want another child. Imagine a man pressuring his wife to have another baby that she does not want we would all be telling her to leave that man for trying to force that. He has given you his answer.
There is no “meeting in the middle” when it comes to a child. By forcing him to have another when he’s been clear about not wanting one he will resent you, the child and probably leave you.
People complain about men having a say about a woman having an abortion, but no one talks about woman wanting a child and trying to CONVINCE a man to to have one (or another one)…
Look at your financials and how is your relationship with him. Maybe that’s the reason why.
I think I’d leave this alone. Having another child without him fully on board may result in his resenting both you and the child. Good luck to you.
3 is a good amount. Believe me when they’re in school activities, sports, you will be wishing you had a chauffeur. I think he is being responsible. Maybe consider a dog, cat, bird or a pet you’d like.
What is it with people? Why can’t ANYONE understand that you are NOT ALLOWED TO ATTEMPT TO FORCE SOMEONE TO BE A PARENT!!!
It goes both ways.
Become foster parents!+
You don’t. You love the ones you already have. He has said what he wants already. Either divorce him or stand by him
You don’t. You cannot force him into changing his mind about another child he has very clearly stated he does not want. Get a puppy or something
Why don’t you foster a child instead
Maybe just stick to the 3 you have and give them and your husband your attention and love!!
You will regret having another one,because you’re going to ruin your marriage.
How greedy can you get? Be happy with all of the kids you already have.
Remember, there are plenty of women who wish they could just have one.
Don’t try to force him into having another baby…he will resent you for it
Gosh… feel blessed to have 3 Some of us were not able to have any! ( I finally was blessed to have one.) The hubby should have a say so in this. It’s a marriage. Not a one way street . Be thankful. He does not want to hear you whine.
My husband and I have 2 girls. I’ve always wanted a boy but I had ROUGH pregnancies! He said he wasn’t watching me go through that again and 2 was plenty and he got fixed… I bring up another one all the time, he says no… And I get it, it was rough but it don’t stop me from wanting another one. But I except the fact 2 is all and hope for grandkids a long way down the road… When sometime is done, they are done… Except that or leave…
You’ve met in the middle, you have three kids lol
There is no meeting in the middle. Get a dog, or a cat, but never try to force someone to have a baby they don’t want. That is selfish, immature, irresponsible, and down right psychotic to even think forcing him is okay. Men have just as much say in conceiving and having a child as women do. As you pointed out, you cant make a baby by yourself. Get some counselling and get a pet.
you don’t. he made his decision and you respect it.
There is no meeting in the middle, you can’t have 1/2 a child; unfortunately for you, on this one, the no is the deciding vote.
Wait for grandbabies
I don’t understand what meeting in the middle means. Cause in this situation you either have another kid or you don’t, there is no middle. Sounds like you want the middle to mean he agrees to have another kid. You can’t force that on him just like we as women don’t want it forced on us.
You don’t, no means no. Get a dog or something, maybe volunteer, get a hobby. bringing a child he didn’t want into the world isn’t a good idea. You need to fill your time and feel needed, really a pet or 2 might be the best option to sway your mind right now
You are blessed with 3 healthy kids. Let it be & be happy
Nowadays it’s all about respecting women and our rights…but then when a man tells a women NO it’s suddenly not okay??
You need to respect his decision. You can’t meet in the middle in this situation.
Meet in the middle? Get a puppy.
We just had our 5th baby, we have 4 girls and 1 boy. At first my husband said no more babies, then he seen how much I wanted 1 last baby. We tried, she’s here now & 2 months old tomorrow… he enjoys the hell out of her. Maybe give him time and talk it over.
I stuck to my end of the deal that I would then get my tubes tied after lol
Meet in the middle? You can’t have half a baby lol. If he doesn’t want anymore, then I don’t think there’s much you can do unless you go have one with someone else.
You can’t meet in the middle on this! There’s no possible way to have a half a kid!
Me too! I want another baby. I have 2girls and 1boy. My youngest is my son (1yr). After having him and seeing how funny he is, how he gives me kisses and always looks for me it makes me want another baby. I respect his decision. Instead we r focusing on giving our kids the opportunity to experience things we didn’t experience growing up like exploring new places, taking them to fairs, travel to local places, etc. All of the things we r doing with our kids we wouldn’t be able to do if we had another one.
You don’t. Maybe consider adopting an animal, or maybe even foster parenting.
3 is enough girl. The world is already so shitty. No need to bring more into it.
Unfortunately, having another baby absolutely need to be a unanimous decision. There’s no meeting in the middle; either you end up pregnant and happy, leaving him unhappy, or you don’t get pregnant and he’s happy while you’re not. There’s no compromise here.
The most you could do to plead your case is to give hard facts; do you have enough room for another baby? Is your combined income enough to support having another, in addition to keeping up with bills and the needs of your current children? Are your other children asking for another sibling? All of these would be factors he’d have to consider when being convinced out of what he’s already decided he doesn’t want.
If you love and respect him, you may have to let it go. Enjoy the children you do have. Relish that you’ll have more time to do everything you want without having a new infant in tow. Pushing for something he doesn’t want, may push a wedge in your marriage. If that’s a deciding factor, worst case scenario would be to leave him. Which I hope wouldn’t be the end result here.
Take no for an answer?
You don’t… You respect his decision by choosing not to have another baby… If the roles where reversed then what? Would you be okay with a man forcing you to get pregnant? I highly doubt it… Respect his decision and get a dog or a cat
What the heck she meant with the “ meet in the middle “
There’s not way too meet in the middle of he doesn’t want more , unless she is thinking of having another one with someone else
He has met you in the middle…you have 3.
A puppy? Or foster a child? Or if it’s the baby snuggles volunteer to be a baby rocker at a daycare. There’s not many ways to compromise when it comes to having or not having a baby but maybe some ways to fill the void
First of all I would ask him why? Does he feel he can’t keep up? Are you financially strapped? Is your home big enough? Will you have to quit work? Will he have to work two jobs? What’s the childcare situation like? If he can give you responses to these questions then you can meet in the middle …with OK let’s save this much money or let’s find a bigger house first… He has needs cares and concerns as well I would figure out how to meet those and if you can maybe he will be more agreeable.
You don’t meet in the middle when it comes to having children and you don’t try and convince him either that’s wrong if he said no respect his boundaries
You can’t make someone do that and if you pull a fast one on him he will resent you forever
Why do you think you need more? How about looking into adoption - there are many children begging for loving homes.
This world is shitty. Why bring another life to suffer as an adult. Being an adult is not fun.
You can’t don’t bother. The same way he can convince you not to
Get pregnant by “ accident “ like I did with my second .
I’m not trying to be little anyone but you are blessed with 3 sweet babies already . My husband and i have 4 and im not saying we wish we would have waited but its took a troll on our marriage some at one point as we just never have time for each other such as go on a date night (its been years) and stuff like that. We’re always with our kids but we wouldnt ever change it for anything else:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I would admire his answer and give it a little more time. I know exactly how you feel on wanting another i was the same way but really wish we didn’t have them so close so we could enjoy more things with each one, its so hard at times with all 4 like going places etc. In the mean time maybe get a puppy or an animal yall love, I’m sure the kids would also love that:heartpulse:
So you come to Facebook for ideas to make your hubby let you have another baby? Why doesn’t his wishes matter to you. You have 3 kids. I hope he runs to get a vasectomy. Nobody should be stuck with a child they never wanted. A child shouldn’t be forced to live a life they are unwanted.
You don’t! You have 3, enjoy them, love them!
I have 4 humans 3 boys and a girl all teenagers or adults now (22,20,16&15) my wife wants one more I said no I don’t want to start over again we also have 4 dogs 2 cats and I am a nanny for 3 children (5,7&11) I love kids but would prefer other people‘s children so I can give them back at the end of the day lol plus my kids are old enough to give me grandchildren any time now I’m not ready for those either I’m only 37 lol 
Just be thankful for the ones he already gave u
No no don’t do that that’s not fair to your husband
You can’t. Imagine if the roles were reversed. Y’all wouldn’t want a man trying to force you to do something you don’t want to do don’t make him.
How about put him first a little while now u have kids time to spend with your hubby now he’s in your life two not just a baby maker
Leave the husband and find someone who does! You can’t force someone to have a baby, you should respect his decision.
What happened to my body my choice? You’re worried you end up resenting him, what if he ends up resenting you?
You have 3 kids, you’ve already compromised!!! Respect his wishes. And tricking him is not fair and people like that deserve any shit that comes their way.
Maybe your husband is afraid that you can’t afford another baby without causing a financial hardship on the family.
If he don’t want one that’s your answer you don’t it anyway. That’s on you. You just may be sorry in the longrun
The answer was. No. If he don’t wNt one and you you do it anyway. You might be regretting it down the road
You can’t “meet in the middle” when it comes to birthing a human either you do, or you don’t. There’s no halfway lol.
If his answer is no then it’s no. Don’t pressure him or you’ll have bigger problems in your marriage.
He will grow to resent you and the pressure of your asking over and over.
If he doesn’t want another kid that’s his choice. Pick and choose your battles especially if you value your husband and marriage.
If you both arnt fully in agreement then ther is just no point in talking about it
You shouldn’t worry abt resenting him, you should worry abt forcing him and him leaving. Or forcing him and him resenting that baby.
This isn’t just about you.
You don’t meet in the middle. You decide which is more important to you. Your husband or your desire to have another one. You are truly blessed with three. Please don’t think accidentally having another is actually an option.
This is a joint decision. If your husband says no and if you love and respect him, then the answer is no more children. If you want to risk having him to leave, go for No. 4.
If I had to guess, I would guess that 3 children were already a compromise. Isn’t that true? How many children will you need in order to feel comfortable and secure in your marriage with your husband? Why is No. 4 so important to you? There is no meeting in the middle when it comes to children. There is no such thing as 3 1/2 babies.
Answer this: Does child No. 4 mean more to you than your relationship with your husband? More than your marriage?
No means no respect his decision and don’t try to force him
He said no. Its called RESPECT but obviously you were never taught that.
If you didn’t want another baby and he tried to convince you and force you to have another one that would be wrong in so many ways. And it is still wrong for you trying to convince him to have another one. It’s just a double standard, if someone doesn’t want a kid/more kids then that’s what the choice is.
“No means no but if he says no go outside your marriage”
Men. Take this advice too. If a woman says no just get a hallpass jk
“No means No” goes both ways
Respect his feelings and treasure the ones you have already.
Wait a couple years, maybe he’ll change his mind… Or you’ll change your’s.
Focus the 3 children that you do have. Don’t get so hung up on wanting 4 that you miss out on enjoying the family that you do have… Then in time maybe he’ll want another but for now it’s no.
No means no. Maybe in the future he will change his mind. But for now no means no. Enjoy the 3 you have. You can ask his reasoning on why he says no like financial, age, etc. But don’t push him.
With everything going on
In today’s world
If he say no
I would respected
You don’t accept that he doesn’t want another.
3 is already a lot of kids these days.
He said no. There is no meeting in the middle. You shouldn’t force someone to have a baby. I suppose you could leave and get a divorce if you really want another one. but is #4 really worth breaking up your marriage and family? you have been blessed as a family of five, that is special. don’t waste too much time wishing for another baby when you have three beautiful children right in front of you. my advice is to soak it all in with the kids you have now. then you won’t regret it.
Consent is consent. If you didn’t want any more, would you appreciate if he kept pushing you? I know I wouldn’t. You need to respect his no
There’s no meeting in the middle on another child. You can’t kind of have another child and you can’t barrow another child on occassion. If the tables were flipped and he wanted another and you didn’t, you’d be upset. You have three children!
You could ask him to give his reasons as to why he doesn’t want more children, but you need to listen.
You can always talk it out if you find it to be a deal breaker then go ahead and find someone else
Omg get over it some people can’t even have one baby!!! If u can’t, then go find someone else and when you are divorced with 4 kids , good luck!
How do I delete my comment since no one can take a fucking jokev
Has he given a reason why he doesn’t want another?
You need to respect that he doesn’t want another kid. How would you feel if it was the other way?
You’re blessed to have three healthy children and a husband who loves all of you. If you want more, babysit for others.
If you didn’t want something, you said no,… how does he react? Does he do it anyways or respect that you said no to something. If it were me, I would be happy & concentrate on the 3 you have… kids are expensive, the prices of everything has doubled, food, health, clothes, not to mention living expenses
He said no and it means no. There’s no meeting in the middle, the answer is NO. Respect his choice and stop bothering him when he made it clear he said no. You wouldn’t want him to pressure you when you said no so show him the same respect.
I always wanted to have 4, but in the end had 2, One of each, My husband was very angry with me when I was expecting our 2nd Child, As he only wanted 1, No more, but soon our Son was born he change his mind, But said no more, so I agreed with him, anyway my health went a bit wrong than, so I went on the change early in life, age 38 yes I could had another 2 before that happen, But I doubt I would have cope very well looking after them, By the time I was 40 years Old I was in Hospital having half my leg removed, At the time our Daughter was 9 1/2. and our Son was 8 years Old. 2 younger Children would have been very hard on me, So I should be grateful want I had.
Ask him why. And respect his answer
U have to respect his wishes no means no xx
Get a cat or a dog
There’s literally no meeting in the middle when it comes to having a baby. He said no. No means no.
Forgiveness is easier obtained than permission that’s how my daughter is here lol
You have 3 already why dont you put your energy on giving them the time and bringing them up. Being a mother or father is not giving birth. Its about bringing them up the right way. Spending quality time with them. I think you are putting the energy in the wrong thing and not concentrating on what you have.
Forgiveness is easier than permission difch the contraception and call it a whoopsie
Why would you want to force such a huge responsibility if you’re not 100 percent committed
You don’t meet in the middle the man has made it very clear that he has three children and he does NOT want a fourth. What you need to do right now is turn the tables and think about it the other way around what if you’re the one who absolutely said NO I don’t want any more kids and he was the one pressuring you how would you feel than? No means no always has you should respect that because I’m sure if the tables were turned you would expect your husband to respect your answer/wishes.
If you wanna meet in the middle get a puppy