How Can I Explain to My 8-Year-Old That Santa Won't Be Bringing Expensive Things This Year?

My kids did that too. That’s a tough one. My daughter wanted to give her American Girl Doll and accessories to a friend because Santa will just bring her another one. Ummmm…no baby. Santa isn’t going to bring you all new AG doll stuff. You need to keep that. :joy:

Santa never gave my kids the big presents. It was always us. That way once they stop believing it wasn’t as big of a let down. Tell her Santa has to get alot of boys and girls presents so he only gves the smaller stuff.

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Santa fills the stocking with candy and small toys, maybe a few things outside the stocking. He does NOT get credit for things we bust our ass for :person_shrugging:

Santa in our house only does small items and anything big present wise is from their loved ones

I’ve never had Santa bring all the gifts. He brings one, and it’s something that looks home made, like an elf would be able to build lol a wooden truck or a nice doll, I take it out of the package and wrap it.


I tell my kids that Santa doesn’t do electronics mom and dad do those Santa brings the smaller stuff especially the needed stuff

You get the knock off brand earpods for lot less then Apple brand. She dont wont be able tell the difference. For other things explain to her you have to pay Santa for what he brings. Show her price on ninetdo switch explain you can’t afford nothing like that its to close for Christmas for to asking for that. For expensive items you need to know several months ahead of time. My granddaughter is 6 we raising her we ended up taking YouTube off her tablet last year cause she watch those kids toys review. That her thinking she had to have all those toys those kids was getting.

My kids get toys from Santa. Sometimea clothes. Anything electronic ia from us

I would tell her some of the Santa’s elfs got sick so there’s a shortage of presents this year!


At our house Santa does the stockings and a small gift.

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Explain to her that Santa doesnt bring the big gifts that he leaves ONE gift and fills the stocking. That mama and family buy the rest. I refuse to tell mine Santa brings it all because not all kids get big or amazing gifts and I dont want mine hurting their feelings by saying santa got me this expensive gift and you nothing.


I tell my children that Santa doesn’t bring electrics and pets. :tipping_hand_woman:t2: Always seemed to work for us. And then that doesn’t have them going to school saying Santa brought xyz. The more expensive gifts have always come from us.

That’s why Santa only brings stocking stuffers to our house. I made that decision on my oldest first Christmas. That way if he doesn’t get that cool and expensive gift, we can explain that mom and dad just didn’t have the money for it at the time.


We do the stocking from Santa and everything else from us.

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We always told our girls that we had to pay Santa for the gifts!!

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Sounds like a great time to explain money to her. She’s plenty old enough to do chores, earn her own money and save for what she wants.

You could explain that because of covid the elves haven’t been able to do as much this year?

But this is why we do Santa different in our home. My kids know that almost all of their gifts come from us and other relatives. They get one gift each from Santa every year, and that is usually a$20-$40 toy. Last year was giant stuffed animals that cost $20. Year before was new snow sleds $35. I also explain that because their parents can provide their “needs” Santa can send a “want”, but some kids parents cannot provide all of their needs so Santa brings them a need instead, like a new coat or gloves or clothes etc.


I tell my kids the kids on the YouTube are just paid actors and its all lies :joy:


Just tell her those are things their parents buy them Santa brings socks and undies and stuff like that

I’ve always told my children that things that are trade marked (Nintendo/apple/barbie/nerf/ect) let Santa have a certain number of their products to split amongst all the children and he has to decide who gets what. He has a waiting list for those who have already received something from that brand and he knows who have been asking longer. I also told them that some parents buy these things and gives them to Santa to give to their child(ren) and that is why these children seem to get so much.

In my opinion, Santa brings small things like coloring books, barbies, etc. parents provide the big gifts. That way children whose parents can’t afford big gifts arn’t feeling like Santa doesn’t love them as much because they didn’t get a switch or a tablet

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We told our kids Santa has a lot of kids to bring presents to and he can’t do expenses gifts. They have never once questioned it.

Also we don’t do everything from Santa and have always made the expensive items from mom and dad

Add we have twin 10 yr olds who have decided Santa isn’t real and a 7 year old who still believes but that has started questioning it and asking Google cause I also don’t want to ruin the magic and won’t give a straight answer about it :wink:

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Elves can’t make apple earbuds or laptops


This is the reason why I’ve always given very simple toys to my children for Christmas from Santa. Because Santa gives toys to everybody and it shouldn’t be something elaborate. If it’s a large item just tell your kids it’s from Mom or Dad take the freaking credit for it don’t give it to Santa.

I told my daughter Santa can’t make branded items like Apple or Microsoft or Nintendo because he could be sued. :woman_shrugging: Lol

We also told her we have to wrap the gifts for Santa because that takes a lot of time and that’s why the wrapping paper is the same as what we bought.

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Honestly maybe you should tell your daughter that Santa Claus brings the smaller stuff and mommy and daddy gets the bigger stuff. I don’t have not much advice because when my daughter was 8 /9 years old. playing hide and seek she accidentally found all her presents. Iv always bought my daughter expensive things for Christmas and birthdays because I can’t get them through the year like that. They’re like this year my daughter is excited because we have been building her a brand new bedroom and she’s getting all new dad remind arms and expensive earphones is on the list but that’s because she is always needing hurt your phones for school for whatever. I used to buy the Barbie dream houses and things like that for Christmas time and all the Barbies and all the accessories I would spend what 5-6 maybe $700 just on Christmas and then in January my daughter has a birthday and I don’t do birthday parties anymore we just go to an expensive restaurant she gets a gift card to go get what she wants. but usually kids do get PlayStations and everything for Christmas I know that much and they did when I was a kid those were the main gifts game systems the games to them karaoke machines. one year that’s how my friend learned that she could sing she woke up Christmas morning and she had a karaoke machine and everything to go with it and nobody even knew she could sing that was the year she got her $900 dog okay all the way from Alabama they went and got this dog she was a Teacup Poodle and put her in this big box Christmas morning right in front of her bedroom. Christmas is supposed to be magical you know what I mean especially when they’re little like that and I really believe in making it as magical as I can especially For The Memories but they are kids and they are only kids once and when they’re grown is gone and then you’re going to be taking back and going, Gee I should have gotten that stuff for my kid or you know something like that.

I tell my kids Santa doesn’t bring electronics or pets because it’s too much work for the elves.
I also dont want to give the fat man credit for the expensive gifts. Nah bro, those came from your parents who busted their butts all year to bring you joy.

I told my kids Santa doesn’t buy big electronic items. If they get things that are pricey I put “from mom and dad” they know Santa sticks to toys here.

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I always told mine that Santa charged us for gifts and what we paid for is what Santa thought they deserved. They were grateful for everything they got.

Santa doesn’t buy expensive nor deliver expensive. Santa gives one item and the rest come from mom and dad.

Flat out, Santa doesn’t bring those gifts. Or, better yet does an 8 year old really need 200+ ear buds? Say, Santa doesn’t bring what you don’t approve of.

I’m sure its been said, but tell her that the elves don’t make that kind of stuff. They make toys. Not electronics.

Girl ,don’t do it ,don’t say a word n get whatever you think she needs, she will grow up with all this fancy,expensive shits, n later in life, she will run over you. You don’t let her do you like that. Does she do dishes daily? Help sweep n mop? If the answer is NO; you’re raidsing a monster. Sorry. I’m old enough to know.


We have expensive presents from mom and dad, and mostly stuff that’s just enjoyable from Santa :woman_shrugging: good luck!

Screw santa. I want credit for the $$ gifts. :joy::joy:

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Zebit it what we did I just spent over a grand put 250 down and 166 a month for 6 month this is our second Christmas doing this

Not written by me, but I absolutely agree with this. I saw it a few years ago and have kept it in mind ever since.


Maybe volunteer for a homeless shelter and teach her the gift of giving. Sure she may be young but kids are smarter than we give them credit for


My kids know that Santa doesn’t bring any electronics

Tell her YouTube is fake and that’s not real life. It’s not untrue. It’s really not real life for the majority.

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Please take back your statement “remember it depends on how good you’ve been”. That can lower a child’s self-esteem & cause behavior issues in otherwise good kids. Imagine you’re a decent kid. You do what you’re supposed to do most of the time. You don’t get in a lot of trouble. You REALLY WANT a special toy that you don’t get. But you watch the bully at school, cousin or neighbor who’s always bad get all these things you don’t. Then your mom tells you “it depends on how good you are”. She’s going to wonder how this stranger has determined she’s not good enough but those mean kids are.

I’m honest with my kids. We don’t have a lot of money. They get what I can afford. They even get used toys for Christmas because I can’t afford the full priced new toy but I can afford it used. I’ve never taught my kids that a stranger determines their worth or what they deserve. It’s ridiculous to me to tell a child that.

There was a year that the DSL was very popular. My son wanted it badly. I explained that I can’t afford it but he could earn it. With help from my family & a few friends he earned almost enough to buy it by his birthday. I threw in the remaining as his birthday gift. He’s an adult now & still talks about how important it was to him to have earned it rather than be given it.

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I told my kids Santa doesn’t bring expensive things. Those are things that are earned and saved up for. But we also do allowance from chores. Don’t do the chore don’t get the money. I feel like it teaches them to earn things and I noticed if they save for it they appreciate and take care of it.


Santa always should bring the small stuff. You get her one or two items from her list, then she’ll know why Santa didn’t bring those things is because the knew mum and dad were getting it

Santa only brings one small/reasonable gift in our house and the rest they know comes from us .

My kids are 7 and 4

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Just explain to her that it’s been a rough for Santa and he wants to make sure that every little boy and girl got something. And that we need to appreciate anything that we get. Because there’s a lot of children and I won’t be getting anything. And yes she is old enough to understand.


Tell her Santa has a budget?:woman_shrugging:

Buy off brand, cheap stuff. She will be just as excited !!

I would tell her that some of those videos aren’t real. Yhey are like commercials and the kids don’t really get to keep those expensive toys

I used to tell my kids that Santa only gives small toys, clothing, and little accessories (hair supplies, toothbrushes, jewelry, and so on). I had to do this when my oldest told me they thought that Santa didn’t like them because other kids got game systems or phones. I told them that sometimes parents buy their kids stuff and write “from Santa” on them. That Santa is for those that don’t have as much as others, and he does not give more to those that have more. That it isn’t about how good you are or not. They’re now older and have told me that they understand why I told them what I did and how it made them feel better when other kids tried to rub in their faces about what Santa got them.


I tell my son that Santa doesn’t do those kinds of gifts, that things like tablets and video game consoles come from mommy and daddy. He is 7 and seems to understand.


I always told my kids Santa doesn’t buy big expensive gifts cause he has to buy gifts for other kids

You can get off brand wireless headphones. Or maybe Find a cheaper used laptop online? Just a suggestion to help!

Don’t make the most expensive present from Santa …it comes from you!


Yeah I grew up knowing Santa brings some stuff but my parents get the expensive things in reason. But I actually knew mom and dad were Santa since like 3 hard to keep it a secret when I was the youngest child and nosy lol

Get her one if possible doesn’t need all that, there r other times to get gifts

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In my experience if you’ve raised your child to appreciate gifts. It won’t matter what the get on Christmas morning because they are getting something and that makes the magic. They will be so thrilled with any surprise it won’t matter what it is. And “if they do say oh I asked for this” I always say. Maybe next year.

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I know believing in Santa is part of most kids childhood. It is important to give your children memorable childhoods. I am not a Jehovah’s Witness but I can understand why they dont do the Santa Claus thing. As most Christians want to tell there children to believe in a man who brings you gifts and be good and you will get what you want or believe in the Easter Bunny he will bring you a basket the tooth fairy etc. As they get older we tell them these invisible beings that we cant see and we wanted them to do the right thing for to get a reward is not really real it’s a story but, the man we call Jesus Christ that they also cant see and we want them to believe so they will make it to a place they cant see also in is real. I can see how a child maybe begin to question their faith in what is real and can be seen versus what is not. I did the Santa Claus thing with my son who is now 22. I saw the disappointment in him when he found out it was a lie now I want to tell him this man called Jesus is real what’s he to believe. I now have a 2 year old and a 1month old who will probably not experience Santa Claus. I know some may thinks it’s wrong but their Christmas will be just as special as a child who is fed lies and if they want to tell their kids there is a Santa that’s fine, but they will know the real meaning of Christmas and will not have to question their faith as some of our children did when they found out their was no real Santa Claus and for those who don’t have a religion or faith dont have to worry about explaining to our kids why we should believe in some things but not everything.

I tell my children that yes santa brings the gifts but we still pay for them… :rofl:

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In my home Santa has only brought one small gift and an ornament for them. Which they will be able to use for their own tree until they have their own family.
Santa should never bring expensive gifts. That is on you if you made them believe that is the what they should expect.

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I explain to my kids that YouTube is not real life. It’s basically “normal” people making their own tv shows and what they buy and get as gifts isn’t real, it’s all an act. My oldest is 22 and my youngest is 3. The YouTube craze had definitely made living a real life harder.

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I told my kids that because of coronavirus and the elves not working much as they were ill , and Santa not having much money this year because he helped a lot of families who were affected by covid, there might be a possibility of not getting everything on the list.


Tell her the elves didnt have enough time to make enough of those toys this year.

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Told my little one santa only brings small meaning ful presents


I don’t agree with telling her it depends on how good she’s been, she might think she wasn’t good, that’s really my concern, the gifts well they are usually happy with what they get that they don’t bother with what they don’t get, but every child is different and we raise them different so…

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Do your best❤️. Prayers.

Santa Brings one gift! That’s it. My kids are 6 and 10 they think we’re elves or Santa’s helpers. :rofl::pray::pray:Do elf on the shelf and restore her innocence. Those kids are YouTube get free things to review. It’s not realistic. I explained it to my kids and they understood. Get her off of YouTube and back into the real world


Santa only brings little tokens in our house , mummy/daddy/ grandparents buy the Big pressies… this way we get the thankyous and they can’t brag about what “Santa” brought them to other children. (Santa’s a dick getting all the credit anyways lol😂 ). X

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Someone once told me to tell them that Santa brings the gifts, but mom and dad foot the bill. So Santa knows to only get things mom and dad can afford

Santa only bring one small gift in my house he also fills the stocking with little bits and the rest of the stuff from us


I tell my kids that we send Santy the money for the presents. So if we can’t afford it we’re covered then. U can get ear pods for €25 on Amazon and stuff and they work great.

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I tell mine shes not allowed to ask for too much cause santa has to carry for everyone and cant be too expensive cause he has a limit for every child :see_no_evil:

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Personally I wouldn’t have said that I would explain that not everyone as the money these kids do.

You pay towards Santa and you cant afford all those things.
Plus this year with covid they wont be able to make as much. We need to think of all the boys and girls and pick one big thing few small.
Please dont say it depends on how good she is.

I dont let my kid watch those videos anymore. Those kids are paid to have that stuff and to advertise it on youtube

I say we pay the elfs for their work :joy::joy: keeps things from getting extortionate

In our house santa only gives chocolate and hat scarf and gloves my children are told we buy the rest and send them to santa to bring Xmas eve.

My sons 5, he knows his big gifts come from momma n daddy and small stuff comes from Santa. Explain that too her, 8 she should understand. If she ask why you never told her that before tell her u wanted it to feel more magical but now ur mature enuff to know the truth.

I always tell my son that even thought Santa brings the gifts the one who pays for them. He writes his letter to Santa and I give the money to him. The elves make the gifts and Santa sprinkles some magic on them and bring them to him on Christmas Eve. He’s 5.

In our home, Santa brings one special gift. That way he has room for all the other presents. Mommy and family get him the rest

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We say we send money to santa so the elves can make things…so they appreciate the value of what there getting a little more.

I’ve always told my kids, yes Santa brings you’re presents but mum and dad have to buy them first.

We say that we send the money to santa, then he decides if they’ve been good enough to use it for whatever, if not he sends it back, just explain that money is short this year so you can’t afford to send him the money for the bigger items

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I chose to tell my kids that parents have to send Santa money for electronics bc the elfs can’t make them. So when they go to picking out the pricey stuff i remind them of this. When i do buy the big ticket stuff I never put its from Santa. My son who is 10 asked for a dirt bike. My hours at work got cut so i wont be able to get him one for Christmas now. But i will when my hours pick back up. He understands n isn’t upset.


My dad said he shot Santa coming down the chimney and we ate the Easter Bunny. We survived. I let my son put milk and cookies out for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. My hubby got the milk and cookies and I got the carrots. We had our son sort through his toys before Christmas to donate to other kids. We bought lightly used toys when we could. We put $5 a week away for Christmas for him. So he got at least one new toy for his birthday which was the 15th of December and one for Christmas.


That’s why I encourage other parents to say the expensive gifts are from family and Santa brings things like puzzles, clothes, games, or things in the lower price range. That way they don’t think that they’ve been naughty because Santa brought them a board game and the neighbor an Xbox. But, not all parents think that way. My kids know that this year will be tight and that it’s not a reflection on their behavior or on how much we love them. They know we would give them the world if we could but we’re in the process of buying a house so we’ll buy what they need throughout the year, along with a few gifts each to open Christmas morning. I have 3 amazing daughters… We make memories like building gingerbread houses, volunteering, holiday movie night w/popcorn and hot chocolate, sledding riding, (weather permitting) decorating and making dinner together. Those things are as important to my kids as the gifts. They always have things to open but we don’t go in debt over it. Our plan this year is to get them each a special gift (something they’ve been asking for) and then a few smaller things and clothes that they need. Their grandparents also give gifts so between the whole family, they’ll end up with plenty.


I would have her choose what she REALLY , REALLY wants & try to have Santa bring that. Of course he will bring smaller gifts too. I don’t know if I would tell her it depends on her behavior: just re-emphasize that Santa knows if she is being “naughty or nice” (just a thought)

just to explain to her that Santa tries to keep everything fair for every boy and girl and it’s not logical for all the children in the world to have large items like that that’s why big items come from Mom or Dad.


I didn’t raise my boys to believe in Santa. My family was poor growing up. I can remember sitting at the window wondering why Santa didn’t come to our house. I was a single Mom of 3 boy’s. I didn’t want them to go through what I did. They always got something, sometimes it was just a few toys apiece from the Dollar store. They never complained about what they got and was thankful. All 3 have grown into fine young men that I’m proud of and all 3 have done good for them selves. For me it was teaching them that Christmas was about the birth of Jesus not about a man called Santa.


I tell my. Kids.
That Santa and I have communication and I don’t want him getting big expensive gifts because BIG GIFTS come from me for your birthday or etc.
Something else I tell them that Santa & his elves make the gifts they can and the youtube lies & sells things so you cannot believe everything from t.v

I told my son Santa wasn’t real at a young age and honestly he still loves Christmas just the same as the kids who believe in Santa. Make it more about family tradition instead of present. Though I did have to do clean up when he went an told cousin Santa wasn’t real :rofl::rofl::rofl::woman_facepalming:t5:

I tell my kids that Santa does not have the ability to make Apple stuff and whatnot. Anything we decide to give them that cost a lot comes from us. If we cant afford it that year, I can explain that easier then santa

Tell them Santa can’t fly due to the pandemic and you’ll do your best to make them happy


I would find cost effective versions of what she wants on her list. Honestly in the end she wants ear buds or a gaming system of some kind. Nintendo switch lite isn’t that expensive and I’m sure there will be a deal at some point during the holidays.

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We use the Santa sacks and I’ve told them Santa only brings one thing around 20 dollars because there is soo many kids around the world and it has to fit in the sack .its worked this far kids are 9,5 it’s been about 3 years doing it ww fill shoe boxs for kids in other countries and they wanted to no why cant santa just bring them gifts and that’s when I started implementing this mmy son also watchable YouTube I tell my son some parents say everything is from santa so that he seems cooler then he really is …m hes never questioned it

Please whatever you do don’t tell your daughter it depends on how good she is as she will be devastated to think she did something bad if she doesn’t get what she asked for.

I tell my kids that Santa cannot bring all the expensive things bcuz he has to take care of it all of the children. I let them know bigger gifts come from Mommy and I’m not rich. She could be testing as well bcuz of the age of believe or not to believe.

I told my kids we have a rule in our home. Santa doesnt do electronics. That is on mom and dad. We explained to santa that its our call what kind of electronics they are allowed to have based on how responsible amd good they are

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My 10 year old sons list consisted on this last year
PS 4
iPhone 10
Air pods
And $200 cash…

I told him that Santa can’t do that kind of stuff all over the world since some countries are really poor and that he needed to add realistic gifts too.
Which he did nerf guns, legos etc. It’s hard with the generation where they are watching those spoiled kids walk in the store and buy carts full of stuff like it’s nothing

I told my kids that Santa bring the stockings and we buy the gifts because he is very busy and doesn’t have the technology in the North Pole for electronics and such. I said you can ask him for something simple that his elves can make. I have girls so it would be a doll or teddy bear. Nothing expensive. They accepted that. They’re older now so they know I do the stockings now.

Puzzles, home made toys, etc are from Santa…expensive gifts are from the parents.

My family still does stocking for ALL in the house, its an easy place to stick a small gift into…and filled with our favorite candies, etc.

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