How can I get my toddler to wean?

I cut my son off cold turkey and all he said was “momma can we still cuddle “ I said of course and he stopped tried couple times stay firm saying we will cuddle it worked for mine he was 2.5 now almost 3 good luck

I know it can be rough. My daughter is 28 months and breastfeeds and eats solid food. But remember the breast milk is so nutritious more so than any solid food they are eating. Most babies naturally wean between two and three years old. You’ve made it this far, you got this!

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I have thr same problem my 2 yr old I still breastfeed. He drinks cow milk but he won’t take it at night to sleep. He only wants breastmilk to sleep at night.

I would turn my child’s back to my chest and rub their arm/ scratch back etc to bring the attention away from nursing.
One child I had to have Dad put him to bed.

I have 4 kids. Nursed them all.

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Hot sauce on your Chi chis tell them they don’t work anymore

My little one is almost two and we recently started to not nurse.

At first I cut her off during the day. Then let her nurse at night only. Then I slowly cut the night feedings from 3 to 2 to one to none.

Iam a free woman once again.

I give it to all the breastfeeding mamas. It’s hard.

Simple STOP breast feeding him end of story

Put him to sleep in his own room. Go on vacation for a weekend.


I cut to morning and night feeds (bedtime) only, then after a few weeks I cut to only the before bed feed. Stay strong mama. There will no doubt be tantrums I’m not sure about the weight issue.

We gently wean. Take away one nursing session a day and in about a week babes should be down to just a couple. Distraction is key!

Nursies when the sun shines

It’s a book that’s a great first step to night weaning. It helps them understand what’s going on. At night just repeat these bits of these book and offer other forms of comfort and read the book to them lots.

I did cold turkey. Give him a sippy cup, or a cup with a straw for liquids. Use whole milk. Naptime and bedtime give him a blanket and a kiss and walk out. Let him cry 3 minutes or so, look at a clock cause it will feel like an hour, go back in and hug him, whatever, but don’t give in to nursing. It’s going to be a rough couple of days, but it does work.

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Liz Lovelace for some ideas

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Slowly wean him love, cut down 1 feed per day until he’s down to no day feeds.
Once you’ve done that, cut down his night feeds, he may cry and he’s going to need your comfort more than ever, so snuggle him and sing or rock whatever he needs from you, it will eventually work it will just take time, be understanding that for 2 years this is all he has known, it’s everything to him.

Please don’t do it cold turkey, and please don’t lock him away or leave him to cry, they’re such cruel methods of all the things you could do, your baby deserves more, they DESERVE to be cared for and helped :heartpulse:
Goodluck love


I am having the same exact issue! :broken_heart::sob: and definitely do no want to do it cold turkey. I have tried but I give in cause he starts crying and it just breaks my heart. My son will be 2 in 2 months .

You’re just gonna have to be ok with him crying for a couple of nights. Not by himself! Someone should be with him, but it’s a change of routine, and that’s always hard for a small child.

For me, it helped that my husband joined the routine of putting my daughter to sleep at night for a while. He was emotional support for me to be ok with her crying, and just holding her without giving in. Then I would just nurse in the middle of the night if she woke up. After a while he started putting her to sleep by himself. When I knew she could fall asleep without me and my breast, I spent a few nights in another bedroom, while my husband slept in our bedroom with the baby, offering water in a cup when she woke up. We also had a couple of smoothies to give her, just the first two nights, in case she was too hungry to fall back asleep. It was hard for 2-3 nights, but she was comforted and loved through it. After that I went back in, and slept in a tight shirt.

At this point I was still nursing during the day, and it still wasn’t a problem :slight_smile:

Others i know have started saying that the breast is sick or empty. I haven’t tried that, but for some it works.

He eats regular food and nurses during the night, but you are having problems keeping his weight up. This is concerning. Type one diabetics can eat and eat and still they lose weight. Usually, they will also drink a lot and pee a lot. Many have been diagnosed as babies, including my own. There are very simple tests you can do/have done. It’s life threatening if not treated.

I told my two year old, the birdies came and took it all away , it worked

You have allowed it for so long. Controlled crying is how I done it give them a teddy on something as their new comforter. Is hard but worth it. my two didn’t even have a bottle at 2 and both toilet trained. I’d make them a warm Milo or milk before bed brush their teeth read a story then lights out.

I went from demand feeding to stop due to stroke and medication required.

I used stop it (nail bitting liquid), let him help himself. He only tried a few times and never came back again.
Was happy for sippy cup, and started sleeping through the night within a few nights after increasing meal size (as no longer feeding from me).

Stop taking the growth curve so seriously. 2 yo will go through stages where they dont eat much at all. Chill out a bit. He will be ok. And hes not going to starve to death. Tell him no and deal with the tantrums. Dont cave. He will eventually stop.

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I’m in the same position, but my daughter turned 3 last month.
Yes she is older which made it easier to have a discussion with her that we dont have “bookie” until bedtime, so as soon as we leave the bed that means no more boob until bed time.
She constantly asks for it still but it’s a matter of distraction. Put plasters on your nipples and him you are ouchie and only take them off when you have managed to leave it double time between letting him have it and when he gets used to that, double it again.
I’ve no advice for the night feeds as mine still wakes every 2-3 hours for a feed during the night. Good luck! It’s hard to deal with when they go into meltdown mode but you have to remember to look after yourself too. It wont go on forever and if you have had enough small steps will help toward the end goal

At almost two years old he shouldn’t need a pacifier or bottle anyway. My recommendation is to pump And put it in a sippy cup… He can gain more weight by adding in more healthier foods that are higher in calories. And if you have not tried already PediaSure. That helped my daughter gain weight. Eventually use the breast milk and PediaSure together. Hopefully that will work to wean him off easier Then cutting him off cold turkey.

Try different bottles. And try bumping and giving through bottle.

My son is 100% the same way, only no issues with weight gain. He does use me as a human pacifier too. It may sound odd, but to kinda give myself relief, I started putting water(only 1-2oz) into a Gatorade bottle and would slowly squirt it into his mouth. After 2 months of this, he’s starting to hold the bottle and squirt it himself, with my supervision at all times and is starting to suck on it. Going from breastfeeding to bottles and sippy cups are difficult but doable

My last baby fed till he was 3 yrs, then stopped on his own accord, start drinking less water, this produces less milk.

Following. I have a 16 month old still nursing and I am so done


Just stop breastfeeding. If he wants milk and gets thirsty enough he’ll drink it


Following. 15M n still nursing.:sob::sob:


say no an stick to it. i stopped when i wanted too and my kids got over it :woman_shrugging:t2:


Following having the same issue

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You may have to go cold Turkey. Leave a couple days if possible.

I wrapped myself up with plastic wrap so my daughter couldnt get to the boob. She would search and for a few days but she eventually gave up. She was 2 and 1/2


My nephew weaned himself off at I think 10 months.

Just stop. No is final, not a negotiable. He will cry and throw fits but he will get over it.


I weaned my daughter at 15 months. One day woke up and put apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball on my breast. She tried to nurse, I told her it was yucky. That mamas milk is old now because she’s too big. She was mad the first day or two and then got over it.


Cold turkey…my son was like that too. I just couldn’t do it when he lifted my shirt up in the mall nope…done.


So a nurse I use to work with had a genius method to get her toddler to wean- put vinegar on your nipples. Let them dry (obviously) before he nurses. Then when he questions the taste, talk about how mom’s milk stops tasting good when he becomes a big boy and doesn’t need it anymore.


Just stand up for the rest of your life so he cant reach ur boobies :rofl::rofl: no but seriously get him some pediasure and give it to him in one of thoes “no spill” cups with the silicone feeling top…hell get over it…mainly because they come in chocolate,strawberry and vanilla…let him sleep with the cup who cares…its not like hes gonna be 30 sleeping with a sippy cup…and if he is oh well you did your best :rofl::rofl:


if it is Time to stop , stop
Baby will eat and drink milk once he she knows you are done

Our doctor suggested a Pediasure a day. My son was in the 2nd percentile and now gained 1 pound in a month.

I was breastfeeding until he was about 15 months old. One night I decided I was closing shop on one side. I fed on the other side for only a few other days until I said enough! It took him about three days to get with it!

I went through that with my 2.5 year old. She would scream unyil she puked or pooped. I bought that no bite nail polish… But a small dab on my nips and she went to suckle… And said booby nasty. And tried again a couple more times… But every time said nasty. After 2 more days she was weaned. Been over 2 months now.


Wow 2 year olds still nurse. I never did that I had no idea it’s so hard.

I was breastfeeding my son for two years and just stopped, yeah the first couple of days will be difficult but he will drink other milk.

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Rub an onion on your tit? :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


I told my daughter I went the the doctor and they took out the milk so the babies could have it. She put up a fight for the first day or two but we went cold turkey. She was almost 2.


I had the same problem!!! My son turned 2 at the end of last month and I couldn’t get him to stop nursing for anything bottle , sippy cups, pacifier. Nothing worked. So about 3 weeks ago it finally happened he started going to sleep on his own with nursing. So this is how I did it. I told him no the milk was gone he couldn’t have it. And made sure I kept my chest covered at all times for the 10 days. The 1st 3 night he more or less cried to sleep than the next 3 or 4 night he fell asleep on his own on the couch. The 1st few night he woke up in the middle of the night and I’d have to set w/ him in my lap or comfort him back to sleep . You just have to be firm and tell them like it is. Than be their for them as they make the transition to sleeping on their own

You have to just STOP…give him a bottle or sippy cup with water and a bit of apple juice mixed in…he’s gonna cry his eyes out about it but you CANNOT give it…It’s hard to ween them from either bottle or breast but you have to stick to it!!


I can’t get my 4 year old to ween. Soooo I’m still breastfeeding lol. It’s for the baby not for you. Helps him grow. Gives him essential vitamins he needs to grow and stay healthy.

Example: toddler with fever I was freaking out as she never gets sick. I put her on the boob and an hour later no fever. No fever after that either or the next day.


Same as my girl 2 1/2. :frowning::frowning::frowning: i left her for 2 weeks thinking she will forget. Came back and still the same.

According to a few doctors I have spoken with about growth, children can catch up from growth delays without any problems up until their bodies are just about done with puberty. That being said, they still need vitamins and minerals or their bones and muscles will be weak. So the solution is to give them multivitamins in any way you can and then let them decide when and what they want to eat. If you want to stop breastfeeding, stop. Offer orange juice instead of milk, some brands include calcium, potatoes work better for bones than milk does anyway, butter, yogurt… the list is long. He doesn’t need milk at all. He’ll catch up later and be ok. The more whole foods you feed him the better. But always trust your instincts too!

I nursed my boy until he was 3 years and 2 months. We used a “big change” as a way to signal he was growing up.

So when we moved little sister into his room, we talked about how much of a big boy he was. The next day, I cut him off cold turkey. Said he was a big boy and didnt need milk.

I reassured to him he was welcome for snuggles, cuddles, hugs and kisses.

I gave him more responsibility but also lots of praise for being so grown up.


I just weaned my 21 month old 3 weeks ago. He was a huge boobie baby, waking up 7-11x’s a night to just comfort nurse. We cut day time feeding and than focused on night time feeding 1.5 weeks later. The day time was super easy, night time was hard the first 3 days. You WILL lose a lot of sleep, your both going to be tired but TRUST ME it’s worth it. My son sleeps through the entire night since day 4!!!

This might be weird but totally works. I put band aids on my nipples and would be super dramatic that it was a “ouchie”, it help tremendously!

If your that serious, cold turkey it, don’t half ass it. It’s torture and makes things so much worse for you both. Be prepared though, I started friday and by monday, boobies never existed!


Sounds like my daughter she is 18mths and I am so ready for my sanity.

You just have to stop. At this point he should be self soothing. You’re in for a rough couple of nights but it has to be done. I took the pacifier away cold turkey. Told her Santa took it to the baby reindeer. It worked. Good luck.


I weaned my 1st 2 babies off with bottles filled with milk and honey or chocolate milk. They were both 2 + and I was desperate! Doesn’t appear to have caused any damage as they’re both over 5 now. My 3rd I stopped cold turkey as soon as she turned 1. She drinks from a bottle to fall asleep. I am all for “breast is best” but when you’ve reached your limit…good luck!

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I’ve heard of using pure aloe on your nipples. It’s all natural and but it tastes awful. Once your tot gets a taste of that, they’ll make the choice on their own that it’s ‘icky’ and won’t want to. A good friend of mine tried it and swears by it!

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I nursed my daughter until 4. We discussed that she was going to VPK & let her know it was her choice if she wanted to continue. She decided she was a big girl and stopped.

Im glad atleast some of yall know when enuff is enuff. Im sorry, I cant stand moms that are like " he will stop when hes ready" meanwhile kid like 4.:woman_facepalming:
If they can eat on their own and drink from sippy cup, theres no more need for breast milk. They get all their nutrients from food!
I would say to just stop! Its just like a bottle or pacifer. No means no. It will be hard at first but they will get over it.


Garlic mash on your Boob

Rub an edible vinegar on your entire nipple area before he goes to latch on. Rice vinegar is good. Or try dill pickle juice. He won’t want it anymore if he doesn’t like the taste. He’ll be hungry and start to eat and drink when his only go to is nasty to him.

We had to do it cold turkey. My son was almost 2 and we just stopped. I told him there was no more milk, it was all gone. After a couple of days he stayed asking for it. Sometimes he will still pull my shirt down and point at my boobs but I just remind him that there isnt any milk.

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Little was about 17 months and I was pregnant and really needed her off of me :joy:. Daytime was so much easier! I just kept offering water, alternative milks, etc. even though I knew she hated the alternates. She had a LOT of meltdowns… I just tried to keep her busy and distracted. I found that the less milk she had, the more food she would eat. bedtime though… uuuugggh. I made her last longer and longer without giving it to her when she would wake (she cried, I cried because men I was SO tired and wanted to just give in so I could sleep, it was a wreck)… but eventually I took away her first wake up feeding completely… rocked her and kept offering her lovie (a weird floppy baby doll shes obsessed with), and after a few nights like that she stopped waking completely. She does have a tiny sippy of water that now she will SOMETIMES sip off in the night but honestly that one week of hell was SO worth it.

Can you pack him up and send him to grammys house, or a auntie? Then when he comes back, use the vinegar on your nips. Oh no, it went bad.
Your gonna have tears but stand firm. Yes, he may not eat for a day or so, just to be stubborn, don’t sweat it, he will eat when he is hungry. No one died skipping a few meals. He won’t either.
I’m glad mine stopped without a problem.

He’s going to be upset but stand your ground. There is a book called Nursies when the sunshines that is about no more night nursing . I repeated that if she woke up ( well it was boobysnacks )*older sister was a big Scooby Doo fan and this is morphed from Scooby snacks.

Nope, Only when the sunshines.

After that the daytime decreased dramatically and quickly.
First night or two might be tedious , do NOT give in. He will adjust quickly.

Tori Weir some awesome suggestions!

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Just…quit. its more your habit because you keep giving into it. I give him a week and he is on to other things. If you are dried up sister he cant nurse.


Keona Mathews good tips…:heart_eyes:

Just stop and dont give in.

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The bandaid method! I had a boob monster and I used bandaids and we never looked back!! Best and easiest way I’ve ever weaned any of my babies

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While not physically harmful to breastfeed that long, nutritionally is is not needed as we have plenty of good food available unlike many countries. I weaned my kids by being “too busy” during the day to breastfeed and offered water, watered down juice or milk instead. At night I would stand by their crib and sooth without picking up for shorter and shorter times to allow them to learn to self sooth. While going cold turkey can certainly work I choose another way. It took a couple of weeks to accomplish.

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I bf our son for 18 and 1/2 months until I had to leave out of town for a family emergency and couldn’t take him into the hospital so that was our 3 days of separation to lead to him being weened. I am a sham and my husband works a lot out of town. Can you get away for a weekend?


Cold turkey, just like taking the bottle from a baby


I put a bandaid on my nipples and it creeped out my 12month old. He asked for it but showed him there was no nipple and dad would step in with a sippy cup.

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I went cold turkey. My pedi told me that it was a battle of the wills. You can’t cave just say no and be done offer other liquids and if he is thirsty enough he will eventually drink.

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You have to change his palette (taste buds) even if you express half breast milk mixed with cows milk a little bit of flavor won’t hurt it takes 2 weeks for your palette to change after that he’ll find the breast milk a displeasing taste slowly add more milk and less breast milk over the 2 weeks in the bottle cause the suckling on a teat is also a habit but you don’t have to take both away at the same time wouldn’t recommend a cup


I started going to sleep at night without breastfeeding and refusing if they wake up at night. After a few days of refusing they would stop asking

Just stop cold turkey


Put garlic juice/paste on your nipples tell him you have an ouchie on your nipples

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Omg I am going through the same thing!!!

I’m offline and can’t read the other comments but if no one has said it try giant Band-Aids over your nipples!!! I had a nuclear test that had to be done an don’t daughter at 2 knew about boo boos and band aids. well I put the band aids over my nipples and she would go to nurse and I’d tell her I had owies and no milk and she was so concerned that I was hurt that she would love me up and hug in me and I’d ask if she wanted big girl milk and she would accept. Never went back lol… Shocked the hell out of me cause she called them her “mine boobas” lol


I’ve heard people using the black charcoal mask and covering their nipples in it. I’m sure it’s not pleasant to peal off but if it works… just put the black stuff on and let it dry then let the kid see it on there.

I love reading these!! I am really going to try to nurse and give it my all with my last baby( number 5) but I am so afraid he will use it as a crutch

I went through this …my last baby was 2… just had to let her cry…yes it’s hard… but itll get easier…

Omg. I am going thru the same but she’s just turning a year. But won’t take a passy to formula or regular milk! Only thing I’ve found that she will occasionally drink is goat’s milk. It’s sweeter than cows milk, more similar to breastmilk. But that’s only when she will take it which is maybe once throughout the day!

Don’t allow it anymore. Why are you trying to put a 2 yr old on a bottle or pacifier? He can’t have what he doesn’t have access to.
I don’t think you’re neurotic but I do think you need to wean yourself more than the baby.


My baby was 19 months and I was done. First I started by cutting out day feedings. Literally I avoided all places we regularly breastfed and just everytime she’d go for it I’d distract her with something else and keep handing her the bottle. Yes the bottle. That’s all she would take at first but I figured I’d get off the boob then off the bottle. Then after a few weeks we were down to just night feeding and I literally had to screw up our perfect since birth schedule to get that done. I had to just let her go till she just couldn’t go no more and fell asleep wherever. Because she was so used to going to sleep with me and nursing till she fell asleep that was the only way. Occasionally she would try to nurse but I just distracted her and let her paint or play with play doh etc. After a few weeks she was over it.

Well at two I wouldn’t even try a pacifier or bottle because a two year old really shouldn’t have a pacifier or bottle
Just quit, don’t nurse the child anymore. My daughter had to quit cold turkey she was a little over two. I had to have surgery and couldn’t nurse anymore. She asked a few times, told no and that was that. I didn’t give in to the crying whining etc.


My MIL had this problem with my brother in law (by far my favorite story) she put a rope with a giant toy Mr Raisin around her neck like a necklace Everytime he asked to feed. “no waisin” is the longest running joke :joy:

In all seriousness, I hope you get some rest soon, stay strong mama

I wish I had an answer. My youngest was that way. He finally gave it up at 3 yrs and 7 months. :flushed:

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I just stopped cold turkey tbh. She was around 2 and a half years old. It was horrible and she cried for two or three nights straight- then completely got over it lol. I was so shocked at how fast she moved on. I wore a sports bra to bed just so I reminded myself to do it when I’d instinctively try to pull the boob out. It sucks to hear the crying and sadness but I just did other things to comfort her. We co slept though so it was easy for me because of that I think. Good luck!

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umm stop… You can get him off you by NOT picking him up and popping it out. Tough it out and let him cry it out.
Its not as if he is pulling them out on his own. You are the one giving in and letting it keep on happening. Toddlers get sippy cups. no more pacifiers or bottles.


My boy was hard to wean. At 18 months I had enough of him using me as a “pacifier” and I started telling him that it’s all gone. At 18 months he understood what all gone meant. Every time he wanted to nurse I’d just tell him “No it’s all gone, no more” and it only took 2 days/nights for him to figure it out. I’d recommend not replacing it with another habit such as a pacifier or anything because of the age. Once they understand it’s all gone they should stop waking through the night looking for it. Tough it out for a few nights, I know it sounds exhausting, but you’ll thank yourself later.

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Just stop giving him ur biib. Its really jot that hard. Be stern

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My gradaughter was 3 before her mother was able to get her off the boob. She got her nipples priced. Lol child was not impressed lol

Written by my wife:

So, my first I didn’t wean fully until right before she turned 3. She had issues with her stomach and it was a comfort thing for her. I started weaning her by limiting the length of time I would let her nurse. I also told her that by x day we would be done with nursing. I would decrease the amount of time until it was basically just 30 seconds. At that point we were at the point I told her we would be done and I started giving her water instead.

My second was different because nursing was making sleep difficult. She got to the point where she wasn’t falling asleep easily and I knew we had to stop. So I started with not nursing to sleep after midnight. She had to go to sleep just cuddling with me after midnight. Then 11, then 10. Then I started giving her a cup of water at bedtime instead of nursing her. I would cuddle with her instead and that worked well for her. She had just turned 2 when I weaned her. It took a few weeks with both, but it wasn’t bad. It takes time and figuring out what works best for you and your kiddo. Good luck!


My daughter was over 3 and i just started telling her that it was all gone and that she needed to use a cup now. She would still ask for a long time. I told her we could snuggle the same way…and we still do and shes 7 now.
Btw…Some of the people making rude comments about “just do this or just do that and its not that hard” ignore them. It IS that hard.


This post literally sounds like I wrote it. I’m having the SAME EXACT ISSUE.


Similar problem. My son is in the 5th percentile. I have gotten him to only get boob at night, but he is so resistant to stopping. I noticed if I give him a snack before bed, he doesnt wake up multiple times. I use to believe in self weaning, but my kid is not interested in stopping and I’m done haha so yea I feel you


I just got my girl off after a year and 1 month. She was biting me really hard making me raw and sore so i just stopped one day. I couldnt do it anymore because the pain. The worst night was the first one. They will cry and want boob but you just have to push through. I gave her the bottle because that is all she would take and that was if she wanted to. But i mean you will definitely be up for a few hours the first night. After that it gets easier. But your breasts will be terribly sore, thatll be the worst part. Just stop one day, and DONT give in. He is 2. He will do just fine.

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