How can I get my 8 year old to eat what I make her?

It was told to me would you prefer for her to eat something or nothing at all.My son lived off of peanut and jelly from 3 till he was 17 .He still living

Stop being a weakling and be the mom, the authority. She’s waking all over you. She can go to bed without eating she’s not going to die. When she realizes you mean business, she will eat. Eventually she will. She does this because you’re soft. Toughen up, tell her if she doesn’t eat what you made she doesn’t eat at all!! I do this at home. Guess what? They eat. My boy one day did this and went to sleep without eating. Idc. Now he eats what I make. I tell them, this is not a restaurant. You eat what I make what you think this is, Burger King have it your way? I’m not your slave I’m your mom. I make the rules and this is dinner. Point blank period.

If she doesn’t eat it for dinner make her eat it for breakfast

Bottom line, she eats what you put in front of her and if she doesn’t eat oh well. Eventually she will get hungry enough to eat the food just put it in the refrigerator for her

Never had that problem. No choices in my house.

I grew up it was eat or go hungry… I promise they wont miss many meals before they start eating

She is trying to manipulate you with saying you don’t like her, and you’re letting her be successful with it.

Only way serve dinner and when she refuses, take the plate away, don’t force her. Make sure there are no cookies, crisps or lollies etc. when she really gets hungry she will eat.

It’s about learning choices. Fix the family meal then get out the pb&j that’s her choices if she chooses neither then that IS her choice. If hungry she will eat.

I promise you it will not kill her to go to bed hungry she will be hungry in the morning… I had to do it with my grandson he only wanted snacks not meals. He eats what I cook or he doesn’t eat.

My Mom would make one meal as did I with my kids. I always tried to have a combination of foods that I know at least they would eat that one thing. There is always peanut butter and jelly sandwich but no special meals.

It’s called tough love she don’t eat what you made leave plate on table and nothing else

Don’t cook them :woman_shrugging: I know easier said than done. But if they truly are hungry enough they’ll eat! Also have her help you cook and meal plan!

Just tell her this is what is for dinner but if you dont want it that’s fine it will be in fridge waiting for you. Until then u get nothing else .

Growing up we ate what mom made. Didn’t like something, don’t eat that. But eat what you put on your plate. No waste. No special meals. Don’t like anything? Don’t eat your choice. She’ll figure it out quickly.

My mother allways said “eat what i serve or go to bed hungry”. That rule work. Stop giving in to her demands.

Eat it or leave it as my parents used to say😉

Get some PediaSure it will give her all the nutrition thats what i had to do with my son and now he will eat what ever i make for dinner.

Partially? It’s all, what made her different then your other kids? So try making up for your favoritism now and force her to eat what you make or not eat at all

Make her eat what you fix. At least some of it. She will get tired of being hungry.

Wow. How many of you would like it if you were forced to eat food every day you did not like. You act like children are robots and not individuals. Not everyone likes the same things. If they did restaurants wouldn’t have menus
My daughter was super picky turns out shes allergic to darn near everything from mild to she has an epi pen for all things from water but tuna. It was her bodies way of protecting itself. I also dont believe in telling kids they have to eat something they dont like because you like it. Try it yes. Many nights i make modifications to dinner to fit everyone myself who is picky also.

My house rule unless you are my husband eat what I make,or go hungry. My 2 1/2 year old daughter even understands that rule

I would try letting her help prepare the food so she might want try eating something she made

Have her help prepare meals. Or just step out of the power struggle and dont force her to eat

She can go to bed hungry. Missing a meal won’t hurt her. She has you buffaloed.

Wow!!! You are allowing her to dictate. Take charge and be a mother. When she’s hungry she will eat. Believe me she will not stare.p

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I agree! Since when did she become the parent and the voice of reason? She’s the CHILD!!! Get a spine and parent!!!

Eat it or you will eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner! That’s how I grew up!

I have 5 children. 3 are great eaters the other 2 are difficult. They won’t eat anything besides chicken nuggets, chips and cereal so I sympathise with you.

My kids and grandkids know eat or go hungry. I never cook special . My granddaughter hates eggs so she just eats toast. Today’s kids are too catered to.

I’m wondering if there are some sensory issues going on here…and also thinking maybe a visit to the dr is in order>>> someone who can look at what’s going on and give you a game plan to try…Forcing your kid to do something can end up in just a big battle of wills.


Stop giving in mom. Eat what is on the table or do not eat. It will be hard in the beginning. She will try everything in the book. Do not give in. Just believe. You got this

If we didn’t eat what my mother made, we didn’t eat!! And none of us starved to death, we actually learn to like a lot of different dishes.

You absolutely CAN send her to bed with no food!!! What’s on the table is what she gets. Period! If shes hungry she’ll eat. Stop letting your child make everone in the house unhappy!!!

It’s not new behavior, on either party. You fix whatever and she eats it, or goes hungry.

Mine was a picky eater until 16!!!
She’s 28 now and we ate snails in Paris last year!!! She’s a wonderful cook, baker and eater now​:grinning::wine_glass:

Oh, hell, I thought this was on one of my cat pages. Like your eight year old cat had stopped eating, or something.

Demands what you cook? You’re the problem.

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Yep that was my choices growing up! B

Talk to Dr.
A friend of mine had same issue and found out kiddo was diabetic…

Hunger produces eating! Old school, we ate what was served, or we didn’t eat! Works great!

Do like back in. The day tell she can eat what is cooked or she wouldn’t eat at all and stick to it don’t give in when she cries or tried to guilt trip a few nights of going to bed hungry she will learn and no it’s not child abuse u cooked she was offered what was cooked she can choose to eat or go hungry

Take her to a nutritionist and see if they can’t convince her to eat better.

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if she’s hungry she’ll it if not she can starve and maybe she’ll learn, that being said I ate bread breakfast lunch and dinner until I was about 8 :joy::joy::joy:

YOU are the adult, not your daughter. SHE is in charge. Send her to bed hungry, things will change.

There was 6 of us kids and we never got to got the got the chose

Wait. Wait. She will get hungry sooner or later. You will be doing her a favor if you stick to your guns.

If she doesn’t eat what you make, then she doesn’t eat. That’s her choice. She’s testing you.

My son is the same way we just fix what he will eat

Eat what is made or make a sandwich. Done!

I was raised old school. You either ate what was put in front of you or you go hungry. Lay down the law. You’re the mom, BE ONE!

Kids go through phases constantly. Sometimes they just aren’t hungry. :person_shrugging:

In my day if we did not eat what my mother cooked we went to bed hungry?

IDK…My kids ate what I cooked. I put it there…that was it, my mom was the same way.

I agree with lydia merva. Have her checked by her doctor and go from there.

I’m so sorry if you find this harsh. If you allow your child to call me the shots then, this is your fault. If you allow a CHILD to rule you home, it’s your own fault.

There is a chicken nugget that have veggies in it. Does she like chicken nuggets?

My mom saying was eat it or don’t eat it but you won’t get nothing else

Have her start helping prepare the food, simple tasks. Good luck!

Have them help cook the food


if she gets hungry she will eat but do not give in to her

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Eat what i fix or go hungry

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If she gets hungry enough she’ll eat. Whatever it is.

She gets hungry enough she will eat whats on the table. Stop buying what she likes.

Give her healthy choices . If she eats healthy then reward with some of her sweet salty choices.

She will eat when she gets hungry enough!!

As a teacher of young children , lectures don’t really help . Ask her to be your helper in the kitchen . Ask her to help you choose and make the dinners. Let her help you with grocery list. And then ask her Questions Shall we make macaroni snd cheese or baked potatoes. With cheese? Can you help me make cornbread etc. Usually when children are allowed to help with going to grocery store and helping in the kitchen , they begin to do better. I would try to make this kitchen cooking time very special. I would show her how to put a salad together , wash potatoes for baking, Perl carrots or whatever. Making macaroni and cheese is usually a favorite with kids . Allowing this time to be special , hopefully she will begin a new journey of enjoying food . It took time , but all my kids have become good cooks from helping . It started simple with making a pot of rice and scrambled eggs and then making a batch of cookies . Even though it took lots of time , it was well worth it snd we began a great relationship going into the teens .


Your the parent…she won’t starve.

She will eat what you fix when she get hungry

Just present same thing for next meal , soon get hungry !

Wendy her to bed hungry. She’ll eat long before she starves.

I have a 12 year old whose same eating habits began around around that same age. I was worried that maybe diabetes was approaching ( runs in the family and she’s big ). I had her leave the table and it solved the problem. She would eat it breakfast, lunch, or for dinner, but nothing was thrown in the garbage.

Usaly if it’s served three times a child will try it . Your going have to make sure she knows you mean business. She’s not going to starve over one missed meal after she sees your not going give in she’ll start eating better

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She will eat when she gets hungry enough.

I’ve had a problem with my 8 year old eating, but now, I have her help me cook everything, now she’s eating everything we cook together! Try it!

Could be sensory issues

Cook with her! Cut the food up in cute shapes! I think colors an smells freak kids out! So they are like oh no before they even try to taste it. Also let her help you pick the food out!

No eat, no other option

My kids ate what I fixed. If they F idnt like a vegetable cooked, like carrots, I fixed some raw. Otherwise, the rule was eat or sit by it. They ate.

you can’t force her. Make a meal for everyone and include some things she likes. Maybe if everyone is trying different things then eventually she will too

She will not die let her be hungry she will eat

Maybe get her check up

Take it or go hungry

Eat or go hungry. Period. Mom of 5

It’s time for the chancla

Quit being her friend and be her mother. You can send her to bed without eating if she doesn’t want to eat what you make you just don’t want to.

You are management. That is how

Teach her to cook. She is old enough.

You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit. Either eat what is served or go to bed hungry

She’s spoiled. Quit doing it

Tell her to eat or go hungry

She eats or goes hungry. You are the parent here.

What is wrong with parents these days?? For heavens sake, cook a meal, put it on the table. Kids can eat or not. After the meal, clear it up, do the dishes. Another meal will happen in a few hours. Kids will not starve if meals are not to their specifications.

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My mom made one dinner for six kids if you didn’t eat you were told to leave the table and go to your room. We ate whatever we were given no choices to be had


heres supper dont want okay see you in the morning

Give in now and you will regret it forever. On that note try a redirect- have her help pick and fix dinner. Just make some limitations on content but she may be more likely to eat it if she fixed it.

Talk to your pediatrician. The pediatrician will give you sound advice. Never force a child to eat.

You either eat what I make or you go hungry. Simple.

They eat it or starve!

Fruits are great! I give my kids and grands as much fruit as they want. Growing up my boys ate hotdogs, chicken nuggets and Mac n cheese. They’re 19&21. Healthy as can be. As they got older they started to try new things and found they liked them. Don’t force your child to eat or not eat anything. Then food to them is a chore and not something they enjoy. Can lead to eating disorders later in life. You can always try adding some veggies into a Mac n cheese dish. I added carrots into my spaghetti sauce for years that the kids never knew about. Just cook them down in the sauce and give them a little mash. Give her a flinstone and let her grow up not hating food.