Help!!! I have a nine almost ten year old that will not stop peeing in bottles and putting it in his closet under the bed etc. I’ve explained it’s not healthy it will make him sick that it’s gross that people would make fun of him if it spills and starts making his clothes smell like urine. I thought that it was because he was scared of the dark so I leave lights on every night so he can see if he has to go to the bathroom. He still continues to find water bottles etc to take to his room to pee in. How can I stop this and why did it start all within the last year!!!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my 9 year old to stop peeing in bottles?
Buy a urinal at the drug store
Ask why he’s doing it I mean he could just be going through a lazy faze from the sounds of it I mean I honestly hate getting up to pee in the middle of the night to go pee cause then I wake up
Lazy in to what ever he is doing an wont take time to go out of his room to go
He obviously has some issues…I would seek therapy,.of some some kind. It might something that has to do with his past…just a suggestion…
Is he autistic my autistic nephew uses a urinal.
Let him pee in the bottle but tell him to dump them in toilet after wards.
Therapy. There is something going on and it needs talking about
Get rid of the Bottles!!!
Put the water bottles out of his reach. Make sure he has zero access to them.
Don’t let him have bottles! He’s 9. You control what he has access to. No bottled water, soda etc. He can earn back that privilege with time
He is probably still scared with the lights on. Just scared of going alone at night most likely. Talk to him and help him with the son had this fear still asks us to take him sometimes. We pray about it before bed or when he gets scared. Good luck it will pass soon
Where is he getting the bottles maybe stop the access?
My son just pissed in his closet. Never understood. He’s has asburger so that may be linked idk. But it use to make me so mad
Don’t buy bottles!! Or make sure he can’t get any. For real. Discipline him for the laziness of that!
This is funny but it’s also not because the possibility of reasoning behind it but it just reminds me of that kid who had a pee drawer
Stop having bottles in the house. Tell him to use the toilet.
There’s something more going on !!! My little sister did this when she was raped as a child.
My kid saw it on monster house and did it… when I found out (years ago) I told him if I caught him doing it again I would take the door to his room so he wouldn’t have the privacy to do it again.
Better a bottle than a corner. Say tell me about it. Not why. Teach him to empty them every morning till he gets up to go. He’s not getting the bed
I would try therapy to find that root cause.
My brothers used to have gallon jugs they peed in in their rooms just because they were lazy and didn’t want to leave their rooms at night up till they were like 16
Wake him up every hour and make him go to the bathroom.
Lazy. Is he a gamer?
I’d have him see a therapist. That’s not normal behavior.
Child therapists are amazing for such things. <3
Maybe he can’t make it to the bathroom and doesn’t want to wet the bed? My 10 yr old was wetting and he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Have you asked him any questions?
Wow! That’s all I have to say!
Has he seen someone do this? Or did he just one day pick up a bottle and say I think this would be great to pee in.
OMG I just caught my son doing this not long ago. Turned out he was staying up late on his PS5 and peed in bottles so he wouldn’t wake me while going to the bathroom.
I would talk to your pediatrician. I worked with a client who did that and he was in his twenties.
Stop keeping water bottles in the house is my suggestion. He lost that privilege.
Get rid of the water bottles
Stop buying water bottles …… or any bottles
Maybe get the led strip lights and make a trail to the bathroom! He might think its cool and want to go at night!
I literally dated someone that did this🤮
Go to the thrift store and get him a bedside commode and put it in his room. Tell him he needs to dump it and rinse it out each morning. If he doesn’t want it in his room, he needs to start using the toilet!
I really hate that people are saying he’s lazy, people said the same about my son when he was wetting the bed
Buy a water pitcher for your fridge instead of bottles. I did this because my 11 year old daughter kept leaving them all over the house (not a pee issue. But still annoying.)
Tell him that every time you find a bottle it’s a week with no video games!
I never did this, but I was scared to go pee at night as a kid. It wasn’t about light or dark, it was about leaving my safe room and going into the scary house where everyone is sleeping but me .
that’s very abnormal behavior, you should take him for a consultation with a counselor or child therapist to get to the underlying issue to why he is doing this. There is a reason why
Those saying he needs a child therapist are being stupid - he’s a boy being lazy that has found an alternative!
Boys…will be boys…
This is very easy to fix. Nomore bottles. Buy drinks in cans if u have to.
Laziness. Put an end to it before he’s 37 still pissing in bottles. Unacceptable! Before you throw away plastic bottles cut them
So does he find bottles at one time or when he has to pee he walks around looking for bottles…. So if there are no bottles what does he do….is this an all day thing or just at night … trying talking to him and ask more questions to get a better insight talk to his pediatrician and see what they say
Move the toilet into his room I guess
Common Lady!
Future truck driver, paid well it does.
Does he have video games? If so take them away my sisters son was doing this bc he didn’t want to get off the game to go pee
Does he play a lot of video games? This is a thing with them
Take everything out of his room except a couple blankets and pillows and put him in adult diapers and teach him can’t be a a mature human and go to
The toilet you get treated like a toddler you get a bed and adult diapers grow. Up
Make him empty them all out in the toilet when you find them.
If he has a tablet or game, that’s the answer. My grandson will hold it pee off the porch, but he is rushing to get back to his game ugh
Oh goodness. I hope you can find a solution.
I’d put my foot down about that, but I’m old school.
My ASD son done this… he seen/herd thats what you do to play games, binge watch tv longer cause online games don’t pause…
Social media and some movies may have made him think its okay… race car drivers/ astronauts etc (just a couple reasons my son told me why he done it)
That’s impressive lol but gross
Put in back in diapers.
Just wait til he’s shitting in one then you’ll really be screwed
Boys will be boys? No way. That is not an excuse. I’d lose my shit one good time or two and that should do it.
It has to be a boy thing I swear
My boys do and still do this if they take bottles to their bedroom lol.
Never heard of such:/
Umm he’d be using bathroom like every other 10 year old child. There’s zero excuse for that.
Christina Wilson okay, I’m thru
This is 100% a boy thing
Find out why he does it then you will know what to do
As a house keeper, I’ve noticed that many kiddos rooms have those tiny plastic potties for the little ones.
Maybe he’s scared to go potty at night when he has to go.
Any changes in his life around or in front of him starting this? Guess u will either have 2 wait it out or destroy/not have bottles in house. gl!
Me ex’s son would urinate and defecate on himself because he didnt want to get up from his show/games. He was 10. It came to a head while he was in karate class and a poop fell out of his pants onto the floor and the teacher found it. He lost his privileges to TV and video games for a while. Had to have daily underwear checks and had his “bigboy” sheets removed for normal ones until he could be trusted. Boys will be very lazy
Stop buying bottles. then there isn’t any to pee in. Get reusable bottles. If he pees in them make him clean them
Yeah this is definitely a boy thing… not saying it makes it ok… just saying lots of boy moms go through this too.
She meant to say Trump who couldn’t even remember the name of his own social media platform.
Have you asked him why he does it? Sit down and try to listen to him. Maybe a therapist, seems odd to me but I hv a teenage girl and 2 little girls so maybe its a boy thing but try to talk to him.
Suggestion would be to give him a male urinal like they have for bedbound males and ensure he empties it each morning. There is likely some trauma there, but to solve the immediate issue would be give him an alternative to the bottles.
Stop buying water bottles
Tell him he’s gonna get it stuck in there one day and you’ll have to call the fire department and ambulance to cut it off
My son used to go outside and pee instead of using the potty as a young kid
I would start withdrawing privileges for every time I find a urine bottle in his room. Urine bottle… no TV. Urine bottle… no electronics period. Urine bottle… grounded from his bike. Keep pulling privileges until he has nothing. He’ll get the idea you aren’t going to put up with it. I know that sounds extreme, but if you’ve tried everything else…
Lots of truck drivers do this then throw them out the window into the ditch…So if you’re ever helping with neighborhood cleanup , beware…Its not pop.Some use 2 liters, and just keep adding to it…They dont want to stop what They’re doing. I Would treat him as though hes a little kid again and keep checking on him, and making him use the rest room, Or set an alarm or timer and make him get up & go to the bathroom.,.Every hr or so
I think this is pretty normal for guys. I think it’s just out of laziness and not wanting to get up and use the bathroom. If he won’t compromise on this I’d quit with the “it will make you sick” and tell him if he does do it he needs to dump it in the toilet every morning after he gets up and clean up after himself instead of just leaving it.
Take his games away till he stops it. Don’t let him have any in his room at night.
I told my son if I find another bottle like that I’ll make him drink it. It stopped.
My 10 year old pees outside. Taught his cousins how to 2 weeks ago
Tell him to stop being lazy
Pure laziness my son did it too
Stop buying the water bottles
my son use to do the same thing!
Pure D Laziness, lmao. He may not want to leave his room to go to the bathroom. Saves time on games. preach it to him, don’t let up!
Is he playing video games? If he does he doesn’t want to stop. I just recently learned about pre teen and teens doing this because they are that obsessed with the video games.
Is he a gamer? Sounds like a gamer thing to do.
Remove bottle from him
My friends ex boyfriend would pee in bottles bc he was too lazy to get up and go to the bathroom. It’s disgusting and lazy. Hope you figure out a way to make him stop soon before it gets out of control.
Does he binge watch TV? Or does he binge play video games? If so take those cords remote controls whatever it takes because more than likely he continues to pee in bottles so that he doesn’t have to leave his room which means he doesn’t have to stop playing the game or watching the TV or whatever it is he’s doing and if that’s not it you need to see help from his doctor or therapist to see what is going on and why this behavior began in the last year. In my house if we had checked all the boxes to make sure it wasn’t some kind of disorder ,behavioral issue etc that required treatment, therapy etc. that bs would stop and it would stop immediately, and if it didn’t stop everything every privilege every toy(video games,phone’s,tv,whatever it is)would be removed until it stops. Because he’s not a little kid who does not know better he’s 9. Unless there’s a reason medical, mental, something traumatic happened to him in the last year, that has caused this behavior then you need to put your foot down and make it stop your mama he’ll only walk all over you if you allow him to. Best of luck and I hope it’s something simple and not something serious.
Does he have a urinary problem? I would take him to the doctor. It’s possible he can’t hold it long enough to make it to the bathroom in time.
Start taking stuff away from him when you find them in his room. Games/electronics, bike, ect. He’ll figure it out when he has nothing left to do or play with.
I don’t have a boy but I suggest taking him to his doctor maybe a professional telling him peeing in bottles isn’t healthy and also find out why instead of using the toilet. I wouldn’t punish him for that it may lead or cause other issues shaming him. Yes it’s nasty and abnormal. See a doctor before anything else. Also thankfully he’s not peeing the bed
Talk with him - statically- not meaning anything negative- it may be one of two things - he has been possibly sexually/physically abused - or- a chemical imbalance. You should have him medically checked. It may be something else - this is only in my experience working with “ at - risk” children. This is not normal behavior-