How Can I Get My Child to Take Her Medicine?


"You all, I’m desperate… My daughter was the one having their tonsils and adenoids removed on Wednesday. Well, she’s doing amazing BUT… We have to alternate medicine, and we’re having a really, really hard time at night.

We tried waiting it out, and she screamed for hours. We tried tonight, waking her to take it. That didn’t work either. She spits it out. Or just flat out refuses.

We’re exhausted. She’s exhausted. We have tried hiding it. Didn’t work. She’s always been this way. We have already tried chewables by crushing it and such. So my question. Has anyone given a Tylenol suppository to a child asleep? Cuz that’s our next option."

RELATED QUESTION: Is it okay to mix your child’s medicine into something?


“You could ask the pharmacy if they have different flavors. Not knowing how old your daughter is but my kids hated the taste of children’s medicine, after discussing it with the doctor we went to pills that need to be swallowed as grown-ups do. They were around 5, and often they chose to swallow chewables whole. I did have one child that was very sick one time with a stomach bug and we had to give her suppositories, that was a nightmare.”

“What are the doctor’s instructions and reason for the Tylenol? Is it for pain or a fever? When my child had her tonsils out she was given meds for pain which we ended up being up an entire weekend with no sleep for both of us. It wasn’t taking the meds it was the fact that they prescribed by her weight and not her age. Once the dose was adjusted everyone slept. If the child is not in pain or running a fever I am not sure why the Tylenol needs to be given at night? Once my child was asleep I was told to let her sleep. Screaming is more harmful after the T&A than the Tylenol. Good Luck, Mama!”

“Yeah suppository might be your only option but I’d consult the doctor about doing while your kid is sleeping that seems pretty extreme to me. Also, depending on age and kind of not depending on age, what happens if they wake up? That could be a super messed up memory.”

“I had this problem with my son. It took my husband and I both to hold him down and hold his nose closed and using a syringe pop it quickly into the back of his throat. He’d swallow it. We all cried but our doctor recommended it and it worked. It’s awful but they’ll soon start taking it without the harshness of being held down. Like you, nothing else worked!”

“When my son was refusing medicine that he needed to take at younger ages, I would go out to the dollar store a grab $10-20 worth of treats and cheap toys and put them into a box. I told him if he took his medicine without a fight he could reach his hand in the surprise box and pull out a surprise!! It worked so well! No fighting screaming crying he just took it without issue! Good luck momma!!”

“When my son had influenza A we had no choice but to do Tylenol suppository because he would projectile vomit all meds back up. I definitely recommend it when it’s your last resort. Just make sure you get the correct dosage!”

“I found out that my two-year-old son prefers the little plastic medicine cups over the syringes the Tylenol comes with. He takes medicine so well when he’s the one that gets to control it!! You could try offering it to her in one of those?”

“Truthfully and some might disagree. I bribe my daughter with pop. It’s a treat and not something she gets a lot. But when she’s needing Calpol/ibuprofen I get her a little bottle and she can get rid of the taste with that. If she’s on antibiotics I send it into school with her and it’s the only way they can get her to take it.”

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I always followed meds w a spoonful of something tasty, & thick so it coats. My son liked marshmello cream, nutella, or the aerosol whipped cream. I did what I had to do. Lol. Good luck!

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Try mixing it in yogurt

Try “forcing” it with syringe or mix it with ice cream

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You could ask the pharmacy if they have different flavors. Not knowing how old your daughter is but my kids hated the taste of children’s medicine, after discussing it with the doctor we went to pills that need swallowed like grown ups do. They were around 5, and often they chose to swallow chewables whole. I did have one child that was very sick one time with a stomach bug and we had to give her suppositories, that was a nightmare.

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Place it on the side of her mouth… a nurse told me to do it and it worked my son took it without a problem.

Tylenol now makes a powder. It looks like the drink mixes and you just put it on their tongue

If she’s refusing it then she doesn’t really need it. It’s just Tylenol it’s not like it’s an antibiotic

You’re just giving her prn pain meds? I wouldn’t give it if she’s refusing.

i would definitely just get the liquid and shoot it in the back side of her mouth lol and then give her a popsicle afterwards. or tell her if she takes the medicine she can have a snack of her choosing or something

When my son had influenza A we had no choice but to do Tylenol suppository because he would projectile vomit all meds back up. I definitely recommend it when it’s your last resort. Just make sure you get the correct dosage!

Not sure how old she is but you could give her the option of the suppositories or drinking it. I know you said you tried hiding it did you try hiding it in food like a PBJ or flavored oatmeal? We usually do it in milk if its cherry flavored try mixing it in strawberry or chocolate milk dont let her see you add it. I have had to give 1 of my kids a suppository but they were still a baby so it was pretty easy.

I use to have to dilute it with something that tasted better than the medicine. Like juice, yogurt, you could do whatever she likes that wouldn’t make it taste worse by adding it to an odd flavor combo.

Have you tried crushing it and put in some Yogart, apple sauce pudding ?? My Son couldn’t Swallow pills at all, and the workers at the Treatment Centre Suggested we try crush the pill and put it on a spoon with Yogart, pudding or whatever your daughter may like, My Son took it easier with a little bit of Strawberry Jam on the spoon with the pill. I hope you find something that works/helps :blush::grin:

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How old is your kid? I wouldn’t take meds if I could taste them as a kid (still won’t) so my parents had to get tablets or capsules… not sure that’s an option though.

When my son was tiny, I used a bottle nipple and just squirted the dose into that. He’s older now (21 months) and will only take meds if I let him give it to himself… so I load the dosage and hand him the spoon or syringe and he’ll take it.

Children’s liquid tylenol?

What are the doctors instructions and reason for the tylenol? Is it for pain or a fever? When my child had her tonsils out she was given meds for pain which we ended up being up an entire weekend with no sleep for both of us. It wasn’t taking the meds it was the fact that they prescribed by her weight and not her age. Once the dose was adjusted everyone slept. If the child is not in pain or running a fever I am not sure why the tylenol needs to be given at night? Once my child was asleep I was told to let her sleep. Screaming is more harmful after the T&A than the tylenol. Good Luck, Mama!

If shes asleep leave it alone


We use the kool aid flavor shots add a little bit to right amount of meds stir up and it seems to help my little one

Probably an unpopular opinion, but my mom had to hold me down and force me at a young age. :woman_shrugging: I turned out ok lol. I also started taking pills at a younger age than most because I hate liquid medicine.

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My 3yr old just had her out last Thursday. We had her take the liquid kind and then gave her yogurt right away to take the taste away. We have also used the syringe and put it in the corner of the mouth/throat so it just goes down.

How old is she??
My four year old will not take anything I try to give her but if I have her the syringe, she gives it to herself like a PRO… and because she does it so well, my 2 year old does too. But if I try to give it to them… game over. If she’s big enough maybe try letting her do it herself… independence is a big deal for these little ines🤷🏻‍♀️

Yes you can do a Tylenol suppository it’s just like taking it by mouth! I have them for when my 2 yr old when was sick and couldn’t take it by mouth! He slept through it and for the “Karen’s” out there you alternate Tylenol and Motrin to keep the pain down from a tonsillectomy regardless if they’re asleep or not because when you have a child that wakes up in severe pain I bet you wished you given them the medicine on time!

Have someone hold her, put it in her cheek in the back of her mouth and blow in her face at the same time. Their reaction is to swallow and then hopefully when she isn’t in pain after having the meds she’ll calm down and realize it helped her.

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My son is the same, huge fight to get meds down, give a suppository love

Had to do that for my four year old son when he was in the hospital with mono with very high fever and other things he did extremely well with it it was the only way to give him meds when he’s ill he wouldn’t swollow anything way less stressful for him and us then trying to force it in him he wouldn’t open for us or nurses and if we did manage to get it in his mouth he spat it all over us way less stressful when we did it that way

It’s hard but tell her she needs to take it or she will have to go back to hospital and the doctors won’t let u stay with her. 1 of my daughters was like that she would bit hit kick scream I told her that and she takes it with no problems now ( she was 2 at the time)

If small child, wrap tight in a towel, syringe it in , hold nose for a few seconds, they will swallow,
If anyone is asleep they don’t need pain meds, unless they have a fever.

Truthfully and some might disagree. I bribe my daughter with pop. Its a treat and not something she gets alot. But when she’s needing calpol/ibrufen i get her a little bottle and she can get rid of the taste with that. If she’s on antibiotics i send it into school with her and its the only way they can get her to take it

My son has had Tylenol suppository many times when he was asleep bc he refused to take oral meds when we woke him up. It’s really easy to do and takes two seconds. Just remember to buy some gloves!

Can meds be put in applesauce or pudding to help give maybe

I know you said you tryed hiding it but if you put it in a sippy cup with just a little bit of strawberry milk it should go down easy

When my son was refusing med that he needed to take at younger ages I would go out to the dollar store an grab 10-20$ worth a treats an cheap toys an put into a box… told him if he took his med without a fight he could reach his hand in the surprise box an pull out a surprise!! It worked sooo good! no fighting screaming crying he just took it without issue! Good luck momma!!

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When crushing it what did you put it in? Also how old is she?

Have you tried sweetening the deal with a little treat if she takes her medicine? A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down right, so why not try it? If it’s really important that she takes the medicine, a temporary treat will not be harmful in the long run. A little scoop of ice cream, or pudding?

My niece hates taking meds too my SIL makes a special milk for her and adds it to it

That’s a good idea. I have 5 kids ages 14-25. Sometimes you just have to do what’s best for them. You’re the parent.

How old is she, tylenol makes liquid versions for kids and adults, the kids version has bubble gum flavor and cherry flavor and I believe grape

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Have you tried crushing the tablets in applesauce? Or putting the liquid in Gatorade?

Can you really use Tylenol liquid like a suppository? Does it work for other medicine? Never heard of this?

I used to put liquid medicine and mixed in a small amount of the same flavored kool aid. It beats forcing them through tears. When I was a new mom with my oldest daughter I would have to straddle her and give her medicine through her crying in fighting as she spit it out numerous of times and the last thing I wanted was to be frustrated while my kiddos didn’t feel well. So I learned techniques

Home made Kool aid popsicles with added Tylenol make them small so she takes the full dose but at night not much you can do besides maybe mix it with regular kool aid, my youngest hates taking meds when she sick and it’s the only way I can trick her into taking something for fevers

Crush the pill with a spoon , mix it into whatever she “likes” juice , sprite, yogurt or apple sauce… adjust your dosage time to right before she goes to sleep to try and eliminate the problem…

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We used suppositories for my 3 year old son after his tonsils and adenoids and supraglottoplasty because he wouldn’t take anything by mouth. Life saver

When she’s asleep get a syringe and slowly push the medicine in the side of her mouth…no taste buds there…worked for me many times…good luck :blush:

Put it in a medicine dropper and put it in the side of her jaw. Do it quickly …it will work

Give her the medicine orally and blow in her face on her nose until she swallows it…the forced air makes them kind of freak out and forces the to swallow. Same as when you have to do bloodwork or injections. It’s always helped with my daughter. Short, forceful breaths right on the nose. I wish you the best and good luck :heart_eyes::heart::kissing_heart:

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Use a syringe, while her mouth is closed place the syringe between her cheek and teeth and do it that way, she won’t be able to spit it out

I have heard pediatric nurses mixing meds with chocolate syrup claiming it works like a charm :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Syringe down the side of her cheek. I had to do this when my kids were much smaller.

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How old is the child? If she’s going try giving it to her in a cup with some drink not a lot of drink. But she might notice also. If she’s small enough you can have her wrap around your legs have someone help hold her head down and force it to her and so she doesn’t spit it pinch her nose closed so that way she has to drink it cause she has to breath. I had to do that to my son at some points because he didn’t want to take medicine and Same thing would spit it all out and get on my hands and face .

My daughter hates and I mean HATES medicine. We use the dissolving Tylenol. She still gags a little but it able to get most of it down and it a lot less of a fight and she can do it herself.

Or also yes a syringe like other have said but throw that medicine all the way to the back of the throat and pinch the nose and she had to take it.

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If. She woke up and you were doing that… could be bad experience

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Put it in a sippy cup with juice.


With my toddler we get the grape Tylenol and put it in a small cup of grape juice. Chugs it down without even realizing it’s in there.


Not much help but I had mine removed at 12 and the recovery was horrible and I remember vomiting up puss and blood and everything tasted horible and could hardly eat! Your doing amazing just encouraging her to take her medicine or she won’t get better i hated it to but I remember my mum kept saying I won’t get better without it so I just took it.

You don’t mention the age… our son did this… started early on…had tonsillectomy and adenoids removed at age four… didn’t matter if it was pill or liquid, would throw it back up and gag. We made a game of it and we all played along. Pour some into the cup dispenser or take the pill, and we would have a Dixie cup of his favorite soda to act as a chaser. He chewed or swallowed and then chased it down with a few swigs of soda. Of course we hyped it up and cheered him on and sometimes he would gag, and we would and make faces, but he always chased it down with a few sips of soda :grin:… he’s 13 now and has no problems with swallowing pills … just gotta find what works for you :grin:

Don’t blow in their face that’s cruel Put it in her bottle if she still takes one or her sippy or whatever she drinks out of


Liquid medicine in the dropper and put it between cheek and gum far back and shoot it in.

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If she won’t drink it mixed with a little juice or chocolate milk
I always had a chaser of something sweet to drink like chocolate milk … ready in their hands

Mix it with a little bit of Pepsi. My kids are the same way and Pepsi works everytime

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Try thinning it out in abit of water and watch the dose all kids react differently to medication. Sounds more like she doesnt like the medicated effect she experiences and there for is retaliating

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Hard abit burned dry toast and black tea and jelly (green one) worked well in the early years for that problem

When my kids were small I had to sit on my son with my legs on his arms syringe the medicine in and blow in his face and plug his nose antibiotics were the worst. He was horible he wouldn’t take anything and so strong it took 4 people to hold him still for a hair cut till he was 7 years old he finally calmed down. Some kids are so stubborn. But yeah try mixing it. I use to put medicine in chocolate pudding or juice to hide it


They work, but I would speak with her physician and ask if it is really needed or if you could just skip it. It is not like an antibiotic where it really should be taken. If she is just getting it for discomfort and she is sleeping, she may not need to take it.


I had my tonsils out as an adult in 2018 and it is horrific. I would wake up in the night and my throat would be sooo dry it hurt to even swallow. I put my own medicine in apple sauce because I couldn’t imagine swallowing it(which I don’t recommend as it is acidic).

I found for myself that yogurt as well was weird. It made me really phlegmy which made it hard to swallow.

For a bit of relief try a warm humidifier in her room as well at night time, and if a suppository is one of your last options then maybe talk to the pharmacist for options.

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When my daughter was small she couldn’t take medicine every time she would projectile vomit, so suppositories were the only option!

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Add it in with ice cream

My oldest son has took pills since he was 3. But liquids were bad. I mix it with a lil bit of dr. Pepper(his favorite) and usually have no problem. My youngest takes liquid, pills and inhaled medication since birth. His pills are taken with chocolate pudding, his liquid is mixed with chocolate milk. And his inhaler( he is held down) it’s wrestle mania for it.

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Make a game of it. Give it to her, but make sure the reward is geater than the taste of the yucky stuff. The other thing is, if she’s refusing it, does she really need it??? xxxxxx

I found out that my two year old son prefers the little plastic medicine cups over the syringes the Tylenol comes with. He takes medicine so well when he’s the one that gets to control it!! You could try offering it to her in one of those??

Put it in chocolate pudding

I kept Tylenol suppositories on had when mine where little.
We have gently rolled them over in their sleep and give them to them.
(Use alot of lube)
Best wishes momma this will get easier!!!

Yeah suppository might be your only option but I’d consult the doctor about doing while your kid is sleeping that seems pretty extreme to me. Also like depending on age and kind of not depending on age what happens if they wake up? That could be a super messed up memory

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Omg, you people saying to not give her pain meds , you need to have a T&A without pain meds…you should never allow a fresh post op to suffer, and this is a child!!! Since when is the child in charge???

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Mix it in a little coffee creamer.

Get some her of fav juice put it in a tiny Dixie cup, drink half of a juice box and put the meds in there, at night (or day time if needed) definitely a suppository! I did these with my daughter when she had hers removed. She needs her meds to control her pain. Good luck mama it’ll pass within a week or two post surgery! And the surgery has made a tremendous difference!

Have you tried giving it to her while she is asleep. I did that with my son lasting he was sick. Had to alternate between Motrin and Tylenol every 3 hours and I would sneak in to his room and slowly put the liquid in his mouth with the syringe. It worked. But yes suppositories will work too

If u can get it in the mouth rub the throat up n down it stimulates swallowing. The nurses taught me that when I was nursing. If u can do it right off they dont have time to spit. Other than that bribery works🤷🏾‍♀️

Did you try putting it in applesauce?

My sis was same way she had many ear surgeries if pill my mom would crush into applesauce or pudding even some chocolate milk if liquid put in the back of her cheek my mom works in nursing homes and alot of her residents will fight she will buy applesauce and will crush and put it in there for them

When my daughter had her tonsils and adenoids removed that’s what we done. I always timed it so that her Tylenol was due while sleeping.

Have u tried the liquid kind and putting it in their cup with a small amount of juice or milk. Just enough so she’ll finish it not half or full cup

I had this problem with my son. It took my husband and I both to hold him down and hold his nose closed and using a syringe pop it quickly into the back of his throat. He’d swallow it. We all cried but our doctor recommended it and it worked. It’s awful but they’ll soon start taking it without the harshness of being held down. Like you, nothing else worked!

get some her of favourite fruit cut it small and give the meds 1 ml or two ml gradually and every give med in the mouth and straight away give the slice of fruit in the mouth every after swallow the meds it really work well , i give fruit mango :mango: to make them flash meds testy. is really work well to my son

Suppositories are easier imo

liquid meds in the squeezy yoghurts? x

Try giving her liquid tylenol and motrin instead. I had my tonsils removed at 10 and I could barely swallow anything. My daughter is 3 and go hers out 5 months ago but I gave her liquid tylenol and she had an easier time swallowing after. Each child is different when it comes to this surgery, I understand it’s frustrating but once her throat is healed you shouldn’t have too much of a problem anymore.

Your fighting her for tylenol? Seriously? She’s obviously fine with out it

I had to go hard on my boys- ignore their pain and cries when medicine was refused. No, wasnt easy and was so stressful. Eventually they figured out that the meds can help after some mild discomfort. And the times they refuse meds they know not to even mention the discomfort to mom anymore. You dont want my help? Then dont bitch to me about it!

I gave my son a Tylenol suppository when he was an infant with a high fever and continued to vomit when given oral medication. He was not sleeping when I did it. They do take longer to take effect then regular oral pain meds I noticed.

If it was a capsule and can be opened or crushed we would and put it in whip cream or a small bowl of ice cream

My niece is super hard. My sister mixes it with a little bit off soda. That is the only thing that has work for her.

I’m not sure how old your child is but if she’s of an age where you can explain that the medicine will help her with the pain then try to explain that. You may have tried that already… I got my tonsils and adenoids out as a child and that hurt. Medicine stung but I choked it down. Suppositories are a great option… She will be in lots of pain so I would give it a try. Also maybe you could try making ice pops now you may call these different over there but you know juice frozen… Mix some medicine in the juice and freeze it up. Best of luck with it. My daughter has an appointment for her own tonsils and adenoids coming up too.

Turn her upside down.

How old is she? My kid is 5 and we are past bribing her with candy, I gotta pay her to take some medicines now but I can’t blame her. I tasted them myself and yeah disgusting

Do not try to put suppository when a child is asleep :see_no_evil:

How old? If they’re a baby and take a pacifier poke a small hole in it and do it with the paci

Is it liquid ( or maybe get liquid) maybe you could add literally into your cooking like in the pancake batter or something?

My daughter was the same when she was small. I used to back her into a corner so she couldn’t move. You can say it’s cruel all you want but it’s better than letting your child be sick to the point of possibly something worse!

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