Katelynn Till Reese!
Alana interesting read
Ignore, ignore, ignore!!
You ma’am, are abusing a baby.
I straight up let my four-year-old swear. Who fucking cares? Not me. As long as it’s not towards someone, I don’t care. One of the funniest parenting moments for me was when my then three-year-old banged her head on the table and she said “I bonked the shit out of my head” also I think it helps to remember that a lot of people overseas don’t really see swearwords the same way that we do. Went to a convention in Denmark once, the motherfucker said fuck on the stage in a science setting.
Am I the only one thinking this is a fake post surely. Hahaha. This can’t be real…
Jess Streets Tiffany Nunes
Susana Martínez-Ochoa
Violence makes violence
Give him a dawn cocktail🍸
This has to be a joke!
Matthew Kirk some advice on here is pretty good in general for the way Bill is being atm.
Jamie Herth this sounds like that one girl who abused her kid too:face_vomiting:
This has to be fake…
What the fuck, but more importantly why the fuck
this does not spark joy
So You Think You Can Dance??? Try that on me or my kinfolk and i guarantee youd be the one getting force fed whale meat…or palmolive gold…wash your mouth out with soap…what your doing is child abuse and i hope child services step in quick smart and rescue those children from your clutches
This is my 3yr old atm
I Feel A Dirty Delete Coming
Apologies, my good bitch, but what seems to be the fuck?
Renee Harms maybe some useful tips on here
You’re failing by being an abusive bitch and should have your son taken away.
Woaaaah. This is awful.
Well fuck teach him to say shit If it’s that big of a deal
Basically your “fucking husband” should have watched his fucking mouth. You should make him fucking bleed for being a bad fucking example to your child. And your parenting LOL WHY Would you post online you abused your child?
You also need a parenting class or therapy. You abused your child due to your fucking husbands foul mouth.
In my eyes, you are a bad mom. You punished the wrong person first of all. If I knew you I’d pinch your lips until they bled, with needle nose pliers. Your face lips & your vagina lips.
This HAS to be a troll
That’s fucking abuse
Oh yeah I also force feed my kids their vegetables!!! Terrible mom problems!!!
You are a horrible person and shouldn’t be a mother! I hope someone who knows you reads this and removes your child off you! And who tf gives their kid frozen whale meat as a punishment, what the actual f. Your all kinds of fkd and I hope your poor child gets taken off you
Parenting Talk: An Evidence Based Discussion Forum
He learned it somewhere.
Chelsea Vascocu McQuillin
Stop saying it first! Our kids never swear, they are not angels but they never swear bc we don’t swear
Stop using violence against a TWO YEAR OLD
Wtf did I just read
I can tell this is bullshit because Inuit parenting highly frowns upon violence (such as assaulting your kids)
Wtf did I just read
At least he’s using it in the right context…?
Sorry, I don’t really have an answer for you
You’re a fucking psycho. Maybe dont swear around your kid then? Hes 2 and doesnt understand the concept behind good and bad words.
Caitlin McNamara I’m all for punishment but this is a bit wild.
What in the fuck did I just read
You need your ass beat
to be quite Frank you’re lucky that you put this anonymously or so many of us would probably report you to child services for abuse
Wat the heck I just read
I’ve made up words. FLIPPITY FLOPPY! you fcker.
Lauren Marie Malori Collette read this shit !!!
I heard unicorn meat may help.
After reading this post AND the comments
Teach him a new word
Alex Tomlinson I can’t get past the abuse
Wowwwwww. Girl stop pinching that babies lip❗
Good old washing mouth out with soap
Pop hands that’s what I did
Who pinches a 2 year old s lip… omg!!! What if someone pinched yours till it bled…
Say other words instead of curse words.
Ignore it eventually he will stop! I cuss like a sailor and my kids and now grandsons picked it up but once they didn’t get that attention they stopped! I also taught them there is a time and place to use them words when they was using them not do it in public or school only at home when they would use the bad words at home they would look for a reaction once I stopped giving them one it eventually stopped now they tell me to watch my mouth
You are not a bad mom, you are not a failing mom! 2 is a rough age and can be very stressful. As parents we are learning as well as the children. Parenting didn’t come with a book and what works for one parent doesn’t always work for another. I’m not judging you cause we all may mistakes. Just because you pinched his lip doesn’t mean you did it so hard it bled. Now you have reached out to others moms for advice. I would try to just ignore him.
Stop swearing yourself
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?
I just told my son it wasnt a nice word then moved on. His choice of word though was shit haha but acting like its not a big deal is best or they keep doing it
Terrible 2s are hard mom of 4 here and personally my kids have only used damn or shit and used them in completely great situations drop a glass…awww damn. So hard to be mad at that cause we’re human we swear. Definitely start ignoring the f bomb and distraction helps when he starts trying to use it to see negative attention. Also personally my first interaction with a bar of soap taught me at age 5. (I’ll never forget) but hes still little and absorbs everything. Don’t feel like a failed mom almost every mama goes thru this. Chin up!
When it comes to parenting we must always remember it first starts with us so reflection and changing ourselves in our habits then we can see how to redirect the error cause kids do and say everything they learn from us.
Wow for the lip pinching but not here to judge just support and advice… So, its really only a big deal if you make it one! The very fact he’s getting reactions from the word will encourage him to do it more he’s two he’s still learning not all attention is good attention. Just redirect him, he says fuck, don’t make a big deal just calmly correct him, tell him these are adult words that aren’t very nice at all and you give him another word to replace it like fudge or whatever And you do that EVERY SINGLE TIME, when he uses an acceptable word give him LOTS of praise “oh wow good job using nice words to express your feelings buddy! Well done!” Its tedious maybe but be persistent and it will stop eventually I promise you that lol.
Redirecting to words he can say is far more useful than ignoring him. Kids aren’t dumb. They can comprehend things, fuck is a bad word, a word you are not allowed to say, you can say… when you’re frustrated, if we cant follow the rules we will be done doing… or you will sit in timeout for 2 min and be consistent.
How about stop saying those words around your kids. They will copy and mimic your words with the same vigor you do. Start a swear jar for you and hubby. $ every time you swear in front of your kids. It can be used, may for a date night. Incentive! Your child should not be punished for this. Either ignore the behavior or try to explain those a adult words.
Two year olds have a VERY hard time understanding the rights from the wrongs. He doesn’t understand what he is saying he just knows its something that gets a response from you! That’s the ultimate goal with any negative behavior they want a reaction. Don’t give a reaction and it’ll fade out. My child is also going threw the 2s and yet IVE NEVER HAD TO PHYSICALLY HARM MY CHILD. let alone pinch him hard enough to bleed? That’s the only failure here. Maybe try a parenting class as no one is perfect and everyone can gain from them. They have a whole lesson dedicated to appropriate punishment for each age.
Reminding yourself that he is two. It’s all learnt behaviour and to take responsibility for that rather than punishing him for what he’s been taught. Trying to not put adults on a pedal stool of I can do it but you can’t and recognising contradiction is important. If you swear so will they, if you try and stop it it causes resentment
Honestly, you can’t make a big deal about it. Toddlers are very smart and they like to get a reaction. You can try replacing it with something more fun to say. “Oh Fiddle sticks”, “Shoot”, “Darn”. My kids liked to say, “aww popcicles!” when frustrated. It’s silly so it catches their attention.
My son at 2 said truck, it came out a clear F word, so I quickly reply yes Truck, very good ! It wasn’t long before he was able to pronounce T, he never knew he had repeated a bad word he had heard. I sure this is no help to you, but it worked for me.
If you don’t say bad words they won’t learn them! Kids especially toddlers just do what they see and hear. If a toddler uses bad language that means you should change your bad habits!
Well! All that awful negative attention you are giving him when he does it it what he is feeding on! It is learned behavior not his fault! pinching of his lip is very unnecessary! ESP seeing how it was so harmful
it’s behavior that should be redirected and ignored
My little girl started swearing and we had a hard time getting her to stop. But when someone would swear around her we started to say shoot every time. She started to pick up on that and now anytime someone says a bad word she will correct them and say no shoot.
The more you pay attention to it the worse it will get. Just tell him it is wrong and a bad word and his father shouldn’t have used it
Try not reacting so outrageously to it. Toddlers are looking for a response that’s why they’re such extremists.
Be like oh that’s nice honey, but when he says something nice make a HUGE deal about it.
That’s how I got mine to stop dropping the f bomb.
(Admittedly she tripped, dropped her smarties, cried and yelled FUCK!... I mean… her chocolate hit the floor and she did use the proper context but still…. Inappropriate lol)
Correct the word. If he’s saying the F word, give him another word to say. Make it a nonchalant correction and he won’t know the difference. We say words like fudge, darn. Correct him instantly with the new word, but redirecting will be the winner. Give it time. Anger will teach him to use that word constantly.
My 3 year picked up a few choice swear words. I told him those were mommy’s words and he understood in his own way. On the other hand, I can no longer sing my ABC’s because those are “his words”…
How about instead of hoping all over this woman about physical abuse give her useful ideas to stop it! Some people dont understand some of the things they do can be classified as abuse. Maybe she knows no different. Different nationalities do punishment different.
As far as stopping the behavior I cant really help. My 5yr old has been pretty good in this department. I however would try some of the suggestions about let’s not say that why dont we try this instead and be consistent with it. I wish you much luck momma!
First of all- different cultures have different types of punishments. She’s Inuit. That may be the equivalent of a literal 48-contiguous-states slap on the hand there.
Secondly- mine went through all that as well. I told her those are parent words and she can say them when she becomes a parent. And then I gave her different other words to use instead. For that, I use Fudge Ripple!
Good luck, Mom.
He’s 2 and definitely dosnt understand he’s saying a bad word… a bad word that clearly the father says frequently enough that your 2 year old knows it… re direct the word to truck teach him truck and not fuck. Also I don’t think harming a 2 year old is going to make him learn faster.
Although he’s getting negative attention from it, he’s still getting attention. Tell him it’s not a nice word and move on, in the sense you ignore the behaviour. The longer you ignore it the quicker he will get fed up and realise he’s not getting attention because of it.
Tell him it’s a bad word and we dont use bad words? No need for sure extreme punishments. When my son was 2 he started saying shit (my bad) and I corrected it every time saying nooo oh sugar, ohhh sugar, and making a silly voice and he soon copied that and forgot about the word shit. He’s 3 now and knows there are many bad words
Have you tried explaining what words are ok for little boys and girls and what words aren’t? And being consistent with a punishment is better than pinching his damn lip? Wtf?
A consistent time out. Explain, and if needed expand ie, taking the toy, or stopping stopping activity after he says it? If he says it ans you’re doing something, have a consequence you will back up. “If you keep sayinf that we will be all done doing…” and then actually calmly following through.
When the swearing stops, he just gonna go around pinching people… ya know… cause that’s what you were doing and causing him to bleed there’s a difference in discipline and abuse, you my dear abused your child.
Maybe just maybe actually talk to your child in a way children understand. Tell the child it’s a bad word and only grown ups can say it.
Everytime he says it, remind him.
Discipline and abuse is a fine line. Please don’t inflict physical harm under any circumstances
My 3 year old is terrible about this. I try to just not react to it. He does it bc he thinks it’s funny so I just ignore him
First off you should attend parenting classes. Actually harming your child is crossing a line that should never ever be crossed especially to the point of making your child bleed. That is heart breaking and you may have ppd it is very real and can get really scary fast. Talk to someone. I promise you won’t regret it. My son will be 2 in August and we give him a little tap on the diaper over some things and it is absolutely in no way to harm him but it does get his attention. And mine already has some serious anger too and I sit him on the couch with his blankie and give him a time out and I walk away. I come back in a couple minutes or when I hear he has calmed down and I go to him and tell him what he’s done wrong and how to fix it. Example: Out of anger he slapped his bowl of cereal off his table… still screaming and trying to hit me I sat him on the couch when his couple of minutes were up I went to him and told him we do not act like that when we are angry we take big deep breathes and now you are going to pick up the cereal. I showed him and he then picked up every single piece and threw it away and was a much happier baby the rest of the day. And keep that in mind too… he is still a baby and learning and he’s learning the most from you and the people he’s around. Patience and staying calm are key and sometimes you both will need a break from each other. Take a few minutes when you need to.
It’s just words he’s expressing feelings… don’t abuse your child over their emotions
Don’t acknowledge it & don’t try to change the topic. They absorb everything but will forget if u stop reacting. Some also want even more attention & the behavior stops
Y’all obviously are very unaware of the Inuit culture. She asked for advice, not to be torn apart. So how about we give advice?
Hot sauce on the tongue , that will stop him…
Sorry but I’m not going to be nice. You’re a vile person for punishing your child like that. So he’s swore? He’s learnt from his parents. Don’t just blame the dad, I bet you swear around him too. When my kids swear, I don’t harm them because it’s MY fault. I’ve said that word for them to copy. So I tell them that I am the naughty one for saying that and they shouldn’t be copying my bad behaviour, then I apologise for my behaviour because I shouldn’t be doing it. Can’t be mad at kids for copying our behaviour as adults. They’re sponges and want to be just like us.
Put Chile in he’s mouth just to taste it give him a good one on the butt but that’s kind of hard to do to a two year old they don’t understand to much to small sad they learn it from a parent
so he is on the ship??? Your husband or toddler? That you are having a hard time disciplining him??? As for your husband cussing, that you need to talk to him about, especially when he says it in front of your toddler, Kids will pick everything up. But i do have a question …just what does frozen whale meat do??? And if you feel this is just the terrible 2’s,LOL, Then let it be …LOL
Ignore it and he’ll eventually stop. It takes time but I promise it works. Less attention the better. Good luck!
You haven’t failed as a mother, don’t make a big deal about it, just tell him that’s an inappropriate word and move on, keep reading and talking and growing that vocabulary n he’ll be fine!!
Don’t make it a big deal, and never pinch his lip. Ignore the cussing behavior. He may stop if you ignore it.
Oi, my oldest first fully formed properly used sentence was “oh shit” 16 years later my 2 year old now has a pretty fluent cussing vocabulary. With my oldest, I just talked to him about how using words like that is just just sign of laziness, you are being to lazy to find a better word to express how you feel. He didn’t swear again until we started the teens, he still won’t around me unless something really bad happens. The second child… well he honestly just does what he wants . There is no disaplining him really, he either doesn’t listen/care, or grandma/grandpa/dad/big brother will find away around it -.- that’s a whole different thing though. With him and swearing he is still in fully toddler jabbering mode so it isn’t too much of an issue. A few more months I will attempt the conversation route, when that fails (high hopes eh? Lol) licorice soap is step two. From there I honestly don’t know. Your son sounds similar to my youngest. I just keep telling myself that stubbornness will serve him in adulthood. Appeal to intelligence, if that fails, leave a bad taste in his mouth lol. Soap won’t hurt him and it worked for the decades before us.
Maybe try starting the day with a reward, like a bag of m&m’s, and say that he can have it after dinner as long as he doesn’t use bad words. Every time he says a bad word, take an m&m out of the bag and throw it away. At the end of the day he can have whatever is left. I think kids that young respond better to incentives rather than punishments
Feeding into it and responding immaturely in return is definitely not the answer. Ignore him.