How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?

Lava soap worked when I was a kid.

you don’t purposely make a two year old bleed.

What’s more concerning is how she wrote this post like pinching a child till he bleeds is a normal thing to do!

Is this for real. Sorry idk if I can take this post seriously :eyes:

What the f!!! Pinching his bottom lip ?? He’s 2!!!

Is this a joke ??

How dare you madam?! Never in my entire life have I heard anything so satanic as what you have done!!! You disciplined your child to the point where he bled a little?!?! As a perfect parent, I can tell you that there has never been a more egregious act in all of recorded history!! You should be water boarded, tarred and feathered, and made to watch the baby shark song on a 24hr loop!! You are the worst human being ever!! I feel so much better about myself after writing this!! Na, 4 real, just kick back, lil man will probably just grow out of it and latch himself on to something else. Best!

Why TF would you pinch his lip?!

The old “soap in the mouth” trick, works wonders !!!

Lol…gotta be a post to incite and piss off the guillable. Therefore…On a ship? Keel haul the little S.O.B.

So let me get this correct ??? YOU ARE Abusing your child ??? Omg…. Bless your soul …

He will stop just don’t react to it lol

Make him lick a soap bar! Everytime he says it.


I’m sorry you WHAT? That is basically abuse omggggg. He’s flipping 2 for crying out loud!! Try not cussing around him🙄

Tell his daddy to quite his ugly talking

Yeah so they’re just words. Mine tells me to have a happy bullshit day and I mean, he’s not wrong.

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Dont acknowledge it. Eventually he will stop.

Good greif lady, hes 2 he will grow out of it🤦‍♀️

Jeepers this is sad…don’t hurt your kids…

This has got to be a troll… there’s no way this could be real :exploding_head:

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Replace the f word with farm keep repeating she will make the change herself

So your child learns a word from his parents and you pinch him so hard his lip bleeds when he says it. Try ignoring it and pinching your husband for teaching it to him! Disgrace

Say a name of a farm animal or something funny like sugar jets

Hot damn there is alot of perfect moms on this thread!! Yall are some shameful a$$ humans!

This is repulsive tbh, spanking would be better

Don’t punish him for doing it. Reward him for not doing it.

Easy don’t swear around your child! Not to mention I would like to punch your lip until it bleeds, that’s CHILD ABUSE.

So apparently if they are intuit they may have different culture punishment and things that they do and if the pinching was a generational thing I sorta get it but It doesn’t seem appropriate for 2 year old. My son doesn’t cuss but he does bite and we put him in the corner for “1 minute for each year old he his “ his doctors words and the biting has lessened Y’all need not be so judgmental on someone from a culture significantly different than your own.

Hahaha ALL of my kids eventually said FUCK a couple said SHIT :raising_hand_woman:t3: guilty! Lol They got the shit from me. Either way just ignore it, do not react and they eventually stop. Don’t punish. That’s ignorant. Sorry. They learn it from us. At this age they are sponges :woman_shrugging:t3: If you punish him punish yourself. I’m no text book mom. Trust me. My kids have said shit in the dictionary and outside of it. Lol I did not punish. I giggled and ignored them but never punished. AGAIN. They learn the language from US and if you are PINCHING your child. You deserved to be punched in the face :woman_shrugging:t3: I said what I said. That is NOT necessary!!! You’ll have bigger issues as he grows older than the cussing. He’ll be a mean vicious violent child and find it funny pinching other kids or anyone in general. NOT. COOL. NOW THAT makes you a shitty parent. Sorry NOT Sorry!

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Wash his mouth out with soap.

You dear is disgusting your child pics up on the bad words from u both so the child gets pinched lips what u gonna do when the child goes around pinching other people’s lips no dealt pore kid get a bloody beating yeah you should feel like a shit parant because you are one!!! That’s child abuse you should be ashamed of yourself

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I’m laughing at the people who are shaming this mom for trying to make him stop swearing. It doesn’t have to be a hard pinch to make him bleed. She’s asking for help. Stop being a bunch of judgmental bitches :roll_eyes: my daughter hasn’t said a word like that but let’s be honest, whether it’s from home or out in public, they’re going to hear it. She has said bad words and I usually just pout and tell her those are ugly words. If that doesn’t work, she’s in time out if she keeps saying it after I say not too. Her clock starts when she stops crying. Sometimes we all just need a breather and time to think.


Keep putting him in a time out. Be consistent. Also, he’s 2. He doesn’t realize what he’s doing and you freaking out like that won’t help at all.


So stop talking like that around him. And never inflict pain on your child to the point of bleeding. Especially from something he learned from his parents. That is child abuse no matter how native you are. I’m native American and would never stoop to child abuse. Smdh. I’m done here before I get too heated. Shame on you. Yes, I said what most good parents were thinking. You or his dad didn’t fail him because he swears. You failed him from abusing him. Smdh. That child needs saving from you both. #SaveOurChildren


I already posted but I came back because this shit here makes me wanna throw up. Your physically and mentally abusing a 2 year old for something he picked up from adults. You should be punched in the fucking mouth until your teeth fall out. This is really sad, that’s a baby you brought into the world. If you don’t want him or not treat him right, please give him up for adoption. This breaks my heart for the boy. He just a baby learning.

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Clean up your own language and don’t abuse your child is a good start. Pinching kids is mean but pinching until they bleed is cruel. Sounds like you and your husband both need to look at yourselves and the examples you’re setting for your son.

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Momma, it doesn’t matter where he learned it, it matters that he says it… from my perspective, the best you can do now is teach him that it is not a “all the time” word, teach him other words that mean the same thing, and last, make sure he is using it correctly… take this as a sign that he is open to learning verbage… maybe start reading more complex books? Bottom line, you can’t stop it. Teach this is a bad word and teach new ones

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How can you get mad when he repeats something yall say??? Making your child bleed is terrible parenting period!!! Stop reacting to it. He is 2 its not that serious lady.


Children aren’t in any terrible years… they’re just two. They’re figuring themselves out, as well as trying to figure the world out.
The more attention you give him when he is using f-bombs, the more he is likely to use them. He can see how it triggers you.
Also, mentioning you are inuit is completely irrelevant, people try different foods all the time. You’re giving inuit, and FN people a bad rep.

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I’m a single mom of 5 … 26,22,20,18 & 14 and NEVER EVER EVER WOULD I EVER pinch my child ! Yes they said bad words but there are PLENTY of other punishments! And besides the child is TWO why not pinch DAD til he bleeds to shut him up! Then that way the baby WOULDNT learn to say these things!


I cannot believe I just read you pinched ur 2 year Olds lip and once hard enough to make him bleed. Wtf? And made him eat some weird as whale meat? Cuz you know he would gag or what? I just don’t get it. At that point why not just whoop his butt then? That would be a better punishment than the weird crap u did. Make him wash his mouth out every single time. Consistency is key. Please go take a parenting class or 5.


Someone needs to slap the f out of you.! Who tf in there right mind pinches there child’s lip causing it to bleed because they said a swear word. Act like an adult :woman_facepalming:t2:

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they’re two. they pick up easier on swear words. don’t panic. we tried the old soap in the mouth trick and he liked it BUT pepper works. like sal/pepper. sprinkle a little of that on your finger and shove it in their mouth. works like a charm for my 3 year old

The terrible twos aren’t real.

Your child will emulate whatever it is exposed to.

Physical discipline is abusive. Idgaf if any of you wanna argue on that, you’re teaching your child through pain. If it would be abusive for a man to do to a woman, it’s abusive to a child.

You have to be consistent in your punishment and not give into or acknowledge the fits. If that means putting him in time out for 5 minutes every time he says it, do it. If every time you put him in time out, he kicks and screams and tries to leave the corner, simply put him back. Do not acknowledge his kicking and screaming, do not make eye contact, do not emotionally respond, simply put him back. Everytime. Until he sits for five minutes.

Communicate what he did wrong and why he’s being punished in a calm manner.

If you have to do this everyday for the next six months, so be it.

Children model the behavior around them. Exam the people/media/whatever else he is exposed to. Change it.

It’s just a word. I’ll never understand why people get so upset about it. :person_shrugging: My 3yr old has an extensive profane vocabulary and uses it in the proper context. But he knows these are grown up words that he’s only allowed to use at home around Mommy and Daddy.

I will say some of the things that you’ve done to discipline him seem borderline abusive though. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you should’ve kept this to yourself. glad i didn’t see you do that to your kid. do you know how bad a bleeding lip hurts??? or a pinch? and you put your BABY through that willingly? POS. i’d be swearing at you too tbh. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::roll_eyes: just a shame.

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Please don’t pinch your baby… he is only repeating what he hears😔
You are not a failure at all!
Don’t be so hard on yourself and have a serious talk with the hubs. When he says a bad word then immediately address it by explaining in his terms that is bad words or however you choose to put it. It’s so hard parenting sometimes! Best wishes

For the one bashing the mon for pinching her kiddos lip im sure she felt just as shitty as you guys are making her when it happened she is asking for help not to be bashed !!! No one knows what their doing and not everyone parents the same way . Instead of talking shit give her advice …since people seems to be know it alls on mom life

You’re worried about your child cursing but yet you’re pinching him until he bleeds so now not only are you teaching your child bad words you’re teaching your child abuse and violence

Why are you pinching his lip until it bleeds? Why force feed him something he does not like? He is attention seeking and the more attention you give him for saying those words the more he will do it. Is this your first child? You keep doing what you’re doing and you’re going to have a lot more issues later down the line.

as I read someone else say you didn’t fail at being a mother because he’s cussing you failed at being a mother because you abused your child and cause him literal bodily harm TILL HE BLED!!! Shame on you!!!


first of all you guys should never have given him that example second of all resorting to harming your son to get him to stop doing something that you guys showed him how to do is also something you never should have done and lastly of course he’s going to get mad for being in time out he’s being held accountable for bad behavior, not to mention he sees you guys doing exactly what you’re putting him in timeout for why wouldn’t that be frustrating he’s witnessing hypocrisy? You ontinue to put him into time out until his Spirit breaks, the longer he throws a temper tantrum the more time you add onto his time out till he can sit there and be quiet for 2 minutes straight seeing as he’s 2 years old

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So just to hear this right …at first your child learned swearing words by the adults in the home and he repeated what he heard because he doesn’t know any better and now your teaching him to hurt others …Hmmmm please don’t teach him it’s ok to react and hurt others that way. You should correct your language yourself around him but first and then explain to him YOU made a mistake and said a bad word and that he shouldn’t be repeating it because it’s not a nice word and then YOU need to remember not to speak that way in front of your child …and when you don’t say the words he will forget all about it and now’s the time to have him learn words and letters from the alphabets and he will simply forget all about the swear words. If he happens to say it ignore it and change the subject but don’t acknowledge it.

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Zero reaction to Swears work instead of discipline. Also help expand his vocabulary, for example purposefully use funny words when you are frustrated or pretend to be angry and he will pick up on it. Like pretend to stub your toe and hop around and say “oh ZOODLES!” Or you know use shoot, darn or gosh. Seems like it is you and your husband that need training and not your child.
I also just grabbed my bottom lip and pinched it and it really hurt do I stopped. Please dont abuse your children.

Like not one of u have done something u regretted, so many perfect parents lol and seriously of course he learned it at home, I mean he’s not hitting the clubs lol wtf she didn’t pinch she tried to hold his mouth shut, better than smacking the crap outta him

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I don’t think anyone should judge another parent or a parent should judge themselves over this. I curse badly… I have PTSD and anxiety. Both my older kids would curse when they were younger around age 2 but I just kept telling them stop saying that word and would give them alternate words like Damn=Dern, shit=shoot, fuck=fruitloop it worked I mean if you could keep from laughing too hard when one of them would day “oh fruit loop” you. Etc but my 2 y/o cussed now and I keep doing the same method… it works she even corrects me now and I’ll restate what I said using alternate words. It makes me frustrated at times but it seems to be a common situation and if someone wants to treat me like a bad parent over words they can feel free to do so!

Y’all are weird. First off the post says the toddler learned it from DAD. Y’all either can’t read or y’all think y’all know everything by saying “he learned it from you” secondly every single mother has made a mistake at one point. Third, toddlers skins/lips/hair is DELICATE. It does NOT take much at all for them to bleed. Now I personally don’t agree with physically punishing kids, so in no way am I defending her but y’all act like y’all walk on water, and I bet 70% of y’all are “Christian” yet judging someone. There’s whole ass pregnant meth heads on the street at this very second but y’all wanna “I don’t normally mom shame but” (btw that is the dumbest shit and I can’t believe some of y’all typed it out) anyways when ANY of y’all can walk on water, that’s when you can judge someone else :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Ignore it, if you’re hurting him and making him physically bled pn purpous then yes, you are a bad mother.

Kids need discipline.

The amount of kids I see nowadays who are like wild animals, swearing, spitting, having tantrums if they don’t get certain things, punching and kicking, being self entirield with no manners etc…

All because the parents were too scared or too lazy to discipline the kid or bring them up right.

I’m not calling you lazy by the way - I’m just explaining how it is where I’m currently living.

Maybe there is some way to get him to stop that doesn’t include being physical (although some kids nowadays need a good slap) and maybe put a postiive reward system in place for when he wants to say it but does not…

Pinch his father lip also ! Ignoring him would be best !

Nobody is saying we’re all perfect moms that’s why we’re in this group …but I have two kids and could never imagine hurting them as a punishment for shit that’s MY , or my partners fault ! My youngest started swearing around that age and you just have to be patient and loving with them because , ya know , they’re LITERAL CHILDREN . Toddlers at that . If dad says it , it must be ok right ? Children especially of the more recent generations, DO NOT respond to punishment or violence as any sort of deterrent and will only push them to further rebel . No matter how badly you hurt or punish. He’s learning to solve his problems by violence and punishment instead of kindness and compassion. This is a hard no and y’all are not gone sit here and normalize child abuse . No ma’am . Like I said go pinch your own lip or have someone way bigger that you that you can’t defend yourself from , someone that is literallly suppose to be your protector, pinch you until your lip bleeds and get back to me . If y’all came on here talking about your husbands or boyfriends or significant others pinched you so hard that your lip started bleeding you would all lose your damn minds . This is not ok and we not gone sit here and pretend it’s ok . Ok OP said she made a mistake and she learned from it and is asking for advice . So y’all go ahead and ran the whole wrong way with it like it is ok and “we all make mistake “ no tf WE don’t . Do not include me in your fuckery. I would never pinch my tiny little child or any child big or small so hard they bled . Wtf is that if we’re not calling it abuse then? I’m calling it abuse and ima tell op it’s not ok and if her son clearly is not learning from punishment then maybe YOURE APPROACHING IT THE WRONG WAY…?? I sat my two year old down and I played on his empathy . “ I know daddy said those words when he was angry but they’re not nice words and you should never say them even when you’re angry or upset because you can hurt people very badly with your words and hurting people isn’t nice . And you’re a nice boy aren’t you ? You don’t want to make anyone sad right ? We like to be kind to people and make them smile , not make them feel bad . Well it makes mommy really sad when you say those words and it makes your friends and family and everyone around you really sad when you say those words so can you please try not to say them ? And if you hear me or daddy say them you can help us too by reminding us that it’s not nice and we’re making you sad with our words because we don’t wanna make you sad either , right buddy ? We can help each other “ and my son was a TERROR at two but IT WORKED . Making your children fear you is not it . Will never be it . And that’s what we’re not gonna do .

You’re a horrible mother !!! Stop abusing your child and read a book on how to discipline the baby.

Just keep putting him in time out and just keep talking to him and explaining to him why he shouldnt say that word, try to talk him i to saying a different word instead. He will eventually grow out of it.

My 2 year old copies me when I swear out loud I just say ERRRR you don’t say that word it’s naughty and she repeats the sentence without the naughty word. Little turd clearly knows aswell cause I don’t have to tell her which word she said was naughty :see_no_evil::person_shrugging: weird that you would pinch a childs lip for it. :grimacing:

Teach him home words and public words. Let him say it at home with no reaction from you. Maybe he will quit saying it?

You physically hurt your child and made them bleed.?
I think the swearing is the least of your problems.
Maybe set a better example, your child is just a mirror of yourself.

What on earth are you thinking by pinching a two year old child’s lip…so hard it bleeds??? Vile

You pinched his lip so hard that you made him bleed?! Jesus Christ. Child abuse isn’t going to make him stop. He’s now probably going to start pinching :person_facepalming: Next time just ignore him, and both parents stop cussing in front of him.

My daughter learned the F word at my baseball games at the age of 2 and it became her favourite word to scream at the top of her lungs. We did time outs and discussed it and even a bottom spank when she swore it at an elderly lady once. What finally worked is telling her how it makes others feel, how it is hurtful and how those she holds in high regard, her sitter and grandma would be disappointed with her. I also reamed out my ball team and they learned that snicker doodle was the word to use from then on so the kids didn’t pick up any more bad words lol

What??!! You pinched a 2 yr olds lip till he bleeds because he is repeating a word your husband says??! That is insane! I could maybe get on board with a firm no and a light tap on his mouth but to pinch him until he bleeds is not ok. I don’t know where you learned that as a former of punishment. And force feeding him frozen food is on the verge of child abuse as well. He is 2. When my son says things he shouldnt(he is also 2) I say a firm no we don’t say that word and I ignore him. He will learn eventually. And it helps not to drop f bombs in front of a 2 yr old.

My son says the F Word sometimes and I have to keep myself from laughing because its literally my own fault. I just try not to say it around him and when I say it I’ll go “bad momma!” And smack myself on the hand lol but to pinch your child on the lip until he bleeds is too much. You cant be too mad about something he learned from his parents.

Healthy discipline is too hard for you so you make it physical? Yikes.

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They learn from repeating what they see and hear. Guess where the problem is.

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If we expect children to learn by example, should we really be surprised? He’s hearing it from someone. And potentially, that someone is someone he looks up to.

Lol u failed when you pinched his lip until it bled!!!
( HES 2)
hes like a sponge( use different words for that word

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I had to stop myself from finding this post last night because I was so shocked and I tend to trigger ole Marky boy when I’m mad…I think everyone has covered my thoughts… so I’m not going up attack… but

Sixty countries have banned spanking. It is not only damaging to children psychologically, but also correlates with higher aggression, delayed cognitive development, lower vocabularies, worsened behavior, and much more. I threw these links to research together that span over twenty years as well as the AAP’s official stance on spanking.
The case against spanking

Physical punishment of children: lessons from 20 years of research - PMC
Spanking and child development across the first decade of life - PubMed
Spanking and Child Development during the First Five Years of Life - PMC
Spanking, corporal punishment and negative long-term outcomes: a meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies - PubMed
Spanking in early childhood and later behavior problems: a prospective study of infants and young toddlers - PubMed
Spanking in early childhood and later behavior problems: a prospective study of infants and young toddlers - PubMed

Peaceful parenting
Here are some great alternatives to physical punishment. Any form of hitting is detrimental to their mental health!

Start here.

Peaceful Parenting-

How To Change Your Child's Behavior—Without Punishment | Psychology Today


Just some information to pass along. Not fighting or anything.

:heart::heart::heart:Gentle Discipline

Spanking has been proven to cause many detrimental effects throughout childhood, adolescence, and even adulthood. Here’s a compilation of various forms of behavior correction which were developed by psychologists to aide in the psychological development of children, and teach them how to think critically, manage their feelings, their urges to act out, and ultimately stop themselves before someone has to stop them.

:rainbow: Discipline:
:heart:1. Explaining the downfalls and dangers of traditional discipline, a gentler approach, and steps towards positive discipline; with directive links.
:yellow_heart:2. :warning: My absolute favorite article regarding child discipline. It covers several techniques for different types of behavioral problems, for different types of children of ages as young as 1 year to 10 and up. (Also has great directive links)
:green_heart:3. Another by Dr. J.B. Weinhold explaining the difference been time in vs. time out & other steps to an emotionally stable, well behaved child, with directive links.

:rainbow: Most importantly, for every day parenting:
:blue_heart:4. :warning: Another big favorite of mine, written by Dr. Laura Markham, where she focuses on something very important: Helping /yourself/ in ways that can correct and prevent behavior problems, and strengthen the bond between you, and your child.
How To Change Your Child's Behavior—Without Punishment | Psychology Today
:purple_heart:5. Five strategies of peaceful parenting; measures to take daily to avoid behavioral problems .
5 Practical Strategies for Effective Peaceful Discipline
:sparkling_heart:6. Describes the benefits of behavior charts and how to use them effectively. Free downloadable charts regarding single behaviors, multiple behaviors, chores, and even homework.
How to Use Behavior Charts for Kids | Empowering Parents

:negative_squared_cross_mark: Why are toddlers so defiant and how do I stop this?preschoolers/discipline/tips/setting-loving-limits/
:x: Biting prevention and correction for ages 1-3 years:
Toddler Biting: Causes and Solutions for Parents
:negative_squared_cross_mark: 14 tips to stop biting & hitting, from birth to 3 years:
Biting and Hitting: 14 Ways to Stop It | Ask Dr Sears®
:x: Aggressive behavior prevention and correction, ages 1-3 years:
Toddler Hitting: How To Stop This Behavior

Ummmm all those versions of “punishment” are abuse.

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He’s going to grow up hurting people who do things that he doesn’t like if you continue this kind of behavior

Im no mother yet , but i know pinching won’t help , maybe try mustard or cayne pepper in his mouth my mum use to give me those if i ever said something naughty it does work especially the cayne pepper as you cant drink anything but milk to stop the burning water makes it worse :raised_hands:

How the fcuk do you pinch a kids lip so hard that it bleeds??? You need help! And fast. So what if he says a word? You making such a big deal of it is NOT going to help. Seek help. For you.

Lmao my kids swears because I swear. Not much I can do about it unless it’s something I want to change about myself. It’s just some words that some people don’t like. There’s nothing all that serious about it.

Let me pinch your lip until it bleeds!! You said “ I tried” and that you “ stopped because it made him bleed’ SHAME ON You! He’s 2. A timeout too for learning a word from his Dad? I guarantee you have used the F - word too.
Especially if you did that to his lip etc. You failed completely!!

Now wait a damn minute . You pinched a TWO YEAR OLDS bottom lip SO hard that it fuxking bled ? they finna drag you

You hurt your baby because they swore? You are sick tbh! :nauseated_face:

Who ever is cursing in front of him needs to stop. A child just don’t talk that way without hearing it 1st.

Dont respond. Tell him if he cant be nice, u wont be nice.
I gave my son chilli sauce when it popped up again after a few months anad ge said it 10 times in as many minutes.

Once in a while he reminds me- that chili sauce mom… il will give u some when u naughty.

To those people being so high and mighty - Glad u were given the elusive parenting guide book.
Please share…

Honestly this screams abuse. You are a disgrace.

Frozen beluga whale meat? What in the actual…. ???

Lady, Dear God. You need to punch your husband in the mouth before you pinch a 2 yr old for repeating what he said. They are supposed to repeat words at that age. It’s how they learn to speak. It’s not his fault his father is a sailor and cusses like one too. I’d use the F word too if I were your kid. Just sayin’ Also, I think most people hate frozen whale meat. Stop being an asshole to your child for something his father caused.

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Stop cursing in front of him

Try ignoring it? My 3 year old doesn’t respond well to discipline…yet when I ignore bad behavior, she magically quits :woman_shrugging:t2: kids are weird!

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Children live what they learn

You’re lucky you did this anonymously because I love calling CPS. Poor baby :persevere::broken_heart:

That’s disgusting!! YOU and YOUR husband taught him how to swear and your response is to make him bleed? You’re an asshole and need to do some serious learning on how NOT treat your child.

Don’t pay attention to it he’ll soon stop

Lol you should watch your own mouthy

Don’t pinch him till he bleeds!

It’s a phase. He’ll stop

What is wrong with you? Psycho

I wanna know what frozen Bulaga does lol

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My toddler got in trouble the other day and he turned around and as he was walking towards the sliding glass door told me I could eat his asshole if I wanted to.
He also says other choice words. What the fuck, damnit, godamnit (he got that one from Elfo on Disenchantment), what the hell, shit, and bitch.
He is 4 and his sisters think it’s funny to teach him to say that, he also flips birds.
Don’t get me wrong he’s learned a few from me and his dad but his sisters encourage his behavior because he does use it in context and they laugh at him which makes it worse.

The other day he was yelling “I’m not going anywhere with out the godamn berries” because he heard Elfo say it when he was with his big sister, she’s 17.
It’s hard to teach them with older siblings :woman_facepalming:t2:
Hang in there, wish I could say it gets better but they hit terrible 3’s, 4’s and so on!!!
Good luck and if you find the answer share it with me.