How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?

I was just going to suggest the same thing.

Cannot believe you made his bottom lip bleed you did it so hard like omg


Why on earth would you pinch his lip? Try using different words around him? I’m guilty of swearing in front of my daughter but in no way would I punish her for repeating it when it was my fault!!! Try using words like fudge instead of ‘fu*k’ and shoot instead of ‘shit’.
And if hes still swearing explain it’s a bad word and it can upset other people.
Don’t punish him for yours and his fathers mistake. That’s just evil. Hes still a baby and theres no such thing as terrible 2s this is the age where they are trying to take in as much as he can. Hes learning from the people around him. You need to change your behaviour first.

You won’t get your kids taken away for swearing… but you will get your kids taken away for physically hurting them and feeding them horrible things as a punishment.

You all taught him the word by using it as a normal word in your household, and then turned around and physically and probably mentally abused him for using a word that is regular in your household.



Why would you pinch him :rage:


Start using a different word when u get frustrated and emphasis that word! Also if they say “the bad word” just say " say the replacement word.

when I was a child my frustrated word was “sugar bugs” the childrens show bluey uses “oh biscuts!” My 4 year old now says this when shes frusturste or drops something etc…

But dont go on about the bad word coz they know they will get a response.

Also remember children are only doing things others have role modelled infront of them and that’s also how they know how to use it in context.

This angers me so fricken much! DONT ABUSE YOUR CHILD! Your child deserves better.


Wow look at all these perfect parents here who never made any mistakes…or wait are you even parents? Probably not, probably just some kid less know it alls I’m guessing. Atleast 90% of you threatening CPS. I have grown children subjected to curse words who went threw same issue as you. One it helped when I told him those were adult words and if said as a child you look bad and other kids won’t want to play with you which happened and is totally the truth. Another child I told would have to put a bar of soap in mouth for 30 seconds ( and then yes allowed to rinse out mouth) only had to ude soap once and that was enough for them to stop. But ignoring it or talking with them, or changing word can work also. Depends on the child. Good Luck.


Come here and let me pinch your lips for being an idiot


Wow you are a piece of work lady! Pinching his kip until it bled, how painful. And could get infected! And he may repeat that with a playmate and family member! What are you gonna say, oh I do that to him!!! That’s horrible


Omg u have physically hurt ur child that’s disgraceful think u should do a parenting course maybe it’s how ur handling things that’s not helping and teach him different words instead do not hurt him that’s so cruel made me angry reading this poor kid and no im not a perfect parent but jesus I would never hurt my child and yes my kid has sworn he’s 2 he said sht once or twice I ignored it and guess what he dosent do it anymore but to make ur child bleed well I would be more concernd about that then the swearing and if anyone thinks it’s OK wat u did then their just as bad

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Please don’t physically punish him … He is using the word because it is getting attention … He is still a baby and its only a word … Replace the swear word with another word … When my little girl was 2 she started saying using the phrase “oh f#ck dam” … Over and over … They’re only words …

There’s discipline and then there’s abuse… And force feeding and pinching your child until they bleed is abuse. If you’re having a hard time on your own maybe ask a friend or family member to babysit so you can have a break for a few hours and come back with a fresh outlook. You and your husband caused this issue, now it is your job as parents to fix it. The child is 2 and doesn’t comprehend what a swear word is.


You pinched his bottom lip till it bled and fed him food he hates? What was you hoping that would do? Thats awful poor baby. Dont use the word around him and ignore him when he says it. My daughter a few months ago (she was 2 at the time) started saying the that word and it turned out she got it off my older kids when playing in their room they got the bad language from their dad :roll_eyes: we told her no amd did time out and obviously grounded the older ones too but she didn’t understand so we just ignored her she hasn’t said it since

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You should have pinched the father’s lip until it bled instead…

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You should be ashamed of yourself…he is 2! And you decided the best option was to pinch him so hard that he bleeds?! That’s awful! Punishing a 2 year old like that is not the best route to teach him right from wrong.

Instead of pinching your childs lip causing it to bleed sort your husband out he is the issue here while your at it go on some parenting courses too

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I used a salt and vinegar chip when my 4 year old says bad words. I don’t have a perfect mouth but I’m shocked that he said shit instead of damn it. I say damn it to the dog at least 15 times a day. He’s two, everything is so new to him. He has to navigate at this age if you ask me. Twos weren’t my issue, threes were. Oooof. But we managed. Mine is just a little sassy. Instead of saying shit now he says dang. Whatever. I’ll take it over shit

In my daycare we have big people words and lil people words
Ignoring with a that’s a big people word is how I handle it.

Ignore it. It will loose his appeal with no reaction. Seriously though, injuring a 2 year old is not discipline, it’s abuse.

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Just ignore him and tell him only adults use that word! Good lord stop abusing a 2 year old over a cuss word .

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If this is how much power you give potty words- I’m scared for this child’s actual future with you. Seriously. Not trying to be hateful but this is not how parenting works…force feeding food and making your child bleed?

The child is only going to learn what he is taught. You want to stop your kid from swearing? Stop swearing yourself. Stop letting him be around people who swear. Don’t play tv shows that swear in front of him.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?

Pinched his lip so hard it bled? Can’t believe what I have just read. This has made me feel sick. Discusting. Poor boy :(. The child has learnt this from home so clearly thinks it’s normal behaviour. Can’t blame the child. He’s 2 years old!!!


Never heard of anyone to discipline a child by pinching their lip :scream: he’s 2! He has no idea what the words mean, he’s just seen an adult use them when angry and put the two together.


So your child copies inappropriate behaviour (swearing) that he has learned at home from a parent, and your response is to pinch his lips causing physical injury and bleeding, and force feed him food you know he doesn’t like? Yeah, you HAVE failed as a mother!!! That infant deserves so much better. I really hope he tells someone at daycare what you do to him, and they report you to child protection services. Goodness only knows what else goes on in your household :rage:


He’s 2… have a little more patience. Tell him that is a naughty word and we don’t say that, and repeat those words everytime he says it. Then, change the subject and distract him, jeesh

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Try to think of it as, he has only been on this earth for two years and for one of them he was just asleep most of the time. For him it’s just a word, it’s only us that find it an unacceptable word. If he says it just say “no we don’t use that word” and stop people from swearing around him.


Well firstly stop with that sort of discipline :flushed: toddlers are still people and should be treated with respect even when they’re being ‘naughty’
They are learning what is right and wrong and have no self control until about 4.
Also they love reactions, good or bad, so all he knows is he’s learnt a new word that makes you react massively so he will keep doing it.


Definately not those approaches so far. My goodness.

From my time in early childhood I’ve found Ignoring the language to be helpful and not giving any attention for it!

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Physically abusing your child to stop unwanted behaviour is going to give them the message that when someone says or does something that is deemed unwanted it’s okay to physically hurt someone. That will never have the desired effect. So please stop.

Saying we don’t use those words, or ignoring will work a whole lot better. Children love attention, whether it’s good or bad. If he knows there’s going to be a big reaction, he will continue to do it.
Speak to his keyworker at the daycare and ask how they are dealing with it.
It will take time, but try and be patient. He is only 2. He’s got a lot of big emotions to learn about and learning how to deal with them is one of the hardest things, so try and be kind :heart:


Do NOT physically harm him! Good god woman! He is a toddler! He is learning his way through emotions and clearly is copying it from somewhere or someone! Tell him its an adult word and redirect him WITHOUT putting your hands on him!


You physically hurt your child?? And you admit to it?? And you haven’t been reported?! You should be reported ASAP as that is unacceptable.

This page thinking it’s acceptable to post someone admitting to child abuse is unacceptable as well.

All I can think is if she’s willing to admit she pinches a 2 YEAR OLD’S lip so hard it bleeds, what else is she doing?!?! :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:


Me and my husband tell each other off and get our daughter to tell us off if we say naughty words. So she feels like she is on the same level and it’s not something she’ll get in trouble for if she the one telling us off. I think she only ever said it 3 time and only repeat a word if we ask what someone said. But we never had a problem after that. Is mum, dad, uncle, aunty or whoever that they trust do it without punishment then they don’t understand why they can’t.

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Please stop abusing your child! The child is probably using the word because it gets a reaction from you.


Ignore it he will stop but please do not harm your child.

Pinching his lip?! How bloody hard did you do it to cause it to bleed?! Bloody disgraceful.


Jeez. Well none of your responses so far are appropriate. So don’t do that anymore please.

I’d try to get him to say an alternative word. Bluey - is a kids tv show and it’s got some really good curse word alternatives and showcases different instances in which it’s appropriate to use them. You could all mirror the behaviour for him.

But most importantly, stop reacting so much when he says it. The reaction reinforces it as an attention receiving behaviour. Just ignore it, suggest an alternative word and move on.


I think you the mother needs help not the poor child you’ve hurt :tired_face:


Sorry Love if he’s on a ship you have to expect a sailor to swear like one

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Just ignore it. He’s obviously heard someone say it and thinks it’s just a new word, he won’t understand the meaning of it at 2. The more you acknowledge it the more he will do it

You pinched his lip and made him bleed?? Wow. And this page thinks posting this is acceptable? You need reporting. If someone pinched my child’s bottom lip and made it bleed I would seriously hurt them. I cant actually believe what I’m reading. Also, your child swearing might stop if you stopped swearing. Its copied behaviour. And if I was a toddler who had had my lip pinched and made to bleed by the person who is supposed to love me the most, then I too would use the F word.


As you say terrible twos, be patient and find a substitute word , say it a few times every time he swears he may pick it up instead. Worth a try

What the hell?! You hurt your child to make him stop swearing?
Have a very strongly worded chat with yourself, before someone in authority does


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?


With our 2 year old, we ignored him completely when he said it, stopped saying it in front of him and he moved on after about a week.

Hurting him or punishing him is not the way. He’s 2….


I was just making him wash his mouth out with regular water every time he said that they’ll get annoyed that they have to stop what they’re doing to wash their mouth out I use this trick to keep my son from picking his nose and as long as you stay on it it will work


Am I the only one who thinks that might sound adorable? But aside from that, when one of our kids started using naughty words at a way too early age, I laughed and asked him to repeat it and said he wasn’t saying it right. He’s 19 now and I still haven’t heard him repeat it!


That hurts my heart to read that you pinched his lip so hard that it was bleeding :tired_face: My 2 year old hears some of that language as well but if he says it I just make a sad face and tell him those aren’t nice words…seems to be working so far :woman_shrugging:


You’re not failing as a mother because your kid is swearing. You’re failing as a mother by pinching your TWO YEAR OLD child til he bleeds and force feeding him something he hates, as discipline to behavior he learned FROM HIS PARENTS. Keep that kind of “discipline” (abuse) up, and in a few years, you’ll have way bigger problems than a few curse words.


My daughter did this around that age but she was saying a lot of curse words and using them in the right context. I know she picked it up from me, I know I’m a horrible parent. Anyway I told her those were not good things to say and we needed to help each other out. I told her if I heard her saying these things I would tell her so she could stop and if she heard me then for her to tell me so we can work on it together. Eventually it worked for the most part. She’s 5 now


Excuse me, you what?? HE IS 2. You should not pinch his lip because he cursed . He learned it at home , that’s not his fault. And it’s just a word. Don’t give it attention and he will eventually stop. Some people need to realize 2 year olds don’t have impulse control yet. Time out isn’t necessary at that age. Your child cursing isn’t failing as a parent, but abuse sure it.


I changed it to fudge :slightly_smiling_face: or truck.

Also not reacting at all to it and if anyone says anything to you just say it’s the way he says truck or something.

The less you react to it the quicker he will likely stop. :heart:


As a fellow alaskan… you’re doing fine with what you have… :heart: all these perfect moms acting like they haven’t made a mistake and learned from it. :roll_eyes:
Terrible 2s are the worst, but he will get past this… and honestly a curse word is just a word. :heart: dont engage when he uses it. Set him in time out. And pretend like his behavior doesnt bother you. When hes calm for 2 minutes… then go hug him. Talk to him about why that’s not ok for a toddler to say. And end him back to play
The key here is that it’s not gonna work at first, be consistent! Once he learns that word gets him in teouble… hell stop but whatever you try- keep up with it… be consistent.

It took my daughter 3 months to eat the dinner we made her after always making her a separate meal. She went to bed hungry at first. Then she ate left over dinner for breakfast. But eventually she learned that she’s not going to get out of it.
It was a HARD 3 months. Just stay strong. Reach out if you need too


You cant really punish him for something yall taught him. All you can do is teach him its not a nice word. Sounds like your husband needs his lip pinched.


He will grow out of it. Just remain consistent with time outs for 2 mins each. He is two. There’s not an adult on this planet who hasn’t heard a toddler swear.


If you get so mad at a 2 year kid for saying a bad word that you pinch their lip so hard that it bleeds I wonder where he learned that because I sure in the hell would never pinch any child of any age until they bled period.


Geez you hurt your own kid until he bleed?!?! :rage:


His dad needs to be the one bleeding. Not the child. And at only 2!!! No soap either. All this is ridiculous for a 2 year old. Parents are to blame 100 percent. Get it together.


I normally dont Mom shame because your child is not my business but this is wild. Let me get this straight your son learned a bad word from you and your husband and you pinch his lip till it bleeds? I wish i could pinch you till you bleed to be completely honest. This infuriates me.


You pinched him hard enough he bled?? I can’t even imagine how hard you would have to pinch to do that. And over a word. You need to get control over yourself before you worry about him.


Don’t punish a two year old for saying a word that was taught to him.
When you become a parent you make changes, PERIOD.
Stop cursing around him!!
Find words to replace those curse words and when you are angry or frustrated you say those words and eventually or should I say hopefully he will switch his up too.


This has to be a joke because that is cruel and should not be done to a 2 year old or any child.


As native americans, we always say “it takes a village to raise a child”, and being native american, my mom had my uncles talk to us, mind you shes a single parent, so she had my uncles, my aunties talk to us—because again, they are our moms and dads too, and we respect our elders. Find someone to sit down and talk with him, especially being that young :pray:t3::pray:t3: i hope it works out, i will pray for you


Wow the mom shaming in here is wild…she was honest and looking for help, sheesh. Remind me not to ask this forum for any advice :v:t3:


Wtffffff you shouldn’t be a mother. Point blank. Making a 2 year old bleed because he picked up a word. You really need to be reported.


I think ignoring it is the best, it seems he is getting a lot of attention for it, and he probably likes the attention…


Why the f*** would you pinch your child’s lip he’s two children repeat what their parents say stop cursing in front of him


First of all to all those who are mom shaming, this woman is a different culture and every culture does things differently. Maybe pinching until blood is a little much, but I have definitely popped my kid in the mouth for various reasons.

And to the mom:

For my child, the reaction was the fuel to the fire. If she said a bad word and I laughed or yelled at her, she kept saying it. I had to stop reacting and pretend it was just another word for a few days. Once she stopped saying it as much, I explained to her “no, you don’t say that. That is a grown up word and you don’t know how to use it” and honestly now it slips sometimes if she hears me say it but I just remind her not to say it and it hasn’t been a big deal.

But I have to admit, hearing my 3 year old threaten to “whoop the cats ass” makes me giggle


Ultimately, just tell him that it isn’t a word for kids. It means things that can make people upset or mad, that sometimes when people say it, it isn’t a good thing. Kids will pick up bad habits… Don’t punish them for the behavior they learned in their environment. Dad’s gonna have to step up to say that it isn’t a word for him either. Kids, even ones young as two, are capable of understanding what we explain to them. What pinching his lips… putting him in time out is showing is that you can’t be trusted, that you will hurt him if you don’t like what he’s doing, and then it will likely cause more bad behavior because where then does that line get drawn? Teach him different words for what he’s trying to say! If he’s frustrated, tell him what else he can say: “annoying. Not working.” He’s mad? “I’M MAD! I don’t like this!” Teach him to express himself. Swear words are fuckin common. It’s not a thing that’s gonna go away and honestly, you don’t need to be that worried. Encourage BETTER behavior. Don’t punish them for the ones they learned.


Imagine hurting your child because he said the f word. A simple word that hardly even matters. Wow…


He learned it from his parents. And u abuse him for something you also do? Tf? This is terrible.


Pinching his lip till he beld is way worse than saying dammit. My gosh. Ignore it.


Excuse the hell out of you women on here. You should be ashamed of yourselves for saying she shouldn’t be a mother or that it’s all her fault and blaming everything on this mother.
She came here searching and pleading for advice and all you have to say to her is basically “fuck you, you piece of shit mom”.
You should be ashamed of yourselves. This is not how you help mothers who are ASKING FOR YOUR HELP.
Obviously your mother failed because she wasn’t able to raise a decent human who helps others and judges them instead.
If you think that trash talking this mother is going to do ANY help then you women are ridiculously out of common sense.


I mean… have you tried a spanking instead of being an a hole? You didn’t fail as a mother until you started trying to discipline by doing dumb shit to try to get back at a TWO YEAR OLD! :roll_eyes:


He’s literally two :disappointed: these forms of punishment are cruel at any age


This lady is asking for advice yall stop judging her for being completely honest and to y’all saying report her, shame on you! Do y’all not realize what is just a phone call to y’all turns into a complete stranger coming to this poor child’s house and taking them from there mommy and daddy. From the only home they know. To probably only get thrown into a home were people only get the kids for the money. Think before you destroy a home! At least she is asking for help!


Okay, this has to be a joke and not a serious question…


Pinched his lip and fed him whale meat? Am I hallucinating this post?


Jeez lady, no wonder this poor kid curses :woman_facepalming:.

Toddlers love attention, even the bad kind. Kids test boundaries and love getting a rise out of you. If you want change: 1)model the behavior you want to see from your child 2)ignore the cursing - eventually, the novelty of it will wear off as he won’t be getting the attention.


Stop cussing in front of him. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Ignore the bad word or give him another word to use and laugh at it :rofl:
My son picked up ’ what the f**K* around 3.
We now say “what the mushroom” :woman_shrugging: :sweat_smile: and he loves it


Make him hold a bar of soap in his mouth


I mean my 2 year old goes around calling everyone a “bundle of dicks” sooo I’m not sure I would be much help :rofl::rofl::rofl:


My parents used Tabasco sauce, said I was using spicy words I should have a spicy mouth, stopped my pretty darn quickly


Did you just say you pinched his lip an made it bleed :no_mouth:
Did I read that correctly???


He is 2 and just copying what he has learned but I can asure you pinching him wont teach him to stop swearing


As someone who has a job/license that makes me a “mandatory reporter” I would absolutely call cps on this shit. Get some help. Get a break with a friend. Zoom call a therapist. Whatever you need to get your shit, and get it together. Your BABY deserves better.


They are just words.
Idc what people think. My son drops every cuss word there is at random times, (he’s 3 in a few days) correctly used, but I don’t make a big deal out of it. I just say no don’t say that. Again, they are just words to me.


Ok seriously you pinched his lip till it bled you couldn’t think of anything that might work better, idk why don’t you provide him with information about his feelings name them it’s ok to be frustrated feelings are.ok first off then teach him how to process and work through that frustration in a way that is appropriate glad you reached out rather than continue blindly abusing your son for feeling his feelings and behaving the way his people that taught him everything behave he doesn’t understand that dad can but I can’t just as can’t feel truly sorry yet his brain hasn’t developed enough for that level of empathy your literally hurting or punishing him for feeling normal feelings …stop please

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Stop reacting when he says it, Just ignore it like others have said…kids do and say things more when they see you give them a reaction for it whether it’s good or bad…and please don’t pinch him like that he’s just a baby and even if he was older that’s not a loving/positive way to discipline hurting him like that will teach him to hurt others when he’s upset there are better ways of teaching a child right from wrong


His father is the issue! Why don’t you pinch him and FORCE FEED him! What sorta mother do you think you are? You’re abusive! And carry this on and you’ll reap the seeds you sow as he will then become abusive and could turn that onto you. Ignore the behaviour, my niece swore and she learnt it from my dad and there was no changing him so we ignored it and put her on time out wouldn’t even speak to her, less then a month it took. He is 2 he will respond to what adults around him are doing/saying. Don’t be an abuser, you really should be reported to child services


Man. Pinched him till he had blood kind of stopped me… I’d swear at you to :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: and please never use food as a punishment. There are children who would take up punishment any day if it meant they could even have a scrap of fat. Its demeaning.

First, let’s get yourself in check. Make sure you are not reacting and only responding. Reacting can come with anger, frustration, and embarrassment. Responding comes with feedback and acknowledgment. Acknowledge you heard it, respond with “you will not get what you want with that language” or " little children do not speak like that" and walk off. Do not feed the fire with fuel by entertaining it. Second, time out and removing him from the situation is key.


Choose your battles. Kids learn by watching their parents and one of you accidentally taught him something you wish you didn’t. Oh well. You’re literally causing your child physical pain for imitating his dad and trying to be like him because he loves him. Take a step back and realize the problem lies within you, not your child.

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She isn’t reaching out to be shamed! “Set a good example and set boundaries.” Those are not helpful! If she is a new mom, naive, ignorant, etc… then she’s learning from what she knows! Stop shaming and help her be better!

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I am so disgusted and disturbed by this post. Child abuse has no place in any culture. Causing any type of harm to a child (and I have no idea what messed up action you’re doing with the frozen whale meat) is unacceptable. His dad has taught him to swear and you are physically and emotionally abusing your baby because of that? In the uk the child would be removed from you.

A whole lot of mom shaming here. I’m glad you were perfect when raising your kids.
Dear ignore it. Tell him those words hurt peoples feelings and that hurting peoples feelings isn’t nice and that swear words upset people so we try really hard to to swear in front of people we don’t live with.
Don’t worry momma you will get through this and try to remember to be kind. You are both learning.

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Excuse me?? You done WHAT?! He learned a behavior IN YOUR HOUSE, and you force fed him & made him bleed for it?! What the actual fuck is wrong with you, lady?? The one who needs help is you, not your TWO YEAR OLD son.


Following!! My kid learned the word “dammit” (from me unfortunately) and now says it all the time. Then my dad said the f word a bunch of times around him so he says that one too. I tell him not to say them but he’s young yet so I’m hoping he’ll eventually learn not to say those words.