How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?

Well…he learned it from parents so it is 100% the parents responsibility. There should absolutely not be physical discipline…HE’S TWO. I honestly hope it killed you inside a bit when you made him bleed because thats beyond messed up. I hope you apologized or something. Poor kid


Man when I was little, we got belted, slapped and whipped. I didn’t answer my parents back, learnt respect for my elders and have manners today. Your all crying over this child’s lip bleeding. It’s not the end of the world. She’s owning it and needing advice. Give her advice, don’t mum bash her. Ffs. Why ask for help in this group, if this is what you get for it

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this must be a joke right ? u pinched his bottom lips until it bleeds ? tf… i think you need some discipline too lady :thinking::expressionless:


My 3 year old is cursing because he hears me and his father cursing… we tell him not to say that word its a grown up word… he still says it… he will grow out of it find a new word eventually… when he’s older and understands better he will get that it’s not a word to use.

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My little has picked upon curse words throughout the years. I just explained that it is a potty word and we do our best not to say potty words. He said okay and moved on. :person_shrugging:t5: Punishment wasn’t necessary. Then again, we already have consequences for refusing to listen set in place.

These are some of the most Karen ass answers I’ve ever read in my life. Now mind you, my daughter will burst into tears if you look at her sternly. My son on the other hand is one of those hard learners. He got his butt busted by me numerous times growing up. His dad whooped him once. He’s now 14. Guess who he listens to, doesn’t back talk and has a better relationship with? Not his dad. His dad calls me for advice with him. A pop on the butt, leg, or even the mouth does not do lasting damage to every kid. You just have to figure out what works with them. As for an answer to original question. Start using a different work in place of the F word. I realize he didn’t get it from you but if you can come up with a different word and start using that, he’s likely to follow. My grandmother used the word “fudge”.:woman_shrugging:t3: There was also son of a biscuit, and sugar. :thinking: I just now realized that all of my grandmother’s expletives were foods. :rofl:

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I’m going to be completely honest here. I’m straight disgusted at the fact that you are abusing your child. Children are innocent. They learn by example… You failed him completely. You are the person that is supposed to protect him, and teach him and yet you are doing neither. Lucky I don’t know you personally :person_shrugging: I pray someone around you sees something and says something…

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Help him to understand his feelings and show/tell him Appropriate ways to express himself when he’s got a lot of big feelings going on. Keep in mind. They do what the people around them do. If you’re swearing, punishing, he’s going to think that’s what he’s supposed to be doing then he’s going to start acting out on other people because he doesn’t understand his emotions or how to express or regulate them.

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First off, where or whoever you learned of the idea of pinching his lip, you should tell them that is the worst idea in their entire life. That’s no way to discipline a 2 year old…. TWO. :no_good_woman:t3:
You can’t cancel bad with bad. Try positive reinforcement with your little one.
Punishing a kid is a lot easier than correcting the behavior & i feel that’s where parents lose control of them.

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I can’t believe you pinched your two year old’s lip until it bled. That’s abuse. Seriously. He is two years old and barely learning words. He learned it from you/his dad. It’s y’all’s fault. Together. As parents you should do better and not curse in front of him. You should have punished the father, not the poor little kid who’s mimicking his father. Until it bled, I just can’t believe it!! ABUSE.

Woah. He’s 2. They do this. Tell him it’s a bad word and he’s not to say it. Then ignore it. They are like little sponges absorb the good with the bad. I’m unsure of the whole lip pinching thing, maybe try sitting him on a step for 2mins instead. They crave attention, he may respond :no_good_woman: he may not. So then we try something different. You don’t want set up a situation where physical force is your only form of discipline.

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All of these women condoning any type of physical abuse need to reconsider their parenting techniques.
A 2 year old has no impulse control and works on cause and effect. If you stop reacting to the swear words they lose their power and your child will stop! Find new ways to discipline, physically inflicting pain only teaches your child that you will hurt them.

You shouldn’t be pinching your child’s lip tell he bleeds …. Not cool … u should start with where he picked up the behaviour…If u were swearing around him and now he is saying those words that’s not his fault … ur kids are ur shadow …

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Hell to the nah. Let me pinch your lip when you swear and see how it feels. They’re words for crying out loud. The reasoning for the double standard for swear words is ridiculous. Save yourself the stress and let them say whatever the hell they want. Then they won’t really care to. As long as they aren’t calling names and using them in a derogatory way what’s the damn big deal? Pull the stick out your ass and stop putting your hands on your kids. Also time out doesn’t do anything to help your child’s emotional intelligence. If you want to solve problems you talk to them and come to a conclusion not beat or isolate them.

All these corporal punishments for toddlers sickens me. 2 year olds. Babies. They are at learning stage. Causing bodily harm over a word YOU say around your kid? So you punish the toddler over it. Gross. Making your child bleed is the real cherry on top.

When I cussed at a young age they just ignored me and told me that’s a grown up word. I stopped. Now I cuss like a sailor at 26.:rofl:

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Dude its swearing and he seems to be using the word correctly. Sounds to me like he’s communicating really well for his age and just needs to learn time and place for swearing. If adults in his life swear, expect him to swear. If you dont like it, fix the example the other adults in his life are setting or accept it.


My 2 1/2 year old grandson speaks fluent sailor in both English and Spanish (bi lingual family). He uses the profanity in a fairly appropriate manner!!

We pretty much try to
Ignore most of it and when appropriate redirect to a similar word !! Like OH Truck I dropped the toy Oh Truck

It seems to be working!

Don’t laugh or make a big deal about it
Also stop using the word around them


Ok so what I’m hearing is somebody needs to call CPS?


Why in the ever loving h311 would you PINCH your two year old? On the lip? Hard enough to make him bleed?!?!?!!! WTH is wrong with you?! Do you know how HARD you have to pinch to draw blood?! Pinch YOURSELF hard enough to draw blood! THEN imagine an innocent TWO YEAR OLD not understanding and scared and confused because “mommy” hurt him so bad!!! Experience how bad that hurts THEN evaluate your ability to adult let alone parent!! My son ran around saying “stupid b1t@&” for like 3 months when he was 3, and you know what I NEVER did? ABUSE him! Have you ever laughed when he said it even in the beginning? Even once? Because if so, he had the impression that he brought you joy!!! Take a parenting class and get the F off the internet!

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This seriously makes me sick the way she talks about her making him bleed like it’s a no big deal who knows what this poor baby has to go through on a daily basis

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WTF :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Anyone defending this method of discipline shouldn’t be a parent. Pinch your OWN lip right now to see how bloody hard you have to do it to make it bleed. Imagine doing that to a small defenseless child who learnt the bad habit from YOU!! Messed Up!

I’m sorry y’all but you aren’t a terrible parent if your little picks up curse words. :woman_shrugging:t4: It may just be me but my little said shit and I just brushed it off. He hasn’t said a curse word again and if he does :woman_shrugging:t4: it’s just a word to relieve some type of frustration most likely.

Omg look at all these mums giving you grief. Is your son still alive after you pinched his lip. Naughty but at least you know it. Advice from my nan would be to smack his bum :joy: but pc wise… Ignore him, it’s hard but it works. The more attention you give, the more he’ll do it. Hope this helps

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If you claim your husband has been away for a few months and your 2 yr old is still saying it, then he’s not getting the cursing from him. He’s getting it from you. 2yr olds wont even remember what you told them last week. Pinching your child isnt going to fix that because he doesnt understand it but you do. You should be pinching your lips and stop cursing at him or around him so he forgets about it.

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Y’all are mom shaming the shit out of this woman ! And that makes you a pathetic bunch of moms. Curious though, any of you from South Africa ?? … Coz damn, y’all haven’t seen abuse. A pinch is nothing first of all, second if any of you fools on here could ACTUALLY READ, you would see that the poor woman is coming for HELP, she is desperate clearly to fix the problem. I hardly call a pinch abuse, and yeah it bled but it wasn’t her INTENTION. Or did you holier than though perfect parents miss that part ? Maybe the lot of you should go and take a lesson in reading and learning the ability to read things within context before you should be allowed to be giving advice to mommy’s and being judgemental pricks. All of you acting all innocent and shit . Psssht get over yourselves


He is 2. Quit using cruel and unusual punishment for him, that is abuse. . When he says the word- try saying a different word that sounds similar - truck, fudge, poop, darn, heck. Try changing what you and your husband say also. He is TWO years old. His little brain doesn’t process your cruel punishments for his actions. Try being a more supportive mother and redirect… seek a therapist or a counselor to help you with techniques that may work. If you were treated that way when you were small- I’m sorry you went through that, because it’s not punishing it’s abuse.

This is disturbing on so many levels!!! I’m speaking from experience when I say respectfully that you,Mom, need real and serious help! Counseling or parenting classes would be much more appropriate than social media !!! Stop abusing him immediately! Get some real help for both of you!
Please! :cry::pray:

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It genuinely blows my mind how some parents think…. Time-out? Beluga whale meat? PINCHING???

How about you guys stop cussing around him? And teaching him that those words are grown up words and aren’t to be said by kiddos. It’ll take time. Ignore it while you can because he is looking for attention more than likely. Kids (ESPECIALLY TODDLERS) continue to do the “bad” behavior because they’re trying to understand what you’re trying to teach them. You hurting him only causes him to try and learn WHAT you are doing and WHY. Shame on you


In Scotland we would be arrested and charged by the police for physically punishing a child. My little boy is three and swears, I just ignore it or give him an alternative word to repeat e.g, he says ‘oh shit’ so I’ll correct it to ‘oh sugar’ and get him to repeat that instead. Don’t give any attention to the bad words, as this will make him want to use them even more. Please don’t hurt him again. He’s only copying what’s been heard :pensive:

Ignore bad behavior, don’t give him the attention he craves as a 2-year-old in a negative way. Correct him by modeling the behavior you want to see. “Fudge”, “fiddlesticks”, or a silly word from his favorite show to get him interested. When he uses the proper alternative you decide, immediately give positive reinforcement, smile and tell him good job for using that fun word, use it yourself until it becomes his habit. Punishment isn’t working, so try something else.

Well hes using it appropriately.Thats usually when I use the f bomb.I would ignore it.Dont react when he does it.The bigger deal you make of him saying it well keep him doing it more.

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First off STOP using physical abuse on your 2 year old! He doesn’t understand and thinks you’re just hurting him at that age. Anything but a hand on the butt is child abuse. I’ve never heard of someone pinching their child’s lip at any age. What is wrong with you?? You’re blaming dad but he’s hearing it more places than dad or he would have been over that word by now. Good thing this is posted anonymously because you just admitted on social media that you abuse your child. You’re right, you are failing as a mother for pinching your son like that. Come see me and let me pinch your lip until you bleed. Smdh :woman_facepalming:


Try completely ignoring him and having the daycare do so too. Once he realizes that he gets no reaction, it will take all the fun out of it. (A 2 year old doesn’t know what the word means). Whenever he says something you like, make a big fuss, lots of praise.

I was told as hard as it it ignore it and then we he talks the way you want hi to reward him. I was told that the more attention we give to correct a negative behavior the harder it is to correct but if you ignore the negative behavior they stop because they do not get any form of response from it


I feel like the people commenting about the “abuse” are younger generation and probably didn’t have their tails whooped. However, I think that maybe try to see if there’s a reason he gets that frustrated, he clearly picked up on dad saying it out of frustration. I’ve never spanked my kid, she’s 9 now. But when I was younger I can remember having to brush my teeth with soap for bad words. He’s deff to little for that, but I would try, and find a reason. If he has no medical/emotional reason to be acting up. I would use the age old corner, time out chair, ignoring, etc. best of luck momma

Put hot sauce in his mouth when he says it. I cuss in front of my kids but they know better than to say the words because they’re words for grownups. This is why we live in a world full of pansy ass sissies because people think gEnTlE pArEnTiNg actually works. If hot sauce doesn’t do the trick, get an old fashioned switch or belt. Good luck mama!

Pinching his lip!:flushed: WTF!! You don’t do that, and all these saying terrible twos? No it’s not terrible twos, there at a age where they can’t express there emotions properly & struggle saying words so they can’t tell you exactly what’s up! Look it up & maybe you will understand. I’m a parent of two & never will or never have brought harm to them. Instead of harming him & feeding him horrible stuff which sounds horrendous, why not take the time to sit with him & try and understand him, you will pick up what he’s telling you eventually! Doing harm to a child you have failed as a parent I’m sorry to say but it’s true, no parent does that kind of shit to there child :rage:

One of my children is a few months shy of 2 and I cannot begin to fathom causing him or my others any type of pain for any reason. I recognize our cultures are different so discipline is different. But lady not only do I think you need to take or look up some parenting classes( I dont know what resources you have available there) but you should also look into some type of therapy to help you get yourself under control. I’m glad you’ve learned from your mistake because it is really not okay. Theres a line between discipline and abuse and you’re in too deep on the wrong side right now. Redirecting your child’s attention when they use the word or positive reinforcement works SO much better than any negative punishment. Again, I’m glad you’ve recognized your actions but please get some help before you unintentionally cause your child to develop issues in the future

Pick your battles. Ignore the behavior, pick a silly word to say when you would get angry or swear (like ugh, chickens!) and keep using it around him but not to him.

And for the love of God don’t hurt your kid. That literally teaches them nothing but to hurt someone when they do something wrong. Do as you would have done to you!

Maybe when he uses a word that isn’t appropriate, try telling him that we don’t use that word and give him a better word to use when he needs to. Like dagnabit. Sounds pretty naughty to a 2 year old, but isn’t offensive to anyone

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this “punishment” for just a 2 yr old…? that’s a little far. the baby is 2. they barely understand what they’re doing saying, if they’re acting a certain way, doing a certain thing or saying certain things, it’s because they’re mocking what they see.

it’s a baby. giving them such harsh punishment so young is terrible. there are other ways……

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I use all the words around my children, and while some people may not approve of that… that’s ok cuz they’re not yours… but mine have all gone through a phase where they tested them out. I explained to them that they are not for their age. When they get older, they can say all the words they want, but right now it’s not ok. And it never became an issue. I didn’t make it into some huge deal so for us it didn’t turn into one. I still say all the words I want and they all know that when they get old enough… they can too.

I’m the parent that believes if adults swear when we are angry then why can’t they also express their anger, my 3 year old doesn’t do it at daycare but I have explained to him that if it happens it’s not okay but I won’t tell him off for it considering I do it too :woman_shrugging: I show him other ways to express is anger/annoyance

So i :grimacing: passed on @$$ to my son and it took a while to undo it but everytime i just explained. We cant use that language in school and we need to get in the habit of talking nice. Instead of punishing for bad words I teach new words. Cussing is just the language of humans i know we dont want kids to do it but every kid does at this age theyre learning words from us. Youre doing great try to give your patience and teach new words :heart:

Swear jar. If he swears a favorite treat or toy goes in and if he controls himself the next time he gets to take one out!

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I don’t spank my son because of how my brothers and I were beat and i don’t believe in hitting. My son has had the worst tantrums ever. Seriously screams bloody murder and throws himself where if u didn’t see know him,have a kid of your own or see him ,behind closed doors u would think were hitting him. I sit him in timeout ,sometimes count. Make sure he’s got not toys ,no TV, nothing to distract him. And once he calms we go about our day. If not we start the time over til he’s calm . If we’re out in public and I tell him no or to stop and he doesn’t I take him to the restrom.for his timeout or we leave the place immediately. Requires alot of patience and somedays it seems like it’s every 5 minutes . But patience and it does get better. The fits and words only get worse as they get older. But you also can’t be the only one at this . Don’t give in is my best advice . And your not failing ,shit literally happens and alot of it is something they picked up from someone or literally just no where .there’s not always a reason. Stay strong ,you got this!!! My son is 3 almost 4 now and he’s been doing alot better :raised_hands:

I let my daughter cuss. That sounds crazy, but she’s almost 3 and she knows not to use them around anyone but me. But when she gets frustrated or hurt she uses swear words and there’s a lot of studies showing that kids who use curse words to express emotions grow up more well rounded and able to express themselves

He’s two language is new to him and a moral compass to that language takes time. Physical injury to teach that limit is absolutely disgusting.

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Yikes… poor baby. I’m sorry but you have to have been doing it pretty hard to cause that, I feel like you should know better? Im not understanding where that would seem okay or like a good idea. That’s where you failed, a curse word can be corrected… what you just did, can’t be… I hope you get the answers you need & make some changes for you both. Im not usually one to be rude, but come on…

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My kids swear. Always have. They’re 22, 21, 6 and 2. We have rules, no swearing AT anyone, nothing racist, sexist or prejudicial. If you don’t know what it means, don’t use it until you’ve asked.
I swear like a sailor, I’ll be damned if I’m a hypocrite :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Omg everyone she said she did it once and it made his lip bleed and that she stopped. I grew up getting my cheek pinched if I got mouthy. My grandpa did it ecspecially. He did it twice and I never got mouthy with him again.


Idn why everybody is being ass hats to you but apparently they are perfect … we do not know where they are from a culture they are raised in or anything…

some people grow up with their parents doing this to them and seeing their friends parents do the same so they think it’s “normal” when it’s not

or this is an “acceptable” type of punishment in some countries(I don’t agree at all but it’s the truth that different places see punishments differently)

Ppl used to beat their kids with a switch they made the kid pick out themselves … but guess what ppl got educated and learned from that… this mom needs to be educated about how it’s clearly wrong to do this to a child and then guide her to a different system to help their kid be better and help her be better

We ignore swear words at our house but my daughter does it for attention so when she stops swearing and acts the way she is supposed to then we give attention … we do time out of other things and that seems to work for those bad behaviors … if she’s having a stressful day and is acting out because of that then we try a bath or “foot spa day” to get her to relax and calm down sometimes she has big emotions and doesn’t know how to let them out :woman_shrugging:

Im sorry everybody is being so rude … what you did is wrong but the up side to this is tomorrow is a new day and you are human which gives you a brain that allows you to learn from your mistakes … talk to the dad make sure he knows he needs to stop swearing … start ignoring the behavior or try a time out … you can talk to daycare find out what they do as a punishment so you can keep the discipline consistent

it could be helpful and informative to check out any local parenting classes if they are available (and that’s not me saying ur a bad mom that’s me saying everybody can learn from them)

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Remind him it’s not a appropriate word, and try to refrain from using any swear words around him, if he keeps doing it, redirect him. 2 year olds have the same span as a puppy, physical punishment won’t do anything, try talking through his emotions when he’s upset in time out and teach him to take deep breaths. Remind him it’s ok to say i am angry, and talk about why he’s angry.

A toddler will learn alot of things from alot of people who arnt you. You pinching his face had to be horrifying.
Moving forward, consistency is key. Does he have any hand held screen time? If so, repeatedly tell him if you use swear words you will get no phone/tablet for the rest of the day…don’t keep threatening it cause it will stress both yall out. Be firm and consistent, and please, don’t ever harm his face or head. Please. If you need to reach out to someone do it because acting out of anger is precisely what you are trying to teach him not to do

The toddler learnt that by saying that word triggers a reaction, good or bad but nonetheless a reaction. He needs your attention. Try ignoring him when he says the word and see if other possible needs the child have, perhaps bonding? He will eventually stop. This applies to all members of the family. Consistency is the key.

So first off…all you high and mighty moms take a chill pill and read what was written …she said she pinched his lip (likely because that was how she was taught growing up) but she stopped as she made him bleed one time (ok clearly acknowledged she made an error and hasn’t used that again) get off your high horse like you have never in your years of parenting had something that accidentally injured your child. It’s not abuse unless it was a repeated thing…as she stated the bleeding incident was a one time thing…and that’s when she said ok bad idea I’m not doing that again…but my assumption is that is how she was raised and why she decided on that.

Anyway to the original mama with this issue… I will confess that I curse like a sailor and my son occasionally repeats me… what worked for us was when he repeats I ignore it. Sometimes I pick a ridiculous nonsense word and put it in the sentence when I want to curse and he started repeating those…when he does use the made up word…THAT is when he gets the reaction…not when he uses the real one…fact is they sound like fun words and the children want the attention… so that’s my 2 cents…ignore the real words and pick on nonsense word to react to… worked for mine…

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I mean, you don’t need to abuse him. It’s not his fault, the word needs to be cut out of your home if the issue is that bad. 2 year olds don’t really get how a word is “bad” yet so you can’t expect them to care.

Pinched him hard enough to make him bleed and trying to make him eat food he hates as a punishment wow. You have failed as a mother this is abusive af and I’m not one to typically mom shame, but wow.

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My three year old and myself have made a ‘list of words we don’t say’ things on there like hate, die, kill he once said the f word whilst he was playing with his toys. One said ‘get the f out of my house’ :joy: I just told him that word is on the list and he doesn’t say it anymore x

I have a sailor mouth, I try but I’m not perfect. My son repeats me cussing, I don’t draw attention to it and he doesn’t keep at it, if I draw attention, he’ll say it over and over. It’s not a big deal to them unless you make it a big deal. They don’t know anything except that these are words and if you tell a toddler they can’t, they usually immediately want to because they’re learning to push boundaries (which isn’t a bad thing).

I have 3 kids…2 of those 3 kids said swears at one point or another. Sure, it’s embarrassing…things happen. I personally try not to make it a big deal when my 2 year old swears. If I make a big deal about it he just does it more bc im reacting to it. So I ignore it. Worked great with my 3 year old and my 2 year old isn’t doing it anymore really.
Hope this helps in some way. Goodluck

If you don’t want your child to cuss maybe be a remodel and not use nasty words. Who the actual fuck abuses their child for doing behaviors that YOU taught/ allowed.

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All of you are just so judgemental. She came for help AFTER realizing what she was doing was wrong. Here you guys are telling her she is a bad Mom. I’m sure some of you have done something that maybe you shouldn’t have done and that was a mistake. I have at one point. We all learn something new in a situation. Especially if your a first time Mom. Remind me never to come here if I ever DO need advice…

I don’t condone pinching or any kind of “abuse” towards any kids. I grew up getting my ass whooped with belts, wooden spoons, switches (that I had to pick on my own and it better have been good enough). One of those orange race track pieces made by Hot Wheels was popular. Been backhanded in the mouth for cussing or getting mouthy. Even had to hold a bar of soap in my mouth. Been put in time out ALL day. As a parent now, I have NEVER put my hands on my child. I have ALWAYS taught him to treat and do to other as he would want people to treat and do to him. Also taught him we keep our hands to ourself unless you are giving a handshake. I have put him in time out and have grounded him and taken stuff away. He is currently 11 and is a great student. He is respectful and responsible. Doesn’t get in trouble. He has a caring heart for all living things. He plays sports so he isn’t out and about causing trouble around the neighborhood (he wouldn’t even if he had the opportunity). Things start at home. I learned from how I was treated as a child and made damn sure I treated my kid better. I don’t even yell at him. We sit down and discuss the problem and we fix it. I treat him like a human being and put his feelings into consideration. No kid learns from abuse or yelling.

To the OP, you aren’t a bad Mom. You are learning like the rest of us. I don’t think pinching him was the way to go. Ignore him or tell him “Those words are ugly words and we don’t talk like that.” Don’t cuss around him anymore. Or atleast until he gets the point that those aren’t words for him to use. Physical force or anything like that shouldn’t be done. He is also two. He is still trying to catch on to things. He probably didn’t realize he was doing wrong. He maybe might have been more excited because he learned something new. Keep at it and don’t give up. Best wishes to you and your son! Hope everything works out! :heart:

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So now he’s learned from home to cuss and that it’s ok to pinch others when they do something he doesn’t like …

Let him know those are bad/grown up words and put him in time out. Also make sure you are interacting with him and promoting/ encouraging his good choices, not just reacting to his bad ones.

He doesn’t understand it’s inappropriate. Just ignore him and he will outgrow it. He gets attention for using it and apparently hears it.

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My son was like that when he was younger which was my fault I had a sailor mouth (I’ve mellowed down heaps now tho) but when he’d swear I pretended I couldn’t hear him, gave it no attention until he spoke properly. He eventually got it.

My two year old uses the F word. I threaten to beat her bum if she says it again. Threatening works for this one.
My oldest used the word once but stopped when I explained she’s not allowed to use the word.
Different children different disciplines.
With your son, try taking something away if he uses the word. (I tried that route first but it didn’t work for my youngest.)

I couldn’t imagine anything a toddler could do to justify making them bleed. However, I understand you are frustrated. I’m sorry honey what are you doing is abusive. When mine were going through a cursing stage I ignored it and it eventually stopped. I also had to do a reality check with hubby and I on what we were saying in their presence. You need to 100% change how you are disciplining your child. If it takes him forever to complete his 2 min time out. You have to follow through with it. It’s exhausting to have a long drawn out time out session. But it has to be done and it will get better from there.

don’t be surprised if he has a strained relationship with you in his later years, or a potentially difficult relationship with food if you’re forcing him to eat something you know he hates, doing so much damage beyond the pinching wtf

The best reaction is no reaction to the curse words. The pinching him only going to encourage him to start pinching you or another child, so stop that too.

Ignore the child don’t hurt the child for doing something they were taught now when he goes assaulting others when they let the f word fly would that be okay? No. Ignore them. I tell my three year old those are mommy words because I’m grown and lack a better educated vocabulary now your smarter than that so now when I say it she says mommy you said the f word. Children learn what they live.

Same here. Oldest did until he started vpk. Youngest is 4 and still does when he’s angry with his brother. They both got it from their Dad. Both are/were told they can’t say those words until they live on their own. Sometimes I will threaten my youngest that I will spank him if he keeps it up (never have I ever had to). Making a child eat something they don’t like, or making a kid bleed isn’t good in long run! Especially when that kid goes to school and tells a teacher. You’re not a bad mom.

If he is doing it to get a reaction out of you just ignore it .In a calm voice just tell him those are adult words and they are not nice to say and even though adults say them they shouldn’t say them either.

“My son learned an arbitrarily “bad” word from his dad, so I made him bleed as punishment.” is how I read that.

I have a 2 year old little boy, and my mind is reeling. I literally can’t even fathom how hard you had to have pinched him to draw blood. And then to know that it wasn’t even the first time, but you pinched him on his mouth multiple times?! I think you need to spend more time taking some parenting classes, reading parenting books, and consulting a family therapist before you concern yourself over a WORD.

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Stop swearing around him, wash his mouth out with soap and explain that those words are UGLY words and we shouldn’t use them. Don’t listen to these mom shamers about pinching his lip. We learn as we go. Wasn’t one person perfect and we see what happened to Him :person_shrugging: That’s what you thought was best at the time and shouldn’t be shamed for that. The important thing is you recognized that wasn’t working and came to what is supposed to be a supportive enviornment for alternate solutions

Just give him a word that sounds similar to it, or an alternate word beginin with f. Everytime he swears ur repeat the non swear word, he will get it eventually. Dont punish him for swearin, cos he wont understand why he cant but his dad can and gets away with it.

Why would you pinch his lip until it bled? Or even pinch it at all? That’s so mean. Tell him that’s bad or put him in time out. Even a pop on the hand or something but that’s straight up abusive. My kids have said bad words and I put my hand on their mouth and said no we don’t say that and when that didn’t work, time out every single time with a toy taken away. I’d be mad and cussing too if someone pinched my lip until it bled.

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Has anyone been punished by their parents? For instance getting the belt? I’ve had welts due to being spanked with a belt. You don’t see me running around hitting others with it. Getting punished was a scary thought then that’s why I never made the same mistake twice. And yall are here getting upset because she pinched his lip. She stated that she felt bad that’s why SHES REACHING OUT FOR ADVICE NOT CRITICISM. One more thing… do you teach your kids to be bullies? I didn’t think so… so why are you being a bully to another mom!?!

HE’S TWO!!! He has zero impulse control and lacks the ability to comprehend why you’re punishing him that way. MODEL GOOD BEHAVIOR. Don’t physically hurt him. What the hell is wrong with you.

You pick the one punishment that aggravates him more than anything and be consistent my son hated sitting in the corner and every time he got up depending on how old he was it ranged from one minute to 5 minutes so just be consistent and the terrible twos are bad but I honestly believe that the threes are worse and if you don’t get it beforehand you’re going to have a hard time when they start school then turn teenagers and the only reason I say this is because I speak from personal experience

The amount of attacking in here is nuts. People do things differently in different cultures and just cause it isn’t your way or your beliefs doesn’t mean you can scream child abuse among other things. They already stated they aren’t using the same techniques they were trying so what more do you want?

He learned that word from you & his father, the people he admires the most. Please DON’T pinch your son, that won’t fix anything. And honestly you need to enforce a strict NO cussing rule around him for you & everyone else to follow. Then you have 2 main options, #1 put him in timeout for 2 minutes (due to his age) but also make sure you put yourself or dad in timeout when y’all say the word so he understands that it’s not okay no matter what or #2 try ignoring the behavior. If it continues then give him one warning where you clearly explain that he CANNOT cuss for any reason and if he does it again he WILL go to timeout for 2 minutes and then ALWAYS keep your word! Being one of those parents that always threatens punishment but never follows through or does anything is only setting yourself up for absolute failure. He needs to know you mean business and consequences WILL happen if he doesn’t listen and stop. And I repeat DON’T PINCH YOUR BABY!

Hmmm… first, watch ur mouth and insist his father do the same, second, watch your temper cuz pinching a toddlers lips til they bleed is f-ed up. He’s two. Put him in time out whether he likes it or not and be consistent with rules. At that age, not making a big deal out of a swear but simply telling him “It’s not nice to say those words” will do the trick after awhile. Most of the cure is watching your own behavior at this age. Everything he does at two years old is what he’s copying from his environment. Nip it in the bud.

I’m sorry that you can’t see what the problem is. 1. It’s you and your husband. 2. He’s copying what’s taught. 3. Does anyone pinch your lip til it bleeds?

You are taking your frustrations out on you him. I was going to say it’s normal, and to redirect him to something else until you said you pinched and made him bleed. He is 2. He’s a walking talking echo machine. You need to change your habits. I don’t feel likes it is just dad. You need to ask for help, and learn to manage your emotions so he can do the same.

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HES FUCKING TWO YEARS OLD! You want changed behavior?? Start by changing yours. Next thing ya know you’re going to be upset with him for pinching! Kinda worried for how you’re going to handle that one.

My 2yr old kept saying “oh shit” learned it from his dad :woman_facepalming: he said it for several weeks but we started ignoring him when he says it and he eventually stopped saying it…

What the hell happened to soap in the mouth ? lol. Still though, 2 is too young for good ol soap. I agree with ignore the behavior and it won’t be fun for your child anymore. And quit swearing around him! Fuck. SMH also, pinching his lip is just mean

How about you stop cussing. When my son cusses I don’t physically harm him but I do make him stand in the corner. Not for long because it is my fault but he will learn that children shouldn’t say naughty words. Sometimes he will call me out on it now and I will apologize. He’s three

Hey OP :wave:
We ignore, redirect, time out and after enough warnings a pop to the butt when words and ignoring did nothing, slowly he’s getting away from it…

PS take advantage of all the ladies volunteering to parent your child at a few hundred comments you could take a vacay :rofl:
And ask for their manicurist info as well bc it sounds like they’ve also never scratched anyone in the lives :woman_shrugging:

Stop reacting to it, the more you react the more he wants to say it … he’ll slowly stop using it. My 2 year old says “f**k that ho*” but I gave up and stopped telling her to “Stop saying that, it’s bad word!!” I just stopped giving her attention about it and she hasn’t said it in a couple weeks now … they’re only 2 and they are constantly testing us. Don’t give him too much attention to what you DONT want him to say or do… :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Ignore completely, no attention whatsoever. Don’t even blink or look at him. He’s doing it for attention and you’re giving it him.
Highly praise good behaviour and completely ignore attention grabbing bad behaviour

Good luck, my two year old was stuck on “fuck you” for like 2 months I brought it up to his pedi to see if she had any recommendations she said he doesn’t know what it means so don’t react to it and just to try to get him to use a different word, if you give a reaction they will continue to use it, finally he has stopped thankfully😅

Tell him that it’s a bad word and he doesn’t get to say it regardless of who he hears say it around him.
Tell him there are better words.

When my son says a curse word I remind him it’s not a good word and give him silly options to say instead.

“Instead of fuck you could say, holy cramolies!, Geez laweez!!, My lanta! Instead.”

The more fun you make things, the better. && YOU must lead by example.

Well first off, she’s asking for advice not for all you perfect moms to gang up on her. Also, anyone happen to read the part that they are Inuit? Ya know, from another culture where to us this is abuse but in their culture it may be acceptable? How about instead of telling her how she failed as a mother because they don’t follow your customs you give her actual advice on how to handle the situation without being an asshole? How about pulling up an educational article about the psychological effects of physical punishment. You can criticize and do it in a kind and respectful manner.

Ignoring the cuss words seem to work the best for us! I act like I don’t hear him, if he continues to say it I tell him we don’t say that but still don’t make a huge deal and he seems to move on.

Ummmm you made your baby bleed on purpose, why in the world would you even think that’s appropriate?? It’s actually disgusting to me that you’d hurt your kid because he said a word YOU taught him at home PARENT FAIL!!!

Please don’t use violence like pinching your child. These teaches him to hurt others when he is angry with their behavior. Tell him no and put him in time out. Do it every time he does it. He is still very young. He will learn and grow out of it. Don’t get angry with him or show strong emotions. Just calmly say, no we don’t say that word. We say “kung fu” instead. He is just repeating and responding to stimuli and if you get physical or angry then he thinks its go time. Just calmly say, no no, we don’t say that, say this instead and give him a small time out. It is hard to parent toddlers but remember you are shaping how they will respond when frustrated. Keep trying. It will change soon enough.

Wow. Well first of all this post has gotten out of hand. Second, momma look it’s not that sweet boys fault he’s swearing. Like you said he learned it from his father. He’s not gonna learn by being hit, pinched or force fed. It’s gonna cause him to want to lash out more, I have never even spanked my kids unless it was something very extreme they done and those were only on the bottom. Now I’m not saying my parenting works for everyone. But I am saying it works for me and maybe would you too if you tried it. Try ignoring it. Try just telling him over and over again “No bad word” in a stern calm voice. Until he just realizes he don’t need to be saying it. Repetitive action is probably gonna be the most effective. Telling him everytime it’s bad. But not giving harsh punishment. Getting on his level,stop what he’s doing, talk to him as a human and let him know he can’t be saying that because it’s bad, they are so much smarter than we give them credit for.

Y’all need to back up and realize she may have been brought up with this method. Back in the day, I know our native Navajo culture, was pretty harsh when it came to discipline. This may be something she learned and it’s awesome that she’s realizing it may not be the right way so she’s asking for help. Get off your high horses. And to those threatening to report her even goes as far as saying she doesn’t deserve to be a mother are the worst ones, what gives u the right to say that? God forbid you make a mistake.