So… abusing a child because of a taught word, and he just so happens to be using it when he’s mad… I don’t agree with this at all. He’s learnt this, obviously doesn’t know it’s bad because he’s heard it and unfortunately you have to be careful around children because they pickup on your language, and also when it’s used. And clearly he’s using it when he’s upset, so why would you punish him and make him Bleed rather than try and work out his emotions?? He’s 2, he doesn’t understand. Sit down with him. Jesus… I can’t imagine harming my child from a word that was taught from an adult. They pick up on emotions and words so quickly… don’t think he isn’t picking up on the pinching now… nevermind being forced food he doesn’t like when trying to express his emotions in ways that were taught to him.
Can’t imagine this behaviour as a parent of a two year old… again, two year old… they watch, they learn… remember that.
Wow…I can’t believe people are saying to put soap in his mouth! Just wow. Hes 2. Practically still a baby…has no understanding of what a cuss word is or means. He’s heard it a lot so all he knows is to repeat it. If it’s from the father like you said and he’s not in the picture right now…it should be easy to start getting him to forget about that word. Be his role model. He watches you, he listens to you, he mimics you. If something doesnt go your way or you get frustrated with something say something like “oh mannnnn” or “oh gosh” even get him to repeat you and say it. If hes cussing get his attention and say “let’s say this instead”…and say the better phrase. These little ones are just that…little. They are babies. We have to show them and teach them.
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I would stop abusing him and when he says cuss words or acts out do not respond because he could want a reaction and will do it again. If you don’t want him saying things like that you shouldn’t either since he learns by you.
Physical punishment is the absolute worst way to “correct” behavior. And if you think it isnt you need to read up on child development. This goes for y’all spanking parents too.
I also have a 2 year old going through a phase of what some would call “bad behaviour” (It’s NOT bad behaviour)
My advice is LISTEN to him when he is frustrated or mad. Sit down with him at his level, he may not have the ability to communicate what it is, but watch what he is doing/trying to do/figure out. These are the things that frustrate them, or possibly he just simply wants attention and affection. Distraction also works.
Just as we get angry and frustrated when we don’t like something or understand, his behaviour is completely normal.
I won’t lie your post shocked me - in my opinion as parents we have no right to cause our children harm, we bought them into this world to protect them not allow them to come to harm. And Christ he’s 2 years old! - Causing him harm by pinching his lip is not going to help him in anyway. And forcing him to eat something he doesn’t like is cruel.
Yes this stage is hard, but it is a key part of their learning and development. You have to give him your time and be patient. And when he swears ignore it.
When mine were little we started using replacement words in the exact same manner as they learned the bad ones. I was especially bad when driving so “use your blinker, a$$hole!” became “use your blinker, blinker!” (I panicked on that one but it worked, she started calling people blinkers lol)
They’re both 8 and 10 now, and honestly know how and when to use bad words but they really don’t without permission (and the occasional whisper of them at bedtime to spark up some giggles)
I tell my kiddos that they can swear all they want when there adults and that it’s not acceptable as kids. If they say it at school there will be consequences. As far as time outs. Let them be angry. People don’t like going to jail and they get angry but it doesn’t stop them from going to jail.
Ignore it. Kids especially toddlers have a short memory span. He will forget about it if you stop giving him attention every time he says it. Toddlers will be toddlers they are learning. Give the little guy some time he will eventually stop using that word. And if anything you should pinch the fathers bottom lip til it bleeds!
Holy Hell everyone saying ignore it is WRONG!!! Just as she is
Teach your children to name thier emotions help them find ways to work through it. They can’t control thier feelings untill they understand them and can’t understand until have names for them!!!
My nephew used to swear every time he said the “f” word we sang out “holy kimoly” within less then a week he stopped swearing and started using the “holy kimoly” instead.
Timeout doesn’t sound like a bad idea if he doesn’t like it he will learn that he doesn’t say that word. I was having the same problem with mine saying shit. I stopped saying it started saying shoot and every time he said it he would go into timeout he hasn’t said it in 2 weeks now that I think of it
Don’t acknowledge it. He’s getting a reaction out of you and be won’t stop until you do.
Jesus, i dont think physically hurting a 2 year old is the best way. Hes 2… hes not quite there developmentally yet. Just try not to swear around him and if he does it ignore him. See if not reacting helps, the forget so fast
So many horrible comments telling this woman she failed as a mother. Like you’ve never done anything you’re not proud of? Never been so tired you yelled or lashed out? Clearly if all of you are too perfect to understand frustration and being unsure of yourself and what to do then you don’t need to comment. She is trying. She is reaching out for help. Give her that instead of biting her head off.
To the poster, be gentle with yourself. We are human. We are not perfect and it is hard. Learn from what you’ve tried that hasn’t worked and go from there. Ignoring the action does sometimes help. My three year old thinks it’s funny if I react and will keep doing it. Make him brush his teeth every time he says it if ignoring doesn’t help. He’s two so reasoning isn’t easy. You have got this. Just breathe. Sending you so much love.
Girl, the problem is you. You’re setting your kid up for psychological problems. Seek help.
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Physical pain won’t help. It will be putting him in a quiet spot or time out EVERY single time he uses the word and much praise when he gets upset and doesn’t use the word. He is two. He will begin to understand that he can’t use bad ugly words. Explain that when he uses them he will be put in time out. After his two minutes is up you have to explain to him plainly why he was out there, he must apologize and hug after. You simply say, crouched onto his level “ son, I have put you on the naughty chair because you are using bad words that we aren’t suppose to use! I have warned you before so I put you on the naughty chair. I want an apology for saying ugly words.” They say an apology and you hug and tell them you always love them and they go play again.
Watch super nanny videos on YouTube. It helps learn consistency
Well your not failing as a mom because he days bad words that he’s learned from you two. But pinching your own child is just wrong especially making him bleed. He’s 2. A baby that doesn’t know any better. I have a 2 1/2 yr old (January 2019) and when she says bad words (im trying not to swear but it happens. Our fault) but I ignore her or tell her hey don’t say that, thats a bad word… then she says bad word. And she’s don for a while she kept repeating sh!t and lately when things go wrong or she drops something that she can’t get she says damn it. (Im not mad cause shes using it right lmao just a joke.) But we again just tell her no bad word. She pukers her lips and say baddd woorrdd and all is done. Toddlers are sponges.
Why woukd you pinch his lip for swearing thats not nice to make him bleed when he has learnt it from is daddy maybe pinch his lip ( the father ) for teaching him
Y’all stop judging this woman and saying she’s abusing her kid! His lip could’ve been chapped, he may chew on it. You don’t know their situation!
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How can you pinch the child? Validate his feelings and teach him how to deal with the emotions he is feeling but you can’t pinch him and expect him to do better. Tell him “I understand that you feel this way can you tell me what upset you” or tell him that is okay to be frustrated but it’s not okay to use those words or act out in a particular manner. You’re fighting fire with fire
Why the hell would anyone pinch a kids lip to make them stop??? The shit I don’t hear on Facebook… that would never work for anything… change the word to fudge and move on… why get mad at the kid for saying fuck?? you should tell his dad that at that age kids are little walking tape recorders… tell him to watch his mouth around the child… one time I went to pick my daughter up from my parents house when i got off work. They told her tell your mommy what you saw today she said “ mommy mommy i saw a big fire fuck today. I said what did you say and she repeated it”. Honestly I laughed and told her it a big fire truck… she never said it again but couldn’t pronounce the tr sound for a while… you just need to redirect them and the daycare needs too redirect as well… he will stop and move on to the next word he hears… you just need to relax and stop stressing it…
He’s 2, he doesn’t know the meaning of the word or how he’s using it. All he knows is he’s hearing his dad say it and so he thinks it’s okay and is coping. He doesn’t understand not to say it or why he’s getting in trouble especially if he’s dads saying it around him. Id start off by not cussing around him and saying something like “please choose another word”. I was bad at it and every time Id say “shit” I would put a dollar in my sons piggy bank as a mental reminder to watch my mouth (it worked for me because I’m stingy with my money).
Your failure is in hurting him for something he learned at home
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Did you just say you forced him to eat frozen whale .
And who in their right mind pinches a child let alone hard enough to make them bleed. Sounds like you need some parenting classes and a time out!
Re direct his behavior. When he swears you use a different word instead. Tell him it’s not a nice word. I’m not a saint as a parent and swear allot. But neither of my children cuss.
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I cuss around my 5yr old all the time and from.time to time she will repeat what she hears but I always say…that is a grown up word and only grown ups can say it…and leave it at that. She usually doesn’t continue to say them. I know I shouldn’t swear around her but at the same time I know she’s going to hear it eventually anyway. I’d rather just be honest about what I’m saying than try to hide it from her
I’ve found that when disciplining my daughter for any reason the less we make a deal of it the better. I just let her know what she did wrong and that she needs to not do it again and leave it at that. Kids tend to continue to do things that will get a reaction from parents, whether negative or positive, so the less of a big deal you make it the more likely it will stop in my experience. Best of luck!
Teach him new ways and words that can help him express how he feels and ignore that word when he says it because it can be a learned word but he could be frustrated because he doesn’t know how to express himself properly
Ignore it. Completely. Toddlers will repeat anything that gives them attention whether it’s positive or negative attention. My now 3 year old wouldn’t stop saying F off for a few days and the more we tried to discipline her, the more she said it. So we ignored it and it completely stopped, almost right away. She knows not to swear now
To be honest ignore him. My 2 year old was using bad words and we immediately implemented in not reacting to it and we explained to him that it wasn’t allowed and that if he continues to use the word he will not get snacks, juice or any treats for the whole duration as long as he kept saying it, we weren’t gonna budge. It’s worked with all my kids.
Also some of us have different cultural backgrounds so I see how some might see your reaction to child abuse you obviously said you stopped once you saw him bleed. I come from a Hispanic home we got spankings and sometimes hut with the chancla or belt when we really needed it. I don’t use fiscal punishment myself but If my kids get to a point where he is hurting others I will not protect him from his own consequences once he is older.
We had to do a chart and for every time she didn’t cuse we added a star and when she cussed she lost a star, then at the end of the week depending on how many stars were left she got an award. And they were not big expensive things. Some were a sticker for like 1-5. And 6-10 a small trinket toy. 11-20 got to pick what we had for dinner. And she usually chose McDonald’s, but sometimes she surprised us saying spaghetti. Lol
I have a 2yr old who cusses🤷♀️I don’t pinch him at all,I don’t put him in time out,nor do I force feed him something he doesn’t like🤦♀️I’m definitely not a perfect mom but if you continue to do those things to your child you have failed as a mother…he’s going through a phase just ignore him when he says bad words🙄he will stop saying them and grow out of this phase…
Glad your not my Mom! That’s horrible to treat a kid that way!
I got dishsoap and put it on my fingers and every time my granddaughter said a bad word I put dishsoap in her mouth . I told her " we are gonna wash them dirty words out of your mouth."
Just let me start by saying, I understand it can be hard and even harder with dad a way so please don’t take some of these comments too harshly, you’ll get there and we have all done things we wish we didn’t or our kids have behaved a certain way, because they have picked something from us or family.
Please stay positive and just do your best, we’re all winging it in some way. My inbox is always open if you’re needing support.
I am not going to go on about pinching, you’ve realised it isn’t the best and fair enough you’ve put all information on the post and are asking for help.
My son has copied and it’s hard sometimes. He was a little older so we explained it was a bad word.
Usually best to either not react at all, I always find my son will do things more when I pull him up for it. If that does not work, maybe a sticker chart? And reward good behaviour instead.
It is a little hard since he is very young but hopefully you will find something. There a few books for kids about saying bad words.
Let’s start by not abusing your child and modeling the behavior you want him to have.
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I am no where near perfect but I can’t fathom the thought of pinching my kids lip so hard until they bleed
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He keeps doing it because he is getting a reaction out of you either if he thinks it’s funny or annoying you or just mad to get attention and it’s working because any attention is better than none in his eyes right now. I straight up would ignore mine and act like they weren’t there walk away whatever without making eye contact or even acknowledging his presences. I also had a talk with mine saying those aren’t nice words that grown ups use sometimes that they really shouldn’t be saying but do. All we can do is worry about what words we use and just have kept saying that over time and when they did have a meltdown or just try to use those words to get attention is when I started ignoring them and they catch on really quick they would get whatever they wanted or out of trouble quicker if they would actually talk or whatever it may be instead of those words.
Explain to him that there are kid words and grownup words. Let him listen to George Carlin’s 7 Dirty Words and tell him THOSE are grownup words. (This is more of a joke than actual advice)
Man…those are definitely not healthy ways of managing the behavior. At 2 they don’t know the words are wrong. It’s as simple as replacing the words with better choices. When he (or you) thinks of cursing replace that word with YAY or some other positive word. It’ll fix itself with repetition. No physical anything needed.
So many perfect moms on this post it’s almost disgusting. You all should be ashamed and learn how to read before you react. Annoying
as if motherhood isn’t hard enough let’s just throw judgement at one another.
I dont think pinching him in the lips is right but I’m not going to call you a bad mother. Swearing needs to be kept between you and your SO away from your son. I swear but my daughter knows not too. A couple times she did and I explained to her why they are only words that grown ups use.
#1 clean up your language. Or whoever he’s hearing it from.
#2 don’t make a huge deal out of it. No major attention. Simply say no that’s not a nice word and we don’t use it.
It’s amazing how they’ll do what you do.
But definitely don’t abuse your own child for doing what you (or whoever) are doing.
Cuss words are words. Why physically hurt him enough to make him bleed? Its not like he’s running around telling you to go fuck yourself. People swear when they’re upset. Poor baby. What the fuck
Just keep telling him “no, bad word!” and he will get it. Just watch what you are saying around him cos kids that age are little parrots. Hurting him isn’t going to get you anywhere
Consider parenting classes, being a parent don’t come with instructions & can be very challenging and difficult. You can get all types of advice from different ppl but all kids have their own unique personality & we all raise our kids different.
Idk where my comment went but maybe make the person who is swearing around him make him bleed instead or keep your child away from him…
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I’m having this issue too. My daughters favorite things to say are “what the fuck?” and “oh shit!” I’ve just been trying to calm down on saying those things because she did learn that from me. She’s at the age she just repeats EVERYTHING. But I couldn’t imagine pinching her lip or force feeding her something she doesn’t like in an attempt to get her to quit. I tell her she shouldn’t say those things and neither should mommy, they’re bad words. And sometimes she’ll randomly say “bad word.” Like that’s her way of stopping herself from saying one lol.
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We taught my daughter that there were “kid words” and “grown up words”. I swear alot and when she was 2 she started saying ‘shit’ and thought it was funny. Anytime you reacted to her saying it she would laugh and say it again. So I started talking about kid words and grown up words. I told her she could say “shoot, darn, dang, oh my goodness, gosh, butt” etc. We worked on it alot. She’ll be 4 in September and she only uses her “kid words” and if she doesn’t understand a word she says, “can I say that?” Before ever repeating it.
A good way to be reported is to keep telling people you abuse your two year old… Maybe that’d be for the best
I ignore my almost 3 year old if she swears. I have replaced my 2 she repeats (oh shit and God damn it) with oh biscuits from Bluey and God bless it. I have never punished her for her swearing since it is us as adults fault knowing she repeats everything
Ignore it! He is continuing the behavior because he is getting attention. Change focus to giving POSITIVE reward for good, positive word choices!
Pinching his lip until it bleeds?!? And using things on him that you know he doesn’t like?! That’s what your doing wrong, not the fact that he’s cursing but that.
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I couldn’t care less if my kids say a curse word, like don’t talk like sailors in public but if we’re at home then by all means express yourself. They learn from me most likely cause I have a potty mouth when frustrated or whatnot, they know that the words aren’t for public use we have “public behavior” and “home behavior” and my 5 1/2 year old understands this very well
He is 2! Expect him to continue this. He has no real understanding of the word. What he is doing is modeling what he has seen in response to frustration/anger.
Time outs? No that is not TEACHING him what you expect. Time outs at 2 yrs old feels like abandonment since they do not understand and will most likely set up a cofrontation dynamic with you. Spanking (which many here recommend in place of pinching!?) No! Neither are acceptable! When you spank (especially a TWO year old) you only teach them that they are not valued and you teach them that violence is how they should respond when they are upset. You teach them that the person who is supposed to love them the most will hurt them, and that this is ok. Its not. Ever.
Soap in the mouth? No not this ever. ANY physical punishment at all is NOT ok. Especially for a TWO year old!! My god. Your expectations of him are so far out of line its astounding.
And to punish with food??!! Either forcing or witholding food is a horrible thing to do! Omg no! You are setting him up for eating disorders!!
Please take parenting classes and seek advice from the child’s Dr. I understand that maybe you don’t have the tools or understanding to handle certain issues and thats ok. But its not ok to continue parenting this way. Im glad that you were honest enough to ask this question and Im sorry that some of the answers here were said so harshly since its clear that you may not know better. But please understand the responses here are because of the strong reaction to what truly is abusive. Seek professional counseling going forward. Maybe teachers and doctors.
So ignorant that people are on here immediately shaming her for cursing when she states if you actually read the post that the child learned it from the father and not from her.
When my kid started cussing, he would say sh!t everything he dropped something, and now he is 6 and things slip, but he doesn’t like he used to. I quit making a big deal because he quit doing it.
I think youd be better off talking to a behavioral therapist instead of reading a bunch a comments about how you abuse your child you came here for support an advice and your being attacked im sorry nobodys perfect i hope you find a solution that works for you parenting is hard they dont come with instructions
I’ve never heard of pinching a lip but that just sounds wrong to me especially if you do it so hard it has bled! When my kids have said it I just tell them it’s not a good word to use and say if they say it again they will go in timeout. My kids hate timeout. Stick with it because even if it makes them more mad, they realize they don’t like timeout and don’t want to go back to timeout.
Mine second went through this around 2-3 with classmates, never made a huge deal about it just said we don’t say that and he stopped. Now he’s 9 and we laugh about when buddy was 2 and wouldn’t stop saying f*%k and s#%! and d@mn
Tell me that you weren’t whooped as a child without telling me you weren’t whooped as a child.
You new generation of mother’s are ridiculous.
There is a difference in abusing and disciplining. Y’all are raising kids to be spoil, entitled, disrespectful little human beings.
We ALL make mistakes. If you read clearly it says that when she did it it made him bleed it didn’t say that she sat there and did it until he bled. Y’all are acting like y’all ain’t never actually did something to your child. No one is perfect. And this is supposed to be a judgment free zone to help one another.
My son is 2 and he’s picked up a word or two from me and his dad, he doesn’t use them often but I honestly just try and not make a big deal out of it
If he uses it inappropriately like telling my boyfriend to “sh…b*tch” we just tell him that wasn’t a nice thing to say and he needs to choose better language and work with him on how to say “be quite please” or something
And if it’s an instant where he’s playing by himself and his blocks aren’t going to together and he drops the f bomb I just don’t acknowledge it. And like I said it’s not a common occurrence
For a moment I thought your form of discipline could be cultural and there for a little understood. Like how some people believe in soap in the mouth or spanking a child’s bum. However, after brief research I don’t believe it’s cultural at all. Regardless, violence is never the answer. Imagine learning a new word and thinking there’s nothing wrong with it, so you say it and someone you think highly of hurts you. And you don’t understand why they hurt you, but they did. Would you connect that to the word, or would you just avoid that person? Instead of using violence, you can say “we do not say that, we say “darn””or another word he can use. When he days the swear repeat the word you want him to use and completely ignore the swear. Do not use sweats in front of him, and make sure your husband doesn’t either. But regardless swearing is not the end of the world. Kids say whatever they hear. It has nothing to do with parenting. If he says the word at 2 years old because he doesn’t understand it yet then it’s not the end of the world.
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I stop my grand son by making it seem like he hurt Me he stopped I kept saying it a bad word didn’t have to hurt his mouth
You are failing as a mother because he’s freaking 2 he doesn’t understand and you don’t need to hurt him or force him to eat food he hates because you are mad wtf is wrong with you I wouldn’t even pinch my teenager unless he did it to me first
My 2 year old has heard me say it and says it now but now everybody is being cautious about what we say and if he pops it off I just simply say that’s not a nice word. He’s not old enough to understand and when he hears us use it he doesn’t see a difference
He get s a rise outta u or whoever when he says it. All kids crave attention. No matter how they get it. Maybe dont reactat all and talk to the daycare and ask them to do the same worth a shot. Hes 2 so much has yet to happen its gonna be a fun wild ride.
Fuck anything megative or judgemental anyone has to say about it. U got this
I would use the F word if my mom pinched me until I was bleeding……
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Damn. This is exactly why people don’t reach out for help. It’ll be okay, mama. Nothing much of what is being said here, is helping you much. Hang in there, and try to ignore it, because it is likely the attention that’s attracting him more. You got this, mama.
You pinched the child s lip so hard you left him bleeding , that’s total child abuse
My kids have sworn occasionally (Daddy is a mechanic and sounds like one), but I’ve just ignored it, and they don’t do it regularly. Try 1) ignoring the swear words, and 2) offering funny suggestions, like “OH CRACKERS”. If you use an alternative, and give him positive attention when he uses that word, he should forget about the swear words. Remember, it’s just a word. It only holds the power we give it
See stitching the anus won’t stop the diarrhea. It’s that father who has to know how to control his mouth in front of the child.
crap he’s two … with my 5 year old I threaten to call boot camp or the cops and there’s this nice little YouTube thing called “fake police call” for kids … but anyways he’s 2… when he says the word try and add something to it or say “funky, or fruit” as he’s saying to to get him into the habit of saying a different word
Negative attention is still attention to him, the more you make it a bigger deal… the worse it’s going to get. Everyone needs to ignore him. Refuse to even look at him. When he’s using the appropriate words, you make it a huge deal. He’ll forget about it in a week or so. But yes, the bigger deal you make it… the worse it’ll get.
With my 2 year old when he swears we would change the word completely. To fox or frog, as it did sound pretty similar to the f word. And we did the same for other swear words too. Now he understands a little more than they’re bad words, he doesnt say them but will copy someone who does say them so the person who said it first gets told they’re naughty and the 2 year old will happily tell them they’re naughty too!
No suggestions here, but also no hate to this momma. All I can think when reading this is “at least he’s using the word in the right context” Hahaha I mean isn’t that when you use the f word? When you’re frustrated or mad? And when daycare calls or tells you what he did, don’t you wanna just say “well F@(k” because I know I would.
Pinch your own lip till it bleeds maybe then you will know how it feels . He’s a baby for god sake
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We just tell our son that those are “grown up words” and that he isn’t old enough to say them yet. And he understands that and if he repeats us with the word usually he catches himself and is like OOPS THATS A GROWNUP WORD! Usually if we have to tell him it stops him and if he does keep repeating it we use time out for two minutes bc that’s what works for us
Good luck mama there’s a book on Amazon called no bad kids and it’s very informative on different ways to handle these types of situations hope this helps
Just don’t react he is two he wouldn’t even know what it means he just knows it’s a word that’s used ! My sons two and he thinks it’s hilarious to say it cause we laugh when he just splirts it out it’s a reaction thing so just don’t even react
I just went through the same thing everytime he said I said funny, eventually he started saying funny, I ignored him and he has stopped saying it all together. Ignore him !!!
Iv always told my boys I’m over 18 and when they are in their own homes if they want to use those words its their choice but if you use them here you go to time out also pointed out the fact that obviously sometimes mums not being smart enough by choosing those words and I bet you can find some better words that are fun and not bad so use them instead.
I have a 22yr not at home and a 12 yr old at home and iv never heard either of them swear whilst under my roof…
except once I asked my older boy what was pissing him off and he replied nothings pissing me off then realised what he said and ran to his room
Don’t give any attention to the word, he does it to get a reaction. And remember he’s 2
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Go tell your pediatrician what is going on and how you have handled it… ask for their opinion.
I would suggest you pinch your husbands lower lip till HE bleeds and give HIM the frozen meat … he taught his baby something and then the baby gets punished for it ? Babies mimic adults … being an inuit makes no difference in anything … frozen meat and bleeding lips are ( or at leαst should be considered as) abusive strategies …
In a while the baby will be pinching your lower lip or feeding you frozen meat and we still be here again with u wondering how to make that stop ….
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I’ve heard of people making children eat soap , hot sauce, etc so this is in the same line of unacceptable punishment. You need to speak to him very stern and say NO don’t say that very loudly and walk away. Repeat every time. He will quit within a week . Be persistent
Waite a fucking min I did not read hole post u abused your son but making his lip bleed I should call cos thst abuse this post needs to be removed it’s triggering I feel so bad for tryout son now for get I said to spank him u probably beat him poor kid should be in your care I’m sorry but not sorry I do NOT hurt kids
Am I the only one who feels bad because the woman sounds like she genuinely is aking for help & doesn’t see the forms of discipline she’s used as wrong or abusive but at the same time infuriated with her child going through that??? I hate to be going off for what the childs gone through but I also dont want to give the impression that any of her discipline is excusable. To the author, please educate yourself in child discipline & take parenting classes. They really can help you.
There’s a difference between disapline and hurting your child or messing with them with things they hate. That’s like if a kid hates bugs and every time she swears, you threaten to put a spider on her. Same difference with the whale meat, it’s just stupid.
Try redirecting or changing the word to fudge. You could also just ignore it, don’t laugh, scuff anything. Just ignore.
same here…just ignored her and she stopped saying it. You have to watch what you say around them too… they are like sponges. We started saying Flip instead of the other word…it worked
Fuck what these Karen’s are saying. You’ve done a great job trying to find solutions. But try ignoring the behavior or acting like it’s super nasty. Every time my daughter would curse I will tell her that it was so nasty and make a ugly face and turn away from her and she eventually stopped
I laugh and then I explain that cussing is perfectly fine if you’re an adult. Just like other things that you can’t do but mommy and daddy get to do, cussing is one of them. Wait until your older and then you can say all the cuss words you want.
My oldest son got a bar of soap rubbed in his mouth he is 27 and still remembers. And yea he quit cussing or at least quit getting caught
To The original mom asking for help, your more than welcome to reach out and ask for help privately via DM.
From experience with my own issues with my kids & condescending people when I asked for help, please, please disregard people like these that ridicule mom’s, like us, who are merely asking for help.
Obviously hurting doesn’t help. & your child is asking for help, so he shouldn’t be shunned but neither should you.
A lot of these people had sincere helpful advice & they genuinely cared.
So my best piece of advice is ignore the bullies, listen to the advice of the people on here who are sincerely helping & just remember, your not alone in this. Lots of redirecting your sons attention when he cusses or acts out. Consistency pays off.
Best of luck & please, please remember, you are human, we all screw up, try to remember how you’d like to be treated when your hurting.
Ummm the discipline you are chosing to do is not appropriate. Ignore the swearing he’s getting a reaction that’s why he is using it. So don’t get a reaction
Ignore it completely. The drama around how you respond helps to fuel it.
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This is a joke right? Pinching a 2 year olds bottom lip so hard it bleeds??? Holy shit.
Weeellll I’d suggest telling the dad to not cuss anymore around him and if he cusses correct it with another word, like replace it with something.
Let me explain something.
The 2 year old doesn’t know that he’s saying a bad word. He thinks it’s just any other word because he’s heard it from someone close. He’s not doing it to get a rise out of you, to piss you off, etc. you can’t punish him for a behavior he learned from an adult and expect him to learn instantly. He doesn’t understand that there’s words that can and can’t be said. To him he’s literally just repeating after you. And don’t inflict pain on him as punishment for that— that’s fucked up.
Replace it with darn or something. If he says fuck say darn it. And then say let’s not say that word. It’ll be a process because he’s gotta learn to replace that word. Terrible 2s are terrible because they’re learning and questioning why things aren’t okay and they don’t understand why they can’t do things. You have to explain why, you can’t just say no and punish…they’re upset and they don’t understand whhhyyy something isn’t okay. They trust you for the answers and for guidance. Good luck.
My 2 year old also says this! I ignore him and if he continues saying it I have a gentle talk with him saying “that is a bad word that shouldn’t be said” and if he continues after that I get mad at him and yell “no, you don’t say that” which is what usually happens:woman_facepalming:t3:
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Your doing fine just stay consistent with him
Also don’t listen to the nay sayers not every child is the same hang in there